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With the increase of terrorist attacks, and possible crippling of the cellular networks, people attending conventions have found the viability of renting satellite phones, finding the only way to communicate anywhere with anyone at anytime. If you are a wild life photographer, going for major shoots in the deepest jungles, where the need to communication becomes difficult, the satellite phone will be of much use in times of your need to communicate. Satellite phones are mostly useful in places with no terrestrial infrastructure or in places where the infrastructure is not usable, such as, hurricane inflicted areas, flood affected areas, etc. Today, leading industries including, Iridium, Globalstar & Thuraya are providing satellite phone solutions, with each of them offering their own unique benefits and advantages. There are various options for you to choose from, with the best phone choice depending upon your application and destination, remembering that a satellite phone does not always offer global coverage or translates into world phone. You may visit the various websites which list of the types of phones available from different companies, highlighting the features with coverage area and rates. It is recommended that you review the facts and figures before contemplating on taking up such a satellite phone. Satellite phones made its debut in 1990s with a lot of fanfare. While commercial applications of such phones did not commence in earnest till about 3 to 4 years back, the satellite phone companies went through a lot of rough weather, failing financially and technically. Some problems do exist even today, when a satellite operator's network fail. There could be other reasons as well. Iridium satellite boasts of over 100,000 subscribers with its 66 satellites and is supposed to be just behind Globalstar with 115,000 subscribers. Iridium has applied for another spectrum of 3.1MHz to meet its growing demand of about 1,000 new subscribers per month. Satellite phones are expensive and costly to operate, but yet it serves the purpose in communication where there is no other way of communicating. A satellite phone, often called 'satphone', is a mobile telephone system, that communicates directly with the orbiting communication satellites and depending on the network architecture, the coverage may be global, or only for specific regions. These types of phones generally operates with the low orbiting satellites (LEOs), which is believed to provide a wider coverage and better communication clarity. The size of a satellite phone is comparable to the size and weight of the mobile phones that were used in the late 1980s or early 1990s and has a large retractable antenna. The phone equipment itself is known as a terminal. The main difference between a satellite phone and that of a cellular mobile phone is that, while you communicate with the nearest base station in case of a cellular phone, a satellite phone communicates with the nearest satellite. This type of satphone connections do not depend upon