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Mountain Bike Trail Maps
Abandonedbyminingcompaniesmorethan30yearsago, thisareanowboasts5,000acresofregeneratedvegeta�on. Theareaoffersavarietyofrecrea�onopportuni�esincluding biking(pavedandmountainbiketrails),snowmobiling, fishing,boa�ng,hiking,wildlife-watching,scubadiving, campingandmore.
Theover60-milelongmountainbiketrailsystemcovers nearly800acres.CheckouttheYawkeyMineLake,orfora greatview,gowestthroughtheMiner’sMountainRally CentertoseetheMiner’sMountainOverlookandthe Hun�ngtonMineLake.
Whenitrains,thesingletracktrailswillbeimmediately closedtoallusers(footorbike)un�ltrailcondi�onsdryout orimprove.Pleasecontacttheparkofficeforup-to-date informa�onorvisittheCCSRAwebsite.
Inaddi�onto27milesofnaturalshoreline,sixminelakes connecttocreate267acresofcon�nuouswater;perfectfor exploringbyboatorcanoe.Anglerscancastalinefortrout (withatroutstamp),northern,bass,crappieorsunfish.
Diverswillfindclearwaterwithsheerwallsandflatterraces, characteris�cofthemineroads,railroadsandother remnantsoftheminingindustry.
•Ridetoyourabilityandincontrolatall �mes.
•Parents,watchchildrenatall �mes.
Mountainbiketrailscanhavelooseandslipperysurfaces.Proceed carefullyasrocksandtreesfrequentlyfall,andarecommonlyencountered onthemountainbiketrails.Extremecau�onshouldbeusedonthemountainbiketrailsatall Hun�ngisanallowedac�vityintheCCSRA.Trailsclosetoallusesoutsideofhun�ngduringthe3week
FirearmsDeerhuntinNovember.PleasechecktheCCSRAwebsiteforcurrentinforma�onand recommenda�ons.
Trailmarkersareshownonthismapandplacedinthefield. Ifyouhaveanemergency,call911,andprovidethedispatcherwiththefollowing: -Descrip�onoftheemergency.
•Buildingafire(exceptinafireringatthecampgroundor yurts.)
•Petsoff leash,petsmustbeonaleashnolongerthansix feetinlengthandpersonallya�ended.
Music In The Park
Another great event hosted in the Crosby-Ironton area, Music in the Park is hosted every second and fourth Thursday in the months of June, July, and August in Crosby’s Memorial Park. A free community event made possible through a generous grant from the Five Wings Art Council and donations from area businesses through the Cuyuna Lakes Chamber, Music in the Park hosts local music artists as they perform a three-hour concert for everyone to attend. Nestled on the shores of Serpent Lake, Crosby Memorial Park’s concert stage offers a perfect atmosphere for adults and families alike to bring along a chair and relax on a summer night. With local vendors in attendance each week, you can treat yourself to some delicious food truck fare, a sweet treat or even a massage while in attendance.
Soo Line Museum
The Soo Line Depot was built in 1910. It was part of a 1908-1910 project to build a rail line from Superior, Wisconsin, to Thief River Falls, Minnesota, with a branch (Crosby) to the Cuyuna Iron Range. It is now the home of the Soo Line Depot Museum which is filled with artifacts, photos and documents telling the stories of everyday life and historical events on the Cuyuna Iron Range. The museum features information and pictures pertaining to the Mining History in the Cuyuna Range, including the Milford Mine disaster, Minnesota’s largest mining disaster. There is also a life-sized replica of the capsule that Dr.
David Simons rode to the stratosphere. There are also 100-year-old tools from logging and mining and photos of the miners and mines that were so plentiful in this region and built what has now become the Cuyuna lakes area. Named in “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” as the only depot in the world where the trains came in but never went past.
Downtown Murals
The Cuyuna Lakes has undergone a renaissance over the last 15 years, with our historic buildings being preserved, renovated, and utilized as our thriving business community grows. Along with the preservation of our downtown areas, the arts have taken a lead in creating the atmosphere in our community. Started as a project from area nonprofit organization Project Revive, many buildings in our community feature vibrant murals on their facades. From history praising murals like the Man High Mission on the side of Spalding House, to the history of the Cuyuna Lakes on the side of Iron Range Eatery, or a celebration of the outdoor activities you can now enjoy in the Cuyuna Lakes, you can enjoy the artistic representation of the Cuyuna Lakes as you stroll along our city’s bustling streets.
The Cuyuna Range is along The Great River Road National Scenic Byway that follows the course of the Mississippi River for 3,000 miles from northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. The Great River Road is a well-marked series of different roads and highways that roughly follow the winding course of the Mississippi River. Travelers will find white signs displaying a green pilot’s wheel logo. The symbol denotes which roads are part of the designated route that was selected for its natural, cultural, historical, recreational, and scenic properties. All along the Great River Road, visitors find interesting things to see and do, including many river-related attractions and designated interpretive centers. The Cuyuna Range is no exception. Travelers can drive a short portion of the byway to experience some of the numerous amenities the area must offer. Learn more at mnmississippiriver.com.
Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area
The area features more than 5,000 acres of forests and lakes. Opportunities abound for biking, hiking, ice fishing, snowshoeing, skiing, and snowmobiling. Access the area from several places in Crosby or Ironton. Check with the DNR for maps and the latest updates, 218-772-3690 or dnr.state.mn.us
Cuyuna Country has miles of fat tire biking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling trails waiting for you.
Winter outdoor enthusiasts will find miles of snowmobile trails which connect to miles of trails in northern Minnesota. In addition to the superb snowmobile trail system, some trails double as non-winter ATV trails. The Sno-Serpents Snowmobile Club takes great pride in making sure riders have the best-groomed trails in the state. Their volunteers groom 83 miles through beautiful, scenic Crow Wing County.
Thank you Sno-Serpents for the 83 miles of beautiful, scenic Crow Wing County groomed trails!