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battling Al-Qaeda and Taliban-linked militants for over


a decade. ohammed Tariq Mahmood, from Walthamstow, London, was preparing to board a flight with his brother and nine of their children on December 15, but officials from US Homeland Security stopped them as they queued in the departure lounge at Gatwick Airport. Mahmood said no reason was given as to why they could not board the flight, despite their clearance to travel under the Visa Waiver program, which authorizes travel to the US for up to 90 days without a visa. 1950s U.S. Nuclear Target List Offers Chilling Insight : It lists many targets for “systematic destruction” in major cities, including 179 in Moscow, 145 in Leningrad and 91 in East Berlin. The targets are referred to as DGZs or “designated ground zeros.” While many are industrial facilities, government buildings and the like, one for each city is simply designated “Population.” Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account, according to a new survey of more than 5,000 adults conducted this month by Google Consumer Survey The World War II-era document, called Simple Sabotage Field Manual, outlines ways in which operatives can disrupt and demoralize enemy administrators and police forces. The first section of the document, which can be read in its entiretyhere, addresses Organizations and Conferences‚ - and how to turn them into a dysfunctional mess. Insist on doing everything through channels.‚ Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions. Make speeches.‚ Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your points‚ by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Raids and deportations that would target hundreds of families who fled to the United States from Central America in 2015 are being planned by the Department of Homeland Security. The operation will be handled by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents next month and will reportedly be the largest nationwide effort to deport families who have fled violence in that region. The Post reported that more than 100,000 families have made the journey in the past year. Adults and children whose removal has already been ordered by an immig ration judge will allegedly be detained wherever they are found and immediately deported. At least seven people were killed Wednesday in a deadly storm system that swept across the South and Midwest. Several tornadoes touched down in Indiana and Mississippi, where three people were killed. Two more people died in Tennessee in the unseasonably warm storm weather, while a tree blew over onto to a house in Arkansas and killed an 18-year-old woman. Rescuers also pulled a 1-year-old who was trapped inside the Arkansas home. Officials were still searching for missing residents overnight. Some 14 tornadoes touched down in Mississippi, with three landing at the same time at one point in the northern part of the state. Georgia was under a flood watch through Friday evening with more than 4 inches of rain expected, according to the National Weather Service. One of the most beautiful things about art is its ability to elicit so many different emotions and reactions from so many people. An inner landscape of an artist, transmitted to the outside world through the means of an artwork, gets received, transformed, related to, interpreted in deeply personal ways. What does a painter envision when confronted with a touching verse of poetry? How do words resonate with the artist and turn into visual narratives? And, subsequently, what does the viewer feel when confronted with the painting inspired by that poetry? You can find out for yourself. With sadness, a member of our community tried to take their life this past weekend in a tree during the Saturday market. The incident was witness by many who took action to help save the person. Their status is unknown at this time. This is a time of year filled with strong emotions and sadness for many. If you are experiencing any emergency mental health needs please call 911 immediately and please reach out for help. The Department of Corrections attorney Laura Neal knowingly offered false testimony. This information, paragraph 21, cited the erroneous information that hepatitus C viral load levels should determine treatment for Mr. Jamal. Laura Neal actually cited this misinformation in the brief she filed in court opposing the preliminary injunction. Let me be clear. Dr. Noel testified

that he informed Laura Neal of the DOC in September, in December, and again in the parking lot next to the courthouse, this morning that the affidavit was incorrect. The people in the court room and the judge were in shock. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Laura Neal offered feeble excuses stating that the information was factually correct; to which Dr. Noel replied “but misleading and false in its conclusions”. Robert Boyle’s expert cross examination, which proceeded for the next hour, was searing. The reindeer are prancing and eager to fly, Ready for Santa’s trip through the sky. With so little time to get their job d o n e They may need your help on this giftgiving run. Russ i a ’ s bombi ng of Syria has killed many civilians and may amount to a war crime, presenting was evidence that Moscow’s actions had violated humanitarian law. Made some ladies finger curry to have with chapatis for dinner. Feeling hungry now and had a pre-dinner light snack - two pieces of toast with a slice of cheese and honey... You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at Defining your personal financial goals like retirement or college planning Our online tool makes it easy to schedule or change your appointment, with same-day availability in many locations. 39F, hazy. Blueberry buckle, grits, grapefruit. Coffee. Winter continues to settle in nicely across northeastern Asia today, while central climes will see a slight warm-up form previous days. The south will stay hot and humid, with eyes turned to the tropics, where a new disturbance promises to bring much-needed rain to portions of the Philippines over the next 7-10 days. Initially designed to work at small sizes and to withstand the effects of high speed presses and cheap paper, FF Meta dispenses with the nonessential stuff, leaving behind economically fit, generously spaced forms, deceptively simple in appearance, clean and cheery in comportment. Live-in landlords are on the increase. On the surface, it might seem like a good arrangement for both parties, but dig a little deeper and tensions over communal areas and etiquette can quickly arise. “I’m allergic to cats, which results in a nasty reaction around my eyes, but

when I was away, the cat had come into my room and sat on my pillow,” says Emma, who lived as a weekday lodger with a mother and daughter in Eastbourne while studying. “When I confronted the landlady, I was told ‘It’s the cat’s room’.” Three years ago, arms experts spotted a single advanced Belgian rifle in the hands of militants in Gaza. But how had a group listed by the EU and the US as a terrorist organisation obtained the weapon? Arms expert Nic Jenzen-Jones and the BBC’s Thomas Martienssen tracked its journey. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (4 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 Quebec) Tufted Duck (2 Massachusetts, 2 Vermont) Flesh-footed Shearwater (1 Oregon) Brown Booby (2 California, 1 Texas) Kelp Gull (5 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (1 Texas) Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Rufous-backed Robin (1

Arizona) Rufouscapped Warbler (1 Arizona, 2 Texas) Goldencrowned Warbler (2 Texas) White-collared Seedeater (1 Texas) Western Spindalis (8 Florida) From the time I studied communication at Mexico’s National University, I wanted to practice journalism, the kind that could “change the world.” At school, various professors, and even students younger than I was, used to tell me that as time passed I would lose the whole “change the world” thing. That in practice, things were different, and that journalism in Mexico was not only dangerous, but poorly paid. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. The convention which framed the Constitution of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Tw e n t y four were moneylenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a C on s t it ution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man. The things that will destroy America are prosper it y-ata ny-pr ice, peace -ata ny-pr ice, sa fe t y-f i r st instead of dut y-f irst, the love of soft living, and the getrich-quick theory of life. The vested interests - if we explain the situation by their influence - can only get the public to act as they wish by manipulating public opinion, by playing either upon the public’s indifference, confusions, prejudices, pugnacities or fears. And the only way in which the power of the interests can be undermined and their maneuvers defeated is by bringing home to the public the danger of its indifference, the absurdity of its prejudices, or the hollowness of its fears; by showing that it is indifferent to danger where real danger exists; frightened by dangers which are nonexistent. Heavy rain, mountain snow, continue across parts of western U.S. Heavy rain will continue across the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West as the next in a series of storms moves onshore. Snow will develop at the higher elevations across the Cascades and northern and central Rockies. Strong winds are also likely. Rain and snow will also spread into northern California and the north-

ern Sierra. The Los Angeles Times countered Obama’s claim that the no-fly list should be used in background checks by pointing to the imprecision of the list and the fact that those on it have not been convicted of doing anything wrong.‚ Therefore, barring people on the list from buying guns is the equivalent of barring any American from exercising a constitutional right based on an allegation. The National Rifle Association is the nation’s oldest civil right organization whose strength lies in the grassroots support of our 5 million dues-paying members and tens-of-millions more who want their Second Amendment rights protected. The National Rifle Association is not to blame for the San Bernardino terrorist attack, or any other act of violence and neither are our Second Amendment freedoms. The American people understand that an act of evil unfolded in California. They know the government isn’t protecting them. That is why Americans now, as much as ever, want to ensure they can exercise their Second Amendment freedoms to protect themselves and their fa milies. At least 72 employees at the Depar tment of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also were on the terrorist watch list.‚ Back in August, we did an investigation-the inspector general did-of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,‚ Standing in front of this small, rural shrine in Kidani, southern Okayama, was an unusual torii. I saw another at the shrine in the middle of the village, and my guess is they were constructed to house lanterns for matsuri. It is an Okazaki Shrine, and as there were no information boards I presume it is a branch of the famous Okazaki Shrine in Kyoto. As such it enshrines 3 main kami We notice that one of your books is awaiting modifications that will enable Premium Catalog distribution. Although the book listed below is available in the Smashwords Store, you want to achieve full Premium Catalog

distribution to reach the most readers. 94% of our authors’ and publishers’ sales come from our retail distribution network which includes iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, OverDrive, Oyster and Baker & Taylor Axis 360. The following book or book update needs modification in order to reach Premium Catalog distribution. Please follow the link for instructions on how to quickly resolve any issues. Producing tequila and mezcal is a wasteful process: 500,000 tonnes of agave fiber are discarded annually in the production of the two beverages. But a project funded by Conafor is studying the prospects for turning that waste into paper and cardboard. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued an opinion rejecting the government’s attempt to hold an employee criminally liable under the federal hacking statutethe Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA‚)-for violating his employerimposed computer use restrictions. The decision is important because it ensures that employers and website owners don’t have the power to criminalize a broad range of innocuous everyday behaviors, like checking personal email or the score of a baseball game, through simply adopting use restrictions in their corporate policies or terms of use. The court also ruled that the government cannot hold people criminally liable on the basis of purely fantastical statements they make online-i.e., thoughtcrime. The rise of Uber has convinced many pundits, economists, and policymakers that freelancing via digital platforms is becoming increasingly important to Americans’ livelihood. It has also promoted the idea that new technology-particularly the explosion of platforms enabling the gig economy-will fundamentally alter the future of work. Uber is frequently in the news, and digital-freelancing platforms garner a lot of attention, but evidence of an exploding gig economy is, as they say, showing up everywhere but the data. It seems like everyone is talking about the power of big data and how it is helping companies, governments, and organizations make better and more efficient decisions. But rarely do they mention that big data can actually perpetuate and exacerbate existing systems of racism, discrimination, and inequality. While we’re lead to believe that data doesn’t lie-and therefore, that algorithms that analyze the data can’t be prejudiced-that isn’t always true. The origin of the prejudice is not necessarily embedded in the algorithm itself: Rather, it is in the models used to process massive amounts of available data and the adaptive nature of the algorithm. As an adaptive algorithm is used, it can learn societal biases it observes. Greed for petroleum has produced plenty of war. War can be defined narrowly, as conflict between nations, or broadly, as largescale violence in pursuit of gain. This is why so many see the climate movement as a peace movement, especially after the recent massacres in Paris. In the fossil-fuel era, some oil corporations became powers equal to states, and some states became petroleum corporations in drag, and both were eager to fight horrific wars over resource control. The abuse of power and the destruction go all the way back to the early history of the petroleum industry in particular (though coal and natural gas extraction and industries have plenty of ugly achievements of their own). Consider that the legitimately elected prime minister of Iran was deposed in a 1953

coup because he had nationalized the oil industry. BP wasn’t going to give up its profits without a fight, and the dirty fight was carried out by the United States and Britain. The Iran coup was just one of many interventions in the Middle East driven by oil. It’s not just war and foreign-backed coups, even the current bout of terrorism can be largely traced back to oil policy. While the 2003 Iraq war is sometimes blamed for the rise of Isis, that invasion was justified as a response to al-Qaida’s 2001 attack on targets in the US and one of al-Qaida’s biggest objections was the US presence in Saudi Arabia before 9/11 which was also oil-related. I would encourage people to read the full announcement from the Ethnologue editor, from the link in the earlier post by Don Niles. The key take-away message from that for the large majority of us is “All users of the website will continue to have free access to a set number of language data pages each month.” The requirement for payment is directed more at researchers and institutions which make heavy use of the Ethnologue data, and which are likely to have access to resources to support their research. While it may be sad/unfortunate that this “(some) users pay” model has had to be instituted, it must be recognized that the agency that has built and supported Ethnologue all along is a faith-based NGO whose members are all volunteers, and in the absence of designated large core-funding donations from foundations etc., they have been forced to find some kind of income stream to keep the website active and sustainable. Note that if you exceed your monthly quota of pages, you don’t have to pay the $9.90 on a continuing basis, but a one-off payment will allow you full access to the website for just that month that you really need it, and after that you can revert to your free access to a limited number of pages per month. And note that it doesn’t count how many times you actually access one page, but just the number of different pages that you access over that month. I think they have done a good job of ensuring that users with lighter demands will still be able to access this valuable resource free of charge. We had a strong northeastern storm in Iceland yesterday. Two recordings were made, one indoors and the second one outdoors. Please have a look. English notes are on the web. After the initial period of explosive expansion and innovation in the arts of Japanese anime, manga, and gaming in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, a new era has arrived in which the effects of that massive emergence and expansion have begun to appear in, on, and around the surface of those arts, in the form of conflicts, ambiguities, controversies, disappointments, as well as stunning opportunities and innovation. 1) mission that includes or focuses on the business incubation of non-profit arts organizations, with practices that include: fiscal receivership of grants, bookkeeping, mentoring/coaching, etc.2)a proven track record of incubating new arts-based projects and of receiving and accurately using public funding (city, county, state, or federal) 3) a current annual operating budget of $800,000 or greater, such that the agency would/could be able to float $200,000 of expenses when government financing is anticipated or delayed as reimbursement monies 5) practical knowledge of posting financial and community-outcome statistics within the California Cultural Data Project, an online platform to archive investments in arts and metric outcomes (i.e. dollars earned/contributed, dollars spent, number of people served, etc.). If you represent or can nominate a agency which meets these four criteria and is headquartered in the County of Los Angeles, please email your response tojoesmoke Cemex Drops Mining Activity and Continues Production in Settlements After a decade of aggregates mining in the occupied Palestinian territory, Cemex sold its share in the Yatir quarry. However, Cemex factories in the settlement industrial zones of Mevo Horon, Atarot, Mishor Adumim and Katzrin continue to operate as usual. In August 2015, Veolia Environnement’s subsidiary, Transdev, sold all of its holdings in the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) to a group of Israeli investors. The approval of the deal by the Israeli authorities marked the end of Veolia’s operations in the Israeli market in general, and its involvement in the controversial JLR project in particular. If they become law, international treaties like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP), TransAtlantic Trade and In-

vestment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trade-in-Services Agreement (TISA) will fundamentally alter the global economy and global governance in a way that further empowers transnational corporations while decreasing the power of nation-states and people. These treaties will create a permanent path that makes corporate profit more important than the needs of people and protection of the planet. They will drive a global race to the bottom in wages and worker rights, food safety, internet freedom, access to health care, protection of the environment and more. It is up to us to organize and build power to stop the race to the bottom in its tracks! The Buycott is a tactic that people all over the world can use. It is not only a form of r e s i s tance, of non-cooperation, but it is also a way to create the necessary alternative: trade that lifts communities up and protects the planet as a first priority. Even as you take your first first few steps inside the climate summit in Paris, it’s easy to get a bad feeling about things. First, you notice that there are nearly 200 concrete pillars lined up in rows in front the center, each wrapped in flags of the world’s nations. You wander among them, realizing many of the pillars are taller than the Island Nations they represent, wondering who will be the first to be wiped out by the scythes of rising seas and maddening cyclones. A new campaign spearheaded by global advocacy organization Avaaz targets seven fossil fuel lobbyists and climate change skeptics who are in Paris for the COP21 climate conference. Avaaz, which organized hundreds of thousands of people across the globe to march in favor of a strong climate agreement, posted more than 1,000 wanted posters near some of the city’s top hotels on Monday morning to catch the eyes of influential conference attendees. Avaaz volunteers also passed out flyers featuring the lobbyists’ photos at metro stations near the conference.To fight poverty and boost its own economy, Finland is planning to issue a check for $876 to every citizen, every month. The concept is called basic income, and the Finnish government is getting closer to finalizing its implementation this month. The Finnish Social Insurance Institution (KELA) is drafting the plan to pay every one of its 5.4 million people $876 per month, tax-free, which would replace social support programs, such as welfare and unemployment benefits. Though a

proposal from KELA isn’t expected until November 2016, a pilot stage is currently planned prior to full implementation of the program. Several people have locked themselves to infrastructure of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline this morning, Dec 7, near where it crosses the Ontario - Qubec border in the municipality of St-Justine-de-Newton. This action has caused Enbridge to stop the flow of oil as of now. The 40-year old pipeline recently got final approval from the National Energy Board (NEB) to have its flow reversed, and has begun moving heavy western oils from west to east, it has been reported. There has been strong opposition along the line for a variety of reasons, including Line 9’s role in tar sands expansion and climate change. “This is where the first bullet

grazed me,” says Vidal Leiva, pointing to the side of his face. Shot three times outside his home on Nov. 27, the Garifuna community leader survived and is now recovering from the gunshot wounds to his torso. However, since the attack, members of Leiva’s family and of the Land Defense Committee he heads report receiving threats. Sitting up carefully, Leiva lifts his shirt. On his right shoulder, front, and back, stitches mark bullet entry and exit points. A bandage covers the middle of Leiva’s abdomen, where a bullet pierced internal organs before exiting through his back. A group of teachers stayed home from work Tuesday in protest of longstanding state control over Detroit Public Schools, forcing the closure of three schools with their “sick-out” action. The teachers said they stayed home due to “Snyder flu,” gathering with students for a brief demonstration against ongoing emergency management outside the Detroit School of Arts on Tu e s d a y afternoon. State-appointed emergency m a na g e r s have run the district since 2009, leaving the elected school board with little power, particularly after the passage of laws strengthening Michigan’s financial emergency law in 2011 and 2012. The Chicago flag is iconic. Four red stars symbolizing key events in the city’s history are surrounded by blue bars for the Chicago River. A riff on the flag was created last year by the campaign that fueled the Reparations Ordinance for Police Torture Survivors - a radical document that outlines a path toward healing for those who survived torture under the direction of former Chicago police commander Jon Burge. The activist logo includes a fifth star, only in outline, to mark the Chicago Police Department’s reign of terror - including beatings and electrocution - against hundreds of black men from 1978-91. Only with official recognition of the torture and with restitution can that final star be made red. For the last 25 years, people from all over the U.S. have converged at the gates of the Fort Benning U.S. Army base in Georgia. They come with thousands of crosses inscribed with different names, many of them children and elderly, each memorializing a death at the hands of right-wing governments in Latin America in the second half of the 20th century. It was an era of fas-

cistic political repression, where it didn’t matter if you were an unarmed university student or a peasant with a rifle. Anyone who questioned those in power was butchered. Largely hidden from the American public, several high-profile incidents in El Salvador in 1980 turned a spotlight on unparalleled political violence. What’s a transnational, industrial-scale maker of flavor-light, marketing-heavy brews to do? The answer: Offer sweet incentives for distributors who agree to push more InBev brands-and to stop selling popular craft brews. If you think it’s impossible for a demagogue to seize control and destroy American democracy, think again. Trump’s hate-filled call for banning Muslims from entering the U.S. appeals to many angry and scared Americans. A stunt is an unconventional act requiring particular skills, often performed by people in extreme or difficult situations. The idea of political stunts as an artistic and activist practice means to generate criticism by “perfoming the machine” which we want to fight - a strategy adopted by many hackers and artists in the past decades of net work de ve l o p ment. Today, in the era of big data and in the context of increasingly sur veillance of corporations and government agencies, asymmetries in society become even more evident. How to respond in a proactive and constructive way to the threat of being tracked during our online (and offline) moves? And most of all, which kind or artistic responses can we imagine, if we want to maintain a playful and disruptive approach? Artists, hackers, hoaxers, mythmakers, storytellers and disrupters meet to discuss how to challenge powerful systems from within, turning around the idea of ‘opposition’ into the one of creating distributed, playful and disruptive interventions. In the artistic and activist contexts, the concept of ‘political stunts’ goes along with the act of exposing control mechanisms that can affect institutions and media corporations. To reveal social injustices or misconducts by corporations and governments from within becomes an artistic strategy. This event proposes both to expose and to dissipate this tension through a network of multiple, distributed, playful and disruptive tactics to intrude into the inacces-

sible world of corporations and government agencies. The goal is to make people aware of such mechanisms, opening up a critical perspective and a common debate by generating unpredictable feedback and unexpected reactions. Rumors of pie wielding assassins and a cryptic invitation to explore the miasmal underbelly of the urban landscape seen in a hippy free university calendar in 1977, was enough to enflame the curiosity of seventeen-year old John Law. A subsequent initiation into the secretive Suicide Club propelled Law into a thirty-eight year ‘career’ amidst the hidden world of pranks, urban exploration, counter culture, ‘Culture Jamming’ and creative mayhem. Mustafa Al-Bassam (alias Tflow, former core member, LulzSec, UK) Mustafa is an undergraduate at King’s College London in Computer Science. He gained notoriety in 2011 for being a part of LulzSec, a computer hacking group responsible a number of high profile attacks. As a result, he was legally banned from the Internet for almost two years as a condition of his bail. Mustafa has worked with Privacy International to analyse the destruction of computer equipment ordered by GCHQ, that held top secret material leaked from the NSA and GCHQ. He was portrayed as one of the main characters in “Teh Internet is Serious Business”, a play by the Royal Court Theatre telling a story about Internet culture. Concerned about mass and corporate surveillance, he has advised human rights defenders around the world on protecting their data and communicating securely online. During the Jasmine Revolution he created a tool for Tunisian dissidents to defend themselves against government malware. In this hour-long webinar Erik will share 5 key lessons learned from the past ten years of building his company, Permaculture Artisans, which is now one of the most successful designbuild permaculture landscape contracting companies in the United States. The knowledge Erik will share isn’t theory -- it’s practical, personal and rooted in real world experience. ISIS is using social media for propaganda and recruitment, and in the wake of deadly shootings in Paris last month and California last week, politicians have put a spotlight on what tech companies can do to aid law enforcement in investigating terrorists. Among their proposals is legislation that would force Facebook and Twitter to report online terrorist activity to federal authorities. We need a plan for how to adapt the workforce after we give all the jobs to robots. Maybe it’s more simple than it seems. The German sportswear giant makes a major robot-powered leap in design and production techniques. Over 900 People Have Been Shot Dead By Police This Year. Let’s Talk About It, This Australian Says He And His Dead Friend Invented Bitcoin, Like Having A Personal Style Butler (In A Box), The Panama Canal Is Changing Everything (Again), The Birth Of Modern Marriage On The American Frontier, How Passports Reveal Our Indifference To Refugees The House of Representatives voted Tuesday to strengthen control of a visa-waiver program for citizens of 38 nations who are allowed to enter the U.S. without obtaining a visa. The bill would prevent any visitors from the 38 participating countries and who have visited Iraq, Iran, Syria, or the Sudan in the past five years from entering the country without a visa. The measure, which is part of a national response to the attacks in

Paris and San Bernardino, California, would also require countries in the visa-waiver program to share information with the U.S. about suspected terrorists. The legislation is expected to clear the Senate and become law by the end of the year. Australian police raided the home of a tech entrepreneur Wednesday just hours after two media reports identified him as one of the alleged developers of the digital currency bitcoin. Wired and Gizmodo reported that Craig Wright is believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym for the founder of the cryptocurrency, citing leaked transcripts of legal interviews and files. The Australian Federal Police said in a statement the raids were unrelated to the bitcoin claims. Reuters reported police were also searching Wright’s office. Wright is involved in a number of tech enterprises in Australia, company records show. Each year, a diverse group of participants gather in Rochester, NY for a graduate conference held by the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies. This conference aims to foster an environment of interdisciplinary communication, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. We take geography to be the practice and process of mapping bodies, spaces, and experiences. In particular, we hope to inspire questions concerning the interruptions of such geographies, especially those relating to gender and sexuality. Such questions might include, but are not limited to: How does social, bodily, and geographical mobility complicate the mapping of spaces and bodies? How do media forms constitute counter-geographies? Does sharing a photo of a fallen Syrian refugee on one’s Facebook timeline intervene in a meaningful way? In what ways are sexed and/or sexualized bodies mapped into conceptions of (trans)nationality? How might race and class interrupt and problematize feminist and queer geography? What are the affective ramifications of contemporary or historical forms of segregation? How do gendered perceptions of bodies in pain affect medical treatment or scales of pain? How does web mapping (e.g. Google Maps) reproduce or resist the gendered, classed, and racial power dynamics of prior methods of mapping? What are the gendered biases of computer coding languages? A newly updated D e p a r t me nt of Defense publication affirms the importance of public outreach, not simply as a gesture towards democratic governance, but also as an instrument of operational utility. “The US military has an obligation to communicate with its members and the US public, and it is in the national interest to communicate with international publics,” the DoD doctrinal publication said. “The proactive release of accurate information to domestic and international audiences puts joint operations in context, facilitates informed perceptions about military operations, undermines adversarial propaganda, and helps achieve national, strategic, and operational objectives.” See Public Affairs, Joint Publication (JP) 3-61, Joint Staff, November 17, 2015. The public affairs function described in the new publication encompasses most interactions between the Department and the public. It includes all the various ways that the Pentagon tells its own story to the world. Concerns have been raised about the ability of terrorists to enter the United States under the VWP, because those entering under the VWP undergo a biographic rather than a biometric (i.e., fingerprint) security screening, and do not need to interview with a U.S. government official before embarking to the United States,” a newly updated report from the Congressional Research Service observes. “Nonetheless, it can be argued that the VWP strengthens national security because it sets standards for travel documents, requires information sharing between the member countries and the United States on criminal and security concerns, and mandates reporting of lost and stolen travel documents. In addition, most VWP travelers have to present e-passports (i.e., passports with a data chip containing biometric information), which tend to be more difficult to alter than other types of passports,” CRS wrote. See Visa Waiver Program, updated December 4, 2015. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (1 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 Quebec) Tufted Duck (1 Massachusetts, 1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Brown Booby (2 California, 1 Florida) Brown Booby (Brewster’s) (1 Oregon) Kelp Gull (8 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (2 Texas) Yellow-green Vireo (1 Texas)

Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Arizona) Golden-crowned Warbler (1 Texas) White-collared Seedeater (2 Texas) Western Spindalis (9 Florida) If you’re like most creative firms, you spend more time managing projects than you do on creative work. Get your time back with the proven timesheets and project tracking system that has helped thousands of creatives do more with their limited time. Success Ingredients: 1 part Dedication 1 part Great People 1 part Creative Genius (regular creativity works if your local grocer is out of genius.) 1 part Attention to Detail 1 part Coffee (substitute Red Bull, Soy latte, herbal tea or whiskey to taste.) Direc tions : B r i n g great people together with dedication. Let them marinate in coffee (or liquid of choice). Pre-heat the office to 68 degrees, fold in creative genius and let the ideas fly. Stay on top of everything while keeping the quality top notch using Attention to Detail and TimeFox software. Let stand then deliver to clients on time and on budget. Founded in 2008, the International Conference on the Inclusive Museum brings together a community of museum practitioners, researchers, and thinkers. The key question addressed by the conference: How can the institution of the museum become more inclusive? In this time of fundamental social change, what is the role of the museum, both as a creature of that change, and perhaps also as an agent of change? We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. For more information regarding the conference, use the links below to explore our conference website. When it comes to service and security, you can count on us to be there when you need us, to help keep your account safe, and to provide the personalized service you deserve. We’re helping to protect your account - Actively monitoring for fraud and sending automatic alerts. We’ve got you covered - Get reimbursed for 100% of fraud losses due to unauthorized use of your account. We’re available 24/7 - Just press zero and talk with one of our U.S.-based customer service representatives. You pick your payment date - Make it work with your schedule and budget. 1 If you haven’t already provided us with your mobile phone number, please provide it by calling the number on the back of your card so we can auto-

matically contact you. For text messages, you may be charged access fees by your carrier, dependent on your personal plan. Check with your carrier for details on specific fees and charges. 2 U.S. Bank provides zero fraud liability for unauthorized transactions. Cardholder must notify U.S. Bank promptly of any unauthorized use. Certain conditions and limitations may apply. 3 Not all payment due dates may be available. Please call for further information. Online since 1996, Rhizome supports contemporary art that creates richer and more critical digital cultures. And we approach our 20th anniversary with a newly relaunched website and an exciting program of online exhibitions, commissions, public events, and digital preservation efforts planned for 2016. These

ambitions depend on the generosity of our supporters. So, consider a tax-deductible endof-year gift of $45, $60, or whatever you can give, your contribution will directly impact our ability to meet our mission in 2016 and beyond. In these times of war and elections, we need a media not sponsored by corporations that profit from war, but a media that’s truly independent. An interestinglooking parcel arrived today. Of course, I won’t open it until Christmas. Thank you. We’ve recently collaborated with our longtime security partner, SiteLock, to help you -our valued customer -- add even more protection to your web presence! Website security is something we take very seriously at HostGator. For that reason, as part of your hosting package we’ll be including a basic malware scan for your domains that don’t currently have SiteLock, free of charge. This scan will identify known malware and acts as a simple “alarm system” by sending you an email alert as soon as something ma l ic iou s has been detec ted, giving you time to react prior to b e i n g blacklisted by search engines. To provide more information on this scan, and to address any concerns you may have about its legitimacy, we’ve created this article, which offers additional details. For other ways to secure your website, please feel free to reach out to our trusted security advisors at 877-563-2849 today. The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs. Self-conceit often regards it as a sign of weakness to admit that a belief to which we have once committed ourselves is wrong. We get so identified with an idea that it is literally a “pet” notion and we rise to its defense and stop our eyes and ears to anything different. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don’t like to make waves-or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature. Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they

die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn. To really make the U.S. safe from Middle East terrorism, Washington will have to dump Israel, play hardball with Saudi Arabia, and swear off the regimechange policy . Three instruments called airbeams are installed outside the entrance of the museum to take in air samples and analyze the amount of particulates in the surrounding air. They generate data that is then converted to imagery and animation by a custom computer program and sent to the media facade of the museum, where it is visualized in in bursts of bright color over a constant background of falling blue light. Increasing frequency and size of the spots of color indicates a greater concentration of particles. The visualization updates with new particulate

data every 15 seconds. iMake a donation to Neighborhood Houseon December 10 through the Give!Guide and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win an 80-person Salt & Straw Ice Cream party at Pips & Bounce Ping Pong Bar for you and your friends. Donations of essential items such as toiletries, hygiene supplies, household items and gift cards will help struggling neighbors this season. Visit our website for a complete list of most needed items. For more information, email us at volunteers or call (503) 246-1663 x2118. As decided in 2011 in Durban, the COP21 term of reference is to reach a global agreement allowing to stabilize the average global temperature below +2C by 2100. After one week of negotiations, everything indicates that COP21 negotiators are failing to answer this essential term of reference. Conversely, the country greenhouse gas emissions reduction pledges would induce an average global temperature increase of

3C, which would irreversibly drive us into climate chaos. The lack of legally binding commitments on global greenhouse gas emission reduction pledges between 2015 and 2020 in the draft agreement confirms that COP21 will lead to a global temperature increase higher than 2C. The leaders of the world, namely from the Northern countries that are historically responsible of the climate crisis, are not equal to the ambition we need to espouse to tackle the current climate challenge. However, climatologists tell us that we have only a few years left to act on climate change to prevent climate chaos. Thank you for contacting Common Ground Publishing. This is an automatic response to your email regarding Re: Call for Papers: The Inclusive Museum Conference, 16-19 September 2016, Cincinnati, USA‚, a summary of which appears below. Our support staff will respond to your request in the order it was received during our normal business hours, Monday through Friday. Thank you for your patience. Your request number is [Support 449733]. You may update your request by responding to this email; please be sure to retain the [Support 449733] in the subject line on all further correspondence. The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) offers online and face-to-face courses on Multilateral Diplomacy. These courses are targeted to diplomats and government officials who are involved in inter-governmental negotiations, and professionals who are working in an international environment. We offer fellowships and discounted fees for group bookings. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance. The future risks associated with these drivers, according to IPCC, include loss of adaptive capacity and damages to ecosystem services critical to lives and livelihoods in small islands. In addition, sea-level rise are mentioned as posing one of the most widely recognized climate change threats to low-lying coastal areas on islands and atolls. Furthermore, given the dependence of island communities on coral reef ecosystems for a range of services including coastal protection, subsistence fisheries and tourism, there is high confidence that coral reef ecosystem degradation will negatively impact island communities and livelihoods. Given the inherent physical characteristics of small islands, AR5 reconfirms the high level of vulnerability of small islands to multiple stressors, both climate and non-climate. These elements illustrate the fact that, in addition to the necessary measures in the field of environmental mitigation, adaptation approaches are urgently needed. The above state of affairs illustrates the need for a better understanding of how climate change affects the Pacific region, and for the identification of processes, methods and tools which may help the countries in the region to adapt. There is also a perceived need to showcase successful examples of how to cope with the social, economic and political problems posed by climate change in Pacific countries. Today, Toronto, Ontario became the 100th community to pass a Blue Dot municipal environmental rights declaration - a significant step towards ensuring that all levels of government recognize your right to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat safe food and have a say in the decisions that affect your health and well-being. OK, thanks again. The hotel in which Edna and I visit for Christmas dinner has been sold to Doubletree. I

phoned to confirm the reservations and got some U.S. Answering service. No reservation. I drove downtown and checked in person and found everything was okay. Edna would have been very disappointed. Nancy Springer brought me a serving of meat lasagna this morning. Enjoyed it very much for dinner. Will the senior centre serve Christmas dinner? What are your plans? Dad Heavy rain will move into northern California as a series of storms moves across the area. Heavy snow and strong winds will cause hazardous travel over the mountain passes of the Sierra. Snow will also spread into the Great Basin and northern Rockies. Another weather system will bring a mix of snow and rain to the northern Plains and Great Lake States. A 68-year old clerk was working at Towson Wine & Spirits in Towson, Md. when two men entered and attempted to rob the store. One of the thieves drew a gun and pointed it at the clerk, who responded by retrieving a handgun from a drawer and shooting the criminal. The robbers fled the scene, but the wounded criminal collapsed and died just outside the store. As we start to head into the end of the work week, we find a complicated weather scenario across much of Asia, with cold air and wintry conditions to the north, milder and wetter conditions in the middle, and summertime heat in the south. As usual, this year the disinformation by the opposition media has been intense. The opposition’s main campaigning was through local and international media and social media, with very little street campaigning. Overall though, this loss, while it is a big step back for the progressive cause, it isn’t the end of the line. The global struggle for a world that puts people and planet first, for a democratically controlled economy and so on, is a long term one with many ups and downs, defeats and victories. I have an itinerary I follow every day. I’m not supposed to stray from it, and I don’t. We’re not allowed to go in stores. We’re not supposed to go in Dunkin Donuts and get a coffee or nothing like that. You go straight to work and come back. There are things I can’t do. I can’t even strike up a conversation with a woman that I see that I’m attracted to. I can, but I don’t want to, because I’m still in prison. Last night, there’s a woman sitting there with her computer- ever ybody brings computers into Panera Bread. I don’t have a cell phone so I couldn’t give my number, and I don’t have an address yet. I wonder how I’ll be accepted outside. When they find out where I’m from, and my past. I have that blemish on me. Once a prisoner, that’s there forever. No matter what you do, no matter how good you do. It’s just always there. I don’t know if my lifetime parole is going to be a battle with the parole officer. I’ve heard horror stories. Some people had parole officers that were all over them all the time. So I’m going out there after all these years and I really don’t know what to expect. Framing free speech and political correctness as opposing forces is a false dichotomy intended to derail uncomfortable but necessary conversations, a smokescreen ginned up by the ethically lazy. The fact is, political correctness doesn’t hinder free speech -- it expands it. But for marginalised groups, rather than the status quo. It would outright ban offshore drilling, ban Arctic drilling, block natural gas exports, stop attempts to lift a decades-old ban on crude oil exports, support states trying to ban natural gas fracking, and ban mountaintop removal coal mining. Why So Many People Flee Honduras and Guatemala, Decade After Decade After 21 years with Rights Action, I continue to be moved by the courage, tenderness and tenacity of people across Guatemala and Honduras (in Mexico, and elsewhere in the Americas) who keep on working and struggling in their home communities, and nationally and globally, in defense of community wellbeing, the environment and human rights for all. These are hard struggles, indeed, in these two countries, in our so unjust, unequal and inter-connected human community, on this our only planet. Murder, Repression, Impunity and (now) Corruption Capitals of the Americas For years, Guatemala and Honduras have been known as murder, repression and impunity capitals of the Americas. In 2015, government corruption scandals rocked both countries. Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina and Vice-President Baldetti have been forced from office and are in jail pending charges of heading a corruption network “ La Linea” that stole

over $120,000,000 in public funds. Honduran President Orlando Hernandez is linked to a corruption network that stole over $300,000,000 in public sector funds. To date, he remains in office, as do most of the officials that profited from the crime network -- the same elite sectors that carried out the 2009 military coup. Forced Migration Endemic exploitation and repression, impunity and corruption are the conditions that force tens of thousands of people to flee, decade after decade, and try to enter the United States. Close to ten million forced migrants reside in legal limbo in the U.S; many of the thousands who have been deported back to Honduras and Guatemala, have been killed (!) upon arriving back in the places and conditions they had fled from. Courage, Tenderness, Tenacity Despite such violent and unjust living conditions, hundreds of thousands of people have been regularly marching in the streets, in both countries, demanding justice for the corruption, repression and impunity networks, demanding fundamental reforms to how their governments and societies operate. Along with like-minded groups across Canada and the U.S., Rights Action is asking when will the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and all pension funds and private investment funds, implement enforceable human rights, environmental and health standards in their investment criteria, and thus be obliged to stop investing in companies that are operating in harmful, exploitative, repressive countries and conditions? This panel congregates papers that explore forms of understanding, experiencing, and producing the atmosphere that do not replicate those often seen in the central Western debates and in mainstream global media. The ways through which different peoples and cultural traditions “make” climate, and what they make of climate, varies tremendously around the planet. Understanding these forms of engagement with the atmosphere may make explicit many of the presuppositions that ground Western atmospheric imaginaries but remain invisible. Secondly, it may illuminate the complexities of how climate change is perceived and lived at the ground level, and how action in such “local” scale interacts with efforts in tackling the issue at larger scales. And third, it may offer new ideas, metaphors, and sources of inspiration for the urgent collective task of produc-

ing a future that differs from scientifically predicted worst-case scenarios, in face of the exhaustion of both state-centered and market-driven approaches to the crisis. Case studies range from the discussion of the reasons countries like Brazil are developing “national” computer models to predict the global climate, to the context in which governors asked people to pray for rain during the ongoing drought in Southwest United States, to the employment of shamanistic rituals to produce dry weather for Bogota’s International Theater Festival, to discussions on how indigenous peoples around the planet understand (and react to) the issue of geoengineering, and so on. I’m a banker and I want us to discuss about a project that will be of benefit to the both of us. You will get 40% of

the fund and 60% for me. Reply for details. James Electronic media exemplifies the dual meaning of revolution: to always create new while returning to the old. In this dynamic, where multiple centers and margins compete for attention, and borders to be transgressed are shifting, paradigms and practices must be replaced, repackaged and reappropriated to keep up with the parallel evolutions in art, creativity, culture, society, and politics. In Paris on Monday, a panel of activists, including author Naomi Klein and UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, spoke to a packed crowd on the role of the global labor sector in the climate justice movement and called for mass civil disobedience to break French President Francois Hollande’s ban on demonstrations during the COP21 summit. Klein spoke candidly about the global climate agreement being hammered out by world leaders this month, stating, “The deal that will be unveiled in less than a week will not be enough to keep us safe. In fact, it will be extraordinarily dangerous.” In the climate talks blue zone‚, in the Parisian district of Le Bourget, are the governments, their advisers and lawyers, big business and the f ina nciers. Facebook has a stall, along with UN agencies and scientific bodies. But the world’s 4 billion small farmers, fishermen and women, indigenous peoples, hunters and gatherers, rural workers, pastoralists, and young people on the frontline of climate change, inhabit the green zone‚ beyond the fence where the decisionmakers do not go. A surge of indigenous and allied resistance is challenging pipelines, logging, mining, and development in BC and across western Canada. This list is compiled to keep track of current, ongoing, and flying blockades. Injunction and arrests at Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island: Community residents, including indigenous people, are rallying to protect their water. The Shawnigan Residents Association is seeking an injunction to shut down toxic soil dumping in their drinking watershed. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau laid out his plan to reset Canada’s relationship with its indigenous people during his address to a group of First Nations leaders in Gatineau, Que. “It is time for a renewed, nation-to-nation relationship with First Na-

tions peoples, one that understands that the constitutionally guaranteed rights of First Nations in Canada are not an inconvenience but rather a sacred obligation,” said Trudeau to loud applause from First Nations chiefs this morning. Tens of thousands of protesters in South Korea have held a mass rally against a raft of government policies that they say weaken democracy. The protest was big, rowdy and attended by a wide cross section of people but there was no repeat of violence which marred a similar rally last month. About 18,000 police were deployed in the capital, Seoul. Protesters oppose plans including changes to labour laws and greater controls over history textbooks. The Filipino people are under attack. The Lumad, for example - an indigenous group in the southern Philippines - are being forced to leave their ancestral lands and the source of their livelihood to make way for mining operations and land conversion. Resistance is deadly. In the month of August alone, there were two massacres that left nine dead. On August 30, the army and paramilitary forces occupied the Alternative Learning Center for Agriculture and Livelihood Development, an a w a r d winning school for indigen o u s youth. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Thursday that his country has developed a hydrogen bomb. Kim reportedly said his grandfather turned [North Korea] into a powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate a self-reliant [atomic] bomb and [hydrogen] bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty and the dignity of the nation,‚ during a tour of the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site. The hydrogen bomb has a stronger blast than the atomic bomb, but experts are skeptical of North Korea’s claims. A man in Iraq landed a $6.4 million Megabucks jackpot in Oregon after he purchased a ticket through an online service, The Oregonian reported Wednesday. The Iraqi Kurd, whose name is not being released, lives in Baghdad and bought the ticket through the website theLotter. com, which charges a fee to send people to buy lottery tickets for customers. The ticket was reportedly purchased in Bend, Oregon, on Aug. 24, and the man traveled to the lottery headquarters in Salem on Dec. 1 to claim the prize. Above all, we grate-

fully acknowledge and thank the contributing artists, without whom this event would not be possible: Tatyana Abel, Robert Achtemichuk, Peter Adams, Darla Anderson, John Anderson, Paul Archer, Mary Lynne Atkinson, Walter Bachinski, Brian Barrer, Susan Belcher, Marilyn Black, Carolyn Boyer, Rachel Bradbury, Pauline Bradshaw, Marlene Bulas, Jane Burns, Keith Butler, Sheila Butler, Siobhan Byrne, Tony Calzetta, Nadine Carr, Annie Churchill, Jennifer (Moore) Churchill, Allyson Clay, Evan Cooke, Aylan Couchie, Allan M. Craig, David Craven, Stephen Cruise, Teresa Cullen, Cathy Daley, Laura Dawe, Melanie Delamorandiere, Karl Denny, Janet Donaghey, Bonnie Dorgelo, Joseph Drapell, Dave Duguay, Tyler Durbano, Katelyn Espie, Beth Evans, Gary Evans, Nicolo Gallo, Sandra Gow, Cathy Griggs, Ingi Gould, John Gould, Sadko H a d z i h a s a nov i c , Donna Harradine, Pat Hart, John Hartman, Katharine Harvey, Sarah Hawley, Roy Hickling, Mark Hope, Denis Hopkins, Ian James Hopkins, Susan Hopkinson, Sherryl Hopper, Jon Houghton, Fred Hummel, Leonora Husveti-Frenette, Ruth Irvine, Deborah Jolly, Janet Jones, Gita Karklins, Ila Anne Kellerman, Nancy Kembry, Roger Kerslake, Michael Kilburn, Jennifer Klementti, Mara Korkola, Tyler Kueper, Maja Kulenovic, Joan LeBoeuf, Karen Lediard, Chantal SDC-Leduc, Norma Lee, Lee-Ann LeMesurier, John Lennard, Colleen LeRue, Joanne Lomas, Beryl Loney, Jeanette Luchese, Sharon MacKinnon, Lorraine Maher, Virginia Mak, Robert Marchessault, Sarah Martin, Jack McAdam, Trevor Craig McDonnell, Joanna McEwen, Barbara McGuey, Claudia Mandler McKnight, Charles Meanwell, David Merritt, Hazel Meyer, Peter Michalski, Peter Miehm, Sue A. Miller, Vallery Mokrytzki, Laura Moore, Marlene Hilton Moore, Teresa Moore, Elaine Morton, Libby Mourant, Par Nair, E. Annette Nieukerk, Jan Novak, Lawrence Oakley, Jon Oelrichs, Stu Oxley, Margaret Ann Paradis, Meaghan Paterson, Beverly Pearl, Angela Plesa, Jill Price, Rod Prouse, Michael Rae, Hayley Ramsey, Janet Read, Jordan Renee, Dominique Rey, Kevin Roach, Ashley Robinson, Milena Roglic, Katherine Ross, Scott Rowe, Maria Denise Ruby, Hala Saab, Jonathan Sadowski, Tamara Scearce, Ron Shuebrook, Prudence Smith, Ryan A. Sobkovich, M.E. Sparks, Eileen Sweeney, Amy Switzer, Alice Teichert, Stephanie Templeton, Frances Thomas, Kyle Thornley, Meghan Thorpe, Julie Voyce, Melissa Wakefield, Jeanne Wallace, Anna Watson, Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky, Leesa Westwood, Karen Wild, Ceilidh Williams, Regina Williams, Kate Wilson, Gillian Winter, Olexander Wlasenko, and Don Wright. The so-called Classical Age‚ of the XVII Century modern Philosophy discussed important topics related to the notion of the virtual in connection to the explanation of the representational knowledge of the empirical reality. Memory and Imagination were accessed as functional faculties in the association of impressions and ideas (Hobbes, Locke, and Hume), but due to the importance of the representational content of the consciousness occurred a reduction of the stream of consciousness to the linguistic contents of knowledge according to the indicative phrase. As a consequence, the virtual became a realm of shadows. Explorations and descriptions of such field inspired the modern literature, and Psychoanalysis is an heir of the interest provoked by this

still unfamiliar other side of the mind. The virtuality of memory was subsequently associated with the unconscious but also with the meaning of latency in Charcot, Janet and Freud’s ideas about the psychic systems of their patients and through their therapeutic techniques. The Ethiopian government has warned that about 10.2 million people - a tenth of the population - will need emergency food aid by January because of the worst drought experienced by the country in decades. 95 percent of electricity in Uruguay comes from renewable sources After implementing a new energy strategy in 2008, Uruguay officially generates 95 percent of the country’s electricity from renewable sources -including wind turbines, hydropower, solar power, and biomass. A mass grave containing at least 12 fresh corpses has been discovered in north-east Kenya’s Mandera County, raising new accusations of extrajudicial killings being carried out by the country’s security forces against ethnic Somalis. Gray wolves are mounting a comeback in several northern states-and are causing tension about their future. Gray wolves are making a big enough population comeback that some researchers are calling for them to be taken off the federal Endangered Species List. But some tribal nations oppose the measure. The most feared bomber plane of the 20th Century is still going strong after 60 years in service in the US military - from Vietnam to Afghanistan. And it will keep on flying until 2044. How does this 1950s behemoth survive in the era of drones and stealth aircraft? Thank everyone who came to my son and I assistance after a traumatic accident where I tried to slow down for a deer and my breakes caught, a flaw in the truck that was never that bad, and we spun around and hit a hydro pole. It happened so fast and we hit so hard that it is a miracle we walked out of it with nothing more than some sore muscles. The following couple of days have shown a little more soreness in the neck but nothing to stress about. The master of design (MDes) is an interdisciplinary, oneyear, 42-credit program that prepares students for leading and defining positions in forward-looking careers in developing and expanding design domains. Over the course of three consecutive semesters, beginning in May of every year, students pursue practice-led design research, explorations of process, applications of theory, and scholarly writing. In a series of studio and theory courses, and in their thesis projects, students are encouraged to look beyond conventional strategies to formulate new and critical responses to social design opportunities. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the Program, the MDes welcomes students with diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. By working in a multidisciplinary studio environment, and in multidisciplinary teams, students gain experience in thinking and working with others who bring an international point of view to design and its globally-extended opportunities for creative endeavours outside traditional design areas. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (5 Connecticut) Tufted Duck (3 California, 1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Masked Booby (2 Florida) Brown Booby (3 California, 1 Florida) Northern Jacana (1 Texas) Kelp Gull (11 Ohio) Kelp Gull (dominicanus) (1 Ohio) Ruddy Ground-Dove (1 Arizona) Black-capped Gnatcatcher (2 Arizona) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Arizona) Rufous-backed Robin (Rufousbacked) (1 Arizona) Western Spindalis (7 Florida) The FBI responded by sending two agents provocateur to entrap the Duka brothers in criminal activity. The agents showered attention on them and used money and manipulation to try to create interest in jihad. They asked the men to download jihadist videos, taunted them for their lack of resolve to take action, and followed them around with hidden tape recorders to record every word spoken. One agent talked alone in general terms with a relative of the brothers, Mohammed Shnewer, about how one might theoretically attack the Fort Dix army base. In response to the agent?s repeated demands, another defendant, Serdar Tatar, gave the agent a map of the Fort Dix base, which his father had used to deliver pizza there. (Tatar thought that the agent was suspicious and reported him to law enforcement, who said not to worry about it.) The other agent then persuaded the Duka brothers to buy some guns, supposedly for more target shooting in the Po-

conos, so they would not have to wait in line at public shooting ranges. At this point, the whole group was arrested and eventually convicted in 2008 of conspiracy to attack Fort Dix, even though no plans had been made to attack anything and the government’s own witness conceded that the Duka brothers had never been told about any conversation regarding Fort Dix. Under federal law, in a conspiracy case all associates are considered equally culpable, even if they do not know of the existence of a plan. Thus the Duka brothers were convicted for essentially vacationing while Muslim and given life sentences plus 33 years for a plot they literally had never heard of. The U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the case was C h r i s Ch r i st ie , now governor of New Jersey and candidate for U.S. president. The EAM and the Adviser condemned terrorism and resolved to cooperate to eliminate it. They noted the successful talks on terrorism and security related issues in Bangkok by the two NSAs and decided that the NSAs will continue to address all issues connected to terrorism. The Indian side was assured of the steps being taken to expedite the early conclusion of the Mumbai trial. Both sides, a c c o r d i n g l y, agreed to a Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue and directed the Foreign Secretaries to work out the modalities and schedule of the meetings under the Dialogue including Peace and Security, CBMs, Jammu & Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, Wullar Barrage/ Tulbul Navigation Project, Economic and Commercial Cooperation, Counter-Terrorism, Narcotics Control, Humanitarian Issues, People to People exchanges and religious tourism. Buying Time contains a compelling analysis that points to the origins of the current crisis in the wave of strikes of 196869. It caused the capitalist class to try and wrest free from the post-war social (- democratic) contract forced on it by labour. However, not only does Streeck not pay attention to imperialism and war, he also tends to assume that capital-as-agency governed the entire period since, attempting to postpone the full social impact of the crisis in three different ways, restricting democracy as it went along. However, the three periods he distinguishes (inflation, state debt and private debt) were directed by changing coalitions of capitalist interests uniting behind a different concept of control/ corporate liberalism and two versions of neoliberalism.

This highlights that in 2008, when these remedies all had exhausted themselves, capital-asagency in command was the bloc of forces led by speculative, money-dealing capital, which in the 1990s had captured the states of the West and steered them onto a path of highrisk, high-reward policies both in the economy proper and in international affairs. This explains why after 2008, solutions to the crisis followed this particular politicaleconomic orientation, with more risk-taking in all areas on the agenda. This is Vint’s main contribution because it is universal. He states: “The term “local” is used in a loose sense, here, since it means “peculiar to the particular network” rather than “a network of limited geographic extent.” A satellite-based network such as the ARPA packet

satellite network, therefore, has “local” characteristics (e.g. broadcast operation) even though it spans many thousands of square miles geographically speaking.” This, together with Louis Pouzin’s catenetting actually defined glocality as a local virtual network global reach. I.e. what I call a VGN (virtual glocal network). This is something difficult for IETF people to consider because they are only referred to twice in RFCs as being outside of the “end to end”. In addition, it was a national security issue: UNIX internet systems had no protection against non-US protected accesses established through T/ ES. It was also a strategic political/industrial issue within the deregulation context where AT&T was dismantled, killing its own X.25 technology development. Tymnet then started proposing X.75/TCP/IP/ Tymnet technology to the seven FCC regulated “Baby Bells” (Regional Bell Operating Companies) the same as they had already leased and operated the five FCC regulated IRCs (international records carriers) and all the other foreign Operators and PTTs (except BT) throughout the world. Dear friends, I am a journalist writing to you from Aleppo, a city where people are b e i n g bombed every day by Russia and the Syrian regime. Tomorrow I will be hosting [1]a live webchat from Aleppo and I would like you to join me. What’s happening in Syria is complicated so I would like to offer you a view from the ground. I returned here three weeks ago to report on the attacks against civilians. I have witnessed Russian airstrikes targeting civilian homes and not Isis. I’ve spoken to dozens of people who oppose both Isis and the regime but feel abandoned by the world. With no international media in Aleppo, it is my duty to try and get these stories out. I’ve been in and out of Syria since day one of the fighting but what I’ve seen since returning to Aleppo has changed me forever. I’ve seen fathers scramble through rubble for parts of their children. I’ve seen children dig in the rubble for parents killed days before. I’ve also seen the heroism of the White Helmets, of the medical workers and of all the people who struggle every day just to stay alive. Against the backdrop of continuous bombs, the solidarity and the spreading of word of what is actu-

ally going on in Syria is tremendously helping the people here. Every argument you make, every action you take, every hashtag in support of the innocent victims makes a difference. As we see throughout the Bay Area, many schools are being privatized or made into charter schools. Education has become a money-making machine and no longer a tool to educate, prepare and liberate the minds of our youth. As a study by the Black Organizing Project found, Black youth make up only 30.5 percent of the OUSD population, but account for 73 percent of OUSD arrests. According to the study, 85 students were arrested between 2010 and 2012, and none of those were white. Naiyma, 17, dreamed of pursuing a college degree in textile design. There are many reasons such a dream could have been out of reach: She’s one of five daughters of a single mother who has a disabling health condition. There is no college savings fund. The price of college tuition is scaling dizzying heights. Economic and religious imaginaries often merge in ways that affect how socieities and individuals operate. Relations of power, hierarchies of knowledge, and the circulation of ideas are all entangled intersections between the religious and the economic, affecting the social and the political. In the social sciences and in the humanities, the idea of the ‘neoliberal’ now rivals most any other reasoning behind the forces of social and political change. Istanbul might be the most beautiful city on the planet. It has somehow managed to condense everything that is awesome about the two continents it straddles -- Europe and Asia -- into a single magnificent metropolis. We got to hang out in Istanbul for a week and visit some of its most spectacular sights: the legendary Hagia Sophia, the waterside Ortakoy Mosque, the mind-bendingly intricate mosaics of the Blue Mosque, and the labyrinthine Grand Bazaar, not to mention it’s beautiful parks, neighborhoods, bridges, and waterfronts. You could spend entire centuries in Istanbul and still not see all there is to see, but we decided to try and sum the week we spent there up in just over two minutes with this timelapse. Sure, we didn’t capture everything. But that just means we get to go back and

try again. 58F, hazy. Black beans, eggs, biscuits, cheese. Coffee. Several distinguishable types of fraud against the census must be considered, including: hacking the census for fun or bragging rights; social media attempts to discredit the census and reduce cooperation; mimicry of the census forms or apps for purposes including phishing; city or district-level attempts to changes population numbers or distributions; large scale attempts to affect apportionment of the House of Representatives; individual mischief and anti-government protest. Even a non-supervisory employee at levels GS-15 and below is expected (under ICS 610-3) to demonstrate creative thinking (he or she “designs new methods and tools where established methods and procedures are inapplicable, unavailable, or ineffective”); to consider alternative points of view (she “seeks out, evaluates, and integrates a variety of perspectives”); and to display intellectual integrity (he “exhibits courage when conveying views, presenting new ideas, and making/executing decisions irrespective of potentially adverse personal consequences. Does not alter judgments in the face of social or political pressure.”). And senior officers (ICS 610-5) “are expected to personally embody, advance and reinforce IC core values: a Commitment to selfless service and excellence in support of the IC’s mission, as well as to preserving, protecting, and defending the Nation’s laws and liberties; the integrity and Courage (moral, intellectual, and physical) to seek and speak the truth, to innovate, and to change things for the better, regardless of personal or professional risk.” Considering the state of the species, it would be remarkable if more than a small fraction of the IC workforce comes close to meeting the lofty standards for performance and conduct that are described here. But perhaps these statements of expectations themselves serve a wholesome, instructive purpose, making their own fulfillment somewhat more likely. And the standards are more than rhetorical flights. They are to be used (pursuant to Intelligence Community Directive 610) for “qualification, training, career development, performance evaluation, [and] promotion.” The guiding principles for implementing and operating the Intelligence Community (IC) Information Technology Enterprise (ITE) were set forth in a 2013 memorandum from the Director of National Intelligence that was recently released under the Freedom of Information Act. The purpose of IC ITE (pronounced “eye sight”) is to establish a common information architecture for the entire U.S. intelligence community, thereby fostering integration and making information sharing among agencies the default option. “Information acquired, collected, or produced by IC elements shall be available for access for all IC missions and functions, subject to applicable legal and policy requirements,” the 2013 DNI memo said. Once available through IC ITE, however, access is still to be limited by need-to-know. “Determinations about access to and use of such information within IC ITE shall continue to be based upon content and mission need.” Nevertheless, agencies are expected and required to make “their” information available to the larger IC. “Unless a discovery exemption has been obtained, originating IC elements shall authorize and provide for automated discovery and retrieval of intelligence and intelligence-related information in IC ITE.” “IC ITE moves

the IC from an agency-centric IT architecture to a common platform where the Community easily and securely shares technology, information, and resources,” according to an ODNI fact sheet. “These new capabilities, with seamless and secure access to Community-wide information, will positively and deeply change how users communicate, collaborate, and perform their mission.” IC ITE technically “went live” in 2013, but it is still at an early stage of development. “The classified annex of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 required the CIA, DIA, NRO, NGA, and NSA to provide specific plans for adoption of IC ITE-compliant capabilities,” the Senate Intelligence Committee noted in a report earlier this year. Get behind the scenes of DLS’ incredible new exhibitionwith a meal ticket to Monday’s Culinaria. Executive Chef Ryan Mead of the Bent Brick has designed auniquely crafted menu that features savory dishes highlighted by rich textures and warm notes--with some delightfulsurprises. The dinner also offers paired wines donated by Casa Bruno to complement each course along with specialty cocktails for the exhibition tour. In 1996, devastating floods removed many of the roads and bridges from Fish Creek area and now the watershed is home to one of the largest whole watershed restoration projects undertaken in the United States. When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4:00 am and work for five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for 10km or swim for 1500m (or do both), then I read a bit and listen to some music. I go to bed at 9:00 pm. I keep to this routine every day without variation. The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind. But to hold to such repetition for so long - six months to a year - requires a good amount of mental and physical strength. In that sense, writing a long novel is like survival training. Physical strength is as necessary as artistic sensitivity. Periods of heavy rain will continue across the Pacific Northwest and northern California as another in a series of storms moves onshore. In addition to the heavy rain, strong winds and mountain snow are possible across the Cascades, Sierra and northern Rockies. Rain and snow will also move into the intermountain west. Light snow is possible across the northern Plains. While the adult tapeworm lives a pretty ordinary life in the gut of a woodpecker, the larva uses a worker ant as a place to grow and a vehicle to reach the bird host. Specifically, they infect Temnothorax nylanderi - a species of ant found in oak forests of western Europe. These ants nest in naturally occurring cavities in trees such as sticks or acorns and the colony consists of a single ant queen surrounded by several dozen worker ants. These ants are a regular part of the woodpecker’s diet so there’s a fairly reasonable chance that the tapeworm will reach its final destination if it waited around for long enough. But A. brevis is not content with just leaving it to chance. Worker ants can become infected through eating bird faeces which are contaminated with the parasite’s eggs. As the tapeworm larvae grow inside the ant’s body, these infected worker ants become noticeably different from their uninfected counterpart; they smell different (determined by the layer of hydrocarbon chemicals on their cuticle), they’re smaller, they have yellow (instead of brown) cuticles, spend most of their time sitting around in the nest, and for some reason their uninfected nestmates are more willing to dote on these tapeworm-infected ants rather than healthy ones. They essentially become a different animal to the healthy workers, and other ant parasites have been known to alter their host to such a degree that parasitised individuals were initially mistaken as belonging to an entirely different species. The New York Times reported in 2014 new immigrants are more often to be found in midsize cities, like Dayton, Ohio than in New York, Chicago, and other large cities. Like Youngstown, Dayton had lost over 40% of its population. But city officials embraced immigration by establishing a Welcoming Dayton plan in 2011. New immigrants and refugees were encouraged to relocate in this community and developed support groups to help newcomers adjust to their new community. The refugee crisis facing Western nations has begun to peak both demographically and politically. The United Nations has reported that more than 6.5 million

Syrians have fled to neighboring countries and Europe, and even nations that until recently welcomed refugees are frantically trying to change immigration policy or protect borders. In contrast, as migration has swelled the population in some places, in others, like the Rust Belt of the United States, depopulation undermines future economic development. Some have begun to ask whether population trends can or should determine policy. The answer is yes. Trump’s proposal taps into a reservoir of racism that is part of American history. FDR ordered American-born and immigrant Japanese people into prison camps at the outset of World War II, one of the worst violations of the Constitution. From the moment the first slave was taken off a ship in colonial America, African-Americans have been subjected to violent racism. So have Latino immigrants, another Trump target. We have been satellite-tagging Swallow-tailed Kites in the Southeastern USA since 1996. Recently we lost the signal on a Swallow-tailed Kite in Mato Grosso Brazil on its winter territory. Looking at Google Imagery, it looks to be in a field not far from BR 364. We are wondering if there is any biologist or citizen that may have a GPS receiver that could look for remains or maybe the transmitter of this bird. We wonder if the bird was killed, shot, poisoned, eaten or just died of old age. Perhaps some conversation with the locals there could lead to clues about Swallow-tailed Kites in the area. The last location of the Swallow-tailed Kited appears to be in a highly cultivated field along a wooded edge‚ soy or sugar? This is 150 miles N of Barra dos Bugres (direct). The closest town is 38 miles south: Campo Novo do Parecis to the south off of BR 364. Gerald was funny that way. At least that’s what everybody said. Gerald didn’t think he was funny at all. Anyway, how funny Gerald was, or wasn’t, really doesn’t affect what happened that day. It was a sunny summer day. The sun was high in the sky. It would have been a lovely day, except for the humidity. It was one of those days where you look out your office window and think, “I wish I was outside”. But the moment that you actually step outside, you immediately regret it. Gerald had taken the day off. He had big, exciting plans. He was going cruising. And he had a plan. But like most of Gerald’s plans, this plan was doomed to failure. Gerald learned

the hard way that packing a pickle, in the front of his spandex yoga pants, would not yield the results he had been hoping for. Not at all. Dear Mike, As I recall, Donna Lustoff heard a Long-eared Owl calling during the day from woods near my parents’ farm near Hopewell in Yamhill County about 20 years or so ago. I think this occurred sometime during the spring. I have never heard a Long-eared Owl call during the day before. Every Long-eared Owl I have ever heard was calling at night. Sincerely, Tim Janzen The purple finch in this line-up looks like my bird so I’m going with Purple Finch. Frankly, I cannot see the difference in culmen shape or brown cheek stripe. The pictures in Sibley’s and Peterson’s are no help. I will have to go back to my old tried and true method learned

long ago: House Finches are strawberry colored and Purple Finches raspberry colored... totally unscientific and with lots of orange and other House Finch exceptions. But the best I can do without hearing the song (which is how I easily tell them apart). As for Cassin’s, I’ll look for the top of the head being much redder than the rest of the head. I find the females of these finches much easier to tell apart than the males (by face pattern). Thanks to those of you who have tried to educate me. If anyone has any other clues, I’d love to hear them. Ukrainian investigators on Thursday called on the Netherlands to help probe the fate of a batch of precious Dutch paintings reportedly being held by a volunteer battalion fighting pro-Russian insurgents in the east of the ex-Soviet state. “We are waiting - and they are welcomed here in Ukraine - the official investigators who can investigate this material”, Ukraine’s police chief K hat ia Dekanoidze told a press conference. She said the Dutch experts could work together with their Ukrainian counterparts. “Our doors are opened, we are transparent”, she said. The Westfries Museum in the Dutch town of Hoorn said on Monday that two dozen 17thcentury paintings that went missing a decade ago had been found in a villa in a Ukrainian-controlled part of Donbass - a splintered zone of a conflict that has already killed more than 9,000 people since April 2014. Two men claiming to represent the Organisation of Berlin’s parliament on Thursday voted to open the doors of museums, zoos, operas and theatres for free on January 31, 2016, to thank the capital’s residents for their mobilisation in the country’s biggest refugee relief drive since World War II. “With open arms and with an infinite energy, Berliners welcomed thousands of refugees to Berlin,” the city state’s parliament said. “Without the unconditional help of thousands of Berliners in the refugee shelters, and the donations of clothes, toys, medicine and food... Berlin would not have been able to cope with this exceptional situation,” it added. The institutions which would offer free entry for the day would be listed on a website called “Berlin says thanks” or Further details of the programme were not yet available. The

decision came as the capital’s A rare sapphire and diamond ring achieved U.S. $1.35 million, including premium, at Bonhams New York’s Fine Jewelry auction on Dec. 8, setting a world-record for a Kashmir sapphire under 10 carats ($172,000 paid per carat). A stunning turn-of-the-century Tiffany & Co. ring centered by an ovalcut sapphire, the stone is of rare quality&151;deep and rich blue&151;and flanked by beautiful European-cut diamonds, weighing 7.84 carats. On the heels of three world-records at our recent Bonhams London jewelry sale, Bonhams New York sets another world-record in price per carat for a Kashmir sapphire under 10 carat, said Senior Director of International Jewelry Daniel Struyf. It’s been a successful week for Bonhams’ international jewelry department and a sign that colored gemstones are on the rise. Other top lots include: an important sapphire and diamond ring, cushion-shaped Hong Kong is presenting Aspects of German Art (Part One) - Revisited, a comprehensive survey of German post-war and contemporary art, featuring works by some of the most important and pioneering artists work i ng in Germany during this period. The exhibition brings together seminal paintings, photographs and installations that provide an overview of the artistic, socio-economic and political concerns of postwar Germany, a time period when these artists were reconciling with the trauma of war, finding a national identity and constantly pushing the limits of modern and contemporary art, through to the present day. Georg Baselitz (b. 1938) Georg Baselitz, a pioneer of the NeoExpressionist movement in Germany, has spent his career exploring the post-war German identity, creatingWith his perfectionist musical instincts, tough guy swagger and impeccable sartorial sense, Frank Sinatra captivated the 20th century like few other entertainers. A singer who so defined his craft that he was often called simply “The Voice,” the sight of Sinatra would send young fans into a tizzy starting in the 1940s as he became pop culture’s original heartthrob. Even 17 years after his death, the phenomenon then called “Sinatramania” or “Swoonatra” has persevered to a startling extent with the singer still enjoying a hold on the public

imagination. With Saturday marking 100 years since Sinatra’s birth in the working-class town of Hoboken, New Jersey, across the Hudson River from New York, at least 10 new books have been published this year on Sinatra, exploring the colorful and often brash lifestyle of the singer who famously sang, “I did it my way.” Ampersand Gallery & Fine Books About a Bicycle (AAB) Anthology Booksellers Big Big Wednesday Book Arts Editions Bridge Lab by MediaSurf Communications Container Corps Couch Press Division Leap Fillip Floating World Comics Future Tense Books Gobshite Quarterly / Reprobate Books Know Your City Mini Chapbook Press Monograph Bookwerks Mother Foucault’s Bookshop Nationale New Documents Octopus Books Passages Bookshop Perfect Day Publishing Personal Libraries Library Poor Claudia Portland Museum of Modern Art Publication Studio Reading Frenzy Sidebrow Sincerely Analog Press Two Plum Press University of Hell Press Whitewall of Sound Publications Successful candidates will have skills and aptitudes in humanities- and library-oriented research and development, including training or demonstrated experience creating or working with a variety of resources such as digital archives, scholarly editions, journals and monographs, social media, and text analysis and visualization tools in an open access and open source environment. Organizational skills and proficiency in current developmental technologies are essential. Interest and aptitude in research planning and management would be an asset. The ability to work in concert with our existing team is a critical requirement. Postdoctoral Fellowships (2016-17) include salary that is competitive in the Canadian context, governed in part by SSHRC practices. Postdocs will join the existing work of our team. Positions are available as early as April 2016, for a one-year term with the possibility of renewal. Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowships (2016-) are available to those already holding external fellowships and positions in 2016-17 and 2017-18 with aligned programs of research, and may be assumed for an academic term or longer. Applications comprising a brief cover letter, CV including list of projects and developmental roles, and the names and contact information for three referees may be sent electronically to Daniel Sondheim, ETCL Assistant Director, at etcl /at/uvic/dot/ca. Interviews may be conducted via Skype or in person, in Victoria or other venues as feasible. Of note: ETCL members will be at MLA 2016 and available for discussion there; if this is of interest to you, please indicate this in your cover letter. Review of applications begin 31 January and will continue until positions are filled. The position is subject to funding and budgetary approval. When Looking Down is Looking Up is an ongoing investigation of the shift from outer space to page as a re-envisioning of matter and printed matter. It centers on how when contemplating what is known and unknown, one usually finds themselves either staring down at the page or up into the sky. With well over two billion photographs posted daily on social media this is now the dominant form of contemporary photography. It also means the photograph takes its place with text and voice as central to contemporary human communication and as an aspect of sociality. All of this should be welcomed by anthropologists, since as the photograph moves to the centre stage of everyday life, it also provides new possibilities for

anthropological study. But first we need to acknowledge what is happening. We the members of Watchdog Foundation, Bombay East Indian Association along with Save Our Land (SOUL), would be making a detailed presentation on causes of Chennai floods. The in depth analysis done by us have identified numerous causes which led to the floods in Chennai. We have examined in detailed the Development Plans of Chennai, Ahmedabad, Thane, Pune, Nashik and Mumbai Metropolitan Region and we find that no flood buffer zone around various rivers have been provided by the Municipal Corporations of Chennai and Pune. However, the Municipal Corporations of Ahmedabad, Thane and Nashik including Mumbai Metropolitan Region have provided flood buffer zones around the rivers. Over the last few years, we experience a culture of excess where on one hand the overabundance of information has generated a wave of passive consumption and on the other has allowed many previously unseen trends and voices to emerge. Today, Pop may be as well defined by likes, shares, tweets, views or followers showing in a way the power of the people to decide about trends and attitudes but also highlighting the ephemerality of it, as the culture around us is changing at high speed. In that sense, we might as well say that what is considered Pop in 2015 might be outdated in 2016 and so on. What is defined as Pop is characterised through the culture of here and now. The pleasure of sharing everyday life through online environments and digital devices manifests a new way of living where our collective identities and digital selves intersect. GIFs, memes, selfies, viral videos, the internet slang as well as sharing, posting, uploading, commenting are all practices that reflect the current cultural condition. In the wake of ISIS’ attacks on Paris, French authorities jumped on the opportunity to revoke permits for the Global Climate March, a well-planned series of demonstrations scheduled to coincide with international climate talks. After speculation around the fate of the demonstrations, several prominent groups including and Avaaz gave in and announced that the march was canceled, while key grassroots groups announced they would take to the streets despite the ban. Climate activists march in Paris in 2014. On Thursday, a coalition of international NGOs and individual climate activists have demanded that France lift its imposed bans on large protest for the COP21 talks. (Image: Screenshot from YouTube) By Staff of Greenpeace International Climate change is a human rights issue. Already today many people around the world have their rights to life, water, food, health, housing and other rights impacted by climate impacts. It is in our hands to stop making this situation worse. Governments must speed up this change here in Paris to phase-out of fossil fuels by 2050 through a just transition towards 100% renewable energy, as well as the protection and restoration of forests and other ecosystems. As policymakers gather in Paris for climate change talks, it is difficult not to be cynical about how committed they are to actually creating the fundamental political change necessary to address the gathering environmental storm. Despite the factthat Indigenous Peoples either own, occupy or manage up to 65 percent of the Earth’s land surface or that speakers at a pre-COP21 UNESCO conference declared Indigenous knowledge to be indispensable in the fight to protect the planet, Indigenous Peoples have been largely ignored in national, and international, plans to address climate change. Art met protest in the Louvre today, as six performers ritualistically spilled oil on the gleaming marble floor. As security guards, police and gun-toting soldiers looked on menacingly, the black-clad figures removed their shoes and socks, and walked oily footprints in circles, to symbolise the polluting influence that two oil companies wield through their sponsorship of Paris’s most iconic museum. Singing Total and Eni, out of the Louvre, allez allez allez!’ they held black umbrellas aloft, mirroring a much larger action that was happening outside, simultaneously. Over the last few years, we experience a culture of excess where on one hand the overabundance of information has generated a wave of passive consumption and on the other has allowed many previously unseen trends and voices to emerge. Today, Pop may be as well defined by likes, shares, tweets, views or follow-

ers showing in a way the power of the people to decide about trends and attitudes but also highlighting the ephemerality of it, as the culture around us is changing at high speed. In that sense, we might as well say that what is considered Pop in 2015 might be outdated in 2016 and so on. Like Many Americans, My Mom Has No Retirement Savings “My plan is just to work until I die.” That’s how my mom sums up her retirement prospects. Small-Scale Violations of Medical Privacy Often Cause the Most Harm Breaches that expose the health details of just a patient or two are proliferating nationw i d e . Reg ulators focus on larger privacy violations and rarely take action on s m a l l ones, despite the harm. Hi Dave, I wasn’t aware that Steven Wright was arrested, just that his home was raided. What I found interesting about that is that the raid seems to in response to his position that cryptocurrency should be treated as a proper currency for tax purposes, rather than as a taxable intangible asset. Cheers, Martin Even if he is the inventor of Bitcoin, actually raiding his home is shocking. It’s not as though Bitcoin itself is something evil, it’s another networked technology, and raiding the home of the inventor is weird. Could you imagine Tim Berners Lee’s home being raided because of the content of websites? Or Edison’s house because his light bulbs illuminated criminals houses? The tragedy we’re witnessing in so many places around the world is heartbreaking. Responses on the ground and in the media to events in Paris, Beirut, Syria and elsewhere have ranged from inspiring to chilling. Too often, people express fear and distress as anger, suspicion and scapegoating. Please do not respond to this message. If you would like to contact us, please log in to U.S. Bank Online Banking at and send a message to Customer Service. You are receiving this email because you signed up for alerts through U.S. Bank Online Banking. If you no longer wish to receive this alert, log in to U.S. Bank Online Banking at to temporarily disable or permanently delete this alert. For months, accusers, authorities and now an Oklahoma jury say, Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw preyed on vulnerable women. During traffic stops and interrogations, in the back of his police car or in their own homes, he used the threat of arrest to force women to submit to sexual as-

sault and rape. Many of his victims had criminal records or histories of drug use; most lived in the low-income neighborhood where he patrolled. All of them were African American. He didnt choose CEOs or soccer moms; he chose women he could count on not telling what he was doing, McConnell said of the former police officer during the closing arguments of a trial that drew national attention, according to Reuters. He counted on the fact no one would believe them and no one would care. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer gave birth to identical twin girls yesterday morning, but she’s not taking the 16 weeks paid time off that new mothers at Yahoo are allotted. Instead, she says that she plans to approach the birth as did with her son three years ago; “taking limited time

away and working throughout. Circumstances have worked against her with both pregnancies: With the birth of her first child she had just stepped into the top job and now Yahoo is in turmoil that certainly couldn’t handle an absent CEO. Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma police officer, accused of raping more than a dozen women, was found guilty Thursday on a number of charges, including five counts of rape and an additional 13 counts of sexual assault. He was recommended to get a sentence of 263 years in prison, after 45 hours of deliberation by the jury. Sentencing will take place next month. A poll released Thursday found Americans surveyed were more fearful of a terrorist attack than at any time since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The New York Times/CBS News poll found 44 percent said an attack is very likely‚ to happen in the next few months-the highest in Times or CBS News polls since the weeks following the 2001 attacks. That mou nt i ng fear has helped Republican p r e s i de n tial frontr unner Donald Tr u m p ’s rise in the polls. The survey found seven in 10 people who are likely to vote in the GOP primary said he has what it takes to respond to the threat of terrorism. ISIS fighters stormed the Libyan town of Sabratha near Tripoli in pickup trucks, potentially threatening a UNESCO World Heritage Site of 3rd century Roman ruins. Sabratha is in the top 5 percent of archaeological sites in the world. As with Palmyra, it is a Greco-Roman site, which Islamic State has a particular view on: representation of human form in sculpture and artworks, representatives of idols,‚ said British archaeology professor David Mattingly. Things they prefer to destroy. President Obama has directed his team to complete a proposal aimed at expanding background checks on gun buyers without the approval of Congress. Obama is seeking to finalize a set of recommendations on what more the administration can do on its own to save lives from gun violence, and those recommendations will include making sure we do everything we can to keep guns out of the wrong hands, including those expanded background checks,‚ White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said at a national gun-violence vigil in Washington, D.C. White House spokes-

man Josh Earnest said Thursday that the review Jarrett referred to has been going on for a couple of months,‚ adding that there was now renewed appetite for an overhaul of the rules in the wake of recent mass shootings. Tashfeen Malik, the Pakistan-born assailant who killed 14 people with her husband at a San Bernardino holiday party, attempted to contact Islamic militant groups and was ignored, U.S. government sources told Reuters on Thursday. It’s unclear how many groups Malik tried to contact, but the organizations included al Qaeda’s Syriabased affiliate, the Nusrah Front, people familiar with the matter said. Investigators have little evidence that Malik or her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, had any direct contact with ISIS, the government sources said. The FBI and the San Bernardino County Sheriff ’s Department on Thursday sent a team of divers to search a nearby lake, where investigators said they believe the couple visited on the day of the attack, an FBI spokesman said. Officials declined to say what divers were looking for. The number of chronically homeless persons in the U.S. dropped from more than 120,000 in 2008 to around 84,000 in 2014, a new report from the Congressional Research Service notes. The federal government has undertaken to end chronic homelessness by 2017. “One of the reasons that federal programs have devoted resources to ending chronic homelessness is studies finding that individuals who experience it, particularly those with serious mental illness, use many expensive services often paid through public sources, including emergency room visits, inpatient hospitalizations, and law enforcement and jail time,” the CRS report said. “Even emergency shelter resources can be costly. In addition to potential ethical reasons for ending chronic homelessness, doing so could reduce costs in providing assistance to this population.” Species Summary: Pinkfooted Goose (1 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (2 New York, 1 Quebec) Tufted Duck (1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Brown Booby (3 California) Northern Jacana (3 Texas) Aplomado Falcon (1 Texas) Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Western Spindalis (3 Florida) The NWS Storm Prediction Center expects a slight risk of severe weather on Saturday. The area of greatest concern is in

the Southern Plains from northeast Texas through central Oklahoma and into southeast Kansas. In this area, large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes are possible. A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent. More than anything the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking. Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like the evil spirits at the dawn of day. Despite their support for sending troops, 85 percent of respondents told pollsters they would “definitely” or “probably” not be willing to join the military. If we want to curb terrorism in the United States, we must stop drone attacks in the Middle East. Americans are in a quandary, desperate to act but unable to share in responsibility for the violence around them. The initial death toll was put at 15, in addition to over 90 injured, before 45 more civilians later succumbed to their wounds, according to a source at Hasaka governorate. The bombings were carried out by suicide terrorists who used two gasoline tankers and a truck packed with large amounts of explosives. You received this message due to Invalid information in your account. Please update your information promptly so that you can continue to enjoy all the benefits of your PayPaI account. If you don’t update your information within 14 days, Your account will be Iimited. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we are working hard to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Nanzoin Temple, a Shingon temple in Sasaguri, near Fukuoka, is a big temple complex with lots of statuary. I have already posted about the numerous Fudo Myoo statues and the giant reclining Buddha. Above is an Enmeijizo, a Jizo who grants a long life, housed in a small. thatched structure. Of course there are plenty of other Jizo statues. En no Gyoja, the famed 7th Century ascetic, Streams of hanging icicle lights tower over displays, lights adorn bushes and a yellow obelisk with red, green and white lights stands high above the Italian Formal Garden terrace. Since the light show began in 1996, it has been a tradition for friends and families to brave the cold and walk along the path under a sea of lights and stars. Reporting from public sources over the last year, the Washington Post has identified more than 900 fatal shootings by police - an average of nearly three deaths a day. By contrast, the FBI has recorded about 400 deaths a year over the past decade, or just over one death a day - less than half the rate recorded by The Post. The FBI is now unveiling an attempt to compile a more complete record. A jury convicted former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw on Thursday of raping or sexually assaulting eight women, all black, between late 2013 and 18 June 2014. Legal documents seen by the Guardian appear to show that the Oklahoma City police sex crimes unit began investigating Daniel Holtzclaw before his final assault, on 8 May 2014. Their investigation would eventually link Holtzclaw to 13 separate incidents of rape or sexual assault. Five of those occurred in the 41 days

after they opened their investigation. My name Carl Chapman and I work for a Search Marketing company in Sydney, Australia. I was doing some research on your industry and I landed on your website. Thing is I had a look at some of the other businesses who are currently ranked on Page 1 and I truly believe you have a better website and a better brand. Long story short, I have created an 18-Page Website Audit which addresses all of the technical and web errors on your website that is stopping you from ranking; I am happy to send you this report for FREE. All I want is the opportunity to call you and discuss the website audit in greater detail. What do you think? Speaking to people from Tubetube, a (very) small island in Milne Bay Province, it is clear that even after repeated requests from the Local Level Government representative, people are not receiving any relief. The wells are dry or only giving salt water; the gardens have dried up; the trees are dropping leaves and dying and even bush animals are dying from lack of food and water. People usually drink coconut water when the wells become salty, but now the coconuts are dry when they harvest them. My guess is that this is in part political retribution because the previous MP used to give the Bwanabwana region (his family is based there) assistance at the expense of other places. Now his opponent is in office, no assistance to these small islands. The internet is shit today. It’s broken. It was probably always broken, but it’s worse than ever. Last month we saw Demonii disappear. It was the biggest torrent tracker on the internet, responsible for over 50 million trackers a year. Additionally, the MPAA took down YIFY and Popcorn Time. Then news got out that the Dutch Release Team, an uploading collective, made a legal settlement with anti-piracy group BREIN. While it might look like torrenters are are still fighting this battle, Sunde claims that the reality is more definitive: “We have already lost.” Take the net neutrality law in Europe. It’s terrible, but people are happy and go like “it could be worse.” That is absolutely not the right attitude. Facebook brings the internet to Africa and poor countries, but they’re only giving limited access to their own services and make money off of poor people. And getting government grants to do that, because they do PR well. Finland actually made internet access a human right a while back. That was a clever thing of Finland. But that’s like the only positive thing I have seen in any country anywhere in the world regarding the internet Well, we don’t have an open internet. We haven’t had an open internet for a long time. So, we can’t really talk about the open internet because it does not exist anymore. The problem is, nobody stops anything. We are losing privileges and rights all of the time. We are not gaining anything anywhere. The trend is just going in one direction: a more closed and more controlled internet. That has a big impact on our society. Because they are the same thing today. If you have a more oppressed internet, you have a more oppressed society. So that’s something we should focus on. But still we think of the internet like this new kind Wild West place, and things are not in chains yet, so we don’t care because everything will be OK anyhow. But that is not really the case. We have never seen this amount of centralization, extreme inequality, extreme capitalism in any system before. But according to the marketing done by people like Mark Zuckerberg and companies like Google, it’s all to help with the open network and to spread democracy, and so on. At the same time, they are capitalistic monopolies. So it’s like trusting the enemy to do the good deeds. It is really bizarre. Well, one thing is, we have been growing up with an understanding of the importance of things like a telephone line or television. So if we would start to treat our telephone lines or TV channels like we treat the internet, people would get really upset. If someone would tell you, you can’t call a friend, you would understand then that this is a very bad thing that is happening. You understand your rights. But people don’t have that with the internet. If someone would tell you, you can’t use Skype for that and that, you don’t get the feeling it’s about you personally. Just by being a virtual thing, it’s suddenly not directed at you. You don’t see someone spying on you, you don’t see something censored, you don’t see it when someone deletes stuff out of the search results out of Google. I think

that’s the biggest problem to get people’s attention. You don’t see the problems, so people don’t feel connected to it. I would rather not care about it myself. Because it’s very hard to do something about it, and not become a paranoid conspiracy person. And you don’t want to be that. So rather just give up. That’s kind of what people have been thinking, I think. Hopefully technology will give us robots that will take away all the jobs, which will cause like a massive worldwide unemployment; somewhat like 60 percent. People will be so unhappy. That would be great, because then you can finally see capitalism crashing so h a r d . There is going to be a lot of fear, lost blood, and lost lives to get to that point, but I think that’s the only positive thing I see, that we are going to have a total system collapse in the future. Hopefully as quick as possible. I would rather be 50 then be like 85 when the system is crashing. Der groesste japanische Fernsehsender, Fuji TV, war bei uns zu Gast. Es ging um das Thema Klimawandel und als Beispiel um die Auswirkungen auf den Weinbau. Die sind zum einen positiv, so koennen wir dank mehr Sonne, frueherem Austrieb etc. bessere Rotweine ernten. Zum anderen merken wir, das die Herbste feuchter werden, was bei Riesling je nach Weinberg problematisch werden kann - wir muessen mehr Arbeit und Handlese investieren, um gute Weine zu machen. Um den Weinjahrgang 2015 zu verstehen, muessen Sie sich bis in den Januar zurueck versetzen. Im Winter gab es genuegend Regen, so dass die wasserspeichernden Schieferboeden bestens mit Wasser gefuellt waren. So konnte die Entwicklung der Reben zuegig starten. Der Austrieb war zwar nicht aussergewoehnlich frueh. Aber dank tollem, trockenen und heissem Juli waren die Grundlagen fuer einen guten Jahrgang gelegt. Wichtiger aber als Hitze pur ist stabiles und eher kuehleres Wetter im Spaetsommer und ein trockener Herbst. Haben wir im August und September ein stabiles eher kuehleres Wetter, dann wachsen grosse Weine. Regnet es in dieser Zeit haeufig und ist gar noch warm dabei, dann droht eine problematische Lese. It’s Christmas Eve 1965. In the small village of Barwell, the carol singers are out in force, preparations for the big day are well under way and, completely unexpectedly, the biggest meteorite to hit the UK arrives. Fifty years on, the search for fragments continues. “It’s the debris

from the birth of our solar system,” says one expert. “It’s no wonder people keep a piece of it tucked away in a box.” Each year thousands of tonnes of perfectly good sofas are thrown away and can’t be given to families who want them. The lack of a fire label can be enough to send a sofa straight to the landfill site. It’s estimated that more than 50% of those that could be sent to a new home instead have to be scrapped just because they don’t have the correct labels. “It seems like such an easy thing to fix,” says one expert. “And yet it is nobody’s responsibility to fix it, so it is not happening.” Livein landlords are on the increase. On the surface, it might seem like a good arrangement for both parties, but dig a little deeper and tensions over communal areas and etiquette can quick-

ly arise. “I’m allergic to cats, which results in a nasty reaction around my eyes, but when I was away, the cat had come into my room and sat on my pillow,” says Emma, who lived as a weekday lodger with a mother and daughter in Eastbourne while studying. “When I confronted the landlady, I was told ‘It’s the cat’s room’.” The famous psychedelic Porsche convertible driven by late rock legend Janis Joplin smashed estimates to sell for nearly $1.8 million in New York on Thursday in a frenetic five-minute bidding war, RM Sotheby’s said. It was a world-record price at auction for a Porsche 356, a spokesman for the firm said. The custom-painted 356C 1600 Cabriolet model, dating back to 1964 and which had never left the Joplin family, tripled its highest pre-sale estimate of $600,000 in a five-minute sale peppered with applause. Joplin -- who sang “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes-Benz” -- forked out for the Porsche but decided its original white finish too dull. She had it painted red with a mural that included images of butterf lies and jellyfish, as well as of Joplin and her band. The auctioneer opened bidding at $300,000 before a packed room in New York with RM Sotheby’s staff - Strengthen relationships with government, foundation, corporate and individual funders and signif icantly expand fund development program. - Direct advocacy efforts to ensure continued and increased funding for the Arts Council and arts community on the local, regional and national level. Lobby local, regional and state policymaking bodies. - Identify significant issues and trends affecting the environment for cultural growth in the region and shape the organization’s response to current issues, needs and practices. - Serve as primary staff liaison to the board ofdirectors, as well asexecutive, finance, development and strategic planning committees. Keep the board fully informed and support the board development process. - Work closely with the board to develop long-range financial plans and prepare annual budget forecast. - Manage all staff and consultants, conduct annual employee reviews, develop annualexecutivedirectorassessment plan and create new management systems as needed. - Develop succession plan. - Maintain a climate that attracts, retains and mo-

tivates a talented and diverse staff. - Create and monitor staff policies, procedures and staff development. - Follow federal, state and local laws related to employment, management and financial management. Develop, write and submit all grant correspondence including letters of intent, proposals, budgets, presentations and interim and final reports to foundation, corporate and government grant makers, persuasively communicating the Foundation’s mission and programs Research and identify public and private funding opportunities in multiple areas including but not limited to arts and cultural programs, STEM education, business development, technology support and community development Maintain development calendar to ensure timely submission of all grant correspondence Work closely with the executive director to align proposals with areas of need and ensure open, regular and efficient communication of opportunities, progress and delays Consistent attention to detail and accuracy; highly organized with ability to be proactive and plan ahead; ability to multitask and prioritize to meet multiple competing deadlines; ability to produce high quality work against a deadline; ability to work both collaboratively and independently; ability to maintain creative and productive relationships. Candidate must be dependable, flexible and possess enthusiasm and dedication for the mission of the Foundation and the task at hand. This program is designed to provide real world experience and contacts to college students looking to begin their careers. Intern will work under the supervision of the Costume Shop Coordinator and Designers and assist with the design and execution of four productions. He or she will strengthen skills by learning costume construction and alternation techniques. He or she will have the opportunity to work on both home and industrial equipment and may also be responsible for some craft-work, depending on production needs. Intern will also gain experience working with a professional repertory theatre company and assisting with costume changeovers. For more information visit our website This is an unpaid internship. To apply, please

send a cover letter and resume to: ssintef @anoisewithin. org. Please put Costume Intern in the subject line. Incomplete applications will not be considered. A Noise Within is an equal opportunity employer. the highestpitched recorder confronts fog and wind at beavertail point. recorded by azure carter. the foghorn subsequently sounds. recorded 3 meters away. i eat berries. roles while a foghorn sounds, now, in the distance, on a nova scotia winter night, recording a foghorn and its echoes, here in rhode island, an impossible day on the time when a rare appearance in these parts of harlequin ducks, living in rough and stormy weather, waters, our first sightings in nova scotia, and here a commensurate moment among rock, bay and eternity, brief moment of organisms, medieval instrument playing among the fog and wind, and later, the categories and topos of the world, solidity lost later among the violence of our species, but not for a moment, now Despite the French Ministry of Interior’s demands, France will not ban the TOR anonymity network or Free public Wi-Fi as a way to help the law enforcement fight terrorism. French Prime Minister Manual Valls has gone on record saying that a ban on Free public Wi-Fi is “not a course of action envisaged,” and he is not in favor of banning the TOR anonymity network, either. FBI declared War against Encryption. Encryption is defeating government intelligence agencies to detect terrorist activities and after the recent ISIS-linked terror attacks in Paris and California, the issue has once again become a political target in Washington, and meanwhile, Kazakhstan plans to make it Mandatory for its Citizens to Install Internet Backdoor, allowing the government Pleasantly warm... Lunch: Rice with “Ribbed gourd” chutney. Radish curry (grated and tempered with red & green chillies and flavoured with fresh coconut and lemon juice). Tomato Rasam and yoghurt rice with amla pickle... Fewer than a hundred fossil fuel companies are responsible for 63 percent of human-caused CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The U.N.’s Climate Summit is being urged to make them pay. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (5 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 New York) Tufted Duck (1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Brown Booby (7 California, 1 Florida) Northern Jacana (1 Texas) Ruff (1 North Carolina) Kelp Gull (1 Ohio) Smooth-billed Ani (1 Florida) Aplomado Falcon (3 Texas) Sinaloa Wren (1 Arizona) Black-capped Gnatcatcher (1 Arizona) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Arizona) Western Spindalis (3 Florida) Western Spindalis (Bahamas Black-backed) (1 Florida) These are dark times. They may get worse. We are up against a dangerous combination of intolerance and a new style of authoritarianism. What is happening in parts of America challenges our fundamental values. I think that science and technology are inherently political, and whether we want to think about it that way or not, it’s the nature of the beast. Our training as scientists and engineers tends to deemphasize the social positioning of what we do, and most of us scientists don’t give a whole lot of thought to how our work impacts society. But it obviously does. It’s not something easily taught, either. I’ve taught an ethics and technology course myself, for several years, and the students are not predisposed to get the message that things technological are also political. We tend to analyze what we’re working on from

a very self-directed perspective. [We focus on] how it impacts us and how it impacts the small group or the company with which we’re dealing, and the broader social influences of what we do aren’t usually on the horizon. I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death. In the darkness, I look at the green lights from the life supporting machines and hear the humming mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of god of death drawing closer... Now I know, when we have accumulated sufficient wealth to last our lifetime, we should pursue other matters that are unrelated to wealth... Should be something that is more important: Perhaps relationships, perhaps art, perhaps a dream from younger days Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. The wealth I have won in my life I cannot bring with me. What I can bring is only the memories precipitated by love. That’s the true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. Love can travel a thousand miles. Life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the height you want to reach. It is all in your heart and in your hands. What is the most expensive bed in the world? Sick bed... You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost. Life. When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading‚ Book of Healthy Life. Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others. 50F, scattered light rain, bleak. Blueberry caulfluti. Coffee. I don’t think terrorism has much to do with the mass-surveillance issue at all. This is a convenient storyline to be weaving in the present day, but the NSA’s own mission statement says that they’re there to serve their customers. And while some of those customers are interested in terrorism, other NSA customers have completely unrelated interests, and I don’t think that surveilling is particularly aimed at confronting terrorism. It wouldn’t be effective even if it were. Anyone who really wants to encrypt their communication is going to find a method for doing so, whether it’s bundled with mass-market products or not. When you make encryption harder to get for ordinary people, you don’t deny it to terrorists. You just make the population as a whole insecure in their daily communications. Furthermore, law enforcement has an extraordinary set of tools available to them now. An unprecedented set of capabilities, both for law enforcement and intelligence services. These aren’t somehow the dark times for either law enforcement or intelligence. These are the times of extraordinary information. Nowhere in history has it been so easy to learn so much about everybody. So, in some sense, we’re really talking about protecting the smallest remnants of remaining privacy. I have a figure with 4 levels and different types of elements on these levels. the important part is a png image where I removed the background to have colour shining through. However I donot succeed in saving the svg file and exporting it to pdf: the png figure is not shown. Do you have any idea what triggers this behaviour? Other similar files are properly saved and exported. Enclosed are two screenshots to show what is shown in inkscape (1) and anywhere else (2), for example in windows explorer which is examplary for Acrobat and anyother program. You will notice that the next figure 127BK is shown properly, demonstrating that with the first figure there is something fishy. The bells, bands, and booms have been soundtrack of the city for a week -- the virgins are being celebrated! First in line, on December 8, for chiming church bells, processions, and fireworks was the Virgen de Juquila and third will be Oaxaca’s patron saint, the

Virgen de la Soledad on Dec. 18. Thank you for purchasing from Reindeer Leather and helping us bring unique design Handmade Leather House Slippers and Out-door Shoes for Both men and Women. This Winter we have added in our website some unique collections of Leather Shoes and Slippers with warm Fur and Fleece inner lining to keep your feet warm in Cold weather, All our items are 100% made of leather and hand stitched. We offer free shipping worldwide. Website ordering concerns. We’ve had a few repeat questions about the shopping cart on the website: 1. If you add items to your cart, and d o n ’ t check out the items should stay in your cart as long as you DO N O T close your browser. 2. Once you submit an order, you C A N NOT edit that order. You may submit additional orders which will all be combined into one order at pickup. 3. Please email us if you would like to delete certain items from your cart. 4. If you would like to review past orders or other information in your account login and click on your name at the top of the page. I like giving gifts, yet I always approach this time of year with everything from mild trepidation to outright dread. I dislike the idea of buying “stuff,” which I’ll define in this context as things people do not need and may not even want. The act of giving art avoids these problems. It is one of the few acquisitions that we make that tends to live with us forever. Living with art enriches one’s life. These unique and compelling works are consistent sources of reflection and inspiration. Unlike clothes, a work of art will not go out of fashion. Unlike food and drink, a work of art will never be totally consumed. Unlike a computer or a car or a flat screen television, a work of art will not fall victim to planned obsolescence or simply break or wear out. You see where I am going with this? UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F DISCLAIMER: This email message and any accompanying attachments may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states them to be the views of the University of

Technology Sydney. Before opening any attachments, please check them for viruses and defects. Thank you for submitting to the Torist a while back. We are pleased to say three images from your 12hr series are being included in our first issue which we hope to be releasing very soon. We are proud to be publishing your work, and will be sure to let you know when the issue is released. Season’s greetings and best of luck in the future, The Torist Both the Columbia and the Willamette Fleet are together tonight! Both fleets meet in the afternoon at Coon Island and leave for Scappoose arriving approximately 5:00PM then continue up the Multnomah Channel to the Willamette River.This is a long night and arrival at the Willamette River is usually between 8:00P and 9:00PM.It is

not possible to give a closer time frame due to weather conditions, debris in the river, and other conditions beyond our control. The parade will be visible in the Linnton area at parades end. The Willamette Fleet will be seen returning to RiverPlace Marina. If you would like to play our gift exchange game, the limit for the wrapped gift is $15.00. We will be having our annual canned food drive for the food bank in Scappoose and the ladies voted unanimously to bring gifts (unwrapped) for the VA medical center. Anything you can give to these men and women that have sacrificed so much for our country would be appreciated. We are looking forward to a wonderful party with our Island neighbors! The greatest country, the richest country, is not that which has the most capitalists, monopolists, immense grabbings, vast fortunes, with its sad, sad soil of extreme, degrading, damning poverty, but the land in which there are the most homesteads, freeholdsw h e r e wealth does not show such c o nt r a s t s high and low, where all men h a v e e no u g h - a modest living-and no man is made possessor beyond the sane and beautiful necessities. A State divided into a small number of rich and a large number of poor will always develop a government manipulated by the rich to protect the amenities represented by their property. Observance of customs and laws can very easily be a cloak for a lie so subtle that our fellow human beings are unable to detect it. It may help us to escape all criticism, we may even be able to deceive ourselves in the belief of our obvious righteousness. But deep down, below the surface of the average man’s conscience, he hears a voice whispering, “There is something not right,” no matter how much his rightness is supported by public opinion or by the moral code. There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -are always attained by giving them to someone else. For the second time in just over six months, the BBC has been forced to admit that its flagship news and current affairs program - Today - has misled its audiences over the situation in Israel and the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Saudi Arabia’s fighter jets mistakenly targeted a camp of pro-Ri-

yadh militants in northern Yemen, killing and injuring scores of them. At least 87 people were found dead in Burundi’s capital Bujumbura on Saturday, a day after the government said an unidentified group carried out coordinated attacks on three military installations. Authorities say at least seven people are dead and 30 others wounded in northern Cameroon after the latest suicide attack blamed on Boko Haram militants. At least six people are thought to have been killed on Saturday in northern Nigeria, with the military claiming there was an attempted assassination of the country’s chief-of-staff. Two police officers were sentenced on Saturday to five years in jail by an Egyptian court for torturing a lawyer to death in a police station in February, a rare penalty against members of the security forces. At least 17 people were injured when a grenade was thrown into the main mosque in the Ethiopia capital Addis Ababa after Friday prayers, a government spokesman said today. At least 4000 people were killed including 200 children while thousands were injured in 370 drone attacks. Speaker Asad Qaiser said that the matter of c o mp e n sation related to drone att a c k s would be raised in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Despite a mounting civilian death toll and increased opposition from civil liberties activists, the US Air Force has announced that it plans to double its number of drone squadrons. According to the report, US President Barack Obama confirmed drone attacks for the very first time. At least 50,000 Malaysians support the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, the country’s transport minister said on Saturday, raising alarm about possible attacks in the Southeast Asian nation. Late on Thursday night the first 163 of a planned 25,000 Syrian refugees arrived in Canada, and were greeted and given winter coats by prime minister Justin Trudeau. The nearly 500 children, all undocumented, will be taken to the Lakeview Camp and Retreat Center near Waxahachie over the next few days. The plan right now is to house them at the facility over the next 21 days, while officials figure out where to send them next. 33,480 Americans dead after 70 years of atomic weaponry: U.S. hopes to save money by cutting

medical benefits for nuclear workers A second video has been released that shows the controversial fatal police shooting of a Texas man who had raised his hands up just before he was shot. They’re scanning faces and eyes at a busy Mexico-U.S. border crossing in an effort to crack down on people who remain in the United States after their visas have expired. Through the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement, Britain and France reconfigured the boundaries of the Middle East, dividing Arab provinces of the former Ottoman Empire into areas of future British and French control. While the devious and unjustified character of the Sykes-Picot Agreement is indisputable, a century later there is growing talk of yet another remapping of the Middle East, a dangerous Balkanization along ethnic lines that will exacerbate communal hatred. It oozes out of grilled cheese sandwiches, defines the common cheeseburger, and claims a place of high status in the lunchboxes of children across the nation. However what we know and love in this country as American cheese‚ is neither American, nor is it cheese. Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, to be sure, but certain physical changes that go along with it don’t always leave you feeling that way. Skin hyperpigmentation is an issue many women deal with while expecting and after childbirth. One mother took matters into her own hands and ended up creating La Mav Organic Skin Care, a vegan and certified organic skin care line to solve this skin issue, and benefiting women of all ages in the process. No, I’d say, rather it does indeed extend corporate property rights to include the fruits of your leisurely labour. Autonomist marxist inspired, radical feminists have since the 1970s been working on recognition of the essense of the economy - the reproductive sphere but instead it has been corporatised in the cloud. Now liberal feminists worship reproductive technology and capital, celebrating life itself as a commodity. That corporate ownership now extends to almost the entire realm of human existence has been greatly helped by the naive, technoworshipping tossers riding on a wave of wealth created by the californian ideology. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (2 Connecticut) Whitecheeked Pintail (1 Florida) Tufted Duck (2 Newfoundland and Labrador) Brown Booby (5 California, 2 Mississippi, 1 Texas) Northern Jacana (6 Texas) Ruff (1 North Carolina) Kelp Gull (7 Ohio) Ruddy GroundDove (1 Arizona) Western Spindalis (3 Florida) Since 2013 this challenging program managed to make many people wealthy. People just like you and I. Hard working men and women that have been ripped off from their hard earned savings by the binary options Gurus. But, no more. Because the Binary Auto signal is here and you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for it. We’re all mourning the loss of lives from the devastating attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. We’re all thinking deeply about how to create safety and There is, it turns out, a serious problem of domestic terrorism in the U.S., but it’s not the kind that typically receives attention or concern. It’s a fraud really, a fake. It’s just bull*hit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. Saudi Arabia has been the target of international condemnation once again after it was reported that the kingdom plans to carry out more than 50 executions in the upcoming days, including the beheading of some protestors who were juveniles at the time of their

arrest. Man wielding machete shot dead at Pennsylvania Walmart: Pennsylvania State Police say Sunday that 20year-old Andrew Joseph Todd, of Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania, was shot when he refused officers’ orders to drop his weapon inside the Walmart late Saturday. These are a unique form of Nio that I have not seen anywhere else. They are carved as diagonal spars that support the porch roof on the Jizo Do at Hofukuji, a small temple in the Teramachi district of Hagi. Only the Jizo Do remains, the main hall being destroyed in early Meiji. I have been unable to find out anything about them, so if anyone has seen anything like this before, pleaseAfter 20 years printing and distributing 20,000 copies every two months to 750 locations across Australia, RealTime 130 is the last edition of the magazine in print. In 2016, we go totally online, staying true to our vision of free access, highly responsive and constructive reviewing with a focus on innovation and experimentation across the arts. Stay tuned for a completely new website and newformat E-ditions. Bob was born in Pound Ridge, New York, January 7, 1933. He graduated from Bucknell University with BS in Engineering and worked as a Mechanical Engineer, was a deep sea diver in the US Navy, but his real passion was Race Cars and following the circuit.. his alias was Bob Bower. Bob was proud of being Chairman of the Southern California ACLU and having lead the movement to end the death penalty. Fifty years ago Bob and his wife Helen moved to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, where he had a business and where one of their sons was born. Fifteen years ago, when he and Helen retired, they moved to Oaxaca. He loved living in Oaxaca and the many Oaxacan friends from his pueblo. peace - and how to stop reckless violence. Some political leaders, meanwhile, are taking advantage of a climate of fear. Some politicians are calling to ban Muslims from entering the United States and to stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees fleeing violence. This is not about safety. These scare tactics are about hate, division, and discrimination. Should we have to remind these politicians to uphold America’s fundamental freedoms: justice, equality, liberty, and democracy? The storm system that brought a variety of impacts to the West Coast over the weekend will move east and bring impacts from the Intermountain West to the High Plains. Heavy snow will bring treacherous travel conditions through Tuesday and numerous Warnings, Watches, and Advisories are in effect. We do not want a PAX Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children -- not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women -not merely peace in our time but peace for all time. Philosophy should always know that indifference is a militant thing. It batters down the walls of cities and murders the women and children amid the flames and the purloining of altar vessels. When it goes away it leaves smoking ruins, where lie citizens bayonetted through the throat. It is not a children’s pastime like mere highway robbery. I will be harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject i do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. No! no! Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hands of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present”. Iniquity, committed in this world, produces not fruit immediately, but, like the earth, in due season, and advancing by little and little, it eradicates the man who committed it. ...justice, being destroyed, will destroy; being preserved, will preserve; it must never therefore be violated. Simple logic says that we must go to the roots of terror. Only a fool can believe that the services of a suicidal terrorist can be purchased, or that they can be bred at will anywhere. Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. The long-cherished neocon dream of “regime change” in Syria is blocking a

possible route out of the crisis - a ceasefire followed by elections in which President Assad could compete. Our western world has become a theatre of lies and deceit. Nothing is ‘mistake’ or ‘blunder’. These are the same bloodthirsty war criminals who have destroyed seven countries, murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Muslim peoples. Since World War II alone the US has murdered up to 30 million people around the globe with an estimated 90% of them being civilians. We see nations illegally bombed into oblivion by the US with no remorse or sense of guilt. Human lives are totally inconsequential, unless of course they are US lives. Gentle medicine based on Ancient Healing t e c h niques combined with the l a t e s t brain science, palpation of the internal rhythms of the fluids in the body, and Quantum Biodynamics, these are treatments to renew, rebalance, and re-energize your body! Healing modalities include CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, SomatoEmotional Release, BodyTalk, Lymph Drainage, EFT, and dreamwork. The house, in a quiet part of Mexico City, had a study within, and in the study he found a solitude he had never known before and would never know again. Cigarettes (he smoked 60 a day) were on the worktable. LPs were on the record player: Debussy, Bartok, A Hard Day’s Night. Stuck up on the wall were charts of the history of a Caribbean town he called Macondo and the genealogy of the family he named the Buendias. Outside, it was the 1960s; inside, it was the deep time of the pre-modern Americas, and the author at his typewriter was all-powerful. On December 8, the state of Georgia carried out its fifth and final execution of the year, killing 47year-old Brian Keith Terrell by lethal injection for a 1992 murder. Itwas a fight over money, the state said. Terrell forged checks belonging to an elderly family friend, then shot the man after he was found out. But for years Terrell and his lawyers insisted he was innocent- no physical evidence linkedhim to the crime, and, after three trials, the key witness against him recanted, telling a defense investigator that he had implicated Terrell in order to save himself. And now the literary folk. Work with big textual data is often clothed in the rhetoric of revelation. Once we were lost, thinking that a handful (ok, a generous handful) of canonical 19C novels could lead us by

reading them closely to understanding of the novel. Now we have found that with collections of literary Big Data we can abandon the foolishness of close reading to see in numbers and charts how the rejected and despised majority of novels give us a truer picture. Once again analogical reasoning, through statistical modelling, interpenetrates throughout. It’s not quite that we are making it all up, and certainly not that we are wasting our time (unless we fail to be critical about the processes and results) but neither are we seeing at last the one true picture. Perhaps we need to stress again, to ourselves as well as to our students, that “evidence” is what argument does to data to make it meaningful? A large crate tucked away in a musky storage room reveals a treasure: a

pair of meticulously crafted wings covered with swan feathers made for a final film Charlie Chaplin never completed. The seminal filmmaker had the surprisingly heavy contraptions made for his daughter Victoria, whom he envisioned in the role of “The Freak” -- a winged girl who brings hope to humanity, but also exposes its deepest flaws. “It seemed to me to be a very beautiful fairytale. Something that maybe only a man of his age can imagine, can dream. A very charming dream,” Chaplin’s now 69-year-old son Michael told AFP, his dark eyes sparkling as he recalls reading his father’s script back in the 1970s. Comic genius Charlie Chaplin, whose iconic films like “The Kid”, “Modern Times”, “The Great Dictator” and “City Lights” are admired and loved the world over, was planning something very different for what he intended to be his last picture. Dissident artist Ai Weiwei Thursday said he believes his activism is helping to change China and the price he has paid for speaking out was worth it. Ai, in Melbourne for a new exhibition of his work at the National Gallery of Victoria, with human rights and politics at its core, said someone had to make the sacrifice and take a stand against injustice. “Freedom of speech or human rights is never something you can grant for free,” he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. “It takes somebody to sacrifice, to make the effort. Yes, I have suffered and many people are continuously suffering. My lawyer is still in jail after a year-anda-half. And many, many people are still in jail.” Ai, China’s most prominent contemporary artist, was detained in 2011 for 81 days over his advocacy As geographers, Sosius, crowd into the edges of their maps parts of the world which they do not know about, adding notes in the margin to the effect, that beyond this lies nothing but the sandy deserts full of wild beasts, unapproachable bogs, Scythian ice, or a frozen sea, so in this work of mine, in which I have compared the lives of the greatest men with one another, after passing through those periods which probable reasoning can reach to and real history find a footing in, I might very well say of those that are farther off: “Beyond this there is nothing but prodigies and fictions, the only inhabitants are the poets and

inventors of fables; there is no credit, or certainty any farther.” Nothing less than a systemic transformation of our societies, our economies, and our world will suffice to solve the climate crisis and close the everincreasing inequality gap. After over 20 years of stunted and ineffective action to reduce climate pollution by governments -- particularly in wealthy countries that have failed to meet their legal and moral responsibilities -- only urgent and transformative and systemic change that can address the root causes of the crisis and deliver what is needed to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius, the limit beyond which climate impacts will become potentially catastrophic. The urgency to keep temperatures down is not just about the planet and the environment. It is about people, and our capacity as humanity to secure safe and dignified lives for all. As social movements, environmental non-governmental organizations, trade unions and other civil society organizations with deep roots in communities around the world struggling to cope with the climate crisis, we take hope from the fact that while the scale of the challenge is enorm o u s , people already have solutions and alternatives that work at the scale we need. For a quarter century, Adobe’s Photoshop has been incredibly powerful.. and difficult to master. But when the company got serious about bringing the image-editing software to mobile devices, it decided that it made sense to break it up into multiple apps and rethink the interface for touch screens. The result is an experience that isn’t about catching up with Photoshop’s desktop version--but may actually be ahead of it in some respects. Silver Bear, .223 Remington, 55 Grain FMJ, 500 Rounds Highly polished zinc plating over a steel case. The zinc plating helps them feed more smoothly than standard steelcase ammo - but the price is still steel-low. 240 rds. .223 5.56x45mm 62 Grain FMJ Ammo Current Winchester (Olin) production .223 5.56x45mm at a sweet price! ... due to slight blemishes that won’t affect the performance one bit. Brass-cased, Boxer-primed, reloadable. 20 rounds of Prvi Partizan .223 Remington 62 Grain FMJ Ammo Head to the range or back 40, and let loose with this Prvi Partizan .223 Rem-

ington Ammo. It feeds smooth, shoots straight, and Prvi Partizan is known for their long history of quality assurance and exacting standards. Golden Bear .223 Remington SP Ammo, 500 rds. Brass coating over steel case allows this Ammo to perform like a brass case at a fraction of the cost! Non-reloadable, non-corrosive, current production, soft point Bullets. Sellier and Bellot 9mm FMJ 124 Grain Ammo 250 rounds Sizzle just waiting to be unleashed! Always welcome 9mm FMJ Ammo, ready to get you the most out of your next trip to the range. Smooth feeding, always reliable! 500 rounds Eley .22LR 40 Grain LRN Target Ammunition Quality Target Ammunition at an unbeatable price! Eley Target Rounds are a popular choice among club shooters and those looking to get started in Olympic shooting disciplines. 40 Grain lead round nose bullet. 240 rds. PMC .308 Winchester (7.62 NATO) 147 Grain FMJBT Ammo A can’t-miss deal! Brass cased, Boxer-primed, reloadable, currentproduction, and non-corrosive rounds. Muzzle Velocity: 2,751 F.P.S. Muzzle Energy: 2,428 ft.-lbs. 25 rds. 12 Gauge 2 3/4” Buckshot Heavy cushioning behind the shot column. And a granulated polymer buffer helps maintain a tight, even pellet pattern. “00” buckshot size, 9 pellets in each shell. 1,325 F.P.S. muzzle velocity. Rebate available 250 rounds Fiocchi .45 ACP 230 Grain Current production .45 with metal case bullet. 230 Grain. Brass-cased, Boxer-primed, non-corrosive and fully reloadable. Packed in 50-round boxes / 20 boxes per case.500 rds. Wolf 9mm 115 Grain FMJ Ammo Affordable quality from the military experts at Wolf. Fresh 2007 production! Polymer coated steel casing, Berdan-primed and non-reloadable. 100% noncorrosive. 115 grain, full metal jacket bullet. Geco .22LR Rimfire Ammo, LRN, 40 Grain, 50 Rounds The pleasure of plinking! Head to the range or back 40, and let loose with this Geco .22LR LRN Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting. Optimized for Bolt-action rifles. 450 rds. 7.62x39mm 123 Grain FMJ Ammo Ready to deploy to your plinking site of choice! Affordable 7.62x39mm Ammo is here, a genuine military buy for your favorite military rifle. 1970s to early 1990s Yugoslavian production. 50 rds. Eley .22LR Subsonic Hollow 40 Grain Ammo A low-velocity hunting cartridge with target shooting accuracy! For single bolt-action rifles and semiauto magazine feed rifles. Muzzle Velocity: 1,065 F.P.S. Muzzle Energy: 101 ft.-lbs. 50 rds. per box. 160 rds. 7.62x39 mm FMJ Ammo Practice makes perfect! 1970s Yugoslavian Military Surplus. Brass-cased, 123 Grain, full metal jacket. It’s packaged on 10-rd. stripper clips. Corrosive construction. 50 rds. .22LR Standard Plus 40 Grain Lead Round Nose Ammo Germanmade, ready for plinking, target shooting and hunting! Brass case. Non-corrosive. Muzzle velocity: 1,050 F.P.S. Muzzle energy: 98 ft. lbs. CCI Blazer Centerfire Pistol 9mm 115 Grain FMJ 50 rounds CCI Blazer Centerfire: Speer bullets with reliable CCI primers. For a quarter-century, Blazer has been the trusted training and practice companion for millions of shooters around the world. Blazer is 100 percent “Made in America.” 500 rds. GECO 9mm 115 Grain FMJ Ammo Swedishmade GECO current production Rounds for plinking and target shooting, high-quality and affordable! Brass-cased, boxer-primed, reloadable. Non-corrosive. 115 grain full metal jacket round-nose bullet.

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