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15th Annual Exhibit at Kimmy Ma Art Studio
By Kimmy Ma, Founder/Principal
June 3rd & 4th, 2023, mark the 15th annual art exhibition at Kimmy Ma Art Studio. As a lifelong learner, this milestone reminds me of the motivation that led me to launch my art business 18 years ago and the determination and discipline that have kept me growing. Kimmy Ma Art Studio continues to thrive as a creative sanctuary where the authentic voices of our young talents are fully embraced. Reflecting on advice from great artists who have come before me, such as Salvador Dali's "have no fear of perfection, you will never reach it," and the recent exhibition of Georgia O'Keeffe's work in NYC, which reminds us that "to see takes time," I also believe that we should not only see with our eyes but with our minds and hearts. We live in a nation of opportunities and aspire to create a better working world by understanding the synchronous role of arts and its related fields. "Have you ever experienced the power of art to ignite curiosity and expand horizons?"
My students have been my best teachers, challenging me to be better each day, as artmaking resides at the intersection of lateral, critical, and design thinking. My curriculum designs in ability level and medium-based instructions challenge our young talents to exercise their originality, make inferences of their resources and create art from their perspective, resonating with their culture and unique creative voice. Making an impact, one person at a time, requires energy, patience, and most importantly, the investment of time.
Our student body ranges from 5-year-olds to college-bound students, and I am proud to say that three of our young talents who have been with me for 12 years are going to college. The artmaking process has challenged them to always think differently and ask questions. These invaluable skills in solution-seeking and problem-solving are vital to their endeavors as they embark on their career journeys. Our students in the past 15 years have placed 1st in multiple national awards, received Gold Keys at Scholastics Competitions, and been awarded admissions to specialized art high schools & FIT, scholarships to SVA in addition to Sophie Davis, Cornell, Princeton, and Harvard.
Every year, our art show weaves a common thread that goes beyond showcasing our young talents' artwork. It is a dialogue on resilience, encouraging a lack of fear in failing and taking risks to experiment with various art forms. Most importantly, we believe that beauty resides in imperfections. While we may not have the technical perfection of the latest AI-generated art, I am energized by the idea that the open-mindedness in artmaking invites the synergy of collaborative effort in technology, alongside our unique expressions of voices through colors, forms, and heritage in storytelling. This synergy can lead to innovative and unique expressions of creativity.
Art can serve as a tool for social change, promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equity. Our annual exhibition aims to raise awareness and foster understanding among different cultures and communities through our storytelling.
Data-driven analytics help us make prudent business decisions, while creative storytelling helps ignite curiosity, develop empathy, expand horizons, and build confidence. Together, we enlist support and collaborate with people who share the vision of building a better future. With gratitude to our art families, we aim to continue communicating our creative contents. As a teaching artist, I believe in providing educational leadership and successfully coaching our young talents to navigate real-world experiences in our creative industries. We are committed to a working philosophy of understanding the mentality of "we."
"In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen," the Latin translation of Psalm 36:9, means "In Your Light, We See the Light." We invite you to our annual art exhibition at 190-19 Union Turnpike, NY 11366
This article is contributed by Kimmy Ma, Columbia Business School & M.A./Ed. NYU