Art forms influencing Architecture: Now and Then

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Art Forms influencing Architecture: Now and Then




I am extremely grateful to Lovely School of architecture and design, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara for providing me with an opportunity to carry out research on topic, entitled “Art Forms Influencing Architecture�. I take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude and thanks to Ar. Ishan Bansal, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, for supervising the research work. Without his wise counsel and guidance, it would have been impossible to complete the paper.

I wish to express my indebtness towards my family and friends who have always been my source of strength and whose affection and patience enabled me to complete this research. Above all I express my deep regards to the ALMIGHTY for his blessings and spreading pure love in all kinds of the beautiful nature.

Dated: April 2016

Brahmjot Kaur



Contents Acknowledgement ...........................................................................................................0 Table of figures ................................................................................................................4 Abstract ...........................................................................................................................7 Art Forms influencing Architecture Now and Then ..........................................................8 Music: Then and Now .....................................................................................................9 Dance and Architecture.................................................................................................. 12 Sculpting and Architecture ............................................................................................. 15 Architecture from Paintings ........................................................................................... 17 The evolving art forms: Then ......................................................................................... 19 Greek art and architecture .......................................................................................... 19 Roman art and architecture ........................................................................................ 22 Art Nouveau .............................................................................................................. 23 De Stijl ...................................................................................................................... 25 Organic architecture................................................................................................... 26 Art forms to architecture: Now ...................................................................................... 27 Contemporary architecture ......................................................................................... 27 Minimalism ............................................................................................................... 29 Dynamic Art and Architecture .................................................................................... 31 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 32



References ..................................................................................................................... 33



Table of figures Baroque Angels, St. Nicholas Church, Prague …………………………………………………….3 Prague window ornaments, Czech Republic………………………………………………………3 Curtain walls’ transparency symbolizing pure voice………………………………………………4 Drumsticks used as columns……………………………………………………………………....4 Experience Music Project, Seattle Washington…………………………………………………....5 Drums……………………………………………………………………………………………...6 Piano……………………………………………………………………………………………....6 Saxophone………………………………………………………………………………………....6 Model of interior…………………………………………………………………………………..6 Sections……………………………………………………………………………………………6 Mozart’s Magic Flute……………………………………………………………………………...6 Le Corbusier’s Philips Pavilion…………………………………………………………………....6 Manfredi Nicoletti’s Cardiff Opera House………………………………………………………...6 Model of interior………………………………………………………………………………......7 Sections…………………………………………………………………………………………....7 Mozart’s Magic Flute……………………………………………………………………………...8 Le Corbusier’s Philips Pavilion…………………………………………………………………....8 Manfredi Nicoletti’s Cardiff Opera House………………………………………………………...8 ArcelorMittal Orbit, London……………………………………………………………………..10 Abstract sculpture………………………………………………………………………………...10 Walt Disney Concert Hall………………………………………………………………………...10



Abstract Sculpture………………………………………………………………………………..10 Flying buttresses holding the building……………………………………………………………11 Foot holding the whole sculpture of David……………………………………………………….11 Painting by Theo van Doesburg transformed to architecture by Mies van der Rohe……………..………………………………...12 Painting by Kasimir Malevich……………………………………………………………………13 Design by Zaha Hadid……..……………………………………………………………………..13 Archaic vases with red and black colored figures and background…………………………………………………………………………..14 Archaic sculptures of Greek era………………………………………………………………….15 West pediment at Temple of Artemis, Corfu……………………………………………………..15 Façade of Treasury of Siphnians………………………………………………………………….15 Greek orders- Doric, Ionic, Corinthian…………………………………………………………...16 Parthenon, Athens………………………………………………………………………………..16 Plan and elevation of Parthenon, Athens………………………………………………………...16 Roman fountains…………………………………………………………………………………17 Roman aqueducts………………………………………………………………………………...17 Tuscan and Composite orders……………………………………………………………………17 Wall painting from Villa at Boscoreale…………………………………………………………..17 Curvy and crooked lines for ornamentation designs……………………………………………..18 Interior elements influenced from art nouveau…………………………………………………..18 Interior of Tassel House…………………………………………………………………………..19 The De Stijl grid converted to an architecture…………………………………………………...20



De Stijl grid colored in primary colors…………………………………………………………..20 Examples of organic architecture………………………………………………………………..21 Contemporary architecture………………………………………………………………………22 Contemporay art…………………………………………………………………………………23 The beauty of steel contemporary structure……………………………………………………..23 Black Square by Kasimir Malevich……………………………………………………………..24 Free ride by Tony Smith…………………………………………………………………………24 The clean white flooring flat simple roofing enchanting minimalist architecture………………………………………………………………24 Exterior of the building designed by Tadao Ando using principles of minimalism…………………………………………………………………..25 Interiors designed by Tadao Ando with minimalist design style…………………………………………………………………………...25 Ariel view of Vitra Fire Station………………………………………………………………….26 Interiors of Vitra Fire Station……………………………………………………………………26 Revolving restaurant, NYC Space Needle, Seattle


7 Abstract

“Architecture is the mother of all arts.” But to how far this is true is still a question to ponder upon. From the earlier times to the now moment and to the continuing journey, cooking, painting, sculpting, dance and music have been and always be the most common and known forms of art. But the architecture is something which is born out of the forms and in return gives birth to all these art forms in one form or the other. Architecture is not just about constructing buildings or enclosing spaces, its more about playing with emotions, senses, lights, thoughts, elements etc. Taking dance as an example, choreography is what influences an architecture by playing with light and spaces. Art form doesn’t only influences architecture in its form or the way it will be. Also, it gives birth to newer architecture by the needs of the art form. Dancing rituals in the Southern Asian temples, gave birth to need of an architecture of a particular space, the natyamandir. In the same way, paintings and their strokes, sculptures and their balancing structures influences many buildings as well as many structural elements, like buttresses, Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao etc. Concluding, art forms are the inspiring sources of architecture since earlier ages.



Art Forms influencing Architecture: Now and Then “Architecture is the mother of all arts”. This is so true as it brings all art forms together. All art forms meets in various fields but architecture is one which showcases each one of themmusic, dance, arts, painting, sculpting, cinema, cooking and every other art form. “Art is a lie which makes us realize the truth” and architecture is that key which opens the lock of the box which hides that truth. From the very beginning of human history and architecture, art forms had been influencing architecture-be it the form or shape of architectural space or be the reason of creating a new architectural space. Music and dance are the two fields which sustain everywhere, in every part of our daily lives. As for a case, early temples in southern India had columns built with inspiration from musical notes sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, sa and the need for a space to worship God by dancing emerged the need of natyamandir in temples. For ornamentation of facades, interior detailing, furniture, and all architectural elements showcase the influence of art forms in one way or the other.

Baroque Angels, St. Nicholas Church, Prague

Prague window ornaments, Czech Republic



Music: Then and Now Music is field of emotions, meanings, signs and symphony. Since past, architecture has been seen as a work of signs and meanings. Incorporation of music in architecture had been done by many well-known architects like Le Corbusier, Daniel Libeskind and Frank O Gehry. As in music there is relation between musical work presented by composer and listener, we have architectural work presented by an architect and user. All depends on the taste and comfort whether it is a user or a listener. Both music and architecture have same recipe of well-balanced rhythm, unity, harmony and variety. Viewing an architectural work in depth gives an outline of artistic piece and more of musical sentences and notes. Architecture with outlines of musical symphonies can be seen very well in form of•

Arches and colonnades- couplets

Columns- drumsticks

Floor and slab- musical notes

Closed forms- opera soprano tunes

Transparency of curtain walls- pure voice

Curtain walls’ transparency symbolizing pure voice

Drumsticks used as columns



In early Hindu temples in Southern India, columns were built with the notion of musical notes. Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa are the notes we can get from a single column. It all depends on the position where one strikes on the column. This was to get a pleasure experience in temples and worship places which marks peace and spirituality. Moreover, spaces were created by kings to have music shows especially during celebrations of festivals and occasions. Singers and instrumentalists had open spaces built in mountains or nears rivers to practice. This influenced creation of newer architectural spaces. Experience Music Project, Seattle Washington is a one such work by Frank O Gehry showcasing the music in itself, in modern architectural world. The forms created are in harmony as instruments together play an orchestra. Musical notes are used to arrange the architectural elements making up the exterior faรงade of the building in symphonic harmony. Not only facades have music influence, also acoustics have been played with between different galleries and spaces giving a whole pleasure of music to visual and hearing senses of a person.

Experience Music Project, Seattle Washington






Not only for exteriors, music is an inspiration for interiors as well as presented by Daniel Libeskind in his works of extension of Berlin Museum. The sublime effects of Mozart’s Magic Flute led him to play with the dark and light spaces creating a magnificent museum theme.

Model of interior


Mozart’s Magic Flute

Le Corbusier’s work of Philips Pavilion and Manfredi Nicoletti’s Cardiff Opera house are more architectural works with inspiration from music.

Le Corbusier’s Philips Pavilion

Manfredi Nicoletti’s Cardiff Opera House



Dance and Architecture Dance is an art form which resembles to architecture not only in its form or shape or elements but also in the creation and placement, working with lights and spaces and most important of all available stuff, be it the props for dance or geographical conditions for architecture. Choreography is the creation of dance using various dance forms, props, emotions, lights and spaces. This is what an architectural work comprises- playing with lights, spaces, geographical elements, materials, architectural elements and creating emotions. Choreography is successful when it utilizes the spaces and creates effects using lights and so is an architectural work. As far as form of an architectural work is concerned, it always represents dance forms in it. From stiffness in facades with flexibility in design in temples and churches to curvy and leaning forms of modern architectural masterpieces represent the positions of a dancer. Buildings designed by Le Corbusier like Villa Savoye have pilotis as the supporting element for superstructure resemble the ballet dance in which the movement of foot and legs support the dancer and creates an illusionary effect resembling Le Corbusier’s works.

Pilotis at Villa Savoye

Ballet dancers’ footwork



Light is an important element both in dance and architecture. Light focuses one part of choreography and blurs the other. Architecture in the same way uses light to play with contrasting light and dark spaces creating a drama effect or showing the path in a museum, etc.

Light plays in dance and architectural spaces

Balance and stability of structures in architecture is derived from that of dancers in a dance. Also, the evolution of form of a building can be derived from a dance. Recording the motion and positions of dancers can be transformed into a building.

Transforming dance to an architectural work



Not only today, but it has been since early ages that dance influences architecture. Dance emerged a new space in temple architecture called natyamandir for dancing to worship gods. It evolved the temple architecture. Light had been an element in churches in temples since early times showing the path to God. Kings had special halls created to have dance shows to celebrate victory, for entertainment, celebrating festivals etc. Dancers had to perform newer performances everytime creating a need for newer elements to be added to the space where they dance. All this led to newer architecture since then till now.



Sculpting and Architecture Often sculptures and architectural works are seen with no difference. This is result of modern architects which have blurred the boundary lines between two fields. Sculpture is a three-dimensional visual art which has inner space same has an architectural work, but the difference lies in the utilization of the inner space. Architect creates a comfortable and functional inner spaces unlike a sculptor who creates an inner space in a sculpture but with a sense of non-functional. Many architectural works are considered to be emerged as sculptures like Louvre Museum, Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao and Abu Dhabi, Walt Disney Concert Hall, ArcelorMittal Orbit etc.

ArcelorMittal Orbit, London

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Abstract sculpture

Abstract Sculpture



These are the examples which seem to be derived from a sculpture or in itself they form a sculpture but an addition of functional and usable inner spaces make them an architectural work rather than a sculpture. The placement, visual characteristics and forms often make an architectural as a sculpture but on the other hand it is with the sculptures too. The image below shows a sculpture which can be transformed into a very beautiful architectural space.

Just as sculptures, architecture also presents human figures in its elements or form. Flying buttresses are same in function as that of foot of David, a sculpture by Michaelangelo.

Flying buttresses holding the building

Foot holding the whole sculpture of David



Architecture from Paintings Paintings and architecture are totally different, but for a lame man. When thought upon in depth, they have the most important element in common, and that’s the content and origin. Nature is the main inspiration for both and content is what describes both fields. Paintings- abstract or realistic are the source of meaning and emotions. Changing paintings to architecture is drastic. Two-dimensional to three-dimensional creates magnificent effects. Paintings of Pablo Picasso is what inspires abstract ideas of architects to come to vision. The lie hidden in the paintings is what creates an urge in architecture to show the truth. For a case example, taking painting by Theo van Doesburg which was transformed live by Mies van der Rohe(1918) in his work of Barcelona Pavilion(1927). The simplicity with complexity is what describes the painting, and when transformed to an architecture it brought out a magnificent space to occupy and feel.

Painting by Theo van Doesburg transformed to architecture by Mies van der Rohe



Zaha Hadid was one legendry who was famous for her works of complex curves and forms put up in harmony. She also transformed famous painting of Kasimir Malevich(1915) into her design of Media Park, Dusseldorf(1990). The painting is nothing but just a composition of geometric shapes with abstractness. When worked upon it inspired the Lioness of Architecture, Zaha Hadid to create a masterpiece which is in itself maleficent and eye-soothing, as the painting itself.

Painting by Kasimir Malevich

Design by Zaha Hadid

Painters and architects ornament their designs using elements and principles of designsymmetry and assymetry, rhythm, balance, harmony, unity and variety. This unites the two artists and their professional fields.



The evolving art forms: Then From Greek to Islamic and then to Gothic era, art forms had been influencing architecture giving a new identity and form inn each era. Greek art and architecture Greek gave a new identity to geometric shapes. They build their signature style to be geometric style with intricate detailing of elements and ornamentation. They professionalized themselves in vase making, sculpture making and later on in architecture too. As their style got influenced from other Egyptian styles, they accepted the change made themselves better. With new elements from east getting assimilated in their stable and consistent geometric style, they emerged anew style called Archaic. Archaic vase painting got famous and influenced the monumental architecture too. This used the contrasts of black and red colored figures on vases, later been put up in architecture too.

Archaic vases with red and black colored figures and background

Greeks gave a huge contribution to sculpture of humans. Proportionate human figures converted to sculptures was a great contribution. They gave the world a sense of proportion and scale.



Archaic sculptures of Greek era

The masters of art gave a new direction to architecture creating architectural sculptures.. Temple of Artemis, Corfu and Treasury of the Siphnians, Porch of Caryatids are some examples. Intricate detailing and use of sculptures in form of columns and in ornamentation of architectural elements and facades was the achievement of the era.

West pediment at Temple of Artemis, Corfu

Faรงade of Treasury of Siphnians

Not only in field of art, but also in architecture there were great achievements. Greek orders are one of the greatest contribution. Town planning, theatres and large spanned buildings were the architectural contributions made by the Greeks and their art. Parthenon is the living example of large spanned buildings. Three orders- Doric, Ionic, Corinthian- were given by the Greeks.


Greek orders- Doric, Ionic, Corinthian


Parthenon, Athens

Plan and elevation of Parthenon, Athens



Roman art and architecture Romans developed Greek form of architecture. They gave two new orders. They evolved the art of sculptures giving more detailing and features to portrait sculptures, new architectural spaces like aqueducts, baths, fountains, straight line geometry to curvilinear geometry and most important of all- domes. Their art influenced the formation of arches which made new transition to construction techniques. Apart from working on form and outer facades, romans worked on interior detailing and ornamentation of building as well. Illusion was there one main feature. This was a part of the wall paintings done using illusionistic architectural perspectives and “window effects�. Portraying and detailing of figures improved along with color contrasts.

Roman fountains

Tuscan and Composite orders

Roman aqueducts

Wall painting from Villa at Boscoreale



Art Nouveau Heading towards modern architecture various art movements made their contribution and Art Nouveau is one of them. With the technological advancements, gothic and classical ornamentations were seen first. This gave rise to a new art movement of Art Nouveau. This art style gave rise to new meanings to expressions using natural forms. The curves and the flexibility of the form of natural forms was its main inspiration cutting through the boundary of straight and stiff lines. This resulted in artists of 19th century France to move to woods, closer to nature, to create new forms and themes. Crookes lines of trees and its branches started coming up as architectural elements’ forms and shapes. The two dimensional appearances of nature turned into curving door handles to slender pillars and coiling patterns of the mosaic floors.

Curvy and crooked lines for ornamentation designs

Interior elements influenced from art nouveau

Tassel House, Brussels (1894) by the famous architect Victor Horta marked the beginning of Art Nouveau. None of the forms or features of the hotel was inspired from Architectural history, but from study of nature. He used floral shapes that acted as decorations added to the building. Each element from the ornamented interior to the beautifully created mosaics supports the first pure Art Nouveau building.



Interior of Tassel House

In 1900, Catalan Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona emerged with the most impressive and important representative forms of Art Nouveau. He developed a formal language that included gothic and moorish elements consisting of fragments of glass and bits of pottery that were assembled together in mosaic patterns. The exteriors of the building depicted figures of animals, balconies like masks, roof in the form of dinosaurs back, pillars like elephants feet etc.



De Stijl Coming back to the simple yet complex structures, De Stijl art movement developed. It was a contribution of Dutch painter Peit Mondrian and famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The painter painted simple rectangular shapes creating a simple yet complex grid which was either left white or was painted in primary colors- red, blue and yellow.

The De Stijl grid converted to an architecture

De Stijl grid colored in primary colors

The idea behind the movement was to create structures with clear and geometric forms. Influenced from the complexity of the simple cubic structures, a well-known cabinet maker Gerrit Thomas Rietveld put up his own ideas to this style by transforming the armchair into squared pieces of wood and boards and putting it up as deconstructed cubic form of a house with walls composed in such a way that it stood out as independent rectangles with flat roofs and balustrades that appeared as floating structures. The deconstructed art of De stijl later gave rise to the Bauhaus movement that spread its influence not only to art and architecture but to dance, theatre, design and photography also.



Organic architecture Coming in a fast forwarded motion, we reach at a stage of organic architecture developed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright though his creation of Prairie House, based on his principles and philosophies. To him, organic architecture didn’t mean simply imitating the nature and its forms. It was more about creating exteriors and interiors of a building in harmony and symphony. For the achievement of this style, he created a whole which integrated both site and structure in harmony, creating individuality of a material and its identity and getting influenced from nature.

Examples of organic architecture

This form helped resolve many environmental issues and brought architects and users towards nature, making them more concerned about mother earth and the harm caused to it by humans. Moreover, these forms create a soothing appearance to eyes as it creates a harmony between the site and the structure.



Art forms to architecture: Now Not only in architectural history or say in its early ages art forms have helped and influenced architecture to develop, but it is the same scenario these days too. Art forms keep on influencing and changing the architectural styles to a better face. Contemporary architecture It is the most famous and well appreciated form of architecture. This gave an edge to new materials in architecture. No more concrete cubic structures. Glass, steel, metals and many more materials are now used apart from concrete. This form was developed to bring the dream of constructing structures that would be seen till years as masterpieces. Not only change in material, this style brings the change in dead facades also. A simple rectangular box is now added or subtracted from to create new forms.

Contemporary architecture

This style brings meaning to abstract or unrealistic ideas into survival. Contemporary art is the art of this day. It brings meaning and gives identity to unrealistic forms and ideas. For this art form nothing is out of the scene or odd. It defines every single stroke in an art piece.



Contemporay art

This influences architecture in a very magnificent way leading to a creation of unrealistic structures or structures with newer technologies. This art forms relates the structure to the site, exterior to interior and justifies every material and form. The buildings just don’t stay silent and dead built out of concrete. They speak a different language, a language of poetry through the words of glass and steel. To conclude, it is an art form or an architectural style which creates out of the box.

The beauty of steel contemporary structure



Minimalism Japanese traditional design and architecture focuses on the simplicity and elegance of the shapes. This is the main inspiration of the minimalist designs. Minimalistic art form is defined by the statement “less is more. It is the most influential style of architecture that came into being in the 21st century. This art form defines the beauty of using fewer elements but to their best.

Black Square by Kasimir Malevich

Free ride by Tony Smith

The clean white flooring flat simple roofing enchanting minimalist architecture

The best worker of this form of architecture is Tadao Ando who creates buildings with the principles of minimalist art, creating serene and simple structures and their landscapes. He works creating co-existence between wind, light, water and concrete.



Exterior of the building designed by Tadao Ando using principles of minimalism

Interiors designed by Tadao Ando with minimalist design style

From simple residences to complex high rise buildings, penthouses, museums, hospitals, pavilions and many other structures are created with this style.



Dynamic Art and Architecture It is a form of art which is related to motion and dynamic nature of elements. Elements are not actually set into motion rather it’s the form and shape of the elements that put them into dynamic motion when viewed. It is featured with lines at an angle and complex thin elements. Architectural style influenced from this art form features slanted walls, sloping but strong pillars, complex structure and form, rotational moment, twisting of thin elements etc. Zaha Hadid was a master of this form of architecture. Her first dynamic architecture was seen in her design of Vitra fire station.

Ariel view of Vitra Fire Station

Interiors of Vitra Fire Station

Technological advancements and the advancements in quality of the available materials along with newer materials and construction techniques, this style is developing at a faster pace. Revolving restaurants are one such example.

Revolving restaurant, NYC

Space Needle, Seattle


32 Conclusion

Art forms and architecture are same yet the different. They influence each other and rise from each other. Art forms had been influencing architecture ad changing its face over ages and is still the same scenario. But its clear that behind every art there is just one support system and that is architecture. This proves the opening statement “Architecture is the mother of all arts�. The report concludes that these two fields have shared their origins, principles, cultural aspects and their impacts. A change in the art form influences how architecture grows, takes and responds to the influences of the changes and new emerging art forms. The truth is also in the other way that architecture influences art forms. Keeping this question- who influences whom- still unresolved, this paper concludes here.


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