A Digital Publication and Knowledge Tool for the Forward-Thinking Farmer AustrAliAn FArmer Volume IIthe Australia’s Farming Future PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOU BY UPL LTD AUSTRALIA Tasting the fruits of success The future forces shaping Australian Agriculture Feeding Australia and the world The Agriculture Tool for the 2020s and Beyond: "Systems"
The same market research identifies UPL Ltd as the fifth biggest crop protection business by sales in the world. Despite UPL delivering worldwide impact on an increasingly hungry population, the original family is still involved in the business after half a century in theFoundedmarketplace.inIndia
With a head office in Adelaide, UPL Australia – a group of companies including Pacific Seeds, Hannaford, and Nurture Farm – does this by offering industry-leading solutions that enable better management of yields and crop quality, including a unique high load herbicide called Fascinate™ DRY, which is used to control weeds that are resistant to other herbicides like glyphosate. Select™ Xtra Herbicide, the premium grass selective herbicide for the Australian Canola and Pulse crop grower, and MainmanR Insecticide – a unique mode of action aphicide for use in Canola, Horticulture and sev eral more crops, are some others while Quick Phos™ is a market leading grain protectant. Rancona™ Dimension offers premium protection of wheat and barley seed while Kanemite™ Miticide is a new mode of action miti cide for the tree crop grower.
more than 50 years ago, UPL has continuously innovated and adapted over its five decades’ history to bring new crop protection solu tions to farmers in Australia and around the world.
Part of that includes protection of fragile crops during extreme weather events such as droughts and cold snaps - both that are becoming increasingly frenetic and frequent.
Thinking about what the world looks like at the mid way point let alone end of this century often prompts thoughts about the future condition of the natural environment, especially given the sheer number of people that will interact with and impact it.
Changing climates demand more innovation than ever before for farmers to feed our growing global population.
dustry has increased by eight per cent across the Asia-Pacific region during 2021.
A research team at the University of Washington, for example, estimates the world’s population will peak at 9.7 billion in 2064 while the UN predicts the population will plateau at 10.9 billion by 2100.
The past couple of years has provided many les sons for the future of humanity as we progress through this 21st century, one being the importance of local agricultural supply chains to food security.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization re cognises this, with one of its key messages in its report on the future of food and agriculture being “Agricultural production is limited by the increas ing scarcity and diminishing quality of land and waterCropresources.”protection has become a booming global business and, according to British market re search provider IHS Markit, the value of the in
Tasting the fruits of success
According to the World Resources Institute, this population will need to eat 33 billion meals per day.
Just as importantly, Hanna ford’s seed treatments, including biostimulants, tackle the problem of weed seeds and facilitate the growth of better crops. “Proper seed grading gives a dramatic increase in yield of up to 45 per cent”, states the company’s Com mercial Manager Brett Heath .
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Pacific Seeds’ marketing man ager Andrew Short says innova tion has been embedded as a key value of the company since being established in Biloela, in central Queensland, in 1962.
Australian farmers have re sponded to Hannaford’s longterm commitment to quality and reliability over ten decades of transformation. For example, Gerard Paganoni at Broomehill in southern WA reports that the company’s Rancona Dimension seed treatment from UPL not only solved his crop disease issue, but treated seed flows much better and handles really well compared to other products we’ve used.
Right here in Australia, one of UPL’s offshoots is leading Aus tralian farmers into the future. Pacific Seeds, now in its 60th year of operation in Australia and with its head office in Toowoomba, is facing the challenge of climate change by continuously innovat ing new products that are toler ant to drought, heat, and other
Amongst its many national firsts, the company released Aus tralia’s first hybrid sunflower in 1974 and then in 1988 introduced the world’s first hybrid canola. Pacific Seeds is also credited for the first immuno-tolerant grain sorghum, Andrew reports.
This prodigious record of innov ation has carried through to to day’s seed treating and processing technology, which uses the latest digital tools to control equipment.
celebrating their centenary.
The company has demon strated innovation from the out set – its founder Alf Hannaford invented the original seed grader, the Hannaford Wet Wheat Pickler, and the Hannaford Ideal Dry Pick ler – followed by other iterations.
In 2021, UPL launched a range of bioprotection, biostimulation and bionutrition products into Australia. These market-leading products have been developed by UPL globally over the last 30 or so years and are now avail able to Australian growers. The new products include sustainably produced, organically certified, Ascophyllum nodosum-based biostimulants that promote and enhance plant and root growth, flower and fruit set and assist the plant to cope with such biotic stress as frost and heat.
extreme weather conditions.
Hannaford, with its head of fice in Adelaide, too has a long and illustrious history sup porting Australian farmers and in fact are three years away from
UPL’s vision is to be “an icon for growth, technology and in novation”. Australian farmers are engaging with this vision and are playing their part to realise
Australian farmers continue to enjoy the fruits of Pacific Seeds’ labour – a grower, for example, in Northam WA recorded an average yield of 2.34 tonnes per hectare using the company’s next gener ation Hyola Blazer Triazine Toler ant canola hybrid. Likewise, grain sorghum is another crop that is reaching for the stars. Last year, the Wall Street Journal interviewed Pacific Seeds’ managing director Barry Croker about how the com pany captured an additional 5-10 per cent in sales by using predictive analytics to move sorghum seed into northern NSW before the re gion’s heavy rain season.
The overall health of cereal crops is also the focus of Hannaford, an other in UPL’s group of companies.
UPL ANZ’s Marketing and Prod uct Development Manager Ian Cass says the company’s focus on the customer enables it to deliver cost-effective solutions quickly as part of its ethos to respond agilely to farmers’ needs, as indi cated above. Ian adds that UPL is proud that it invests over $5 mil lion in research and development in Australia each year. UPL also in vests back into the community by proudly supporting the Australian Mens Shed Association, particu larly in rural communities where they play such an important part of the community, and Active Farmers, who are playing an im portant role in helping farmers to remain fit and resilient.
It does this through a range of seeds that are more environmental ly-friendly – by requiring less water, for example – and less economically inefficient for primary producers.
Jai Shroff, CEO, UPL.
“No one is moving faster than us to reimagine sustainability so that it really delivers – with new businesses, new businesses, new technologies and totally new ways of thinking. Within five years our organisation will be completely different from today. It’s a sustainability-plus trajectory, where the plus is our OpenAg mindset and agility.”
Australian agriculture. These forces are high-level and reach across categories. The report explored these underlying dir ections of change in order to better understand the operating environment of the future.
1. The war for the consumer relationship
In the report, Agthentic Advisory and the Institute for the Future identified five social, environmental, economic and technological forces that are set to grow over the coming decade. While these forces are much bigger than the global food and fibre sys tem, they nonetheless have already begun to shape
• Viral disinformation in the food system – Food issues become increasingly susceptible to disinfor mation campaigns that use deepfakes, conversa tional artificial intelligence and accessible botnets that can manipulate online discussions.
The Future Forces Shaping Australian Agriculture
• Domesticating the cell – New products, experi ences, and concerns will arise from the ability to design biology.
Making forecasts about the future is not about pre dicting what is more likely to happen, it is about provid ing insights and stimulating conversations that expand the scope of our strategic thinking. When it comes to Australian agriculture, we look at the forces that may shape its functional health and related dynamics in order to consider the opportunities and risks that exist with the system and all along the value chain.
Many new stakeholders, including actors who have never before been in the agricultural system, will seek to influence and capture consumer interest as digitisa tion of every step of the food system increases. For
The past decade has seen seismic shifts in how we produce, consume, and use food and fibre. For ex ample, drones went from expensive playthings to commodity equipment, and crop genome sequencing went from high-cost research to an affordable service. E-commerce and social media marketing allow con sumers to buy food online and have it delivered to their front door, often directly from the producer.
• New geographies of climate change – Movement of people, climate regions, and crops define an era of uncertainty.
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While no one can predict the future, it is important to explore what Australian food and fibre production and consumption might look like in a future shaped by growing trends and potential disruptions that are starting to take hold today.
• Interconnected digital infrastructure – An inter connected system of digital capabilities unleashes new opportunities in agricultural supply chains.
The report found emerging trends and innovations that, in combination with the above forces, give rise to seven forecasts for Australian agriculture. These fore casts include signals of change and are windows into how the future might look very different from today.
The next 10 years will stretch our preconceived no tions about the future and as the speed of change is increasing, so too does uncertainty and the diversity of opportunities. That is why it’s important to examine the plausible – yet sometimes provocative – possibilities that lie ahead. AgriFutures Australia, Agthentic Advis ory and the Institute for the Future did exactly that in the 2021 report, Future Forces: A ten-year horizon for Australian agriculture, which offers a new perspective on the emerging agricultural and food landscape.
By John Harvey
• Rewiring the grid – Distributed energy production is made possible by advancements in renewable and alternative technologies.
• There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach as solutions to future challenges will need to be both local and global.
While we don’t know exactly what shape the future will take, thanks to the Future Forces: A ten-year horizon for Australian agriculture re port, what we do know is that:
3. Outside solutions to climate problems
Driven by new energy systems and automation technologies, there will be a fundamental re-de sign of individual production systems and re gions as everything from genetics to irrigation to layout of farm operations will be optimised for automation.
• The future will require new methods of support, education and training in order to make sure people thrive.
The report reminds us that the future is some thing over which we have agency and that the purpose of looking to the horizon is not to strictly predict, but to prepare for what is to come –whether that is expected or surprising. Monitor ing the drivers and signals of change makes it possible for Australian agriculture to both main tain and update its model of the future, as well as direct preparations in the present.
• Future developments will involve new com binations of known and unknown principles and practices, across domains and supply chains, and give rise to new competitive forces.
John Harvey is the Managing Director of AgriFutures Australia, an organisation committed to growing the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries.
As the next few years unfold, the future forces and forecasts described above won’t stand still. Part of what the report revealed is that forecasts will also evolve and change. Some will follow a predictable trajectory; others will bend on a different path. And, of course, unexpected and unpredictable black-swan events will potentially change everything.
New technologies such as advanced sensing, machine learning, and synthetic biology will help mitigate climate change volatility.
5. Supporting full-spectrum producers
Producers of the future will rely on a wide mix of income streams through broadly defined re source conversion: not only converting grass to meat or fibre, but also converting sunlight to solar power, soil to carbon sequestration servi ces, or data collection to useful models.
7. Biology goes digital Genetic therapies and gene editing tools such as CRISPR (a set of DNA sequences that allow for relatively easy gene editing) will become democratised through commercially available
6. The searchable food web Measurement and tracking tools, in combination with molecular tags and the internet of things (IoT), will allow for individual food products to be tracked and traced, increasing the importance of managing trust in food systems.
products, and biological manipulation will be possible for new organisations and producers.
• Tomorrow’s agricultural producers may be categorically different than today’s as new technologies and systems shape their roles.
example, physical retailers will race to add instore sensors and consumer behaviour models, digital platform players will leverage their head start in data analytics to disrupt traditional sales channels, and even processors and producers will build relationships with and seek out direct channels to consumers.
2. Regional redesign
4. Divorcing flavour, nutrition, and form Synthetic biology technologies will allow for the design of food products untied from natural pro duction systems, and commercial competition will drive development of new foods through cellular agriculture, molecular engineering, and 3D printing. For example, Australian start-up Vow is changing the concept of meat by building a library of cell lines and genetic traits to help re design cultured meats.
• The future will favour collaboration over com petition in order to solve complex problems.
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Supporting science-based research and development in agriculture is helping Australia produce food for the world’s growing population.
In short, if the global community wants to maintain food security into the future, farmers need to innovate faster than ever. Global agricultural output must in crease at more than 1.7% per annum to sustain our food, feed, fibre and bioenergy needs for the 2050 population.
The adoption of the Green, Gene and Genomics Revolution plus the adoption of ag technologies and improved farm management practices, especially in high-income countries, has increased global agricultural output by 60% over the past 40 years, while global crop land has expanded by just 5%.
Improving agricultural output for a changing world Rectifying production constraints is a key focus for
By Dr Peter Appleford
1 “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017.” Produced by FAO on behalf of United Nations. 2 The future of food and agriculture Trends and challenges, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2017. 3 World Economic Forum.28 Mar 2018
As a result, farmers have an incredibly important role. They feed us, some warm us, and all are custod ians of our landscape and ecology.
By 2050, with 9.8 billion people predicted to be shar ing the planet,3 food supplies will be under extreme stress if we only maintain current rates of production. Against this 60% increase in demand, climate change, urbanisation and soil degradation are all reducing the amount of viable farmland. Adding water scarcity, bio security threats and pollution highlights the inescap able need for farmers to be more productive per unit of arable land and available water, and to grow food under previously prohibitive conditions.
Commercial agriculture and the science that sup ports it are now vital to society.
The innovation challenge facing agriculture
Feeding Australia and the world
This approach has continued to deliver improve ments, from the subsequent ‘Gene Revolution’ and more widespread applications of genomic research, to rapid progress in precision agriculture.
This trend has started to taper off, but scientists globally – and here in South Australia – are rising to the challenge.Canwe
Low and middle income countries account for al most half the world’s mouths to feed but only produce one quarter of global agricultural output. The imbal ance is increasing, not improving2.
It will be a far more complex challenge this time around, however we now have more tools at our disposal.
In the 1950s and 1960s the adoption of scientific method and new technology led to the so-called ‘Green Revolution’ with higher yielding varieties of wheat and rice and widespread production uplifts.
While there will always be a need for such patient and persistent research, the new food security chal lenge also demands a fundamental shift in how quickly science can deliver real-world results. Advances dis covered by ‘pure’ and ‘basic’ science will need to be progressed into more ‘adaptive and applied’ agricul tural science faster than ever.
Ultimately, last century’s far-sighted and sustained investment in science paid off with improved food sec urity, reduced food costs, lower levels of global poverty and ongoing progress.
Farmers constantly innovate and adapt to maximise their yields. But they need the support of science to achieve significant changes.
The challenge of feeding the world’s people is becom ing greater. In 2016, 815 million people, or 11% of the global population, went hungry1.
The importance of science
Feeding yourself and your family is one of the most im portant responsibilities of an individual. By and large, modern communities have delegated this responsibil ity – and their food security – to a relatively small num ber of producers.
achieve these productivity gains again? We have to!
A number of South Australian government-sup ported research and development projects are fo cused on improving the productivity and profitability of South Australian growers, and thereby contributing to the drive for improved global food production.
The state’s Food, Wine and Agribusiness Sector Plan aims to grow this revenue to $23 billion by 2030.
In South Australia, primary industries and agribusi ness revenue amounted to $15.2 billion for 2018-2019 fiscal year including $3.79 billion from field crops and $3.17 billion from livestock.
agricultural science today. Improving crop resili ence to soil sodicity or acidity, water scarcity and disease can all help improve yields – especially on marginalImprovingland.soil carbon can also increase produc tivity while helping sequester carbon to benefit the environment.Therevolution in precision agriculture technology is delivering incremental yield improvements, as are sci entific improvements in crop varieties, seed viability, nutrient management and animal health.
In the past, a new crop variety or animal line was developed over several generations by the breeder.
The fundamental nature of agricultural science is al ready changing.
The powerful combination of specialised technology, best farm management practices, and attention to eco system services will be the key to supporting agricul tural productivity growth, sustainability and resilience.
The tools farmers use to make these decisions, and the inputs they apply as a result, will all be delivered by agricultural science.
Agricultural production has remained central to Australia’s economy because we have developed and delivered new technologies through a strong research base. This has been crucial to sustaining and increasing productivity, even though we grow food in dry climates, in low quality soils and under continual climate variability.
Our agricultural R&D capability ranks among the best in the world, as evidenced by our strong research sector, significant achievements and shared projects with overseas institutions.
The continued development and application of agricultural science will only strengthen our agricultural production, alleviate food security pressures worldwide and make a substantial con tribution to the remarkable value of Australia’s farming industry.
Dr Peter Appleford is Executive Director of the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) – Department of Primary Industries and Re gions (PIRSA).
Helping Australian farming to evolve
Now, agricultural science involves agronomists, crop physiologists, cell biologists, pathologists, molecular biologists and geneticists, as well as software program mers, computer scientists, statisticians and econo mists. These teams must work collaboratively with climate scientists (and other disciplines) to understand the conditions their new lines must be optimised for.
We can expect biology, mathematics and engineer ing to become more and more intimately linked in the future. Satellites and the Internet of Things will provide more data on production systems than ever. Farmers will be capturing more data from increasingly diverse sources. They will be able to link genetic information with production data and sophisticated climate mod els to make decisions on what to plant, where to plant, when and where to add nutrients, how to protect crops and animals from diseases, and when to harvest.
The future of agricultural science
In addition to these direct contributions, attention to ecosystem services such as pollination and erosion prevention can help increase and sustain productivity gains on farms.
Enabling and achieving this increase will see agri culture make a substantial contribution to the South Australian Government’s Growth State initiative for increasing gross state product by three per cent each year. It will also be vital to Australia’s NFF Industry Roadmap 2030, which envisions agricul ture as the nation’s next $100 billion industry.
“Despite technological advancements, weeds remain an ever present cost to Australian agricultural production (over $5 billion annually) due to their capacity to spread, compete, persist and adapt to repeated attempts at control. Weeds are forever changing. The development of herbicide resistance is a classic example. Yes, we need new techniques, but as farmers have long seen, there are three more fundamental dimensions for success (3D weed control) - Deliberation (planning a strategy), Diversity (mixing up control methods) and Dedication (sticking with it) – with these in mind one can weed it and reap the benefits!"
Professor Brian Sindel, University of New England
Dr John H. Troughton
Most scientists around the world agree that the evo lutionary balanced natural and farming systems have been measurably harmed by the injection of fossil car bon into the global system, already causing a global 1⁰C temperature rise, projected to be 2⁰C soon which directly impacts delicate biological processes. Humans, for example, are finely tuned to function at 36.49⁰C while 37⁰C air temperature is considered to be “hot” and 37-38⁰C is a low-grade fever (animals are similarly fine tuned to 38.3-39.2⁰C). Financial accounts of fossil fuel companies extracting carbon for injection don’t account for the costly consequences, “cooking their books is cooking the planet”, distorting the allocation of global resources. $4 Trillion ($700 Billion is currently being spent) is needed today to fix this situation. Worse
still, these temperature increases are not evenly spread over the globe e.g., higher arctic temperatures tipped that area from carbon sink to carbon source in 2017 due to loss of sea ice with methane clathrates, permafrost and the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation also now at high risk of tipping. In 2021, the Amazon rainforest is also tipped most unexpectedly from carbon sink to source with frosting of coffee crops.
The biggest single capture of carbon on the planet is in photosynthesis – the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight and turn it into chemical energy. Historically the land, especially forests (4 Billion ha.) and grasslands (3.5 Bil lion ha.) sequestered carbon on a massive scale (oceans 25%). Farmers could lead global efforts to sequester carbon to rebalance the biosphere. Carbon has real commercial value in many parts of the world today, for instance in Europe and China, so managing it to in crease sequestered carbon on the farm is a huge finan cial opportunity for Australian agriculture. Globally, say 0.5 Gigatonnes per year is sequestrated by farmers and valued at $50 per tonne it is a $25 Billion per year mar ket. McKinsey estimates that annual global demand for carbon credits could reach up to 1.5 to 2.0 Giga tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030. Companies are interested in buying carbon offsets so creating markets will provide financial incentives for farmers. Farmers can increase sequestration from existing enterprises by increasing protected bush, planting trees even fruit trees, targeted grassland management, over sowing pastures, using perennial crops and Crassulacean acid metabolism or “CAM” plants and by precision management.
The Agriculture Tool for the 2020s and Beyond: “Systems”
Agribusiness, the world’s largest industry and one that can sequester greenhouse gases at scale with precision management systems.
Farmers are central to natural systems involving cli mate, biology (very temperature-sensitive), water, car bon, nitrogen, energy and phosphate. They also make decisions daily at the intersection of dynamic finan cial, social and environmental systems. Integration of weather and climate, trading, crop and livestock pro duction, soil and water, are but some of the systems that System Analysts use to understand and optimise plant performance through genetics and increase farm production and profitability while enhancing bio security and biodiversity. Multiple ecosystem success indicators, including flora and fauna biodiversity and soil, plant, animal and human health can monitor farm performance. Farmers are system managers much like those working in climate, finance, transport, military and healthcare professions.
The intricate, intertwined and interactive global cycles, embodied within farm cycles, has to include real world carbon data as precise input to robust soil, above ground and global carbon models. Tools are needed to autonomously monitor carbon, with edge computing, ground based measurements (drone, mesh sensors, topography, soil, etc), climate data, satellite data and this data displayed visually. Digital tools applicable for dynamically visualising the farm, in real time and ready for action-packed decisions, are already used in gam ing products for the home entertainment industry e.g., game engine models.
Further, this same systems data and models will be the basis of distributed education, learning and in struction, anywhere, anytime including “on the job” real-time new knowledge is needed. Genetic ma nipulation is central to production, but the applica tion of biological chemicals (e.g., auxins, chemicals and nutrients) is necessary as a running response to indeterminate variables be it weather, markets, water, weeds, animal health, biological agents of viruses, diseases, pests or insects. None of this is possible without digital systems, “edge comput ing” – which involves positioning data storage and computation closer to where it is needed (e.g., IoT devices), pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, quantum computers with resonator technology and silicon qubits – the fundamental building block for quantum information processes. Teams with de sign capability will build hardware and software and combined with a manufacturing capability with re al-time real field exposure.
Dr John H. Troughton, MAgSc., PhD., DSc., who is a global consultant of agriculture, ecology and energy programs, is currently leading global efforts to prove transformational actions that benefit the farmer, the biosphere and its climate. Contact John on email at: john.h.troughton@gmail.com
Continuous monitoring of the landscape with satellite, drone or ground autonomous vehicles will provide a time-series report of the rate of change and health of the landscape. These will be high resolution, that is in milli metres, captured in 3D and with appropriate technology viewed on large screens or modified for handheld devices in real-time anywhere. The transfer of transformed data can instruct human or automated treatments including delivery of chemicals in solid or liquid forms, seeds or plants by autonomous land or aerial devices.
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See Diagrams
Agriculture is also about agrinurture: nurturing land, the atmosphere, plants and animals to produce fibre and nutritious food. Systems data can be used to monitor food from field to fork, including its nutritional status as consumers are now asking for it to be more tailored to what their health needs are. But nurture of the soil and biosphere is also needed. All farmers’ decisions and sub sequent actions, especially “treatments”, can modify the Biosphere. This can be in the immediate space e.g., de stroy microbes; local, e.g., spray drift destroying neigh bours’ crops; or global, the wider Biosphere, e.g., impact on global water, nitrogen, phosphorus or carbon cycles. Systems management will be very positive for carbon and its sequestration but also increasing biodiversity and the efficient use of water, nitrogen and phosphorus on farms. Employing over one billion people and generating over USD1.3 trillion worth of food annually, agribusiness is the world’s largest industry and the only industry in the immediate future that can sequester greenhouse gases at scale, using existing processes.
Systems analysts with real time modelling will produce farmer-friendly, decision ready, on--the-run predictive tools for farmers and land managers. Actions and deci sions can be explored for long-term options for changing management practices to maintain food production but also secure potential income from carbon sequestra tion. This same data can be interfaced with autonomous equipment and machines to deliver an automated, if not autonomous farm and business, as autonomous agricul ture is here today e.g., drones and robotics.
UPL Ltd Australia tel: 1800 078 007
UPL Ltd Australia website: www.upl-ltd.com/au
The cover image is a painting by Australian artist Dave Sturmer created especially for The Australian Farmer. www.onemandate.com
UPL Ltd Australia Address: Level 3, 70 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide. South Australia 5000 UPL Ltd Australia email address: admin.aus@upl-ltd.com