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SAGE has seen the bar and sets its standards higher.
SAGE Select delivers the highest standard of listing presentation materials and marketing assets for homes in the $2.5 million+ category.
The SAGE Select marketing system consists of updated listing presentation tools and an elevated marketing campaign for each listing. SAGE wanted to build on the success of its standard listing marketing campaign by giving SAGE Select properties a new look and feel as well as additional marketing tactics.
The SAGE Select marketing system is included in a salesperson’s existing commission split if the home being listed is over the $2.5 million threshold. SAGE Agents may also utilize SAGE Select marketing on homes priced beneath that price point at a fee of $1,000.00 per listing.
SAGE Select
Listing Presentation Materials.
These presentation materials elevate a client's overall experience when meeting with a SAGE agent to discuss the sale of an upper-end Toronto home.
Materials include:
1) A perfect-bound listing presentation book designed to resonate with the most discerning of clients. The cover gets personalized with the client's name.
SAGE Select Listing Presentation Materials.
2) The SAGE Select presentation box creates a more visceral experience for the client.
SAGE Select
Listing Presentation Materials.
3) A personalized presentation website is built for each listing opportunity.
SAGE has set the bar high with its listing marketing strategy and has exceeded that level with the SAGE Select marketing program.
SAGE's in-house team of professional designers and marketers jointly assume the responsibility of developing and executing a comprehensive campaign custom-built for each listing.
It ensures that SAGE sellers' homes are positioned in the most favourable light and receive maximum exposure in the marketplace locally, nationally, and internationally.
SAGE's uncluttered lawn signs are both distinctive and compelling. Each sign has a custom rider that identifies the unique listing website URL for that specific property. It is also optimized for mobile viewing ease, allowing anyone walking or driving by to conveniently view all the photographs and details of the home. In addition, they could effortlessly forward the link to their spouse, partner, relative or friend.
SAGE Select
Sophisticated Print Material.
SAGE's team of Graphic Designers take pride in crafting every single piece of print collateral, from multi-page brochures to custom mailing pieces. This ensures SAGE Select listings are positioned in the best possible light. SAGE even built a professional-grade print shop to ensure all printed materials exude quality.
SAGE Select
Just Listed Postcard.
Instead of the ordinary place Just Listed cards chosen by many brokerages and agents SAGE's high impact cards are rich and distinctive. SAGE's marketing team can organize for delivery to the local geographic area the one thousand provided cards. It is a piece that stands out from the rest.
Neighbours should not be overlooked as a great source of exposure because they often have friends or family with whom they would love to share news about the latest hot new listing available in their area.
SAGE Select International Reach.
Just posting listings on the local MLS ® isn't enough.
SAGE has developed one of the largest international syndication networks of any Toronto brokerage. However, SAGE doesn't hang its hat on just a one-brand network or spin numbers from a corporate website claiming global reach. SAGE's careful analysis revealed the go-to sites utilized by international buyers when searching Toronto high-end properties. That is where they will find SAGE Select listings. These sites include such premium destinations as Juwai, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times, Barrons, PropGoLuxury.Com, MansionGlobal.Com, and Huanyuju.Com.
In total, SAGE Select listings are distributed to more than 140 key, high-traffic portals in 70 countries around the world. In addition, the copy on each SAGE Select listing is translated into more than 15 languages making all property details so easily accessible and understandable.
SAGE Select Leverage Global.
SAGE has partnered with Leverage Global in order to gain access to the most respected media outlets worldwide. Your properties can be viewed and experienced by an international audience with buying power, this ensures that client's homes get maximum exposure locally, nationally and internationally.
SAGE Select Globe And Mail Advertising.
Print isn't dead. SAGE Select listings will receive exposure in SAGE's ad space in the Friday Real Estate section of the Globe and Mail. The Globe and Mail is a resource relied upon by many discerning Toronto buyers.
This helps ensure that SAGE Select listings get maximum exposure.
SAGE Select Social Media Ads.
SAGE's marketing team crafts custom campaigns for each SAGE Select listing to ensure the property is targeted and seen by appropriate individuals on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
SAGE Select
Individual Listing Website.
A unique, custom-built website gets developed for every SAGE Select listing. It is hosted on an easy-toremember URL, usually the property street address. This website highlights all the property features and details in a convenient, useful format. The Marketing team will prominently display the best professionally photographed images of the property on the site.
All marketing tactics are directed towards be driving traffic to that site. This makes it easy for prospective buyers to get all property details and see the countless images. A quick click gives Buyers direct access to the Listing Agent to request a showing or obtain further information. In today's competitive hustle-and-bustle world, we don't want prospects moving on to the following listing because they couldn't access the information they wanted. Consumers expect immediate responses to concern or inquiries, and SAGE Select individual listing websites accommodate that expectation.
SAGE Select
3D Tours.
3D tours allow consumers to walk through the property digitally as if seeing through the home in person. It will enable them to do it at their leisure, anytime day or night, from the comfort of their own home.
SAGE Select Floor Plans.
Floor plans allow people to understand the layout of the home better before they see the house. Then they help prospective buyers remember where everything was after seeing the home, and it also allows them to place their furniture.
Prospective buyers can show floor plans to other interested parties who could not physically see the home.
An e-mail blast goes out targeting Realtors working in offices that tend to do much business in the neighbourhood of the SAGE Select listing. This is a straightforward tactic to give the listing a little extra bump in exposure and acts as a reminder to Realtors who may be working with a buyer that could be right for the home.
SAGE Select Tactic Value
Presentation Box
(Includes Leverage Guide $22, sample FS $12, & sample PC $0.75)
Presentation Perfect Bound Book
Listing Proposal Website
Globe and Mail
(Week of Launch included $500/week after that)
Luxury Syndication Network
Photographer Credit
3d Tour & Floor Plan Credit
Social Media Spend
Feature Sheets (22qty - 16 pager) $264.00
Postcards ( 1,000qty) $500.00
Individual Listing Site With URL Rider $70.00
Total Value $1,986.75
SAGE set the bar high for listing marketing and has now gone even higher with the SAGE Select marketing program.