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‘Psych’ prescribes musical therapy
She is killed in this episode, but that is not necessarily a spoiler. As Hill notes, on this show, death isn’t definitively the end.
“Characters don’t really die in ‘Psych’; they just morph into a different reality,” Hill says.
Hill, whose parents are from Jamaica, says he particularly loved the “Jamaican Express Man” number.
“That came out of me texting Steve and saying, ‘How about me doing a reggae song?’ ” Hill says. “And the way he wove it into the story, even though I didn’t get a chance to dance much, we didn’t really have any extra time with the show, I can understand why we didn’t have enough time to choreograph a tap number for me.”
The show stayed on its regular schedule while shooting the special, which features 14 original songs. Franks credits composer Adam Cohen for taking Franks’ “acoustic guitar songs and turning them into these amazing orchestral pieces, and made it into a huge, magical final piece.”
The payoff for fans will be in watching actors they’ve long come to love revealing more talents.
“I was always in bands in high school and college, and I certainly enjoyed singing,” Roday says. “I thought of myself as a dude who could sing in a pinch.”
In this he sings a lot.
“All of the numbers are ‘Psych’ joyous,” Roday says. “Yang’s death scene was the one that kind of transcended the usual ‘Psych’ good time. Not only were we killing a character that made up her own minifranchise on the show, but we do what we do pretty well.”
The best friends continue to have a truly fun rapport.
At one point, the dynamic duo sings to Yang via Skype — from a broom closet, oddly enough — and it works.
“She could be in Shanghai by now,” Gus says.
“Please,” Shawn says, “she could be all the way to China by now.”
“I think it embodies ‘Psych,’ and I am proud that all of our music was original,” Roday says. “And that we are an hourlong show, in the sense of how do you justify it, and why is it more worthy than other shows that do musicals?”
Franks was not knocking any other shows, but he had a solid vision for this from the onset.
“The second we mentioned musical, everyone said, ‘What covers will you do?’ (And his immediate response was): ‘Oh, God, we are not going to do the covers. What is the point of that?’ ”
1. Donaldson & Waterston
5. Harmon __; “JAG” role
9. “Uncle Miltie”
10. “Once and __” (1999-2002)
12. “__ Pray Love”; 2010 Julia Roberts movie
13. Cartoon girl of old
16. “Ice __”; 2002 hit film
17. “The Hobbit: __ Unexpected Journey”
18. “__ Feud”
20. “__ Joe: The Rise of Cobra”; 2009 movie
21. “Back in the __”; 1992 Roman Polanski film
23. Daredevil Knievel
25. “Never Wave __ __ WAC”; Roz Russell film
26. “__ Vegas”
27. Johnson or Heflin
28. Ignited
29. “The __”; 1979 film for Steve Martin
30. Fitzgerald, for one
32. “The Story of __”; Bruce Willis/Michelle Pfeiffer movie
33. Diane or Forrest
38. Actor Levant’s initials
39. Sault __. Marie
2. Garfunkel or Linkletter
3. Mid-11th-century year
4. __ Ward
5. Julia, for one
6. Initials for Matlock’s portrayer
7. Pasture cry
8. “The __ __”; reality series that began in ’04
9. Son of Lloyd Bridges
11. __ Diamond
14. What to say when you don’t know what to say
15. Paula Abdul’s age
18. Gifford and Gorshin
19. “Old __”; classic film about a dog
22. “__ Trek: Voyager”
24. Colorado ski resort
29. “__ Shoot Me”
31. Role on “Two and a Half Men”
34. “Two Guys, a Girl __ __ Pizza Place”
35. “Life as __ Know It”
36. “As __ sow ...”
37. Actress Barbara
40. German article
42. Stein contents
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46. Sabrina __ Beauf x 3" ad