THE Est. 2016
Gowanda wrestlers place second in tourney ... Page 14
Collins Recreation youths keeping busy ... Page 10
GOWANDA PRESS February 10-16, 2017
IDA won’t contribute to rail study for Buffalo-to-Jamestown line By Rick Miller County Reporter
ELLICOTTVILLE — The Cattaraugus County Industrial Development Agency’s board of directors voted last week to not participate financially in a study for a proposed passenger train
excursion service between Buffalo and Jamestown. The proposal to use a railroad corridor in Erie, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties, would utilize about 25 miles of IDA-owned track between Gowanda and Conewango Valley, plus new track to Waterboro.
The proposal was praised by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul in her regional State of the State Address in Gowanda Jan. 26. To open the New York & Lake Erie Railroad line from Conewango Valley to Waterboro on the east-west Southern Tier Extension Railroad Authority tracks would require a new switch, rail and ties.
That part of the line has been closed for decades. IDA board member Joseph Snyder said there are trees growing out of the rail line between Conewango and Waterboro, meaning it would need to be rebuilt. See Rail, Page 20
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During the week of Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, the staff of Gowanda Elementary celebrated American Heart Month and Wear Red Day with a week of Go Red activities. Staff and students were invited to add touches of red to their outfits each day in an effort to raise awareness of heart health. Staff members also enjoyed a delicious heart-healthy luncheon and donated $5 each to wear red (and jeans) on Feb. 3. A donation of $257 is being sent to the American Heart Association from the staff at GES.
The halls of Bertrand Chaffee Hospital and Jennie B. Richmond Nursing Home were filled with red shirts, red scarves, red ties and even red socks as employees participated in Wear Red for Women day on Feb. 3. This activity is part of American Heart Month in February. This occasion seeks to raise awareness of heart disease and strokes while encouraging people to take steps to reduce their risks for those conditions.
February 10-16, 2017
February 10-16, 2017
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Springville Mayor Bill Krebs served as the master of ceremonies for the evening and presented the 2017 SACC Citizen of the Year award to Nils Wickman.
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Carolin Dickinson (left) was presented Student of the Year Award by Springville-Griffith Institute High School Principal James Bialasik.
Board member Kara Kane from Bertrand Chaffee Hospital presented the 2017 SACC Nonprofit of the Year award to Love INC of Springville.
Springville chamber holds annual awards dinner SPRINGVILLE — The Springville Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards dinner Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Springville Fire Hall to celebrate the 2017 award recipients.
Among the honorees included: ■ Business of the Year: Sheret Jewelers ■ onprofit o t e ear o e o Springville ■ Citizen of the Year: Nils Wikman ■ Student of the Year: Caroline Dickinson Business of the Year: Sheret Jewelers Sheret Jewelers, a family-owned business, celebrated its 70th year under a third generation of ownership in 2016 with a remodeled showroom. Owners Elise and Mike Rose enjoy spending time with their two young children — with another on the way soon — and are very active in the Springville
community. They both serve on the board of directors for the Springville Area Chamber of Commerce, where Mike is currently vice president. Mike is also is a member of the Springville Volunteer Fire Company and Elise a member of MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) and the Very Merry Main Street Merchant Committee.
Nonprofit of the Year: Love INC of Springville Love INC of Springville’s mission is to mobilize the church to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ. Founded in 1996, Love INC’s approach to its work is focused around core values that include prayer, building relationships and placing value in everyone in need. Love INC celebrated its 20th year serving the Greater Springville area in 2016 and was able to celebrate this milestone with paying off the mortgage for their building on East Main Street.
Love INC annually holds an auction, Valentine Swing Dance, golf outing, Warm the Children, the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign and other community events.
Citizen of the Year: Nils Wikman After a successful retail career that spans more than 20 years, Nils Wikman entered t e fiel o e cation an earne a a ter in education and an MBA. He has taught in both the West Valley Central School District an prin ille ri fit or t e pa t years. Wikman is currently head of the High School Chapter of National Honor Society, has served as senior class advisor and has been the chair of Future Business Leaders of America at the high school level. Wikman also serves as a trustee for the village of Springville and has recently been elected to a second term. He is involved as the village liaison to the Historic Preservation Board and served
in the past on the planning board. He has hosted many nights at Fiddler’s Green for the summer music concert series, acti ely pport t e prin ille ri fit Institute Community Education Foundation and remains wholeheartedly involved in Springville Youth Incorporated. Student of the Year: Caroline Dickinson Caroline “Carrie” Dickinson is a motivated student who has challenged herself thought her academic, athletic and extracurricular pursuits during her t ie at prin ille ri fit n tit te She is currently ranked 15th in her senior class of 133 students. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, Future Business Leaders of America and senior class vice
See Awards, Page 20
February 10-16, 2017
Reed: Trump ‘doing what he said he would’ By Rick Miller County Reporter
Despite President Donald Trump’s percei e i tep rin i fir t two week in o fice ep o ee ai on ay e wa enco ra e y t e pre i ent oin w at e ai e wo l o on t e ca pai n trail ee tol reporter t e r p a ini tration i workin o t kink earnin c r e an rowin pain t e con re an ai are ein ecri e a i calc lation y olk w ot o t t ey e in t e ite o e n re pon e to t e tay o t e pre ient te porary an on re ee an people ro e en i le a t co ntrie or ere ri ay y i trict o rt e a e o art ee ai pport t e intention o t e e ec ti e or er in or er to keep erica a e ee ai e pport t e c eck an alance t e e repre ent ee a ornin ep lican al o anno nce e a een electe co c air an o a new iparti an conre ional ro p t e ro le ol er a c w ic i co itte to workin to et er to ol e erica pro le The group currently has 21 Democrat an ep lican ee tol reporter ro acro t e r onre ional i trict in i weekly pre call e e ocratic co c air an i ep o ott ei er o ew er ey wo i e ee anticipate t e ro p to oc on are t e national e t cri i o creation or t i eneration an t e ne t an in ra tr ct re
e ro p a ra te a letter to t e pre i ent in icatin a willin ne to work acro t e ai le ee ai e er ip in t e ro p i y in itation only ee ai e ope it will place t e co nty r onre ional i trict in a po ition o in ence ee ai e een t e pre i ent co ent to o ew anc or ill eilly on per owl n ay rin w ic t e o t calle ian re i ent la i ir tin a killer o e t o t r p reply t at erica i n t o innocent wa e ra in to t e in callin it a oral e i alent to ia o et in will not o i to interpret w at t e pre i ent wa inten in to eli er wit t o e co ent ee ai a co itte to t e erican way o li e e con re an rt er ope e ocrat wo l not contin e to p t p roa lock to t e confir ation o r p ca inet y ope i t at t ey tone own t e r etoric e ai ee ai e ope eil or c t e year ol e eral co rt e ro olora o r p no inate to t e pre e o rt wo l e i en a air ake y enate e ocrat till tin in ro t e ep lican controlle enate re al to con i er re i ent arack a a no ination o e eral e errick arlan la t year or c e ai a e on trate a capa ility a le el o e perience well ite to e a can i ate or t e pre e o rt or c wo l onor t e co it ent o t e pre e o rt to e interpreter o t e on tit tion an not le i late ro t e enc ea e
American Legion Ladies Auxiliary will meet
n erican e ion ot a ie iliary eetin will e el at p r ay e at t e le ion ll eetin are el t e t ir r ay
o eac ont nle notifie ot erwi e e a en a or t e eetin i to ic irt ay inner plan an a ter nt plan a e e are al o e at t i ti e
February 10-16, 2017
Family suffers second accidental death in week By Tom Dinki
Special to The Press
CONEWANGO — A 14-year-old Amish boy died in a logging accident Friday morning, Feb. 4, in the town of Conewango, just one week after his teenage cousin was killed in an
Ellicottville car crash. Neil Raber, 14, of Pope Road, died from severe head trauma with multiple fractures after he fell off a horse-drawn cart and a log rolled over him, said Cattaraugus County Coroner Howard an en elaer w o confir e t at Raber was the cousin of David Shetler, a
Franklinville 15-year-old who died Jan. 28 when he was riding in a car that spun out on ice and was hit by another car. “You deal with a 15-year-old and t en a year ol it ery i fic lt VanRensselaer said. Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s deputies said Friday they are investigating
the death of the 14-year-old Amish boy, whom they declined to identify. Raber was killed when he and his father, Eli, were riding in a horse-drawn cart that was dragging a log down a wooded hillside near 5782 Northeast
stolen property, a class E felony. Ford possessed stolen property exceeding $1,000 in value March 24 in Portville, Rieman stated. ■ Rachel C. Duhan, 25, of Olean, pleaded guilty to second-degree attempted assault, a class E felony. She attempted to seriously injure someone July 26, 2015, in Hinsdale, Rieman stated. Sentencing was scheduled for April 10. ■ Bethany Johnson, 42, of Salamanca, pleaded guilty to aggravated driv-
ing while intoxicated, a class E felony, also known as Leandra’s Law. Johnson drove in an intoxicated state with a child younger than 15 in the vehicle July 28 in Salamanca, Rieman stated. Sentencing was scheduled for April 10. ■ Lori A. Cole, 55, of Olean, was sentenced to three years of probation for driving while intoxicated and seconddegree aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle, misdemeanors. The incident occurred April 9 in Olean, Rieman stated.
See Deaths, Page 20
Cattaraugus County Court report LITTLE VALLEY — A Hinsdale man received prison time Monday in Cattaraugus County Court for felony and misdemeanor drug charges. Michael Scholl, 39, of Hinsdale, was sentenced to two years in state prison and two years of post-release supervision for third-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance, a class B felony; and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a class A misdemeanor. The incidents, involving a type and quantity of narcotic drug that were n pecifie in a co rt report occ rre April 11 and May 25 in Olean, according to District Attorney Lori Rieman, w o e o fice reporte t e ca e e ay among numerous others that were heard Monday. IN OTHER CASES: ■ Hugh Smith, 44, of Springville, pleaded not guilty to two counts of driving while intoxicated, a class D felony; an a co nt eac o fir t e ree a ravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle, a class E felony; using a vehicle without a preimposed ignition interlock device, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and reckless driving, all misdemeanors; and o r e icle an tra fic law iolation Authorities allege that the incidents occurred Dec. 17 in Machias and that he e police e ca e wa a o rne or motions. ■ Fallon M. Smith, 30, of Delevan, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in state prison plus two years of post-release per i ion or fi t e ree cri inal po -
session of a controlled substance, a class D felony. The defendant possessed an n pecifie type an antity o narcotic drug June 9 in Olean, Rieman stated. ■ Anthony S. Lackey Jr., 60, of ork ire plea e ilty to fi t e ree criminal sale of a controlled substance, a class D felony. The incident, involvin an n pecifie type an antity o controlled substance, occurred in April in Yorkshire, Rieman stated. Sentencing was scheduled for April 10. ■ Frederick W. Russell II, 39, of Olean, pleaded guilty to second-degree attempted assault, a class E felony. Russell attempted to injure a child less than 7 years old between Aug. 17 and 29, Rieman stated. Sentencing was scheduled for April 10. ■ Robert A. Richardson, 28, of an olp wa entence to fi e year of probation for third-degree attempted unlawful manufacturing of methamphetamines, a class E felony. The incident occurred Jan. 22, 2016, in Randolph, Rieman stated. ■ Charles P. Redeye, 55, of Salaanca wa entence to fi e year o probation for third-degree attempted robbery, a class E felony; and petit larceny, a class A misdemeanor. Redeye forcibly stole a vehicle May 4, 2015, in Salamanca, Rieman stated. ■ Richard Kraft, 21, of Olean, pleaded guilty to third-degree attempted burglary, a class E felony. The incident occurred Oct. 26 in Allegany, Rieman stated. Sentencing was scheduled for April 10. ■ Robert J. Ford, 41, of Portville, wa entence to fi e year o pro ation for fourth-degree criminal possession of
Letters to The Gowanda Press must by typed or printed legibly and be less than 500 words. They must be signed by the author and include that person’s address and phone number for verification. Deadline for the upcoming Thursday edition is Monday at noon. All letters are subject to editing, condensing or rejection. This page is intended to be a forum for local issues.
The future of Gowanda Little League Baseball Another year of youth baseball is quickly approaching. And with every passing year Little League (not only in Gowanda) is watching fewer and fewer kids sign up to play America’s Pastime. As I write this we are in the midst of Gowanda Little League Baseball signp an y fin er are cro e t at o r enrollment at least holds steady this year. That being said, “steady” is heartbreaking as GLLB last year was down to t ree a or tea an no o ficial inor teams. This year we welcomed a few new faces to the board, which is very encouraging. We are certainly trying to overcome the low enrollment and keep GLLB going. New ideas or ways to accomplish this goal would be greatly appreciated by all of us. Please speak up and help the league stay viable for years to come. I am about to start my 11th year as part of GLLB as a coach and board member. I look forward to the baseball season every year, excited to coach and watch not only my kids but all that sign up grow throughout the season. The growth that happens isn’t only about throwing, catching or hitting a baseball. Sometimes it’s that the child learne patience confi ence t e al e of hard work, or how to respect each teammate: maybe not for their athleticism but for the comedic relief they offer in the dugout after an error. can fill t e pa e o o r local paper with examples of individual growth that I have personally seen change a child’s
life. As a father watching his kids play, I have watched my kids have those personal highlight moments that they will take with them and hopefully relive with their kids in the future — Matthew, y ol e t on ittin i fir t o e r n in Little League with his last at bat of his last little league game at the VFW; Johnathan making a running, diving catch to save any runs from scoring while the other team had bases loaded in an All-Star Game. Being just a fan that day listening to the umpire turn from behind the plate and say, “How did that kid catch that? That would make an ESPN highlight reel for sure!” And with two more kiddos (Nicholas and Aubrey), coming up through I look forward to their moments to remember as well. I share these moments in hopes that I encourage those that have never played or have taken years off to sign up and play the great game of baseball. Allow your kids to not only learn this great game but also more about themselves and others. I also encourage parents or those with a little knowledge of the game to volunteer. You will get more enjoyment out of it than you might imagine. Sign your kids up, watch a little baseball, eat a little ice cream. Be part of the moments that your kids carry with them. Please forward questions and ideas to Matt Smuda
GOWANDA PRESS Volume 1, No. 26
Ignoring problems never solve anything One of the biggest issues currently in my district is one that probably doesn’t impact most of you directly. There is a main roadway in Boston and Concord, which are smaller towns in Erie County, that needs to be repaired. It has been ignored by the administration for far too long and now is in really bad shape. Although the roadway isn’t the most used in the county, it is still important and still needs to be safe. What has upset me most in pushing for this roa way to e fi e i that the residents that do John use that roadway have told me that they feel ignored by the County Executive. They are frustrated, for good reason. I don’t believe the County Executive has been on that roadway in a very long time, he hasn’t given the rural towns the attention they deserve. And that isn’t right. He needs to be aware of what is going on throughout the county. Springville-Boston Road is an important, rural road. When the 219 shuts down, this becomes the main thoroughfare for commercial and passenger tra fic to tra el nort an o t in t at region. It is also used by emergency vehicles and they are currently having a i fic lt ti e re pon in to call e must do continuous road maintenance.
Publisher Jim Bonn Managing Editor Rich Place Advertising Manager Preston Cochran
Published every Friday by Bradford Publishing Co.
FOLLOW US ONLINE Instagram @gowandapress
February 10-16, 2017
SUBSCRIPTION RATES 3 Months $20 6 Months $30 12 Months $49 To subscribe, call (716) 372-3121 x. 266
Allowing roads to deteriorate to the point of being dangerous is the wrong way to run the county. We are responsible for all county roads, regardless of size, and as a result we will pay for the repairs eventually. I might be talkin a o t one pecific roadway, but the issue is much bigger than that. This past summer I led a press conference in Boston to call on the County Executive to prioritize infrastructure projects and to not ignore rural Erie County. Springville-Boston Road Mills is just one example of the rural roadways that are being ignored and crumbling. We need the County Executive to recognize the needs of the entire county. I am upset that the residents I speak to feel that their own County Executive doesn’t care about their safety. Unfortunately, Erie County and many other counties are facing a similar issue in dealing with New York State. Too often policies and decisions that come out o l any enefit own tate ore t an our region. Worse, is when the policies hurt all counties without concern for any of our budgets. Approximately 90 percent of the See Mills, Page 6
REACH THE NEWSROOM DIRECTLY 49 W. Main St., Gowanda, NY 14070 (716) 241-4268 USPS 477-400
February 10-16, 2017
IDA sets public hearing for Ellicottville establishment By Rick Miller County Reporter
ELLICOTTVILLE — A Springville man described his passion for making beer and distilling spirits with a local air to e er o t e attara o nty n trial e elop ent ency oar o irector la t week illia r ee o prin ille tol t e e e p rc a e t e or er Aardvark store location at the corner of o te an o te in wit plan to open a cra t rewery i tillery an re ta rant e wante to ollow t e cce o o r ile rewin in lean an llicott ille rewin o ot er rewer t e a a i te wit ale property an ort a e ta a ate ent r ee ai e plan to a a are oot il in to t e e i tin il in at t e ite e ai e a in e te a o t illion an plan to rai e an a itional to co plete t e pro ect later t i year t will o e an act rin o alo till o e eer an locally i tille pirit a ta tin roo wit an e p a i on to r an a re ta rant wit locally o rce oo r ee ai He also hopes to participate in a “beer trail in ol in llicott ille rewin o an o r ile rewin or er contractor r ee a lon re earc e recipe or n li tyle eer an pirit c a in o ka an in le alt w i key e plan to e iconic local na e or i rew an pirit
oo ct ai
e re ta rant will eat re arti an tyle a e ro locally o rce pro ro e eta le to eat r ee
i an act rin acilitie an re ta rant will e ploy etween an people ore i e e pan in t e t re t o n like an e citin pro ect ai air an o a a ante t o l e oo or t e area e oar appro e a preli inary tate n iron ental ality e iew ct re ol tion an a ree to et a p lic earin on r ee re e t or a o t in ale ta a ate ent in mortgage recording tax exemption and in real property ta e o er year THE IDA BOARD al o a e final appro al to t e illion lean anor nc a propo e enior a i te li in acility in lle any on a acre ite o e ent treet near aple treet e eeloper i ic ola erreri w o operate a i ilar acility in a e town t will pro i e e a i te li in acility an a lt ay care center an e eral in le a ily enior o e it p to e ployee t e acility o l a e a payroll o ore t an illion a year a ter t e pro ect i co plete e pro ect will recei e in ale ta e e ption in ort a e ta a ate ent an in property ta re ction n er a year pay ent in lie o ta e a ree ent Mills ro
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a e
listen to all residents and address all needs from the smallest town to the bige t city one part o t e co nty or tate i tr lin it can t e i nore alway i yo a e a e tion a o t a co nty atter plea e contact y o fice at or e ail o n ill erie o (Erie County Legislative Chairman John Mills writes this monthly column for area residents.)
PERRYSBURG — Jim Utley, 54, of Reno, Nev., and Lucerne, Switzerland, formerly of Perrysburg, was unexpectedly called home to heaven Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017. On a beautiful sunny afternoon skiing the slopes of Switzerland, Jim passed away suddenly following a medical emergency. An avid outdoorsman, he passed peacefully doing something he loved, with Karen, his loving wife of nearly 30 years, by his side. Jim was a son of Rod Utley Sr. and the late Patricia Pericak Utley. Jim attended Cardinal Mindszenty High School until its closing and was a graduate of Dunkirk High School. He was an
February 10-16, 2017
The Gowanda Press charges $55 for obituaries up to 10 inches in length, plus $5 for every additional inch. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 10 a.m. for the upcoming Friday edition. Obituaries can be emailed to or dropped off at our office, 49 W. Main St. in Gowanda. For additional information, call 241-4268.
alumnus of Arizona State University, where he met his wife. Jim was vice president of trading at Goldcorp, a leading gold production company. He was a dedicated, long-serving employee and a largerthan-life character who will be missed by all who knew him. Surviving in addition to his wife and father are three sons, Oliver of Phoenix, Ariz., Michael of Reno and Ethan of Los Angeles; and three brothers, Rod Jr. (Tamara) of Perrysburg, Phil (Patty) of Lockport and John (Patty) of Waxhaw, N.C. A memorial service for Jim will be conducted at the convenience of the family.
Harold E. Green
CATTARAUGUS — Harold E. Green, 70, passed away Saturday (Feb. 4, 2017) at his home. He was born Oct. 20, 1946, in Salamanca. He was a son of the late Howard and Alice Starks Green. Mr. Green was a painter at Signore’s Inc. in Ellicottville and was a farmer. He loved taking care of his animals, fishing and hunting. He is survived by a son, Shawn Green of Cattaraugus; two daughters, Jennifer Green and Candace Green,
Clayton J. Bowen
EAST OTTO — Clayton J. Bowen, 76, of East Otto, passed away Tuesday (Jan. 31, 2017) at his home. He was born Sept. 17, 1940, in Springville, the son of the late Carlos and Lillian (Woodard) Bowen. Mr. Bowen was a heavy-equipment mechanic for John Deere in West Falls for 30 years and at Cummings Diesel for seven years. He also was a logger and ol firewoo or any year He is survived by his loving companion of over 40 years, Marilyn Whitmer; a son, Greg (Veronica) Bowen of East Otto; three daughters, Deanna Bowen of East Otto, Sheila (Danny) Mooney of Woodruff, S.C., and Carrie (Michael) Gaskey of Greenville, S.C.; Marilyn’s children, Martin (Donna) Whitmer of
both of Cattaraugus; 11 grandchildren; two great-grandsons; four brothers, LaVern Green, Stanley Green, Gordon (Sandra) Green and Leslie (Betty) Green, all of Cattaraugus; a sister, Elsie (Nicholas) Katrien of Boston; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Memorials may be made to the charity of the donor’s choice. Arrangements are under the direction of Mentley Funeral Home Inc., 411 Rock City St., Little Valley.
Arcade and Valerie (Bob) Failey of West Seneca; seven grandchildren, Danielle, Jess, Jodi, Duane, Megan, Ashley and Jennifer; six great-grandchildren, Kayden, Shawn, Anthony, Alexis, Haley and Chase; three sisters, Sue (John) Cross of Little Valley, Elaine Dechow of Cattaraugus and Jane (Jeff) Eberhardt of Las Vegas; and several nieces and nephews. Friends called Friday, Feb. 3, at the Mentley Funeral Home Inc., 411 Rock City St., in Little Valley. Funeral services were held Saturday, Feb. 4, 2017, in the funeral home. Burial was in East Otto Cemetery. n lie o ower t e a ily a k people to plant a tree or donate to the East Otto Volunteer Fire Department.
February 10-16, 2017
John Wompole
CATTARAUGUS — John Eugene Wompole, 82, of Cattaraugus, entered into rest Saturday (Jan. 28, 2017). John was born Nov. 7, 1934, to Ward and Jennie Wompole, both of whom preceded him in death. He was a loving husband to Annabelle Ribble, who survives. He is also survived by a brother, Dawn Hall; and several nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. He also leaves behind cherished pets,
Darrell Parke Allen
GOWANDA — Darrell P. Allen, of Route 353, passed away Friday (Feb. 4, 2017) at Buffalo General Hospital. Darrell was 53 years old. Darrell was born March 6, 1963, a son of Merrill and Jane Prince Allen. Darrell attended Cattaraugus Elementary School and graduated from Gowanda Central, Class of 1981. He attended trade schools in California and Alaska. While Darrell was in Alaska he worked as a machinist on the Alaskan Pipeline. Darrell was a self-employed carpenter and mechanic. His prior employment includes Wright Bros. Trucking and Austin Dicks Garage in Cattaraugus. At the time of his death he was the assistant sextant of the Park Lawn Cemetery in Wesley. An avid outdoorsman, Darrell enoye fi in trappin an ntin He was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, a social member of the South Dayton American Legion and a member of the Cattaraugus Rod
Little Bear, Shep, Big Guy, Lilly and Kit Kat. He was preceded in death by his half-sisters, Florence and Margaret; and a nephew, Ken. A graveside service will be held in the spring. Inurnment will be in Nondaga Cemetery in Bath. Arrangements were entrusted to DiStasioHills Funeral Chapel Inc.,
Cattaraugus. Online condolences may be made at
and Gun Club. Darrell is survived by his father, Merrill Allen, a daughter, Chelsea I. Allen of Cattaraugus; two grandchildren, Aiden James and Violet Irene; a brother, Dr. Daniel (Sarah) Allen of California; along with cousins and many friends. Darrell was preceded in death by his mother, Jane Prince Allen, who passed away Feb. 4, 2015. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday (Feb. 12, 2017) in the Wesley United Methodist Church on Route 353 in Wesley. Darrell has donated his body to the University of Buffalo’ s Anatomical Gift Program. His burial will take place in the family plot of the Park Lawn Cemetery in Wesley at a later date. Memorials may be made to the Wesley United Methodist Church, c/o Sandra Allen, 8997 Persia Road, Gowanda, NY 14070 Arrangements are being handled by Schindler Funeral Home, Gowanda, 532-4200.
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February 10-16, 2017
Insurance bill for coroners held up
Collins recreation youths keeping very busy
NORTH COLLINS — Children of all ages have been taking advantage of the Collins Youth Recreation Department headed by Samantha D’Amaro and have been keeping busy over the weekends with different crafts, sports, and activities at the L.K. Painter Center. Over the past few weekends, children between the ages of 5 to 18 years old have had the chance to make “dust” bunnies, paper-mâché owls, clay Trolls, turtle and otter puppets, animal masks and more. In addition to the crafts, Recreation events also offer a concession stand, game room and roller skating. The children have also gotten the chance to play in some lively hockey games! Last weekend, the “Big Kids” even got the chance to play a game against just the staff members. Upcoming events include a Lip Sync Battle between staff where the children get to vote for their favorite performance, field trips and more. For additional information, visit TownOfCollinsRecreation.
By Rick Miller County Reporter
Submitted photos
Children take a break for the action at the Collins Youth Recreation Department to get their photo taken. The department has been keeping busy over the weekends with various crafts, sports and activities at the L.K. Painter Center.
LITTLE VALLEY — A resolution to extend health insurance coverage to the four Cattaraugus County coroners was held last week in the Finance Committee. Legislature Chairwoman Paula Stockman, R-South Dayton, introduced the resolution last month and it was referred to committees. The Labor Relations Committee is believed to have discussed it in a closed-door meeting. The cost for the county to provide the same health insurance to the coroners it provides to county lawmakers and other employees is estimated at more than $53,000 a year. Cleon Easton III, a coroner from Franklinville, said health insurance should be offered to the coroners. “Not all of us would take it,” he said, adding some are covered under their spouses’ insurance policies. The coroners, each of whom is a funeral director, receive about $10,000 a year. “I don’t consider myself part time,” said Coroner Howard VanRensselaer of Randolph. He noted he worked Christmas and New Year’s Day. Kevin O’Rourke, a coroner from Salamanca, said the coroners were a on t e only electe o ficial w o did not receive insurance. “I think all Cattaraugus County employees, including 170 part-time workers, should get health insurance,” said Maureen Krieger of the Civil Service Employees Association Committee member Dan Hale moved to refer the resolution to committee for further study. It had been previously approved by the Labor Relations and County Operations & Public Safety committees.
February 10-16, 2017
February 10-16, 2017
February 10-16, 2017
February 10-16, 2017
Gowanda wrestling takes second in tourney By Mark Benton
Sports Correspondent
CATTARAUGUS — The Gowanda Panthers wrestlin tea fini e econ at r ay wit point in t e ection la o rna ent at attara ittle alley entral i c ool an olp won t e to rna ent wit point t t e ant er e eate ei t ot er c ool in t e e ent a e o won i wei t cla an wa na e t e to rna ent o t t tan in re tler i t ra er a e all an enior ck alone al o ro t o e fir t place trop ie e tate ali yin eet will e el at t e eneca t letic o nity in ala anca on at r ay e e ant er e i e o all an alone w o a e alifie to co pete or a c ance to o to t e ew ork tate eet incl e o anik o ri e yan ernatt t an ort ike i kiewic an n rew acc io e ew ork tate c a pion ip will e el in l any on e an an t e owan a wre tlin tea e eate attara ittle alley e ant er only won two atc e t at were pin y enior a e o an nior an y onrow e i erwol e won t e ot er fi e o t t at were conte te owe er ca e p on t e ort en in o erall point w en t ey or eite i ot er atc e e ore t e fir t atc wa el al ni ant er wre tler in atten ance were intro ce ncl e t at ro p wa layton o an ro oac are a fir t wre tlin a in ote t e tea wa t e fir t year o wre tlin at owan a t t eir eet were con i ere practice atc e an t eir o erall recor wa not kept o n enton ike iller an oe ernatt ro owan a t e la t ection c a pion ip tea in were al o on an to ee t eir or er tea win enton wa a nior on t at tea an o e ack an ort ro t e ar ity an nior ar ity tea t at ea on e only lo t one atc or t e entire ea on in i wei t cla o po n t i not wre tle in t e ection eet t wa al o enior ni t or t e owan a wre tlin pro ra oac ark eo a e a ynop i o t e career o ot enior a e o an ck alone o i c rrently ranke n er in e tern ew ork t e wei t cla alone a al o p t to et er a fine ea on an a recei e onora le ention tat
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The Gowanda restling team placed second in the Section 6 Class D Tournament held Saturday, Feb. 4 at Cattauragus-Little Valley Central High School. Participants included (from left) Michael Liskewicz (first, 145), Andrew Musacchio (first, 220), Charlie Valone (first honorable mention, 220), David Ball (first, 99), David Poff (first, Most Outstanding Wrestler, 120), Ryan Gernatt (third, 132), Ethan Fort (fourth, 113), Dominick Rodriguez, (second, 152)
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(Front row, from left) Manager Jessica Whalen, David Ball, Coach Christian Francis; (Back row, from left) Coach Ray Logan, M. Wargo, Michael Liskewicz, Ethan Fort, N. Francis, Z. Phillips, David Poff, Anrew Musacchio, Coach Mark Leous, Charlie Valone, Ryan Gernatt, Dominick Rodriguez. Absent: J. Monat, R. Conrow, Mangers G.Pawlak, O. Pawlak.
February 10-16, 2017
Gowanda boys beat A-L, lose to Randolph The Gowanda boys basketball team split a pair of games to AlleganyLimestone and Randolph recently to advance their record to 10-5 before a Thursday, Feb. 9 contest against Salamanca that ended after press time. e oy fini t eir ea on wit games at Portville (Feb. 13), at Frewsburg (Feb. 15) and home to Southwestern (Feb. 16). Gowanda 70, Allegany-Limestone 63 GOWANDA — Nate Brawdy’s 26 points and 20 rebounds proved key for Gowanda, which pulled away on a 21-9 third quarter though AlleganyLimestone did mount a bit of a comeack in t e final arter e a e was played Thursday, Feb. 2. Jarmani Benton added 17 points, and Matt Kruszka eight points, for Gowanda. Zach Hemphill led Allegany-Limestone (5-8, 3-4) with 29 points, while Sam Flanders added 16.
Randolph 53, Gowanda 50 Gowanda boys basketball team traveled to division leading Randolph on Monday night, Feb 6. The Panthers had the lead after the fir t arter an an olp it a three-pointer just before the half to put them up, 27-25. Going into the fourth quarter the score was tied at 39. Both teams were playing great defense and Gowanda had a c ance to fini it wit o l ot t came up just short and Randolph won, 53-50. Leading scorer was Jarmani Benton with 18 points, three boards and two assists, Nate Brawdy with 14 points, 15 boards and seven assists, Matt Dodolek with seven points and seven boards. Photo courtesy Mike Frame
Randolph’s Jake Beaver works around Gowanda defender Nate Brawdy during the Cardinals’ 53-50 victory on Monday. The win kept Randolph unbeated on top of CCAA East I standings while Gowanda fell to 10-5 overall and 5-3 in league play.
Gowanda girls beat Silver Creek; fall to Allegany-Limestone, Randolph The Gowanda girls basketball team scored a win against Silver Creek last week but followed it up with a pair of losses to Allegany-Limestone and Randolph in recent games. The Lady Panthers will end their season with three games on the road — Friday, Feb. 10 at Salamanca; Monday, Feb. 13 at Portville; and Thursday, Feb. 16 at Cattaraugus-Little Valley. Here’s a recap of last week’s games: Gowanda 39, Silver Creek 27 GOWANDA — Alexis Hawkins recorded a double-double with 11 points and 15 rebounds and Paige Gable and Miya Scanlan each added nine points and 13 and nine rebounds, respectively, in the Panthers’ third win of the season on Wednesday, Feb. 1. For Silver Creek, Abby Rice scored 11 and Harmonie Eggleston added nine points in the loss.
Allegany-Limestone 86, Gowanda 12 ALLEGANY — Morgan Davis tossed in 31 points, grabbed seven rebounds and blocked four shots as Allegany-Limestone raced to a 44-7 halftime lead in their victory Friday, Feb. 3. rooke iar ini a e point fi e oar an ei t teal for the Gators. Alexis Hawkins scored eight of the Panthers’ 12 points. Other point scorers were Paige Gable with three and Megan Stang with one. Randolph 66, Gowanda 28 GOWANDA — Alexis Hawkins again recorded a doubledouble with 16 points and 10 rebounds in the Panthers’ loss on e ay e iya canlan core fi e e an tan core four and Paige Gable scored three points and had 12 rebounds. For Randolph, three players scored more than 10 points: MacKenzie Marsh (14), Sydney Hvizdak (13) and Joan Adams (11).
2016-17 Gowanda boys basketball Panthers W 74 W L L W W W W
70 53 62 70 66 67 74
L 30 L 60 W 68 W 81 W 68 W 70 L 50 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 16
Roy-Hartland Franklinville* North Collins* Ellicottville at Fredonia at Southwestern Pioneer* Springville* Silver Creek at All-Limestone Randolph at Salamanca Portville at All-Limestone at Silver Creek All-Limestone at Randolph Salamanca at Portville at Frewsburg Southwestern
Opp. 44 cancl. 45 61 75 51 44 40 57 ppd. 50 66 47 72 52 63 53
*tournament game
2016-17 Gowanda girls basketball Panthers L 33 W 53 L 21 L 40 L 43 L 30 L 47 L 32 L 22 W 28 L 34 L 29 L 23 L 33 L 33 W 39 L 12 L 28 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 16
at Sherman North Collins* Frewsburg* Pine Valley at Franklinville Catt-LV at Silver Creek All-Limestone at Randolph Salamanca Portville at Pine Valley Sherman at Ellicottville Franklinville Silver Creek at All-Limestone Randolph at Salamanca at Portville at Catt-LV *tournament game
Opp. 49 28 87 43 86 32 54 78 71 18 68 44 48 66 55 27 86 66
Local Bowling Paul Hill Memorial League Fast Eddies Leftovers Mystery Inc. Gowanda Ford K&L Lanes Emke-Haven Farms
63.5-24.5 44.5-43.5 43-45 39-49 37-51 36-52
H1G: Men — Ed Howard 244 Women — Diane Emke 216 H3G: Men — Ed Howard 715 Women - Diane Emke 530 HT1G: K&L Lanes 822 HT3G: Fast Eddies 2268 High Scores — Men E. Howard 228-244-243, 715 S. Grimm 224-220 M. Emke-Walker 229 B. Moss 213 M. Howard 206-204 J. Schulz 224 B. Schulz 234-204 High Scores — Women D. Emke 216, 530 N. Earle 177
Preston Murphy Tuesday Night Awesome G’s Wright Brothers Perrysburg Diner Blue Girls Auto Wrench Stems Gems Silver Creek Save-A-Lot
57-31 54-34 51-37 48-40 48-40 43-45 42-46
H1G: Men — Gene Doucette 237 Women — Wendy Greco 191 H3G: Men — Gene Doucette 615 Women — Hope Rogan 487 HT1G: Auto Wrench 957 HT3G: Auto Wrench 2750 High Scores — Men Dale Rogan 219 Peter Radwanski 201 Dennis Baker 219 Gene Doucette 237-203, 615 Jim Gominiak 218 Jack Wells 205 Derek Peck 205 Keith Wells 203-229 Bill Friedman 226, 610 Sam Lauer 223 High Scores — Women Wendy Greco 191 Hope Rogan 190
February 10-16, 2017
The history of Gowanda basketball By Mark Benton
Sports Correspondent
Not since the 1970-71 basketball season had the Gowanda varsity boys' basketball team posted an overall winnin recor t t in wo l finally turn around for the Blue and White when the 1982-83 season began. Under their second year coach, Gowanda was looking to break long losing streaks against former Lake Shore League rivals that were now members of the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CCIAC). And from the opening game until the second round of the Section VI playoffs, the Panthers not only won 13 games and lost seven but brought back the winning tradition in basketball. e ant er tartin fi e con i te of Doug Schindler, Shawn Van Slyke, Tim Boswell, Pete Han and Brad Joubert. Matt McHale and Seth Halftown were key reserves. But the coach called on the entire roster at some point in the season to help pull out several victories. Gowanda started the season by winning all but one of their non-league games before conference play began after the Christmas recess. The Panthers knew t at t ey co l finally co pete with the likes of Olean, Salamanca, Fredonia and Dunkirk and put to rest the 23-game losing streak in conference games. But they had to prove it on the court. And that they did. No longer were the Panthers trailing by double digits at halftime. And the attendance at home games began to swell as Gowanda took down Olean, Southwestern and Fredonia. Gowanda could not get by Salamanca that year but set their sights on rival Dunkirk late in the season when the Marauders made a return trip to the Panther's home court. The game went back and forth as the highly ranked Dunkirk team could not shake the pesky Panthers. Finally, in the waning moments of the fourth quar-
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The 1982-83 Gowanda Panther varsity boys basketball team put together their first winning season in 14 years by posting a final record of 13 wins and 7 losses. The Panthers defeated Olean, Dunkirk, Fredonia and Southwestern (twice) in league play and won the school’s first Section VI playoff game in 28 years. (Kneeling, from left) Seth Halftown Jr., Brad Joubert, Shawn Van Slyke, Doug Schindler, Matt McHale, and Curtis Archer; (standing, from left) Ted Schroeder, Tim Boswell, Phil Brumagin, Jay Ondus, Pete Han and Coach Mark Benton
ter, Gowanda sank several clutch free t row an eat nkirk or t e fir t time since the early 1960s. The Panthers, whose overall record in the previous eight seasons was a dismal 26 wins and 120 losses took their regular season record of 12-6 wins into po t ea on n t e fir t ro n a e against Falconer at Silver Creek, the Blue and White switched defenses at al ti e an clawe t eir way to a fi e point ictory t wa t e fir t ection playoff win for Gowanda boys' basketball in more than 20 years. The Panthers then traveled to Ellicottville to face a very good Allegany Blue
Devil team in round two of the playoffs. When the game began, the Panthers fell behind quickly and trailed by as many as fourteen points entering the fourth quarter. But as in the previous contests that year, Gowanda made another stunning comeback late in the game. However, this time the Panthers lost by two points. Gowanda returned home disappointed in the outcome that night but ery ati fie wit t e o erall ea on And with three starters returning for the 1983-84 campaign, the basketball program at GCS had everything in place to finally c allen e or a lea e title
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February 10-16, 2017
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United Torch Fund of Gowanda Inc. President Peter Palmer presents Gowanda Recreation counselor Karen Speers with a check for $1,500 during the Feb. 6, Monday night co-ed roller skating program held at the Academy Place. The funds will be used to offset the cost for the winter recreation activities and to purchase a sound system for the roller skating program.
Gowanda Sports Report By Mark Benton
Sports Correspondent
The Gowanda Recreation Learn to Ski Program at Holiday Valley hosted their annual pizza party during the Super Bowl last week. A special thank you for those that helped to offset the cost of the event. There are three weeks to go in the program plus a bonus day. The bus leaves each Sunday from the front circle of the high school at 1:15 p.m. and returns at 8:30 p.m. ■ Roller skating for students in kindergarten through eighth grade will continue on Monday, Feb. 13 and Feb. 27 at the Academy Place from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The cost that includes skates
remains $2 per night. Games on skates take place each week beside the free skate periods. Students do not have to attend Gowanda Central School in order to attend this program. There will be no roller skating on Monday, Feb. 20 due to the mid-winter break. ■ The Gowanda Recreation co-ed basketball program for students in grades third through eighth is held every Wednesday night at the Academy Place from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Fundamentals, drills and scrimmage games take place during each session directed by certified coaches. There is no cost to attend the program. Call the recreation director at 532-4053 for more information.
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February 10-16, 2017
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February 10-16, 2017
Gowanda Assembly of God 78 Allen St. | Pastor: David Gabel Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Cattaraugus United Methodist 53 Washington St. | 257-3583 or 257-9398 Pastor: Becky Ward Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Roberts Memorial Free Methodist Church Gowanda Free Methodist Church 111 South St. | 257-3326 149 West Main St. | Pastor: Jon Horton Pastor: Rev. Mike Jones Assistant Pastors: Tim McKeever, Chris Landon Worship Times: Saturday, 6 p.m. and Sunday, 9 and Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Victory Tabernacle 254 South Main St. | 257-9638 First Presbyterian Church of Gowanda Pastor: Michael Winder 64 E. Main St. | 532-4292 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Donna Lewis Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church 36 Washington St. | 257-9351 | Gowanda United Methodist Church Pastor: Rev. Joseph Porpiglia 30 North Chapel St. | 532-4092 Sunday Mass: 11:15 a.m. Pastor: Chris Klimecko St. John’s United Church of Christ Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. 26 Ellicott St. | 257-9287 or 257-5315 or 257-3606 Pastor: Rev. Harland J. West Immanuel Lutheran Church Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. 40 South Chapel St. | 532-4342 Pastor: Travis S. Grubbs East Leon Wesleyan Church Sunday Worship: 8:45 a.m. Corner 42nd Street & Leon/Mosher Hollow 257-9082 or 257-6081 | St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church Pastor: Rev. Karen Cleveland 26 Erie St. | 532-5100 | Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Joseph Porpiglia Worship: Saturday, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 8 & 9:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 76 Center St. Pastor: The Rev. David Noves Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Collins Friends Meeting 2345 Main St. Pastor: Janice Ninan Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday, Sunday School
Trinity United Church of Christ 30 Erie Ave. | 532-3004 | New Hope Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Suzanne Hodges 13861 Route 62 near Richardson Road Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Special Notes: Free community meal, second Saturday of Pastors: Jack and Micah Seiler Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays; 7 p.m. Wednesdays the month from 4 to 6 p.m., January through November
The Gowanda Press provides church listings to religious establishments in the Gowanda area free of charge. To submit a listing, email or call 241-7267. Please include church name, address, phone number, website, pastor’s name and worship times.
United Methodist Church 7896 East Flats Road | 257-9452 Pastor: Wesley Tessey Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. Free Methodist Church East Otto Road at Brooklyn Corners | 257-3253 Pastor: Raymond Start Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 12557 Route 438 Pastor: Rev. John Proios Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
LITTLE VALLEY Wesleyan Church 704 Erie St. | 938-6190 Pastor: Rev. Buck Hall Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. First Congregational Church 301 Rock City St. Pastor: Rev. Sue Fish Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. United Methodist Church 109 Court St. | 938-6150 Pastor: Nathan Lange Sunday Worship: Traditional, 9 a.m.; Contemporary, 11 a.m. Grace Bible Baptist Church & Grace Christian Academy 201 Rock City St. Pastor: Rev. Rich Godinez Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Valley View Baptist Church Routes 242 & 353 at the Y Pastor: Rev. Ken Doyle Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:50 a.m. & 1:30 p.m.
Solomon’s Porch Ministries 7705 Toad Hollow Road | 257-9138 Pastor: Gail McCory Worship: Saturdays, 7 p.m. & Sundays, 10 a.m.
OTTO Immanuel Lutheran Church 9027 East Otto Road | 688-5194 Pastor: Rev. Howard Warner Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
United Methodist Church Main Street near Peck Hill Road Pastor: Grace Warren Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.
VERSAILLES Versailles United Methodist Church Main Street Pastor: Dave Rood Sunday Worship: Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Wesley United Methodist Route 353 near Markham Road | 257-3583 Pastor: Becky Ward Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m.
This page is dedicated to the building of a more spiritual and greater church-going community. Area businesses who desire to see more people attend the church of their choice can show support by sponsoring this page. For additional information, call 945-1644 x. 305.
20 Rail from Page 1 The train proposal is designed to give communities along the rail corridor an economic boost. It has been endorsed by several communities in Cattaraugus and Erie counties, as well as the city of Jamestown. Members of the IDA board didn’t think much of the idea, however, voting down a proposed $5,000 donation to a study by Stone Consulting of Erie, Pa. Jamestown is paying for half of the $60,000 study, which would include a marketing plan and revenue analysis. “We were asked to donate $5,000 for the study,” said Corey Wiktor, IDA executive director. As owner of the Cattaraugus County track, the IDA was asked to share in the partnership. Robert O. Dingman, president of the New York & Lake Erie Railroad, which operates the rail line for the IDA, had already promised $5,000 for the study, Wiktor said. “I don’t support it,” Snyder said. “It’s just a ploy to get grant money.”
The project “is not feasible,” he added. The IDA has owned the rail line for more than 30 years. At one time it serviced more industries. The Cattaraugus spur remains closed due to a washout. The track once stretched from Salamanca to Gowanda, but the track was torn up between Salamanca and Cattaraugus and became the Pat McGee Trail. Wiktor said a third-party study is often needed to seek state and federal funding. That is the case here, he said. Snyder and others have raised questions about the IDA’s liability in the event of an accident involving a passenger train. Wiktor said the IDA has a $5 million liability insurance policy on the rail line. Dingman’s company runs passenger trains infrequently from the Gowanda depot. The proposed excursions would be tied to events to boost tourism in communities along the corridor, such as South Dayton has done in the past. Several counties across the state are involved in operating short line railroads — including passenger service, according to Wiktor.
Before the discussion was over, IDA board members’ talk turned to questioning whether the IDA should continue owning the railroad. “Do we just get rid of the railroad?” one board member asked. “Maybe the county wants it back,” Wiktor replied. Contacted later by the Times Herald, Dingman said he was surprised the board had not agreed to the donation, noting he had made a similar donation to help fund the study. “I hope they will reconsider,” he said. Jamestown recently spent millions to redevelop its downtown train station but can’t get passenger trains there on mainline tracks. Erie County owns the South Buffalo Railway that passes from Buffalo through Hamburg, Eden and North Collins to Gowanda where the NY&LE Railroad begins. If the NY&LE Railroad were completed all the way to Waterboro on the east-west line running from Hornell to Jamestown, it would need an agreement with Southern
February 10-16, 2017 Tier Extension Railroad Authority and Norfolk Southern. The cost of building a mile of railroad is estimated at $1 million. The need to get trains to Jamestown spurred the proposal to use the Buffalo to Jamestown rail corridor through Gowanda. Sponsors are also talking about extending the rail excursion service through Buffalo to Niagara Falls. Dingman said the NY&LE Railroad did not receive a $2.4 million New York State Department of Transportation infrastructure grant he had applied for in the round of grants announced Feb. 1. That grant would replace two-thirds of the ties from Cherry Creek to Conewango and smooth the rail, allowing trains to run faster, according to Dingman. “We’ve got two grants we’re working on this construction season,” Dingman pointed out. There is another round of rail infrastructure projects expected later this year. Dingman did not estimate the cost of the last few miles between Conewango Valley and Waterboro, which has not been used in decades.
Awards from Page 3
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Chamber President Bill Gugino from B & B Homes gave a State of the Chamber Address and presented the 2017 SACC Business of the Year award to Sheret Jewelers.
president. She is also a dedicated athlete and highly respected leader who has been a contributor to the success of Springville’s high school soccer (captain), basketball and softball (captain) teams. She volunteers with the Boys & Girls Club of Springville and the SYI basketball program and holds a part-time job at Cindy Lou’s in the community. Chamber President Bill Gugino, from B&B Homes, gave a State of the Chamber Address and introduced the Business of the Year Award.
Board member Kara Kane, of Bertrand a ee o pital pre ente t e onprofit o the Year Award; Springville mayor Bill Krebs, who served as master of ceremonies for the event, presented the Citizen of the ear war an prin ille ri fit n tit te High School Principal presented the Student of the Year Award. The dinner also featured a networking table, a silent auction and music by Bob Muhlbauer and The Hick Ups.
Deaths from Page 5 Road. VanRensselaer said the hill was “very, very” steep and the ground was frozen and slippery, and that Raber was on the cart as they were moving down the hill when he fell off the back. “The father and his family members have been in the logging business for a very, very long time and this is t a ke acci ent t t one o those things that happen,” he said. According to deputies, a 911 call was made about a logging accident at 8:55 a.m. Friday. Conewango and llin ton fire epart ent an olp Emergency Medical Services, New York State Forest Rangers and Cattaraugus County Emergency Services, with trauma doctor Brian Walters, all responded to the scene. VanRensselaer, who pronounced Raber dead on scene, said a death i alway i fic lt or e an fir t responders, but especially when it’s a young person. “My heart always goes out to those an fir t re pon er e ai kind of come into it as the last person and have to do what I do as my job, but they’re the ones that go there on many occasions thinking they’re
going to be saving someone’s life.” VanRensselaer said the death of Raber’s cousin just a week ago certainly inten ifie t e a ony o those involved. Shetler was a passenger in a Dodge Caravan driven by Clinton Krivulka, 60, of Conewango Valley, who lost control on Route 242 due to snow and icy conditions, police said. Shetler and Krivulka were killed when the car crossed into the oncoming lane and was struck in the rear by a Dodge Ram pickup truck who was deemed not at fault, according to Lt. James Bouchard of the Ellicottville Police Department. Shetler’s older brother, Lewis, 16, was also riding in the car and sustained serious injuries. Police last reported he was in a medically-induced coma at Women and Children’s Hospital in Buffalo, and an employee of the facility said Lewis Shetler was no longer a patient as of Friday night. VanRensselaer said that when he returned Raber’s body to his home, the teen’s parents and six siblings were taking the death “very hard.” “I saw a lot of grief when I took the young man to his home,” he said.
February 10-16, 2017
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process to: 111 South Clinton St., Olean, NY 14760. Purpose: Any lawful activity
NOTicE OF FiLiNG NAmE OF LimiTED LiAbiLiTY cOmpANY: DON & cLARicE bEAvER huNTiNG pREsERvE LLc Date of Filing of Articles of Organization: 10/06/16 County of Office: Cattaraugus Municipality of Office: Town of Randolph, 234 Washington Street, Randolph, NY 14772 The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served. The address which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is: 234 Washington Street, Randolph, NY, 14772 The registered agent of the Company is: NONE The registered agent is to be the agent of the Limited Liability Company upon whom process against it may be served. The purpose of the Company is to: carry on any such business for which a limited liability company may be formed under the laws of the state of New York.
ThE REcLAimED pAsT, LLc Notice of formation of the above Limited Liability Company (LLC) Article of organization filed with Secretary of New York state (SSNY) on 8/16/2016 Office Location: Cattaraugus County Universal Registered Agents, INC has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. Mail a copy of any such process served to: 99 Washington Ave. Suite 805A Albany, NY 12210. Purpose: Any lawful act. Owner: Jesse Montgomery NOTicE OF FORmATiON OF GARYRAZA, LLc. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 01/31/2017. Office location: CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. Principal office of LLC: 112 Main Street, Allegany, NY 14760. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the address of its principle office. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Apartments For Rent FOR RENTGOWANDA, Very nice newly remodeled 1 Bedroom Apartment, water is included. No pets. $450 plus security deposit. 560-7712
OUT & ABOUT ■ Feb. 11, 1 to 3 p.m., Amanda's Sweets at Jesse's Home and Gifts in Gowanda. Mini-cake decorating class an a ple o o t o t a ter a or ■ Feb. 11, 4 to 6 p.m., Monthly Free Community Meal, Trinity United Church of Christ. On the menu is goulash, salad an rea e ert an e era e ree will donations appreciated. ■ Feb. 11, 6:30 p.m., Sweetheart Dinner, St. Joseph’s Church in Gowanda. Open to all couples who are dating, engaged or married. Begins with hors oe re an rink e ore inner at p ollowe y li e entertain ent y Richie and Debbie Dewald. Cost $55 per couple, includes dinner. Call 532-5100 to re er e pot y e ■ e p loo weat an Tears featuring Bo Bice, Seneca Alleany ent enter ■ Feb. 12, 8 to 11 a.m., All-You-CanEat Pancake Breakfast, Perrysburg Fire Hall. Presented by Perrysburg Ladies Auxiliary. Cost $8 for adults; $4 for
February 10-16, 2017
To submit an event or happening for Out & About, email event details to, send via mail to 49 W. Main St., Gowanda, NY 14041 or call 241-7267. Please be sure to include date and time and any cost associated with the event. Out & About listings are free of charge.
children ages 5-12. ■ Feb. 16, 5 p.m. Chili Cook Off, Gowanda High School Cafeteria. Sponsored by Gowanda Panther Cheerleaders. Entry fee, $10; sample and judging, $5; cup of chili with cornbread, $3. Trophy for best chili will be awarded at halftime of oy a ket all a e all ■ Feb. 18 & 19, Sportsman’s Show at eneca lle any ent enter re ente by York-Penn Shows. Hours, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $8. Visit ■ Feb. 19, 9 a.m. to noon, Pancake Breakfast, St. Joseph’s Church in Gowana o te y t e confir ation cla and the Knights of Columbus. ■ Feb. 19, 2 to 5 p.m., United Heritage Fiddlers meet at North Collins Center Senior. All acoustic instruments are welcome to participate. Weather permitting. Refreshent pro i e pen to t e p lic o charge. ■ e p i il ar torie and anecdotes, Lucy Bensley Center in
prin ille ont ly erie o te y e e tern ew ork i il ar ociety in conjunction with Echoes Through Time. all ■ Feb. 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Telestock at Holiday Valley. A day of peace, lo e an tele ark kiin all 2054. ■ Feb. 25, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., End Winter with a BBBang, Bread of Life treac per i or e in Colden. Featuring bangles, books and a bake sale. ■ Feb. 25, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Penguin Paddle at Holiday Valley. Annual fundraiser for Holiday Valley’s Lounry apti e ro ra eople li e on bellies “penguin style” on garbage bags to bottom of Yodeler. Visit holiay alley co ■ Feb. 25, 1 to 3 p.m.., Victoria’s Artisan Soap Making, Jesse’s Home and Gifts in Gowanda. Cold process soap making demonstration. Learn benefit o wa in wit or anic e ential oil an recei e a ple oap ■ e p pen ic i t owan a lo enian l al er St. in Gowanda. Fun, friends, drinks, oo an local li e ic ■ arc p ick o ol en oy eneca lle any ent enter eat rin a ian rankie alon and Bobby Rydell. $35. ■ arc p t atrick an Easter Decoration Craft Night, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church’s Sunday School building in Gowanda. Materials pro i e onation to co er co t ratelly accepte e er ation nee e y March 1. Call or text 491-1189. ■ arc inter arni al at Holiday Valley and downtown Ellicott ille ario e ent incl in ar i ra para e in illa e co t e para e down Mardi Gras slope, dummy downill an ore i it oli ay alley co ■ March 11, 10 a.m., Chinese Auction at t e prin ille ire all ain t prin ille o te y prin ille ire en iliary to enefit t e fire co pany oor open at a.m.; drawings start at 11 a.m. Refreshent a aila le
Collins Public Library
pco in e ent taking place at the Collins Public Library: ■ e to p ook a ec Trainer. Three 45-minute sessions one-on-one with a tech trainer. Call the library to see what topics are being offered and sign up. ■ e p a ily o ie Night. “The Secret Life of Pets.” ■ Toddler Time — the next fourweek e ion e in e an continues through March 10. Pictures books, r y e fin er play ic en ory play, simple crafts and snacks. Ages 18 months to three years old. Register your toddler at the Collins Library in person or by phone. ■ The library will be closed Feb. 20 for President’s Day. ■ Library hours: Monday, 2 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, 2 to 8 p.m.; Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 2 to 8 p.m.; Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Closed Sundays. For more information, call 532-5129.
■ March 11, 4 to 6 p.m., Monthly Free Community Meal, Trinity United Church of Christ. Free will donations appreciated. ■ March 12, 8 to 11 a.m., All-YouCan-Eat Pancake Breakfast, Perrysburg Fire Hall. Presented by Perrysburg Ladies Auxiliary. Cost $8 for adults; $4 for children ages 5-12. ■ March 5, Attention Snowbirds! Annual reunion dinner for Western New Yorkers who “winter” in Florida, Ruskin Moose Lodge in Ruskin, Fla. For more information, call Sally O’Brien at (615) 849-5291. ■ arc ti e nn al Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner, Collins Fire Company, 2365 Main St., Collins. ■ March 18, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Pond Skimming at Holiday Valley. Skim acro an ice water fille pon or t come and watch. Registration $5 outi e o eler i it oli ay alley co
February 10-16, 2017
Donors needed to boost blood supply
Taking a break
The American Red Cross urgently needs blood donors to make an appointment to give this winter so that patients can continue to receive lifesaving treatments, according to agency officials. To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call (800) 733-2767. All those who come to donate through Feb. 26 are eligible to receive a $5 gift card via email for making blood and platelet donation a priority this winter. Upcoming blood donation opportunities in the Gowanda area include:
Submitted photo
Gowanda recreational basketball participants take a break from drills and scrimmages at a recent Wednesday session. The program for students in grades three through eight is held every Wednesday in the Academy Place from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Info sessions set for school board hopefuls
Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES is hosting three informational sessions in March for prospective school board members. Those considering running for a board seat in their district are invited to gain insight from current school board members and district administrators. The sessions will be held:
■ March 1, 7 p.m., Olean Career and Technical Education Center, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean;
■ March 2, 7 p.m., Belmont Career and Technical Education Center, 5536 Route 48, Belmont; and ■ March 16, 7 p.m., Ellicottville Career and Technical Education Center, 5550 Route 242 E., Ellicottville.
Preregistration is required by contacting Sally Nenno at 376-8223 or no later than Feb. 24 for the Olean or Belmont sessions and March 10 for the Ellicottville session.
■ Feb. 21, 2 to 7 p.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church, 9037 Otto-East Otto Road (County Road 12), Otto; ■ Feb. 22, noon to 6 p.m., American Legion Post 409, 100 Legion Drive, Gowanda; ■ e to p ele an irefi ter rainin Center, 1006 N. Main St., Delevan; ■ Feb. 23, 1 to 6 p.m., St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 3487 N. Boston Road, Eden; ■ Feb. 24, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Little Valley United Methodist Church, 109 Court St., Little Valley.
February 10-16, 2017