Living Enterprise, Inc - Overview

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Living Enterprise Making Systemic Impact through Innova8on and Design

We are Innova8on and Design Consultants

We help enterprises in complex contexts make posi8ve, dis8nc8ve, and sustained impact. Our work creates new value, drives growth, and enterprise-­‐wide innova8on prac8ce.

We drive Systems Innova8on, Service Systems Design and Innova8on Prac8ce development

Innova-on Prac-ce Systems Innova-on

Living Enterprise

Services Solu-ons

Systems Innova8on

Services Systems Business Models Innova8on Prac8ce

Value and Business Models

The Five Strategic Ques8ons we help answer Your Key Ques-ons


How do we understand the Systems we impact?

Deeply understand the Value System and the role of the Enterprise in them. Understand belief systems, points-­‐of-­‐view, strategic architecture and capabili8es to develop a systemic all-­‐round understanding.

Value-­‐crea8ng systems are service-­‐dominant, co-­‐crea8ng, co-­‐evolving systems. OJen these are complex systems-­‐of-­‐ systems. The enterprise par8cipates in the co-­‐crea8on -­‐ includes service-­‐systems, service offerings, business ecosystems/value constella8ons, business processes etc.

Modeling of the Value-­‐crea8ng system and enterprise from mul8ple perspec8ves – Value Networks, Value Flow Maps, Ecosystem Maps, System Diagrams etc. Timelines of the Historical evolu8on of the enterprise.

How do we understand strategic implica-ons of change?

An8cipate Drivers-­‐of-­‐Change and their implica8ons on Value-­‐Crea8ng Systems. Incorporate emerging capabili8es, par8cularly technologies. incorpora8ng strategic foresight into innova8on ac8vi8es.

Change is mul8-­‐dimensional and creates complexity. Enterprises must be future-­‐oriented in an ac8onable way, While the clockspeed and foresight horizons vary from industry to industry, all enterprises must develop a capability to understand implica8ons of change – risks and opportuni8es and incorporate them into their innova8on and design strategies.

Foresight, Research, Scenario Planning, Envisioning Workshops, Design Fic8on, Horizon Scanning etc. Impact of future and emerging technologies at all levels – Macro, Exo-­‐, Meso-­‐ and Micro. For example – understand the implica8ons of the emerging sharing economy.

How do we make an Impact through innova-on and design?

Understand how to bring about posi8ve, dis8nc8ve and sustained impact on the targeted Value Systems. Develop a deep understanding of the mechanisms and levers-­‐of-­‐change.

Innova8on implies effec8vely bringing about change in value systems. Systems Innova8on is primarily concerned with path-­‐crea8on and co-­‐evolu8on.

Framing the challenge accurately in systemic terms, mobilizing the ecosystem of stakeholders involved, managing the innova8on effort, assessing the outcomes of innova8on efforts and evolving them on an ongoing basis.

How do we design our products and services to achieve sustainable posi-ve impact?

Design the systems and the interven8ons that bring about change.

The approach to designing complex systems has changed. It is primarily a collabora8ve cross-­‐disciplinary effort. Design Thinking and rapid itera8ve design ideas go hand-­‐in-­‐hand with the no8on of co-­‐evolu8on and path-­‐crea8on.

Technology plays a huge role in designing the next genera8on value-­‐crea8ng systems and enterprises. Design encompasses – Services, Service-­‐Systems, Service-­‐ Dominant Business Ecosystems, Business Models etc.

How do we build the capability to prac-ce innova-on on an ongoing basis?

Build a systemic capability to do all of the above. Improve the ability of the enterprise for innova8on on an ongoing basis.

The business environment demands making innova8on an ongoing and pervasive ac8vity. Innova8on maturity and capabili8es improve by doing. Systema8c efforts require a top-­‐down approach to crea8ng enablers and suppor8ng environments that goes along with boVom-­‐up agile, itera8ve, experimental approaches.

Build strategic foresight orienta8on, develop capabili8es to design and innovate, create enterprise-­‐wide innova8on plaWorms (including knowledge, learning and collabora8on) and ecosystems, develop innova8on strategy and ini8a8ves.

Point of View

Typical Ac-vi-es (Research, Data-­‐gathering, Analysis and Synthesis)

Architec8ng and Designing Innova8ve Living Enterprises

•  We start with whole-­‐systems. These systems-­‐of-­‐systems are open, service ecosystems. •  We architect and design these for co-­‐crea8on (of value) and co-­‐evolu8on (internal and external). •  Thereby we get purposeful, human, socio-­‐technical enterprises that are adap8ve, resilient and sustainable, aka -­‐ living enterprises.

Our Methodology is designed to answer the Strategic Ques8ons. strategic modes (fr.a.m.e.s) framing










(i.d.e.a.s) design-­‐centric modes

Our Prac8ces and the Linkages between them drive Systems Impact Impact Studies Opportunity Iden8fica8on •  Digital Systems Design •  •

Technology Foresight


•  •  •


Trends Research Strategic Foresight Visioning

Systems Design


•  •  •

Innova8on Strategy Leadership Prac8ce

•  •  •

Impact Strategy Ecosystems PlaWorms

We engage Stakeholders in Co-­‐crea8on experiences

Core Capabili8es

Founda8onal Thinking

•  Value-­‐Systems Modeling •  Systems Thinking •  Future-­‐informed Impact Strategy •  Design Thinking •  Systems Innova8on •  Service Systems •  Digital Technologies – •  Transforma8onal Change Architecture and Design •  An8cipatory and Learning Systems •  Innova8on Prac8ce Development •  Open Collabora8ve Innova8on and Design


We help you create a sustained capability for innova8on




Innovation should be second nature and part of an organization’s living culture. It is in that sense a practice, that grows in maturity over time.

The Practice creates a lexicon and grammar for innovation in the enterprise

The four pillars, practice, platform, program and portfolio together provide an architecture for the ecosystem and enable the practice. They provide a framework for an innovation center-of-excellence (CoE).

While a less mature praxis might have all of these pillars manifested in informal ways, enterprises that recognize the critical importance of innovation, must have deliberate initiatives on all these fronts.

Each of these pillars calls for distinct capabilities, practices and resources. Together they create an enabling environment that fosters innovation competence and is leveraged in various ways.

Each of these domains evolve over changing demands on the enterprise.






We have delivered systems impact in diverse domains. We are a group of designers, scien8sts, academics and engineers. We bring diverse perspec8ves to complex challenges. We deliver clarity, expand design space in many dimensions, and reframe for systemic impact. We have deep experience in leveraging technology. We are embedded in rich webs of thought-­‐leadership and exper8se.

Representa8ve Service Offerings Strategic Foresight Consul-ng and Research

Foresight and Scenario Planning •  Envisioning Workshops and Design Fic8on •  Drivers-­‐of-­‐Change and Impact Analysis •  Horizon Scanning •

Systems Innova-on Systems Innova8on Strategy •  Ecosystems/PlaWorm Architecture and Design •  Transforma8on and Change Programs •

Service Systems •  •  •  •

•  •

Educa-on and Prac-ce Development

Foresight Orienta8on and Capability Development •  Educa8on Workshops •

Systems Innova8on

Service Systems Design Offerings Design Business Model Innova8on Business and Enterprise Architecture Process Innova8on Business Diagnos8cs

Business Model Innova8on •  Design Thinking •  Business Architecture •  Customer Journey Mapping •

Innova-on Innova8on Strategy and Programs •  Innova8on Process Design •  Innova8on Management •

•  •  •  •  •

Innova8on Prac8ce Development Crea8ng cultures of Innova8on in Organiza8ons Innova8on Centers-­‐ of-­‐Excellence Innova8on PlaWorms Knowledge and Collabora8on PlaWorms

Technology Impact of Emerging and Future Technologies •  Technology Road-­‐ mapping •  Embedded Systems and Product Design •

Our Core Team is diverse and brings deep experience

Which of these Ques8ons can we help you with?

How do we understand the Systems we Impact? How do we understand Strategic Implica8ons of Change? How do we make an Impact through Innova8on and Design? How do we Design Products and Services to achieve sustainable posi8ve impact? How do we build the Capability to Prac8ce Innova8on on an ongoing basis?


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