Leadership Attitudes That Affect the Work Place
Brad Montgomery Denver, Colorado 303-691-0726
Bosses have the inherent power to dictate the prevailing attitude within organizations with their own. Depending on the type of leaders they are, a company can either falter or excel. The morale of an entire team can depend greatly on whatever energy the ones on top exude. For better or for worse, the attitude of the boss has a direct impact on the entire office. The unfortunate truth, however, is that very few leaders are actually aware of their own attitudes at any given moment. The following are points that leaders always have to be aware of, with regards to what they project onto their employees: •
Expression People always say that a picture
paints a thousand words. The same is true with facial expressions. A single expression can relay emotions without an uttered word. Bosses need to be conscious of this. •
Leaders who have the ability to envision a positive future for their respective group
subordinates are more likely to succeed, as it is easier to follow them. Positive thinking works. •
Vision is only part of the equation. To truly motivate employees toward the right path, leaders need to take daily action and stay focused on the results of those actions.
Optimism No matter the industry, there will
always be things that go wrong at some point. What matters is a leader’s ability to cope and solve crises. A positive attitude has the capacity to unite an organization to fix things. Attitude is contagious. It is very easy to catch it in the workplace—much more if it comes from bosses themselves. While there are always going to be times when bosses have to be serious, by no means should they have a negative aura all the time,as it can trickle right down to every member of an organization.
RESOURCES: http://www.peterstark.com/leaders-attitude-contagious/ http://switchandshift.com/how-a-leaders-behavior-affects-team-members http://www.montgomerypresents.com/