How we turned two weeks with rowdy Croatians into a thoughtful and productive design sprint.
#1 Learn and set goals.
Takeaways Reference stuff that’s been made before (by client or others). The more knowledge you gather from more people, the better. Don’t just take one person’s word for it.
#2 Sketch. Diverge and converge.
Takeaways Having crystal clear goals for ideation is crucial. It works to brainstorm separately, then review together. Anyone. EVERYONE. Can draw lines and boxes. Crazy 8’s don’t have to produce crazy ideas, just lots of them. Don’t be afraid to challenge the client.
#3 Decide on the best directions.
Takeaways It’s okay to deviate and improvise. We did and it paid off. Some votes count more than others. “The Decider” has final say because someone has to.
#4 Storyboard and prototype.
Insert photos of paper storyboards
Takeaways Divide into groups and assign tasks. Storyboarding before prototyping is a life saver. Having access to stakeholders while building is so helpful. Remember: A prototype is a FACADE. Make it just real enough.
#5 Test.
Random thoughts Eating lunch at 1PM is recommended. It breaks the day into equal parts and prevents that long afternoon lag. Healthy snacks are good for the brain. Second-hand smoke can get you high. Juggling a soccer ball is a great way to take a break.