Brag / Mastercard

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So we brag to live, but mostly we live to brag! Brag is an experien,al live marke,ng agency ready to brag live about your

business through crea,vely intelligent events & live promo,onal ac,vi,es that build your brand rather than just expose them. To brag means to show off or to talk boas?ully and with excessive pride about something or someone, in other words to proudly market or promote. At brag we live to market brands we can be proud of and produce events that are brag-­‐ worthy. Being an experien,al live marke,ng agency means three things: 1. We’re in the brand building business not just in the business of execu,ng events. For us an event is a core medium, just like TV is a core medium to ATL agencies. Our involvement with your event starts with strategic frame working & crea,ve conceptualizing, that leads to turnkey event management/ produc,on, and ends with effec,ve measurement & repor,ng.

2. Our services include but are not limited to events. Our service offering include all forms of live marke,ng & experien,al ac,va,ons/campaigns, ranging from events, to sampling, to flash mobbing, PR stunts, on-­‐trade & off-­‐ trade ac,va,ons, workshops, road shows, so on. 3. Our primary communica,on allies are social media & PR. Our key objec,ve is to generate content through live campaigns & ac,va,ons for PR & social media leverage, and in doing so insure our Client high ROI. Live marke,ng is most successful when its part of a larger mix and no marke,ng mix is complete without a live component. Your partners in adver,sing, public rela,ons, direct and interac,ve will become our partners as we create effec,ve live programming for your brands.

The team at brag is headed by Bong Guerrero and Ramzi Nakad. The combined expertise is what makes up a live marketing union that creates results above and beyond any of the UAE’s event management companies.! Bong Guerrero, a turnkey event management pioneer, has produced

organized and promoted over 500 individual events ranging from segment concerts to high profile ceremonies. He has organized governmental & cause-­‐related events, staged art exhibi,ons, sports tournaments & fashion shows, done a fair share of corporate and product launch events and project managed an en,re town fes,val that included a parade, several fes,val sites, and an opening and closing ceremony. Bong has worked with celebri,es, royalty, fashion designers, ar,sts, musicians, street performers & athletes in the varied roster of events he helped organize.

Ramzi Nakad, a marke,ng specialist, started his career with Leo Burne\ Beirut in 2001 managing interna,onal & regional brands the likes of Fiat, Lamborghini, Investcom, and Almaza. He was appointed by Dubai's Development & Investment Authority to head the marke,ng department of Dubai Proper,es in 2004. With Dubai Proper,es he went on to launch & market locally, regionally & interna,onally mul,-­‐ billion dollar real estate projects most notably Business Bay, Culture Village & JBR. In 2006, he was sought aber by Leo Burne\ London where he went on to regionally direct a por?olio of brands for P&G in Central Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa, and was awarded the P&G CEEMEA President's Brand Building Award in 2008.

Corporate Events! Sample Work!

Dubai Culture & Art Authority ! With the art scene in Dubai picking up in a big way, its patrons’ contribu,on wasn’t to go unno,ced. 50 leading patrons of art, who contributed more than Dh220 million towards the development of the art sector in the emirate, were honored at the inaugural Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Patrons of the Arts Awards ceremony. Organized by brag, the awards were given out in four categories.

A highlight of the awards ceremony was a performance that integrated various ar,s,c media, conceptualized and executed by Emira, and Dubai-­‐ based talent sourced & managed by brag. The show presented a crea,ve journey into the mindset of the patrons of the arts set against the backdrop of Dubai. The performance was a testament to the ar,s,c and crea,ve competencies of Emira, and locally-­‐based ar,sts, underscoring the shib in Dubai’s appeal as a des,na,on for promo,ng content crea,on — one of the goals of the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Patrons of the Arts Awards.


As a major influencer in the tech world, we helped Google host their 1st region-­‐wide Google Day, dubbed Arabia 2.0. The event gave leaders in the region the chance to interact with and learn from leading thinkers and innovators such as Google Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Vint Cerf. The event was held at Children City Dubai Creek Park and was conceptualized, produced and managed by Brag. The event was a\ended by top execu,ves, CEOs, ministers and opinion leaders from UAE, Saudi, Egypt & Jordon. Following the success of the Arabia 2.0 event, brag went on to organize and manage more projects for Google, namely Doodle 4 Google “I love Football” compe,,on, Google Ramadan VIP Giveaway, and Travel & Technology Industry Day seminar.

Daimler - Mercedes Benz!

To launch Mercedes Benz most fashionable 2011 models; SLK & C-­‐Coupe BRAG organized a highly a\ended progressive party in the region’s most fashionable night hot spot SKYBAR BEIRUT. More than 2000 consumers, delegates, socialites & celebri,es from the region a\ended the event. Performers from New York, Barcelona & Australia were flown in for the event. This event marked the beginning of a long standing rela,onship & partnership between BRAG & Daimler on Mercedes Benz interna,onal fashion pla?orm.

Abraaj Capital!

In 2010 BRAG was assigned by Abraaj Capital, as one of the core agencies, to assist in the development of their Celebra,on of Entrepreneurship Conference. A two day event that is aimed at crea,ng an enabling environment for entrepreneurship; by empowering, inspiring and connec,ng entrepreneurs who are catalysts in the growth of small to medium size businesses in the MENASA region. For the 1st ,me in the region, the entrepreneurship eco-­‐ system congregated in the highly charged interac,ve space designed to celebrate everything about entrepreneurship and to share ideas, stories and journeys. More than 2000 people a\ended the event. The program featured high profiled speakers, one-­‐on-­‐one mentoring with regional & interna,onal entrepreneurs, workshops, presenta,ons, major announcements, an opening ceremony and a closing party.

Chivas! Blended and aged scotch whiskey, Chivas Regal

is the product of a unique place, a proud lineage of whiskey makers, and more than two centuries old. To overcome market constraints on alcohol adver,sing and help Chivas connect with key high net-­‐worth consumers, in 2009 we helped launch the “Chivas Legends Dinner” a now annual by invita,on only gentlemen’s dinner honoring the world’s greatest legends.

In 2009, we presented three great legends on two exclusive nights; legendary Australian cricket captain Mr. Steve Waugh, legendary Chivas master blender Mr. Colin Sco\, and legendary French world cup winner Mr. Fabian Bartnez. And in 2010, the legendary actor, BAFTA winner and Oscar nominee Mr. Colin Firth. A successful highly a\ended night of chivalry, honor and gallantry organized, managed, and promoted by Brag.

Virgin Radio! Virgin Radio is a unique and fresh addi,on to the airwaves of Dubai. It’s the first Middle East branch of Sir Richard Branson’s inimitable and hugely successful brand, as well as a joint venture between Virgin Interna,onal and the UAE’s largest media organiza,on, Arab Media Group. For its 2008 launch we conceptualized and produced an innova,ve outdoor ‘block party’ within the DIFC Gate Village, featuring interna,onal performers, digital ar,sts, street dancers and extreme sports stars. We also organized a press launch with the exclusive a\endance of Richard Branson. A year later, Virgin Radio is one of the most listened to radios in the na,on.

Philip Morris! In addition to identifying new points contacts, and developing brand building opportunities for Philip Morris on their most premium cigarette brand; Parliament. Brag also handled all the Parliament sampling promotions & event plug-ins in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Al Ain from 2009 to 2012. BRAG also produced the Parliament Midnight Magic Burj Khalifa Event, and PMI End of Year Picnic in 2011.

PUMA! To celebrate Puma’s 50th Anniversary, we conceived and produced a birthday party celebra,on inside a domed tent structure with mul,ple aerial performers, musicians and dancers at the Igloo InterCon,nental Hotel, Fes,val City. The event turned out successful, and our intended one nightstand with Puma lead to an extended rela,onship with addi,onal brand ac,va,ons like “The French 77 Collec,on Party” the “F1 Themed Racetrack” in Abu Dhabi Mall, Puma’s ver,cal Marathon, and most recently the Puma Crea,ve Factory.


A global of Italian fashion brand with Italian origin, has been working with BRAG since 2011. Most notably, BRAG assisted Febdi in the launch of Fan’di Fendi Pour Homme, Fendi’O with celebrity producer and DJ Mark Ronson in a\endance, and Fendi Kids in Dubai. All were highly a\ended events by UAE top fashionistas and socialites, and were applauded by Fendi HQ in Milan.

Moët & Chandon!

On the momentous date of 12.12.12, Moët & Chandon, hosted a party for the Dubai Interna,onal Film Fes,val. The event captured the essence of the Moët brand by highligh,ng glamour and grandeur. Guests were enchanted by the party’s allusion to Cannes’ famous Croise\e. With popular clips from award-­‐winning movies projected on two main screens, the event’s mo,on picture mo,f permeated the event. A\ended by VIPs and invitees only, the night embodied Red Carpet, paparazzi, allure, splendor, movie magic, and Moët.

Fashion Show! Sample Work!

AIGNER Spring/Summer 2008 Fashion Show

RAMI AL ALI Autumn/ Winter 2003 Fashion Show

AMATO Autumn/Winter 2007 Fashion Show

EZRA “In the Beginning” 2010 Fashion Show

Splash! Splash, a leading high street fashion retailer in the Middle East is part of the Dubai-based Landmark Group. Headquartered in Dubai, Splash started with just one store in Sharjah in 1993 and has since built a strong retail footprint of 92 Splash stores and 60 branded boutiques across 9 countries. To push the brand beyond its traditional value market we created a fashion platform that caters to trendsetters & fashionistas across the region. A platform now recognized for its highly creative and imaginative concepts & campaigns, and it’s highly attended fashion shows, that broadcast on local and regional TV channels, with participating local & international models, stylists, and artists.

Jumeirah Business Centre Suite 2902 Jumeirah Lakes Tower PO.Box 309136 Dubai, U A E +971 4 4327844

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