The Brainerd Dispatch TV Week August 27th 2017

Page 2

August 27 - September 2, 2017 Game on Debi Mazar, Michael Strahan and Bobby Moynihan as seen in “The $100,000 Pyramid” TVWeek - Story on page 2218-822-3026 | 7837 Excelsior Road | Baxter Exp. August 15th 2015 FootwearforEverydayPeople We design, manufacture, & fit Custom Orthotics 9-5 M-F 10-2 Sat. Medicare Approved Footwear For Diabetics Orthopedic Footwear for Special Needs (Bunions, Hammertoes, Edema) THREE BOARD CERTIFIED PEDORTHISTS ON STAFF CUSTOM ORTHOTICS $180 FOOT PAIN? Let Us Help Solve The Problem Athletic, Casual, Occupational Footwear & Apparel Merrell Sandals and CROCS 20% OFF Expires 9/6/17 001611722r1 CLICK | SEARCH |DONE

Cover Story this week

Michael Strahan touches down as host of ‘The $100,000 Pyramid’

Prime time has gone retro once again. A few years ago, “Mad Men’s” whisky-swilling ad men were all the rage, but these days networks are cashing in on the popularity of classic game show reboots. The latest ratings winner combines a charismatic host with celebrity guests and big money.

Michael Strahan (“Good Morning America”) hosts as celebrities team up with contestants to play wordassociation games in the hopes of winning cash in a new episode of “The $100,000 Pyramid,” airing Sunday, Aug. 27, on ABC. This week’s celebrity guests include NASCAR champ Kyle Busch, Strahan’s “Good Morning America” colleague Lara Spencer, rapper-turned-actor Ice-T (“Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”) and actress Peri Gilpin (“Frasier”). Previous guests include Debi Mazar (“Younger”), Bobby Moynihan (“Saturday Night Live”), Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg. Strahan, a former NFL defensive end, guides the action as players compete for a potentially life-altering prize. But it may not be just the thrill of the prize money that has TV fans hooked on the old school program. In a June interview with, Strahan explained why he

believes classic game shows like his are experiencing a resurgence in popularity.

“They’re something you can do with your family,” he said. “As a parent you may not want to watch a kids show, and as a kid you probably don’t want to watch a big, serious adult show. Here is something you can watch together.”

This is the second season of the revamped game show, which debuted on CBS in 1973 as “The $10,000 Pyramid” before jumping to ABC in 1974, with television icon Dick Clark at the helm. The show struck a chord with viewers right out of the gate as the simple word-association game and entertaining celebrity guests provided a lighthearted break from news of the Vietnam War and Watergate scandal.

The game show has gone through a number of iterations over the years, and each time the title has

adjusted to reflect the top potential prize, from $10,000 to $20,000 to $25,000 to $50,000 to ABC’s current $100,000 version. However, the game play has remained largely the same throughout the show’s varied history. Two teams comprised of one celebrity and one contestant take turns giving each other clues to items in a chosen category, with a point awarded for each right answer. After three rounds of play, the team with the most points advances to the Winner’s Circle to play for the big prize. The new ABC series features an hour-long format, which allows enough time for two complete games.

While “Pyramid” has inspired a number of revivals and more than a dozen international versions, the latest ABC series has proven to be one of the most popular, thanks, in part, to an impressive roster of stars who’ve lined up to play the game that many of them — including Strahan — watched as children. This season kicked off Sunday, June 11, with matchups between Leslie Jones (“Ghostbusters,” 2016) and LL Cool J (“Lip Sync Battle”), and TV host Tom Bergeron (“Dancing With the Stars”) and country music star Jennifer Nettles.

2 • August 27 - September 2, 2017 • Brainerd Dispatch
GUIDE Brainerd (Charter) CTC Emily (CATV) Crosslake Peqout Lakes (Charter) Onamia (Savage) Pierz (Midcontinent) East Gull Lake (Sav age) Pillager (Savage) Verndale (Savage) Aitkin (Charter) Little Falls (Char ter) Staples (Charter) Wadena (Charter) Walker (Tekstar) PBS ST. PAUL KTCA 825656 ABC MINNEAPOLIS/ALEXANDRIA KSTP/KSAX 555555555555555 NBC DULUTH KBJR CBS ALEXANDRIA/WALKER KCCO/KCCW1244412 444441241227 PBS BEMIDJI/BRAINERD KAWE/KAWB 42994 888484413 FOX EDEN PRAIRIE KMSP 99131399 999999999 ABC DULUTH WDIO NBC MINNEAPOLIS KARE 111111111111111111111111111111 FOX FARGO KVRR 10 CW MINNEAPOLIS WUCW 23 23686556232323236 MNT MINNEAPOLIS WFTC 101066107137771010101010 ION BIG LAKE KPXM 2412 2436 2413242424 A&E Arts & Enertainment 4691123234639383939394631464633 AMC American Movie Classic 42501343442176917171742574242 AP Animal Planet 5377136365342544242425335535353 BRAVO Bravo 3019017036030151715151513016430130168 CMTV Country Music Television 37102151593739 3752373739 CNBC Consumer News & Business 4148119194129532929294144414137 CNN Cable News Network 3446121212826332626263434343425 COM Comedy 4840141464837303737374853484848 CSPAN C-Span (House of Representatives) 2116860219642222213212112 CSPAN2 C-Span2 (Senate) 85179 85165631651652085858543 DISC The Discovery Channel 3565114143540324040403547353535 DISN Disney 6055132326030293030306058606054 E! E! Entertainment Television 4493137374438453838384454444446 STZ ENC Starz Encore 710350537255710310309310310610750710710710325 ESPN Entertainment Sports Programming Network2729125252724242424242729272730 ESPN2 Entertainment Sports Programming Network 228301262628252325252528 30282831 EWTN Eternal World Television 18022771809719979719618018018079 FREE Freeform 3142133333131373131313136313116 FOOD TV Food Network 6283144456215581515156261626247 FSN FOX Sports Network 2933124242923252323232928292917 FX FX 492814247495059504971494940 HBO Home Box Office (Premium Service) 50030050120050033020330330630500500500500303 HGTV Home & Garden 5581130305516501616165555555570 HIST The History Channel 5474135355421492121215448545469 HN Headline News (CNN2) 39471563995347373143932393955 LIFE Lifetime 30241313130323632323027303041 MAX Cinemax (Premium Service) 550320512210550300300300600550550550550304 MTV Music Television 32101149613272277272453239323238 NBCS NBC Sports 6337161396328820728828845563696363124 NICK Nickelodeon 3353129293345484545203359333324 PEG Public Education Government 88 8 8 PPV LAMP/Public Access 151213 19 PRE TV GUIDE 2523 22514 252525 QVC Quility Value Convenience (Home Shopping)73337123121212777722 SHOW Showtime (Premium Service) 600360550225600350501350350650600600600600312 SPIKE Spike TV 4343116164336283636364333434328 STARZ STARZ! (Premium Service) 700340530250700370601370370670700700700700326 SYFY Science Fiction Channel 4041145484034443434454049404044 TBN Trinity Broadcasting Service 183710101832091820920948018318318380 TBS WTBS, Atlanta 2227127272248462222342215222236 TCM Turner Classic Movies 308266450362308184718181831456308308163 TLC The Learning Channel 457312222 4541434141414542454534 TMC The Movie Channel 650370559235650380551380380680650650650650310 TNT Turner Network Television 3626128283633313333333640363627 TOON Cartoon Network 47571534747514747474743474749 TRAV The Travel Channel 508411818505264525067505050 TRUTV Tru TV 5149143445165 5137515251 TVL TV Land 5259140565246524646465241525260 TWC The Weather Channel 5662117175628412828285651565632 USA USA Network 5925115155935213535355946595923 VH1 Video Hits One 38103150583844404444443838383819 WGN-A WGN America 1369531314 73331316131315 Chrissy Metz in “The $100,000 Pyramid” 501 W Washington St., Brainerd, MN | 218-828-1823 | COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS SUMMER SPECIAL $39.99 PLUS TAX & FEES WITH HIGH MILEAGE OIL $49.99 WITH FULL SYNTHETIC OIL $59.99 Includes; - Up to 5qts oil and filter - Tire rotation - 44 point written inspection - Top off vital fluids - Brake inspection Expires 8/31/17 001612922r1
Brainerd Dispatch • August 27 - September 2, 2017 •3 ACROSS 1 Farm equipment 5 Turned on 8 Break out 11 Novelist Jaffe 12 Hockey great Bobby 13 “Xanadu” rock grp. 14 Seating sect. 15 In a far-off land 18 “The Facts of Life” and “Living Single” star Kim 20 High-flying elite 21 Stinger 22 Prefix with meter 23 ___ New Guinea 26 Silo contents 30 Former NBC crime drama “___ Watch” 31 Lecherous 32 Sikh surname 33 Texas A&M athlete 34 Some Caltech grads, for short 36 Night before 37 “Life in Pieces” star Angelique 40 “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005) director Mike 44 Former dramedy starring Jonny Lee Miller 46 Square footage 47 “Norma ___” (Sally Field role) 48 Flat hat 49 Drops from the sky 50 Be bedridden 51 Attentiongetter 52 Deer sir DOWN 1 Campus VIP 2 “Full House” and “Fuller House” star Loughlin 3 Fairy tale opener 4 Reality series featuring some star-backed buns 5 Kind of change 6 Long-time sports commentator Cross 7 “Spy Kids” franchise’s Machete: Danny 8 Wine sediment 9 Wings 10 “Happy Days’” Ralph Malph: Don ___ 16 Oscar-winning Vanessa of “Julia” (1977) 17 Reality series featuring “Young Gun” Jarrod Schulz 19 Tie for first 23 Scoreboard fig. 24 Yellowfin tuna 25 Bowling target 27 “The Ice Storm” (1997) director Lee 28 Infamous Amin 29 Science’s Bill 35 A deadly sin 36 Other side 37 “Arrested Development’s” George Michael: Michael ___ 38 Asia’s Trans ___ mountains 39 “7th Heaven’s” Jessica ___ 41 The “E” in Q.E.D. 42 “Star Wars” princess 43 Singer k. d. 45 Highlands negative Solution on page 10 Crossword television Please run your script. Intersection Hwy 371N & CR 77 218-829-4787 • 800-642-1566 Mon. - Fri. 7am - 6pm • Sat. 7am - 1pm CHEVROLET • CADILLAC FREE Shuttle Rides, Coffee, Doughnuts, & Popcorn! Coupon • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon Register to win a FREE dinner for two Coupon Ladies DayTuesdays Register to win a 1/2 hour massage at $5.00 OFF Oil Change Senior DayWednesdays $5.00 OFF Oil Change • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon 001600667r1 001581345r1 WE VALUE YOUR BUSINESS Proud to Call Nisswa Home 25673 Main Street, Nisswa • Mon.-Sat. 7:30-6 • Sun. 9-4 • 218-963-7645 • Laurie Hall 326 W. Laurel St. Brainerd, MN (3 blocks South of Walgreens) (218)828-0460 001599464r1 Horizon Health, Inc. o ers many services for you or a loved one. · Hospice · Homecare · Assisted Living · Adult Foster Care · Board and Lodging · Caregiver Support · Independent Senior Housing · Independence Plus · In-home Rehabilitation · Medication Management · Palliative Care · Volunteer Services · Free Educational and Community Events For more information: Check out our website at or visit our Facebook Page! 001610389r1

Sunday, Aug. 27

8:00 a.m. ESPN E:60 (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

8:30 a.m. FSN Rooster Tales (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN Baseball Third Place

Little League World Series. Williamsport, Pa. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Passion for the Hunt (0:30)

NBCSN F1 Extra (Live) (0:30)

9:15 a.m. HBO 24/ 7 (0:30)

9:30 a.m. FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:25)

9:45 a.m. HBO Hard Knocks Training Camp With the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1:00)

9:55 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer Arsen. at Liverp’l Liverpool, England (Live) (2:05)

10:00 a.m. (9) KMSP Vikings GameDay Live (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Midwest Outdoors Magazine (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (1:00)

10:30 a.m. CNBC NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Qualifying Johnsonville 180. Elkhart Lake, Wis. (Live) (0:30)

FSN Made for the Outdoors (0:30)

11:00 a.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR Fox College Football Kickoff (1:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (0:30)

ESPN2 E:60 (1:00)

FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round The Northern Trust. Old Westbury, N.Y. (Live) (1:30)

11:30 a.m. FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

Noon (5) KSTP World of X Games (1:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NFL Football Pre-season. Chi. at Ten. Nashville, Tenn. (Live) (3:00)

(11) KARE IAAF Track & Field Diamond League Weltklasse Zürich. Zurich, Switzerland (1:30)

ESPN Heisman Trophy Preview Show (0:30)

ESPN2 Sportscenter at the U.S. Open (Live) (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at Tor. Toronto, Ont. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (1:00)

TBS MLB Baseball Sea. at N.Y. Y. Bronx, N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

12:30 p.m. ESPN H.S. Football Wayne vs. Pine-Richland Gibsonia, Pa. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

1:00 p.m. (5) KSTP Tennis Arthur Ashe Kids Day. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (1:00)

(7) KCCO PGA Golf Final Round The Northern Trust. Old Westbury, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

ESPN2 Championship Drive (1:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN An American Guide To Rugby (0:30)

1:30 p.m. (11) KARE Countdown to Green (Live) (0:30)

NBCSN Wakeboarding (0:30)

2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP Baseball World Championship Little League World Series. Williamsport, Pa. (Live) (2:30)

(11) KARE NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Johnsonville 180. Elkhart Lake, Wis. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 30 for 30 (1:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round Canadian Pacific Open. Ottawa, Ont. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN Wrestling United World Championship. Paris, France (2:00)

3:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR NFL Football Pre-season. Cin. at Was. Landover, Md. (Live) (3:30)

(23) WUCW Ring of Honor Wrestling (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

3:30 p.m. ESPN MLS Soccer Tor at Mont Montreal, Que. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Heisman Trophy Preview Show (0:30)

FSN Northwoods League Now (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Championship Drive (1:00)

FSN Vikings Game Plan (0:30)

NBCSN Lucas Oil Motorsport Hour (1:00)

4:30 p.m. FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (0:30)

FSN Focused (0:30)

GOLF CHAMPS Golf Final Round Boeing Classic. Snoqualmie, Wash. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN Lucas Oil Motorsport Hour (1:00)

5:30 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (0:30)

ESPN2 E:60 Profile (0:30)

FSN UFC Ultimate Knockouts (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 WNBA Basketball Min. at L.A. Los Angeles, Calif. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Bull Riding Championship. (1:00)

NBCSN F1 Auto Racing Belgian Grand Prix. Francochamps, Belgium (2:00)

7:00 p.m. (11) KARE NFL Football Preseason. S.F. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN MLB Baseball N.Y. M. at Wash. Washington, D.C. (Live) (3:00)

FSN UFC Main Event (1:00)

GOLF Golf Final Round Portland Open. North Plains, Ore. (Live) (2:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN2 Heisman to Heisman (0:30)

FSN WPT Poker Tournament of Champions. (1:00)

NBCSN eSports Grand Final Day 2 (Live) (2:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 30 for 30 (1:30)

9:00 p.m. FSN UFC Unleashed (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 Championship Drive (1:00)

FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round The Northern Trust. Old Westbury, N.Y. (4:00)

NBCSN WR Rugby Women’s World Cup. Ireland (2:00)

Monday, Aug. 28

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Northwoods League Now (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN DFL Soccer (2:00)

NBCSN F1 Auto Racing Belgian Grand Prix. Francochamps, Belgium (2:00)

2:30 p.m. FSN Focused (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Fantasy Show (0:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at Tor. Toronto, Ont. (3:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Michael and Jemele (1:00)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s First Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (1:00) GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

Tuesday, Aug. 29

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Made for the Outdoors (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN DFL Soccer (2:00)

10:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF Golf Final Round

Portland Open. North Plains, Ore. (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker Tournament of Champions. (1:00)

NBCSN Fishing With Roland Martin (0:30)

11:30 a.m. NBCSN Sweetwater (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN ITF Tennis First Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (6:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

FSN Made for the Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF The Golf Fix (1:00)

NBCSN Fishing With Roland Martin (0:30)

12:30 p.m. FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Fishing National Walleye Tournament. (0:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Paul Finebaum Show (Live) (1:00)

FSN DFL Soccer (2:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN Seasons on the Fly (0:30)

1:30 p.m. NBCSN Into the Blue (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN ITF Tennis First Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

GOLF School of Golf (1:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

7:00 p.m. ESPN2 SEC Storied (1:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00) USA WWE Smackdown! (2:00)

7:30 p.m. NBCSN The Next Olympic Hopeful (2:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 SEC Storied (0:30)

9:00 p.m. ESPN2 Kickboxing Glory 44. Chicago, Ill. (2:00)

HBO Hard Knocks Training Camp With the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1:00)

9:30 p.m. NBCSN FIVB Volleyball World League. U.S. vs. Bra. (Live) (2:00)

Wednesday, Aug. 30

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN DFL Soccer (2:00)

10:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (2:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

10:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF CHAMPS Golf Final Round Boeing Classic. Snoqualmie, Wash. (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Min. at Tor. Toronto, Ont. (2:00)

NBCSN Indy Lights (1:00)

11:30 a.m. (9) KAWE Functional Fitness (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN ITF Tennis First Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (5:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round The Northern Trust. Old Westbury, N.Y. (5:00)

NBCSN IndyCar Auto Racing IndyCar Series Bommarito Automotive Group 500. Madison, Ill. (2:00)

NBCSN Super High Roller Bowl (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s First Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF The Golf Fix (1:00)

NBCSN Super High Roller Bowl (1:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Made for the Outdoors (0:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN UFC UFC 193 Ronda Rousey vs. Holly Holm Melbourne, Australia (3:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN Super High Roller Cash Game (1:00)

USA WWE Monday Night Raw (3:05)

8:00 p.m. GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN Super High Roller Cash Game (1:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN Super High Roller Cash Game (1:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Football Live (Live) (1:00)

GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round Canadian Pacific Open. Ottawa, Ont. (2:30)

NBCSN Saltwater Experience (0:30)

2:30 p.m. NBCSN Grudge Race (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Fantasy Show (0:30)

FSN Football 7 on 7 Invitational. (1:00)

NBCSN My Classic Car (0:30)

HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

3:30 p.m. NBCSN Onward Notre Dame (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

FSN Focused (0:30)

GOLF Quest for the Card (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (Live) (1:00)

5:30 p.m. FSN Made for the Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN AMA Motorcycle Racing American Flat Track OKC Mile. Oklahoma City, Okla. (1:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN ITF Tennis Second Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (5:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

NBCSN Into the Blue (0:30)

12:30 p.m. GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

NBCSN Saltwater Experience (0:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Paul Finebaum Show (Live) (1:00)

FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

GOLF School of Golf (1:00)

1:30 p.m. FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

NBCSN Lucas Oil Motorsport Hour (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Football Live (Live) (1:00)

FSN Swing Clinic (0:30)

GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

2:30 p.m. FSN Golf Life (0:30)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN Lucas Oil Motorsport Hour (1:00)

8 • August 27 - September 2, 2017 • Brainerd Dispatch
1:00 p.m. ESPN2
(Live) (1:00)
The Paul Finebaum Show
Now (0:30) 1:30 p.m. FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30) 2:00 p.m. ESPN2
Live (Live) (1:00)
FSN Northwoods League
College Football
Spotlight (0:30)
this week 001610699r1 NEW FILTER, OIL, LUBRICATE CHASSIS IF APPLICABLE – No Appointment Necessary 1 Washington St. NE, Brainerd 218-829-1668 $ 7 00 Off $ 30 00 Off Up to 5 quarts, most vehicles. Must present this coupon to get this price. Expires 9/8/17. Not valid with any other offer.
present this coupon to get this price. Expires 9/8/17. Not valid with any other offer.
FSN In the

Sports this week

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (2:00)

3:15 p.m. HBO Hard Knocks Training Camp With the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1:00)

3:30 p.m. GOLF Quest for the Card (0:30)

NBCSN Racer TV (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Fantasy Show (1:00)

GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. GOLF Golfing World (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Michael and Jemele (1:00)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Second Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker Tournament of Champions. (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Second Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

FSN Swing Clinic (0:30)

GOLF Golf Channel Academy (0:30)

NBCSN Adventure Racing Spartan Race. Palmerton, Pa. (1:00)

6:30 p.m. (9) KMSP Being P.J. Fleck (0:30)

FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

7:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball (Live) (3:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF Inside the PGA Tour (0:30)

7:30 p.m. GOLF Quest for the Card (0:30)

8:00 p.m. GOLF Golf’s Greatest Rounds (2:00)

Thursday, Aug. 31

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 1 Czech Masters. Prague, Czech Republic (Live) (3:00)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (2:00)

9:40 a.m. HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

10:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

10:40 a.m. HBO 24/ 7 (0:30)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

FSN Northwoods League Now (0:30)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 1 Czech Masters. Prague, Czech Republic (2:00)

NBCSN Adventure Racing Spartan Race. Palmerton, Pa. (1:00)

11:30 a.m. FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Second Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (6:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN Cycling Stage 12 MotrilAntequera Vuelta a España. (2:00)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

12:45 p.m. HBO Hard Knocks Training Camp With the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1:00)

1:00 p.m. GOLF Quest for the Card (0:30)

1:30 p.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) (0:30)

2:00 p.m. ESPN The Fantasy Show (1:00)

GOLF Golf Round 1 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship. Upper Arlington, Ohio (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN Match of the Week (2:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN College Football Live (Live) (1:00)

FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

3:30 p.m. FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN College Football Countdown (Live) (1:00)

FSN BIG3 Basketball Final Playoffs. Las Vegas, Nev. (1:30)

NBCSN Premier League Transfer Deadline Day Show (Live) (3:00)

5:00 p.m. ESPN College GameDay (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

5:30 p.m. FSN Rooster Tales (0:30)

6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP Vikings GameDay Live (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Second Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 1 Portland Classic. Portland, Ore. (Live) (3:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Twins Live Pre-game (0:30)

7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP Battle of the Network Stars (1:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NFL Football Pre-season. Mia. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN NCAA Football Ohio St. at Ind. Bloomington, Ind. (Live) (3:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Chi.W. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (3:00)

NBCSN Grudge Race (0:30)

7:30 p.m. NBCSN Grudge Race (0:30)

8:00 p.m. (5) KSTP Battle of the Network Stars (1:00)

NBCSN Grudge Race (0:30)

8:30 p.m. NBCSN Grudge Race (0:30)

9:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Round

1 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship. Upper Arlington, Ohio (3:00)

NBCSN AMA Motorcycle Racing American Flat Track Lima Half-Mile. Lima, Ohio (1:00)

9:05 p.m. HBO 24/ 7 (0:30)

9:35 p.m. HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

Friday, Sept. 1

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 2 Czech Masters. Prague, Czech Republic (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Rooster Tales (0:30)

NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (Live) (2:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN NFL Football Pre-season. Mia. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (3:00)

10:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

GOLF Golf Round 2 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Final Practice Sport Clips Haircuts VFW 200. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (1:00)

2:30 p.m. FSN Midwest Outdoors Magazine (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series Final Practice Bojangles’ Southern 500. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (1:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 Intentional Talk (Live) (1:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

3:30 p.m. FSN Rooster Tales (0:30)

3:50 p.m. HBO Hard Knocks Training Camp With the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Fantasy Show (1:00)

FSN Made for the Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

7:30 p.m. GOLF CHAMPS Golf Round 1 Shaw Charity Classic. Calgary, Alta. (2:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Football Utah

St. at Wisc. Madison, Wis. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Final Practice Sport Clips Haircuts

VFW 200. Darlington, S.C. (1:00)

SPIKE Bellator MMA (2:15)

9:00 p.m. NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series

Final Practice Bojangles’ Southern 500. Darlington, S.C. (1:30) TBS ELeague (1:00)

9:30 p.m. (15) KVRR KVRR Sports Extra (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (0:30)

10:00 p.m. (29) WFTC Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 Dell Technologies Championship. Norton, Mass. (4:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NCAA Football UTEP at Okl. Norman, Okla. (Live) (3:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Sport Clips Haircuts VFW 200. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (2:00)

5:00 p.m. (29) WFTC Northland Outdoors (0:30)

ESPN College Football Scoreboard (Live) (0:15)

FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

NBCSN Horse Racing Woodward Stakes. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (Live) (1:00)

5:15 p.m. ESPN NCAA Football App. St. at Ga. Athens, Ga. (Live) (3:00)

5:30 p.m. (5) KSTP College Football Studio (Live) (0:30)

(29) WFTC Northland Outdoors (0:30)

Saturday, Sept. 2

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Championship. Upper Arlington, Ohio (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Practice Sport Clips Haircuts VFW 200. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (1:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Sit and Be Fit (0:30)

ESPN ITF Tennis Third Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (5:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series Bojangles’ Southern 500. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (1:30)

12:30 p.m. FSN Swing Clinic (0:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Paul Finebaum Show (Live) (1:00)

FSN Bull Riding Championship. (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

1:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 Dell Technologies Championship. Norton, Mass. (Live) (4:00)

4:30 p.m. FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Michael and Jemele (0:30)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Third Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (1:00)

FSN Golf Life (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Southern Speed: Legend of Darlington (1:00)

5:30 p.m. ESPN FIFA Soccer World Cup Qualifier. C.R.C. vs. USA Harrison, N.J. (Live) (2:30)

FSN UEFA Champions League Magazine (0:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 2 Portland Classic. Portland, Ore. (Live) (2:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Third Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

FSN Three Wide Life (0:30)

NBCSN IAAF Track & Field Diamond League Memorial van Damme. Brussels, Belgium (2:00)

7:00 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Kan. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

8:30 a.m. (29) WFTC Sports Stars of Tomorrow (0:30)

NBCSN RFU Rugby English Premiership. Nor. vs. Sar. (2:30)

9:00 a.m. FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

9:30 a.m. FSN Midwest Outdoors Magazine (0:30)

10:00 a.m. ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Third Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (8:00)

11:00 a.m. (5) KSTP NCAA Football Akr. at Penn.St. University Park, Pa. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN NCAA Football Kent at Clem. Clemson, S.C. (Live) (3:00)

FSN Destination Polaris (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Xfinity Series Qualifying Sport Clips Haircuts VFW 200. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (1:30)

11:30 a.m. FSN NCAA Football B-Cook at Mia. Miami Gardens, Fla. (Live) (3:30)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

Noon GOLF Golf Round 3 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship. Upper Arlington, Ohio (Live) (2:00)

12:30 p.m. NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (0:30)

1:00 p.m. (7) KCCO The Tim McCarver Show (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series Qualifying Bojangles’ Southern 500. Darlington, S.C. (Live) (1:00)

2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP College Football Studio (Live) (0:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR College Football Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

(11) KARE NCAA Football Temple at N.D. South Bend, Ind. (Live) (4:00)

ESPN NCAA Football N.C. St. vs. S.C. Charlotte, N.C. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 Dell Technologies Championship. Norton, Mass. (Live) (3:30)

NBCSN Countdown to Green (Live) (0:30)

2:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NCAA Football Mich. at Fla. Gainesville, Fla. (Live) (3:00)

FSN Twins Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30) GOLF LPGA Golf Round 3 Portland Classic. Portland, Ore. (Live) (2:00)

6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR College Football Extra (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 ITF Tennis Men’s and Women’s Third Round U.S. Open. Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (Live) (4:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Kan. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN IndyCar Auto Racing IndyCar Series Qualifying Grand Prix at The Glen. Watkins Glen, N.Y. (1:30)

6:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR NCAA Football L.ville vs. Purd. Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (3:30)

7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP College Football Pre-game (Live) (0:07)

7:05 p.m. (5) KSTP NCAA Football Fla. S. at Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Live) (3:15)

7:30 p.m. GOLF CHAMPS Golf Round 2 Shaw Charity Classic. Calgary, Alta. (2:00)

NBCSN NASCAR K&N Pro Series (1:00)

8:15 p.m. ESPN College Football Scoreboard (Live) (0:15)

8:30 p.m. ESPN NCAA Football BYU vs. LSU Houston, Texas (Live) (3:00)

9:00 p.m. FSN Twins Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

HBO Under the Lights (0:15)

9:30 p.m. FSN Vikings Game Plan (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series Qualifying Bojangles’ Southern 500. Darlington, S.C. (1:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN #VikingsConnected (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 Dell Technologies Championship. Norton, Mass. (3:30)

10:20 p.m. (5) KSTP College Football Studio (Live) (0:08)

10:30 p.m. FSN Vikings: Beyond the Gridiron (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR Auto Racing Monster Energy Cup Series Final Practice Bojangles’ Southern 500. Darlington, S.C. (1:00)

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Sports Aug 27, 2017 to Sep 2, 2017

Brainerd Dispatch • August 27 - September 2, 2017 •9
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Food gets super-sized with Chef Heston Blumenthal

It would be easy to assume that, after thousands of years of cooking our food, we’ve figured out all the details, covered all the bases — nothing new under the sun, nothing to see here, move along.

Thankfully, that is not the case! Food pioneers on the cutting edge of the culinary world are regularly coming up with astounding new ideas, and British chef Heston Blumenthal is at the vanguard of culinary exploration. He’s one of the U.K.’s most celebrated chefs and is a frequently seen on TV screens across the Atlantic.

In his latest TV series, Blumenthal experiments with food some more, this time focusing specifical-

ly on size: he’s on a mission to see just how BIG he can make some food favorites. “Heston’s Fantastical Food” premiered last Friday on Cooking Channel, and you can catch a new episode airing Friday, Sept. 1.

In this episode, Heston tackles one of the most fantastic of food memories from many childhoods: the ice cream truck. He gets his very own decked-out truck, and devises a plan to craft the biggest ice cream cone the world has ever seen, and to share it with an entire sweet-toothed town. His plan calls for the finished product to stand over 16 feet tall, with a weight of more than 2,000 pounds — that’s so big, it takes over a month for the tasty treat to freeze!

In another new episode next week, the culinary inventor turns his gaze to a daily British ritual: the tea break. Britons drink about 185 million cups of tea per day, and Heston challenges himself to make a packet of tea biscuits of recordshattering size. In the weeks that follow, he builds his own Willy Wonka-inspired candy shop, where he tries to make a meal out of chewing gum, as well as the world’s biggest Rolos. Later, he crafts his own pub out of a giant hollowed-out pie, complete with a

pool table that’s made of fish and tartar sauce.

OK, so maybe making giant versions of everyday foods isn’t the usual sort of ground-breaking culinary techniques the chef usually comes up with, but that isn’t the point here. No, the point is that food doesn’t always have to be the same: it can be fun, it can be exciting, but most of all, it should be delicious.

Catch a new episode of “Heston’s Fantastical Food” airing Friday, Sept. 1, on Cooking Channel.

Sep 2, 2017

1:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods:

TRAV Bizarre

10 • August 27 - September 2, 2017 • Brainerd Dispatch Sunday, Aug. 27
p.m. (9) KAWE Lidia’s Kitchen TRAV Food Paradise 2:00 p.m. (8) WDSE A Chef’s Life TRAV Carnival Eats 2:30 p.m. (8) WDSE The Mind of a Chef TRAV Carnival Eats 3:00 p.m. (8) WDSE The Great British Baking Show TRAV Food Paradise 4:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 5:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 6:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 7:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise (N) Monday, Aug. 28 11:00 a.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods Noon TRAV Bizarre Foods 1:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 2:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 3:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 4:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 5:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 6:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 7:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 7:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 9:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 9:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 10:00 p.m.
Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Tuesday, Aug. 29 8:00 a.m.
Bizarre Foods America 9:00 a.m.
Bizarre Foods America 10:00 a.m.
Bizarre Foods America 11:00 a.m.
Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 11:30 a.m.
KAWE Sara’s Weeknight Meals TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Noon
Foods: Delicious Destinations 12:30 p.m.
Bizarre Foods: Delicious
TRAV Bizarre
Delicious Destinations
Delicious Destinations
Destinations 1:30 p.m.
Destinations 2:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods:
2:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods:
Foods: Delicious
3:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre
Foods: Delicious Destinations
4:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre
Foods: Delicious Destinations
Bizarre Foods 6:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods America 7:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 7:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 8:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods (N) 9:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 10:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 11:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods Wednesday, Aug. 30 11:00 a.m. TRAV Food Paradise Noon TRAV Food Paradise 1:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 2:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 3:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 4:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods 5:00 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods Friday, Sept. 1 1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Saturday, Sept. 2 8:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Project Smoke 8:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Simply Ming 9:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Pati’s Mexican Table (15) KVRR Recipe Rehab 9:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef 10:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Jacques Pepin: Heart and Soul 10:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Lidia’s Kitchen 11:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Joanne Weir Gets Fresh TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 11:30 a.m. (2) KTCA America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated Noon (2) KTCA Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen 1:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise 2:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise
p.m. (8) WDSE Martha Stewart’s Cooking School
p.m. (2) KTCA I’ll Have What Phil’s Having (8) WDSE America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated TRAV Food Paradise 4:00 p.m. TRAV Food Paradise Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Food Aug 27, 2017 to
4:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre
5:00 p.m. TRAV
Heston Blumenthal hosts “Heston’s Fantastical Foods”
Cooking this week Find the perfect place and make it Yours


When devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchannon (Johnson) adds three new lifeguards to his team, one in particular stands out, and not for the right reasons. Matt Brody (Efron), a former Olympic swimmer, takes the lifeguard position as a way of completing compulsory community service and doesn’t take the job as seriously as he should. Like oil and water, the two men just cannot seem to work together, but when packages of drugs —and even worse, bodies — start washing up on their peaceful beach, they’re forced to set aside their differences

to restore peace to their oceanfront paradise.

Director:SethGordon.Stars: DwayneJohnson,ZacEfron,PriyankaChopra,AlexandraDaddario, KellyRohrbach,JonBass,Ilfenesh Hadera.2017.116min.Action.

My Cousin Rachel

When his cousin and guardian, Ambrose, dies while in Italy, 25-yearold Philip becomes convinced that Rachel (Weisz), Ambrose’s young wife, murdered him to inherit his estate. When she comes to England, Philip is ready to confirm his

Ilfenesh Hadera and Dwayne Johnson in a scene from “Baywatch”

suspicions, but instead, he finds himself drawn to her beauty and elegance. Rachel is an enigma, and even as the those around Philip become more suspicious of her.

Director:RogerMichell.Stars:Sam Claflin,RachelWeisz,IainGlen, HollidayGrainger,AndrewKnott, PoppyLeeFriar.2017.106min. Drama.

Solution on page 10.

Brainerd Dispatch • August 27 - September 2, 2017 •11
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20 • August 27 - September 2, 2017 • Brainerd Dispatch

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