Annual Christmas Coloring Contest (218) 963-2265 • Hwy 371, Nisswa
Age category: ❑ Preschool Child’s Name: _________________________ Child’s Age: ______ ❑ Ages 5-7 Town:__________________________ Phone: ________________ ❑ Ages 8-10 Turn in your entry at Schaefer’s Foods by 5 p.m. Sat., Dec. 5. ❑ Senior Citizen
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
November 26, 2015
Celebrations of the season Brainerd Community Theatre will present ‘The Seafarer’ at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 10-12 and 17-19, with an additional 2 p.m. matinee on Saturday, Dec. 19. All performances will be in the Dryden Theatre on the Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College. In Colin McPherson’s play “The Seafarer,” one of the characters speaks of the holiday season. “You know, this is the only time of year I really enjoy? A game of cards on Christmas Eve, sure, where would you get it?” And while the characters in the play sit down to play cards, only one of them knows the stakes he’s really playing forhis immortal soul. Set on Christmas Eve in Baldoyle, a coastal suburb north of Dublin, the play centers on James “Sharky” Harkin, an alcoholic who has recently returned to live with his blind, aging brother, Richard Harkin. As Sharky attempts to stay off the bottle during the holidays, he contends with the hard-drinking, irascible Richard. Tension between the brothers is evident from the start and exists mostly in Richard’s constant sniping and excessive demands. A further source of conflict stems from Richard’s inviting Nicky Giblin, Sharky’s love rival, to join the men, along with Ivan, a hapless drunk, for a game of poker. Nicky Giblin unexpected-
ly arrives with the mysterious Mr. Lockhart, whom Sharky soon comes to realize is the man responsible for getting him released from jail some 25 years earlier. What Sharky didn’t know then, but now learns, is that Mr. Lockhart has tracked down Sharky to collect on that debt. The price: Sharky’s soul. Structured as a long night’s journey into day, with truly frightening glimpses of a darkness that stretches into eternity, “The Seafarer” has been dubbed by the New
York Times as ‘the thinkingperson’s alternative to ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ As a flagon of Christmas cheer it’s heavier on the stinging sauce than that film, and lighter on the syrup.” The play won multiple awards, first during its London West End run, and later when it moved to Broadway. The Brainerd Community Theatre cast includes Jesse Brutscher as Sharkey, Rande Erickson as Mr. Lockhart, Shane Keran as Nicky, Marc
Oliphant as Ivan, and Michael Sander as Richard. Set design is by Tim Leagjeld. Dawn Marks is costume designer, and Ben Kent is lighting and sound designer. Bri Keran is the production stage manager, and George Marsolek is technical director. Director Patrick Spradlin notes that the play contains strong adult language. “Anyone familiar with Mr. McPherson’s work knows of the nature of his dialogue,” said Spradlin. “Anyone who saw ‘The Weir’ a couple of summers ago will know what to expect: biting dialogue, well-drawn characters, and plenty of surprises in the plot.’ Spradlin further notes that the play, while not seemingly so, deserves the Times’ comparison to the Capra film. “In ‘The Seafarer’ we have a man who’s also standing on the brink of despair and total loss, much like George Bailey. Both stories bring a message of hope and redemption, after taking us on a journey into some dark times.” Tickets for “The Seafarer” are available through the CLC box office at 855-8199, or online at www.clcmn.edu/ arts. All seats are general admission. The sponsor of this production is Widseth, Smith and Nolting.
There are numerous end-of-year holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve are celebrated this time of year, but there’s another holiday that’s celebrated in December. Each Dec. 23, legions of “Seinfeld” fans and many others who are familiar with the popular series pay hommage to “A Festivus for the Rest of Us.” This contrived, alternative holiday was a plot line developed for the beloved Costanza family on the series and was billed as Frank Costanza’s creation. Festivus debuted on Dec. 18, 1997, on the episode, “The Strike.” Instead of a tree, candles or carols, Festivus celebrations involve a metal pole, the airing of grievances and feats of strength. Many believe Festivus was simply a television creation, but the holiday is loosely rooted in fact. Daniel O’Keefe, a former writer for “Seinfeld,” reluctantly admitted that his father, Dan, actually invented Festivus in 1966. O’Keefe told CNN that his little brother let the Festivus traditions slip out, and other writers for the show, including Jerry Seinfeld, felt it would make for a great episode, particularly because the holiday wasn’t beholden to anything political or religious. That was the reason O’Keefe’s father developed it in the first place. The real Festivus had few similarities to the TV version. While there was an airing of grievances, the pole and feats of strength were absent. In addition, Festivus would be celebrated any time between October and May. O’Keefe has written that his father would also nail a bag containing a clock to the wall each year, but he doesn’t know why his father did this. Since 1997, the holiday has become a worldwide celebration, with people gathering around their own metal poles in late December every year.
Christmas trees What would Christmas gift-giving be without a tree under which to place the presents? Tree shoppers have plenty of variety to choose from when selecting that ideal tree. Approximately 21,000 Christmas tree farms exist in the United States, and these farms sell between 30 and 35 million real trees each year. Those who prefer artificial trees can shop for everything from trees that appear to be natural to pastelhued boughs. The first printed reference to a Christmas tree was made in 1531 in Germany. Since then, Christmas trees have grown in popularity through the centuries.
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Santa’s Bobbin’ Into Town, Pequot Lakes’ holiday celebration, will be held on Saturday Dec. 12. A listing of events follows. 2 p.m.: Christmas for vets. Veteran ceremony at the Pequot Lakes city cemetery at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.
November 26, 2015
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
3-4 p.m.: Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Cole Memorial Building with story time, crafts and goodies. 3 p.m.: Bonfire in Trailside Park with hot cocoa, s’mores and caroling. Hosted by Miss Pequot Lakes royalty. 4-5:30 p.m.: Dinner at the Hungry Loon Cafe. Kids dinner $4.
4-6 p.m.: Free hay wagon rides around Pequot Lakes. Trailside Park. 6 p.m.: “Light Up The Night” parade. On Government Drive from Pro-Build, left onto Main Street, left at four-way stop. No entrance fee. For information call Barb Merritt at 218568-4695.
A crew from Wild Daisy rides atop a float that was part of the Light Up the Night Parade last year, in downtown Pequot Lakes.
Auvei Tisdell, 8 months old, of Pequot Lakes, stares at Santa in wonder last year, at the Pequot Lakes Library. ECHO JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
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Shylo Roquet helps her niece, Shelby Carlson, Pequot Lakes, Skylar Delapena pulls a wagon with the Middo a craft last year at the Pequot Minnesota Federal Credit Union float in the Light Up Lakes Library as part of Santa’s the Night Parade last year, in Pequot Lakes. Bobbin’ Into Town events.
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November 26, 2015
The ninth annual Christmas at the Mansions holiday event is coming and will run daily from Nov. 27 through Dec. 6 at Linden Hill in Little Falls. Both of the mansions - the Weyerhauser and Musser were built in 1898 and will be decorated and open for self-guided tours. This year’s theme is “Deck the Halls.” Between the two mansions there will be 50 decorated rooms with volunteers in many of the rooms to help tell the story of the two lumber magnate families who once lived in these mansions, the Weyerhauser and Musser families. Of these two homes, the Weyerhauser mansion is open in the summer for guided tours and the Musser mansion is typically used as a conference/event center and lodging thus closed to tours, so it is a rare opportunity to view both mansions in the wintertime. Cookies and hot cider will be available for guests as well as live music in the Musser mansion. Christmas at the Mansions tours will run from 1-7 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays from Nov. 27 through Dec. 6 and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the two Sundays during that time period. Adult tickets are $12, students aged 12-17 are $5 and children 11 and under are free. Families and groups of all sizes and ages are welcome. Along with Linden Hill, there are two other attractions in Little Falls that are also decking their halls with the Christmas spirit and will
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
One of the mansions available for viewing during the Christmas at the Mansions holiday event.
be open during the same time period of Nov. 27 through Dec. 6. The Burton-Rosenmeier house, which is the site of the Little Falls Convention and Visitors’ Bureau also is decorated with Christmas trees, wreaths and nutcrackers. The home is a free, selfguided tour of the historical mini-mansion and will be open from 1-7 p.m. The Minnesota Fishing Museum and Hall of Fame boasts more than 100 deco-
rated Christmas trees and wreaths with fun-themed trees such as their Fishing tree and Fourth of July tree. Many of the trees will be for sale at their silent auction on the last day, Dec. 6. The Fishing Museum is open from noon to 6 p.m. every day and admission is free. For more information call Linden Hill at 320-616-5580; the visitor’s bureau at 320616-4959 or the Fishing Museum at 320-616-2011.
Decorations adorning homes and businesses in the familiar colors of red and green are popular come the holiday season. Even gift wrap, greeting cards and clothing tend to lean toward red and green as the holiday season hits full swing. It is difficult to think of Christmas without envisioning everything awash in these popular colors, broken up only by the inclusion of gold, white or silver accents. The colors of Christmas are often taken for granted, and many celebrants are unaware of how these colors became symbols of the holiday season and why they remain so to this day. Several theories exist as to why red and green became the hallmarks of Christmas. One such theory is that the colors evolved from pagan celebrations similar to the evolution of Christmas traditions. Prior to the arrival of Christianity, many cultures viewed the color green as the symbol of life. It is believed that, during harsh winters, evergreen trees were cut down and brought indoors to symbolize that life still exists and thrives despite the cold and darkness of winter. Other pagan holidays featured the use of green, red and gold, including the festival of Yule. As Christianity spread across Europe and eventually other parts of the world, red and green were linked to Jesus Christ. Green still represented life, but now this was the eternal life offered by Christ. Red was said to symbolize sacrifice, namely the blood of Jesus when he died on the cross. Some Christians believe that Jesus wore a crown of holly thorns whose berries were originally white. As Jesus’ blood touched the berries, they turned red. Some theorize that the red of the holiday season represents the apples on the tree of paradise in the Garden of Eden. Around the 14th century, the faithful would put on Paradise Plays on Dec. 24 to share the story of creation with those who
The colors red, green, gold, and silver are prominent during the holiday season, when they can be seen on everything from gift wrap to decorations.
could not read. It is nearly impossible to find a fruit-bearing apple tree in the winter, so a pine tree adorned with red apples was used instead. Bishops also wore red robes, further tying the color red to religious masses and celebrations. Gold is frequently used in holiday decorations as well. Gold can represent the sun and light, both important ways to ward off the dark winter. In addition, gold was one of the gifts brought to baby Jesus, making it a color of significance within the Christian faith. Red and green poinsettias also are a symbol of the holiday season, but they didn’t start the colorful tradition. Poinsettias are a relatively recent addition to Christmas symbolism, as they were only first introduced to America in 1828, when they were brought back from Mexico by Joel Poinsett. The holiday season is filled with many different colors that brighten up homes and businesses. Combined with the many twinkling lights used on displays, red and green decorations can add vitality to the dark days of December.
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Nisswa City of Lights Festival will be Friday, Nov. 27. Following is a schedule of events:
5 p.m. Lighting of the Luminaries – Pioneer Village
5-7 p.m. Live nativity scene – provided by
Lake Country Parish Youth – Pioneer Village 5-7 p.m. Pictures in the park – Provided by Family Time Games – Pocket Park, main street 5:29 p.m. Countdown to the Lighting of Nisswa 5:30-6 p.m. Holiday Carolers – Gazebo on main street 5:30 p.m. Light Up The Town 5:45 p.m. “Love Lights a Tree” ceremony, Good Samaritan Communities – Pioneer Village 6 p.m. “Here Comes Santa Claus!” Christmas Carolers perform then Santa arrives – Gazebo on main street 7:30 p.m. Fireworks – Nisswa Community Center 8-11:59 p.m. Indoors at the Nisswa American Legion – Sideways entertainment and drawing for the “Lighting of the Lights” raffle ***Schedule subject to change
2-7:30 p.m. Eats & treats – Enjoy delicious food items around town
2-4 p.m. Write a letter to Santa – Nisswa
Chamber office Lighting of bonfires – Paul Bunyan Trail & Nisswa Square 2:30-7 p.m. Horse-drawn wagon rides – Nisswa Square 3:45 p.m. Polar Express storytelling – Caboose on main street (limited seating) 3:30-6:30 p.m. Live reindeer – Black Ridge Bank parking lot 4-7 p.m. Strolling carolers throughout downtown 4-5:45 p.m. Santa Claus – Come see Santa at the Nisswa Square 4 p.m. Storytelling – Turtle Town Books & Gifts 4:15 p.m. Polar Express storytelling – Caboose on main street (limited seating)
Visitors to the annual Nisswa City of Lights Festival warm up by a bonifre. ECHO FILE PHOTO
4:30 p.m. Central Lakes College Brass Ensemble – Nisswa Square
4:45 p.m. Polar Express storytelling –
Caboose on main street (limited seating) 4:45 p.m. Free hot cider & donut holes – Pioneer Village 4:45-7 p.m. Kids Crafts with Black Bear 4-H Club – Pioneer Village
Horse-drawn wagon rides are popular at the Nisswa City of Lights Festival each year. ECHO JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
Fireworks explode in the sky in Nisswa at the annual Nisswa City of Lights Festival on Friday, Nov. 29.
The train conductor reads “The Polar Express” to children in the Nisswa Area Historical Society’s caboose during the Nisswa City of Lights Festival on Friday, Nov. 28. ECHO JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
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Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
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November 26, 2015
Schaefer’s Foods of Nisswa will host its 19th annual Taste of the Holidays from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3. Taste of the Holidays participants will sample food and beverage items from every grocery department, including deli, produce, meat, dairy and bakery. A minimum donation of $5 per person is requested, and all donations will be donated to support the Kids Against Hunger Brainerd Lakes Area, a non-profit humanitarian foodaid organization. Kids Against Hunger packages highly nutritious, life-saving meals for starving and malnourished children and their families in developing countries and the United States. The goal of the organization is for its meals to provide a stable nutritional base from which recipient families can move their
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
families from starvation to self-sufficiency. Kids Against Hunger is a 100 percent volunteer organization; all the food is purchased through donations and packed by volunteers. To learn more about Kids Against Hunger Brainerd Lakes Area visit their website kidsagainsthungermn.org. Enjoy a night of food samples prepared by the staff at Schaefer’s Foods while helping fulfill the Kids Against Hunger Brainerd Lakes Area’s mission of “feeding families around the world… and around the corner.” Schaefer’s Foods is located at the corner of Highway 371 and County Road 13 in Nisswa. For more information contact the Mary Baumann, deli manager at Schaefer’s Foods in Nisswa, and Angie Hines, store at 963-2265 or visit www. assistant deli manager, serve food samples at the store’s 18th annual Taste of the Holidays last year. The 317 people who attended were treated to samples from all SchaefersFoods.com. departments at the store.
Holiday films to lift your spirits · “Miracle on 34th Street”: Natalie Wood stars in this 1947 classic that follows the trial of Kris Kringle, who claims to be Santa Claus and must prove otherwise to avoid being institutionalized. Nominated for Best Picture at the 1948 Academy Awards, “Miracle on 34th Street” won three of the prestigious statuettes, including a Best Supporting Actor Oscar® for Edmund Gwenn, who played the jolly old man in the red suit. · “Bad Santa”: Though not quite as heartwarming as many holiday films, this 2003 black comedy stars Billy Bob Thornton as miserable, alcoholic con man “Willie,” who poses as a mall Santa Claus so he can rob a department store safe on Christmas Eve. But in spite of its rather raunchy take on the holiday season, the film is ultimately a story of redemption as Willie befriends a bullied youngster and begins to turn his life around. · “A Christmas Carol”: Those looking for a more traditional take on holiday films need look no further than this 1951 adaptation of the Charles Dickens novella, which tells the tale of bitter miser Ebenezer Scrooge as he is haunted by three ghosts on Christmas Eve.
Along the shore of Lake Superior, Duluth offers two celebrations of this holiday season of joy, and you can take the train to both of them. The North Shore Scenic Railroad has your tickets to see Bentleyville Tour of Lights at Bayfront Festival Park, and aboard The Christmas City Express running from Fitger’s to the Lake Superior Railroad Museum at the Depot in downtown Duluth. On a Christmas Eve many winter’s ago, a young girl from the Iron Range boards a train bound for Duluth so she can spend Christmas with her grandparents. But, a horrific snowstorm traps the train in the middle of nowhere. With the train stranded, and the passengers convinced that Christmas is ruined, it’s what the little girl and the conductor do that
saves Christmas for everyone. The Christmas City Express features a festive train ride from Fitger’s to the Depot, a visit to the Lake Superior Railroad Museum, a performance based on the book, and a ride back to Fitger’s for hot cocoa and cookies around a bonfire in the Courtyard. Of course all this good cheer is not lost on a special visitor to the snowbound train, a man who always makes his rounds on Christmas Eve despite the weather. Then there’s a magical gift for everyone to take home with them to remember their ride on The Christmas City Express. Trains depart Bentleyville: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays on the four weekends following Thanksgiving. Tickets are available at www. duluthtrains.com or by calling the North Shore Scenic Railroad in
Duluth at 218-722-1273 or 800423-1273. Trains depart weekends from Fitger’s and travel along the Lakefront Line to the front entrance of Bentleyville. Ride in heated comfort, stay warm with bonfires just for passengers, and walk through the lighted tunnels, picturesque displays and scenes of Duluth decorated with lights. Bentleyville itself is free. Tickets for the Christmas City Express are available at www. duluthtrains.com or by calling the North Shore Scenic Railroad at 218-722-1273 or 800-423-1273.
Many families have their own unique holiday traditions, but some traditions transcend familial lines to become an integral part of many people’s holiday celebrations. One of the more popular traditions during this festive time of year is to watch a favorite holiday film with family and friends. With that in mind, the following are some of the most beloved holiday movies ever to make it onto the big screen. · “It’s a Wonderful Life”: Perhaps no holiday film is more beloved than this 1946 Frank Capradirected classic. Screen legend Jimmy Stewart plays a desperate businessman contemplating suicide during the holiday season. But a guardian angel helps him realize all the good fortune in his life by showing him what life might have been like if he had never existed. · “White Christmas”: This 1954 song-and-dance film stars Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye as a pair of longtime friends and ex-military men who fall in love with a sister act team that includes famous singer (and aunt to George Clooney) Rosemary Clooney. Crosby and Kaye join forces to save the failing Vermont inn of their beloved former commander.
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November 26, 2015
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
More than 80 colorful, lighted displays make Sertoma Winter Wonderland a holiday tradition for area families.
A group of Sertomans set out to create a holiday family tradition like no other. With strong support from our community and the hard work of many volunteers, Winter Wonderland was made a reality. Families from all over unite at the Northland Arboretum in Brainerd to experience the spectacle of lights year after year. By working together, Sertoma reports it will continue to pass along this magical holiday tradition to generations for years to come.
Lights, reflecting off of the sparkling white snow and strung into captivating displays, will delight visitors as they drive through the Sertoma Winter Wonderland. This holiday tradition includes a driving tour of more than 80 colorfully, animated, lit displays. This year, hours of operation are 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday nights starting Nov. 26 through Dec. 31. It will be open every night from Dec. 21 - 31. Advance tickets are available for $10 from Guidepoint, Mid
Minnesota Federal Credit Union, Grand View Lodge and Cub Foods. Costs are $15 per vehicle, $10 for advance tickets, and $50 for small buses and limos. Special walking-only nights are on Sundays, Dec. 13 and 20 for $3 per person.
Visitors to the Sertoma Winter Wonderland enjoy the glow of thousands of lights.
An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed. Stage North Theatre Company presents the holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” Dec. 17-20 at Franklin Arts Center in Brainerd.
Celebrate the fellowship of the Christmas season during the Cuyuna Lakes Chamber of Commerce’s Christmas in the Park from 4-7 p.m. Dec. 2. Join friends and neighbors at the Crosby Memorial Park for a magical evening including a live nativity, horse-drawn sleigh rides, craft projects for the kids and live entertainment. Santa and Mrs. Claus will
Cost is $10 for adults and $9 for seniors 62 and older. Tickets are available for purchase by credit card in advance by calling 218-232-6810. Tickets are available at the door one hour before curtain. Auditorium is open seating.
also be on hand, so bring your cameras and have your wish lists ready. There will be warm-up tents or bonfires, along with free soup, cookies and cider. This is a free community event and an initiative of the Cuyuna Lakes Chamber.
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November 26, 2015
Come the holiday season, shipping companies work around the clock to ensure packages, merchandise and more make it to their destinations on time. In 2013, overtaxed carriers failed to meet Christmas deadlines for many packages. Some analysts say big retailers and carriers may have underestimated consumers’ growing reliance on online shopping — especially for last-minute presents. Since then, both UPS and FedEx have spent millions on upgrades. More fuel-efficient planes, upgrades to air cargo networks and improved infrastructure and ground shipping operations have helped shipping companies better handle the
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
increased volume. As shipping companies work harder to ensure holiday packages arrive at their destinations on time, there also are things consumers can do to increase the chances that gifts make it under the tree before the big day. • Shop as early as possible. If you plan to buy online or ship gifts to family and friends, shop early so the gifts have time to make it to their destinations. Make a list of all the people whose gifts you will need to mail, then shop for their gifts first so you will have ample time for them to arrive on time. • Double-check all mailing addresses. Make sure you have the
correct addresses for all friends or family members you will be sending gifts to. An incorrect address can result in packages being returned to sender or floating around in shipping limbo. All of this only decreases the likelihood that gifts will arrive on time. • Consider a ship-to-store option. A number of big retailers now offer various options that allow customers to purchase items online and pick them up in a nearby store. In-stock items may be available the same day, while others may have to be shipped to the store for a later pickup. • Enter shipping parameters. Signing up for either My FedEx or
MyUPS gives you a little extra control over how packages are sent to you. For example, you can request that packages be held at a delivery center or you can pre-sign for deliveries. These perks can help limit some lost or delayed packages. • Use proper postage. Bulky envelopes or large packages are better off brought to the post office for shipping instead of mailing them from home. Inadequate postage could stall delivery of your items and have them returned to you. • Research shipping cut-off dates. Shipping carriers often list the “last days to ship” for their services so that packages will arrive by the date you need them. This way you can
plan around the cutoffs. • Sign up for membership programs. Online retailers, such as Amazon, offer expedited shipping on many products as part of their membership programs. For example, Amazon Prime-eligible products will generally arrive within two business days as part of your annual membership fee. The added cost may be well worth the peace of mind fast shipping provides. An increase in online shopping as well as families living further apart has led to a high volume of gifts being shipped around the holidays. Plan accordingly so that gifts will arrive on time.
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Happy Holidays
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For the second year, a group known as Christmas for Vets has a goal to hang a Christmas wreath on the graves of veterans in Pequot Lakes cemeteries this holiday season. The group added three more cemeteries this year, for a total of five: Our Savior’s, City of Pequot, Jenkins, Kedron and Gloria Dei. Anyone who has a loved one who was a veteran and did not receive a letter should contact Cathy Malecha at 218-568-4488. Wreaths will be placed at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5. A dedication will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, working with the Pequot Lakes Area Historical Society. Removal of wreaths will be at 1 p.m. Jan. 16.
es al S ! t en v E
For the first Christmas for Vets program in the Pequot Lakes area last year, 210 veterans’ graves at the Pequot Lakes City Cemetery and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Cemetery were adorned with wreaths for Christmas. A short program was held outside at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. ECHO JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
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November 26, 2015
The second annual Fish House 5K Run and Walk will take place 9 a.m. on Black Friday, Nov. 27. The Fish House 5K will serve as the official kickoff to Aitkin’s World Famous Fish House Parade, which is at 1 p.m.
Cuyuna Lakes Chamber Blinky Pin Incentive, part of the Lakes Proud Shop Local & Save, is scheduled through Dec. 24. Purchase and wear a Blinky Pin and receive discounts and special offers from participating businesses in Crosby,
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
The race starts and finishes at the Aitkin County Fairgrounds. The course is on the Aitkin Walking Trail, which runs through the streets of Aitkin and the city park. The 5K route has been certified by USA Track and Field. All
Cuyuna, Deerwood and Ironton. Another upcoming holiday event is the annual Cuyuna Lakes Chamber Christmas in the Park from 4-7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2. Join friends and neighbors at the Crosby Memorial Park for an eve-
participants will receive a long-sleeved fish house 5K T-shirt. Early bird registration is at http://fishhouse5k.itsyourrace.com or Aitkin.com and for questions, call the Aitkin Area Chamber of Commerce at 218-927-2316.
ning that will include a live nativity, horse-drawn sleigh rides, craft projects for the kids and live entertainment. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be on hand, so bring cameras and have wish lists ready. There will be
The annual Cuyuna Range Community Christmas Concert will be at 3 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Deerwood Auditorium. Raffle tickets will be sold and food shelf items will be collected.
warm-up tents or bonfires, along with free soup, cookies and cider. The Cuyuna Lakes Chamber Soup Walk is planned from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12. The event is free. The public can enjoy a sampling
of more than 20 soups and chili at participating businesses on Highway 6 North. Guests are encouraged to cast a vote for their favorite soup.
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The winner of the Take the Dam photo contest in 2014 was Reyer Photography in Chicago.
A variety of dam T-shirts are available for purchase at the Crosslake Chamber building.
The Light up the Dam event is a community effort of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, city of Crosslake, Crosslake Chamber of Commerce, PAL Foundation and Crosslake-Ideal Lions Club to highlight the unique and historical Pine River Dam in Crosslake by creating a holiday experience for residents and visitors. Residents and businesses are encouraged to get involved to light up their properties too, making Crosslake a des-
The second annual Holiday at the Dam will take place at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Recreation Area from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, complete with Santa, horse-drawn wagon
November 26, 2015
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
tination for commerce and family fun. A total of 100 percent of funds received through donations or fundraising projects are used to enhance the lighting and holiday experience at the dam. Take the Dam photo contest A total of 11 entries were received in 2014, representing professional and amateur photographers from six states. Reyer Photography from Chicago took the winning photo, which was featured in 2014 chamber marketing efforts.
Take your best shots for 2015, and send them along with $10 per photo to “Dam Photo Contest,” c/o Crosslake Chamber, P.O. Box 315, Crosslake, MN, 56442. The winning entry will be printed and displayed at Andy’s Bar & Grill, Wine & Spirits and on thank you cards mailed to everyone who makes a donation to Light Up the Dam. Call the Chamber for more information at 218-692-4027.
The Crosslake-Fifty Lakes American Legion Auxiliary will host the annual Santa’s Breakfast from 9-11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 28. The annual Craft Bazaar and Cookie Walk will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Dec. 5. Both events will be held at the Legion. Santa’s Breakfast is for area families, their children and grandchildren. Santa will be on hand to listen to all Christmas wishes and present each child with a bag of goodies provided by the Auxiliary. Breakfast will include scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, juice and hot chocolate or coffee. The cost is $7 for adults, $3 for children 4-10; children 3 and under are free. There will also be a free fishpond
for children to fish for prizes. The annual Craft Bazaar and Cookie Walk/Bake Sale will feature local crafters offering their wares for sale at the bazaar. The Auxiliary members each make 7 dozen cookies, which can be purchased as an assortment by the pound. Other holiday Bake Sale items will also be on sale. From 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. shoppers can purchase soup and bread for $5. All Craft Bazaar proceeds will go towards the Auxiliary Scholarship fund. $500 scholarships will be awarded to local students in the spring of 2016. Sa nta’s Breakfast proceeds are used to support Auxiliary programs that benefit active duty soldiers, veterans and wounded warriors.
rides, hot cocoa, hot dogs and a bonfire with s’mores. Crosslake retailers and restaurants will offer deals and discounts all over town. Taylor Riedell of Cambridge hides from Santa. He was visiting his grandma, Lynne Wiebke of Crosslake, and attended the Breakfast with Santa event last year at the Crosslake-Fifty Lakes American Legion. ECHO JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
Happy Holidays
Vinny Grosso, of Stillwater, eats his eggs and pancakes at the Breakfast with Santa event last year at the Crosslake-Fifty Lakes American Legion.
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November 26, 2015
for tours. Other events during the day include the Pine River Library bake sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Pine River American Legion’s Lunch with Santa for kids from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and free horse-drawn rides from noon to 2 p.m. with pickup and dropoff at the Legion. The Parade of Lights Day culminates at 6:30 p.m. with a fireworks display just west of the Highway 371 stoplights.
Events Saturday, Dec. 5, include the United Methodist Church “Kid’s Shop Day” from 10 a.m. to noon at the church; the Pine River American Legion Arts/ Craft and Bake Sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Legion; and the First Lutheran Church Cookie Walk from 10 a.m. to noon. There will also be a number of business holiday open houses that day.
Trussworthy Components of Pine River won Best use of Lights at this year’s Parade of Lights.
Thick fog in the sky made the 2014 Pine River Parade of Lights Day fireworks display one to remember.
Troop 73 was represented by snowpeople of all ages at a past Pine River Parade of Lights.
Deck The Halls (and make them Spectacular) Sale! Sounds Of Christmas
Holiday films hold a special place in many people’s hearts, and perhaps no holiday movie of the last 30 years has resonated as much as “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” The oft-quoted holiday favorite turned 25 years old in 2014, yet the film remains as popular as ever. Fans of “Christmas Vacation” can no doubt quote their favorite lines from the film, but the following are a few tidbits that even the most ardent “Vacation” fan might be unfamiliar with. · The movie is based on a story titled “Christmas 59,” which was written by the same man, John Hughes, who wrote and produced the film. The film pays homage to this story when Clark Griswold is rummaging through the attic and finds a movie reel named “Christmas 59.” · Frank Capra III worked as an assistant director on the film. In one scene of the film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” which was directed by Frank Capra III’s grandfather, is on a television in the background. · Actress Mae Questrel (Aunt Bethany) provided the voices for Betty Boop and Olive Oyl in the 1930s. “Christmas Vacation” would be her final film. · “Christmas Vacation” featured a handful of “Saturday Night Live” alumni. In addition to the film’s star, Chevy Chase, SNL alums Randy Quaid, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brian Doyle-Murray
appeared in the film. · The role of Cousin Rocky had no lines in the film. · In the “Lampoon” films that preceded “Christmas Vacation,” Rusty was the older child of the Griswold clan. However, he is the younger sibling in this film. · “Christmas Vacation” marked the directorial debut for Jeremiah Chechik, who went on to direct “Benny & Joon” and 1998’s “The Avengers.” · The movie had a large budget ($27 million) for a comedy with no special effects. · Surprisingly, “Christmas Vacation” had its own sequel that few are familiar with. The made-for-television “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie’s Island Adventure” was released in 2003. · Cousin Eddie’s fashion style, in particular the sweater/Dickie combination, was the brainchild of actor Randy Quaid’s wife. · No part of “Christmas Vacation” takes place on Christmas Day. The film culminates with the antics that take place at the Griswold home on Dec. 24. · Brian Doyle-Murray, who played Frank Shirley, is the brother of another famous comic actor: Bill Murray. · “Christmas Vacation” was the only movie in the series up until then that did not feature Lindsey Buckingham’s song, “Holiday Road.”
This beautiful 6-1/2 Ft Camdon Fir from Vickerman features 600 clear Dura-Lit lights and 1270 tips! A great sized tree for smaller rooms! - A860966 Save at $389
Musical Buildings - All Buildings Play "Ding Dong Merrily on High"! Turn the control knob on the back to adjust the sound to your preferred volume level. A string of bright LED bulbs lights up the front with a cheery glow. Snow Village, Jolly’s Christmas Trim Price $89.00
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The Pine River Chamber of Commerce and community will celebrate the annual Parade of Lights Day on Saturday, Dec. 12. The event includes a lighted parade beginning at 5 p.m. The theme is Northern Lights. Two $100 Chamber gift certificates will be awarded to the parade unit judged Best Use of Lights In Theme and Overall Best Use of Lights. No pre-registration is required. Parade lineup begins at 4 p.m. at First Lutheran Church. Following the parade there will be an open house at the Information Center. Hot chocolate, hot apple cider and free Christmas cookies will be served. The First Lutheran Church youth group will sell hot dogs and nachos at the open house. A giant bonfire will be lit just south of the historic railroad depot after the parade. From 3 p.m. until after the parade the Pine River Railroad Depot will be open
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
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November 26, 2015
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
Charles and Ashley Sullivan of Pequot Lakes enjoy cookies at the Jenkins Tree Lighting Ceremony at Veterans Park last year.
Ainsley Erickson of Breezy Point tries to extinguish the flame on her marshmallow while Ella Oelke of Pequot Lakes is still cooking hers. S’mores were only one attraction at last year’s tree lighting event at the Jenkins Veterans Memorial Park. There were also hot dogs, hayrides and hot apple cider.
The city of Jenkins will host its eighth annual tree lighting ceremony from 5-6:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4, at
Mark your calendars for the Rock & Roll Christmas Spectacular for Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Cragun’s Resort, the Centre. Celebrating its 11th year in 2015, this Las Vegas-caliber, multimedia, Rock & Roll extravaganza mixes hilarious stories with favorite holiday songs. Join an all-star cast of musicians as they rock their way through timeless holiday classics and bring new takes on hit songs you didn’t even know were holiday classics.
Veterans Park in Jenkins. This is a free community event. A bonfire will be lit at 5 p.m. and there
The lineup of musicians includes Paul “Stretch” Diethelm and Ted Manderfeld, who are joined on stage by volcalists Pamela McNeil, Stacy Bauer and Tim Haussner. Backing the vocalists are bassist Mike Zeleny, saxophonist and flutist Mike Kreitzer and drummer Billy Thommes. The event is 7:30-9:30 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Centre, 11000 Cragun’s Drive, Brainerd. Go to http://www.clcmn.edu/ performing-arts for more information or call 218-855-8199 or 800-933-0346 ext.
will be hot dogs, cookies and hot cider. Food and beverages will be served from 5-6:30 p.m., and hayrides and caroling
8199. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $25 for adult; $18 for those younger than 18. Service fees apply to online ticket purchases. Purchase 10-plus adult tickets and receive a 15 percent discount. Tickets may be purchased online, by phone, or at the Box Office, which is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday to Friday. Cash bar.
will occur at that same time. The tree lighting ceremony is scheduled at 5:30 p.m.
The Brainerd Lakes Chamber’s 20th annual Business Holiday Extravaganza is planned from 4:30-7 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Town Hall at Madden’s on Gull Lake resort north of Brainerd. More than 500 Brainerd lakes area guests attend this event, which will include holiday decor, hors d’oeuvres and wine, and networking with area businesses. This event is $3 for chamber members, their employees, and the public, which includes all of the food, drinks and festivities.
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November 26, 2015
Brainerd Dispatch | Echo Journal
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