The Brainerd Dispatch TV Week April 22nd 2018

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April 22 - 28, 2018 A wilder West Evan Rachel Wood and James Marsden in “Westworld” TVWeek - Story on page 2218-822-3026 | 7837 Excelsior Road | Baxter Exp. August 15th 2015 THREE BOARD CERTIFIED PEDORTHISTS ON STAFF Medicare Approved Footwear For Diabetics Orthopedic Footwear for Special Needs (Bunions, Hammertoes, Edema) FOOT PAIN? Let Us Help Solve The Problem Athletic, Casual, Occupational Footwear & Apparel 9-5 M-F 10-2 Sat. We design, manufacture and fit Custom Orthotics CUSTOM ORTHOTICS $180 FootwearforEverydayPeople 001705174r1 Offer expires 4/30/18 Offer expires 4/30/18 Offer expires 4/30/18 001705163r1 CLICK | SEARCH |DONE

Late Laughs

Strange new frontiers: Sentient hosts stake their claim over ‘Westworld’

The concept of androids has permeated social consciousness since the 1800s, but it wasn’t until 1984’s sci-fi hit “The Terminator” graced the screen that people genuinely feared the prospect of “the singularity,” and a world where humans would become ruled by machines.

While most films and novels have suggested that the robot rebellion will be brought in with a bang, “Westworld” proved that a whimper was equally, if not more, effective. This soft realization leads to some formidable action, however, with the hosts ready to venture out and discover the many layers of the park when season 2 begins Sunday, April 22, on HBO.

The premise of “Westworld” is somewhat familiar, due to the popularity of the android sentience trope in science fiction. The series origins stem from the 1973 Michael Crichton film of the same name, upon which it is loosely based.

Season 1 introduced viewers to Westworld, a theme park in the nottoo-distant future that allows society’s wealthiest to indulge in the ultimate immersive experience. Though other locations are alluded to, the

bulk of the show’s first season takes place in Sweetwater, a frontier town complete with saloons, gunslingers and an eerily recognizable piano score. Given the choice of black or white hat, humans can either experience a kinder, gentler version of the Wild West, or delve deeper into a gritty world of vengeance and violence, allowing themselves to express all manner of taboo, morally questionable acts.

This experience is only a success due to the plethora of android hosts that populate the parks. The freshman season introduced us to the saloon’s madam, Maeve Millay (Thandie Newton, “ER”), whose recurring dreams about a daughter from a past storyline (pre-madam) gradually led to her becoming self-aware. Teddy Flood (James Marsden, “X-Men,” 2000) isn’t quite that cognizant, with the heroic gunslinger propelled more by love than self-realization to assist another host on her quest. That host is the enigmatic Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood, “True Blood”). No host still operating has endured the life Dolores has, seen what she’s seen, or would be a more likely candidate for becoming fully sentient.

In fact, the rebellion so impeccably orchestrated in promotional material for season 2 of “Westworld” seems

largely to fall within the hands of Dolores and Maeve, both of whom are now ready to help their kind rise above and usurp the technological throne from their creators. Although season 1 gave us the first step in this direction, season 2 promises even bolder and more confident hosts, no longer willing to play nice and be trampled upon by the guiltless whims of humanity. Each of the main androids is forging his or her own path along the outskirts of the frontier, venturing into the park’s other “worlds” in search of greater freedom and a deeper truth.

As season 1 established, leaving the park entirely won’t be easy. It will, in fact, require the help of humans. Dolores and the hosts must therefore decide: stake their claim over the park itself, or find a way to move beyond its borders, to map out a life for all of their kind in a brave new world.

Although “Westworld” isn’t the first big series about androids to captivate audiences around the globe, no other series has managed — so far — to explore the prospect of the singularity in such a thoughtful and layered way. In drawing out the selfawareness of Dolores and her fellow hosts, series creators Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan were able to humanize these androids, giving them a

softer voice. Viewers understand and support their motivations, because they’re able to see themselves in the struggles and hardships endured by the hosts at the hands of their own decadent, careless species.

Newton opened up about this in a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight. When presented with the script for season 2, Newton admits that she was “completely shellshocked” by the direction in which Joy and Nolan were taking the series. “It was absolutely not what I thought was going to happen,” she said.

Newton was quite tight-lipped regarding what would or would not be occurring during the second season, whether on the macro level regarding the entire world of the series, or at a micro level when discussing her character Maeve and her own motivations: “As far as I know — because I really don’t know — as far as Maeve knows, she has a degree of command over what she’s doing.”

She admits that, whether being instructed to or otherwise, holding back information is essential to the viewer experience, though, because “it’s delayed gratification” that allows us to “enjoy discovering” what will happen next with the series.

If the first season of “Westworld” left audiences with one primary lesson, it’s this: truth is entirely abstract. Hosts we believed to be self-motivated were long manipulated, those we thought to be human only acting so. A creator’s relationship with his own creation is often multifaceted and seldom one-dimensional. Everything that Dolores, Maeve and the other self-aware hosts believe they know about humanity will be tested as they try to forge their own paths in what may simply be yet another maze they’re being coaxed to run by their master’s hand.

Discover the new worlds that await the beloved hosts of “Westworld” when season 2 premieres Sunday, April 22, on HBO.

Thandie Newton as seen in “Westworld”


The 2020 Census is asking a new question that many say is invasive and inappropriate. The question is: “Are you Gryffindor or Hufflepuff?”

A new report says that President Trump has been hiring people for his administration based on how they perform on television. So congratulations to our new secretary of housing and urban development, Mr. Andy Richter.

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon

Engineers have created a futuristic jetpack that lets you fly up to 10,000 feet in the air. It even has a cool name: It’s called, “YOU Try It First.”

I read about a man in Ohio who just ended his streak of eating Chipotle for 500 straight days. When asked why he decided to stop, his family said, “Oh, he died.”

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Beyoncé’s biter remains at large, and it’s extremely important to me we figure this out, because America needs to know: what does Beyoncé taste like?

Last week, Trump called Putin to congratulate him on winning a shady election in which he was the only real candidate, despite the fact that his advisers gave him notes in all capital letters stating “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.” Come on guys, if you want him to read a note, put it on something he pays attention to, like a cheeseburger, or Ivanka.

The Late Late Show With James Corden

We all know Trump’s type is: whoever he’s not married to at the time.

A sculpture depicting President Trump completely naked from head to toe is set to go up for auction in May. I’d like to start the bidding at no dollars. Nothing. I’ll actually pay you to take it away.

Late Night With Seth Meyers

According to reports, adult film star Stormy Daniels took a polygraph test in 2011 about her relationship with President Trump, and the examiner found there was a more than 99 percent probability she told the truth about their affair. And we know Trump is lying, because we can hear him.

Former FBI director James Comey’s memoir has already topped Amazon’s list of bestsellers, almost a month ahead of its release due to pre-orders. Or, you can find it in your local bookstore, blocking Hillary Clinton’s book.

2 • April 22 - 28, 2018 • Brainerd Dispatch
Story this
Brainerd Dispatch • April 22 - 28, 2018 •3 ACROSS 1 May honoree 4 Mess up 9 ___ Lanka 12 Celestial altar 13 Become accustomed (to) 14 Component in bronze 15 Whole lot 16 Medical drama starring Marcia Gay Harden 18 Former HBO mobster drama 20 Low priced 22 Kind of instrument 23 Shield of Zeus 24 Reagan’s first wife 28 Broadway hit “Hamilton’s” ___-Manuel Miranda 29 Nashvillebased awards org. 30 Current Bond portrayer 33 Like some eclipses 35 “Days of Our Lives” police officer Price 38 “The Three Sisters” sister 39 Friday night news program 43 HBO series set in an androidfilled theme park 44 “Hee ___” 47 Genesis ship 48 White poplar tree 49 Be behind 50 Votes against 51 Red Sea nation 52 “Dancing with the Stars” judge Goodman DOWN 1 “Welcome” site 2 Pizarro’s prize 3 Special Agent Rossi in “Criminal Minds” 4 Arm muscles 5 John Lennon’s in-laws 6 Elizabeth I was the last one 7 Folded breakfast dish 8 One of Israel’s official languages 9 “South Park” child 10 Puerto ___ 11 Signs, as a contract 17 Disney dog 19 Yokohama yes 20 Math class, for short 21 Next in line? 25 “Empty Nest” star Kristy 26 “Take it like ___ ___!” 27 Former Japanese capital 31 “Why should ___ ___ you?” 32 Western Irish city 33 “Barney Miller’s” Barney Miller: Hal ___ 34 City, briefly 36 Mythical weeper 37 Against a thing, legally 39 Influential early filmmaker Allan who directed “Heidi” (1937) 40 Dynamic start 41 Sounds of disapproval 42 Vogue rival 45 Leave speechless 46 Benign cyst Solution on page 10 Crossword television Please run your script. Intersection Hwy 371N & CR 77 218-829-4787 • 800-642-1566 Mon. - Fri. 7am - 6pm • Sat. 7am - 1pm CHEVROLET • CADILLAC FREE Shuttle Rides, Coffee, Doughnuts, & Popcorn! Coupon • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon Register to win a FREE dinner for two Coupon Ladies DayTuesdays Register to win a 1/2 hour massage at $5.00 OFF Oil Change Senior DayWednesdays $5.00 OFF Oil Change • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon 001704969r1 001581354r1 25673 Main Street, Nisswa • Mon.-Sat. 7:30-6 • Sun. 9-4 • 218-963-7645 • WE VALUE YOUR BUSINESS Proud to Call Nisswa Home 001704344r1 Laurie Hall 326 W. Laurel St. Brainerd, MN (3 blocks South of Walgreens) 218-828-0460 Horizon Health, Inc. offers many services for you or a loved one. · Hospice · Homecare · Assisted Living · Adult Foster Care · Board and Lodging · Caregiver Support · Independent Senior Housing · Independence Plus · In-home Rehabilitation · Medication Management · Palliative Care · Volunteer Services · Free Educational and Community Events For more information: Check out our website at or visit our Facebook Page! 001704109r1

Sunday, April 22

8:00 a.m. ESPN E:60 (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN In-Depth Outdoors (0:30)

SHOW Boxing Adrien ‘The Problem’ Broner vs. Jessie ‘The Pride of Las Vegas’ Vargas Showtime Championship Boxing. From Barclays Center-- Brooklyn, N.Y. (3:30)

8:30 a.m. FSN American Heroes Outdoors (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 E:60 (1:00)

FSN Jason Mitchell Outdoors (0:30)

9:30 a.m. FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:55)

10:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 H.S. Football All-Star Challenge. From AT&T Stadium-Arlington, Texas (2:00)

FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

10:25 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer Liverp’l at WBA From The Hawthorns-- West Midlands, England (Live) (2:05)

10:30 a.m. FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

11:30 a.m. (5) KSTP NBA Countdown (0:30)

FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

Noon (5) KSTP NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30) (7) KCCO NFL Films (1:00)

ESPN PBA Bowling Quarter-final From Bayside Bowl-- Portland, Me. (2:00)

ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at T.B. From Tropicana Field-- St. Petersburg, Fla. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Texas Open. From TPC San Antonio-- San Antonio, Texas (Live) (1:45)

12:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (1:30)

NBCSN Barclays Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (1:00)

1:00 p.m. (7) KCCO PBR Bull Riding Bucking Battle. Billings, Mont. (1:00)

1:30 p.m. NBCSN Premier League Download (0:30)

1:45 p.m. GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:15)

2:00 p.m. (7) KCCO PGA Golf Final Round Texas Open. From TPC San Antonio-- San Antonio, Texas (Live) (3:00)

(11) KARE NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN Sports Shorts (0:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Softball Women’s Ten. at Ala. From Rhoads Stadium-Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF CHAMPS Golf Final Round Legends of Golf. From Top of the Rock Golf Course-- Ridgedale, Mo. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN IndyCar Series Pre-race (Live) (0:30)

2:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN SportsCenter Featured (0:30)

NBCSN IndyCar Auto Racing IndyCar Series Grand Prix of Alabama. From Barber Motorsports Park-- Birmingham, Ala. (Live) (2:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN MLS Soccer MIN at Sea From CenturyLink Field-- Seattle, Wash. (Live) (2:00)

5:00 p.m. ANPL Robson Green Extreme Fisherman (1:00)

GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round L.A. Open. From Wilshire Country Club-- Los Angeles, Calif. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

5:30 p.m. TNT NBA Pre-game Show (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00)

FSN UFC Main Event (1:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:45)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

6:30 p.m. ESPN2 We the Fans (1:00)

7:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball Wash. at L.A. D. From Dodger Stadium-- Los Angeles, Calif. (Live) (3:00)

FSN UFC Ultimate Knockouts (0:30)

7:30 p.m. ESPN2 We the Fans (1:00)

FSN Focused (0:30)

8:00 p.m. FSN WPT Poker King of the Club. (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 We the Fans (1:00)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

8:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

9:00 p.m. ANPL Robson Green

Extreme Fisherman (1:00)

FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Texas Open. From TPC San Antonio-- San Antonio, Texas (4:30)

9:30 p.m. ESPN2 We the Fans (1:00)

FSN Golf Life (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

FSN Sled Head 24/7 (0:30)

NBCSN Cycling Liège-Bastogne-Liège. (1:30)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 Sports Shorts (0:30)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

10:35 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:25)

11:00 p.m. ANPL Robson Green

Extreme Fisherman (1:00)

ESPN2 ESPN FC (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker King of the Club. (1:00)

TNT Inside the NBA (1:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

NBCSN Match of the Day (1:00)

Monday, April 23

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Power of Sports (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (3:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Wolf. at M’Glad. From Borussia-Park-- Monchengladbach, Germany (2:00)

9:30 a.m. TMC Movie (1:30)

10:00 a.m. GOLF CHAMPS Golf Final Round Legends of Golf. From Top of the Rock Golf Course-- Ridgedale, Mo. (2:30)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at T.B. From Tropicana Field-- St. Petersburg, Fla. (2:00)

NBCSN IndyCar Auto Racing IndyCar Series Grand Prix of Alabama. From Barber Motorsports Park-- Birmingham, Ala. (2:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

5:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:30)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF The Skill Code (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

GOLF The Skill Code (0:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN NCAA Baseball Ia. vs. Min. (2:00)

GOLF Shotmakers (1:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:45)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

USA WWE Monday Night Raw (3:05)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

Tuesday, April 24

8:30 a.m. FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (3:00)

FSN DFL Soccer B. Muni. at Han. From AWD Arena-- Hanover, Germany (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round L.A. Open. From Wilshire Country Club-- Los Angeles, Calif. (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN NCAA Baseball Ia. vs. Min. (2:00)

NBCSN Fishing With Roland Martin (0:30)

11:30 a.m. NBCSN Sweetwater (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN SportsNation (Live) (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN SportsNation (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN NCAA Baseball Ia. vs. Min. (2:00)

NBCSN George Poveromo’s World of Saltwater Fishing (0:30)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

NBCSN My Classic Car (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

GOLF Shotmakers (1:00)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)



NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

5:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

9:30 p.m. ESPN2 NFL MatchUp (0:30)

FSN Golf Life (0:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

GOLF Golf World Long Drive Clash in the Canyon. From Mesquite Sports and Event Complex-- Mesquite, Nev. (2:00)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN Focused (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (1:00)

ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN WPT Poker King of the Club. (1:00)

Wednesday, April 25

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30) GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (3:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Ber. at Fran. From Commerzbank-Arena-- Frankfurt, Germany (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF Shotmakers (1:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (2:00)

GOLF Shotmakers (1:00)

NBCSN George Poveromo’s World of Saltwater Fishing (0:30)

11:30 a.m. NBCSN My Classic Car (0:30)


Texas Open. From TPC San Antonio-- San Antonio, Texas (4:30)

1:00 p.m. FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:55)

1:30 p.m. FSN Focused (0:30)

1:55 p.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer NEW at Evert. From Goodison Park-- Liverpool, England (Live) (2:05)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (0:30)

FSN Golf Life (0:30)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 Outside the Lines (0:30)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN SportsNation (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at T.B. From Tropicana Field-- St. Petersburg, Fla. (2:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

NBCSN Barclays Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (0:30)

FSN UFC UFC 208 Holly Holm vs. Germaine de Randamie From Barclays Center-- Brooklyn, N.Y. (3:00)

GOLF Shotmakers (1:00)

9:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter Special

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live)

9:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)

10:00 p.m. ANPL Robson Green Extreme Fisherman (1:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

10:30 p.m. NBCSN Red Bull Air Race (2:00)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (1:00)

ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

GOLF Shotmakers (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter Special (Live) (1:30)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:30)

GOLF Golf World Long Drive Clash in the Canyon. From Mesquite Sports and Event Complex-- Mesquite, Nev. (Live) (2:00)

6:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:45)

7:00 p.m. TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

USA WWE Super Smackdown (2:00)

7:30 p.m. ESPN Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (1:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

GOLF Shotmakers (2:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter Special (1:00)

ESPN2 Inside the EA Sports Madden Ultimate League (0:30)

FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN SportsNation (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

1:00 p.m. FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

1:30 p.m. FSN Golf Life (0:30)

GOLF Golf World Long Drive Clash in the Canyon. From Mesquite Sports and Event Complex-- Mesquite, Nev. (2:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (0:30)

FSN WPT Poker King of the Club. (1:00)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 Outside the Lines (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN SportsNation (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (2:00)

NBCSN Motorcycle Racing American Flat Track Atlanta Short Track. (1:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

GOLF The Skill Code (0:30)

8 • April 22 - 28, 2018 • Brainerd Dispatch
(2:00) 12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30) 7:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (0:30) 8:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (0:30) GOLF Shotmakers (1:00) 8:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (0:30)
ESPN SportsNation (Live)
ESPN2 First Take
PGA Golf Final Round
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Sports this week

5:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball Chi.C. at Cle. From Progressive Field-- Cleveland, Ohio (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (1:30)

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

6:30 p.m. GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

7:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Celebrity Skills Challenge. From Mauna Lani Golf Course-- Koala Coast, Hawaii (1:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:45)

7:30 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

GOLF Golf’s Greatest Rounds (1:30)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (0:30)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

9:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter Special (0:30)

FSN Focused (0:30)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 1 China Open. From Topwin Golf & Country Club-Beijing, China (Live) (2:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 The Draft: Featured (0:30)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 1 China Open. From Topwin Golf & Country Club-Beijing, China (2:00)

NBCSN Sports Jeopardy! (0:30)

Thursday, April 26

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Lund the Ultimate Fishing Experience (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (3:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Round

1 United Leasing and Finance

Championship. From Victoria National Golf Club-- Newburgh, Ind. (Live) (3:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

11:30 a.m. FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

1:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-- Avondale, La. (Live) (4:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (0:30)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsNation (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

HBO 24/ 7 (0:30)

3:30 p.m. FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN College GameDay (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

FSN Focused (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

4:30 p.m. FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

FSN Golf Life (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

5:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 1 Mediheal Championship. From Lake Merced Golf Club-- San Francisco, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Draft Countdown (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

6:30 p.m. (9) KMSP The Richard Pitino Show (0:30)

FSN Twins Live Pre-game (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:45)

7:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR ESPN NFL Draft (Live) (3:30)

ESPN2 NFL Draft From AT&T Stadium-Arlington, Texas (Live) (3:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (3:00)

8:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (0:30)

8:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Round 1

Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-- Avondale, La. (3:00)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

10:00 p.m. FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

NBCSN Golf World Long Drive Clash in the Canyon. (2:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 2 China Open. From Topwin Golf & Country Club-Beijing, China (2:00)

Friday, April 27

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (3:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Round 2 United Leasing and Finance Championship. From Victoria National Golf Club-- Newburgh, Ind. (Live) (3:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

11:30 a.m. FSN Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Sit and Be Fit (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

12:30 p.m. FSN In-Depth Outdoors (0:30)

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4:30 p.m. FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Draft Countdown (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

5:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

FSN Sled Head 24/7 (0:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 2 Mediheal Championship. From Lake Merced Golf Club-- San Francisco, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR ESPN NFL Draft (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NBA Countdown (Live) (1:00)

FSN Three Wide Life (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:30)

11:30 p.m. GOLF EPGA Golf Round 3 China Open. From Topwin Golf & Country Club-- Beijing, China (Live) (4:30)

NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

Saturday, April 28

9:00 a.m. CNBC EPL Soccer Evert. at HUD From Kirklees Stadium-Huddersfield, England (Live) (2:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (Live) (2:00)

9:30 a.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

10:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

10:30 a.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

FSN Lindner’s Angling Edge (0:30)

11:00 a.m. (5) KSTP ESPN NFL Draft (Live) (7:00)

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NBCSN Curling Quarter-final World Mixed Doubles Championship. Ostersund, Sweden (Live) (2:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at N.Y. Y. From Yankee Stadium-- Bronx, N.Y. (2:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

1:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-- Avondale, La. (Live) (4:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (0:30)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsNation (0:30)

NBCSN Cycling Tour of Croatia. (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

3:30 p.m. FSN Lindner’s Angling Edge (0:30)

NBCSN Triathlon Ironman Cape Epic. (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN College GameDay (Live) (1:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Track & Field Penn Relays. From Franklin Field-- Philadelphia, Pa. (Live) (1:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

7:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 NFL Draft From AT&T Stadium-Arlington, Texas (Live) (3:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Cin. at Min. From Target Field-- Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

8:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (0:30)

8:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-- Avondale, La. (3:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

9:30 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

TBS ELeague (1:00)

10:15 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:20)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:30)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

10:35 p.m. (15) KVRR KVRR Sports Extra (0:30)

11:00 p.m. FSN WPT Poker King of the Club. (1:00)

NBCSN Track & Field Drake Relays. From Drake Stadium-- Des Moines, Iowa (Live) (2:00)

2:30 p.m. (9) KAWE Prairie Sportsman (0:30)

LIFE NWSL Soccer NCC vs. Hou. (Live) (2:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Softball Women’s Ore. at Wash. From Husky Softball Stadium-- Seattle, Wash. (Live) (2:00)

4:00 p.m. FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

NBCSN RFU Rugby English Premiership. Bath vs. Glo. (2:00)

4:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR AMA Supercross Monster Energy. From RiceEccles Stadium-- Salt Lake City, Utah (Live) (3:00)

FSN UEFA Soccer Semifinal Leg 1 Champions League. (2:00)

5:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 3 Mediheal Championship. From Lake Merced Golf Club-- San Francisco, Calif. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Softball Women’s LSU at Fla. From Katie Seashole Pressly Softball Stadium-- Gainesville, Fla. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (1:00)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:30)

HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

11:30 a.m. (11) KARE EPL Soccer Chels. vs. Swan. Swansea, Wales (Live) (2:00)

FSN American Heroes Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Track & Field Penn Relays. From Franklin Field-- Philadelphia, Pa. (Live) (2:30)

Noon (9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series Qualifying Geico 500. From Talladega Superspeedway-- Talladega, Ala. (Live) (1:30)

FSN Jason Mitchell Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 3 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-Avondale, La. (Live) (1:45)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Softball Women’s Tex. at Okl. From OU Softball Complex-- Norman, Okla. (Live) (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Cin. at Min. From Target Field-- Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

1:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR Pre-Race (Live) (0:30)

(11) KARE Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (0:30)

1:45 p.m. GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:15)

2:00 p.m. (7) KCCO PGA Golf Round 3 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-- Avondale, La. (Live) (3:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Sparks Energy 300. From Talladega Superspeedway-Talladega, Ala. (Live) (2:30)

(11) KARE NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF Golf Round 3 United Leasing and Finance Championship.

From Victoria National Golf Club-Newburgh, Ind. (Live) (3:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN Boxing Isaac Dogboe vs. Jessie Magdaleno Top Rank. From Liacouras Center-- Philadelphia, Pa. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 eSports (Live) (1:30)

NBCSN Curling Gold Medal World Mixed Doubles Championship. Ostersund, Sweden (2:00)

7:00 p.m. (11) KARE NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Live) (3:00)

FSN MLS Soccer Hou at MIN From TCF Bank Stadium-- Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (2:00)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (Live) (2:30)

7:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR Boxing Josesito Lopez vs. Miguel Cruz Premier Champions. (Live) (2:00)

8:00 p.m. Mixed Martial Arts Card TBA Bellator 198. (Live) (3:15)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 3 Zurich Classic of New Orleans. From TPC Louisiana-Avondale, La. (2:30)

HBO Boxing Daniel Jacobs vs. Maciej Sulecki HBO After Dark. From Barclays Center-- Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:15)

9:30 p.m. ESPN2 Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 E:60 Pictures (1:00)

10:30 p.m. FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Playoffs. (2:30)

11:00 p.m. (23) WUCW Ring of Honor Wrestling (1:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Boxing Isaac Dogboe vs. Jessie Magdaleno Top Rank. From Liacouras Center-- Philadelphia, Pa. (2:00)

FSN WPT Poker King of the Club. (1:00)

11:15 p.m. HBO 24/ 7 (0:15)

11:30 p.m. GOLF EPGA Golf Final Round China Open. From Topwin Golf & Country Club-- Beijing, China (Live) (4:30)

HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Sports Apr 22, 2018 to Apr 28, 2018

Brainerd Dispatch • April 22 - 28, 2018 •9
Feel Independent Call Today for a FREE Quote

Secrets revealed: ‘Food: Fact or Fiction?’ hunts for culinary truths

Whoknew that the foods that we eat could hold so many secrets? For two seasons now, “Food: Fact or Fiction?” has peeled back the curtain and examined many of the myths, mysteries and idioms that surround our foods, and with the third season in full swing, the Cooking Channel series isn’t showing any signs of running out of tasty facts

tempura and explores why it’s tied to the Easter holiday in some cultures. Later, he grabs a fried egg sandwich and learns just how the dish spawned a revolution in breakfast. Plus, he tries to figure out what exactly hushpuppies are so hush-hush about anyway.

Earlier this season, the host brought in actor Joe Mantegna (“Criminal Minds”) to take apart the culinary traditions that are part of any authentic Italian wedding, found out what makes hum-

In next week’s new episode, airing Sunday, April 29, viewers might need a map as McKean goes cross-country to check out the stories behind some iconic regional dishes. In Boston, he’ll expose the half-baked lie behind the Boston cream pie. Then, he’s off to Cincinnati for the best Greek chili that he can find, and finally ends the road trip in Phila-

delphia, where the city’s signature cheesesteak faces a cheesy challenge.

Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Did spicy Pad Thai save an entire nation? Can the shape of a piece of chocolate transform its taste? Whether it’s a fact or a fib, McKean hunts the truth in “Food: Fact or Fiction?,” airing Sundays on Cooking Channel.

1:30 p.m. TRAV Crazy Delicious

2:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise

2:30 p.m. (8) WDSE America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated

3:00 p.m. (8) WDSE Martha Stewart’s Cooking School TRAV Food Paradise

4:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Food Apr 22, 2018 to Apr 28, 2018

Sunday, April 22 11:30 a.m. (8) WDSE Around the Farm Table Noon TRAV Bizarre Foods 1:00 p.m. (9) KAWE Lidia’s Kitchen TRAV Bizarre Foods 2:00 p.m. (8) WDSE A Chef’s Life TRAV Food Paradise 2:30 p.m. (8) WDSE Family Ingredients 3:00 p.m. (8) WDSE The Great British Baking Show TRAV Food Paradise 4:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 5:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 6:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise (N) Monday, April 23 7:00 a.m. TRAV Booze Traveler 8:00 a.m. TRAV Booze Traveler (N) 9:00 a.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods America 10:00 a.m. Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods The Rachael Ray Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods Tuesday, April 24 Booze Traveler The Zimmern List The Zimmern List The Zimmern List The Zimmern List The Zimmern List The Zimmern List Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Ellie’s Real Good Bizarre Foods: Delicious Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations The Rachael Ray Bizarre Foods: Delicious Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods America Bizarre Foods (N) The Zimmern List (N) The Zimmern List Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations The Zimmern List Wednesday, April 25 7:00 a.m. TRAV Booze Traveler 11:00 a.m. TRAV Best in Food (N) 11:30 a.m. TRAV Best in Food (N) Noon TRAV Food Paradise 1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show TRAV Food Paradise 2:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 3:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 4:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 5:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods Thursday, April 26 7:00 a.m. TRAV Booze Traveler 1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Friday, April 27 7:00 a.m. TRAV Booze Traveler 1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Saturday, April 28 8:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke 8:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Simply Ming 9:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Martha Bakes 9:30 a.m. (2) KTCA New Scandinavian Cooking 10:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Essential Pepin 10:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Lidia’s Kitchen 11:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Kevin Belton’s New Orleans Kitchen 11:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Sara’s Weeknight Meals Noon (2) KTCA Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen 12:30 p.m. (2) KTCA America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated 1:00 p.m. (2) KTCA Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street TRAV Crazy Delicious

Solution on page 10.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure Thomas (O’Brien), Frypan (Darden) and Newt (Brodie-Sangster) embark on one last adventure in the final chapter of the Maze Runner trilogy. With the knowledge that a cure for the horrific Flare virus is being developed, the young heroes travel to the Last City with the goal of liberating the immune children that are being held captive and experimented on. But with the city locked down and no one allowed to enter or leave its protective perimeter, they’ll need a plan if they’re to have any hope.

Director:WesBall.Stars:Dylan O’Brien,ThomasBrodie-Sangster,. 2018.141mins.Action.

Paddington 2

When he spots the perfect gift for his aunt’s 100th birthday in an antique shop’s window, Paddington (Whishaw) begins doing odd jobs around the neighborhood and saving every bit he makes so that he’ll be able to buy the beautiful pop-up book. However, when the book is stolen before he can purchase it, Paddington is accused of committing the theft and is arrested and thrown in jail while his family on the outside begins to suspect that their egotistical neighbor, Phoenix Buchanan (Grant), is the real culprit.

Director:PaulKing.Stars:Ben Whishaw,ImeldaStaunton.2017. 103min.Animation.

Den of Thieves

Corrupt detective “Big Nick” O’Brien (Butler) is hot on the trail of a group of serial robbers planning their biggest heist yet: stealing millions of dollars worth of bills from the Federal Reserve. Led by a veteran named Merrimen (Schreiber), the ruthless criminals have been hunted by Big Nick for a long time, but his own struggles

with his personal life keep getting in the way of his job. With the suspicion that a local bartender is somehow involved in the crime spree, Big Nick will do anything to stop the robberies.

Director:ChristianGudegast.Stars: GerardButler,PabloSchreiber, O’SheaJacksonJr.,50Cent,MeadowWilliams,EvanJones.2018.140 min.Action.

Brainerd Dispatch • April 22 - 28, 2018 •11
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Brainerd Dispatch • April 22 - 28, 2018 •19
Brainerd (Charter) CTC Emily (CATV) Crosslake Peqout Lakes (Charter) Onamia (Savage) Pierz (Midcontinent) East Gull Lake (Savage) Pillager (Savage) Verndale (Savage) Aitkin (Charter) Little Falls (Charter) Staples (Charter) Wadena (Charter) Walker (Tekstar) PBS ST. PAUL KTCA 825656 ABC MINNEAPOLIS/ALEXANDRIA KSTP/KSAX 5555 55555555555 NBC DULUTH KBJR CBS ALEXANDRIA/WALKER KCCO/KCCW 1244412444441241227 PBS BEMIDJI/BRAINERD KAWE/KAWB 42994 888484413 FOX EDEN PRAIRIE KMSP 99131399999 999999 ABC DULUTH WDIO NBC MINNEAPOLIS KARE 111111111111111111111111111111 FOX FARGO KVRR 10 CW MINNEAPOLIS WUCW 23 23686556232323236 MNT MINNEAPOLIS WFTC 101066107137771010101010 ION BIG LAKE KPXM 2412 2436 2413242424 A&E Arts & Enertainment 4691123234639383939394631464633 AMC American Movie Classic 42501343442176917171742574242 AP Animal Planet 5377136365342544242425335535353 BRAVO Bravo 3019017036030151715151513016430130168 CMTV Country Music Television 371021515937 39 3752373739 CNBC Consumer News & Business 4148119194129532929294144414137 CNN Cable News Network 3446121212826332626263434343425 COM Comedy 4840141464837303737374853484848 CSPAN C-Span (House of Representatives) 2116860219642222213212112 CSPAN2 C-Span2 (Senate) 85179 8516563165165 2085858543 DISC The Discovery Channel 3565114143540324040403547353535 DISN Disney 6055132326030293030306058606054 E! E! Entertainment Television 4493137374438453838384454444446 STZ ENC Starz Encore 710350537255710310309310310610750710710710325 ESPN Entertainment Sports Programming Network 2729125252724242424242729272730 ESPN2 Entertainment Sports Programming Network 2 28301262628252325252528 30282831 EWTN Eternal World Television 18022771809719979719618018018079 FREE Freeform 3142133333131373131313136313116 FOOD TV Food Network 6283144456215581515156261626247 FSN FOX Sports Network 2933124242923252323232928292917 FX FX 492814247495059 50 4971494940 HBO Home Box Office (Premium Service) 50030050120050033020330330630500500500500303 HGTV Home & Garden 5581130305516501616165555555570 HIST The History Channel 5474135355421492121215448545469 HN Headline News (CNN2) 3947156 3995347373143932393955 LIFE Lifetime 3024131313032363232 3027303041 MAX Cinemax (Premium Service) 550320512210550300 300300600550550550550304 MTV Music Television 32101149613272277272453239323238 NBCS NBC Sports 6337161396328820728828845563696363124 NICK Nickelodeon 3353129293345484545203359333324 PEG Public Education Government 88 8 8 PPV LAMP/Public Access 15 12 13 19 PRE TV GUIDE 2523 225 14 25 2525 QVC Quility Value Convenience (Home Shopping) 73337123121212777722 SHOW Showtime (Premium Service) 600360550225600350501350350650600600600600312 SPIKE Spike TV 4343116164336283636364333434328 STARZ STARZ! (Premium Service) 700340530250700370601370370670700700700700326 SYFY Science Fiction Channel 4041145484034443434454049404044 TBN Trinity Broadcasting Service 1837101018320918209209480 18318318380 TBS WTBS, Atlanta 2227127272248462222342215222236 TCM Turner Classic Movies 308266450362308184718181831456308308163 TLC The Learning Channel 457312222 4541434141414542454534 TMC The Movie Channel 650370559235650380551380380680650650650650310 TNT Turner Network Television 3626128283633313333333640363627 TOON Cartoon Network 4757153 4747514747474743474749 TRAV The Travel Channel 508411818505264 52 5067505050 TRUTV Tru TV 51491434451 65 5137515251 TVL TV Land 5259140565246524646465241525260 TWC The Weather Channel 5662117175628412828285651565632 USA USA Network 5925115155935213535355946595923 VH1 Video Hits One 38103150583844404444443838383819 WGN-A WGN America 1369 53131473331316131315
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