Kids Letters to Santa 2015

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Schaefer’s Foods coloring contest overall winner: Emily Holtti, age 10, of Pine River.

Coloring contest preschool winner: Isabel Fisher of Andover.

Coloring contest ages 5-7 winner: Taya Lagro, age 7, of Northfield.

Coloring contest ages 8-10 winner: Aurora Addison, age 8, of Merrifield.

Coloring contest senior citizen winner: Roine Cunningham, of Pine River.

Letters to Santa and winter poems from area second-graders.

Holiday greetings from area businesses.

December 17, 2015

April Hulke

Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I need friends. I want a bunny. Sincerely, Xander Wills Dear Santa, You’re so nice to evry kid you bring evry buddy somethin! I need you to get me a new pare of ice skates. I want you to get me a pogo stik for x-mas! Sincerely, Alex Manning have a good x-mas! Dear Santa, you are so nice. 1. THAK YOU! 2. I need new scoole shose. 3. I want drone with is a mote cantrol helacopter with a camra Sincerely, Lake Mongan Dear Santa, yo are so so cool. I need sume snow pants. I want a Xbox360. Sincerely, Max Krumwiede Dear Santa, I love you Santa. You are the best. I need

Robbi Gregory

Dear Santa, I am 7 and I been very good this year And please can you get me trainset and can you please get me a starwars lego set. how do you fly that sled so great. From Sawyer Colgrove Dear Santa, I would lick a airsoft rifel becus i lick airsoft rifel alot He let me shoot it and i lick it. do you get tired of cookies? From Adrian Dear Santa: How are you doing? I am 7 year old. I am isidid for christmas I am happy! I hafe a choklit calndr. I wot sptoonu for the weeu. Love Love LeAnn Dear Santa, My name is Dayton I am 7 yers old. I wont a lego hingogo set with the dregin swrds case my litl brothy bracks every time we get a lego set. Thank you for the logo set. I love yor raber how thay fly. Love Dayton

Susan TeHennepe

Reindeer Reindeer help Santa pull the sleigh. A reindeer has jingling bells. I have always wanted a reindeer. No one in my family has seen one. Deer are like reindeer. Elves get the reindeer ready and put the bells on. Reindeer can fly. Leila K. Christmas Tasty cookies, Hot chocolate, Fires, Sleighs and sleds, Family. Reyna R. Rilian Rilian’s family is nice. Rilian knows the he will get a remote control Polar Express game for Christmas. Santa’s heart is as big as the outdoors! Rilian G. Santa Claus Santa Claus is nice. He cares for people, Sometimes he’ll bring toys for pets,

2015 Holiday Greetings Dear Santa, Every one loves you. I need clothes. I need football shoes for football. I want to go to a real football game. Sincerely, Justin Sherman

basketball shoes. I want my cousin to come home for Chrismas. Sincerely, Caylei Johnson Dear Santa, I like your clothes. I need more frens. I want a star wars legos. Sincerely, Hayden Coventry Dear Santa, You are the best Santa. I need shoes. I want a crystal kit. Sincerely, Brodie Holtti

Dear Santa, you are the best. I need a new jaket please. I want the new zelda game for the wii please. Sincerely, Ozzy Switajewski Dear Santa, I love you. I need more friends. I want a science kit. Sincerely, Star Branham

Dear Santa, You are so nice. I need a new tooth brush. I want an X box 360. Sincerely, Evan Simmons

Dear Santa, You are nice. I need a frend. I want BATMaN. Sincerely, Morgan Bean Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Thank you for toys. I nede a frend that will sit bay me and I want a iphone. Sincerely Aurora Hughes

Dear Santa, 1. I love you Santa. 2. 2. I need food. 3. I want a xbox 2. Sincerely, Carter Fentstermaker Dear Santa, I hope you git this mote because you ary so osum. I med sum sope. I want a Xbox1. Sincerely, Henry Blanchard

Dear Santa All the yers you gav presnts to cids you shde git presnts bak. Will you giv me the presnt I rile wont? I wont to know. From Yazmin Rocha Dear Santa, I am seven years old and my name is Jester and I love you are so nice santa. merry christmas From Jester Elestan Dear Santa. I would like a transister because it can go in snow and in water. And I would like a mini monstortruk it can push and pull up to 200 pouns. And i would like a Boomtrap because peple try to get in my room thay will see the trap and they will havet to pass it. And I would like a mipmasour because its mouth can chomp. And I hope you have fun drivering. by: Marcel

Dear Santa, I love Santa. I NEED food. I WANT a XBox360. Sincerely, Addison Poehler Dear Santa, I want my two frunt teeth for Christmas. I How the elvs? Luv, Eli. Dear Santa I loved the presents you gave me last year. I hope you can get me different presents this year. I am going to leve a present for you and yaer raindeer but I am not going to tell you. You will see wene you get here. I hope you like it. Sincerely Kadence Dear Santa, I want a minecraft mystery mini because I want to add to my collection. I am 7 I hope I get it for chrismas Sianta I hopet you had some rest from last yer. Love Dakota Dear Santa: I hope you feel good. I wold realay realay like a xbox 36D with 8 cuntrolers pleas. Oh buy the way thank you for geting that inmannex rovr last year. And plas give Totof a big hug please. Marry crimis Santa, Love Reece Dear Santa: My name is Katlyn I’m 7 years old. I hope you a rested

Dear Santa I am 7. I like cokies. I wot a Xbox #D ples. People make cookies for Santa Claus. People sometimes make presents for Santa Claus, and Santa brings present for us. Santa is kind! Mason N. Santa Nice Santa, Santa nice and big, Santa, Santa you are nice to be a gentleman, Santa, Santa, Santa nice! Julieanna B.

and Grandpa’s coffee at Christmas. Owen D. Snow Snow is cold. Snow filled with gold. Snow is tons of fun. Oh! I love snow! Abagail B. Hot Chocolate Marshmallows, warm, Coffee mug, coco mix, Hot water (and then ice cubes to cool in down) Tastes good! Spilling, rags. Kaden B.

Santa I love Santa! He is kind. I love Santa! He gives us presents! Miah K. Snow Cold, hard, Snowman, white, wet, Ice, icicles, igloos Snow angels Snow Sighle R. Christmas I want a puppy for Christmas We go to Grandpa’s house. My family is there. I lost my grandma this year, but she is always in my heart! I like the smell of hot chocolate

Christmas Santa is nice. He eats my cookies. The snow is pretty. It is sparkly! I like my Christmas tree. The tree is beautiful. I get to watch movies with family like Frozen and The Grinch! Heather B. Snow Cold, white, soft, Fun, sledding, skiing, Snow. Brody M.

Drawing by Maegan Irish, a student in Mrs. Dallas’ fourth-grade class at Pine River-Backus Elementary School. hope Santa come to see us this Christmas. I need more friends. Sincerely, Shannon


ol up. Pleas give me a stable fore my American girls doll fore Crismas. Is Mises clos ok? I hope she is ok. I like Rodolf the Red Nos Rander and the moves about Crismas. Thank you fore giving me stuf fore Crismis. Love, Katlyn

that you give presents You are a nice man. I’ve been good this year. Love River

Dear Santa, I bin gid for my mom and dad. I wt a smot fon bcus it is osum. Sincerely, Taylor Dear Santa, I am 8 yeas old. I hope you are all right. Are you? I wud like a toy helicopter for Chrismes so I can fly it over the Chrismes tree. I love Prasser the reindeer. He is funny. love Jonathan Dear Santa, I hope you’r all rested from last year. I am 7. want a doll house becaes I have lots of barbies and I don’t have a home for them. How old are you Santa? How can you live in the cold North Poll? I love

Dear Santa, I would like a pocket tool because they are very usefull. Are you hungry enough for lots of cookies? I hope you had enough rest from last year. I’m Hudson and I am seven years old. I’ve been very good this year. From, Hudson Dear Santa Hi how are you doing? I’m doing good! I hope the rain deer are ok from last year? Hi Misses Claus how are you doing? What I want for Christmas is a Amican girl doll bed please. How are the Elf’s? I bet they are good. From Brooklin M Dear Santa Are you restid up? If you arnt I wan’t you to. I love Christmas! Can you say to your elvis and raders hi for me. For Christmas I wan’t a

loft. I wan’t a loft becus I think it will be fun and last year I was ding to get it. That is all I wan’t. I have ben good this year and I don’t like it when peple are bad. It shows that they don’t like you. love, Callie Dear Santa: My name is Kalie Trout I’m 7 years old my birthday is 2 days after Chrismis. I think you shud be rested up for Chrismis. And I am thanking you for giveing me and my family presents. I hope I get a nother Ameriken girls doll and I have 3 resends why. Beceus I whant my doll to have a nather frend. If my frend come’s over she can play with a doll. And to tell you. Can you give a hug to Rudeof? I like your moves when you fly of for Chrismis. Senseliy, Kalie Trout I like santa and I wont adag sete to bild ples. Bekus I like to bild. haw are your rander? From James E. Snow Cold, sledding, Snowballs, Winter, Fun! Snow Kaleb S.

Christmas Cookies Hot cocoa Really fun gifts I like the humongous cookies Time of year I like My birthday is close to Christmas Apples (we have them for Christmas) Snow and snowflakes William M.

Hot Cocoa Hot water, cocoa mix Coffee cup, Marshmallows, Hot cocoa. George S. SNOW Snow is slippery Snow angles are fun to make. Snowball fights are fun, But snow forts are the best! Devin T.

Christmas I like Christmas. The snow is cold because it is winter. The candy canes are sweet! I like the Christmas trees. I see a lot of presents when I get home. I eat a lot of cookies. I love cookies! Andrew M.

Santa Santa you are nice. You bring us presents. You drink our hot cocoa. You eat all the cookies Josi K.

Christmas Cookies Hot cocoa Rining bells It is cold Santa Clause Together Merry Christmas Awesome Sleigh Ariana B.

See MORE PR-B, Page S8

Tree Christmas tree I love you, I get presents under my trett Christmas tree and unwrapping presents just for me. Christmas tree cocoa, and candy just for me. Christmas tree and Santa coming down my chimney. Karson C.

Merry Christmas from

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Santa. We need food. I want a science kit for christmas. happy christmas. Sincerely, Kyla Wattenhofer

Dear Santa, I hope Santa comes to see us. I no you will



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December 17, 2015

2015 Holiday Greetings

Patty Durham

Annette Klang

Dear St. Nicolas, How are your elfs? Thanks for the Wii games. I want a Diomimind and a 3DX SDS pleas. I have been waiting for theas for a very long time. Love, Maddison Bisson

dear Santa have you feed your reindeer? am i on the good list? are you married? can you bring a reindeer in my house? can you dring a 30SXL? can you dring a 3DSXL for Samantha? Love, Alexander

Dear Santa, How are you? Thank you for the play gun. Plese bring me a rel pupy. I wot a bebe gun plese. Love, Reagan Wurtzburger

Dear Santa, How are you? I am really good! Am I on the good list? Can you bring me presents? I would like a 3DSXL legos, tablet and a black and white bunny? Sincerely Samantha

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is Rodalf coming? Thank you for coming This Christmas. This year May I Please have a Paw Petroler and a Paw Petrol look ont. Because I don’t have any of em. From, Jade York Dear Santa, Your are grat! Thank for brainin me Bat Cave and Batman Stuf and toys. Can you br ng me 2 Botls of poshin to make me grow into a man? Then I can by a cor and get a job. Love, Colin Myers Dear Santa, How are you Santa? Thanks for the presents. Can I have a remot control boat becus it will be fun this year! From, Bowen Sikich

Sue Headlee

Dear Santa, How was your checkup? It has been nice seing you these year’s. How’s rodlf and the other raindeer? Can you please get me a leago set, a baby bunny and a video game Love Lilija

Drawing by Cara Scharenbroich, a student in Mrs. Durham’s first-grade class at Crosslake Community School. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Thanks for the presents last year. I can’t wiat untel Christmas! Can I please have a weedless hook? Me, my brother and my dad are fishermen and can I please have a German Shepherd. From, Justin Sievert

Doner, Blezen and Rudolph? Love, Tiana Herron

Dear Santa, How’s the elves and how’s your day? I hope it is good. For christmas I wood like a Halk buster, a alltron from disny infinity 3.0, Aspike movie, toy box take over, a rocket rackorn and folken form disny infininnty 3.0 thanks for the presents. love, Matthew Simpson

Dear Santa, How are your elves doing? I hope they are not sick. Also your 8 rein deer. Are they doing good? Because you would get cold in the North Pole. But please can I have a chubey puppy? Also a box of betwgems and puppy surprise. A tramplen amarickin girl doll paw pochroll. love, Brianna Braaten

Dear Santa, Can you bring one of your elves? Can I please have a box of choklet and some legos? We are celebrating crismas down stairs. On the loft you woll see a crismas tree and then you will see a lite. Does Rudolphs nose relly glow? love, Trayce Buckmaster

Dear Santa, I love you! How are your reindeer? Have your elves been talking about me? How is Mrs. Clause? can I please have a coloring set. I also would like a stuffed animal. You can duliver it any time. Thank you! Love Hailey Nash

Dear Santa, May I have a iPad. Haw are your elves? How is Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comen, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph? I love you Santa. Could you please make me a big toy. Love Joe Loschko Dear Santa, Is my elf saying good things about me? How are you and your reindeer? Christmas would be really sad with out you. Can you please bring me a globe, trampoline, Judy Mody chapter book 3. Oh and can you please make a snowman outside? Thank you! How is your Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet Cupd,

Dear Santa, I will be in Florida for christmas. How are your elves? What are there names? How is Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Copid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph? Can I plese have 3 obil Bekum JR cards, a Tedy Beringwather jerse, and a ipad. Love, Jack Hagberg Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are your reindeer doing? How are your elves doing? Could I please have a remote control submarine with a camera? Love Owen Byrns

Dear St. Nicholas, How are you doing? Thanks for the big toy horse last year. I relle like it. I wont a Huscky puppy plese Santa. I wont a tablit plese Santa. I wont a 50 dolrbil plese Santa. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! From, Emily Billman

Dear Santa, How are you doing today? How are your elves doing? How are Dasher, Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitaen and Rudolph doing? Can I please have a American girl doll for christmas? Can I also have a skate bord too? An a trmpolean also a rip stik? An a eletrek skooter? An a spa orbes chair? Marcella Timmons Dear Santa, I love you Santa. How are your reindeer? How are your elves? I wouder how many presents do you make for people. How is the North Pole doing for you? How does your sleigh go flying in the sky when the reindeer move their legs? Can you please get me American Girl Doll cloths, lots of American Girl Doll shoes, and I want please more American Girl Doll pajamas, too. Love, Eliana Jares Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? How is Dasher doing? How is Blizen doing? Hey Santa can I please have these things please A Remote snowmobile A phoune please A Snow mote snowmobile slede please Can you please look on the back

Drawing by Sierra Ramsdell, a third-grader in Mrs. Olson’s class at Nisswa Elementary School. please Thunk you. A elf on a shelf please, all of the holle MN WILD teams please. Thank you. Love Jaden Mathaler Dear Santa, I wonder how you get to all those houses in one night? How are Dasher, Dancer,

Season’s Greetings Call to inquire.



The beauty of the winter season reminds us of how blessed we are in so many ways, including the friendship of neighbors like you.

Happy Holidays!

Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph? Can I please have a phone, some books, 3 ds blue, a phone case, Some bath and body works little hand sand atizer I want marshmellow pumpkin late, vanilladream, winter mint, grape, strawberry. A

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New Year’s Eve Mass | Thursday, December 31st 4:00 PM - St. Alice

new bike, American girl doll Julie and her bed! Santa books, new bed cover, lip gloss, head bands, expo markers, mr. smelly markers, that ice cream maker from crazy See HEADLEE, Page S4

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Dear Santa, am I on the good list or the bad list please tell me soon. What ar you going to bring me? I want a new sleeping bag for camping please. love, Alaina


December 17, 2015

HEADLEE, From Page S3 art, new clothes, legos, Some ds games, new barbie dolls, a new lamp, stuffed animals, rings, neclsis, and dolls. Love, Teigen Welle Dear Santa, I hope you are doing good and your wife. Are your elves doing well? Merry Christmas! I hope you get a lot of cookies! Please bring me hunting stuff. Love, Stewart Mills Dear Santa, How are you today Santa? I am feeling great. Can I please have Kit the Ameican girl doll please. Or can I have a Art set please. But what I relly want is a set of stuffed anaiml pets please. Love, Eva Lee

Kelly Gubrud

Dear Santa, Thank you Santa for last years prezonts. I am 8. My birthday is may 12th. Im in 2 grade. Can I get an x-box pleas and a mind craft? Im going to be 9 this year in may. Can I pleas have a wii Game? for a wii the game is called mairio carts pleas can I get it. love Natalie Pikula Dear Santa, Hi did you have a good thanksgivving? I stude hard in school. Do the elves have school? my birthday is may 12. I wud love a elf on a shelf becus I am the only wun in clas that dosint have a elf on a shelf. Love, Dana Skaaland Deer Santa How many reindeer do you have? Please can I have a drone for christmas? Do you know why. Because I want to see peeple. Love Kaiden Raske Dear Santa How is it in the north poll? IS Rudolphs nose still the shinest or is Dasher’s? Becuse things change in so many yeres!! I’m so thankful for your gifts last yere!! can I plese have ASSASSIN Streech from Best Buy because it isn’t too much money!! Me and my cusin’s are praktesing ASSASSINS. I allrede know how to do a backflip in the air. I want Elf on the shelf too!! Bye Santa. See you at Chrismas!! Love Jack Weske Dear Santa, Did your Elves make a snow? How is Rudolph? I loved the present you gave me last christmas. I am 7 years old. I am a girl. Are you going to be at home depo? May I please have a little live pet. I think I am ready to take care of a pet. can I have a mouse little live pet? I hope things are going well. Love, Danika Ramler Dear Santa, How are dowing? I bild a snowman did your elves? Can I please have a nise BlackHusky

Dear Santa, How have you been doing and your reindeer and elves? How much cookies do you want this year? Please can you bring me a 164 scae, a 70s dulee dodge 4 door with a bumper hitch. Love, Evan Hyatt Dear Santa, I love you so so so much. How is Rudolpph? Can I please have a Amercan girl Doll? Can I please have a Barbie House? Can I please have a monkey watch? Can I please have beads for my orbse spa? Can I have a ipde and a TV? Love, Arah Meierding Dear Santa, How are you! I like your puffy beard. I love your red coat, also I love Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. Can I please get an

2015 Holiday Greetings American Girl doll, American Girl doll clothes, 3 whiteboards, baby doll, and a tablet. Love, Fern French Dear Santa, Little Ben is hideing very silly! How is Dancer, Blitzen, Comet, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Donner, and Rudolph doing? Is Mrs. Claus makeing cookies for you? Can I Please get me a Amarcin girl doll for Chirstmas please? can you please get me a Christmas tree? Can I please have a phone? Love, Abby Beyer Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Please get me a kitten blanket and a toy tank. How are the elfs doing? I want a new plow shovel. Love, Will Christensen

Dear Santa, Santa I can not spend a night with out you! I love you Santa! Could you get me a sled and some hotweels with a hotweel trak and some nascar? Could you please get me a geiter and a sled for my brother? DOn’t forget the back room cristmas tree and please take a pitcher of Rudolph? Love, Tucker O’Brien. Dear Santa How are your reindeer? You are so cool! I really like Rudolph and I like Frosty the snowman. Will you please get me a Elsa, Anna and olaf, bike toy, footsy, Frozen the movie, pajamas, talking Elsa and Anna dolls Baby Version? Love, Tori Dullum Dear Santa, How are your elves? IS Mrs. Santa Claus doing good? How are all your ranedeer? Are you

Dere Santa Hi I Like you santa. How is mrs close? I really Like Rudoff, I relly Like mrs close and you. Can I please have the skeletonrex. I play with it. Love Duncan Glassmann Dear Santa, Hi I hope you have a nice christmas this year. I’m excited for christmas are you? My favorite thing about christmas is when you give me presents. How are things? Can I please have a elf on the shelf becuse I like ther magick. Love, Alissa Hageman Merry Christmas Dear Santa Did you have a good year? How are you? How are the reindeer? I am 8. My favoite food is Pizza. What is your favoite food? Please can I have a Remote Control Car because mine is browken. Love Logan Matich Dear Santa Hi how are you doing? How is Rudolph? I’m excited for christmas. I liked the presents you gave me last year. I am 8 now and there is something I want. Can I please have an elf on a shelf because I allwase wanted one and it would make me happy and they are funny? Love: Ava Capelle Dear Santa how things going at the northpole. can i have a better

Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want to say please. How are you? I would like an Ana hat. I hope you have a fun Christmas! Love, Emily Northenscold Dear Santa How are you today? Are you cold in the North Pole yes or no? I hope your warm. Say hi to your elfs and reindeer. May I please get a remote conchroll s-wing fighter and an x-box. And if you still have enough money can you get me more halo guys. Thank you love, Grant Johnson Christmas are you? I’m 8 now! can I plese have american girl doll clothes? I want them because I do not have any yet. Love Lily Haataja

with blue eyes for at my moms? may I have a toy for my husky. Love Avery Hines Dear Santa, Hi how are things going at the North pole? Thing are kinda bad here but kinda good too. How are the reindeer? My pets at home are doing great. I’m really excited for Christmas. Are you? My favorite thing about Christmas is family and friends. Something that I whold like this year is a easy bake oven. My mom thinks I’m ready to bake. Merry Christmas love: Nicole Jensen

doing good? I wish for a trampleen, stuffed aniamals, and soft snow out side. I wish for every thing but girl stuff and baby stuff. I realy wish for all Football cards. I want that more than any thing. Love, Brayden Anderson

Dear Santa, How is it at the North Pole? How are Dasher, Rudolph and Prancer? I weuld like to have a lot more stuf for Christmas. I am just wundring how are the elfs, Santa. Can I have a transformer for christmas? to Santa of Noah Noah smith

Drawing by Alexis Lee, a third-grader in Mrs. Baker’s class at Nisswa Elementary School. the presents last year. computer. on mincraft when i Love Rylan Conkins look in a chest. Will u mack it a shift and graph when i look Hi Santa in a chest please. Why because Did you have a nise thanksi want to shift and graph on giving? I had a very good one. minecraft when u look in a Santa the presents you gave chest and u shift and grab it just insay goes in ur inventorey me last year they were awesome. Can I please have a kinsanley like insanley know Iphone because so I can play kiding like insanley amazing. Minecraft? So I can make relly Love Daren Finney cool stff. Smile Dear Santa Bryce Scully Hi do you have fun at the North pole? How old are you? Dear Santa, I rily love you Santa. can I How are your reindeer and pleas have a new bike. I don’t your elves? I hope they are want training whels. Do you doing well. I’m excited for have alot of friends> How is Christmas My to riseins why I ruodolf? Does he have a shine like Christmas so much is nose? I like the present that because I like spending time you gave me!! with my family and I like getLove Heidi Kmecik ting presints. Can I have a cottencandy maker, Dear santa I had a good Amiercangirl doll and bouncey halloween, did you? I hope balls? Mrs. Clause makes lots of Love, cookies for you. Do your elf’s Savannah Duran make lots of snowmen? Becuase I love to make them! I Dear Santa, am excited for christmas, I How is the North Pole? How can’t wait at all! I am 8 years is Rudolph. Dasher and old. I want a pug for Prancer? I’m excited for Christmas! I want a pug because they are so cute I just really want a pug for christmas, please, please, please!!!!! I hope you get me a pug! Love Addie Dabill Dear Santa, Hi Santa I am Rylan. How is it going up there? I hope it is going good. I am seven years old. I live in Braineard, and I have a sister. For chrismas may I have the new halo sets and a nerf gun because I like legos and nerf guns. I liked

Dear Santa I had a nice thanks giving. How was yours? Santa how is Dasher and Rudol[h doing? Does Rudolph have a real shiny nose? How is prancer doing? My name is Tarent. I am seven and a half. What is it like at the north pole? Santa I don’t have a snow globe can you get me one pleas? Can you get me a pokemon. Love Tarent Rasset Dear Santa Hi Santa I hope you had a great halleenn. I am a Boy I am 7 years old. Can I please have a power wheel doom racer? I think there cool. And a remote control hulk car because I think there cool. Thank you for the toys last year. From Jeffrey Northenscold Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Prancer doing? I like Dirt Bikes and 4 welers. Can I have a mini Dirt Bike and a mini snow mobele for christmas. Love Coltin Stromberg to: Santa How are you? I’m icstid for chritmas. My Elf on the Shelf is fun. Can I please have a real

Dear Santa, How is your elves? Have they been saying good things about me? Has Mrs. Clause been makeing cookies for you? Oh p.s tell Mrs. Claus I said hi. May I have a rc boat or a rc truck. May I have Odell Becoun JR Ajreyn Peterson MaShop Lisch Tedy Brijwater halmer Randal Cobe Jordy Nelson Eliy Maning David Cob in his gofer Jerse. Love, Drew Herkenhoff Dear Santa, I love you Santa. What is your reindeer’s names? Santa I no you have to go down the chimmies to get into the houses So, you can drop the presins off. Could I please have a phone? Love, Johnathan Windorski

hamster or a ging Pig. Because I don’t have a pet to play with inside and I have nothing to do in my house. Because I can’t think of one. Love Annie Foss, I’m 7 ½ To. Santa How have you been? What do you want for christmas, cookies? Can I have a Legndary yoda? How is Rudolph? love. James olson Dear Santa Thank you for all of the toys you gave me last year. Also I loved them. Also I made a snowman. Did your elves make won? Aldo I am a boy and I am 7 years old. Can I pleas have a drone also I want sume more pokemon cards and other pokemon stuf. Bcause I want to spy on my two sisters. Also I want a legendary pokemon card. Also a kindel. Love Tate Oium Dear Santa I hope Christmas is good everywhere espeshly in the northPole. May I Have a girlscout cooking oven and a AmerikimGirl doll. But theres more on my other note to you Has stuff like a new star for my christmastree. I hope you get my other note and a lot of joy. I am curirees about christmas Love Ella Aamodt Dear Santa, Hi how are you doing? I hope all of you are doing well. Doz Mrs. Clause make lots of cookies? I know how to cont to 6 is Spanich. I would love to have BadKitty Book. because I don’t no what to do with the other one. Love Callista Anderson



Wishing you and your family peace and joy!

BELLE CHEVEUX 218-961-0095 I 24719 Hazelwood Drive | Nisswa

Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas

001344692r1 218-568-8069 | | Pequot Lakes, Minnesota



Baxter | 218.822.4480 Pequot Lakes | 218.568.4473 Crosslake | 218.692.4472 Backus | 218-947-3111

December 17, 2015

2015 Holiday Greetings

Beth Nelson Dear Santa, Iv been a vary good boy. Iv herd the story Rodolf the red nosed randeer. What I wantt for Christmas is a bugy bord. Please wright back. Sincerely, Ben Rieber Dear santa, I am a rokin reader at school. It was fun. I whish to have a bumdall machin this christmas. Pink that is my favorite color and a phone this christmas. The case as to be pink ow and and a new iPad too. love, Makayla PS. I hope you will give me it for christmas this year and help yourself with some cookies and milk. And one more thing I hope the raindeer the morchmelows. Dear Santa, I have been a very good dat this year my brothers are good too?? I rely like my elf Willy. Santa can I please have a book. from. Gabe Wilson PS. my elf is very sneky. Dear Santa I have ben very good Ive have ben very good in class. All I want is a robot Sincerely, Garrett Dear Santa, I have been a good boy at school and at home this year. I would like a 20 pack of kick-

Ann Schommer Dear Santa, I love Santa,. Ples can you get zekrumEx the pokemonpack. Ples can you get yu-geoh. Ples can you get a stuft anumol. Merry Christmas, Elijah Toftness Dear Santa, I whad like a robdik kitte. Howe old are whor reindeer? What is your favrit reindeer? And I whad like some shopkins. Love, Kallie Dear Santa, What is your favorite color? How many reindeer do you have? how many elves do you have? who is you favorite reindeer? for Christmas I want a stufft animal. And a new rug. And a new clothes. And I also want a toy chair. Merry Christmas Love, Georgia Dear Santa, Who is your favorite reindeer? How cold is it in the North Pole? How many elves do you have? Do you have a iron or wood sleigh? For Christmas please give me a light brown and white guinea

start MTN dew and a gumball machine. And a new pack of nerf guns and a x-box one and two contterolers and games. Two more things a puppy and my uncle Terry to feel better. from Christopher Shawn Strehlow PS… I have a little kitten Dear Santa, I have been vary good this year. I was the first pride keeper school. At home I em good too! I help my mom baby sit my sister. This year I rily rily want to have a gum bol mushen! Love Amiee Dear Santa This year Ive ben a good bear I want a gumball machine and knee hockey net’s. doodle bob has sent me lot’s of notes. The blind’s got reced Some hoe the clind’s that you got us last year. Sincerely Drake PS. Help your self to the cookies milk and the carrots for your raindeer. Dear Santa, I have been good. I only have the I want a payntball gun and pante ball armr. from Tyler Dear Santa, I am a good friend too others and help others too. I was wundering if you cud get me a extreme dot to dot this year thak you. Love, Dana Balmer not wake the dog up

thak you. Dear Santa I have trnd in all of my homework. I was hoping for a pack or 2. I wood like a new snow bord. Love Leyton PS I will leve ecshtera cookies. Dear Santa, This year I have been riley good. I help athrs. This year I want a snow bord for christmas. Sincerely Cody Dear Santa, I want a new bike for my self and a soker boll that my dog cant brake. And a gumboll mushen. Sincerely Asher PS my dog is very rowdy. Dear Santa, I have been a very very good chiled. I have been a very big help around the house. I wish for a gumball machine, a puppy and a peecoc. Please please no cole!!! From, Amani Dear Santa, I have ben a very good boy. because I helped my brother. I want a gumball machine I want it blue. and I want to it to take all peenys. thank you. Sincerely, Gus Bolz Andolshek Dear Santa I was very good to others. I want a gumball mushine for

pig or a bunny or a kitten. What is your favorite coler? Do you have any pets? How fast can your sleigh go? How do you get thrue a Chimney? How big is your work shop? How old are you? Sincerly: Carter

Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? How many reindeer does it take to fly your sled? Do you like Mrs. Clauseis cookie, please rite back. Love, Avery

Dear Santa, Can I keep my elf on a shelf? I wot a kindolle for Christmas. I wot a mine ds for Christmas. I wot under Armour. Love, Austin

Dear Santa, Meery Christmas, I have some Questons? How fast does your sleigh go? What is your favvoite reindeer? How many elves do you have? Please write back. Love, Ethan Rick

Dear Santa, Wich reindeer is your favoite? How meny kids are in the world? How fast does you sleigh go? For Chistmas I want horse a puppy and more fish. How do you give presents if the reindeer are sick? Love, Your frend, Cecilia Kinney Dear Santa, What is your favorite reindeer? And is your sleigh cool? How many elves do you have? Can I have a miny ipad for Christmas! Also can I have a guitar please. Can I have magic pens for Christmas! I wod like a new coler. Can I have a Snacky And rit me back. From, Ryder


Dear Santa, what is your favorite reindeer? How cold is the North Pole? How fast dose your sleigh go? Can I please have a Nintendo 3d’s. Could you also get me a fury. How many elves do you have? How do you go down chimneys????!!!?!? Can I please please please have A elf on the shelf! Can I please have a air rifle or a peletgun so I can shoot squrls with my dad! My favorite reindeer is Rudolph. I have seen you, befor at a restoraunt. You have showed me your sleigh license. Can I have the moive Jurassic World? How big is your work shop? How old are you? Do you ahve pet’s? Sincerery, Damon

Drawing by Gabriel Wilson, a second-grader in Mrs. Nelson’s class at Eagle View Elementary School. Halie Bengtson PS hellp your senf to the cocies.

chrismis. Love Colton Santa, Dear Santa, I am a good boy at school and at home!!!!!!!! please help childerin in the wold. I wont a gumball machien and a pupy to play with my other dog and also a heeuckopter to play with. love jonathan Dear Santa, This year I have been good at school. And at my house. This year I would like a puppy! Sincerely, Dear Santa, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Going around the wold is probobey eggsosding. I know you have nine reindeer. Their are Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen and Rudolph! And I know you have a big big sleigh and I want to have a gerbil. Can you make a little cage? Love, your frend Trenton Dear Santa, What is your favurite raindeer? How many elves do you have? How cold is it in the North Pole? I like Dudolph. For Christmas I whant a corn snake and food for it and water for it and a cage. For Christmas I want a pet turtle and a cage. Sincerely, Braden Dear Santaa, Santa, is minecaft your favorite game? How many cookies do you wont me to leave out for you? Will you please bring me mincaft little people? Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, I have some questions for you. Why cant kids see you? Oh and ich kind of cookie is

Dear santa, I have been good this year all I want for christmas is a phone. So I can play it. from Adrian ruffe Dear Santa, This year I have never lost a penny. Can I please have sum new books? And sum new board games. Sincerely Presley Crawford

your favrite? Is thare more good people than bad people in the worled? If thar is pleas rite back, who many elves are thare? Can I go to the North Pole? I woed like Bunchums for Crismas. Sincerely, Teagan Dear Santa, I wont a ipod a laptop an a psp and a rubics-cub. this is a question santa do you wont a cookie and I heart you. Merry Christmas Sincerely Noah, Dear Santa, Your reindeer look nice. I well see you next christmas. Well you like a cookie? How many elves do you have? Will you pleas bring me a Chocolate Pen? Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Madoline Dear Santa, How menny kids are in the world? How old are you? How fast dose your sleigh go? How cold is the North Pole? Where is Rudolph is he redy for Christmas? I Love you Santa. Love, Jaxon Larson

Dear Santa, This year I have been outstanding! I always get my homework done and I help out around the house. I am also a wonderful friend and can always be counted on. This year I am wishing for a gumball machine. I would love a red one because red is my favorite color. Sincerely, Mrs. Nelson PS. Help yourself to the cookie and milk.

Dear Santa, I wont a ipad for christmas. how menny elves do you have. which reindeer do you like the most. how coled is the north poel. how do you reindeers fly. do you ever get coeld in northpoel. did mrs. clos see your red coet Sincerely, Jacob Peterson Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you have? For Christmas I wanta Ipod5 and a guineapig christmas is the best holiday bcose the chiliinget prezs. My favrite reindeer is dasier. My favrite christmas movie is the year without a santaclause. See you at Christmas! Love, Nathan Dear Santa, I wad like a mozusor toy for Christmas. Allso a spinaratr toy to. And mabe in indomanis rex toy. And mabe a mozusor robot with a mokintrol From, Griffin

Strike up some cheer




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December 17, 2015

Rachel Sullivan Dear Santa, Thaanks for the sled but, I need a nuthr one this time, I wont a pengwen sled I, Dow love pengwen of and I wont a Elf on the Shelf but, a gud one but I really wont a bell from your sleigh, but one from near roudoph, I have been good everyone has been good I hope you leave good present for me I hope I love them Your friend, Lilliy Dear Santa, last year thanks for the lego police stashen set. This year I want a Xbox with minecraft other wise i want a elf on the shelf please. Your friend, Jake Dear Santa, This is Austin, Thanks for the chips. I would like the moive The Grinch that stoll Christmas and a Xbox 3siksdy and a immaginex toy and a book of maps. A elf on the shelf and a Ipod. Thank you and have a happy noo year. O I forgot I wont a coten candy maker love your freind Austin to Santa. Your friend, Austin A. Dear Santa, Will you got me a box of a presents? and som money. I want the cole to be that kinb of green. and it is thet kind of money to and I will not wace up win you go to My home. PS

Belinda Reier Dear Santa, On Christmas I want a xbox 360. and I want a iPad. and a Wii. and a dog. I like what you gave me last year and I also want a tablet. From, Jack Dear Santa, I want a foose ball tabol for christmas and Snow mobiile gear. From, Talan Dear Santa, Can I Please have a gocart. and a z box 360 From, samson Dear Santa, Thanks for my Presents last year can you say hi to rudolph and mrs. claus. can you give me the army set I woted last year. I will give you sugar cookies. From, Nico Dear Santa, I know that you are very busy at your workshop. What I want for Christmas this year is a Remot centrol Snowmobel.

2015 Holiday Greetings Dear Santa, I love your presents. you are the best guy I ever met! I thik I been a good girli. I love you with all my hute! How is mrs claus doing? my name is Amelia. I love your laph. HooHooHooHoo Your friend, Amelia R.

I miet go in your sleigh! Your friend, Parker Z. Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are your rain dear hope they like’d my rain dear food. also i want a xbox also some more games for my new 3ds. good luck getting ready for Christmas. Your friend, Hudson P. Dear Santa, I have been so good my mom and dad gave me a dollar. And I hope you give me a xbox 360 and call of dote modern war far and haillo 4. Your friend, Cody Dear Santa, I wont that yeer I wont a elf on the shelf on the shelf pet. last yeer I got a skootr and uderwar and shoks. howe is mrs claus? I wood wont bashr! I rille wont bashr! Your friend, Connor J. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph and his red nose. My elf on the shelf is hiding in the curton. He stole one of the decorations. And guess what it’s a girl! He also broke the the head of our glass snowman. What I would want for christmas is a tipe writer. I know its lame but I really want it. Also how long have you and mrs. claus been together? I hope elf stop’s bening an unn plesent elf. Your friend, Ruby P. Can you tell Rudolph and Mrs. Claus hello for me? Thank you a lot Santa your friend Connar. PS when you come to our house go to the counter and you will fiend some cookies. From, Connar Dear Santa, Santa I no that you are Bise in all But I want to tell you a few things Bfor you go Back to work I want a American girl doll. From, Laura Dear Santa, I love the presents you gave me. I want a little list for writeing. a hat. a ipod. a phone. and a computer. we are leaving sugger cookies. From, Isabelle Dear Santa, Do you think you can say hello to rudolph in your spare time for me please? could I hafe a Lag star-Wars set please The cookies that I will give you are my moms, cholit chipcookies. they will be waiting on the table for you. and I what to get a nrf-gune. From, Luke

Dear Santa, Thank for all the toys that you gave me. like you gave me a Duffle bage. and a baskball last year and this year I want a American glir doll and how are you doing and how is mrs. claus doing and how is your reindeer doing f.y.i I am leving cookis do not let me forget ok and I poot my tree up and presents are under the tree and I hung up otmints it luke cool ok p.p. merry chrismas plus what colrs eyes do you have Your friend, June Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you doing. This year can I have and Xbox, and a iPhone 6 plus and you are the best and I love you I hope you get my christmas list what kind cookies do you want and the lego epic Dragon battle Your friend, Toby Hoffard Dear Santa, hay Santa how are you doing with yourr elfs? How I Rupolph the raindeer going? Santa do ELFs help you? Santa do you giv cool to kids? I what a new kitten for christmas. Dear Santa, This year are christmas tree is Biger! We will Probably be gon so don’t be surprised. Is Rudolph Still at the front of the sleigh? This year I want any tablet or any Lego set from Ninago season six. I am super exsided for christmas. I hope the snow doesent melt. at home I am making a big snow fort. we mite give you suger cookies. can you say hello to all your reindeer for me. I like how Rudolph nose glowes. From: James Dear Santa, I like the shelf you gave me last yere. What cinde of cookies do you want? I am shour you want carits fou your Raine deer. From, Madelyn Dear Santa, I woud like a double handle gun toy, a rat, a tmnt fish fish face and a xbox. From, Alex Dear Santa, I love you Santa you are good Santa. The person who is writing this is Emily and my last name is dye. Thank you for

Santa do your ELFs maek toy’s? I like school do you like school? do rain deer going thay like to eat caeres riatet? Your friend, Jayden F. Dear Santa, I really really really! like the iPad you gave me last year. I really wont a DS and the pokemon game please. I love you Santa for the iPad I’ll leve you exstra cookies. By the way how are you and the raindeer and Mr closs. But I’ll still get something for the raindeer. Oh I’ll make you warm coecoe. Can I please have a wii u and a xbox 360 please allso. Oh a compieter to. and Rev cars. What’s you faevorit cookies. Your friend, Ben Westemman Dear Santa, thank you for christmas. How are you doing? I now ever butty gives you delicious cookee’s so I’m going to give you straberry’s cesee’s cake and mile. thank you for all food ccar. PS plese rite me back. Your friend, Sofia Tysdale Dear Santa, how are you doing? today I loved the snow bord you got me last year and how is mis clos doing? and I wont a xbox 1 for christmas this year and I wont a pogo stik for christmas to I will lev cuces for you Your friend, Parker N Dear Santa, Ples pride’s can you git me a figit frand my Dad froo mym my presents that you gave me. I realy wanted the presents you gave me. like a american gire doll. Love, Emily Dye Dear Santa, I want you to tell Mrs. claus and Rudolph hi for me. I want a hamster with a cage. And a American girl doll her name is Grace. And a Kindil with a case too. From, Sophie Dear Santa, I accadently Brock my Sky lander. can you maybe you can get me a new sky lander? I know that you are tiyerd after christmas. From, Graham Dear Santa, I want you to give me a present. and make share that you say Hi to Rudolph and Mrs Clos. Bye see you. From Sutton Dear Santa, I like the DS you gave me last time. This time I woud like a ipod and a tablit with a x-box. can I have a ipad to. From Becker

away. I wundr ho Rudolph is duing? I ulso wonte efre thing on my list whoh are the elves ples who hane you doihe! I will lev cavis Your friend, Amme Dear Santa, Buttercup and Lucy have came to my house. I just love Lucy dress. I’ve wanted a golden rutrever I want it to be a girl christmas and I want a american girl indian tp set and a ginger bread girl set and a elf pet and a wii for my mom’s house. Your friend, Emma T. Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? Can I have a elf on the shelf for Christmas. And can I have a ameracan girl doll set for christmas. and I have been a good grill this year. Your friend, Josie T. Dear Santa, I want a toy trucks and a toy car and a new toy 3G drbigtrucks and a toy abox intud of car I want and Xbox odnd 3D Your friend, Dawson Dear Santa, I love the tablit you got me last year this year I want a amariken girl doll, a puting maker, a miny sleigh, reindeer that go with the sleigh. can I please have anather tablit and all the thing I wanted. Your friend, Dear Santa, Please give me a hotwheels track. I want maden 16 for the x-box 360. Will yao say hi to rudolph and mrs clause. From, Dylan


Pine River 587-2067 | Pequot Lake 568-7353 |

ohahoh Dear Santa His Santa I have to tell you How much I love Christmas. Do you no I love your deers. can you tell me how to Spell the

Iron Hills North


Salem Lutheran Church

Season’s Greetings

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Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas

deers name? What I Whant for Christmas is a monster Hiegh dolls and my own love. and I love my fimiley. your firend, Nina.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday season!

Backus, MN

Traditional & Cremation Services

Dear Santa, Remember me Kelsi and my brother Mikakael and my mom Jen and my dad Zane? What is your favrit cookie gust please, please, please, tell me because I gust rilly, rilly want to know. for crismus I would like two baby american girl dolls and 4 mini dolls with baby clos for the baby american girl dolls please. Safe travels! Your Friend, Kelsi

Hi Sana. I love the Toys you are a grate man. I Will love to hav a Cindl. I am makeing srpise cocees! but I wont Zoomr Kitty. youa re a nise man. Your Friend, Madison



Dear Santa, how have your yer been. I love everything that you brot this yeri wot a Vlekchik heokoptre. ths yer you will hav the best cokes. Your friend, Ben S.

Dear Santa, Can I please have The American girl doll of the year. She is Graece. A hamster, with a cage, And a x-box 360, and a flat skrean tv for my room and for the x-box 3-60. From, Avery

Bill, Tyler & Justin Sawyer A COMMITMENT TO

Dear Santa, Thanks for the Elsa and Krisston. Next year I wont a anna doll. And a americen gril doll. That’s all a rilly won’t. And what kind of melk do you like. o and im triying to be a good gril. do you have a assistant is it a gril? I love what you gave me last year. I love you with all my hart. Ooo and santa I love winter. Hay Santa I will leave you some delicious cookys! and i will Leave 8 carites for the raindeer. does roodolf igsist? By santa safe trip. Your friend, Love Kodi

Dear Santa, I have a treat for yo u for your trip on christmas eve. I hope you like it. And say hi to Rudolph please. Love Brody

Merry Christmas!


Brynn Bridge I love you Santa Claus

Pequot Lakes Physical Therapy Services 568-5666 •


Terry Aleckson Denny Aleckson 1361 State 84 SW Pine River, MN 56474 218-587-2558

Dear Santa, I have been really good putting my toys away. A phone please Santa. I will share it with my brother. Santa please I will be good until Christmas, santa if you get it. I will love you Santa. Trenten Schliek

Dear Santa, I have been inbetwen good and bad and I dont now which one I have been. I help my sisters calm down by huging them and they feel better with me aound and I help my dad by painting and working in the garage and I help my mom by clening the house and doing the dishes for her. But I

Merry Christmas!



Dear Santa, I have been good and bad this year. I have been good some days and bad some days this year. For Christmas I want a toy called Puppy Surprise. Have a Mary Christmas. Maren Wallin

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I helped my dad put the bunk beds together. What I really want is clothes and anything you give me. I will love it all! You are probably going to give me wonderful stuf and I know it will look pretty and I hope you have a grat trip to every body’s house! Avery Peterson Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I made my sisters bed and I did 4 things for her. I really want my family and dogs to have the Best Christmas ever! I hope you have a safe trip. Emily Held

Dear Santa, I have been good. I feed my cat. I help mom go grocery shopping. I want a tablat 12 inches wide. I hope Rudolph’s nose glows on Christmas. Javin Cooley Dear Santa, I love you because you are nice. You have some elfs that help you. You always give all of the girls and boys presents because you have been nice. I want a new semi truck with a trailer for Christmas. Sincerly, Logan Arnold Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I have swept the floors. Could you bring me love and joy? Wil Beach

Dear Santa, I been super great. I have been nice to my brothers. I clen my room when my mom


Pine River Mini Storage Jeff and Reneé Stranne, Owners 2876 28th Ave. SW, Pine River, MN 56474 • (218) 587-3396

Peace on the earth– goodwill to men May the joyous spirit of Christmas reside in your heart throughout the holiday season and beyond

from Beau & Bud!

GARDINER’S HARDWARE & FURNITURE 587-2585 Downtown Pine River



We thank you for your patronage this year and look forward to your continued visits.





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M erry Christmas &

We’d like to wish you a happy and healthy Holiday Season.

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Merry Christmas and Many Thanks For Your Patronage.

Merry Christmas

PINE RIVER 218-587-4762 PEQUOT LAKES 218-568-5440 NISSWA 218-963-2163

Dear Santa, I have been relly good this year. I helped my mom carey groshrey bags in. This Christmas I want a puppy to. Griffin Miller

says and I do it so it can be clen. I want to get a big guy because it is fun. I want you to have a safe trip. Alex Tizzano


R estaurant closing a t 2pm C hristmas E ve and will be closed C hristmas Day

A - P ine Exp ress closing a t 4pm C hristmas E ve and O pen 8am-4pm C hristmas Day O pen 8am-4pm New Y ear’ s Day


Dear Santa, I have been really awesome this year. I helped my dad put on his jakit becase he had surgery on his shoulder. I really

Dear Santa, I have been good. I want note books. I want new head pfones. I want a i pfone. I want a jeep. I also want Amaracki girl doll clos. I want a dog. I want makup and nalle polish. I want a coting cande maker and a snow cone maker. Olivia

Dear Santa, Ive been good this year. Ive been helping Olivia the student with her math and spelling. All I want for Christmas is a cat and candy maker and Peeano. I hope you have a very Christmas. Hallea Johnston

Dear Santa, I have been really awesome this year. I play with my baby brother every day. I try my best in school every day. I really want a Barbie House and some barbies with it. I hope you have a safe trip. Francine Ganley

have been a little bad because I am mean too my brother. Sierra Larson


Dear Santa, I have been really, really, really good this year. I take care of my cat. I want a cotten candy machine and a snow cone machine. Merry Christmas. Ethan Moser

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I have been doing my chores and home work. I would like a Zommer Dino and a kindel fire. I hope you will have a Happy Christmas day. Kelton Potocki

Dear Santa, I have been a little noty this year. But other wise I have been good this year. I put the dishes away. I want to tbe best Christmas ever! I hope you have the best Christmas ever too! Natalia Jorgens

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I help my mom and dad. I really want a toy gun for Christmas. I hope you have a grate ride. Noah Blanchard


Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I helped my dog this year. I have been giveing her food and water. I really want a puppy for Christmas. Hope you have a safe trip. Ahnika Weik

Dear Santa, I have been kinda notty and pretty nice too. I take care of my kitten and help my mom. I would like football cleats, Adrian Peterson shirt, and something to play games on at day care. Cade Daniel Gravdahl

Dear Santa, I have been kind of good so far and a little notty to. I helped my dad with laundry. I want to have the best christmas ever. I will have cookies on the table waiting for you; Kendall Gallaway


Dear Santa, I’ve been good and bad, but you can just say I’ve been in the middle. I’ve been good by listening to my mom. I’ve been bad by not listening to my teacher. I want the Pie Face Game. Please, oh,please! Can you keep Patrick safe for me? Alex Van Allen

want Ax Box One for Christmas. I hope you can get it for me. Landon Besmen


Susie Hurin


December 17, 2015

2015 Holiday Greetings


December 17, 2015

Cheri Lemberg Winter Snowball fighting Ouch!!!, Snow is very amazing, Snowboarding with bro. By: Ella D.

2015 Holiday Greetings

Sticky icicles. By Tate B.

Skating on a lake. By: Alexis A.

Winter Cold igloo snowforts, Deep snowhill jumping snowman, Cold icicle hats. Riglee N.

Winter Pretty snowflakes falls, Igloo made by kids in park, Slideing down big hills. by Brock A.

Winter Jumping in cold snow, Sledding downhill whee whoo! Shoveling road yaa! By: Ozzy T.

Slippery skating Making igloos lots of fun Ice is slippery By Bryce P.

Winter Watery showpants, Sledding is fun on a hill

Winter Fun and sticky snow Amazing slipry ice

Beautiful snowflake falling AMazing deep snow. By: Beau B. Winter Pretty Christma tree, Snowboarding on the the snowbank, Amazing angels. By: Kayla N.

Winter Pretty snowflakes wow! Beautiful cold Christmas tree, Cool slippery ice. By: Madeline A.

Winter Skiing down a hill, Pretty snowflakes in cold snow, Snowboarding is fun. by Sawyer T.

Winter Pretty Christmas trees

Winter Beautiful snowflake, Shiny pretty Christmas tree, Sledding down snowhill. By: Kayden M.

Winter Skating on cold ice, Snowy snowbank on a hill, Deep snow freezing ice. By Haivyn B.

Winter Cold icicle drop, Jumping in deep snow is fun, Skiing down a hill. By: Isaiah A.

Winter Snowmobiles on hill, People skating on a lake, Sleding down a hill. by: Andrew V. Winter Beautiful snowflakes Quiet snowflakes falling Fabulous snowhill. by Molly B.

Winter Skiing down slope, Amazing sticky snowflakes, Snowboarding windy. By Madison B.

Have a Sweet and Blessed Christmas!

Wishing You A Happy Healthy Holiday!

John & Julie

The Bakery will be Open December 24th - 6AM - Noon and then closing until Jan. 5, 2015


Pine River


BAKERY 587-2545

Jaime Preble, DDS


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IT’S CHRISTMAS, EVERYWHERE! Wherever you go, we’re wishing you a world-class holiday! Thank you for choosing us for your communications needs. Drawing by Halie Bengston, a second-grader in Mrs. Nelson’s class at Eagle View Elementary School.

35910 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442


The Echo Journal thanks all the area second-grade teachers for taking the time to have their students write letters to Santa or create winter poems for our annual Holiday Greetings section. It’s always a favorite our staff and readers. Happy holidays to all!

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WANT TO SEE MORE PHOTOS? Check out our KLICK gallery for all of your winter sports action shots!


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Wishing you the gifts of the season

Peace, Joy, Hope


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