daily ritual begins early in Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island, South Korea, site of a joint U.S.-South Korean deepwater naval base. At 7 am every morning, activists at the entrance to the military base, begin a 100 bows‚ prayer. Police are lined up around them to make sure they don’t block construction vehicles. On this particular morning, this spiritual presence is augmented by Catholic peace workers, some of whom spent the previous night here in the raw damp. A mattress lies by the side of the road, occupied by Father Mun, one of the most famous radical priests in Korea. When he gets up, he is surrounded by an entourage of police who move with him as he walks, blocking his way if he tries to go too close to the road into the base. At one point, he shakes his cane at them, shouting in Korean that he is not a contagious disease to be quarantined this way. Falling oxygen levels caused by global warming could be a greater threat to the survival of life on planet Earth than flooding, according to researchers from the University of Leicester published in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. A study led by Sergei Petrovskii, Professor in Applied Mathematics from the University of Leicester’s Department of Mathematics, has shown that an increase in the water temperature of the world’s oceans of around six degrees Celsius‚ which some scientists predict could occur as soon as 2100‚ could stop oxygen production by phytoplankton by disrupting the process of photosynthesis. In all, 13 people have been killed so far this year by law enforcement officers in Kern County, which has a population of just under 875,000. During the same period, nine people were killed by the NYPD across the five counties of New York City, where almost 10 times as many people live and about 23 times as many sworn law enforcement officers patrol. The deaths span from January to the early hours of last Sunday morning, when a man accused of firing at officers during a foot chase in downtown Bakersfield was shot and killed. One senior Bakersfield police officer has been involved in at least four deadly shootings in less than two years. Another officer separately shot dead three people within two months in 2010. Other law enforcement officers in Kern County have meanwhile been involved in deadly beatings of unarmed men, sex crimes against women and reckless car crashes resulting in criminal convictions. They have some fine officers here, but unfortunately they have some bullies and thugs who often run the show,‚ Henry Mosier, who worked for the county as a public defender for a decade before his recent retirement, said in an interview. John well said. It seems that the academic role for artists is one of the only ways to get paid for your time, research, and work as an artist. And of course there is a heavy price to be paid as an academic depending on the specific environment and how it lends itself to forms and processes that may, like the gallery or museum, not fit within acceptable, relevant modes of art practice. It is so ironic that the very originality and degree of experimentation that is required to break new ground as an artist, can also be one’s demise in the establishment worlds of art and academia. Ancient Native arts and technology are bringing a cultural revolution to 13 tribal colleges and universities that have received a substantial grant from the American Indian College Fund. The three-year “Restoration and Preservation of Traditional Native Art Forms and Knowledge Grant of $860,000, allows tribal colleges to develop curricula on lost or rare art forms that have fallen out of usage. Students are creating everything from snowshoes to canoes-and learning about the culture behind their handiwork. Sexological bodyworkers give whole body massages to help you get... wherever you need to get. I mean that in the prurient way. If you want to have an orgasm, you are certainly welcome to and will be aided in that way, but the sessions are more about exploring issues in your life, your sexuality or general spirit. It’s kind of a mashup between a therapy session, a spiritual quest and an extremely thorough spa visit. Cops Turn Off Body Cams Before Killing Man, Witnesses Watch Them Plant Gun and Drugs Witnesses say they watched in disbelief as cops killed a man, then planted a gun and drugs ‘within arms reach’ of his lifeless body. (A) when Boykin and his gang pulled over the car that Ricky was a passenger in, Ricky jumped out and was running AWAY before Boykin and his gang
could even get out of their unmarked car. (B) Boykin jumped out of his car and fired at least two shots at Ricky WITHOUT ANY interaction between him and Ricky whatsoever. By the time Boykin began shooting, Ricky was yards away from him. Ricky was too far away for Boykin to try to tase or arrest Ricky. (C) While chasing Ricky, Boykin fell into a ditch that Ricky jumped over, Boykin came up in the ditch shooting several more shots at Ricky. Ricky is running away from Boykin this whole time and at some point Ricky is hit from behind by some of Boykin’s bullets. (D) As Ricky is running through his neighborhood screaming “y’all help me, they gonna kill m e ” , neighbors b e g a n coming outside t h e i r homes to see what all the shooting and yelling was about. One of Boykin’s bullets went into one of these neighbors’ door. Ricky eventually hid underneath the home of one neighbor, but Boykin and his gang found Ricky and pulled him from underneath the house and placed Ricky between that home and another one. (E) Although officers on the scene were intimidating the people watching this incident by pointing guns in these people’s faces telling them to get in the house and to get out of their own windows, some people still managed to see officers tase Ricky while he was laying there bleeding to death. Neighbors also managed to see an officers plant a gun near where they had laid Ricky after pulling him from underneath a home. (F) The paramedics involved took entirely too long to move from their staging area up the street from where Ricky was laying to the actual place where Ricky was laying. The paramedics did not leave the scene to take Ricky to the hospital with any sirens on or with any interior lights on or any police escorts. The paramedics left the shooting scene in no hurry at all as if they were carrying a dead body, even though Ricky was alive when they put him inside the ambulance.” The artists receive up to 6 weeks accommodations at the Caetani Centre, and have access to a modest studio space provided by the Allan Brooks Nature Centre, receiving support from staff from both centers, and receive a $500 honorarium to assist with costs. Many artists have chosen to work out in the community and the surrounding lakes and mountains, and projects that involve community par-
ticipation are also encouraged. The artists are invited to give presentations and workshops, and are encouraged to leave a piece of art in the community. The objective of our program is to support and attract artists and writers to the community through providing residential and studio/workspaces that allow experimentation, develop new ideas and interact with fellow artists and the community through presentations, workshops or exhibitions. The programs are intended to promote professional development while giving the community access to a diverse range of arts practices, theories and experiences. Open to emerging and established visual artists in any medium, writers, musicians, curators, cultural researchers, musicians and performing. Self-directed residencies are of varying
lengths of time, from 2 weeks to 6 months, to suit the individual needs of the applicant. Please specify the preferred time period for the residency and length of stay for project in your application form. The man accused of being “a senior advisor” and mentor of Ross Ulbricht, the convicted operator of the illegal drug marketplace Silk Road, has been arrested in Thailand and charged with conspiring to traffic drugs and money laundering. The US Department of Justice (DoJ) announced on Friday that Roger Thomas Clark, 54, is accused of being “Variety Jones,” who was a close confidante of Ulbricht’s ... Ride-hailing app and world’s most valuable startup Uber is seeking another $2.1 billion in funding, which could value the company as high as $64.6 billion. But the controversial service is now facing more intense competition: Uber’s four biggest rivals-U.S.based Lyft, China’s Didi Kuaidi, India’s Ola, and Singabore-based GrabTaxiannounced this week they are banding together to take on Uber, including sharing tech, strategy, and customers. Each video is based upon a question that forms the premise or starting point. The goal is not to define answers but to challenge myself to combine footage in a spontaneous way that is o p t i c a l l y, conceptually and psychologically engaging. Each premise is explained at the end of the video and every week a new video is inserted at the top of the grid. Like a sketch, these videos are an immediate response, but instead of being based on observation, they begin with a question. Only existing video footage is used, including clips that I have previously filmed, found or have been donated. You are welcome to become a participant and email me with footage under one minute, or a premise idea. I Serge Tcherkezoff confirm that the following lines are not a spam message but the instructions of an antispam system that I have put in place; as it is the first time that your write me on this mailbox, please click on the link below to become authorized; all your subsequent mails will be accepted; thanks in advance to follow the instructions. Je confirme que les lignes qui suivent ne sont pas un spam mais un systeme antispam auquel j’ai souscrit. Comme c’est la premiere fois que vous m’ecrivez a cette adresse, cliquez
sur le lien ci-dessous. Ensuite, tous vos mels seront autorises sans procedure particuliere. Merci de suivre les instructions. Ya that’s a good question that, frankly, I have no good answer for. At the moment my focus is on human performance, partially for my own aesthetic reasons but also for exactly the reason you point out. If the network is a sort of time domain that is constantly in flux our human ability to listen and adapt fluidly works well. The rigidity of rhythms on a sequencer coupled with the difficulty of programming a computer to “listen” and adjust accordingly makes this pretty tricky. Although with that said, I am sure there are folks much more clever than I who could find an elegant solution. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (10 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 New York) Tufted Duck (1 California) Flesh-footed Shearwater (1 California, 3 Oregon) Brown Booby (4 California, 13 Florida) Slaty-backed Gull (1 Wisconsin) Aplomado Falcon (2 Texas) Western Spindalis (9 Florida) Irish’s collaged paintings assert the need for transformation. Mountain p e a k s meet explosive patterns of colour that reflect our hunger for speed and fossi l-f ueled dynam i s m . Known for his architecturally scaled, painterly assemblages, this exhibition foregrounds Irish new aluminum constructions. A rich sense of painterly process meets the ferocity of slicing, extracting, and assembling. Out of the shards, new possibilities arise. Back in October, I helped break the news that you could watch the entire first season of Bob Ross’s beloved TV show, The Joy of Painting, free online. Now can you add another 70 complete episodes to your media queue (roughly 20% of the show’s entire catalogue), all pulled from different seasons that aired between 1983 and 1994. Just call up this playlist from Bob’s official YouTube channel, or startstreaming the videos above. If you sit tight for 35 hours, you’ll learn how to paint Misty Rolling Hills, Lazy Rivers, Twilight Meadows, Mountain Streams, Peaceful Valley sand other idyllic scenes. 20 years after Bob’s untimely death, there’s now a strange revival of Bob Ross in full swing. And thanks to his YouTube channel, you can get sweptup in the mania anytime you like. I can’t
get enough of the Chelsea Hotel in a certain era, at the height of a certain cultural moment in New York history. Though it struggled as a business for years after it first opened as an apartment building in 1884 and changed hands left and right until the 1970s, it hit its stride as an icon when a certain critical mass of wellknown (or soon to be well known) musicians, writers, artists, filmmakers, and otherwise colorful personalitieshad put in time there. One such musician, writer, artist in other media, and colorful personality indeed has an especially strong association with the Chelsea: Patti Smith. 42F, bleak. Cheese toast, cachews, bananas. Coffee. The Director of Programming will work alongside the Executive Director and will report directly to the Board of Directors. The Director of Programming is responsible for the direction, and administration of yearround programming, mentorship facilitation, event coordination, and other special projects. The ideal candidate will be a motivated emerging arts professional who is committed to providing a platform for emerging artists, is passionate about arts and has a strong understanding of contemporary art and the particular concerns of emerging artists. This is an entry-level position, and as such there is opportunity for training and job shadowing on aspects of the position in which candidates may not have extensive experience. The PEERS program leverages collectively-accumulated knowledge and ideas to support participants in developing the skills and relationships needed to build artistic infrastructure that has a lasting impact on the communities in which we coexist. Rather than a hierarchy of mentor to mentee, this program will be an opportunity for participants to learn from the diverse experiences of their peers. Equal parts shared learning, and “do-your-own-thing” participants will be able to focus on the development of practice, discourse, and ideas, without pressure to produce anything. I just wanted to let you all know that if you see a Muslim woman in hijab/headscarf out in public today and in the near future, she is likely wearing it with a strong sense of bravery and vulnerability. I suspect that any solidarity and support you can show her would be infinitely appreciated. Visibly Muslim women have always been targets of various forms of Islamophobia (harrassment, violence, even murder), but in the wake of the Paris attacks and last night’s San Bernardino shooting, many of my Muslim female friends are currently debating whether or not they should dress in any identifiably Muslim way right now. Islamic law clearly allows all sorts of accommodations to protect life and safety, so many are choosing not to go out today and/or not send their kids to Islamic schools and/or change their dress, while others are braving the unknown without any changes other than in their emboldened hearts. I respect them all, but thought I could go one step further - and let all my work colleagues in on the complicated and vulnerable situation in which American Muslims - especially women - feel right now. These actors are increasingly the focus of state and private powers and the target of vilification campaigns, repression or criminalisation. As a political foundation with its roots firmly planted in the civil societies of our partner countries, we have experienced first-hand how their space is being restricted (shrinking spaces)
or how it is becoming virtually impossible for them to carry out their political activities (closing spaces). An independent and critical civil society is not just a thorn in the side of a multitude of governments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East; these same governments are fighting civil society to an extent unheard of in the past 25 years. Autocratic countries strive to nip any form of association and public protest in the bud. NGO laws are not the only legislative measures that restrict civil society?s space: home security laws, anti-terrorism laws, media laws ? all of these entail restrictions on the capacity to act for civil society actors, social movements, journalists, bloggers and critical professional associations. In democratic or partially democratic countries, we can increasingly observe that the entire bundle of legal, administrative and repressive measures undertaken by governments primarily targets social movements and NGOs that stand up to large-scale projects (such as developing coal, oil or gas reserves), and also to land grabbing or other infrastructure projects. China, Russia, India, Turkey or Cambodia are not alone in exerting pressure on environmentalists as members of civil society. In many countries, it is a matter of both, of repelling any entitlement to democratic participation and protests against the ?development model? so as not to endanger the political and economic power of the elites. Governmental fear of citizens? participation and protest is immense. The loss of political power is the major threat. All too often, defending this power goes hand in hand with the safeguarding of economic interests. Here, protests against land grabbing and large-scale projects are ?unwelcome?. Governments justify their resistance to external democracy promotion above all by the country?s sovereignty ? a key category in international law ? that has attained a high emotional importance in many countries as a result of the decolonisation struggles. From this perspective, democracy assistance is viewed as an illicit intervention into the internal affairs of another state. The nightmare scenarios associated with the colour revolutions coined after symbolic colours or fragrant plants which led to regime change in the early 2000s are a major contributory factor here. No idea is born fully formed. It emerges a little bit as a child is born, kind of messy and confused, but full of possibilities. And it’s only through generous contribution, faith and challenge that they achieve their potential. The debt avalanches. Once it accumulates enough mass, and momentum is not sufficient to stop its collapse, it overwhelms its host, and will come crashing down on the rest of the system, too. Across the planet, there are hundreds of governments local, state and national - as well as business and households who are reaching a breaking point. Already drowning in debt, many are about to default on loan repayments, and thus set off a series of debt crises that will be met with market chaos and a tightening of easy credit for those who are most vulnerable to implosion. With Puerto Rico also timed for a major default that will burden the United States, Mexico is ready to crash, and bracing for impact. Its biggest construction firm, which has been dependent upon government contracts that are now drying up, is facing default on a $31 million interest bill. Energy and commodity prices are bottoming out, and people are stressing over the shortfalls in revenue. Weak economic systems and promises under socialism and welfare systems are making the balance sheets impossible to rectify. As lenders are demanding repayment, third world nations are under extra pressure due to a “strong” dollar that costs more to repay. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Individualism, as a definition of holding to personal ideals, is classed as obstinacy and anti-social. Inevitably we run point blank into the evils of compromise. When compromise enters our moral fibre, it spreads like a cancerous growth. We think we plan adequate safeguards around areas in which we contemplate yielding our standards, but once we lower the fence
and break our strong will to do right, come what may, we expose ourselves to forces that spread beyond control. Compromise always starts on some rather insignificant principle. The dangers of yielding seem negligible and we usually risk those things first where observation and detection by others is difficult. We thus seek to avoid censure and discipline. In a short time we find ourselves trading our principles for false values and doing it in the black market of human relationships. If it were proved to me that in making war, my ideal had a chance of being realized, I would still say “No” to war. For one does not create human society on mounds of corpses. I must stand with a ny b o d y t h a t stands r i g ht , stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong. 37 percent of Americans support sanctions against Israel as a response to settlement-building. Of those, 27 percent support economic sanctions and 10 percent are in favor of even harsher measures. Among Democratic voters the proportion is even higher, with half supporting sanctions. The earliest-known Japanese record of Kwajalein and the Marshall Islands appears in the writings of Suzuki Keikun, who was dispatched to the Marshall Islands in 1885 to investigate a Japanese shipwreck. Following the Spanish–American War in 1898, Imperial Germany purchased the Marshall Islands from Spain, and they experienced 16 years of peaceful German administration. At the outbreak of World War I in Europe, however, Japan joined the Triple Entente and seized the Marshall Islands against only token resistance. In 1922 the island were placed under Japanese administration by a League of Nations Mandate. The islands of the Kwajalein atoll, especially the main island, served as a rural copra-trading outpost administered by Japanese civilians until the beginning of World War II in the Pacific in December 1941. It was then occupied by the Japanese military. With the end of the Cold War and a decreased threat of nuclear attack, many defense programs were canceled in the early 1990s. However, overcrowding on Ebeye remains a major problem. Continuing military operations and launch or re-entry tests perpetuate the dislocation of Marshall Islanders from their small islands throughout Kwajalein Atoll. The United States Army Kwajalein Atoll test site does not provide logistical support to Eb-
eye or Ennibur islets. Journal of Dingshan Zen is to be a bilingual journal of peer-reviewed, depth of original research on Zen and Buddhism. We invite you to submit articles wrote in English or Chinese. Articles, which normally should not exceed 8000 words, must be submitted as email attachments (in MSWord or WordPerfect, without ZIP compression). Please include a 200word abstract. A series of low pressure systems will impact the Pacific Northwest over the next several days. Heavy rainfall, very strong winds, and mountain snowfall can be expected. High surf will be common along the coast. Impacts will be felt from northern California to Oregon and Washington. ...Periods of heavy rain sunday through thursday will bring the possibility of flooding to
some of the smaller river systems of the region. A series of storm systems capable of producing heavy rainfall will move across the pacific northwest through midweek. Rainfall amounts of 3 to 7 inches are possible in the coast range and cascades...From late sunday through monday. Another storm system capable of producing an additional 2 to 6 inches of rain across the coast range and cascades in a 6 to 12 hour period on tuesday night and early wednesday may exacerbate flooding along additional river systems. At this point...Confidence in details...Such as which river basins will or will not experience the heaviest rain and flood...Is low. Nonetheless...Those living along river systems that tend to be prone to flooding. Should continue to monitor the weather and river forecasts over the next several days. Sinaloa officials said police apprehended three men who have confessed to murdering two people traveling in a van on the Mexico-Nogales highway last month, believed to be two Australians missing since November 20. The suspects were members of a gang of highway robbers who passed themselves off as police officers. The Volcano of Fire sent a plume of smoke and ash 1.4 kilometers high early this morning, prompting a warning by Civil Protection officials to watch for falling ash. Cuajimalpa borough officials in Mexico City have determined that 40,000 people in 68 illegal settlements are living in landslide-prone areas, and the homes of 800 of those are located within four extremely high-risk‚ zones.Human rights groups have announced the release of four people who had been arrested and held arbitrarily and allegedly tortured. Nanten Inari Shrine is located in a pretty, wooded, narrow valley in the grounds of Nanzoin Temple, between the main temple buildings and the giant Nehanzo. At first I was not sure if it was in fact an Inari Shrine, as there were no guardian fox statues. There were also no multiple toriis. At the base there was a small pond with a Benzaiten statue, so I thought it could have The U.S. campaign to delegitimize Venezuela’s December 6th parliamentary elections can only encourage violence by a right-wing opposition that has repeatedly refused to peacefully accept the results of Venezuela’s democratic process. The U.S. government, which initially
refused to recognize the results of Venezuela’s 2013 Presidential elections, is seeking to discredit Sunday’s vote if the conservative opposition fails to win a two-thirds parliamentary majority. From: Walter Time: 09:34 AM Steve, I agree with Shawn. I completed the Texas 200 this year and i slept on my P15 a total of 8 nights. I was extremely comfortable and had plenty of room. One berth was pretty much filled with gear and accessories while the other had the usual berth pad in addition to a camp pad, sleeping bag, light blanket and full sized pillow. Couldn’t have been more comfy. I made a screen for the hatch to keep out the skeeter’s and had a small battery operated fan. I’ve spent hundreds of nights in a tent and was glad I chose to stay on board instead. Contributions include five chapters by Oceanists: Obligations and Requirements: The Contexts of Knowledgeand `Together We Are Two: The Disjunctive Synthesis in Affirmative Mode’ by Lisette Josephides; `Apologetics of an Apology and an Apologia’ by Andrew Moutu; `Partible Personhood and Sacrifice in Melanesian Christianity: The New Melanesian Ethnography and the Paradox of Contemporary Religious Efflorescence’ by Mark Mosko; `Priceless Value: From No Money on Our Skins to a Moral Economy of Investment’ by Karen Sykes. There are additional chapters by Henrietta Moore, Mitchell Sedgewick and Nigel Rapport. The volume concludes with an extended `dialogue’ between Josephides, Rapport and Strathern. About thirty years ago a Mountain Plover was found at Drift Creek Meadows near Lincoln City. It stayed in that location for about two weeks, but for some reason or another I never went up to see it. Two or three years ago one spent a while alone Llewellen Road south of Corvallis. One of the days it was still present, Laura and I went there to buy grain at Venell’s. which is about a half mile from where the bird was being seen. I think every other birder in western Oregon saw that plover, but that day, in spite of diligently searching for about half an hour, we failed to find it. So when Chuck Philo pointed out to me the Mountain Plover resting in the sand at South Beach State Park this morning, I finally got my vindication for missing it those other times. Now my list of nemesis species is down to two: Magnificent Frigate-
bird and Orchard Oriole. This is one cake you can neither have nor eat: a tart baked 118 years ago for Austria’s Empress Elisabeth has gone on display this week at an Italian castle once used by the sovereign as a holiday residence. Presented like a crown jewel inside a glass box, the brown-coloured block now adds a sweet touch to the permanent museum collection of Castle Trauttmansdorff in the South Tyrolean town of Merano. The cake has been preserved since September 1897 when an inn owner served a slice to Sissi who was visiting Merano, then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. “Sissi’s stopover at the inn was an exceptional event and the owners preciously preserved the cake in a glass container, passing it on from generation to generation,” museum spokeswoman Evelyn Reso told AFP on Wednesday. Still, there’s no sugarcoating the fact that the cake -- a dry mixture similar to bread -- is now “hard as wood”, Reso added. Known for her slim figure and weight obsession, the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph the labor of this musician, testing new hair (salt-and-pepper) on a bow; the black hair is rougher with more byte; it’s mixed with white hair which has a smoother, calmer sound (less grit, less highs that can sound almost over-modulated). in bowtest, i switch between bows and instruments, doing some of the worst playing, but listening for the glitches; in saltandpepper, i use the new bowhair on a viola piece that takes advantage of the difference. this is the kind of behind-the-scenes labor that everyone does, tending to the instruments and their potentials. listen at least to the short final piece if you have the time. Sago Palm These small, stiff, arching palms are beautiful, but very dangerous. According to the ASPCA this plant can affect cats, dogs and even horses causing a wide variety of symptoms including vomiting, increased thirst, liver damage and even death. Dieffenbachia Known as a plant that needs only filtered light and moderate watering, Dieffenbachia is easy to care for. But mix this common houseplant with dogs or cats and you may see symptoms such as excessive drooling and difficulty swallowing. Keep an eye on your pets if you have Dieffenbachia in your home. Aloe Aloe is so good for us as humans, especially for our skin, but is absolutely toxic to cats and dogs. If your pet ingests aloe, they could suffer from vomiting, anorexia and depression. No one wants a depressed pet so keep the aloe in a safe place. The Portland city council passed a resolution against the construction of any new infrastructure that would allow fossil fuels to be stored or transported through the city or its waterways. The week prior to that, the city council voted to oppose rail projects that would carry crude oil. According to Natasha Geiling of ThinkProgress: “Together, the resolutions constitute what environmentalists are calling the strongest citysupported opposition to fossil fuels in the country.... While Portland cannot, due to interstate commerce laws, unilaterally ban fossil fuels from being shipped via rail, road, or water, it can enact local laws that limit the transportation and storage of fossil fuels within the city itself, especially if those laws are based in environmental or safety concerns. The number of U.S. police officers charged with murder or manslaughter for on-duty shootings has tripled this year - a sharp increase that at least one expert says could be the result of more video evidence. In the past, the annual average was fewer than five officers charged. In the final
weeks of 2015, that number has climbed to 15, with 10 of the cases involving video. “If you take the cases with the video away, you are left with what we would expect to see over the past 10 years - about five cases,” said Philip Stinson, the Bowling Green State University criminologist who compiled the statistics from across the nation. A Peruvian city that was once high up in the Andes is now slowly sinking into the abyss. 400 years ago, Cerro de Pasco, the first town in Peru to be liberated from the Spanish, was one of the richest cities in the country because of its rapid mining growth. The legend tells that in the 1800s, the rocks around campfires in town wept silver. Unfortunately, a city that seemed to have it all has found an enemy in the entity that has been supporting it for all these years, the mine. Operated by Volcan Companiea Minera, the open-pit mine is creating a deep hole in the middle of the city and destroying its neighborhoods and most importantly, its people. Before she moved to the U.S., Tashfeen Malik puzzled friends in Pakistan withher changes. An official said one possibility is that she was already radicalized when she became a bride. Two hippopotamuses, direct descendants of the hippos smuggled into Colombia by famed drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, have made their way into a populated town in search of food. Sheikh Akrama Sabri, the Imam of the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Islam’s third holiest site, said Palestinians in the cityare facing widespread and severe racial discrimination and harassment that reaches the extent of genocide in many cases. A project supporting Vietnamese children adopted by foreigners to visit theirhomeland and search for their origins has been approved by the Ministry of Justice. The General Authority of Civil Aviation of Saudi Arabia (GACA) has banned remotely piloted aircrafts from flying in the kingdom’s airspace without permission. Alex Ssempijja, one of Uganda’s most promising young ghetto musicians, has been tragically killed in a bicycle accident in the capital, Kampala. Various fake news sites reported that a lottery winner died after gold-plating his genitals. Social media rumors claimed ISIS operatives visited multiple car dealerships in Virginia, but the claims were not credible. Seller’s message: “Hello, I am sorry that you didn’t receive the item yet, but it is too long, Maybe I can refund to you, and if you want again,please purchase them again, OK? Thank you for your understanding. Hi, I am Svetlana. I hope that does not bother you too. She found your address on a resource dating and decided to try to write. I am waiting for your photos and share their wish. This is my emailaddress:zaitseva @eumeil.com I’ll be glad to get more of you and answer as well. Regards, Svetlana. Heavy rainfall forecast for Pacific Northwest. A series of storm systems will impact the Pacific Northwest this weekend into early next week, bringing a potential for heavy rainfall, very strong winds, and mountain snowfall. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (6 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 New York) Tufted Duck (1 Massachusetts) Flesh-footed Shearwater (3 California, 3 Oregon) Brown Booby (17 California, 1 Texas) Northern Jacana (9 Texas) Curlew Sandpiper (1 New Jersey) Kelp Gull (3 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (1 Texas) Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Tropical Parula (1 Texas) Golden-crowned Warbler (6 Texas) Western Spindalis (8 Florida) This concern also applies to other lowly workers in data mining industries (which is really the only thing going on in data centers today.) Colocations (one ‘l’) are cold, noisy, often locked down to the point where one needs an escort to go pee, there are surveillance cameras all around the place, you are lucky if you can find a broken chair, and there are no girls. There are many businessmen who own knowledge today. Consider Elsevier, the largest scholarly publisher, whose 37% profit margin^1 stands in sharp contrast to the rising fees, expanding student loan debt and povertylevel wages for adjunct faculty. Elsevier owns some of the largest databases of academic material, which are licensed at prices so scandalously high that even Harvard, the richest university of the global north, has complained that it cannot afford them any longer. Robert Darnton, the past director of Harvard Library, says “We faculty do the research, write the papers, referee papers by other researchers, serve on editorial boards, all of it for free ... and then we buy back the results of our labour at outrageous prices. For all the
work supported by public money benefiting scholarly publishers, particularly the peer review that grounds their legitimacy, journal articles are priced such that they prohibit access to science to many academics - and all non-academics - across the world, and render it a token of privilege. Elsevier has recently filed a copyright infringement suit in New York against Science Hub and Library Genesis claiming millions of dollars in damages. This has come as a big blow, not just to the administrators of the websites but also to thousands of researchers around the world for whom these sites are the only via b l e source of academic materials. The social media, mailing lists and IRC channels have been filled with their distress messages, desperately seeking articles and publications. Consumer boycott, as the form of resistance, is still beloved by the global northwest. A fantasy that if enough of us, individual consumers, gather together, coordinate and then redirect or allocate our consuming power resources some evil power will be shut down. Even most of us know that structural problems are hardest, if not impossible, to subvert this way. Together with that, in the particular case of scientific publishing deadlock we face these days, there is a belief and confidence, resonating with arguably successful story of free software, that we can rebuild the world of (software,) science and knowledge in parallel with the dominant one by forking our production from these axes of (dominant) evil. Capitalist periphery doesn’t have that confidence nor beliefs (not for that kind of resistance nor for the production capacity). For that periphery, digital networks are one of few, if not the only, global infrastructure where if empowered by libgen, sci-hub, ubu, aaaaarg or monoskop one could feel everything is (still sort of ) all right. You read, write and execute. Download and upload. Intention of the letter was first to express the solidarity with libgen and sci-hub, most of the time separate in the internet island of russian language and (sub)culture(s). Another goal was to invite people (dear fellow custodians) to build the solidarity (safe) network for the future struggles. Which unavoidably is coming soon. The biggest surprise for me was that many people were asking for (more concrete) call for action. I have to admit i felt it is trivial and obvious what are the actions, it’s download/upload, and what are the places these ac-
tions are happening. Will try to address that in the follow ups. I believe that open access is important and relevant but it also reminds me on the whole creative commons enthusiasm which badly failed in the past. Tracy Shelvey, 41, fell from the roof of a shopping centre car park in Rochdale after learning the man accused of raping her had been acquitted. From the early days of America’s War on Terror, and even before then, I advocated seeing terrorists as more than just mindless, evil madmen from another planet. I did not believe they were motivated by hatred or envy of American freedom or democracy, or of American wealth, secular government, or culture, although George W. Bush dearly wanted us to believe that. The terrorists were, I maintained, driven by decades
of terrible things done to their homelands by US foreign policy. There should be no doubt of this I wrote, for there are numerous examples of Middle East terrorists explicitly citing American policies as the prime motivation behind their actions. And it worked the same all over the world. In the period of the 1950s to the 1980s in Latin America, in response to a long string of outrageous Washington interventions, there were countless acts of terrorism against US diplomatic and military targets as well as the offices of US corporations. 9/11 was a globalized version of the Columbine High School disaster. When you bully people long enough they are going to strike back. In cellphone video taken by a bystander, Marcellus Johnson, the suspect is seen surrounded by police officers on the side of a rain-slicked road. He appears to be holding something shiny in his right hand and talking animatedly, although his words cannot be understood. He takes a step toward the officers and places his left hand on a parked police cruiser. Moments later, the sound of a Taser is heard, followed immediately by two gunshots. The suspect falls to the ground, clutching his chest. Spectacular violence has again made its reaping appearance, a brutal but sure sign that the distinction between militia and civilian has cea sed having any value in the US context. The militarisation of the society has become the most vigorous of diseases, whose greatest symptom is not so much gun ownership as the culture behind access and use. Khalida Jarrar, Palestinian leftist and feminist parliamentarian and advocate for political prisoners, has been sentenced by an Israeli occupation military court in Ofer to 15 months imprisonment today, 6 December 2015. Arrested by occupation military forces who invaded her Ramallah home on 2 April, the imprisonment of Jarrar, former executive director and current vice-chair of the board of directors of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, has sparked widespread Palestinian, Arab and international outrage. Forty six years ago this week, 21 year old Black Panther leader Fred Hampton was murdered in his bed by Chicago police and the FBI. Hampton was a hero to many in his community for the work he did to feed hungry schoolchildren, create peace
in his high school and within his community as a leader of the Black Panthers. His crime was being intelligent, talented and effective. In his short life, he rattled the power structure. Corporate crime reporter Russell Mokhiber writes that large corporations are now being hit with penalties of more than a billion dollars for environment, health and safety violations, but violations and evasion of regulators continue as do lack of criminal prosecutions. Similarly, big banks are facing high fines but this has not changed their behavior. Unless you become more watchful in your States and check this spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges, you will in the end find that the most important powers of Government have been given or bartered away, and the control of your dearest interests have been passed into the hands of these corporations. What is the great Amercican sin? Extravagance? Vice? Graft? No; it is a kind of half-humorous, good-natured indifference, a lack of “concentrated indignation” as my English friend calls it, which allows extravagance and vice to flourish. Trace most of our ills to their source, and it is found that they exist by virtue of an easygoing, fatalistic indiffere n c e which dislikes to have its comfort disturbed.... The most shameless greed, the most sickening industrial atrocities, the most appalling public scandals are exposed, but a half-cynical and wholly indifferent public passes them by with hardly a shrug of the shoulders; and they are lost in the medley of events. This is the great American sin. The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. While the populations of Europe and the US are fed raw propaganda about the regional aims involved, the reality is far different. Knife attacker slashed the throat of one person and injured two others while reportedly shouting “this is for Syria” More generally, I’ve been busy over the past years working in the background on collaborative Internet infrastructure in remote places. These are organised roughly along venture communist lines, and although
they generally would not use that language to describe themselves they owe a great debt to Dmytri Kleiner and others’ thinking. This project has been quite successful at creating the part of the Internet that covers a large geographical area in rural Scotland, complete with inter-network peering and transit relationships and a distributed exchange point presented as a confederation to the outside world. Story synopsis: A detective who feels responsible for his girlfriend’s death, makes a deal with a medium who can help him save his girlfriend’s soul , but also place him in a irreparable situation. No papers on Neotropical parrots in this issue. Gianguan Auctions will inaugurate its new Manhattan gallery at 39 W. 56th Street with a holiday sale of Buddhist art, Chinese porcelains and fine Chinese paintings, ancient to modern. Collections of stone seals, teapots and carved jades also come to the podium on Saturday, December 19th, beginning at 11:00 a.m. The Chinese porcelains include Famille Rose, Caledon, Zisha, and Blanc de Chine from the Yuan Dynasty through the Ming, Glazes run from copper red to wood grain, flambe and purple splash, creating a compelling inventory for collectors. The marquee item is Lot 138, a Yuan dynasty dragon jar with a rare copper red underglaze that depicts a threeclawed dragon among flames chasing a flaming pearl. Standing 12 inches tall, the pear-shaped vase is $200,000$400,000. Meanwhile, mid-level collectors will be well pleased with Lot 234, a Ming Dynasty bovine bloodPeppermint tea is more than just plain delicious. It has been proven to have some fairly amazing health and beauty benefits too. From the tips of your hair to the tips of your toes and everything in between, peppermint tea benefits can be varied and powerful. Tax havens cost the world’s governments hundreds of billions of dollars a year, promote corruption, and undermine the rule of law. They are part of a larger worrisome pattern in which the world’s corporations outrun the governing capacity of states. A tax haven is a nation that refuses to cooperate with major countries in order to lure multinational corporations and investors to nominally book transactions in its locale. These transactions can be outright illegal, or borderline, but beyond the reach of legitimate tax authorities. The disparities in wealth that we term income inequality‚ are no accident, and they can’t be fixed by fiddling at the edges of our current economic system. These disparities happened by design. The economic hoarding by those at the top has been termed income inequality‚, but that’s neither a strong nor accurate enough phrasing. I have never heard poor people complain about income inequality‚ poor people complain about being screwed out of housing , or about working more hours for less pay or about having to choose between medicine and food. Inequality‚ sounds like something that happens by accident and can be remedied by fiddling around the edges. It is not as if the rich are a little more equal and the poor a little less equal, and if we shift a bit we’ll all come out in the middle. What we’ve been calling income inequality‚ might be better understood as a war waged by US political and economic policy on the poor. Quality PPU Pistol Rounds from Prvi Partizan, a leading Serbian manufacturer since 1928. Whether you’re a soldier, law enforcement agent, competitive shooter or citizen, PPU Ammo is good stuff, and highly affordable. New, boxer-primed, non-corrosive. Whether you’re a soldier, law enforcement agent, competitive
shooter or citizen, PPU Ammo is good stuff, and highly affordable. New, boxer-primed, non-corrosive. Reloadable brass case. Topnotch ammo! Since 1961, Aguila has been dedicated to the development and manufacturing of high-quality self-defense, recreational, hunting, law enforcement, and military ammunition. Time to stock up! Load up with 50 rds. of Aguila .357 Magnum 158 Grain SJSP Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting, Aguila ammo is a dependable choice for all your trigger-pulling needs, from plinking to self-defense. Aguila ammo is a dependable choice for all your trigger-pulling needs, from plinking to self-defense. Brass cased, Noncorrosive and current production. Caliber: .380 Auto. Bullet weight: 95 grain. Bullet style: FMJ. Head to the range or back 40, and let loose with this Geco .22LR LRN Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting. Optimized for Bolt-action rifles. With Geco you get over a century of experience in development and production... which means top performance! Nail quantity buys on factory-fresh Russian Ammo for your .45 auto. Steel cases, non-corrosive, non-reloadable and Berdan-primed. 230 grain copper full metal jacket bullet. Primo Americanmade plinking / targetshooting Ammo, ready to shred paper! Current-production Rounds are brasscased, boxer-primed, and reloadable. Loaded with 62 grain full metal jacket M855 bullet. Time to stock up! Load up with 50 rds. of Aguila .38 Special 130 Grain FMJ Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting, Aguila ammo is a dependable choice for all your trigger-pulling needs, from plinking to selfdefense. Plastic capsules. Design delivers a tighter pattern than crimped rounds. Non-corrosive, non-reloadable, lead shot with a precise powder charge for uniformity. Caliber: .22LR Ammo. Capsule Wt. Gms.: 31. For plinking or shooting. Sellier & Bellot brand is current Czech production. Brass-cased, 92 grain full metal jacket. Boxer-primed, reloadable, non-corrosive. Get Brown Bear bite for your gun! 123 grain, bi-metal full metal jacket Bullets are Berdan-primed, non-reloadable, non-corrosive. Lacquered steel case. Load up with 50 rds. of Aguila .38 Special 158 Grain JHP Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting, Aguila ammo is a dependable choice for all your triggerpulling needs, from plinking to self-defense. Smooth feeding and straight shooting, Aguila ammo is known for their long history of quality assurance and exacting standards. It’s ammo with consistent and dependable performance you can rely on, shot after shot. Less recoil with accurate and dependable performance! This Hornady Custom Lite .30-30 Win. 150 Grain Interlock RN Ammo reduces recoil and muzzle blast, and puts the fun back into shooting for kids, women, and every day shooters looking to keep recoil to a minimum. Russian Silver Bear Ammo, made in the prestigious JSC Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant! It’s current production 145 grain FMJ, and an excess inventory opportunity, in limited amounts, makes it a steal. Topnotch ammo! Since 1961, Aguila has been dedicated to the development and manufacturing of high-quality self-defense, recreational, hunting, law enforcement, and military ammunition. Head to the range or back 40, and let loose with this Geco .38 Special LRN 158 grain Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting. With Geco you get over a century of experience in development and production... which means top performance! Quality Rounds from Prvi Partizan (PPU), Serbia’s premier munitions manufacturer. Brasscased, boxerprimed. Reloadable and non-corrosive. CCI Blazer Centerfire: Speer bullets with reliable CCI primers. High-performance without high cost. For practice / training and target shooting. Scientifically, tears are divided into three different types, based on their origin. Both tears of grief and joy are psychic tears, triggered by extreme emotions, whether positive or negative. Basal tears are released continuouslyin tiny quantities (on average, 0.75 to 1.1grams over a 24-hour period) to keep the cornea lubricated. Reflex tears are secreted in response to an irritant, like dust, onion vapors or tear gas. All tears contain a variety of biological substances (including oils, antibodies and enzymes) suspended in salt water, but as Fisher saw, tears from each of the different categories include distinct molecules as well. Emotional tears, for instance, have been found to contain protein-based hormones including the neurotrans-
mitterleucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller that is released when the body is under stress. Additionally, because the structures seen under the microscope are largely crystallized salt, the circumstances under which the tear dries can lead to radically dissimilar shapes and formations, so two psychic tears with the exact same chemical makeup can look very different up close. There are so many variables-there’s the chemistry, the viscosity, the setting, the same chemical makeup can look very different up close. There are so many variables-there’s the chemistry, the viscosity, the setting, the evaporation rate and the settings of the microscope. T h e Kohler plant has a history of intense battles, including a 1934 strike which resulted in the formation of a company union. After the workers abandoned company unionism for the UAW, one of the longest strikes in U.S. history commenced in 1954. Every time these battles are lost, it sends message that unions can’t defend their members and the union movement is dead. Conversely, when workers win these fights, confidence in labor grows and organizing becomes a bit easier. Well before the crash of 2008 Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital warned that the U.S. economic system was about to collapse. Mainstream financial pundits laughed him off the air. But within a matter of months his predictions came to pass. Solo travel is having a moment. Traveling alone means you can explore a destination in exactly the way that suits you. Here are our top tips and trips, whether you’re an extrovert looking for a new circle of friends, an introvert looking for a quiet sojourn, or somewhere in between. The earthquake is located several hundred kilometers north of the India: Eurasia plate boundary, in the Pamir Mountains. The collision of these two plates drives the tectonics of the broad region surrounding the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, and causes uplift that produces the highest mountain peaks in the world including the Himalayan, the Karakoram, the Pamir and the Hindu Kush ranges. Seismicity in the Himalaya dominantly results from the continental collision of the India and Eurasia plates, which are converging at a relative rate of 40-50 mm/yr. Northward underthrusting of India beneath Eurasia generates numerous earthquakes and consequently makes this area one of the most seismically hazardous regions on
Earth. The surface expression of the plate boundary is marked by the foothills of the northsouth trending Sulaiman Range in the west, the Indo-Burmese Arc in the east and the east-west trending Himalaya Front in the north of India. The Tibetan Plateau is situated north of the Himalaya, stretching approximately 1000km northsouth and 2500km east-west, and is geologically and tectonically complex with several sutures which are hundreds of kilometer-long and generally trend eastwest. The Tibetan Plateau is cut by a number of large (>1000km) east-west trending, left-lateral, strike-slip faults, including the long Kunlun, Haiyuan, and the Altyn Tagh. Right-lateral, strike-slip faults (comparable in size to the left-lateral faults), in this region include the Karakorum, Red River,
and Sagaing. Secondary north-south trending normal faults also cut the Tibetan Plateau. Thrust faults are found towards the north and south of the Tibetan Plateau. Collectively, these faults accommodate crustal shortening associated with the ongoing collision of the India and Eurasia plates, with thrust faults accommodating north south compression, and normal and strikeslip accommodating east-west extension. Along the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau, in the vicinity of south-eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, the India plate translates obliquely relative to the Eurasia plate, resulting in a complex fold-andthrust belt known as the Sulaiman Range. Faulting in this region includes strike-slip, reverse-slip and oblique-slip motion and often results in shallow, destructive earthquakes. The active, left-lateral, strike-slip Chaman fault is the fastest moving fault in the region. In 1505, a segment of the Chaman fault near Kabul, Afghanistan, r uptured causing w i d e spread dest r uc t ion. In the same region the more recent 30 May 1935, M7.6 Quetta earthquake, which occurred in the Sulaiman Range in Pakistan, killed between 30,000 and 60,000 people. On the north-western side of the Tibetan Plateau, beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush Mou nta i ns of northern Afghanistan, earthquakes occur at depths as great as 200 km as a result of remnant lithospheric subduction. The curved arc of deep earthquakes found in the Hindu Kush Pamir region indicates the presence of a lithospheric body at depth, thought to be remnants of a subducting slab. Cross-sections through the Hindu Kush region suggest a near vertical northerly-dipping subducting slab, whereas cross-sections through the nearby Pamir region to the east indicate a much shallower dipping, southerly subducting slab. Some models suggest the presence of two subduction zones; with the Indian plate being subducted beneath the Hindu Kush region and the Eurasian plate being subducted beneath the Pamir region. However, other models suggest that just one of the two plates is being subducted and that the slab has become contorted and overturned in places. Shallow crustal earthquakes also occur in this region near the Main Pamir Thrust and other active Quaternary faults.
The Main Pamir Thrust, north of the Pamir Mountains, is an active shortening structure. The northern portion of the Main Pamir Thrust produces many shallow earthquakes, whereas its western and eastern borders display a combination of thrust and strike-slip mechanisms. On the 18 February 1911, the M7.4 Sarez earthquake ruptured in the Central Pamir Mountains, killing numerous people and triggering a landside, which blocked the Murghab River. Further north, the Tian Shan is a seismically active intra-continental mountain belt, which extends 2500 km in an ENE-WNW orientation north of the Tarim Basin. This belt is defined by numerous east-west trending thrust faults, creating a compressional basin and range landscape. It is generally thought that regional stresses associated with the collision of the India and Eurasia plates are responsible for faulting in the region. The region has had three major earthquakes (>M7.6) at the start of the 20th Century, including the 1902 Atushi earthquake, which killed an estimated 5,000 people. The range is cut through in the west by the 700-kml o n g , northw e s t southeast striking, Talas-Ferghana active rightlateral, strike-slip fault syst e m . Though the system has produced no major earthquakes in the last 250 years, paleo-seismic studies indicate that it has the potential to produce M7.0+ earthquakes and it is thought to represent a significant hazard. The northern portion of the Tibetan Plateau itself is largely dominated by the motion on three large left-lateral, strike-slip fault systems; the Altyn Tagh, Kunlun and Haiyuan. The Altyn Tagh fault is the longest of these strike slip faults and it is thought to accommodate a significant portion of plate convergence. However, this system has not experienced significant historical earthquakes, though paleoseismic studies show evidence of prehistoric M7.0-8.0 events. Thrust faults link with the Altyn Tagh at its eastern and western termini. The Kunlun Fault, south of the Altyn Tagh, is seismically active, producing large earthquakes such as the 8th November 1997, M7.6 Manyi earthquake and the 14th November 2001, M7.8 Kokoxili earthquake. The Haiyuan Fault, in the far north-east, generated the 16 December 1920, M7.8 earthquake that
killed approximately 200,000 people and the 22 May 1927 M7.6 earthquake that killed 40,912. The Longmen Shan thrust belt, along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, is an important structural feature and forms a transitional zone between the complexly deformed Songpan-Garze Fold Belt and the relatively undeformed Sichuan Basin. On 12 May 2008, the thrust belt produced the reverse slip, M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, killing over 87,000 people and causing billions of US dollars in damages and landslides which dammed several rivers and lakes. Shallow earthquakes within the Indo-Burmese Arc, predominantly occur on a combination of strike-slip and reverse faults, including the Sagaing, Kabaw and Dauki faults. Between 1930 and 1956, six M7.0+ earthquakes occurred near the right-lateral Sagaing Fault, resulting in severe damage in Myanmar including the generation of landslides, liquefaction and the loss of 610 lives. Deep earthquakes (200km) have also been known to occur in this region, these are thought to be due to the subduction of the eastwards dipping, India plate, though whether subduction is currently active is debated. Within the pre-instrumental period, the large Shillong earthquake occurred on the 12 June 1897, causing widespread destruction. The Paris climate summit, dominated by the economic and political forces that are driving us toward destruction, will end with the usual empty rhetoric and a continued assault on the ecosystem. Your account has been Iimited. We need your help resolving an issue with your account. To give us time to work together on this, we’ve temporarily limited what you can do with your account until the issue is resolved. We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as quickly as possible. How you can help It’s usually pretty easy to take care of things like this. Most of the time, we just need a little more information about your account or latest transactions. Now, Please resolve Your account as soon as possible. Please do not reply to this email. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address. For immediate answers to your questions, simply visit our Help Center by clicking Help at the bottom of any PayPal page. One of my pet peeves, and I have many, is the constant comparisons about who is like who. Or is that whom. Most comparisons are hogwash or areso far off the mark as to be laughable. Many are used as a way to smear someone. Many are used because we can’t think of anything worse than to be like someone in history. Or someone better. A man was arrested in Brooklyn this week for a string of 26 fire escape burglaries, mostly in Prospect-Lefferts Gardens and Flatbush, police said. A man was arrested in Brooklyn this week for a string of 26 fire escape burglaries, mostly in Prospect-Lefferts Gardens and Flatbush, police said.The burglary streak ended on Nov. 29 when Gordon was caught by a resident of 201 Linden Blvd. in the lobby of the building, carrying a pillowcase filled with two stolen laptops, a cellphone, chargers, a watch and $414 in cash. The resident who stopped Gordon told police she had spotted Gordon on a fire escape outside her apartment the day before, on. Nov. 28, according to court documents. Course topics range from basic filmmaking to specialized courses such as screenwriting;
film and sound editing; special effects; and the business of producing, marketing, and negotiating deals for motion pictures. The Certificate in Film Studies is a basic professional program of study. Offered throughout the year, this program can also be completed during the summer through a unique intensive 12-week offering. A Chinese ice hockey player has been banned from the sport for life in one of the harshest punishments passed down by sports authorities in China to date. Brazilians are among the people who are most deceived about their own country, according to a global study by Ipsos Public Affairs, a consultancy. Portugal is the developed country with the largestinequality gap between rich and poor, according to a study by Morgan Stanley. Long distance truck drivers across Russia are protesting against a large tax hike for heavy vehicles that weigh over 12 tons. A man killed his sister because she cast her vote in a local election against his will. Danish Ali, 20, forbade his elder sister Noreen, 32, a school teacher, from going to the polls. The Ennahda (Renaissance) Movement party in Tunisia has called for a national conference on counterterrorism to be held soon, following several terrorist attacks on the country, the latest of which occurred last Tuesday when a suicide bomber targeted a presidential security unity in the capital of Tunis and killed at least 12. A popular Russian performance artist, who set the door to the Federal Security Service (FSB) building in the center of Moscow on fire, is refusing to speak to a psychiatrist, according to his lawyer. A California Highway Patrol helicopter was forced to take evasive action after encountering a drone in the sky above Martinez, California. After veering to avoid the drone, the helicopter pilot directed local police to the location of the alleged operator. Absolute worse-case scenario: The drone could come through window and take out the pilot, and the helicopter could come down,‚ Officer James Andrews, a CHP spokesperson, said. As global temperatures rise, an unprepared Egypt braces itself for more extreme rainstorms. How do individuals become radicalized to the point where they choose to massacre innocents? Cats paw at objects just like they would prey, so your cat may toy with the glass on the edge of the counter simply to hone her hunting instincts and see what happens when she gives it a bat. “When your cat nudges a small, stationary object with her paw, she’s practicing the same behavior. Your cat’s instincts tell her that paperweight or knickknack could turn out to be a mouse. Her poking paw would send it scurrying, giving her a good game (and possibly a good lunch).” However, after a few good batting matches with an object, your kitty is smart enough to learn that your treasured collectibles aren’t rodents. So why does feline friend keep testing gravity? Because it gets your attention. If your cat is bored -- or if she wants to alert you to the fact that it’s feeding time -- then a surefire way to get your attention is to do what has proven to work in the past. And that means anything that’s not nailed down may end up crashing to the floor. To keep your kitty happy -- and protect your belongings -- feed your cat on a regular schedule and make sure she’s receiving plenty of stimulation. The American public has turned away from outright denial of climate change. Sixty-three percent of adults describe the problem as “serious” in the latest opinion poll from the Washington Post and ABC News, a dip from the 69 percent who held that view in June. The minority who remain skeptical of climate science-a group that includes presidential hopefuls and powerful lawmakers-can count on a dedicated network of several thousand professional supporters. New research for the first time has put a precise count on the people and groups working to dispute the scientific consensus on climate change. A loose network of 4,556 individuals with overlapping ties to 164 organizations do the most to dispute climate change in the U.S., according to a paper published today in Nature Climate Change. We ask artists to support this event by donating your best printmaking works to us. All work selected for inclusion by the jury is eligible for the Open Studio Editions Residency Award, which provides the recipient with 4 free weeks in the Studio, and $300 worth of materials. A charitable tax receipt for 100% of the value of each print will also be issued if your work is selected for inclusion in Editions. All Canadian
printmakers are eligible; you do not need to be affiliated with Open Studio to participate. A disconcerting trend has been perceptible for quite some time. Governments across all continents, irrespective of their political orientation and regime type, are taking drastic action against civil society actors: against non-governmental organisations, social and ecological activists, women’s rights activists and human rights advocates. The space for actors who are critical of government policies, who call for democracy and human rights, who take an active stand against large-scale projects, and who protest against social injustice, land g rabbing and environmental degradation, is shrinking. These actors are increasingly the focus of state and private powers and the target of vilification campaigns, repression or criminalisation. As a political foundation with its roots firmly planted in the civil societies of our partner countries, we have experienced first-hand how their space is being restricted (shrinking spaces) or how it is becoming virtually impossible for them to carry out their political activities (closing spaces). An independent and critical civil society is not just a thorn in the side of a multitude of governments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East; these same governments are fighting civil society to an extent unheard of in the past 25 years. Intimidating, vilifying or even banning civil society is nothing new. Many people have been denied the fundamental rights of freedom of assembly, association and speech that are entrenched in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, and this denial continues even today. We have even seen setbacks for quite some time: the space granted civil society actors to carry out their activities is being massively restricted. This is not only true of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes but also of democratic governments. Some of the advances made in democratisation in Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America in the aftermath of the Cold War (Third Wave Democracy‚) have quite simply been reversed. The rights to participation and involvement are being taken away again. What is more, an increasing number of nations are jointly embarking on an outright counteroffensive‚ against active citizenship. Dozens of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East have long since thwarted external democ-
racy promotion, whether governmental or non-governmental. To achieve this, they deploy a plethora of measures, ranging from legislation to bureaucratic/tax regulations, harassment, smear campaigns in the media as well as secret service methods and open repression. There appears to be an open season on the types of restriction that are permitted: activists are arrested, bank accounts frozen, threats made, licences revoked, websites blocked, registrations coerced and offices closed. The first rule of career planning: Do not plan your career. The world is an incredibly complex place and everything is changing all the time. You can’t plan your career because you have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. You have no idea what industries you’ll enter, what compa-
nies you’ll work for, what roles you’ll have, where you’ll live, or what you will ultimately contribute to the world. You’ll change, industries will change, the world will change, and you can’t possibly predict any of it. Trying to plan your career is an exercise in futility that will only serve to frustrate you, and to blind you to the really significant opportunities that life will throw your way. Career planning = career limiting. The sooner you come to grips with that, the better. The second rule of career planning: Instead of planning your career, focus on developing skills and pursuing opportunities. I’ll talk a lot about skills development in the next post. But for the rest of this post, I’m going to focus in on the nature of opportunities. Opportunities are key. I would argue that opportunities fall loosely into two buckets: those that present themselves to you, and those that you go out and create. Both will be hugely important to your career. Opportunities that present themselves to you are the c on se quence - at least partially - of being in the right place at the right time. They tend to present themselves when you’re not expecting it - and often when you are engaged in other activities that would seem to preclude you from pursuing them. And they come and go quickly - if you don’t jump all over an opportunity, someone else generally will and it will vanish. I believe a huge part of what people would like to refer to as “career planning” is being continuously alert to opportunities that present themselves to you spontaneously, when you happen to be in the right place at the right time. Gentle medicine based on Ancient Healing techniques combined with the latest brain science, palpation of the internal rhythms of the fluids in the body, and Quantum Biodynamics, these are treatments to renew, rebalance, and re-energize your body! Healing modalities include CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, SomatoEmotional Release, BodyTalk, Lymph Drainage, EFT, and dreamwork. Dear Yasminers, this week I will be your moderator. Together with Colette Tron we initiate a discussion on Transformative and Critical making - we sincerely hope to receive many contributions. More than three-and-a-half million Nepalis - well over 10% of
the population of this mountainous, underdeveloped country - have left to work abroad over the past 20 years. “I am supposed to go back to my job in Qatar, building World Cup football stadiums,” says Sabin whose home was destroyed in the earthquake which hit the country earlier this year. “But if I go I worry about how my family will manage through the winter cold - and if I stay, where will the money come from to build a new house?” Around 1,500 people, like the man pictured above at the airport, leave Nepal each day. Of the rare and extraordinary times in U.S. history when the U.S. government actively funded and promoted the arts on a national scale, two periods in particular stand out. There is the CIA’s role in channeling funds to avant-garde artists after the Second World War as part of the cultural front of the Cold Wara boon to painters, writers, and musicians, bothwitting and unwitting, and a strange way in which the intelligence community used the anti-communist left to head off what it saw as more dangerous and subversive trends. Most of the highly agendadriven federal arts funding during the Cold War proceeded in secret until decades later, when l o n g sealed documents were declassified and agents began to tell their stories of the period. Species Summary: Pinkfooted Goose (10 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (4 New York, 2 Quebec) Tufted Duck (1 Massachusetts, 1 Newfoundland and Labrador, 2 Vermont) Flesh-footed Shearwater (1 California) Brown Booby (7 California, 1 Louisiana, 1 Texas) Northern Jacana (2 Texas) Kelp Gull (2 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (2 Texas) La Sagra’s Flycatcher (1 Florida) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Arizona) Tropical Parula (1 Texas) Whitecollared Seedeater (2 Texas) Western Spindalis (13 Florida) We are planning an audiovisual evening on the power of algorithms. It will be a cinematic remix of excerpts from movies and documentaries that address, in whatever way, automatized rule systems: from short video clips portray formulas of the cybernetic self from hard science to the fidgety figments of the imagination. We want to set up a performative media mesh-up, from a cold war history, where rational and irrational meet for a ball
of Mutually Assured Destruction, until today’s algorithmic predictions to colonize the future. Mining the archives of the popular imaginary and the deep web of online portals: from rational choice and game theory to the exploitative invasion of personal space through ubiquitous devices. An international panel will live-review the screened cinematic info-bytes and contextualize their background. Good news! We let the seller know you didn’t receive the item, and the seller issued you a full refund. This request is now closed. Refund information: A full refund of $6.68 was issued on Dec 07, 2015. The refund includes the purchase price plus original shipping and was issued to the same payment method you used to pay for the item. Heavy rain, mountain snow, continue across parts of western U.S. Heavy rain will continue across the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West on Tuesday as the next in a series of storms moves onshore. Snow will develop at the higher elevations across the Cascades and northern and central Rockies. Strong winds are also possible across the region, with gusts as high as 50 mph forecast. Authorities in other facilities have taken the opposite approach; locking down detainees at the Aurora facility, enacting sleep deprivation measures in Adelanto and Etowah, and threatening force feeding for Etowah detainees who are nearing two weeks without food. The fact that people escaping violence are being met with torture inside US facilities should raise alarms and cause urgent intervention explains Fahd Ahmed, director of DRUM Desis Rising Up and Moving. ?This is a life and death situation. The hunger strikes that have come to be known as Freedomgiving because they were initiated the night before Thanksgiving are the latest in a wave of more than 10 facilities and 1,000 detainees refusing meals and demanding their freedom. Candidates took notice and were pushed to issue statements after DRUM rallied at the Clinton headquarters last week. Ten years ago today, I was finishing up stuffing holiday cards for my employer when 2 beefy men asked me if i was indeed, Daniel McGowan. Once I was handcuffed and being frog-marched through the office, I knew what it was about. At the same time, 6 of my codefendants were getting arrested at the same time. Others were receiving grand jury subpoenas as well. Sadly, all the people arrested that day became cooperating witnesses save for William Rodgers, who I knew as ‘Avalon’, who took his life in a county jail on the Winter Solstice, two weeks after we were arrested. Of course, other arrests followed in the months after that, with a handful of codefendants refusing to play the game. We came together in solidarity to fight the charges and reduce the potential sentence as much as possible. For that, I will always have gratitude to Jonathan Paul, Nathan Block and Joyanna Zacher (though it would be disingenuous for me to not point out the latter two peoples’ identification with esoteric fascist movements currently). I was bonded out of jail, fought my case on house arrest for a year and months after that, worked out a plea that did not involve naming names or becoming a witness against anyone. It had repercussions for me including more time and no protection from grand juries (and surely, two years later, i was called before one as a witness and put on civil contempt of court). That said, I cannot have seen it going any
other way. My regrets with the case is that more of my co-defendants did not stick with us and move forward together-something that had been the idea when worst case scenarios had been discussed years prior. 10 years later, its obvious to me every time i go to any activist event that many younger activists do not know this history. I suppose it is the struggle we all face-how to remember and memorialize, but not live in the past and nostalgia. Storytellers are finding increasingly imaginative ways to share their ideas with interactive and visual elements, bringing their messages to life. Meet three major entrepreneurial players of the field, who will present their work and discuss how limitation can trigger creative opportunities. Brad Brace has exhibited nationally and internationally since 1971. Selected exhibitions include the Venice Biennale (1984), Documenta 8, Kassel, Germany (1987), the 8th Sydney Biennale, Sydney, Australia (1990), “Canadian Stories” at the Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation (2000-2002), and “Continental Drift: Conceptual Art in Canada: the 1960s and 70s”, Badischer Kunstverein, Germany (2013). In 2007 he was named a Laureate of the Governor-General’s Awards in the Visual and Media Arts. In 2012 he was recipient of the Life Achievement Award from the Toronto Friends of the Visual Arts. He is represented by the Susan Hobbs Gallery in Toronto and is professor emeritus at OCAD University. Most news these days gets paid for in one of two ways-advertising or well-heeled funders and investorsand neither is built to ensure a critical mass of the investigative journalism that our democracy needs. Advertising opens newsrooms up to pressure from corporations, not to mention “native ads” (ads that pretend to be stories). And big-time funders may seek to control the media organizations they invest in-or simply squeeze them for profit. In recent years, the Venezuelan economy has faced turbulence and rising inflation. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves, and the rapid drop in the price of oil has hit it particularly hard. The opposition, which blames the government’s leftwing policies for the instability, has capitalized on the turmoil. Supporters of the government, on the other hand, say powerful business oligarchs, corporations, and foreign governments-- especially the U.S.-- have pursued policies of economic sabotage in Venezuela. This view is supported by the information revealed in U.S. government documents released by WikiLeaks. Although Venezuela’s democratically elected socialist government has been widely characterized by the right wing as a “dictatorship,” in 2012, former President Jimmy Carter -- who won a Nobel prize for his international election-monitoring work through the Carter Center -- remarked, “As a matter of fact, of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored, I would say that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.” How do designers approach the brief when creating inspirational and incentive-filled spaces? The simple answer is: in a wide variety of ways. The Other Office 2 illustrates this with 80 cutting-edge workplace designs - everything from compact hubs to multilevel corporate headquarters. It offers an exclusive peek into the workspaces of companies like Google, AirBNB, Rabobank and Wieden + Kennedy, and shows how these companies promote productivity through connectivity with the design of their workplace. This book also outlines the challenges that designers such as Gensler, Ippolito Fleitz, Neri&Hu and Schemata must overcome to be able to realise working environments that are crucibles for innovation and creativity. Hi, just a reminder that you’re receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in Caribbean Airlines. Don’t forget to add mail @caribbeanairlines.com to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox! You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. The structure of the evening includes viewing the four images of artwork, the booth shot and the artist’s statement submitted by other anonymous artists who applied to the festivals. All applications are viewed without any identifying information, just like the jury sees it. As of February 23rd we will start with the 10 week course. 2 days a week in the lab (Monday & Tuesday) and a weekly evening lecture on Tuesday. You will build your own lab equipment based on Open Source designs in our FabLab. Grow the microbes from our collection (or your own)
and collaborate with other participants in partner labs around the world. If a place explains itself in a sack of shards if a place where feet struck locks In the ground with their heals accelerates from an edge on a bed of wheels and loss Where disarticulated conveyances scatter their marriage of severed hands and gears Across an actinide field of mirror-works and pasts in-folded into mileage and exhaust If a mountain finds its place in the lake-moss floor if a head wind finds its house If a drum is called a spoke in a fan of streets if a leash has kept a hand and Throat apart how the sea in its cubic paragraphs of breadth cannot be known nor The famous aluminum heart nor a voice b e l o w waves nor the infinite machinery of eyes there is an unbreakable limit for all life we call this death in the cosmos we call this light we make the calls Helium is the light of the sun and its time is an aesthetic phenomenon coupled with the rising yellow glow of the retribution the post human and the cyborg poetics is the final fantasy of contradictory entities Hi, It’s been about six months now since I received your real estate inquiry. How are things going? A lot of people start searching for homes or thinking of selling MONTHS ahead of when they’re actually ready to do something. That’s why I’m still keeping in touch. I hope you’re doing well, and if you need anything, know that I’m here to help. Are there any questions I can answer for you today? Best, Yascha Tomorrow is the last day to get a bonus match while supporting digital civil liberties in EFF’s Power Up Your Donation campaign. Every dollar up to $99,500 will be matched and there are still funds left-join to double your impact and help us reach our goal! Electoral observers who cover Latin America and the Caribbean see the threat of systematic, massive fraud‚ in upcoming elections in a country of longstanding strategic concern to the United States. After the outbreak of world war in 1914, many new rules and regulations came to Britain. This is of course understandable given the scale of national security. The most important of these was called the Defence of the Realm Act Purchase a ticket to the launch of our new commissioning fund for young and emerging artists. Each ticket sold goes directly towards the fund, making attendees our founding donors and honoured guests. Togarashi spiced lobster maki rolls
Beet, cendrillon cheese and hazelnut involtini Armagnac duck parfait Tamagoyaki with wild mushroom White chocolate mousse Featured Cocktail: French 76 - vinho verde, gin, yuzu and bitters Republicans seem to have made up their minds: They will divide, degrade and ultimately run the country into the ground. Think we don’t have a problem with economic inequality? A new report finds that the wealthiest 20 individuals in the United States today hold more wealth than the bottom half of the US population combined. Last Sunday was far and away the biggest day of climate action the planet has ever seen.Living in America sometimes resembles taking part in a Ponzi scheme, and its likely to get worse before it gets better. Corporate funding has played a
huge role in influencing our national conversation on climate. Beijing has for the first time issued a red alert its highest warning for air pollution in China. Strict restrictions will be placed on vehicular traffic and factory operations including many of them being shut down. Some members of Congress are willing to force a government shutdown rather than fund reproductive healthcare or give safe haven to victims of terror. In recent years we’ve seen our legislature take up reactionary positions on what should be common-sense issues. And the current round of federal spending negotiations is no exception - it’s at risk of being derailed by extremists. Your account has been Iimited. We need your help resolving an issue with your account. To give us time to work together on this, we’ve temporarily limited what you can do with your account until the issue is resolved. We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your pal account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as quickly as possible. How you can help It’s usually pretty easy to take care of things like this. Most of the time, we just need a little more information about your account or latest transactions. Now, Please resolve Your account as soon as possible. Resolve Now Good day i have a proposition for you kindly contact me on my private email for more details please email me on richpack77@gmail.com thank you. Richard. Iceland residents are bracing themselves for another strong winter storm, currently approaching with a central pressure of 955 hPa, Meteo Europe reports. The system is expected to bring hurricane force winds across the island by the end of December 7, 2015 (local time). The strongest storm in the last 18 years swept the Paraguay capital on December 4, 2015. Although powerful storm systems are not uncommon across Paraguay, the latest one severely affected a large part of the densely populated area, thus gaining on importance. The strongest storm in the last 18 years swept the Paraguay capital on December 4, 2015. Although powerful storm systems are not uncommon across Paraguay, the latest one severely affected a large part of the densely populated area, thus gaining on importance. A very strong and shallow earthquake regis-
tered by USGS as M7.2 hit sparsely populated mountainous area of Tajikistan at 07:50 UTC on December 7, 2015. The agency is reporting depth of 28.7 km (17.9 miles). EMSC is reporting M7.2 at a depth of 30 km (18.64 miles). Global Exchange stands with thousands of our allies from around the world in Paris, calling on global leaders to take immediate and just action on climate change. After the first week of negotiations, leaders have come up with a draft agreement. As we expected, the agreement does not go far enough in carbon emission cuts or in financing for developing nations to solve the global climate crisis. Once again it is clear, that we the people - grassroots activists, indigenous leaders, students, teachers, all of us - must lead, so that our leaders will follow. Global Exchange in partnership with Movement Rights (an organization that grew out of Global Exchange’s Community Rights program) and the Indigenous Environmental Network-released a report. Journal of Contemporary Painting responds to the territory and practice of contemporary painting in its broadest sense, viewing pa inting as a context for discussion, exploring its sphere of history and influence, rather than as a medium specific debate. The JCP combines a thematic approach with an open call, each issue opening up and problematising pressing concerns in contemporary painting. As well as contributions to current debates on contemporary art, a particular feature of the Journal of Contemporary Painting is the publication of archival or newly translated texts alongside current responsive articles, based on the premise that contemporary painting cannot be understood without reflecting on its history. Dedication to understanding the nature and forms of painting research has also led to the inclusions of an original visual essay for every edition. Additionally we respond to current exhibitions, books and symposia, nationally and internationally, in our reviews section. Our aim is to be responsive to current debates in painting and related art practices, drawing from a wide geographical field and across discipline boundaries to provide a discursive space in which a range of subject specialisms can be
brought to bear on the culture of painting. We are particularly interested in writing emerging from practicebased research as well as from academics working in different disciplines. The post is situated in the School of Art, Design and Architecture. The jobholder will work on research projects relating to public engagement and cultural leadership in the visual and performing arts. He/she will be able to work with leading practitioners and academics in the area of evaluating audience development, public engagement and cultural leadership. The research cuts across the areas of cultural policy, public art, curation, ethnography and social sciences. You should have a good honours degree, and experience in developing surveys and questionnaires, and supporting focus group research. The ability to contribute to this specific area of research is essential. The prosecution in the case of a Baltimore police officer charged in the death of a black man in custody said he would not have died had he received immediate medical help, while a defense lawyer attacked the findings of a medical examiner who ruled the death a homicide. Officer William Porter, 26, is accused of manslaughter in the April death of Freddie Gray from a spinal injury suffered while he was transported in a police van. His death triggered rioting in the city and fueled a U.S. debate on police tactics. Six years after selling off his art collection in a record-breaking “sale of the century”, the French businessman and philanthropist Pierre Berge is now putting his renowned library under the hammer. The lover and business partner of the late designer Yves Saint Laurent told AFP he is putting almost his entire collection up for auction, one of the most priceless in private hands. The sale of the couple’s art collection netted 342 million euros ($361 million) in 2009 a year after the designer’s death from a brain tumour, then the highest figure ever for the sale of a private collection. In the first of six sales which could raise a total of 40 million euros ($42 million) for the charitable foundation he founded with Saint Laurent, 180 historic manuscripts and rare first editions including Saint Augustine’s “Confessions” printed in Strasbourg in 1470, and the original 1580 edition of the philosopher Montaigne’s “Essays” will be auctioned at Sotheby’s in Paris on Friday.Demanding their voices be heard, their rights respected and that fossils fuels be left in the ground to spare humanity and Mother Earth, Indigenous people from around the around the world made their latest mark on the ongoing climate negotiations in Paris on Sunday by crossing the Bassin de la Villette in the heart of the French city, assembled in a flotilla of traditional boats, kayaks, and canoes. In addition to the action on Paris’ largest lake, the groups also held a press event where they presented a joint declaration articulating their sacred and collective demand that in order to preserve balance and harmony with the planet’s living systems, the ongoing COP21 climate talks must go further than powerful governments have so far allowed.When it comes to the disparities within the food system, the numbers are pretty stark. The 10 largest mega-corporations generate $450 million annually in food sales. These companies’ CEOs earn, on average, 12 times what their workers make. Of those food workers, women of color make less than half of the salaries of their male counterparts and are far more likely
to need nutrition assistance than workers in other industries. Black farmers have lost 80 percent of their land since 1920, while large-scale and corporate farms make nearly half the agricultural sales-despite accounting for less than five percent of all farms. Calgary’s Vietnamese community is coming together to help welcome and support the wave of refugees coming from war-torn Syria. Organizers put on a fundraising dinner at a local Vietnamese restaurant and held a silent auction Thursday night. Their goal was to raise $10,000 to help settle the refugees. Hundreds of thousands of people fled or were expelled from Vietnam after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, with approximately 60,000 eventually reaching Canada. Those who came by boat became known as the Boat People.The case is being covered by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism as part of its long-running examination of the use of secret evidence in UK courts, including for counter-terrorism hearings. Such evidence is usually highly sensitive intelligence material. “A cancer that has no immediate cure” was not the most soothing metaphor President Obama could have chosen, but it was the most honest. He has no idea how to prevent another terrorist attack like the one in San Bernardino-and neither does anyone else, including his Republican critics. The release of the video was accompanied by a prepared statement from embattled Mayor Rahm Emanuel saying that the treatment of Philip Coleman while he was in custody in December 2012 was unacceptable. Coleman died following a reaction to an antipsychotic drug, but an autopsy showed that Coleman had experienced severe trauma, including more than 50 bruises and scrapes on his body from the top of his head to his lower legs. Hollywood and Nollywood are film industries recognized internationally. The United States film industry has largely been based in Hollywood, Los Angeles District in California, hence was given the name Hollywood. Nollywood is derived from Nigeria‚ and Hollywood‚. It is the name given to the Nigerian film industry.6.30 PM. 25C that’s cool weather for us...
ade some ladies finger curry to have with chapatis for dinner. Feeling hungry now and had a pre-dinner light snack - two pieces of toast with a slice of cheese and honey... You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at Defining your personal financial goals like retirement or college planning Our online tool makes it easy to schedule or change your appointment, with same-day availability in many locations. 39F, hazy. Blueberry buckle, grits, grapefruit. Coffee. Winter continues to settle in nicely across northeastern Asia today, while central climes will see a slight warm-up form previous days. The south will stay hot and humid, with eyes turned to the tropics, where a new disturbance promises to bring much-needed rain to portions of the Philippines over the next 7-10 days. Initially designed to work at small sizes and to withstand the effects of high speed presses and cheap paper, FF Meta dispenses with the nonessential stuff, leaving behind economically fit, generously spaced forms, deceptively simple in appearance, clean and cheery in comportment.Livein landlords are on the increase. On the surface, it might seem like a good arrangement for both parties, but dig a little deeper and tensions over communal areas and etiquette can quickly arise. “I’m allergic to cats, which results in a nasty reaction around my eyes, but when I was away, the cat had come into my room and sat on my pillow,” says Emma, who lived as a weekday lodger with a mother and daughter in Eastbourne while studying. “When I confronted the landlady, I was told ‘It’s the cat’s room.” Three years ago, arms experts spotted a single advanced Belgian rifle in the hands of militants in Gaza. But how had a group listed by the EU and the US as a terrorist organisation obtained the weapon? Arms expert Nic Jenzen-Jones and the BBC’s Thomas Martienssen tracked its journey. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (4 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 Quebec) Tufted Duck (2 Massachusetts, 2 Vermont) Flesh-footed Shearwater (1 Oregon) Brown Booby (2 California, 1 Texas) Kelp Gull (5 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (1 Texas) Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Rufous-backed
Robin (1 Arizona) Rufous-capped Warbler (1 Arizona, 2 Texas) Golden-crowned Warbler (2 Texas) Whitecollared Seedeater (1 Texas) Western Spindalis (8 Florida) From the time I studied communication at Mexico’s National University, I wanted to practice journalism, the kind that could “change the world.” At school, various professors, and even students younger than I was, used to tell me that as time passed I would lose the whole “change the world” thing. That in practice, things were different, and that journalism in Mexico was not only dangerous, but poorly paid. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. The convention w h i c h framed the Cons t it ut ion of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four were money-lenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a Constitution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man. The things that will destroy America are p r o s p e r i t y - a tany-price, peaceat-a ny-pr ice , safety-first instead of dutyfirst, the love of soft living, and the get-richquick theory of life. The vested interests - if we explain the situation by their influence - can only get the public to act as they wish by manipulating public opinion, by playing either upon the public’s indifference, confusions, prejudices, pugnacities or fears. And the only way in which the power of the interests can be undermined and their maneuvers defeated is by bringing home to the public the danger of its indifference, the absurdity of its prejudices, or the hollowness of its fears; by showing that it is indifferent to danger where real danger exists; frightened by dangers which are nonexistent. Heavy rain, mountain snow, continue across parts of western U.S. Heavy rain will continue across the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West as the next in a series of storms moves onshore. Snow will develop at the higher elevations across the Cascades and northern and central Rockies. Strong winds are also likely. Rain and snow will also spread into northern California and the northern Sierra. the Los Angeles Timescountered Obama’s claim that the no-fly list should be
used in background checks by pointing to the imprecision of the list and the fact that those on it have not been convicted of doing anything wrong.‚ Therefore, barring people on the list from buying guns is the equivalent of barring any American from exercising a constitutional right based on an allegation. The National Rifle Association is the nation’s oldest civil right organization whose strength lies in the grassroots support of our 5 million dues-paying members and tens-of-millions more who want their Second Amendment rights protected. The National Rifle Association is not to blame for the San Bernardino terrorist attack, or any other act of violence and neither are our Second Amendment freedoms. The American people understand that an act of evil unfolded in California. They know the government isn’t protect-
ing them. That is why Americans now, as much as ever, want to ensure they can exercise their Second Amendment freedoms to protect themselves and their families. At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also were on the terrorist watch list.‚ Back in August, we did an investigation-the inspector general did-of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,‚ Standing in front of this small, rural shrine in Kidani, southern Okayama, was an unusual torii. I saw another at the shrine in the middle of the village, and my guess is they were constructed to house lanterns for matsuri. It is an Okaz a k i Shrine, and as there were no information boards. I presume it is a branch of the famous Okazaki Shrine in Kyoto. As such it enshrines 3 main kami. We notice that one of your books is awaiting modif ications that will enable Premium Catalog distribution. Although the book listed below is available in the Smashwords Store, you want to achieve full Premium Catalog distribution to reach the most readers. 94% of our authors’ and publishers’ sales come from our retail distribution network which includes iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, OverDrive, Oyster and Baker & Taylor Axis 360. The following book or book update needs modification in order to reach Premium Catalog distribution. Please follow the link for instructions on how to quickly resolve any issues. Producing tequila and mezcal is a wasteful process: 500,000 tonnes of agave fiber are discarded annually in the production of the two beverages. But a project funded by Conafor is studying the prospects for turning that waste into paper and cardboard. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued an opinion rejecting the government’s attempt to hold an employee criminally liable under the federal hacking statute-the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA‚)-for violating his employer-imposed com-
puter use restrictions. The decision is important because it ensures that employers and website owners don’t have the power to criminalize a broad range of innocuous everyday behaviors, like checking personal email or the score of a baseball game, through simply adopting use restrictions in their corporate policies or terms of use. The court also ruled that the government cannot hold people criminally liable on the basis of purely fantastical statements they make online-i.e., thoughtcrime. The rise of Uber has convinced many pundits, economists, and policymakers that freelancing via digital platforms is becoming increasingly important to Americans’ livelihood. It has also promoted the idea that new technology-particularly the explosion of platforms enabling the gig economy-will fundamentally alter the future of work. Uber is frequently in the news, and digital-freelancing platforms garner a lot of attention, but evidence of an exploding gig economy is, as they say, showing up everywhere but the data. It seems like everyone is talking about the power of big data and how it is helping companies, governments, and organizations make better and more efficient decisions. But rarely do they mention that big data can actually perpetuate and exacerbate existing systems of racism, discrimination, and inequality. While we’re lead to believe that data doesn’t lie-and therefore, that algorithms that analyze the data can’t be prejudiced-that isn’t always true. The origin of the prejudice is not necessarily embedded in the algorithm itself: Rather, it is in the models used to process massive amounts of available data and the adaptive nature of the algorithm. As an adaptive algorithm is used, it can learn societal biases it observes. Greed for petroleum has produced plenty of war. War can be defined narrowly, as conflict between nations, or broadly, as large-scale violence in pursuit of gain. This is why so many see the climate movement as a peace movement -- especially after the recent massacres in Paris. In the fossil-fuel era, some oil corporations became powers equal to states, and some states became petroleum corporations in drag, and both were eager to fight horrific wars over resource control. The abuse of power and the destruction go all the way back to the early history of
the petroleum industry in particular (though coal and natural gas extraction and industries have plenty of ugly achievements of their own). Consider that the legitimately elected prime minister of Iran was deposed in a 1953 coup because he had nationalized the oil industry. BP wasn’t going to give up its profits without a fight, and the dirty fight was carried out by the United States and Britain. The Iran coup was just one of many interventions in the Middle East driven by oil. It’s not just war and foreign-backed coups -- even the current bout of terrorism can be largely traced back to oil policy. While the 2003 Iraq war is sometimes blamed for the rise of Isis, that invasion was justified as a response to al-Qaida’s 2001 attack on targets in the US and one of al-Qaida’s biggest objections was the US presence in Saudi Arabia before 9/11 -- which was also oil-related. I would encourage people to read the full announcement from the Ethnologue editor, from the link in the earlier post by Don Niles. The key take-away message from that for the large majority of us is “All users of the website will continue to have free access to a set number of language data pages each month.” The requirement for payment is directed more at researchers and institutions which make heavy use of the Ethnologue data, and which are likely to have access to resources to support their research. While it may be sad/unfortunate that this “(some) users pay” model has had to be instituted, it must be recognized that the agency that has built and supported Ethnologue all along is a faith-based NGO whose members are all volunteers, and in the absence of designated large corefunding donations from foundations etc., they have been forced to find some kind of income stream to keep the website active and sustainable. Note that if you exceed your monthly quota of pages, you don’t have to pay the $9.90 on a continuing basis, but a one-off payment will allow you full access to the website for just that month that you really need it, and after that you can revert to your free access to a limited number of pages per month. And note that it doesn’t count how many times you actually access one page, but just the number of different pages that you access over that month. I think they have done a good job of ensuring that users with lighter demands will still be able to access this valuable resource free of charge. We had a strong northeastern storm in Iceland yesterday. Two recordings were made, one indoors and the second one outdoors. Please have a look. English notes are on the web. After the initial period of explosive expansion and innovation in the arts of Japanese anime, manga, and gaming in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, a new era has arrived in which the effects of that massive emergence and expansion have begun to appear in, on, and around the surface of those arts, in the form of conflicts, ambiguities, controversies, disappointments, as well as stunning opportunities and innovation. 1) mission that includes or focuses on the business incubation of non-profit arts organizations, with practices that include: fiscal receivership of grants, bookkeeping, mentoring/coaching, etc. 2)a proven track record of incubating new artsbased projects and of receiving and accurately using public funding (city, county, state, or federal),3) a current annual operating budget of $800,000 or greater, such that the agency would/could be able to float
$200,000 of expenses when government financing is anticipated or delayed as reimbursement monies, 5) practical knowledge of posting financial and community-outcome statistics within the California Cultural Data Project, an online platform to archive investments in arts and metric outcomes (i.e. dollars earned/contributed, dollars spent, number of people served, etc.). If you represent or can nominate a agency which meets these four criteria and is headquartered in the County of Los Angeles, please email your response tojoe.smoke@lacity.org. Cemex Drops Mining Activity and Continues Production in Settlements After a decade of aggregates mining in the occupied Palestinian territory, Cemex sold its share in the Yatir quarry. However, Cemex factories in the settlement industrial zones of Mevo Horon, Atarot, Mishor Adumim and Katzrin continue to operate as usual. In August 2015, Veolia Environnement’s subsidiary, Transdev, sold all of its holdings in the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) to a group of Israeli investors. The approval of the deal by the Israeli authorities marked the end of Veolia’s operations in the Israeli market in general, and its involvement in the controversial JLR project in particular. If they become law, international treaties like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP), TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trade-in-Services Agreement (TISA) will fundamentally alter the global economy and global governance in a way that further empowers transnational corporations while decreasing the power of nation-states and people. These treaties will create a permanent path that makes corporate profit more important than the needs of people and protection of the planet. They will drive a global race to the bottom in wages and worker rights, food safety, internet freedom, access to health care, protection of the environment and more. It is up to us to organize and build power to stop the race to the bottom in its tracks! The Buycott is a tactic that people all over the world can use. It is not only a form of resistance, of non-cooperation, but it is also a way to create the necessary alternative trade that lifts communities up and protects the planet as a first priority. Even as you take your first first few steps inside the climate summit in Paris, it’s easy to get a bad feeling about things. First, you notice that there are nearly 200 concrete pillars lined up in rows in front the center, each wrapped in flags of the world’s nations. You wander among them, realizing many of the pillars are taller than the Island Nations they represent, wondering who will be the first to be wiped out by the scythes of rising seas and maddening cyclones. A new campaign spearheaded by global advocacy organization Avaaz targets seven fossil fuel lobbyists and climate change skeptics who are in Paris for the COP21 climate conference. Avaaz, which organized hundreds of thousands of people across the globe to march in favor of a strong climate agreement, posted more than 1,000 wanted posters near some of the city’s top hotels on Monday morning to catch the eyes of influential conference attendees. Avaaz volunteers also passed out flyers featuring the lobbyists’ photos at metro stations near the conference.To fight poverty and boost its own economy, Finland is planning to issue a check for $876 to every citizen, every month. The concept is called basic income, and the Finnish government is getting closer to finalizing its implementation this month. The Finnish Social Insurance Institution (KELA) is drafting the plan to pay every one of its 5.4 million people $876 per month, tax-free, which would replace social support programs, such as welfare and unemployment benefits. Though a proposal from KELA isn’t expected until November 2016, a pilot stage is currently planned prior to full implementation of the program.Several people have locked themselves to infrastructure of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline this morning, Dec 7, near where it crosses the Ontario - Qubec border in the municipality of St-Justine-de-Newton. This action has caused Enbridge to stop the flow of oil as of now. The 40-year old pipeline recently got final approval from the National Energy Board (NEB) to have its flow reversed, and has begun moving heavy western oils from west to east, it has been reported. There has been strong opposition along the line for a variety of reasons, including Line 9’s role in tar sands expansion and climate change.
“This is where the first bullet grazed me,” says Vidal Leiva, pointing to the side of his face. Shot three times outside his home on Nov. 27, the Garifuna community leader survived and is now recovering from the gunshot wounds to his torso. However, since the attack, members of Leiva’s family and of the Land Defense Committee he heads report receiving threats. Sitting up carefully, Leiva lifts his shirt. On his right shoulder, front, and back, stitches mark bullet entry and exit points. A bandage covers the middle of Leiva’s abdomen, where a bullet pierced internal organs before exiting through his back. A group of teachers stayed h o m e from work Tu e s d a y in protest of longs t a nd i n g state control over Detroit Public Schools, forcing the closure of three schools with their “sick-out” action. The teachers said they stayed home due to “Snyder flu,” gathering with students for a brief demonstration against ongoing emergency management outside the Detroit School of Arts on Tuesday afternoon. State-appointed emergency managers have run the district since 2009, leaving the elected school board with little power, particularly after the passage of laws streng thening Michigan’s financial emergency law in 2011 and 2012. The Chicago flag is iconic. Four red stars symbolizing key events in the city’s history are surrounded by blue bars for the Chicago River. A riff on the flag was created last year by the campaign that fueled the Reparations Ordinance for Police Torture Survivors - a radical document that outlines a path toward healing for those who survived torture under the direction of former Chicago police commander Jon Burge. The activist logo includes a fifth star, only in outline, to mark the Chicago Police Department’s reign of terror - including beatings and electrocution against hundreds of black men from 1978-91. Only with official recognition of the torture and with restitution can that final star be made red. For the last 25 years, people from all over the U.S. have converged at the gates of the Fort Benning U.S. Army base in Georgia. They come with thousands of crosses inscribed with different names, many of them children and elderly, each memorializing a death at the hands of right-wing governments in Latin America in the second half of the 20th century. It was an era of fascistic political repression, where it didn’t matter if you were an un-
armed university student or a peasant with a rifle. Anyone who questioned those in power was butchered. Largely hidden from the American public, several high-profile incidents in El Salvador in 1980 turned a spotlight on unparalleled political violence. What’s a transnational, industrial-scale maker of flavor-light, marketing-heavy brews to do? The answer: Offer sweet incentives for distributors who agree to push more InBev brands-and to stop selling popular craft brews. If you think it’s impossible for a demagogue to seize control and destroy American democracy, think again. Trump’s hate-filled call for banning Muslims from entering the U.S. appeals to many angry and scared Americans. A stunt is an unconventional act requiring particular skills,
often performed by people in extreme or difficult situations. The idea of political stunts as an artistic and activist practice means to generate criticism by “perfoming the machine” which we want to fight - a strategy adopted by many hackers and artists in the past decades of network development. Today, in the era of big data and in the context of increasingly surveillance of corporations and government agencies, asymmetries in society become even more evident. How to respond in a proactive and constructive way to the threat of being tracked during our online (and offline) moves? And most of all, which kind or artistic responses can we imagine, if we want to maintain a playful and disruptive approach? Artists, hackers, hoaxers, mythmakers, storytellers and disrupters meet to discuss how to challenge powerful systems from within, turning around the idea of ?opposition? into the one of creating distributed, playful and disruptive i nter ventions. In the artistic and activist contex ts, the concept of pol i t ic a l stunts goes along with the act of exposing control mechanisms that can affect institutions and media corporations. To reveal social injustices or misconducts by corporations and governments from within becomes an artistic strategy. This event proposes both to expose and to dissipate this tension through a network of multiple, distributed, playful and disruptive tactics to intrude into the inaccessible world of corporations and government agencies. The goal is to make people aware of such mechanisms, opening up a critical perspective and a common debate by generating unpredictable feedback and unexpected reactions. Rumors of pie wielding assassins and a cryptic invitation to explore the miasmal underbelly of the urban landscape seen in a hippy free university calendar in 1977, was enough to enflame the curiosity of seventeen-year old John Law. A subsequent initiation into the secretive Suicide Club propelled Law into a thirty-eight year ?career? amidst the hidden world of pranks, urban exploration, counter culture, ?Culture Jamming? and creative mayhem. Mustafa Al-Bassam (alias Tflow, former core member, LulzSec, UK) Mustafa is an undergraduate at King’s College London in Computer Science. He gained noto-
riety in 2011 for being a part of LulzSec, a computer hacking group responsible a number of high profile attacks. As a result, he was legally banned from the Internet for almost two years as a condition of his bail. Mustafa has worked with Privacy International to analyse the destruction of computer equipment ordered by GCHQ, that held top secret material leaked from the NSA and GCHQ. He was portrayed as one of the main characters in “Teh Internet is Serious Business”, a play by the Royal Court Theatre telling a story about Internet culture. Concerned about mass and corporate surveillance, he has advised human rights defenders around the world on protecting their data and communicating securely online. During the Jasmine Revolution he created a tool for Tunisian dissidents to defend themselves against government malware. In this hour-long webinar Erik will share 5 key lessons learned from the past ten years of building his company, Permaculture Artisans, which is now one of the most successful design-build permaculture landscape contracting companies in the United States. The knowledge Erik will share isn’t theory it’s practical, persona l and rooted in real world experience. ISIS is using social media for propaganda and recruitment, and in the wake of deadly shootings in Paris last month and California last week, politicians have put a spotlight on what tech companies can do to aid law enforcement in investigating terrorists. Among their proposals is legislation that would force Facebook and Twitter to report online terrorist activity to federal authorities. We need a plan for how to adapt the workforce after we give all the jobs to robots. Maybe it’s more simple than it seems. The German sportswear giant makes a major robot-powered leap in design and production techniques. Over 900 People Have Been Shot Dead By Police This Year. Let’s Talk About It, This Australian Says He And His Dead Friend Invented Bitcoin, Like Having A Personal Style Butler (In A Box), The Panama Canal Is Changing Everything (Again), The Birth Of Modern Marriage On The American Frontier, How Passports Reveal Our Indifference To Refugees The House of Representatives voted Tuesday to strengthen control of a visa-waiver program for citizens of 38 na-
tions who are allowed to enter the U.S. without obtaining a visa. The bill would prevent any visitors from the 38 participating countries and who have visited Iraq, Iran, Syria, or the Sudan in the past five years from entering the country without a visa. The measure, which is part of a national response to the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, would also require countries in the visa-waiver program to share information with the U.S. about suspected terrorists. The legislation is expected to clear the Senate and become law by the end of the year. Australian police raided the home of a tech entrepreneur Wednesday just hours after two media reports identified him as one of the alleged developers of the digital currency bitcoin. Wired and Gizmodo reported that Craig Wright is believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym for the founder of the cryptocurrency, citing leaked transcripts of legal interviews and files. The Australian Federal Police said in a statement the raids were unrelated to the bitcoin claims. Reuters reported police were also searching Wright’s office. Wright is involved in a number of tech enterprises in Australia, company records show. Each year, a diverse group of participants gather in Rochester, NY for a graduate conference held by the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies. This conference aims to foster an environment of interdisciplinary communication, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. We take geography to be the practice and process of mapping bodies, spaces, and experiences. In particular, we hope to inspire questions concerning the interruptions of such geographies, especially those relating to gender and sexuality. Such questions might include, but are not limited to: How does social, bodily, and geographical mobility complicate the mapping of spaces and bodies? How do media forms constitute counter-geographies? Does sharing a photo of a fallen Syrian refugee on one’s Facebook timeline intervene in a meaningful way? In what ways are sexed and/or sexualized bodies mapped into conceptions of (trans)nationality? How might race and class interrupt and problematize feminist and queer geography? What are the affective ramifications of contemporary or historical forms of segregation? How do gendered perceptions of bodies in pain affect medical treatment or scales of pain? How does web mapping (e.g. Google Maps) reproduce or resist the gendered, classed, and racial power dynamics of prior methods of mapping? What are the gendered biases of computer coding languages? A newly updated Department of Defense publication affirms the importance of public outreach, not simply as a gesture towards democratic governance, but also as an instrument of operational utility. “The US military has an obligation to communicate with its members and the US public, and it is in the national interest to communicate with international publics,” the DoD doctrinal publication said. “The proactive release of accurate information to domestic and international audiences puts joint operations in context, facilitates informed perceptions about military operations, undermines adversarial propaganda, and helps achieve national, strategic, and operational objectives.” See Public Affairs, Joint Publication (JP) 3-61, Joint Staff, November 17, 2015. The public affairs function described in the new publication encompasses most interactions between the Department and
the public. It includes all the various ways that the Pentagon tells its own story to the world. Concerns have been raised about the ability of terrorists to enter the United States under the VWP, because those entering under the VWP undergo a biographic rather than a biometric (i.e., fingerprint) security screening, and do not need to interview with a U.S. government official before embarking to the United States,” a newly updated report from the Congressional Research Service observes. “Nonetheless, it can be argued that the VWP strengthens national security because it sets standards for travel documents, requires information sharing between the member countries and the United States on criminal and security concerns, and mandates reporting of lost and stolen travel documents. In addition, most VWP travelers have to present e-passports (i.e., passports with a data chip containing biometric information), which tend to be more difficult to alter than other types of passports,” CRS wrote. See Visa Waiver Program, updated December 4, 2015. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (1 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 Quebec) Tufted Duck (1 Massachusetts, 1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Brown Booby (2 California, 1 Florida) Brown Booby (Brewster’s) (1 Oregon) Kelp Gull (8 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (2 Texas) Yellow-green Vireo (1 Texas) Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Arizona) Golden-crowned Warbler (1 Texas) White-collared Seedeater (2 Texas) Western Spindalis (9 Florida) If you’re like most creative firms, you spend more time managing projects than you do on creative work. Get your time back with the proven timesheets and project tracking system that has helped thousands of creatives do more with their limited time. Success Ingredients: 1 part Dedication 1 part Great People 1 part Creative Genius (regular creativity works if your local grocer is out of genius.) 1 part Attention to Detail 1 part Coffee (substitute Red Bull, Soy latte, herbal tea or whiskey to taste.) Directions: Bring great people together with dedication. Let them marinate in coffee (or liquid of choice). Pre-heat the office to 68 degrees, fold in creative genius and let the ideas fly. Stay on top of everything while keeping the quality top notch using Attention to Detail and TimeFox software. Let stand then deliver to clients on time and on budget. Founded in 2008, the International Conference on the Inclusive Museum brings together a community of museum practitioners, researchers, and thinkers. The key question addressed by the conference: How can the institution of the museum become more inclusive? In this time of fundamental social change, what is the role of the museum, both as a creature of that change, and perhaps also as an agent of change? We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. For more information regarding the conference, use the links below to explore our conference website. When it comes to service and security, you can count on us to be there when you need us, to help keep your account safe, and to provide the personalized service you deserve. We’re helping to protect your account - Actively monitoring for fraud and sending automatic alerts.π We’ve got you covered - Get reimbursed for 100% of fraud losses due to unauthorized use of your account.≤ We’re available 24/7 - Just press zero and talk with one of our U.S.-based customer service representatives. You pick your payment date - Make it work with your schedule and budget.≥ 1 If you haven’t already provided us with your mobile phone number, please provide it by calling the number on the back of your card so we can automatically contact you. For text messages, you may be charged access fees by your carrier, dependent on your personal plan. Check with your carrier for details on specific fees and charges. 2 U.S. Bank provides zero fraud liability for unaut h o r i z e d transactions. Cardholder must notify U.S. Bank promptly of any unauthorized use. Certain conditions and limitations may apply. 3 Not all payment due dates may be available. Please call for further information. Online since 1996, Rhizome supports contemporary art that creates richer and more critical digital cultures. And we approach our 20th anniversary with a newly relaunched website and an exciting program of online exhibitions, commissions, public events, and digital pres-
ervation efforts planned for 2016. These ambitions depend on the generosity of our supporters. So, consider a tax-deductible end-of-year gift of $45, $60, or whatever you can give ‚^¿^” your contribution will directly impact our ability to meet our mission in 2016 and beyond. In these times of war and elections, we need a media not sponsored by corporations that profit from war, but a media that’s truly independent. An interesting-looking parcel arrived today. Of course, I won’t open it until Christmas. Thank you, Dad We’ve recently collaborated with our longtime security partner, SiteLock, to help you -- our valued customer -add even more protection to your web presence! We b s i t e security is s o m e thing we take very seriously at HostGator. For that reason, as part of your hosting package we’ll be including a basic malware scan for your domains that don’t currently have SiteLock, free of charge. This scan will identify known malware and acts as a simple “alarm system” by sending you an email alert as soon as something malicious has been detected, giving you time to react prior to being blacklisted by search engines. To provide more information on this scan, and to address any concerns you may have about its legitimacy, we’ve created this article, which offers additional details. For other ways to secure your website, please feel free to reach out to our trusted security advisors at 877563-2849 today. The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs. Self-conceit often regards it as a sign of weakness to admit that a belief to which we have once committed ourselves is wrong. We get so identified with an idea that it is literally a “pet” notion and we rise to its defense and stop our eyes and ears to anything different. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don’t like to make waves-or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature. Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be
safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn. To really make the U.S. safe from Middle East terrorism, Washington will have to dump Israel, play hardball with Saudi Arabia, and swear off the regime-change policy . Three instruments called airbeams are installed outside the entrance of the museum to take in air samples and analyze the amount of particulates in the surrounding air. They generate data that is then converted to imagery and animation by a custom computer program and sent to the media facade of the museum, where it is visualized in in bursts of bright color over a constant background of falling
blue light. Increasing frequency and size of the spots of color indicates a greater concentration of particles. The visualization updates with new particulate data every 15 seconds. Make a donation to Neighborhood Houseon December 10 through the Give!Guide and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win an 80-person Salt & Straw Ice Cream party at Pips & Bounce Ping Pong Bar for you and your friends. Donations of essential items such as toiletries, hygiene supplies, household items and gift cards will help struggling neighbors this season. Visit our website for a complete list of most needed items. For more information, email us at volunteers@ nhweb.org or call (503) 246-1663 x2118. As decided in 2011 in Durban, the COP21 term of reference is to reach a global agreement allowing to stabilize the average global temperature below +2C by 2100. After one week of negotiations, everything indicates that COP21 negotiators are failing to answer this essentia l term of reference. Conversely, the country g r e e n house gas em i ssions re duc t ion pledges would induce an average global temperature increase of 3C, which would irreversibly drive us into climate chaos. The lack of legally binding commitments on global greenhouse gas emission reduc tion pledges between 2015 and 2020 in the draft agreement confirms that COP21 will lead to a global temperature increase higher than 2C. The leaders of the world, namely from the Northern countries that are historically responsible of the climate crisis, are not equal to the ambition we need to espouse to tackle the current climate challenge. However, climatologists tell us that we have only a few years left to act on climate change to prevent climate chaos. Thank you for contacting Common Ground Publishing. This is an automatic response to your email regarding Re: Call for Papers: The Inclusive Museum Conference, 16-19 September, Cincinnati, USA‚ a summary of which appears below. Our support staff will respond to your request in the order it was received during our normal business hours, Monday through Friday. Thank you for your patience. Your request number is [Support 449733]. You may update your request by responding to this email; please be sure to retain the [Sup-
port 449733] in the subject line on all further correspondence. The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) offers online and faceto-face courses on Multilateral Diplomacy. These courses are targeted to diplomats and government officials who are involved in inter- gove r n m e n t a l negotiations, and professionals who are working in an international environment. We offer fellowships and discounted fees for group bookings. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance. The future risks associated with these drivers, according to IPCC, include loss of adaptive capacity and damages to ecosystem services critical to lives and livelihoods in small islands. In addition, sea-level rise are mentioned as posing one of the most widely recognized climate change threats to low-lying coastal areas on islands and atolls. Furthermore, given the dependence of island communities on coral reef ecosystems for a range of services including coastal protection, subsistence fisheries and tourism, there is high confidence that coral reef ecosystem degradation will negatively impact island communities and livelihoods. Given the inherent physica l characteristics of small isla nd s , AR5 recon f i r ms the high level of vulnerability of small islands to multiple stressors, both climate and non-climate. These elements illustrate the fact that, in addition to the necessary measures in the field of environmental mitigation, adaptation approaches are urgently needed. The above state of affairs illustrates the need for a better understanding of how climate change affects the Pacific region, and for the identification of processes, methods and tools which may help the countries in the region to adapt. There is also a perceived need to showcase successful examples of how to cope with the social, economic and political problems posed by climate change in Pacific countries. Today, Toronto, Ontario became the 100th community to pass a Blue Dot municipal environmental rights declaration - a significant step towards ensuring that all levels of government recognize your right to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat safe food and have a say in the decisions that affect your health and well-being. OK, thanks again. The hotel in which Edna and I visit for
Christmas dinner has been sold to Doubletree. I phoned to confirm the reservations and got some U.S. Answering service. No reservation. I drove downtown and checked in person and found everything was okay. Edna would have been very disappointed. Nancy Springer brought me a serving of meat lasagna this morning. Enjoyed it very much for dinner. Will the senior centre serve Christmas dinner? What are your plans? Heavy rain will move into northern California as a series of storms moves across the area. Heavy snow and strong winds will cause hazardous travel over the mountain passes of the Sierra. Snow will also spread into the Great Basin and northern Rockies. Another weather system will bring a mix of snow and rain to the northern Plains and Great Lake States. A 68-year old clerk was working at Towson Wine & Spirits in Towson, Md. when two men entered and attempted to rob the store. One of the thieves drew a gun and pointed it at the clerk, who responded by retrieving a handgun from a drawer and shooting the criminal. The robbers fled the scene, but the wounded criminal collapsed and died just outside the store. As we start to head into the end of the work week, we find a complicated weather scenario across much of Asia, with cold air and wintry conditions to the north, milder and wetter conditions in the middle, and summertime heat in the south. As usual, this year the disinformation by the opposition media has been intense. The opposition’s main campaigning was through local and international media and social media, with very little street campaigning. Overall though, this loss, while it is a big step back for the progressive cause, it isn’t the end of the line. The global struggle for a world that puts people and planet first, for a democratically controlled economy and so on, is a long term one with many ups and downs, defeats and victories. I have an itinerary I follow every day. I’m not supposed to stray from it, and I don’t. We’re not allowed to go in stores. We’re not supposed to go in Dunkin Donuts and get a coffee or nothing like that. You go straight to work and come back. There are things I can’t do. I can’t even strike up a conversation with a woman that I see that I’m attracted to. I can, but I don’t want to, because I’m still in prison. Last night, there’s a woman sitting there with her computer-everybody brings computers into Panera Bread. I don’t have a cell phone so I couldn’t give my number, and I don’t have an address yet. I wonder how I’ll be accepted outside. When they find out where I’m from, and my past. I have that blemish on me. Once a prisoner, that’s there forever. No matter what you do, no matter how good you do. It’s just always there. I don’t know if my lifetime parole is going to be a battle with the parole officer. I’ve heard horror stories. Some people had parole officers that were all over them all the time. So I’m going out there after all these years and I really don’t know what to expect. Framing free speech and political correctness as opposing forces is a false dichotomy intended to derail uncomfortable but necessary conversations, a smokescreen ginned up by the ethically lazy. The fact is, political correctness doesn’t hinder free speech‚ it expands it. But for marginalised groups, rather than the status quo. It would outright ban offshore drilling, ban Arctic drilling, block natural gas exports, stop attempts to lift a decades-old ban on crude oil exports, support states try-
ing to ban natural gas fracking, and ban mountaintop removal coal mining. Why So Many People Flee Honduras and Guatemala, Decade After Decade After 21 years with Rights Action, I continue to be moved by the courage, tenderness and tenacity of people across Guatemala and Honduras (in Mexico, and elsewhere in the Americas) who keep on working and struggling in their home communities, and nationally and globally, in defense of community well-being, the environment and human rights for all. These are hard struggles, indeed, in these two countries, in our so unjust, unequal and interconnected human community, on this our only planet. Murder, Repression, Impunity and (now) Corruption Capitals of the Americas For years, Guatemala and Honduras have been known as murder, repression and impunity capitals of the Americas. In 2015, government corruption scandals rocked both countries. Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina and Vice-President Baldetti have been forced from office and are in jail pending charges of heading a corruption network -- La Linea -- that stole over $120,000,000 in public funds. Honduran President Orlando Hernandez is linked to a corruption network that stole over $300,000,000 in public sector funds. To date, he remains in office, as do most of the officials that profited from the crime network -- the same elite sectors that carried out the 2009 military coup. Forced Migration Endemic exploitation and repression, impunity and corruption are the conditions that force tens of thousands of people to flee, decade after decade, and try to enter the United States. Close to ten million forced migrants reside in legal limbo in the U.S; many of the thousands who have been deported back to Honduras and Guatemala, have been killed (!) upon arriving back in the places and conditions they had fled from. Courage, Tenderness, Tenacity Despite such violent and unjust living conditions, hundreds of thousands of people have been regularly marching in the streets, in both countries, demanding justice for the corruption, repression and impunity networks, demanding fundamental reforms to how their governments and societies operate. Along with like-minded groups across Canada and the U.S., Rights Action is asking when will the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and all pension funds and private investment funds, implement enforceable human rights, environmental and health standards in their investment criteria, and thus be obliged to stop investing in companies that are operating in harmful, exploitative, repressive countries and conditions? This panel congregates papers that explore forms of understanding, experiencing, and producing the atmosphere that do not replicate those often seen in the central Western debates and in mainstream global media. The ways through which different peoples and cultural traditions “make” climate, and what they make of climate, varies tremendously around the planet. Understanding these forms of engagement with the atmosphere may make explicit many of the presuppositions that ground Western atmospheric imaginaries but remain invisible. Secondly, it may illuminate the complexities of how climate change is perceived and lived at the ground level, and how action in such “local” scale interacts with efforts in tackling the issue at larger scales. And third, it may offer new ideas, metaphors, and sources of inspiration for the urgent collective task of producing a future that differs from scientifically predicted worst-case scenarios, in face of the exhaustion of both state-centered and market-driven approaches to the crisis. Case studies range from the discussion of the reasons countries like Brazil are developing “national” computer models to predict the global climate, to the context in which governors asked people to pray for rain during the ongoing drought in Southwest United States, to the employment of shamanistic rituals to produce dry weather for Bogota’s International Theater Festival, to discussions on how indigenous peoples around the planet understand (and react to) the issue of geoengineering, and so on. I’m a banker and I want us to discuss about a project that will be of benefit to the both of us. You will get 40% of the fund and 60% for me. Reply for details. James Electronic media exemplifies the dual meaning of revolution: to always create new while returning to the old. In this dynamic, where multiple centers and margins compete for attention, and borders
to be transgressed are shifting, paradigms and practices must be replaced, repackaged and re-appropriated to keep up with the parallel evolutions in art, creativity, culture, society, and politics. In Paris on Monday, a panel of activists, including author Naomi Klein and UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, spoke to a packed crowd on the role of the global labor sector in the climate justice movement and called for mass civil disobedience to break French President Francois Hollande’s ban on demonstrations during the COP21 summit. Klein spoke candidly about the global climate agreement being hammered out by world leaders t h i s month, stating, “The deal that will be unveiled in less than a week will not be enough to keep us safe. In fact, it will be extraordinarily dangerous.” In the climate talks blue zone‚ in the Parisian district of Le Bourget, are the governments, their advisers and lawyers, big business and the financiers. Facebook has a stall, along with UN agencies and scientific bodies. But the world’s 4 billion small farmers, fishermen and women, indigenous peoples, hunters and gatherers, rural workers, pastoralists, and young people on the frontline of climate change, inhabit the green zone‚ beyond the fence where the decision-makers do not go. A surge of indigenous and allied resistance is challenging pipelines, logging, mining, and development in BC and across western Canada. This list is compiled to keep track of current, ongoing, and flying blockades. Injunction and arrests at Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island: Community residents, including indigenous people, are rallying to protect their water. The Shawnigan Residents Association is seeking an injunction to shut down toxic soil dumping in their drinking watershed. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau laid out his plan to reset Canada’s relationship with its indigenous people during his address to a group of First Nations leaders in Gatineau, Que. “It is time for a renewed, nation-to-nation relationship with First Nations peoples, one that understands that the constitutionally guaranteed rights of First Nations in Canada are not an inconvenience but rather a sacred obligation,” said Trudeau to loud applause from First Nations chiefs this morning. Tens of thousands of protesters in South Korea have held a mass rally against a raft of government policies that they say weaken democracy. The protest
was big, rowdy and attended by a wide cross section of people but there was no repeat of violence which marred a similar rally last month. About 18,000 police were deployed in the capital, Seoul. Protesters oppose plans including changes to labour laws and greater controls over history textbooks. The Filipino people are under attack. The Lumad, for example - an indigenous group in the southern Philippines - are being forced to leave their ancestral lands and the source of their livelihood to make way for mining operations and land conversion. Resistance is deadly. In the month of August alone, there were two massacres that left nine dead. On August 30, the army and paramilitary forces occupied the Alternative Learning Center for Agriculture and Livelihood De-
velopment, an award winning school for indigenous youth. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Thursday that his country has developed a hydrogen bomb. Kim reportedly said his grandfather turned [North Korea] into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant [atomic] bomb and [hydrogen] bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation, during a tour of the Phyongchon Revolutiona r y Site. The hydrogen bomb has a stronger blast than the atomic bomb, but experts are skeptical of North Korea’s claims. A man in Iraq landed a $6.4 million Megabucks jackpot in Oregon after he purchased a ticket through an online service, The Oregonian reported Wednesday. The Iraqi Kurd, whose name is not being released, lives in Baghdad and bought the ticket through the website theLotter.com, which charges a fee to send people to buy lottery tickets for customers. The ticket was reportedly purchased in Bend, Oregon, on Aug. 24, and the man traveled to the lottery headquarters in Salem on Dec. 1 to claim the prize. Above all, we gratefully acknowledge and thank the contributing artists, without whom this event would not be possible: Tatyana Abel, Robert Achtemichuk, Peter Adams, Darla Anderson, John Anderson, Paul Archer, Mary Lynne Atkinson, Walter Bachinski, Brian Barrer, Susan Belcher, Marilyn Black, Carolyn Boyer, Rachel Bradbury, Pauline Bradshaw, Marlene Bulas, Jane Burns, Keith Butler, Sheila Butler, Siobhan Byrne, Tony Calzetta, Nadine Carr, Annie Churchill, Jennifer (Moore) Churchill, Allyson Clay, Evan Cooke, Aylan Couchie, Allan M. Craig, David Craven, Stephen Cruise, Teresa Cullen, Cathy Daley, Laura Dawe, Melanie Delamorandiere, Karl Denny, Janet Donaghey, Bonnie Dorgelo, Joseph Drapell, Dave Duguay, Tyler Durbano, Katelyn Espie, Beth Evans, Gary Evans, Nicolo Gallo, Sandra Gow, Cathy Griggs, Ingi Gould, John Gould, Sadko Hadzihasanovic, Donna Harradine, Pat Hart, John Hartman, Katharine Harvey, Sarah Hawley, Roy Hickling, Mark Hope, Denis Hopkins, Ian James Hopkins, Susan Hopkinson, Sherryl Hopper, Jon Houghton, Fred Hummel, Leonora Husveti-Frenette, Ruth Irvine, Deborah Jolly, Janet Jones, Gita Karklins, Ila Anne
Kellerman, Nancy Kembry, Roger Kerslake, Michael Kilburn, Jennifer Klementti, Mara Korkola, Tyler Kueper, Maja Kulenovic, Joan LeBoeuf, Karen Lediard, Chantal SDC-Leduc, Norma Lee, Lee-Ann LeMesurier, John Lennard, Colleen LeRue, Joanne Lomas, Beryl Loney, Jeanette Luchese, Sharon MacKinnon, Lorraine Maher, Virginia Mak, Robert Marchessault, Sarah Martin, Jack McAdam, Trevor Craig McDonnell, Joanna McEwen, Barbara McGuey, Claudia Mandler McKnight, Charles Meanwell, David Merritt, Hazel Meyer, Peter Michalski, Peter Miehm, Sue A. Miller, Vallery Mokrytzki, Laura Moore, Marlene Hilton Moore, Teresa Moore, Elaine Morton, Libby Mourant, Par Nair, E. Annette Nieukerk, Jan Novak, Lawrence Oakley, Jon Oelrichs, Stu Oxley, Margaret Ann Paradis, Meaghan Paterson, Beverly Pearl, Angela Plesa, Jill Price, Rod Prouse, Michael Rae, Hayley Ramsey, Janet Read, Jordan Renee, Dominique Rey, Kevin Roach, Ashley Robinson, Milena Roglic, Katherine Ross, Scott Rowe, Maria Denise Ruby, Hala Saab, Jonat ha n Sadowski, Ta m a r a Scearce, Ron Shuebrook, Prudence Smith, Ryan A. Sobkovich, M.E. Sparks, Eileen Sweeney, Amy Switzer, Alice Teichert, Stephanie Templeton, Frances Thomas, Kyle Thornley, Meghan Thorpe, Julie Voyce, Melissa Wakefield, Jeanne Wallace, Anna Watson, Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky, Leesa Westwood, Karen Wild, Ceilidh Williams, Regina Williams, Kate Wilson, Gillian Winter, Olexander Wlasenko, and Don Wright. The so-called Classical Age‚ of the XVII Century modern Philosophy discussed important topics related to the notion of the virtual in connection to the explanation of the representational knowledge of the empirical reality. Memory and Imagination were accessed as functional faculties in the association of impressions and ideas (Hobbes, Locke, and Hume), but due to the importance of the representational content of the consciousness occurred a reduction of the stream of consciousness to the linguistic contents of knowledge according to the indicative phrase. As a consequence, the virtual became a realm of shadows. Explorations and descriptions of such field inspired the
modern literature, and Psychoanalysis is an heir of the interest provoked by this still unfamiliar other side of the mind. The virtuality of memory was subsequently associated with the unconscious but also with the meaning of latency in Charcot, Janet and Freud’s ideas about the psychic systems of their patients and through their therapeutic techniques. The Ethiopian government has warned that about 10.2 million people - a tenth of the population - will need emergency food aid by January because of the worst drought experienced by the country in decades. 95 percent of electricity in Uruguay comes from renewable sources. After implementing a new energy strategy in 2008, Uruguay officially generates 95 percent of the country’s electricity from renewable sources including wind turbines, hydropower, solar power, and biomass. A mass grave containing at least 12 fresh corpses has been discovered in north-east Kenya’s Mandera County, raising new accusations of extrajudicial killings being carried out by the country’s security forces against ethnic Somalis. Gray wolves are mounting a comeback in several northern states-and are causing tension about their future. Gray wolves are making a big enough population comeback that some researchers are calling for them to be taken off the federal Endangered Species List. But some tribal nations oppose the measure. The most feared bomber plane of the 20th Century is still going strong after 60 years in service in the US military - from Vietnam to Afghanistan. And it will keep on flying until 2044. How does this 1950s behemoth survive in the era of drones and stealth aircraft? Thank everyone who came to my son and I assistance after a traumatic accident where I tried to slow down for a deer and my breakes caught, a flaw in the truck that was never that bad, and we spun around and hit a hydro pole. It happened so fast and we hit so hard that it is a miracle we walked out of it with nothing more than some sore muscles. The following couple of days have shown a little more soreness in the neck but nothing to stress about. The MASTER OF DESIGN (MDes) is an interdisciplinary, one-year, 42-credit program that prepares students for leading and defining positions in forward-looking careers in developing and expanding design domains. Over the course of three consecutive semesters, beginning in May of every year, students pursue practice-led design research, explorations of process, applications of theory, and scholarly writing. In a series of studio and theory courses, and in their thesis projects, students are encouraged to look beyond conventional strategies to formulate new and critical responses to social design oppor tunities. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the Program, the MDes welcomes students with diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. By working in a multidisciplinary studio environment, and in multidisciplinary teams, students gain experience in thinking and working with others who bring an international point of view to design and its globally-extended opportunities for creative endeavours outside traditional design areas. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (5 Connecticut) Tufted Duck (3 California, 1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Masked Booby (2 Florida) Brown Booby (3 California, 1 Florida) Northern Jacana (1 Texas) Kelp Gull (11 Ohio) Kelp Gull (dominicanus) (1 Ohio) Ruddy GroundDove (1 Arizona) Black-capped