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October Meeting Programme / November Meeting Programme
from Reflections 2021
October Meeting Programme - Pastel Effects
At the October Zoom meeting of our Guild, members were introduced to the activity “Pastel Effects.”
This activity was formulated and presented by Guild member Charlotte Whitely. The presentation format consisted of three videos with members following along with the instructions on the videos.
The first video addressed colour and shading techniques for the addition of detail in order to enhance calligraphy pieces. The use of various applicators, such as makeup removal pads, a selection of brushes or paper towels were some of the tools highlighted. Advice was given on the type of pastels to use for best effect, with soft pastels from art stores being most suitable. It was suggested that school chalks and oil-based pastels did not work well.
In the second video Charlotte gave advice on the application of pastels using stencils, and how to blend colours. A variety of other materials such as leaves can be used, as well as traditional stencils available from Dollar stores, or art shops. Members were cautioned to minimize dust by not blowing on their work, but to use a damp cloth for clean-up and to wash one’s hands frequently. Application of pastels using a stencil and a brush were shown to give cleaner edges. Charlotte further advised on the purchase of pastels with non-toxic ingredients, and if the pastels are not working satisfactorily to shave them with a knife or similar blade. Video number three was the handson activity for members, who had been given a list of required tools prior to the meeting. Charlotte demonstrated how to use roughly torn cardstock to make interesting designs, using pastels and the ragged edge of the cardstock. Different colours were used with the cardstock, layering the colours one above the other with a slight gap in between. A beautiful soft effect was achieved, which could be used as a border or around calligraphy to decorate or enhance text.
The whole presentation was succinct, very interesting and educational for those of us to whom pastel art is a new technique.

- Margaret Kells
November Meeting Programme - Funky Letters
The November program called ‘Funky Letters’ was presented by Marilyn Lundstrom.

To create the letter we first drew a ‘J’ onto a piece of white paper. Then we used a soft pencil to cover the back of the letter with graphite allowing us to then trace the J o n to b l ac k p ap er leaving only a faint outline. Using a white Gelly Roll pen we created shapes within the letter leaving small spaces of black along the outline of the J. This method is like doing Zentangles. Using coloured pencils we then Thank you Marilyn. That was a lot of coloured in the fun. - Linda Yaychuk shapes. Marilyn r eco m me n d ed using Prismacolor pencil crayons as they have a waxy lead which creates more vivid colours.

When we finished we had a beautifully decorated letter. This art form lends itself well to making decorated envelopes or cards.
Paullette McLaren