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ow they cut their runs can affect how beautifully the forest recovers, should the lodge ever go out of business. Boss Elf gives Hermey grief over his desired career path. It seems Boss does not understand the inner elf. Later on, Hermey lands on the Island of Misfit Toys. The island’s misfits -- a Charlie-in-the-Box, a bird that swims, a cowboy who rides an ostrich -also don’t match up with the expectations we have for them. Of course, the show ends on a happy note, and I suppose the message of the Island of Misfit Toys and of Hermey the Elf / Dentist is that we’re all a fit someplace. And it’s the same for your career. I can’t tell you how many times my best advice for someone seeking career guidance has been to ask “what do you want to do?” followed by “well, why don’t you go do that?” More often than not, they know what they want to do... just like Hermey the Elf, they already know what would make them happier. So you’d think it would be easy. But when I ask “why don’t you do that”, I’ll hear a litany of reasons without rationale... “my family doesn’t think it’s prestigious enough...”, “well, I could never just get up and move like that...”, or “I don’t THE recent massacres in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., demonstrated, once again, the so-called Islamic State’s ability to win over disaffected Muslims. Using a mixture of textual literalism and self-righteous certainty, the extremist group is able to persuade young men and women from Pakistan to Belgium to pledge allegiance to it and commit violence in its name. This is why the Islamic State’s religious ideology needs to be taken seriously. While it’s wrong to claim that the group’s thinking represents mainstream Islam, as Islamophobes so often do, it’s also wrong to pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam,‚ as many Islamophobia-wary Muslims like to say. Indeed, jihadist leaders are steeped in Islamic thought and teachings, even if they use their knowledge to perverse and brutal ends. know what people would think of me if I did that...” And this is the hard part, because the most difficult opponent you’ll face in your career is yourself. Your excuses. Your rationalizations. Your reasons why you shouldn’t even try. And it’s conquering yourself, and overcoming your doubts, and beating your own fears and anxieties and limitations, that will lead you to having the career and life that you deserve. So in response to each reason why you can’t do it, ask the person in the mirror and reply: “That doesn’t matter, go do what you want.”, or... “That’s not really true, why don’t you go do what you want?”, or... “Ok, but if you’ve only got a few decades left on this earth, why not go do what you want?” Over and over and over. In most cases, you’ll eventually convince yourself. And you can finally become the dentist you’ve always wanted to be. This award recognizes innovative books in archaeology or anthropological archaeology that best exemplify excellence in writing, significantly advance archaeological method, theory, or interpretation, and inform other subfields of anthropology or related disciplines. It was an amazing day yesterday in Scranton, PA, with more than 100 people inside and outside the courtroom. Folks joined us from all over the East coast. The Judge, Robert Mariani, began by reading an excerpt of the papers Mumia filed with the court, citing the life threatening conditions he suffered when he was hospitalized on March 30th, 2015. The Judge referred to those conditions as “serious,” signaling to all in attendance that he meant business. However, even before the proceedings began, the DOC’s attorney, Laura J. Neale, argued for dismissal of the case on a technicality. She argued that Mumia violated procedure in failing to exhausted his DOC administrative appeals process first, before filing a suit in court; and that, on that basis, the judge should dismiss. Our attorneys, Bret Grote and Bob Boyle, literally took out the demolition equipment and went to town. The judge disagreed with her too, citing precedents with which she was unfamiliar. The judge then asked her: are Abu- Ja ma l ’s claims legitimate? After much back and forth she was forced to concede that they were legitimate, but insisted that there was a violation of the process. Then judge asked her, “so do you mean to tell the court that you are upholding form over content?” Shortly thereafter, the court adjourned because the DOC’s attorney asked the judge to register his decision in a formal ruling. He came back with a powerful opposition to her motion citing precedent. And p.s. he came back with fire in his belly.

Many Europeans fear the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) because it could enable American companies to file claims against their states. The strange thing, however, is that Western Europe is becoming a big hub in this mechanism, called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), leading to billion dollar claims against poorer countries. Imagine this: a country is in the middle of the worst economic crisis in decades. One in four people is unemployed. Tens of thousands are homeless. Four presidents have been replaced in two weeks’ time. To halt the downward spiral, the gover nment decides to nationalize previo u s l y privatized sectors and companies. In response, dozens of companies sue the government, because they feel disadvantaged by the new policy. The government is forced to pay hundreds of millions in financial compensation in the years after. The authors explain the social and economic context of the project: “The housing crisis shaking Croatia and the entire EU has not emerged due to a shortage of housing. It is a consequence of hikes in rent prices, loans, the gentrification process and the migration of people from city centres. Analyses of housing policies in Yugoslavia identify the period as one of a state of permanent housing crisis. Although there were many issues, ranging from the mode of apartment assignment, the absence of a consistent housing policy, an insufficient number of apartments and their inadequate amenities (an inconsistency with European standards), to the incongruities between state- and market-driven housing policies, it does appear that the egalitarianism of the period was on a higher level than it is today. If we are to refer to this as a period of housing crisis, how then are we to describe the housing policy in Croatia after the 1990s? We live in inherited apartments or, if we are not that lucky, we buy apartments (for ourselves or for our children) by taking out loans we will then repay for some 20 years. The increasingly uncertain working conditions and temporary work contracts make us uncreditworthy, resulting in a growing number of young people facing no other choice than to become tenants. A better conceived housing policy that would include social housing is a national interest because housing is the basic prerequisite of the social integration

of citizens, i.e. a prerequisite for their contribution to the social and economic development of the country. Unlike many European countries Croatia’s constitution makes no mention of the right to housing or of the state’s obligation to provide its citizens with housing. It is time we started considering the right to housing as a fundamental human right that represents not only the wellbeing of the individual, but also of the entire community.” Species Summary: Pinkfooted Goose (4 Connecticut) Art has a tremendous impact in indicating or shaping various dimensions of multilayered identities. Trough time art represented or influenced human visions of life and death, natural or supra-natural, meanings of life and daily practices, beliefs and their expression, history and change, places and differences. Art is simulta-

neously a process of building contextual cultural identifications and an instrument for cross-cultural dialogue. Arts supported the symbolic legitimating of various political orders and had an essential role in the creation of national identities. Arts shaped cultural aspirations and credos as an effective element of cultural innovation, change and openness to new. Through imaginary representations, art inserted divisions and differences among cultures and self-perceptions of people yet also opened the path of curiosity for the other and the emergence of transcultural dialogue. As artistic visions touched upon the most intimate identitarian representations of individuals and societies, they exercise a fundamental role in the developments and dynamics of identity making processes. Arts deeply touched on social and self-representation through sculpture and portraiture, on civic identities through defining social spaces in architecture or quotidian percept i o n s through design, on social or political alleg ia nces through symbols, iconic objects and cultural diplomacy, on acting identities through theater, literature or performance arts, on the formation of transnational and global symbols. They exercised an essential impact on the formation of social memories or in addressing inclusion and exclusion nexuses for the marginalized or oppressed. Art is as well one of the important modes for asserting identities. This panel addresses explicitly and invites the theoretical or applied studies that relate artistic manifestations with identity making processes. As the universe of reflection and research on the topics involved are virtually unlimited and impossible to anticipate in full diversity, we welcome contributions that add value or challenges to the discussion of the topic. Barnacle Goose (2 New Jersey) White-cheeked Pintail (Whitecheeked) (1 Florida) Tufted Duck (2 New York, 1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Smew (3 Ontario) American Flamingo (1 Florida) Brown Booby (1 California, 1 Mississippi) Northern Jacana (3 Texas) Ruff (1 North Carolina) Kelp Gull (6 Ohio) Ruddy Ground-Dove (1 Arizona) Sky Lark (1 British Columbia) Fieldfare (8 Montana) Redwing (1 British Columbia) Rufous-backed Robin (1

Arizona) White-collared Seedeater (1 Texas) Your Attention Please, urgent donation information for you which will benefit you and your entire family, with the less privileged in your local community. Respond back to this email immediately so as to enable me provide you with the complete information regarding this donation. God Bless you richly. Ugo Verni. Identities are socially attributed imaginary significations. They are part of the dynamic projects of individual and social autonomy (C. Castoriadis). Nothing shapes, represents or reflects better the imaginary constructions of particular societies than arts. The artistic perception and practice are often identity making processes while the object of art can be a direct or indirect embodiment of experienced identities. At the outcome line of the process of artistic creation, the perception of the objects of art as oeuvre is an identification with cultural claims for specific aesthetic standards. According to oral histories, Alcatraz Island had been used by indigenous people as a camping spot, an area for gathering food, as well as a hiding place for many Native Americans atte mpt i n g to flee from the California Mission system. In November 1969, a group of Native Americans, many of them students, set out on a chartered boat to occupy the island under the name “Indians of All Tribes.” The protestors hoped to reclaim the land and build an American Indian university, cultural center, and museum. Trudell was one of the leaders of this nineteen-month long occupation, which established a precedent for Native American activism. By 1979, the FBI had built a 17,000-page dossier on John Trudell. “He’s extremely eloquent,” one FBI memo read, “therefore extremely dangerous.” That same year, while Trudell was demonstrating in Washington, D.C., his pregnant wife, three children, and motherin-law were killed in a fire at her parents’ home on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Nevada. The fire occurred hours after Trudell had burned an American flag at the FBI building in Washington. Trudell and others said they suspected government involvement, but a cause was never determined. Trudell considered poetry to be first among the arts. “When one lives in a society

where people can no longer rely on the institutions to tell them the truth, the truth must come from culture and art,” he said. While Republican presidential candidates make outrageous statements regarding refugees, unauthorized migrants, and a supposedly under-resourced U.S. boundary policing regime, many pundits paint the Democrats as the party of reason. However, this simplified dichotomy, while no doubt reflecting certain truths and real disagreements, obscures how Republicans and Democrats are singing from the same hymn sheet with regard to a new reality for the policing of U.S. boundaries. This applies especially to the U.S.Mexico border, and the movement of migrants moving northward from Central America and through Mexico and across the country’s divide with the United States, one result being evermore dangerous barriers to human mobility. Our track brings critical analysis to the plurality of collectives, spaces and futures that are assembling around increasingly accessible digital design and fabrication technologies. Computer integrated tools hold particular historical ironies and contradictions: early introduction threatened skills, livelihoods and identities amongst manufacturing communities -- while they are celebrated today as enabling agency, identities and communities for makers. Both processes has been promoted as ‘Industrial Revolutions’. STS has much to contribute to understanding, engaging and bridging digital fabrications. Conversely, apparent historical turnarounds in digital fabrication, with tools spilling into new collectives and spaces, offers an opportunity to interrogate STS theory and methodology. Fifty years ago, social ecologist Murray Bookchin, like other commentators welcomed a future in which collectives would own tools and organise production non-hierarchically around ‘liberatory technologies’. Does grassroots appropriation of digital fabrication in hackerspaces, makerspaces and amongst user groups online, mean his future for egalitarian toolbased creativity arrived? Or do digital fabrication futures reinforce the automation, flexible specialisation, and globalised outsourcing documented by David Noble in the 1980s, and that has been a driver for the technology amongst manufacturing strategists since then? How do the collectives and spaces pursuing these different futures intersect, contest, and co-exist? With essays on sculpture, drawings, watercolours and prints, the volume reflects the extraordinary range of Bindman’s knowledge of works of art and his impact through his teaching and research on the understanding of British and European artistic developments from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. The essays cast light on questions of technique and stylistic change, patronage, collecting and iconography, and engage with issues such as the representation of race, gender, sexuality, political violence and propaganda, exile, and notions of the canon. The artists discussed here include Hogarth, Blake, Roubiliac, Thorvaldsen and Canova, all subjects of books by David Bindman, as well as Morland, Rowlandson, Gillray, Millais, Munch, Nevinson, and Heartfield. Founded in 1947 by abstract expressionist painter Julian Beck and actress Judith Malina, The Living Theater was a group of artists, political activists and militant theater-makers devoted to blurring the lines between art, life, representation, poetry and political compromise. In New York city, the collec-

tive became a sort of hub for various scenes, attracting a host of intellectuals, artists and key figures of the New York context, from John Cage and Merce Cunningham to Andy Warhol, Jonas and Adolfas Mekas, or Allen Ginsberg to name but a few. For several decades, Beck, Malina and their associates constantly pushed the limits of their own formal language in an attempt to break the fourth wall and promote ideas of anarcho-pacifism and liberalism around the world.Pleasantly cool. Light lunch of rice with beetroot curry and cucumber raita, rasam and yoghurt. Second day of dinner outside. Today a cradle ceremony. Hope the menu will be good. “I can see the surface under the Vectran material,” American astronaut Rick Mastracchio told ground control in 2007. “I don’t know where that hole came from.” It’s the ultimate form of what former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson called “squeakybum time”. What can you do if things go awry on a spacewalk? It’s lonely out there. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (2 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 Delaware, 1 New Jersey) Tufted Duck (1 California, 1 New York) Smew (5 Ontario) Masked Booby (1 Alabama) Brown Booby (7 California, 1 Florida, 2 Texas) Northern Jacana (2 Texas) Ivory Gull (1 Alaska) Slaty-backed Gull (1 California) Kelp Gull (1 Ohio) Fieldfare (11 Montana) Redwing (6 British Columbia) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Arizona) Western Spindalis (2 Florida) Mexico: The Frozen Revolution was not available from your local shipping center. Fortunately, it was available from a shipping center in another part of the country. It’s on its way and should arrive within 3 to 5 days. You’ll notice we also recently sent the next available DVD from your Queue to enjoy while Mexico: The Frozen Revolution makes its way to you. Your Queue now shows this extra DVD rental. Enjoy. The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorm capable of producing tornadoes, damaging winds and hail from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes on Wednesday. The greatest threat will be across the Mid-South, from eastern Arkansas and northern Mississippi to southern Illinois, where a Moderate Risk of severe thunderstorms is in place. We went out with this person and his wife for dinner. We had the famous Hyderabad Biriyani. We had the veg. biriyani, while this couple had mutton biriyani. Dessert was the popular “Khubani ka Meeta”. Demonstrations will be formally timetabled either as plenary sessions or in parallel with paper presentation sessions. Proposals are invited and should be submitted in outline as for papers, above. However, we will not expect detailed demo proposals until nearer the conference, to allow time for development. For publication you will be able to offer either a summary describing the demo or a paper. Proposals for panel sessions or workshops are welcome. A panel session would consist of two or more panel members who each make brief presentations or statements, followed by discussion with the audience. We will look for panel sessions to be of wide interest and to stimulate and engage the audience, since most delegates are interested and often expert in using and exploring technologies. A crackdown on corruption by the Attorney General has resulted in the imprisonment of 209 officials, all of them its own. Most of the officials charged worked in the prosecutors’ office or were members of the federal investigative police. Arrest orders for another 112 were also issued. Fifteen people died and 30 were injured Saturday in a head-on collision between a bus and a passenger van in Oaxaca. One of the most iconic Christmas celebrations in Mexico is the setting up of the nacimiento, the nativity scene that represents the birthplace of Jesus Christ. But more and more of the figures used in the scene are coming from China, threatening the livelihood of artisans. New archaeological findings have shown that carnivorous animals were kept in captivity in the Americas as far back as the first century AD, 1,000 years earlier than any previous evidence had shown. An institution in Mexican television, Chabelo, the friend of all children, has said farewell after almost half a century on the air, putting an end to the longest-running show on Mexican TV. The strikingly colorful quetzal, the iconic Mesoamerican bird, says a researcher from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and their biggest threat is hunting by humans for their feathers, or

to be sold as pets. The rise of the so-called post-antibiotic era is widely linked to over- and misuse of antibiotics in industrial agriculture. A soldier was staying at a hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo. when a man came up to his door and asked to check the plumbing. The soldier let the man into his room, but once inside, the man drew a knife and attempted to rob him. The soldier responded by retrieving a gun and forcing the criminal to the ground. The convergence of fears over terrorism, a perceived threat of gun laws being changed and the Christmas holiday have sent gun sales soaring in what is already the busiest month of the year for firearm purchases. W h i l e Brazil has never officially suffered from a terrorist attack, at the moment the Brazilian congress is debating a counter-terrorism bill that could create further justification for the criminalization of social movements and popular protest. Fracking is a relatively expensive process-about ten times more costly than the $5 to $6 per barrel cost of drilling oil from conventional wells in Saudi Arabia. By letting the price of oil drop, OPEC, in which Saudi Arabia is the key partner, has been applying financial pressure on the fracking industry. Massive amounts of water and 600 chemicals are shot into the ground under high pressure to release the gas and oil. But gas from fracking wells leaks into underground water tables causing serious contamination and also the phenomenon of what comes out of a water faucet bursting into flames when touched with a lit match. Oil in much of 2015 went down to $60 a barrel making fracking a problematic undertaking economically. And consequently there have been reductions in and cancellations of numerous fracking operations. Still, the fracking industry cut costs in seeking to survive. The fall from a recent peak of $115 a barrel in August 2014 has left all OPEC members in fina ncial difficult, but Saudi Arabia has refused to relent on the strategy of using a low crude price to knock out U.S. shale producers. Hopes that OPEC would announce production curbs to push up prices were dashed when the cartel met in Vienna last Friday, triggering the latest downward lurch in the cost of oil. [America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend

the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. It is part of the moral tragedy with which we are dealing that words like “democracy,” “freedom,” “rights,” “ justice,” which have so often inspired heroism and have led men to give their lives for things which make life worthwhile, can also become a trap, the means of destroying the very things men desire to uphold. As a result of the war, corpora-

tions have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless. They (corporations) cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed, nor excommunicated, for they have no souls. criminal, n. A person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation. The West may become a Global Israel, forever occupying, forever dispossessing, forever bombing, and forever insecure. Nine children have been killed following a rocket attack by Islamic State on a school in Deir Ezzor, an oil-rich region in the east of Syria. A further 15 school kids were injured, three of whom are in a critical condition. About 20 people, including at least 12 civilians, were killed on Monday in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, in two air strikes that destroyed houses believed to be used by Islamic State militants, six eyewitnesses and a medical source said. The storm system that produced the severe weather outbreak on Wednesday will continue to move east on Thursday, but has diminished in strength. Isolated severe thunderstorms will still be possible from the Mid-Atlantic to the Gulf Coast and lower Mississippi Valley. [America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. In Russia, vulnerability to Western sanctions has led to proposals for a banking system that is not only independent of the West but is based on different design principles. In Iceland, the booms and busts culminating in the banking crisis of 2008-09 have prompted lawmakers to consider a plan to remove the power to create money from private banks. In Ireland, Iceland and the UK, a recession-induced shortage of local credit has prompted proposals for a system of public interest banks on the model of the Sparkassen of Germany. In Ecuador, the central bank is responding to a shortage of US dollars (the official Ec-

uadorian currency) by issuing digital dollars through accounts to which everyone has access, effectively making it a bank of the people. The popping and cracking noises emanating from the key support beam in our Temple of Athleticsthe TV sports business-foreshadow wild disruptions ahead for the world of sports. No amount of wishing upon a star at the Disney offices in Burbank or the ESPN offices in Bristol, Connecticut, can hold back the forces of consumer choice that the Internet has unleashed. CNN footage showed dozens of excavators working to clear the rubble, dwarfed by the sheer scale of the landslide, which covered 380,000 square meters (94 acres) -- or around 60 football fields. Densely packed with few air pockets, in some places the mud and debris was piled four stories tall, CCTV reported. The landslide toppled buildings and ruptured a gas pipeline, so clearing the site could take weeks, it added. While the government remains mum on the detentions, the police sweep seems an unusually harsh crackdown on community-based groups that have long struggled to balance mutual aid and advocacy without courting cont r ove r s y. Wo r k i n g outside the international spot light and concentrated in China’s g r i t t y sout he r n manufacturing belt, organizers toil thanklessly each day on behalf of local workers: filing complaints, winning back wages, fostering collective bargaining, Beginning with the lunch counter sit-ins in early 1961 and continuing on through 1969 and beyond, college students around the country rallied to the cause of justice and freedom. The two best known student organizations of that time were the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Another important group, though less well known, was the Northern Student Movement (NSM) and it was founded on the Yale campus in New Haven. Tens of thousands of young Americans were inspired by the lunch counter sit-ins that began in Greensboro, North Carolina and spread throughout the South. The lie that many knew was a lie -- that the United States is based on freedom, justice and equality -- was exposed by the incredible bravery of young Black people. It was as though a dam had broken and a tidal wave of people,

led by college students, were suddenly passionately committed to making the world a better place and not so concerned about forging comfortable careers for themselves. With over 35 years combined experience, Doug Heiken and Chandra LeGue have been monitoring proposed timber sales throughout the state, including in southern Oregon to combat reckless proposals that threaten the last of our old-growth forests. Chandra has also helped to make the Siuslaw National Forest the posterchild for collaborative restoration. Jason Gonzalez is organizing Oregonians in the Coast Range to protect our forests and watersheds from several threats including toxic aerial pesticide spraying. Bridget Callahan has been hosting community events in Roseburg, Bend, and Medford to help advance permanent Wilderness protections for over 500,000 acres in and around Oregon’s only national park -Crater Lake. Based in Enterprise, Rob Klavins is working to be a strong voice for gray wolf recovery and forest restoration in the northeast corner of our state. Pam Hardy is working in collaborative groups in eastern Oregon’s Malheur National Forest to promote conservation-based restoration in dry forests. Stephanie Taylor has been working to recruit, train, and organize wildlife activists up and down the Willamette Valley (and beyond) to stand up for Oregon’s native wildlife, like gray wolves. Erik Fernandez has been working in Hood River to ensure that the last unprotected Wilderness-quality areas on Mount Hood will be there for future generations to enjoy. Sarah Cuddy has spent the last year building support for permanent Wilderness protections in the Ochoco Mountains by conducting community events in Bend, Redmond, and Prineville. A Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice was suspended from his job with pay Tuesday while a state judicial ethics court considers allegations his email exchanges, including photos of nude or topless women, crude jokes and salacious Internet memes, have tainted the court system. In the new study. Dr. Samson and Dr. Nunn combined that information with studies of 19 other primate species. The researchers found wide variations in how long the animals slept. Mouse lemurs doze for seventeen hours a day, for example, while humans sleep just seven hours or so a day -- “the least of any primate on the planet,” said Dr. Samson. The scientists looked for factors that could explain the differences. Compared with big mammals, for example, smaller species tend to sleep more during the day and in short bouts, perhaps because they need to eat many times a day. Dr. Samson and Dr. Nunn found that the time each primate species spends asleep generally corresponded to its physical size, along with other factors, such as the average number of primates in a group. Recently I have been thinking about how long it has been since I have seen, or even heard a B E W I C K ’ S WREN on our property east of Silverton. When I am home on weekends, I almost always keep a weekend species list on our 5 acres and spend significant time watching, since I enjoy being outside putzing around, regardless of weather. I believe it has literally been a couple of years since I have counted one here. I reviewed about 30 years of Silverton CBC data and noted some interesting trend lines that I am not sure have relevance to the larger western Oregon region. We had a fairly significant spike in numbers

from 1995 - 2001, In 2001 we had 22 individuals, then a dramatic drop to only 3 in 2003, and *only 1 in 2004*. The last several years have averaged about 10-12 for the entire count. None of these are big numbers, but Silverton CBC also has only 6-8 sector teams for the entire circle. Is it just statistical noise, and unfavorable habitat, or is there something more regarding Bewick’s Wren numbers in W. Oregon? I know they have declined dramatically in the eastern US, and it is speculated it may be partly due to the expansion of House Wren numbers. An extraordinary garden with crystal chandeliers attached to a sky of greenery. A magical fountain, a hot-air balloon carrying an elephant or a unicorn playing the piano. A Belle Epoque fair (end 19th century) and its hundred-years-old carousels. A little Venice with its lagoon and baroque palace. This dream-like universe is real. At the heart of the Bercy neighbourhood in Paris, ancient wine warehouses built by Gustave Eiffel’s apprentice host thousands of objects, among them ancient fairground artefacts, theatre and music-hall objects and other curiosities. They were brought together and staged by Jean-Paul Favand who considers them all as actors. The Musee des Arts Forains stands between cultural heritage and entertainment, where touching the objects and trying the ride is possible to enhance conviviality and daydream. In 1919 quite accurately 1 million people are living in Hamburg. 42.000 men do not return from the battles in World War I. The economy lies fallow, large payments to the victorious powers arrest development and often, the urban population is starving. But looking at the art at that time, the approximately one and a half decades between war and National Socialism, one seems to sense another reality. Of course many artists are hinting at poverty and misery, but overall an atmosphere of hope and change prevails. The best known example is Bauhaus with its future-oriented suggestions for a new form of art and design. Even in Hamburg young artists develop new ways of life, plan monuments of the future and show a metropolis full of beauty and rhythm. Disclaimer This message is intended only for the use of the person(s) (“Intended Recipient”) to whom it is addressed. It may contain information, which is privileged and confidential. Accordingly any dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this message or any of its content by any person other than the Intended Recipient may constitute a breach of civil or criminal law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the Intended Recipient, please contact the sender as soon as possible. We and our third party service providers may use cookies and other web technologies in conjunction with this email. These technologies are used to understand activity with this email and on certain portions of our website. This enables us to improve our site, your experience on our site, and the offerings that we may provide to you. If you do not want these technologies placed on your device, please opt-out of receiving emails from us. Founded in 1947 by abstract expressionist painter Julian Beck and actress Judith Malina, The Living Theater was a group of artists, political activists and militant theatermakers devoted to blurring the lines between art, life, representation, poetry and political compromise. In New York city, the collective became a sort of hub for various scenes, attracting a host of intellectuals, artists and key figures of the New York context, from John Cage and Merce Cunningham to Andy Warhol, Jonas and Adolfas Mekas, or Allen Ginsberg to name but a few. For several decades, Beck, Malina and their associates constantly pushed the limits of their own formal language in an attempt to break the fourth wall and promote ideas of anarchopacifism and liberalism around the world. For the second time in as many weeks activists in Canada have occupied and shut down Line 9 Endbr idg e’s 300,000 barrel per day oil pipe line. This action effectively shuts down the flow of bitumen oil from the Alberta Tar Sands into the United States. The activists arrived at the Endbridge site just West of Sarnia, Ontario at 8AM and proceeded with closing the valve and locking themselves to the equipment. Line 9 is a highly contested tar sands pipeline that began shipping crude earlier this month between Sarnia and Montreal. Those involved assert that the operation of line 9 is a violation of indigenous sovereignty and treaty rights. Lastly, there’s New Year’s Eve, which

wouldn’t be complete without a celebratory beverage (or several). Champagne is great for midnight, but what to drink before the year turns? The Seelbach cocktailnamed for the Louisville, Kentucky, hotel where it was invented in the early 20th century-is just about perfect: You get a citrus bounce from the orange liqueur Cointreau, round sweetness and alcoholic force from bourbon, and festive fizz from sparkly wine, all knit together with a blast of bitters. Thu 24 Dec - closed Fri 25 Dec closed (Bank Holiday) Sat 26 & Sun 27 Dec - closed Mon 28 Dec - closed (Bank Holiday) Tue 29 & Wed 30 Dec- open as normal Thu 31 Dec- open until 6pm Fri 1 Jan closed ( B a n k Hol iday) Sat 2 & Sun 3 Jan - open as normal It may take a plane to get there but once you land, it’s all wheels. From Route 66 to South Africa’s coast, the romance of the open road knows no continental bounds. Hills, mountain ranges, deserts, and cliffsides-these are the most epic road trips on the planet. Driving around the tip of South Africa affords all sorts of diverse views, from world-famous surf spots to wild penguins, and so much more. The longest tunnel in the world, epic waterfalls, and the unparalleled Atlantic Road that stretches straight into the sea. A road trip along Norway’s fjords is anything but ordinary. Without your financial support 2C we cannot meet the challenge of providin g legal services at no charge to those whose constitutional rights have been threatened or violated. That is why your annual gift of year-end support is critical to the future of our legal and educational programs. Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion [committing a religious sin], admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. A terror suspect in France who allegedly decapitated his boss and took a selfie with the head has killed himself while in prison awaiting trial, The Guardian reports.Yassin Salhi, 35, was arrested in June. He was also accused of attempting to blow up an industrial gas factory. Officials have said Salhi was being held in solitary confinement but was not considered a

suicide risk. Salhi also reportedly denied any terrorist connection, asserting instead that he had a falling out with his employer, Hervo Cornara. Two days after an argument, Salhi allegedly strangled him and cut off his head with a knife. Russian airstrikes in Syria have killed at least 200 civilians, according to a human-rights watchdog report. Quoting witnesses and activists, the Amnesty International report released Wednesday accuses Moscow of using cluster bombs, which can kill civilians long after clashes cease, in attacks over the the past few months. The report focuses on six attacks in Homs, Hama, Idlib, Latakia, and Aleppo between Sept. 30, when Moscow formally joined the conflict, and Nov. 29. Moscow has repeatedly denied civilian casualties in Russian

airstrikes in Syria. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday that the Russian military in Syria operates in strict conformity with pricinples and norms of the international law. A streak of light blazing across the sky in California, Arizona, and Nevada was likely a Russian rocket booster re-entering the atmosphere, the U.S. Strategic Command said late Tuesday. Officials said the fireball was caused by a Russian SL-4 rocket that reentered the atmosphere above Arizona and was reportedly spotted south of Las Vegas, in the eastern sky from Southern California and as far north as Sacramento. The rocket was launched Monday and it was unknown where it ended up, according to Strategic Command. Italian model Bianca Balti and English model David Gandy generally looking incredible. The one thing you have over these two beautiful people? Your escape doesn’t have to end at the 30 second mark. The Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue per f umes for both men and wo m e n r e p r e s e nt the aroma of sparkling summer days yielding to evocative evenings. It’s the fragrance that transforms you and transports you, an instant escape that embodies the joy of living the light blue Me d i t e r r a nean life. Rescue workers pulled a migrant worker from rubble Wednesday, more than 60 hours after a massive landslide devastated Shenzhen, China. The survivor, Tian Zeming, had a very feeble voice and pulse when he was found alive buried under debris, and now he’s undergoing further checks,‚ Dr. Wang Yiguo said at a news conference. Tian told rescuers that a second person was buried alive near him, according to a transcript from the press conference. Neurosurgeon Dai Limeng said the second person had not survived. More than 70 people are still missing after a mountain of construction waste and mud collapsed and triggered a landslide into an industrial park in southern China. The artist’s complex, layered compositions employ symbols drawn from popular and traditional culture and explore such issues as race, class, cultural identity, equality, and independence. Additional private support is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Astoria Bank, Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, Bay and Paul Founda-

tions, Bloomingdale’s, Con Edison, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Forest City Ratner Companies, The Hearst Foundations, Laurence W. Levine Foundation, The New York Community Trust, and the Oppenheim Family Foundation, as well as numerous individual supporters. Brazil is mired in its worst crisis in more than thirty years. The economy and employment are shrinking, while high inflation is eroding consumers’ purchasing power. The currency has tanked, and along with it the government’s benchmark bond. A major corruption scandal that has already implicated national politicians, big businessmen, and officers in stateowned companies grows worse by the day. The recession and the scandal have deeply damaged president Rousseffs’ popularity, and left her coalition in congress in tatters. This month congress took the first step toward opening impeachment proceedings. One of the most worrisome features of the crisis is fiscal. The budget negotiated by the president and the congress for 2016 is in deficit right from the start. Primary expenditures will burn up nearly all the tax revenues, leaving little or nothing to service the debt. The one person working to fix the imbalance was the finance minister, Joaquim Levy. He resigned this past weekend with little to show for a year’s work. This fiscal impasse is very bad news for Brazil. “Postcode lottery” is a widely used term in the UK, describing inequalities suffered because of one’s address. This is usually applied to services like healthcare and education. But does the experience of one county in the US show a similar phenomenon extends to the death penalty? Riverside in California accounted for 16% of such sentences handed out across the whole country last year, despite being home to less than 1% of its population. Writing grants can be a rewarding path to the evolution of your art practice. Unpack essential strategies for crafting grant components including: a clear project description, realistic goals and objectives, a detailed timeline, and a functional budget. This workshop will provide you with tips, new knowledge and the courage to apply for that next grant! Woodblock prints can be simple, bold, graphic, detailed,

subtle, and complex. Begin with the basics of carving wood blocks for relief printing on the etching press, then work to give your images more depth by layering multiple blocks. Learn carving and printing techniques, image strategies, and layering registration. This in-depth course explores all aspects of soft ground etching and its combination with aquatint, chine colle, and drawing. Learn about line and tone etching, shape and texture transfer, and aquatint manipulation. Create layered prints by adding a second plate to the one holding the key design. All levels welcome. Three instruments called airbeams are installed outside the entrance of the museum to take in air samples and analyze the amount of particulates in the surrounding air. They generate data that is then converted to imagery and animation by a custom computer program and sent to the media facade of the museum, where it is visualized in in bursts of bright color over a constant background of falling blue light. Increasing frequency and size of the spots of color indicates a greater concentration of particles. The visualization updates with new particulate data every 15 seconds. The Australian government has repeatedly called for citizens to turn off two-factor authentication (2FA) at its main digital government portal, myGov. The portal’s Twitter account has recently been updated several times with cute pictures encouraging holidaymakers to “turn off your myGov security codes” so that “you can spend more time doing the important things.” The portal is the place where Australian citizens can use and manage a number of governmental services, including health insurance, tax payments, and child support. In case of myGov, two-factor authentication is implemented by sending users text messages that contain one-time codes to complement their usual passwords. There has been a searing irony to Christmas since August 1990 and the decimating embargo on Iraq. It marked the beginning of the destruction of the region where the three Abrahamic religions were born at Ur in southern Iraq, where the Garden of Eden is believed to have flourished at AlQurnah, translation connection‚ or joint‚, since it is where the Biblical Tigris and Euphrates rivers join. The significance of reconnecting to the biosphere was emphasised by Jeremy Rif kin in his Third Industrial Revolution while taking full advantage of technological innovation to set up renewable energy, and Joanna Macy’s cri de coeur The Work that Reconnects, was not anti technology. These two approaches actually happily sit side by side, a discovery we need to make first within ourselves. Then we can decide what is appropriate to each situation, rather than having prejudged what approach is needed. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (1 Connecticut) Whitecheeked Pintail (2 Florida) Tufted Duck (1 Newfoundland and Labrador) Smew (6 Ontario) Brown Booby (1 California, 2 Mississippi) Northern Jacana (3 Texas) Ruff (1 North Carolina) Slaty-backed Gull (1 California) Aplomado Falcon (2 Texas) Black-capped Gnatcatcher (1 Arizona) Fieldfare (9 Montana) Redwing (6 British Columbia) Western Spindalis (5 Florida) Brambling (1 Alaska) The U.S. is not mistakenly involved in conflicts and wars of aggression around the world - this is intentional. The U.S. establishment creates and uses the image of a “world of threats” to garner and keep the support of enough U.S. cit-

izens, who ultimately are paying for this economic and military aggression across the globe. WHEN AMERICANS look out at the world, we see a swarm of threats. China seems resurgent and ambitious. Russia is aggressive. Iran menaces our allies. Middle East nations we once relied on are collapsing in flames. Latin American leaders sound steadily more anti-Yankee. Terror groups capture territory and commit horrific atrocities. We fight Ebola with one hand while fending off Central American children with the other. In fact, this world of threats is an illusion. The United States has no potent enemies. We are not only safe, but safer than any big power has been in all of modern history. Geography is our greatest protector. Wide oceans separate us from potential aggressors. Our vast homeland is rich and productive. No other power on earth is blessed with this security. Our other asset is the weakness of potential rivals. It will be generations before China is able to pose a serious challenge to the United States - and there is little evidence it wishes to do so. Russia is weak and in deep economic trouble - not always a friendly neighbor but no threat to the United States. Heart-rending violence in the Middle East has no serious implication for American security. As for domestic terrorism, the risk for Americans is modest: You have more chance of being struck by lightning on your birthday than of dying in a terror attack. Our Swiss Leaks investigation revealed millions of dollars in potential unpaid taxes hidden in secret Swiss bank accounts that governments around the world now hope to recoup. Our investigation into the displacement of millions of people by World Bank-backed projects prompted the bank to announce reforms to better protect vulnerable communities from harm. Our Fatal Extraction project brought together journalists from across Africa to expose the vast - and sometimes deadly - footprint of Australian mining companies in the continent, and has since been cited by rights groups and politicians as they campaign for stronger regulation of the industry. Looking to shop for the jetsetter in your life this holiday season? We’ve got you covered. With this list of refined, chic, and helpful items, your traveler will bring elegance to whichever exotic destination they choose. Many of America’s largest cities continue to grapple with rising food insecurity and homelessness, according to a report released by the nonpartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors on Tuesday. The latest iteration of the group’s annual hunger and homelessness survey found that homeless shelters and food pantries in 22 U.S. cities are struggling to keep up with rising demand for their services. Homelessness was found to have increased most sharply in Washington, Seattle and Los Angeles over the past year. Officials closed all schools in a Virginia district as a precaution on Friday, days after an Arabic calligraphy assignment in a high school textbook sparked anger among some parents who said the exercise was meant to convert their children to Islam. The closing comes amid heated rhetoric from politicians after a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, carried out by a Muslim couple earlier this month. The Russian warplanes destroyed two long convoys of ISIL’s oil tankers in the Homs province. The first convoy with at least 8 oil tankers and some other military vehicles was targeted by the Russian Air Force near the city of Palmyra. Militants accompanying the convoy were also killed in the air raid. The joint squadron of the Russian and Syrian frontline bombers also destroyed 14 oil tankers and their guards near Sukhnah. A terror suspect who once worked at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport told another suspect he could build rockets that could take down planes at up to 2,000 feet, an FBI agent testified during a hearing Tuesday. CBS Minnesota reported that Abdirizak Warsame, who is reportedly the tenth young Minnesotan to be charged in 2015 with trying to join ISIS, was secretly recorded by a government informant. The agent testified there was no evidence that Warsame actually had any rockets capable of shooting down planes, but a magistrate still ruled that he should remain in jail for now, claiming that he was a flight risk and a danger to the community. Three women stand accused of beating a homeless man to death in a Philadelphia neighborhood in April at a gas station. The women are to attend a Dec. 30 hearing on the charges in the death of Robert Barnes, 51, who

died Nov. 25 at Abington Hospital-Jefferson Health. Aleathea Gillard, 34; Shareena Joachim, 24; and Kaisha Duggins, 24, are the adults being charged. Three minors also allegedly participated in the attack and are expected to be charged as adults with murder. Somalia’s government has banned any celebrations related to Christmas or the new year, alleging that the festivities are likely to attract Islamist attacks. Sheikh Mohamed Khayrow, the director general of the religious affairs ministry, told reporters Tuesday that all events related to Christmas and new year’s celebrations were contrary to Islamic culture, w h i c h c o u l d damage the faith of the Muslim community, Lebanon’s Daily Star reported. Khayrow even said security forces had been ordered to break up any such celebrations. Somalia is the second reported Muslim majority country to ban Christmas this year, after Brunei decreed a similar halt on Christian celebrations. Somalia issued another ban in 2013. Federal government lists are vulnerable to inaccuracy, and misuse by politicians to push political agendas. The proposal to use the no-fly list as the basis for stripping U.S. citizens of constitutional rights is a case in point. Regardless of one’s position on gun control, using a secret government process to tinker with the Bill of Rights is wrong, and very dangerous. If Sandra Bland indeed committed suicide after spending three days in a Texas jail, as the Harris county medical examiner determined last week, her death fits a pattern: Half of all suicides behind bars occur within the first 14 days of custody. Tw e n t y - t h r e e percent happen within the first 24 hours following an arrest. And like twothirds of the 750,000 people in US jails, Bland had not yet been convicted of any crime. Bland had two options to get out of jail. The court set a $5,000 bond. If she had the money, which she didn’t, she could have posted it and gotten it back when she appeared for trial. Alternately, she could have paid a bail bondsman a 10 percent fee to post bond for her-$500 that she or her family would not get back. Her family’s attorney has said that they were working on trying to secure the fee to have her released. This system, in which people either stay locked up or pay money to a private company to get out, is almost entirely unique to the United States. The Philippines is the only other country with something similar. In Canada,

acting as a bail bondsman can earn you two years in prison on a charge equivalent to bribing a juror. “We don’t have a system currently that does a decent job of separating who is dangerous and who isn’t,” Tim Murray, director of the Pretrial Justice Institute, told me when I wrote about the commercial bail industry. “We only have a system that separates those who have cash and those who don’t.” There is nothing to suggest that Sandra Bland was a danger to the community, so why was she kept in jail? Proponents of our current bail system would say that by requiring a cash bond, the court gave her a financial incentive to appear for court. But a handful of states have outlawed commercial bail, and they are doing just fine. Washington, DC, for example, has had no bail bonds-

men since 1992. More than 80 percent of the city’s defendants are released before trial, and only 12 percent fail to appear for at least one court hearing. In Kentucky, where for-profit bail has been banned for nearly four decades, 74 percent of defendants are released before trial and only 6 percent of felony defendants are noshows in court. Nationwide, 18 percent of defendants released on commercial bail don’t show up, according to a 2007 study. The effects of bail on defendants are far-reaching. Eighty-nine percent of accused felons are in jail because they cannot afford bail. Staying behind bars means that defendants who can’t afford bail will lose their jobs. Studies have shown that the longer people are detained pretrial, the more likely they are to reoffend. And All defendants who are jailed before trial are three times more likely to be sentenced to prison than someone charged with the same crime who was released before trial. People stuck in jail are more prone to take plea offers. We don’t have a system c u r r e nt l y that does a decent job of separating who is dangerous and who isn’t. We only have a system that separates those who have cash and those who don’t. For these reasons, commercial bail is hugely unpopular within the criminal justice system. Attorney General Eric Holder called it a major obstacle to reducing inflated prison populations. It has been condemned by the American Bar Association, the National Association of Counties, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National District Attorneys Association. One of the main criticisms of bail system is its arbitrariness. There are no national standards to determine whether a cash bond should be set and for how much. As a result, low-risk defendants like Bland are kept in jail, while highrisk defendants who can afford bail are released. The effects of the gas on the people of Bhopal have been nothing short of catastrophic. Birth defects continue to occur among families affected by the gas leak and contamination of water at a higher-than-average rate even now -- 30 years after the explosion at the Union Carbide plant. A recent medical study has confirmed that the deadly gas that leaked from the Bhopal pesticide plant of the American multinational company Union Carbide 31 years ago is

continuing to cripple the third generation of its survivors. The study, conducted by 30 doctors in the last three years, has found that ‘far too many children are being born with congenital malformations to parents with acute exposure to the toxic gas or chronic exposure to contaminated water compared to those who were not affected by either of the two’. Bhopal was struck by the worst industrial disaster in the world on December 2, 1984, when 40 tonnes of poisonous Methyl Isocynate (MIC) gas leaked from the Union Carbide factory, killing over 3,500 people the same night and maiming more than 500,000 people. Thirty one years later, its effects are still visible in the children and grandchildren of those who survived. The Sambhavna Trust Clinic, which sponsored the study, provided the researchers with information on diagnosed cases of TB, cancer, paralysis, reproductive health of women, physical growth, mental and social development of infants and children and birth defects. The study involved 20,000 families that were divided in four categories in equal numbers - exposed to the gas leak on December 2/3, 1984, exposed to the contaminated w a t e r around the def u n c t U n i o n Carbide plant, exposed to both the gas and the contaminated water and unexposed to either the water or the gas. Studying digital media today means studying those technologists--hackers, security resarchers, game developers, system administrators, and designers--who create and maintain the digital worlds we live in. How much agency lies in the hands of programmers, coders, and engineers to create our digital worlds is still up for debate, yet this much is true: various hacking and related subcultures form critical nodes of practice that help shape and condition the contemporary technologies we use everyday. Whether it is an analyst or coder implementing algorithms at a large financial institution, a group of designers working on improving the user interface for a cryptographic tool, a privacy team securing a browser, a developer coding her own app, cryptographers working on an open source anoymized system, a programmer working on a p2p file-sharing platform, hackers buying and selling zero days in a grey market, a team of system admin-

istrators at Google working to scale up services, a journalist-coder developing visualization tools, indie game developers seeking to write a politically minded game, or a hacker-leaker whistleblowing to salavage privacy all have something to say about how digital technology can and should be created. These technology workers/ experts are now central to every field of social, political, and economic import. They secure our communications networks; shape the design and portals we use to connect to our banks, our friends, our loved ones, our colleagues, our business partners; inform us about the activities of our governments; design novel currencies; exfiltrate intellectual property and proof of wrongdoing from corporate actors; offer us alternative ways of organizing our political voices whether through political projects or games; function as conduits and warriors between nations; and allow us to confront the laws we don’t like through democratic engagements, as in the Free Software movement, or tools that enable outright circumvention. This is an ideal time to understand and ultimately appraise their activities, actions, their desires, and intentions. While an increasing number of scholars - ethnographers, cultural anthropologists, sociologists, and media historians - are undertaking the study of hacker cultures, there are many methodological questions to pose and explore: How much technical knowledge is necessary to study the worlds of computing and programming? How does one gain access to secret nooks of hacking or corporate sites - whether a security company, gaming outfit, or blackhat computer forum - where codes, designers, and hackers labor? How is the study of hackers similar and different to the study of other experts such as scientists? As participant observers, how can we fully understand the engineering culture of the hackers we are studying, and what shortcuts in our methods must be taken in order to create an understanding? Texas was an awfully long way away, her mother worried. None of her daughters had ever strayed beyond the Chicago area, much less across the country. But the school was just as smitten with Bland as she was with it. She not only had an ACT score that placed her in the 90th percentile nationally but was a poster child for the well-rounded student. A band scholarship sealed the deal. If Bland had any concerns about attending school in the South, she did not voice them to her family. But racial tensions in the town of Prairie View and surrounding Waller County had been simmering since slave days. Between 1877 and 1950, Waller County had 15 lynchings, among the highest in the state. The university itself sits on the old Alta Vista plantation, which once had a population of 400 slaves. The area was widely known to have had a robust Ku Klux Klan presence at one time. Even if the absolute number (and the percentage of the total denominator) is vanishingly small, that is a sort of mathematical logic that escapes many in the public, the Congress, and certainly in the science denialism camps. To get back into your Apple account, you’ll need to relog in your account. What’s the problem? Your information records are out of date. That requires you to verify the billing information. Click here, and verify your information on the following page. As the light of the sun returns and days grow longer here in California, we are sending love and wishing you and

your family greater health, happiness and wellbeing. We are so grateful for the beauty of the community of life that sustains us, and for the children who bring an unbridled sense of awe, wonder and celebration. We are grateful for the extraordinary experience of being alive in this moment on planet earth; breathing fresh air, feeling the sun on our bodies, and feeling, tasting and smelling the rain on our faces. In this time when people around the world are reawakening to the power of their connection with nature-- a legacy of loving kindness, compassion, empathy, and a commitment to mentoring and the well being of future generations is being created. We are filled with excitement about the nature connection movement’s power to create connective culture to transform consciousness worldwide. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher- ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. Whenever a people... entrust the defence of their country to a regular, standing army, composed of mercenaries, the power of that country will remain under the direction of the most wealthy citizens. I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong. Three killed in a roadside explosion in NW Pakistan: It was the third attack in as many days in the Mohmand tribal region, one of seven such semi-autonomous districts where the military has been battling AlQaeda and Taliban-linked militants for over a decade. Mohammed Tariq Mahmood, from Walthamstow, London, was preparing to board a flight with his brother and nine of their children on December 15, but officials from US Homeland Security stopped them as they queued in the departure lounge at Gatwick Airport. Mahmood said no reason was given as to why they could not board the flight, despite their clearance to travel under the Visa Waiver program, which authorizes travel to the US for up to 90 days without a visa. 1950s U.S. Nuclear Target List Offers Chilling Insight : It lists many targets for “systematic destruction” in major cities, including 179 in Moscow, 145 in Leningrad and 91 in East Berlin. The targets are referred to as DGZs or “designated ground zeros.” While many are industrial facilities, government buildings and the like, one for each city is simply designated “Population.” Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account, according to a new survey of more than 5,000 adults conducted this month by Google Consumer Survey. The World War II-era document, called Simple Sabotage Field Manual, outlines ways in which operatives can disrupt and demoralize enemy administrators and police forces. The first section of the document, which can be read in its entiretyhere, addresses Organizations and Conferences‚ - and how to turn them into a dysfunctional mess‚: Insist on doing everything through channels. Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions. Make speeches.‚ Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your points‚ by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Raids and deportations that would target hundreds of families who fled to the United States from Central America in 2015 are being planned by the Department of Homeland Security, The Washington Post reported. The operation will be handled by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents next month and will reportedly be the largest nationwide effort to deport families who have fled violence in that region. The Post reported that more than 100,000 families have made the journey in the past year. Adults and children whose removal has already been ordered by an immigration judge will allegedly be detained wherever they are found and immediately deported. At least seven people were killed Wednesday in a deadly storm system that swept across the South and Midwest. Several tornadoes touched down in Indiana and Mississippi, where three people were killed. Two more people died in Tennessee in the unseasonably warm storm weather, while a tree blew over onto to a

house in Arkansas and killed an 18-year-old woman. Rescuers also pulled a 1-year-old who was trapped inside the Arkansas home. Officials were still searching for missing residents overnight. Some 14 tornadoes touched down inMississippi, with three landing at the same time at one point in the northern part of the state. Georgia was under a flood watch through Friday evening with more than 4 inches of rain expected, according to the National Weather Service. One of the most beautiful things about art is its ability to elicit so many different emotions and reactions from so many people. An inner landscape of an artist, transmitted to the outside world through the means of an artwork, gets received, transformed, related to, interpreted in deeply personal ways. What does a painter envision when confronted with a touching verse of poetry? How do words resonate with the artist and turn into visual narratives? And, subsequently, what does the viewer feel when confronted with the painting inspired by that poetry? You can find out for yourself. With sadness, a member of our community tried to take their life this past weekend in a tree during the Saturday market. The incident was witness by many who took action to help save the person. Their status is unknown at this time. This is a time of year filled with strong emotions and sadness for many. If you are experiencing any emergency mental health needs please call 911 immediately and please reach out for help. The Department of Corrections attorney Laura Neal knowingly offered false testimony. This information, paragraph 21, cited the erroneous information that hepatitus C viral load levels should determine treatment for Mr. Jamal. Laura Neal actually cited this misinformation in the brief she filed in court opposing the preliminary injunction. Let me be clear. Dr. Noel testified that he informed Laura Neal of the DOC in September, in December, and again in the parking lot next to the courthouse, this morning that the affidavit was incorrect. The people in the court room and the judge were in shock. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Laura Neal offered feeble excuses stating that the information was factually correct; to which Dr. Noel replied “but misleading and false in its conclusions”. Robert Boyle’s expert cross examination, which proceeded for the next hour, was searing. The reindeer are

prancing and eager to fly, Ready for Santa’s trip through the sky. With so little time to get their job done- They may need your help on this gift-giving run. Russia’s bombing of Syria has killed many civilians and may amount to a war crime, Amnesty International said on Wednesday, presenting what it said was evidence that Moscow’s actions had violated humanitarian law. Russian air strikes in Syria have killed hundreds of civilians and caused massive destruction in residential areas, striking homes, a mosque and a busy market, as well as medical facilities, in...attacks that show evidence of violations of international humanitarian law. Update Your Information. PayPal Security detected missing of your information, and unfortunatly we have limited your account. You need to

Verify you Account and Update Your Information. Simply log in to your PayPal account and Follow the steps to Updates. PS: Update all of your information so you can use your account again. We hope our security service didn’t bother you, PayPal service look for what’s the best for thecustomers. As always, if you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact us. We’re always here to help. Thank you for your continued support. By any means necessary and your support the Revolutionary Building Circle at Homefulness was able to finalize and submit the final blueprints of the Homefulness project to the city of Oakland building department. They were approved in the first phase, and are now going through the second phase of approval with our team of poverty scholars and revolutionary engineers and architects. We are scheduled to begin breaking ground in February 2016 if we have the resources. Species Summary: Pinkf o o t e d Goose (2 Connecticut) Barnacle Goose (1 North Ca rol i na) Tu f t e d Duck (1 California, 1 New Y o r k ) Smew (1 Ontario) Brown Booby (2 California, 1 Louisiana) Ruff (1 California, 1 Louisiana, 7 Nova Scotia) B l a c k c a p p e d Gnatcatcher (1 Arizona) Fieldfare (3 Montana) Redwing (7 British Columbia) Rufous-backed Robin (1 Texas) White-collared Seedeater (1 Texas) Western Spindalis (4 Florida) Low key day. Puttered around the house in the morning. Went out with mom and Audries in the afternoon to drop off a pie for one of moms elderly friends, then to a local church for a Christmas Eve candlelight service. Home for dinner. Mom made spaghetti. There is a need for me to refocus my attention on some personal matters in order to bring them to a successful conclusion and it does require my personal involvement. In addition I have been blessed with the arrival of my 2nd grandson 6 weeks ago so I want to be around both my grandsons and children and to lend them support and spend some quality time with them. I will be 65 next year. Poverty is a cloud problem and not a clock problem. This is a Karl Popper distinction. He said some problems are clock problems -- you can take them apart into individual pieces and fix them. Some problems are cloud problems. You can’t take a cloud

apart. It’s a dynamic system that is always interspersed. And Popper said we have a tendency to try to take cloud problems and turn them into clock problems, because it’s just easier for us to think about. But poverty is a cloud problem. A problem like poverty is too complicated to be contained by any one political philosophy. So we have to be humble, because it’s so gloomy and so complicated and so cloud-like. Emergency food assistance requests rose by an average of 2.8 percent during the survey period in more than half, 61 percent, of the cities involved in the survey. Twenty-three percent of requests for emergency food assistance in the cities surveyed went unmet. Food pantries and emergency kitchens had to cut back on the amount of food given out as groceries or meals in 47 percent of cities involved in the survey. Additionally, in far more than half of cities surveyed, 57 percent, families and individuals had to cut down on the number of visits to charitable food outlets they could make each month. The same percentage of cities were unable to meet food requests by homeless and hungry residents demand because they lacked sufficient resources. Lack of affordable housing, an issue that continues to worsen in m a n y places around the country, was the primary reason given for homelessness among families with children. Poverty, unemployment and low-paying jobs were the reasons that followed. In 50 percent of cities surveyed, mayors indicated they expected homelessness to rise moderately‚ next year. Similarly, 65 percent of cities say they expect emergency food requests to moderately‚ increase over the coming 12 months. The two-party system was crashed first by Podemos, which surprised pollsters by winning 69 seats in Sunday’s vote. A leftist party less than two years in existence, Podemos grew out of mass protests against austerity, joblessness and the corruption of the PP, including Rajoy. Led by Pablo Iglesias, a 37-year-old professor with a long ponytail and inexpensive blue jeans, Podemos captured the biggest following in the country by November 2014. But then a new party, Ciudadanos (Citizens), appeared, sometimes referred to as the Podemos of the right. With clever marketing and an appeal to youths, Ciudadanos ascended quickly to media stardom and ended up with

40 seats in the elections. But it was Podemos that offered a programmatic economic alternative to current failures - including measures to increase employment, public investment and educational opportunities as well as progressive tax reform and an end to austerity. Our first Eskimo North users meeting in half a dozen years had a great turnout. I was expecting 4 or 5 based upon the e-mails I received, many out of town for Christmas, instead about 20 showed up. Clearly we needed to have a banquet room but I was unable to reserve it for next month so instead we’ll have the next meeting at Razzi’s Pizza on the Northwest corner of 85th St N and Greenwood Avenue N in Seattle. This is a location suggested by Ryan K Johnson. I was able to reserve a banquet room there (they have four). I’ll have more details up on the website, so keep an eye on Forums and News for more details in a few days. If you haven’t already signed up for forums, please do so. Many at the meeting asked about the direction Eskimo North is heading, but that really depends on where you want it to head. This is a place for public discussion of that and other topics.


i all, The demise of OBOL has been prophesied many times in the past 17 years, but interestingly it keeps gaining subscribers, even as other, similarly “archaic” e-mail lists have sprouted up to serve more local birdingcommunities, all around the state. The Mid-Valley birding list now hasover 400 subscribers. I’d guess that COBOL has at least that many. Plus there’s a Klamath list, a NE Oregon list, a Yamhill list, a Portland Metro list, an Umpqua Valley list, a Rogue Valley list, a local Columbia Estuary list, and who knows how many more that some of us haven’t even heard about. There is quite a bit of overlap in membership but if you add them all up, it seems self-evident that birders -- even the up-and-coming teenagers and 20-somethings along with those of us on the back side of 50 -- value something about this imperfect and sometimes tumultuous form of communication. Speed of disseminating RBAs and help with ID puzzles may be big reasons for some, but those are just the beginning. This still seems to be the best way to get word out about interesting observations of bird behavior. A good example was Jim Leonard’s recent mention of Great Egrets dining on earthworms. Sure, Jim could have recorded this interesting observation as a footnote in an eBird checklist, but such a note would have about as much chance of finding an interested reader as if he’d stuffed a note in a bottle and tossed it into the Willamette River. By posting to OBOL, he likely reached at least a couple of hundred birders who found that interesting. Speaking of earthworms, Harry Fuller recently had some interesting notes in his blog, addressing the question of why earthworms surface in wet weather, to the delight of American Robins. But how many of uswould have found those notes if Harry hadn’t posted a link on OBOL? There are many other reasons that could be mentioned. Just as one example, the Bewick’s Wren discussion this morning showed how someone mentioning an observation of common birds can lead to a discussion from which probably everyone reading gained some insights. So thanks to the moderator and comoderator for their efforts to ride herd on this occasionally squalling

tribe of cats, and to keep this forum going. Happy birding, Joel Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (3 Connecticut) Tufted Duck (1 New York) Smew (1 Ontario) Flesh-footed Shearwater (2 California) Brown Booby (5 Texas) Northern Jacana (1 Texas) Ruff (1 California, 2 Nova Scotia) Kelp Gull (2 Ohio) Redwing (2 British Columbia) Rufous-backed Robin (2 Texas) Tropical Parula (1 Texas) White-collared Seedeater (2 Texas) Western Spindalis (3 Florida) Streak-backed Oriole (3 Arizona) Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.It seems to me we have grown distressingly used to war... War and the military have become a part of our environment, like pollution. Violence is our most important product. We have been spending nearly $80 billion a year on the military, which is more than the profits of all American business, or, to make another comparison, is almost as much as the total spending of the federal, state, and local governments for health, education, old age and retirement benefits, housing, and agriculture. These millions of Americans who have a vested interest in the expensive weapons systems spawned by our global military involvements are as much a part of the military-industrial complex as the generals and the corporation heads.” If we don’t stop behaving like the British Empire, we will end up like the British Empire. Many have argued that the prophecy of Christ’s birth in Isaiah 7:14 uses the Hebrew word almah, which means a young--but not necessarily virginal--woman. This, some argue, could have been mistranslated as “virgin” by hapless Greek scholars over 2,200 years ago, creating a false mythology. But even if the prophecy was mistranslated, the tales of Jesus’s birth in the gospels of Matthew and Luke are emphatic that the savior was born of a virgin woman. The seven-hour TV show has been a staple of Swedish Christmas festivities for decades. But more than a few eyebrows were raised when Gina Dirawi, a young Muslim woman, was chosen to host it. A storm system will strengthen this holiday weekend as it moves from the Rockies eastward through the Plains. A dangerous winter storm is forecast across portions of N.M., Tex. and Okla. where blizzard conditions are possible. Severe storms and heavy rain are possible in parts of the Gulf Coast region through the southern Plains to Ohio Valley on Saturday and Sunday where flooding is possible. Hedge funds are lightly regulated on the assumption that investors are sophisticated and can take care of themselves. A nasty and incurable fungus has spread through the banana-producing countries around the world, and it could be making its way straight toward banana heartland: Latin America, which produces 80 percent of the world’s exports, threatening to drive the most popular variety of banana to extinction. So scientists are focusing on building a better banana to withstand the fungal assault. Bananas have reached such all-star status in the American diet that we now consume more of them than apples every year. Yet you’re probably used to seeing just one type of banana at your supermarket: the relatively bland yellow Cavendish. It has high yields, ships pretty well, and ripens slowly, making it appetizing to global food distributors. Unfortunately, the popularity of the Cavendish might also be its downfall. A nasty and incurable fungus known as Tropical Race 4 (TR4) has spread in Cavendish-producing countries around the world, and it could be making its way straight toward banana heartland: Latin America, which produces 80 percent of the world’s exports. For a paper published in November in the journal PLOS Pathogens, researchers confirmed that the version of TR4 afflicting bananas in different countries around the globe -including China, the Philippines, Jordan, Oman, and Australia-appears to come from a single clone. Ever since the fungus migrated from Asia and Australia into Africa and the Middle East starting in 2013, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization has urged countries to step up their quarantining of sick plants. Yet the Pathogens paper confirms that these quarantines, seemingly the only prevention against the spread of the fungus, which can live in soil for up to 50 years, have mostly failed. “It indicates pretty strongly that we’ve been moving this thing around. “It hasn’t just popped up out of the blue.” The finding seems to confirm every banana grower’s worst fear: that the Cavendish will go down the same way our old favorite banana did. A century

ago, Americans ate only Gros Michel bananas, said to have more complex flavor and a heartier composition than today’s Cavendish variety. Then, the monoculture fell prey to the fungal disease Tropical Race 1, or “Panama disease,” which wiped out the crop around the globe. There was nothing anything could do to stop it. The post-World War II years could have shaped America into a very different country by building on the foundations the New Deal and moving more along the lines of European allies with publicly financed health care and other social protections. Instead, reactionary forces that never made peace with President Franklin Roosevelt’s Depressione r a reforms generated a new Red Scare, wildly exa g g e r a ting the threat from a s m a l l number of m i l d mannered communists and leftists in Hollywood to steer the nation in a right-wing direction favored by big business. Found the Mountain Plover with the Snowy Plovers, only slightly south on the beach from the bathroom beach access. Not much wind today so maybe they are feeling better about moving around a little. Had a Peregrine flyover just as I topped the dune to start scanning the beach. Luckily, he kept flying south and didn’t stop for a snack. Plane after plane, passenger after passenger are landing at Havana’s Jose Marti International Airport. More than 100 flights from 25 countries touching down, leaving thousands of tourists and locals to deal with crowded terminals and customs areas. Some were waiting for more than four hours for their luggage and to go through customs. You have to have a lot of strength to come here because the stress you go through to come to this country is hellish, pardon the phrase. For six years, the world has operated under a complete delusion that Central Banks somehow fixed the 2008 Crisis. All of the arguments claiming this defied common sense. A 5th grader would tell you that you cannot solve a debt problem by issuing more debt. If the below chart was a problem BEFORE 2008‚ there is no way that things are better now. After all, we’ve just added another $10 trillion in debt to the US system. Similarly, anyone with a functioning brain could tell you that a bunch of academics with no real-world experience, none of whom have ever started a business or created a single job can’t save‚ the economy. We are heading for a crisis that will be exponentially worse than 2008. The global Central

Banks have literally bet the financial system that their theories will work. They haven’t. All they’ve done is set the stage for an even worse crisis in which entire countries will go bankrupt. The situation is clear: the 2008 Crisis was the warm up. The next Crisis will be THE REAL Crisis. The Crisis in which Central Banking itself will fail. The climate talks, as to be expected, were a total failure. Negotiations were held up in large part by the United States and Saudi Arabia, both of which have a vested interest in the continuation of our global addiction to fossil fuels. Saudi Arabia in particular has a history of working to water down or entirely dissolve global climate talks in an attempt to maintain its standing as one of the top oil-producing countries in the world. Like-

wise, the USA, whose military is the single largest emissions producer in the world and an intimidating global presence, and whose rich history of human rights violations would entirely derail this article were I to get into them, stood to lose a lot in the negotiations, and fought to remove human rights provisions from the finalized agreements. The finished product has the member nations agreeing to hold global temperature increase to 2C and efforts to limit to 1.5C‚, but provides no measures for accountability to this figure. The Spanish government approved the March 26, 2015 the new Public Safety Act (Gag Law). This law limits the right of protest and demonstration and it also punishes the communication and dissemination of unauthorized protests. “Fog <script>” is a software application that generates and disseminates meetings in public places. The system produces random calls and posts on social networks without the intervention of any individuals or legal entities. Nothing in Judaism or Islam compares. And that includes the holy days celebrated by other major religions, including Hinduism and Buddhists. The birth of Jesus stands an an eternal symbol of Deity inhabiting humanity and doing so in the most fundamental way. All human beings are born. None arrive into life as grown adults. We all arrived as tiny infants dependent on others to survive. An important lesson many fail to grasp as they age. No man or woman is an island. We only survive if we cooperate and sacrifice for one another. As we survey the reality of the human beings populating the earth, we cannot escape drawing the conclusion that humanity, rather than populate the world, infects it. While we are capable of producing life and light, we also bring death, corruption and filth. Internet millionaire and Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom and his three associates are eligible for extradition to the US to face criminal charges over massive copyright infringement on Megaupload (now-shuttered), the court has ruled citing “overwhelming” evidence. On Tuesday afternoon, New Zealand District Court Judge Nevin Dawson told the court that the United States had presented enough A 23-year-old Baha-

mian man has been arrested and charged with hacking into the email accounts of 130 celebrities and stealing the unreleased movie and TV scripts, sex tapes, explicit images and even the upcoming album of a famous AList Celebrity. The hacker named Alonzo Knowles contacted a famous radio host to sell the stolen scripts for the first six episodes of a hit Hyatt Hotels Corporation is notifying its customers that credit card numbers and other sensitive information may have been stolen after it found malware on the computers that process customer payments. “We recently identified malware on computers that operate the payment processing systems for Hyatt-managed locations,” the company announced on Wednesday. Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (6 Connecticut, 1 Ontario) Barnacle Goose (1 Massachusetts) Whooper Swan (2 Florida) Tufted Duck (2 California, 1 New York, 3 Newfoundland and Labrador) Brown Booby (1 Louisiana, 6 Texas)Northern Jacana (1 Texas) Ruff (1 California) Kelp Gull (1 Ohio) Black-capped Gnatcatcher (1 Arizona) Ruf o u s backed Robin (5 Te x a s ) Tr o p i c a l Parula (1 Te x a s ) Goldenc r ow n e d Warbler (1 Te x a s ) We s t e r n Spindalis (1 Florida) Streak-backed Oriole (2 Arizona) Bright and sunny but cool. Mom, Audries and I went to church, where I played for the toddlers, then for church. Leftovers for lunch. Afternoon talk until sundown. Audries went home and Lyle came over for a bit. Your ordered item has been dispatched, or partially dispatched if you ordered several different items (Please see your eBay account for further shipping details). We hope you are satisfied with our service. We are also looking forward to receiving your positive feedback with 5-Star detailed seller ratings after you get the item. If you have any further question, please feel free to contact us. In our experience it is always more efficient to contact the seller, rather than leaving negative/neutral feedback or opening a dispute to solve any problem occurring on eBay. A variety of dangerous weather conditions will continue across the middle of the country through Sunday. Blizzard conditions will stretch from the High Plains of west Texas into north-

west Oklahoma and Kansas. Hazardous ice accumulations will occur in Oklahoma. Dangerous flooding will extend from north Texas to central Illinois. Thunderstorms and a few tornadoes are possible in Texas. It is easy to proclaim a certain identity in the abstract with words and symbols. The sincerity of such claims, however, can only be measured by comparing our actions with the core values of our self-proclaimed identities. The true test of belief is not slogans or dressing up in a certain way; the true test of our beliefs is in living up to core principles shared by all major world faiths such as upholding the sanctity of life and respecting the dignity of all humans. These are recurring tropes deeply inscribed in the assumptions that have guided U.S. policy all throughout the twentieth century. The objective of the U.S. military occupation of 1899-1902, the United States claimed, was to bring Cuba into the twentieth century, according to papers from the Library of Congress. We are dealing with a race that has steadily been going down for a hundred years, Governor General Leonard Wood explained in 1900 as he justified the the need for U.S. occupation, and into which we have to infuse new life, new principles and new methods of doing things. In 1933, when Ambassador Sumner Welles arrived to Cuba, he explained his motivations similarly: to assist the Cuban people themselves to solve the political crisis which had developed and to provide, by cooperation between our two Governments, a means for the rehabilitation of Cuba’s national economy.‚ Welles ultimately solved‚ the Cuban political crisis by aiding and abetting the rise of Colonel Fulgencio Batista. After a month of picketing, often in rain or cold, the workers voted late Wednesday to approve a new contract even though it retains two tiers. Tayloe told the workers, gathered in a high school auditorium for the vote, that the deal was far better for the Tier B workers than the original, rejected offer. The minimum pay for virtually all Tier B workers, he said, will rise to $15 an hour, a few will earn $14.70 and while he had to swallow a continued two tier, he said the new contract achieves a vital goal. Now everyone will be receiving a livable wage, he said. One worker was earning so little he was living in his car. If you have a job like this, you shouldn’t be making $11.50 an hour. Authorities say around 5,000 families have been affected by flooding in the Paraguay capital Asunción after levels of the River Paraguay rose to 6.5 metres – the highest recorded so far this year. Heavy rainfall across parts of Paraguay and neighbouring Brazil and Argentina between 08 and 10 December 2015 is likely to increase river levels further. Elsewhere in Paraguay, a storm on 04 December 2015 has affected thousands of families in Central and Presidente Hayes Departments. Storms and Heavy Rain in Central and Presidente Hayes Departments Almost 3,000 families are in dire need of relief supplies after a severe storm on Friday 04 December 2015 brought torrential rain, flooding and wind damage to nine districts in Central Department and 1 district in Presidente Hayes Department. Paraguay’s National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) are providing victims with materials to repair damaged houses, as well as some food and bedding. In a statement yesterday, SEN said that they anticipate that all the needs of the 2,941 families affected will be covered during the coming week. Since

last week, operating equipment of National Emergency Secretariat (SEN), in coordination various State institutions, continue attending 2,941 families were affected by flash flooding and damage to their homes after severe storm Friday December 4. Floods in Asunción Levels of the Paraguay River in Asuncion have been high for the last 2 weeks and now stand well above 6 metres. Asunción emergency department – Consejo Municipal de Emergencias y Desastres de Asunción (Comueda) say that 5,786 families are currently affected by floods. SEN are currently assessing the situation to verify the figures. As many as 41 shelters in 10 different areas of the capital have been set up to accommodate those displaced. Many of those affected are in the city’s poorest communities of the Los Bañados area. Our subscribers are very important to us. We strive to answer all support requests just as soon as possible. If your email was received on or just before a holiday or weekend, please understand that response time may be a bit longer. If your email is a question or comment for an editor, rest assured it will be passed along. Please know that all emails to our editors get read, and although every attempt is made to respond to them, it’s not always possible to do so. In many cases your question may be answered in the content of an upcoming edition of the newsletter, rather than by individual response. The fruits are halved, depulped, immersed in seawater or ordinary salt water to ferment for about 40 days, the brine being changed every two weeks; rinsed, put in denser brine in wooden barrels for storage and export. After partial desalting and boiling to soften the peel, it is candied in a strong sucrose/glucose solution. In general, younger birders preferred direct entry into eBird, but there were exceptions, particularly for birders who like to record more than numbers of birds seen, for example information on habitat or non-bird natural history notes (butterflies, plants etc.). Some older birders prefer eBird direct entry as a time-saver. Some birders like having a paper backup for what is perceived as potentially a transient electronic format, or because the paper records have a certain nostalgia value or are more easily merged with other information from a particular trip. Chanterelle, I come up empty. This is about the empty and the fool. This is a glance to the left opens up empty screen on the left, the message search for ide devices and coming up empty empty. so the machine so far turned up empty. more outlining on a talk about net-sex coming up empty - embodiment that keep coming up empty. But the ghost-in-the-machine, the uncanny two of them witnessing the monster coming up empty in their midst, these weirdly point to another, you see, one point or another, but a, and this text could - brakes give out no nothing eighteen wheels coming up empty fast viral display, something “coming up empty” as if uncalled for - ah, I can see escape and keep coming up against artificial barriers of the edge of and you, you can’t get enough of a good thing when you don’t get enough - more tests and sleep clinic coming up empty, already had xrays and overly simplistic, running empty against that same wall, that gap that refuses to admit there’s something rather than nothing - I can’t change much, Julu. Twine says, I desired a haunting- screen, coming up empty against the creases of my body, the _tattered notes_ and white pointy flowers coming up empty thru the hills, Iam arm, robotic. lapping at the stern and she was worried about the message, ‘’I’ll murder you,’’ Wagner said. ``You have no idea what’s coming.’’ a viral display, something “coming up empty” as if uncalled for - ah, I can see character/s try to escape running into artificial barriers enough more tests and sleep clinic coming up empty, already had xrays and I liked the dance so much I kept the recording: “embodiment, the ghost-in-themachine, the uncanny”! Chanterelle, I came up empty! Each year, Food Tank highlights organizations that help create a more sustainable global food system. They protect biodiversity, produce valuable agricultural research, fight hunger and much more. This year, Food Tank featured 116 organizations that made vital improvements to our food system in 2015. Here are the 116 sustainable organizations to watch in 2016: 1. 4-H: 4-H is a youth development program of the Cooperative Extension System of landgrant universities in the U.S. Based in Chevy Chase,

Maryland, 4-H encourages youth to pursue their own projects, with help from volunteers and mentors. Tokyo: The defiant southern region of Okinawa countersued Japan’s government Friday over local resistance to a new US military base, the latest chapter in deepening mistrust between central authorities and the strategic island. The lawsuit by Okinawa prefecture comes after the central government sued it last month amid a longrunning drama between Tokyo, keen to satisfy security ally the United States, and Okinawa, where frustration over a seven-decade American military presence is rife. Having a bi r t hd ay around the holidays was never easy and, with every successive year, it felt more and more as if celebrating my bi r t hd ay g o t thrown into the December holiday mix as an afterthought. But now, Decembers are becoming the hardest month of the year to endure. The most obvious reasons are physical: the temperature drops; here in Kansas, it rains and snows a lot more; the colors outside my window turn from the greens, yellows and blues of summer to the browns, grays and tans of winter, with the occasional white on the rare days that it snows. I am shy in ordinary social contexts; I am not able to chat‚ with any ease; I have difficulty recognizing people (this is lifelong, though worse now my eyesight is impaired); I have little knowledge of and little interest in current affairs, whether political, social, or sexual. Now, additionally, I am hard of hearing, a polite term for deepening deafness. Given all this, I tend to retreat into a corner, to look invisible, to hope I am passed over. This was incapacitating in the 1960s, when I went to gay bars to meet people; I would agonize, wedged into a corner, and leave after an hour, alone, sad, but somehow relieved. But if I find someone, at a party or elsewhere, who shares some of my own (usually scientific) interests - volcanoes, jellyfish, gravitational waves, whatever - then I am immediately drawn into animated conversation‚ I knew I wasn’t mad mad because I’d seen people in the grip of psychosis before, and that was madness as obvious as the taste of blood in the mouth. The kind of madness I had was different. It was quiet, and very, very dangerous. It was a madness designed to keep me sane. My mind struggled to build across the gap, make a new and inhabitable world. Time didn’t run forwards any more. It was a solid

thing you could press yourself against and feel it push back; a thick fluid, half-air, half-glass, that flowed both ways and sent ripples of recollection forwards and new events backwards so that new things I encountered, then, seemed souvenirs from the distant past. In the course of the years a close friendship will always reveal the shadow in the other as much as ourselves, to remain friends we must know the other and their difficulties and even their sins and encourage the best in them, not through critique but through addressing the better part of them, the leading creative edge of their incarnation, thus subtly discouraging what makes them smaller, less generous, less of themselves. Is it time uninterrupted? Only the present comprehended? Are our thoughts nothing

but passing trains, no stops, devoid of dimension, whizzing by massive posters with repeating images? Catching a fragment from a window seat, yet another fragment from the next identical frame? If I write in the present yet digress, is that still real time? Real time, I reasoned, cannot be divided into sections like numbers on the face of a clock. If I write about the past as I s i mu l t a ne o u s l y dwell in the present, am I still in real time? Perhaps there is no past or future, only the perpetual present that contains this trinity of memory. I looked out into the street and noticed the light changing. Perhaps the sun had slipped behind a cloud. Perhaps time had slipped away. A major winter storm system will continue to bring a plethora of weather impacts ranging from heavy snow and blizzard conditions to severe weather and flooding. The storm system will gradually pull away by Tuesday, but flooding and treacherous travel could linter into m idwe e k . P a r t l y c loudy. High near 50. Ran errands in the morning with mom then met up with Lyle and Audries for a joint mom/audries birthday lunch at our fave veggie restaurant, Dharma’s. I had a burrito bowl that was yummy and huge! I have leftovers. Then I took Lyle to his friends to work on steps for a dance class, to moms to pick up some clothes, then back home. He got three hours of sleep last night and kept falling asleep in the car so I wouldn’t let him drive. Then finally back home to moms. I’m a wee bit tired. there were some snow flurries yesterday! forgot about my diet and sampled some Thai Cashews at FM so that was the end of it: had a TJ wrap when I got home: 182 lbs this morning :( dark load of laundry washing now (did the bath and kitchen mats plus whatever you had in the bag) Parmesan Chicken at the SC Dear friend, How are you? You’ve bought items from our shop, your package has been shipped but may still take a further 9-13 working days to arrive. Please wait for your package patiently! If there are any problems with your item, please let me know right away and I will do my very best to make things right. We want to provide the best customer service at all times and have all of our clients give us a 5-star Positive Feedback. I hope you have a 5-star experience with us but, if you

have any issues with the item, please be assured that I am here to help so just let me know by email. Contact details: 1. Via our email address: 2. Use Contact seller option in the dropdown box on the right hand side of your order page: 3. Ask a question at the bottom of the listing page. Thank you Thank you. Have a nice day! April -panfong Dear valued customer, Thank you for ordering with us. The postman just picked up your item from our office. Glad inform you your package has been in transit. (This is notification letter please do not reply if you don’t have a question or a problem. If you have any problem, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We shall do whatever we can to help you.) Your item is being sent directly from China. (The following information for your reference) 1, To US or UK or DE, the delivery time is about 25-38 days. If you ordered with a tracking number, it will be 15-25 working days to arrival 2, To Brazil/Russia, 3555 working days. 3,Other Countries, 35-45 working days. PS: US warehouse pls ignore the message and refer to our item description page. As the shopping season and your country tightened customs control and screening . the shipping time will longer 7-10 days than normal But we will monitor your order until you get what you paid for. Besides, PLEASE DO NOT leaves us 1, 2, 3 or 4-star Detailed Seller Ratings because they are equal to negative feedback. Like what we said before, if you are not satisfied in any regard, please tell us. We sincerely hope our item and customer service can give you the BEST BUYING EXPERIENCE on eBay Best regards -4_80595 The island is the smallest permanently inhabited island of the Inner Hebrides and is one of four that, in their heyday, supplied slate to the rest of the country. The old slate mines, visible amid deep black pools of seawater, have not been worked since the end of the 19th century when the mother and father of all storms came roaring in from the Atlantic and carried away an entire industry. If the waves had reached a little higher, the human population would have been washed away too. The little community is beginning to thrive once again but the islanders, fearful of its long-term sustainability, have appealed for more families to settle. Like many communities in Scot-

land’s highlands and islands, it has tended to export its young and import the old who, having wandered through the lands of other people, come back to the places of their youth. Information that state and federal government agencies collect about train derailments, particularly those that cause crude oil spills, is, at best, difficult for the public to see. Huge amounts of data about collisions, derailments and other mishaps that happen along railroads in the United States are collected every year. Some of it is compiled by the industry and distributed directly to the public upon request. But some is buried in databases that government officials are slow to release, if they release at all. For example, the U.S. Department of Transportation requires railroads to submit annual reports to state emergency response officials estimating how many trains carrying crude oil from the Bakken shale region pass through each county. Yet in many states, the public is not allowed to see those reports. One of the most destructive and powerful earthquakes in recorded history, more than a quarter of a million recorded deaths, local economies destroyed, the lives of entire communities shattered, and no serious investigation into the flaws of the global seismic warning system is contemplated. Publicly available military documents confirm that preemptive nuclear war is still on the drawing board of the Pentagon. Compared to the 1950s, the nuclear weapons are more advanced. The delivery system is more precise. For decades, and again this year, the United States votes no‚ on most United Nations General Assembly resolutions supporting meaningful disarmament and economic justice. Aloha. Please forgive cross-postings. Since the first day or so of registration, the “day” class section of DIS 383: “Disability History and Culture: From Homer to Hip Hop,” has been full, with a waiting list. There are, however, spaces left in the Outreach section, which is the same course, including a Writing Intensive Focus. If any of you know students who might be interested in the Outreach section, please pass on the information below. Thanks, Steve Species Summary: Pink-footed Goose (2 Connecticut) Tufted Duck (2 New York, 2 Newfoundland and Labrador, 1 Vermont) Smew (3 Ontario) American Flamingo (2 Florida) Brown Booby (8 California, 2 Mississippi, 7 Texas) Brown Booby (Atlantic) (1 Florida) Northern Jacana (3 Texas) Ruff (1 North Carolina, 4 Nova Scotia) Slaty-backed Gull (1 California) Aplomado Falcon (1 Texas) Redwing (1 British Columbia) Rufous-backed Robin (4 Arizona, 5 Texas) Golden-crowned Warbler (4 Texas) Western Spindalis (5 Florida) Crimson-collared Grosbeak (3 Texas) Streakbacked Oriole (3 Arizona) A Chicago police officer arriving at the scene of a domestic disturbance fatally shot two people on Saturday, including a 55-year-old mother of five who authorities said was accidentally struck and tragically killed. The medical examiners office confirmed that Jones and LeGrier were black, but police have not revealed the race of the officer, according to the AP. The statement released by the department said the officers involved will be placed on administrative duties for 30 days while training and fitness for duty requirements can be conducted. On Wednesday morning her sister and brother-inlaw left home for work as usual. When they arrived home at around 6.30pm, they found the front door locked and opened it with their

spare key, police said. On entering the house, she found her sister hanging to the window holder. She had used a dupatta to hang herself, police said. The deceased had also left a note behind stating that she was very lonely. police said. PSI Alvito Rodrigues is investigating the case. After conducting a year-long study of police shootings that resulted in death, the Washington Post is reporting that 965 people in the U.S. have been killed by police officers in 2015 nearly three people every day. According to the Post, only 90 of the shootings occurred when the suspect was unarmed, with the bulk broken down into three categories: the suspect was wielding a weapon of some sort, they were suicidal or mentally troubled, or they attempted to flee when officers ordered them to halt. On the subject of body-snatchers, nature certainly has no shortage of them, and insects are usually the victims - in one case, tapeworms for ants which also seem to affect the behaviour of the host’s uninfected nest mates. These body-snatchers also seem to get around as well, one of these well-worn travellers is a species of roundworm that was introduced to New Zealand from Europe via earwigs. That worm is a mermithid nematodes, but its lifecycle is remarkably similar to that of another phylum of worms - the nematomorphs. More commonly known as hairworms, they which share a similar life cycle to the mermithids. This year featured a post about a species which infects and ultimately kills praying mantis, but in male mantis before this parasite takes its life, it take away its junk. sound design // pro tools, San franciscoLow/No Pay, starts ASAP Executive Producer, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts After new Year DIT, Los AngelesFully Paid, starts 1/6/2016 Experimental Animator, San Francisco Fully Paid, starts 1/30/16 Feature Documentary Editor, TarzanaFully Paid, starts January 2016 Production Designer, San JoseLow/No Pay, starts December 18, 2015 Animator, SF Bay Area Fully Paid, starts ASAP Creative Development Intern, Culver City Low/No Pay, starts 1/11/16 Camera Crew, San Francisco Fully Paid, starts January 4th 2016 Executive Producer, San Franciso Low/ No Pay, starts 18th December 2015 Videographer/video engineer, San Francisco Bay Area (West Marin)Low/ No Pay, starts January 2016 2nd AC, PAs, Grips, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts 12/12/15 Trailer Editor, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts 10/12/2015 Crew Needed, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts Feb/ March 2016 Film Producer, Los Angeles, New York Fully Paid, starts Immediately AUDITION TO ON-SET TRAINING INTENSIVE / JANUARY, 2016 / BURBANK, Low/No Pay, starts 3D/CGI Animator/Character Designer for a Pokemon Fan Short, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts January 2016 Producer or Production Company, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts Anytime VFX/ compositor artist, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts January 4 Joke Writer and Punch Up Writer for Sitcom, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts ASAP RED EPIC / ARRI ALEXA Camera, DP, Camera Team, Los Angeles and out of state including...Fully Paid, starts 01/15/16 Publicist for an indie featurelengh documentary, Los Angeles/Hollywood/South Bay Fully Paid, starts Jan 1st, 2016 Development Intern, Malibu Low/No Pay, starts Immediately Production Assistant, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts Now 2ND AD, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts 1-152016 Location Manager, LA & Burbank Low/No Pay, starts 01/03/2015 Special Effects Makeup Artist, LA & Burbank Low/No Pay, starts 01/14/2016 Production Designer, LA & Burbank Low/No Pay, starts 01/14/2016 Junior Graphic Designer, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts January 2016 Music Composer / Singer, Los AngelesLow/No Pay, starts 21st December Fight Choreographer and film crew for short film, Los AngelesLow/No Pay, starts January 1st Production Assistant, Dana Point, CA Low/No Pay, starts 01/03/2016 Line Producer, Los Angeles Low/ No Pay, starts ASAP Casting Director/Associate, Los Angeles, CA Low/No Pay, starts ASAP Sound Editor, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts ASAP Director of Photography, Burbank, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts 7th of January Editor, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts Dec 7 color correction and sound mixer, Venice, CA Low/No Pay, starts 12/21/2015 Looking for Production Design, LA Low/No Pay, starts April 10th Sitcom Writer, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts ASAP Loca-

tion Scout/Manager, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts 12-21-15 Programming Coordinator + Executive Assistant to Head of Content, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts ASAP Music Supervisor, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts ASAP Sound mixer/boom op, Vista, CA Low/ No Pay, starts January 23 Producer / Production Coordinator, Marina del Rey Fully Paid, starts January 11, 2016 Digital Asset Manager, VeniceFully Paid, starts 1/2016 Ronin steady gimble/Canon C100 operator, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts TBD Late December or Early January VFX Compositor, West Hollywood Fully Paid, starts January 11 2016 Wish to Meet B u si ne s s Gurus Entrepreneurs Stud i o Ne t work Execs, L ow/ No Pay, starts S ou nd mixer, Los AngelesLow/No Pay, starts 23th December Crew Hire, West Hollywood Low/No Pay, starts December 27th, 2015 Compuser, Southern California Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts 12-20-15 Set builder/painter, Los AngelesFully Paid, starts Saturday, Dec 19 Driver / Edit System Delivery & Installation, Burbank Fully Paid, starts 1/4/16 Colorist, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts Thursday 12/17/15 A Core Team. In development, Low/ No Pay, starts Rental Tech / Warehouse / Repair, Sun ValleyFully Paid, starts ASAP Production Designer, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts 1/23/2016 Sound Editor Needed Immediately. Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts immediately Makeup / Hair Stylist, Downtown Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts Saturday, January 9, 2015 Musician, Los Angeles Low/No Pay, starts Immediate Film Festival Volunteer Coordinator & Theater Manager, Los AngelesFully Paid, starts February 1st, 2016 After Effects Wiz & 3D Animator, Agoura Hills Fully Paid, starts January Expert Concert Promoter, West Hollywood Fully Paid, starts December 21st 2D Animation Artist, Beverly Hills Fully Paid, starts ASAP Crew Positions for a teaser, Costa MesaLow/No Pay, starts December 27th News Writer, Los Angeles Fully Paid, starts 12/20/2015 3d modeller / 3d animator for JEWELRY, anywhere in the world - freelance job Fully Paid, starts 16 december Animator needed for 22-minute educational film, Philadelphia Fully Paid, starts Flexible 100 rounds Wolf Polyformance .223 Rem. 62 Grain HP It’s a good time to stock up! 62 Grain ammunition with hollow point bullets. Berdan-primed, non-corrosive, non-

reloadable and polymer coated for smooth feeding. Cartridge: .223 Rem. Ammo. 250 rds. PMC Bronze 9mm 115 Grain FMJ Ammo Quality PMC Bronze Rounds for the plinker and target shooter. Brass-cased, boxerprimed, reloadable. Non-corrosive. 115 Grain full metal jacket bullet. Wolf Polyformance 7.62x39 125 Grain SP 500 rounds Plinking just got more fun! Bi-metal, softpoint bullet. Berdan-primed, non-corrosive and non-reloadable. Cartridge: 7.62x39 Ammo. Bullet Weight Grains: 125. Bullet Style: Soft point. PPU .38 Special 158 Grain LRN 50 rounds Quality PPU Pistol Rounds from Prvi Partizan, a leading Serbian manufacturer since 1928. Whether you’re a soldier, law enforcement agent, competitive shooter or citizen, PPU Ammo is good stuff. New, box-

er-primed, non-corrosive. FOUND: Scarce, hard-to-find Specialty Ammo for time-honored firearms. Sure, the rounds are Boxerprimed, fully reloadable and non-corrosive. 50 rounds per box.Wolf .223 Remington Ammo that shoots smooth and accurate, at a terrific price. With 62 Grain FMJ bullets. Cases polymer coated for smooth feeding. Berda n-pr i med, non- cor rosive , non-reloadable. PPU 9x18mm Makarov 93 Grain FMJ 50 rounds Quality PPU Pistol Rounds from Prvi Partizan, a leading Serbian manufacturer since 1928. Whether you’re a soldier, law enforcement agent, competitive shooter or citizen, PPU Ammo is good stuff.100 rounds Nobel Sport 12 Gauge 2 3/4” No. 4 Buckshot An excellent multi-purpose magnum load for all your shotgunning needs. Manufactured by top-of-the-line Nobel Sport of Italy. 27 pellets of No. 4 buck shot. Premium Nobel plastic wad. Australian Outback .223 Blitz King 55 Grain S B T Ammo 20 rds. Supercha rge your shooting with these topquality rounds from the folks at Australian Outback. High-tech Ballistic Temperature Independence propellant gives each shot consistent performance across extreme temperature ranges. 240 rounds .308 Winchester FMJ Ammo Russian Silver Bear A m m o , made in the prestigious JSC Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant! It’s current production 145 grain FMJ, and an excess inventory opportunity, in limited amounts, makes it a steal. Silver Bear 9mm Luger 115 Grain FMJ Ammo, 500 rounds This high quality Ammo features distinctive zinc plating on the cartridge case; hence the “Silver” Bear name. Silver Bear offers high quality at reasonable prices. Other manufacturers reserve the silver cases for law enforcement, safari and specialty ammo. Fiocchi .300 AAC Blackout 150 Grain FMJ Ammo, 50 rounds The pleasure of plinking! Head to the range or back 40, and let loose with this Fiocchi .300 AAC Blackout FMJ Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting. Fiocchi ammo is known for their long history of quality assurance and exacting standards. 260 rounds PMC .223 55 Grain FMJ Ammo Sizzle just waiting to be unleashed! For more fun at the range, or just plinking on the backlot, this bulk-buy .223 Ammo is ready to seal

the deal. FMJ for straight-shooting paper-punching power, priced to keep you firing all day! Geco .22LR Rimfire Ammo, LRN, 40 Grain, 50 Rounds Head to the range or back 40, and let loose with this Geco .22LR LRN Ammo. Smooth feeding and straight shooting. Optimized for Bolt-action rifles. With Geco you get over a century of experience in development and production... which means top performance! Remington UMC Handgun 9 mm Luger 115 Grain MC 500 rds. UMC Handgun Ammo: Great reliability. Cartridge: 9 mm Luger. Bullet Weight Grains.: 115. Bullet Style: Metal Case. 50 rounds Eley Club .22 Long Rifle 40 Grain LRN Ammo Eley Club Ammo, long established and a consistent winner in competition. .22 caliber. 40 grains. Lead round nose. PMC Pistol and Revolver .357 Magnum 158 Grain JSP 50 rounds PMC Bronze Line Pistol Ammunition. Enjoy uncompromising quality and performance. All PMC cartridges pass rigorous inspection at our electronic powder-check station, which instantly and accurately measures the propellant charge in each round. Wolf Polyformance .45 ACP 230 Grain FMJ Ammo, 250 rds. Nail quantity buys on factor y-fresh Russian Ammo for your .45 auto. Steel c a se s , non - c or rosive, non-reloadable and Berdan-primed. 230 grain copper full metal jacket bullet. 50 rounds GECO .40 S&W 180 Grain FMJ Ammo GECO: over 100 years of development and production experience in every round! .40 S&W Ammo is brass-cased, boxer-primed, and reloadable. Swiss-made, current production. Non-corrosive. 180 grain FMJ bullet. The American artist Ellsworth Kelly, known for hard-edge paintings, simplicity of form in sculpture and brightly colored abstract designs in his printmaking, has died at 92, The New York Times reported Sunday. The report cited Matthew Marks of the Matthew Marks Gallery in Manhattan as announcing the death of the prominent minimalist. Kelly was born in Oradell, in New York state, outside New York City, and as a young man studies at the Pratt Institute before he shipped out to Europe with the US military in January 1943. After six years in Europe, the artist studied painting at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston after his discharge from the Army

in 1945. “It was very traditional. It was all painting nudes, not much color. I liked Kandinsky. I wanted to do something different,” he said in an interview this month. From the first case solved thanks to a fingerprint in 1905 to the ropes used to hang prisoners, an exhibition in London displays hundreds of exhibits kept under wraps by Scotland Yard until now. A poisoned syringe belonging to the Kray twins, notorious London gangsters from the 1960s, and the handwritten notes of the chief detective in the case of Jack the Ripper are also included in the show. “The Crime Museum Uncovered” runs until April 10, bringing together 600 of the 2,000 ghoulish objects accumulated since the mid-19th century at London police headquarters. Until now the displays have only been seen by special guests such as Sherlock Holmes author Arthur Conan Doyle and generations of police officers doing their training. Even the most powerful tech companies and entrepreneurs are freely sharing the code underlying their latest technologies. They recognize this will accelerate not only the progress of technology as a whole, but their own progress as well. It’s altruism with self-interest. And it’s how the tech world now works. Open source software-software freely shared with the world at large-is an old idea. A guy named Richard Stallman started preaching the gospel in the early ‘80s, though he called it free software. Linus Torvalds started work on Linux, the enormously successful open source operating system, in 1991, and today, it drives our daily lives-literally. The Android operating system that runs so many Google phones is based on Linux. When you open a phone app like Twitter or Facebook and pull down all those tweets and status updates, you’re tapping into massive computer data centers filled with hundreds of Linux machines. Linux is the foundation of the Internet. Details of a secret detention center, where serious human rights abuses took place, deep inside the sprawling Tricomalee Naval base in the east of Sri Lanka are slowly emerging. The site is nothing new to those who were held there. In June this year the South Africa-based International Truth and Justice Project, Sri Lanka (ITJPSL) launched a 134-page report on on-going human rights violations and past cases in Sri Lanka. The report titled An Unfinished War: Torture and Sexual Violence in Sri Lanka 2009-2014 said. They knew they were being held there, but their family members or others concerned about their state knew nothing of where they were held. Many of those held were either members or were connected to the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), that was crushed by government forces in May 2009 after over two and half decades of sectarian violence. Witnesses described being detained in the Naval Dockyard site along with dozens of other people, however they said it was possible many more were held in the area that they were not aware of because the site was a large area under the control of naval intelligence and well hidden from outside view. The witnesses interviewed were detained here from the end of the war in 2009 for years,‚ the report said. Many faced torture at the site and none of the detainees had access to lawyers, human rights groups or the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which visits known detention sites. One witness described being interrogated and repeatedly tortured for many months in this secret

site. The witness heard the screams of men being tortured and saw blood resulting from the torture of others. A witness said the methods of physical torture used were: kicking, beating, hitting with plastic pipes while seated or hung upside town and tied up, being beaten with cricket wickets, being confined in a tiny box for days, burned with cigarettes, and toe nails and teeth forcibly removed. Split tape: These just happen to be coming out around the same time: I did a split with Critter Piss featuring even more versions of Upheaval. My side is pretty harsh material, with heavy machine loops and extreme layering. This is a c60 with printed labels, and cover art by yours truly. CP has a deceptive name, but his work sways around the hardened veins of dark ambient, of the inspired horror soundtrack by-way-of-noise variety. A bonus piece of information: I was sent a bunch of unreleased tracks and was given the liberty to choose my favorites of this artist’s material for the split. I aim to please, and I wouldn’t steer you wrong. It is limited to 30 copies on Ka-Rye-Eye Tapes. As I write this, I’m told that many of the copies are dubbed and labelled, but the printing of the covers isn’t quite sorted out. I don’t expect these copies to be around for long, so feel free to secure yours now. Contact kretapes at gmail. pro CDR from Blood Rhythms titled “Skin Flint”. This time it’s Arvo Zylo & gritty industrial noise filth veteran Wyatt Howland (Skin Graft, SK SK, Blackfire, Dead Peasant Insurance), high speed drunk-driving with no headlights. Car alarms going off everywhere. Leaning on the horn and accelerating instead of stopping at stop signs. Two lengthy tracks (and a 19 minute “bonus track”) of the dark, rhythmic, and heavy variety. Recorded/improvised live together at SKSK studio in Cleveland, and refined/assembled/edited/revised by Arvo Zylo several times. Most of the editing was done to keep the overall outcome minimal and tothe-point, but I still ended up layering the hell out of some areas. The title track was originally 62 minutes long. Approx/ 52 minutes running time total. Listen loud or not at all! Contact kretapes at gmail. I would like to thank the TRAI for introducing the Consultation Paper on Differential Pricing for Data Services. Differential pricing of data is a core Net Neutrality issue. I urge you to protect Net Neutrality, and not allow telecom operators to manipulate how consumers consume content on the Internet by instituting anti-neutrality practices. The principle of Net Neutrality is that ISPs and telecom operators do not give a competitive advantage to any website, app or platform. Brazil’s Public Federal Ministry charged the Brazilian federal government and the Norte Energia construction company with committing ethnocide against indigenous groups living along the Xingu River during the building of the Belo Monte dam. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 By Sue Branford for Mongabay. Brazil’s Public Federal Ministry (Minestirio Pulico Federal, MPF), an independent state body, has started legal proceedings to have it recognised that the crime of ethnocide‚ was committed on seven indigenous groups due to the severe detrimental impacts on their lives made by the building of the giant Belo Monte hydroelectric power station that will soon begin operating on the Xingu River in eastern Amazonia. The charges have been made against Brazil’s federal government and Norte Energia, the contractor that built the dam. After carrying out a lengthy study that fills 50 books and includes contributions from a wide range of experts, the MPF has concluded that the social organization, customs, languages and traditions‚ of the indigenous groups have been destroyed by the construction of the dam. The MPF says: The villages became covered in garbage, with a proliferation of disease as a result, illnesses such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes became common because of the change in diet, child mortality surged, along with alcoholism, drug consumption and prostitution. The principles of food sovereignty are best followed in anarchy. The definition states that one should have direct control and choice over the kind of food one consumes and produces. The beauty of anarchy is that rather than worrying about a large scale, complex, centralized society one can focus on the immediate matters of one’s community. In case of peasants’ movements these immediate matters are exactly

the production and distribution of food locally. The knowledge coming from direct involvement with food production ensures well informed appropriate decisions made directly by the peasants based on their immediate needs. Over 7,000 people from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Ethiopia and Eritrea, live in the now 15-year-old encampment. The asylum seekers usually stay for several months while trying to relocate to a new home somewhere in the world. In The Jungle, most are trying desperately to reach England, where it is rumored that applications are processed faster and work is more easily available. Calais is the closest point to that destination. Many are k i l le d along the way. I submit to you below my testimony as a witness to what I learned during my visit. Many of the residents of the Jungle had promising careers in their homelands. Walking around the camp, we spoke with a dentist, a physicist, two attorneys, a professor, a nutritionist, and an artist, among other professionals. Mehti, who we met while helping in the kitchen, had been a music producer in Iraq. When we began to talk, he started by apologizing for his English, which was actually quite good. The soft-spoken and handsome 25-year-old told us of his enjoyment of music and of his hope to join his brother soon. He expressed his appreciation of reading, and how doing so helped him with his English. Unfortunately, he had no books, so a friend of ours ‚^¿^” the artist - gave him the one she had carried with her to the camp. Perceived as a win-win way to get rid of the tires filling Florida landfills by putting them to use as an artificial reef off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, about two million tires were bound with metal clips and dumped in the Atlantic Ocean back in 1972. The tire reef project was organized by Ray McAllister, an ocean engineering professor at Florida Atlantic University, and was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It’s no surprise that a big supporter of the project was the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Decades later, the project has turned out to be a terrible idea. It seems like anyone with a basic knowledge of science would have understood the effect of water on metal and how, after time, the metal clips might rust away - which is just what they did. The two million tires they once held in place were spread apart by ocean currents, likely de-

stroying any marine life that had managed to grow on them. A two-month-long natural gas leak that has caused local evacuations and Federal Aviation Administration flight restrictions in southern California is highlighting the need to better control methane emissions from United States oil and gas production and storage. On Oct. 23, Southern California Gas Company discovered the leak from a storage well at the utility’s Aliso Canyon facility in the Santa Susana Mountains at the northwestern end of the San Fernando Valley. At its peak in late November, the leak from the fifth-largest underground gas storage facility in the US was releasing 58 metric tons of methane an hour, according to preliminary estimates from the California Air Resources Board. By

mid-December, the release had eased to 36 metric tons an hour. Although methane is lighter than air, winds in the area can move some of the gas downhill into populated areas. Residents have reported illnesses, and the leak has triggered an exodus from the community of Porter Ranch, about 1,200 feet below the site and roughly a mile away. So far, Southern California Gas has relocated more than 2,000 families from Porter Ranch, with another 2,600 reportedly awaiting help relocation help from the company. The effect of the leak on the state’s greenhouse-gas emissions is comparable to adding 7 million cars to the road. The ongoing corporate crime wave showed no signs of abating in 2015. BP paid a record $20 billion to settle the remaining civil charges relating to the Deepwater Horizon disaster (on top of the $4 billion in previous criminal penalties), and Volkswagen is facing perhaps even greater liability in connection with its scheme to evade emission standards. Other automa kers and suppliers were hit with large penalties for safety violations, including a $900 million fine (and deferred criminal prosecution) for General Motors, a record civil penalty of $200 million for Japanese airbag maker Takata, penalties of $105 million and $70 million for Fiat Chrysler, and $70 million for Honda. Major banks continued to pay large penalties to resolve a variety of legal entanglements. Five banks (Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS) had to pay a total of $2.5 billion to the Justice Department and $1.8 billion to the Federal Reserve in connection with charges that they conspired to manipulate foreign exchange markets. The Internet Is the Grateful Dead Being a Deadhead used to mean attending the shows. Increasingly, it means you’re participating in a culture of sharing and foraging that began in the 1960s and anticipated almost everything we now take for granted on the Web. This deception will exist as long as we “stay in our place.” Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the chimera will vanish. The iron fist of history’s most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself with a terrifying fury. The seizure of political and economic power by corporations is unassailable.


ho funds and manages our elections? Who writes our legislation and laws? Who determines our defense policies and vast military expenditures? Who is in charge of the Department of the Interior? The Department of Homeland Security? Our intelligence agencies? The Department of Agriculture? The Food and Drug Administration? The Department of Labor? The Federal Reserve? The mass media? Our systems of entertainment? Our prisons and schools? Who determines our trade and environmental policies? Who imposes austerity on the public while enabling the looting of the U.S. Treasury and the tax boycott by Wall Street? Who criminalizes dissent? A disenfranchised white working class vents its lust for fascism at Trump campaign rallies. Naive liberals, who think they can mount effective resistance within the embrace of the Democratic Party, rally around the presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders, who knows that the military-industrial complex is sacrosanct. Both the working class and the liberals will be sold out. Our rights and opinions do

not matter. We have surrendered to our own form of wehrwirtschaft. We do not count within the political process. The powerful web of interlocking corporate entities is beyond our control. Our priorities are not corporate priorities. The corporate state, whose sole aim is exploitation and imperial expansion for increased profit, sinks money into research and development of weapons and state surveillance systems while it starves technologies that address global warming and renewable energy. Universities are awash in defense money but cannot find funds for environmental studies. Our bridges, roads and levees are crumbling from neglect. Our schools are overcrowded, decaying and being transformed into for-profit vocational centers. Our elderly and poor are abandoned and impoverished. Young men and women are crippled by unemployment or underemployment and debt peonage. Our for-profit health care drives the sick into bankruptcy. Our wages are being sup-

pressed and the power of government to regulate corporations is dramatically diminished by a triad of new trade agreements--the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trade in Services Agreement. Government utilities and services, with the implementation of the Trade in Services Agreement, will see whole departments and services, from education to the Postal Service, dismantled and privatized. Our manufacturing jobs, sent overseas, are not coming back. And a corporate media ignores the decay to perpetuate the fiction of a functioning democracy, a reviving economy and a glorious empire. China on Sunday passed its first-ever anti-terrorism laws in an effort to address what officials say is a growing threat across the country. China’s legislature passed the controversial measures to create a new cou nter ter ror i sm agency and security forces with increased powers. Terrorist attacks have caused heavy losses of people’s lives and properties, posing a serious threat to our security, stability, economic development, and ethnic unity. An Weixing, an official with the public-security ministry, was quoted as saying by the state-run Xinhua news agency. Critics have called the laws too broad in defining terrorism, which could allow Chinese authorities to use them against dissidents and religious minorities. The deadly tornadoes and severe storms that swept the South, Southwest, and Midwest over the holiday weekend and left at least 43 people dead are set to continue Monday, as states of emergency were declared across several states. In New Mexico and Missouri, rescue teams are battling flash floods and evacuating residents from their homes. In Missouri and Illinois, at least 13 people are dead from rising waters. At least 11 people were killed in Texas by a series of powerful tornadoes, with some carrying winds of up to 200 miles per hour. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared Dallas County and three surrounding counties disaster areas after as many as 11 tornadoes barreled through the area and damaged more than 100 homes. The governor warned residents to stay off the road Sunday, when snow and ice caused whiteout conditions across parts of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Japan and South Korea announced Monday the two nations have reached a landmark deal in their longstanding dispute over Korean women who were forced to work as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during World War II. Japan extended an apology and plans to compensate now-elderly victims with 1 billion yen ($8.3 million) from a fund administered by the South Korean government. Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters in Seoul that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe offered a heartfelt apology. Following Kishida’s meeting with his counterpart, Yun Byung-se, South Korea said it would consider the dispute resolved finally and irreversibly‚ as long as Japan fulfills its pledge. As many as 200,000 women were estimated to have been forced into working at Japanese brothels during the war. A Chinese official who led the agency responsible for managing the waste heap that collapsed and caused a massive lethal landslide last week jumped to his death late Sunday. Authorities said Monday that Xu Yuan’an, head of the City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau for Shenzhen’s Guangming New District, committed suicide following the city’s devastating mudslide that killed at least seven people and left dozens missing. The

disaster was triggered by improper storage of waste from construction sites, according to the official newspaper of the Ministry of Land and Resources. Propelled by a massive Christmas weekend at the box office, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has become the fastest movie to reach $1 billion in global ticket sales. The film took 12 days to break the billion-dollar barrier, breaking the 13day record set by Jurassic World in June 2015. The Raspberry Pi is now gaining attention from malware distributors who want the popular mini-computers to deliver with pre-install malware. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has made a shocking revelation that the charitable foundation has been offered money to install malware onto the Raspberry Pi machines before they were shipped out to users. Over the past 40 years, Toronto School of Art (TSA) has established itself as one of the most distinguished alternative arts schools in the city. While our history alone sets us apart, it’s our ideology that truly defines us. We believe in taking an organic approach to the arts. This translates into a hands-on education model that focuses on studio-based learning. We offer students the opportunity to work with practicing artists in a close, one-on-one environment. What this entails is a rigorous study of the arts through a challenging, tactile application of every skill set learned. TSA believes the arts should be accessible to all levels of experience. Whether you’re a working professional or just starting out, TSA offers programs that address all levels of expertise. The only thing our students need to get started is a passion for their craft. Once they have that, our mentors are there to further refine, hone and cultivate their skills. It’s this process of artists mentoring other artists that enables our students to truly find their voice and leave their mark on the world. Toronto School of Art (TSA) is committed to developing principles ensuring diversity and equity practices. A mandate of the school is to design policies that better reflect the demographics of the community it serves and to recommend programs and services that better serve the needs of diverse groups. Another mandate is to increase access to and opportunities at the Toronto School of Art for those belonging to groups historically excluded from power or denied rights enjoyed by others. Among those who face such discrimination are members of ethnic, racial, linguistic and religious minorities, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities, women, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people, seniors and, in some cases, youth, and people marginalized by poverty. The Federal Aviation Administration reported that 45,000 drone users signed up in the first two days after its drone registration system was opened. The FAA is requiring all drone users to register their aircraft or face stiff civil or criminal penalties. Existing drone users must register by February. Russian defense company Rostec claims that it has developed a flamethrowerequipped multirotor drone. First and foremost, rip into that plastic bag holding the manual and pull it out. Then, actually read the thing. Seriously. Pay special attention to two items. First, memorize the button or sequence of buttons that initiates the drone’s “return home” feature. This varies between manufacturers and models, but newer versions tend to have some kind of single button “oh crap” feature that will send the drone back to where it started. When you’re first learning, this will be your most used flight control. This is also a good place to suggest your consider joining the Academy of Model Aeronautics for $75, which, in addition to a magazine subscription, will get you some basic insurance coverage should you crash. Vietnam’s government announced that it has a developed a high-altitude long-endurance drone with a range of up to 2,500 miles. Twitter has submitted a patent for a drone that can be controlled by tweets. From 1975 thru 2013 many of our most common family, social, and economic survival problems have not been solved in a fully sustainable manner. In large part because our captive and non-captive men, women, youths, elected legal advocates, indymedia activists, students, professors, church ministers, and faith based memebers, and her adopted kindred spirits- are not being mentored to correctly self-master “The Basic A-BC-based methods of True Economic Freedom and Social Justice” as a divinely instructed way of life which is clearly established in our most sacred books of self-

knowledge, books of lifebooks of law and books of biblical economics and the social gospels-based collective problem solving strategies. Plus, the Universal Declaration of Religious Rights. As such, one of the vital tasks of the Pelican Bay Human Rights movement and the PBHRM’s First Amendment Campaign is to labor daily to help rebuild a stable mutual support network of human bridges to and from each still captive NCTT members and our elected A.R.M. Project coordinators whom have been privately trained by some of the greatest captive think tank minds that our present generation has been able to produce. The church in each place must be free to define the mission it believes it has received from God. Likewise, individual Christians and other Believers must be free to practice their faith in whatever manner they deem necessarily commensurate with their not violating the same freedom of others. In addition, we affirm the understanding of Religious Freedom, embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and other International covenants. While some actions taken in the name of religious rights may be ambiguous and will have to be addressed on a case by case basis.We, citizens who oppose the civil and military use of atomic energy, are working for No Nukes World Social Forum (a Thematic World Social Forum on nuclear energy) to be held in March 2016, in Japan. We started the discussion on a Thematic World Social Forum on nuclear energy in October 2014 and we decided to hold it at the international preparatory meeting during WSF Tunis 2015. The Schedule of the Forum is as follows; March 23 (Wed.) : registration and Opening Forum ( Korean YMCA, Tokyo) March 24 (Thu.) 25(Fri.): study tour in Fukushima (in contemplation) March 26(Sat.): participate in a big demonst r at ion against nuclear energy (Good Bye! Nuclear Power Plants Action) Yoyogi Park, Tokyo March 26(Sat.): Conferences and Workshops (Korean YMCA, Tokyo) in the evening March 27(Sun): Conferences and Workshops (Korean YMCA, Tokyo) all day We expect people who are concerned with the following issues to join us in No Nukes WSF: - nuclear power plants - nuclear bombs or other weapons using uranium - mining of uranium - exposed workers working in facilities related to nuclear exposed residents by accidents of nuclear power plants

- deposits of nuclear waste We intend to make this forum as our first efforts to link with the global movement for a world without nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons. No Nukes WSF will be organized on the principles and experiences of WSF process. WSF has been playing an important role as a global movement for ‘Another World’ without poverty and war, opposing neo-liberal globalization and ?a war against terrorism?. This forum intends to extend the experiences of WSF process in order to link with the movement for a world without nuclear power. Japanese people suffered atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and even after the end of WWII, fishermen of The Fifth Fukuryumaru were exposed to radiation from US’s H-bomb test. Despite

of these experiences, Japan has been promoting the utilization of nuclear energy and has become the world’s pre-eminent ‘Nuclear developed country.’ Furthermore, in spite of serious damage by the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, Japan is still trying to restart the operation of nuclear power plants and promoting the export of them. Even when nuclear power plants are operating without any catastrophic accidents, they are harmful because they involve exposure of workers, nuclear waste disposal for several hundreds of thousand years, and environmental pollution. In addition, they can be used for providing fuel for nuclear weapons. Nevertheless many countries intend to build nuclear power plants as alternative energy sources under the guise of resolving climate changes. This trend will expand the nuclear threat in the military and security field. In order to realize global peace and resolve poverty and disputes, we must break dep e nde nc e on nuclear power, build the alternative society without dependence on arms or moneymaking, and protect the right to life of all the people. No Nukes World Social Forum will be the space for discussing these issues and planning activities. We call for you to join No Nukes WSF 2016. We’re making these changes because we recognize that email in general, and maybe mailing lists in particular, are becoming more isolated amidst the changing cultures of the net. Historically, email’s openness was its strength; but it has also turned out to be a weakness, because it enables distributed abuse without enabling an effective response. This, combined with the ‘graying’ of email (notably, its institutional use as a proxy form of identification), mean that some of the key ‘technical’ circumstances that made the nettime project possible will never happen again *by email*. So if we want this project to outlast these change (and why not?), we need to think about how nettime can adapt. Despite the best efforts of corporate marketers to trademark a series of ‘springs,’ we doubt that similar circumstances will happen ‘again’ on Facebook or Twitter or any other proprietary service. But -of all the major so-called ‘social networks’ -- twitter seems most likely to succeed as a popular phenomenon

but fail commercially. With a little luck, it will become what it should be: lowercase-t twitter, a protocol. Inhabiting a fictional narrative, students will dream up inventive ideas for new smart objects and with the aid of our instructors and other professionals, learn the proper tools and processes needed to create and communicate their own vision of the future. Starting with basic prototyping through to advanced fabrication techniques, making use of the latest digital fabrication tools within the Officine Arduino community facilities, we will work through the entire process of design from initial narrative and conception through rough prototyping. At program’s end, we will present a fully documented performance and exhibition of our final objects in Casa Jasmina, the connected home of the future conceived by science fiction writer Bruce Sterling and Massimo Banzi, co-founder of the Arduino project. The infiltration of smart devices into our lives is coming soon. Currently, corporations and even governments are investing billions to fund research and manufacture upand-coming networked objects designed to “make our lives easier”. But what are the implications of this? A we lc ome new year The past year had lots of surprises for many of us . both good and unpleasant.yet we have battled against all odds to adjust and carry on.Some efforts were sucessful, others not, leaving us in pain and anguish to just drag on and acept the inevitable. We called it will of God or better still bad luck, and resigned to our detiny The new year, is unknown and that fills us with hope and expectations to a better year ahead. It is the hope and trust that make our new year filled with joy and happiness. We want everything new and renewed arond us. We will burn symbolically poor old man to ashes, with great funfare, announcing that old is displaced by new, what ever that signifies This act makes feel renewed with vigour Let us then cast out all that is evil within us, negative thoughts and actions, envy, jealousy, pride and arrogance, our superiority, hatred and anger, revenge and opportunity to strike back, It is only when we replace our desires with love and good will Let us then burn our enmities and offer the hand of friendship, without reservation expectations Species Summa-

ry: Pink-footed Goose (6 Connecticut) Tufted Duck (1 New York) Smew (6 Ontario) Brown Booby (6 California, 1 Florida, 4 Texas) Brown Booby (Atlantic) (1 Mississippi) Northern Jacana (9 Texas) Ruff (1 Louisiana, 3 North Carolina, 1 Nova Scotia) Kelp Gull (1 Ohio) Aplomado Falcon (5 Texas) Thick-billed Vireo (1 Florida) Black-capped Gnatcatcher (1 Arizona) Red-flanked Bluetail (1 Oregon) Redwing (3 British Columbia) Whitecollared Seedeater (1 Texas) Western Spindalis (5 Florida) Streak-backed Oriole (5 Arizona) Interesting article regarding links between islands and the mainland ports secured by Hebrew migration during the period. Quote below; remainder at link: They had impact on most of the trading communities and the Christian institutions such as Yale College.... “But for nearly a century, the community remained too small to afford a synagogue and religious services were conducted in private homes. The Jewish community was augmented by the arrival of more families from the Dutch West Indies in 1694 and, especially, by the arrival of hundreds of wealthy Israelites‚ who, it must be assumed, were Conversos from Portugal between the years 1740 and 1760. (The emigration from Portugal gained momentum after 1755 when Lisbon was leveled by an earthquake.) The city of Newport thrived in the 18th century, largely because of its position as the American colonies’ busiest seaport, and Jewish merchants and entrepreneurs contributed greatly to its prosperity. Among the most prominent of these was Jacob Rodriques-Rivera, an immigrant from Lisbon, who introduced into America the manufacture of sperm oil and candles, and Aaron Lopez, also from Lisbon, who owned a fleet of ship engaged in West Indian and European trade, and also in whale hunting. Newport supported as many as 17 factories dedicated to the manufacture of sperm oil and candles, assuring the town of a virtual monopoly in these trades, in addition to many sugar refineries, distilleries and furniture factories. Aaron Lopez became known as the great merchant prince of New England.” A Puerto Rican police officer is in custody after he killed three other cops at police headquarters in the city of Ponce, including a commander, lieutenant, and an officer, CNN reported Monday. Puerto Rico Police Deputy Superintendent Col. Juan Rodriguez Davila said, There are no words to describe this tragedy where three colleagues have lost their lives. Our condolences for the families. The suspect’s name has not yet been released. Audries and I had a girls day today. We started with brunch at The Picnic Basket. I had their house made chai and a frittata panini. Then off to Audries office, barn, and UCSC farm. To CVS for moms 2016 Christmas cards at half price. Then to Lulu’s for tea with her friend, and a cupcake at The Butter Cake (egg nog for me). Ended our day with a soak in a hot tub at Well Within. Tonight I taught mom how to use her electronic greeting card subscription to Jacquie Lawson that Audries bought her. Off to bed. Shopping tomorrow! A winter storm will bring heavy snow, possibly mixed with freezing rain and sleet, to portions of New England, as well as snow across portions of the north central states. Flash flooding is possible in portions of the southeastern U.S. Clever crows have long been known to use tools. But one species is particularly technologically advanced: New Caledonian crows actually make

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