MMBA Home & Outdoor Show 2019

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38th Annual Home & Outdoor Show Essentia Health Sports Center | 502 Jackson Street | Brainerd, MN 56401

MARCH 22-24, 2019

Welcome to the Home & Outdoor Show





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302 5th Ave NE Ste 4 • Brainerd MN 56401


More info at:


2019 MMBA Home Show

HOME & OUTDOOR SHOW WELCOME TO THIS YEAR’S LAKES AREA HOME SHOW building industry. We will have everything from general contractors, architects, electricians, plumbers, real estate professionals, financial institutions and so much more. As always, the concession stand will be filled with great food, snacks, beverages, and We have added some new things to beer for you to enjoy while taking in the the event this year to make it even more experience. Back by popular demand, the upstairs enjoyable! In the Gold Medal Arena, we will feature a building competition area in the main arena will host the among the local high schools. Brainerd, Master Gardeners. They will have Crosby-Ironton, Pequot Lakes, and several presentations throughout the Pillager High Schools will be sending weekend. So come and learn some their best builders to compete in making great tips and tricks from the Master a deer stand. The competition will take Gardeners themselves and get your place on Saturday throughout the day. garden looking fabulous this year. This will be a fun event to showcase the I’d like to thank our two new main area talent we have in our schools and sponsors this year, Marvin Windows cheer for your favorite deer stand. The and Doors and Mid- Minnesota Federal Gold Medal Arena will again feature Credit Union. On behalf of Colleen exhibitors that focus on the outdoors. The Faacks, Executive Officer MMBA, Tracy exhibitors we have this year are Brainerd Peterson Administrative Assistant, and Sports & Marine, Moe’s Contracting & our Committee, Felicia Moddes, Jim Landscaping, and Quality Equipment Falconer, Russ Hale, Gene Haverkamp, Sales & Service. Sam Horn, Connie Kaz, and Rod Spring is soon upon us and it’s time to gear up for the 38th annual MidMinnesota Builders Association Home & Outdoor Show. I am Jenny Carlson from Brainerd Savings & Loan and I am excited to be the chairperson of the 2019 show.

Jenny Carlson

2019 Home Show Chair

The main arena will feature the Pierzinski, and myself, we look forward exhibitors from all aspects of the to seeing you this year at the show!




MARCH 22-24



Friday, March 22 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saturday, March 23 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, March 24 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

All of the Food & Donations collected at the Home Show stay in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Together WE can make a difference! $5 ADMISSION 15 and under free

2019 MMBA Home Show



2019 MMBA Home Show



to the MMBA Home Show from Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity!

Our Women Build team will be in the lobby to greet you as you enter the show. Stay for a DIY project that will help fund our next Women Build home. The project center will be open Friday 4:00-6:30pm, Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm and Sunday noon-2:00pm. Kids under 12 need to have a parent helper with them. Be sure to visit the Habitat ReStore booth also located in the lobby! The Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore sells new and used donated building materials and

furniture. The ReStore is open to the public and all proceeds go towards building homes in partnership with families in need. The ReStore offers a free pickup service for items too large for you to haul yourself. If

you’re building or remodeling (or have plans to) and have some unwanted items, give us a call at 218-454-8517.

$10 Birdhouses $20 Dragonfly • $8 & $20 Flowers Price includes training and cost of materials. All proceeds support LAHFH.

Come check out what we’re making!

2019 MMBA Home Show



2019 MMBA Home Show


Would you like to grow bigger, tastier tomatoes? Looking for ways to attract more butterflies? Or maybe you’re having a problem with unwanted garden pests. No matter what you want to know, Crow Wing County Master Gardeners are here to help. Just stop by our booth on the upper level of the Home and Outdoor Show. Our volunteers will be presenting seminars and will be available to answer individual questions.

—­— FRIDAY, MARCH 22 • 3:00 PM —­— Speaker: Coralee Fox, U of M Extension Master Gardener

Alliums - Too Pretty for the Vegetable Garden Often referred to as wild onions or chives, this plant deserves more attention. Monarch butterflies love Alliums in bloom and better yet, these plants are deer and rabbit resistant.

—­— SATURDAY, MARCH 23 —­— 11:00 AM Speaker: JoAnn Weaver, U of M Extension Master Gardener

Herbs: Garden to Table

Master Gardeners are trained and certified volunteers for the University of Minnesota Extension. We work with schools, community gardens, and youth and environmental education programs to make our communities greener and healthier.

Herbs are plants with leaves, seeds, and flowers that can be used for many things including flavoring, food, fragrance and medicine. They’re relatively easy to grow and can enhance a garden with lots of color, texture and form. This presentation will cover selection, growing tips and culinary uses.

We also have a Master Gardener Help Line at 218-454-GROW (4769). Just give us a call and leave a message, and a Master Gardener will get back to you.

Tomatoes are good to eat and they’re good for you. Technically a fruit but often thought of as a vegetable; the “perfect” tomato is within your reach. This presentation will address planning, planting, maintenance, harvest and kitchen preparation.

1:00 PM Speaker: JoAnn Weaver, U of M Extension Master Gardener

Tomatoes: Seeds to Saucepan

3:00 PM Speaker: Jennifer Knutson, U of M Extension Master Gardener

Miniature Gardens Enter the magical world of miniature gardens! This seminar will present ideas on how to design a terrarium, dish garden and outdoor miniature garden, including fairy gardens. Create a charming, whimsical miniature landscape using dwarf plants and accessories. Creative ideas on how to accessorize with items found on hand will also be presented.

—­— SUNDAY, MARCH 24 • 1:00 PM —­— Speaker: Jennifer Knutson, U of M Extension Master Gardener

Hostas: From Minis to Giants Hostas are the stars of the shade garden and range in size from miniature to giant. Cultivation information will be provided on best practices for planting, care, pest resistance and other factors important to the success of growing hostas. Suggestions for using hostas in the landscape will also be given.

2019 MMBA Home Show



2019 MMBA Home Show

HOME & OUTDOOR SHOW CONSTRUCTION CONTEST SATURDAY – MARCH 23, 2019 • 9:00 – 4:30 PM Gold Medal Arena New for the 2019 Home & Outdoor Show, we will feature a building competition among the local high schools. Schools participating in the Construction Contest: • Brainerd • Crosby-Ironton • Pequot Lakes • Pillager High Schools Schools will be sending their best builders to compete in making a deer stand. The competition will take place on Saturday throughout the day. This will be a fun event to showcase the area talent we have in our schools and cheer for your favorite deer stand.

Four - 4 person teams Each team will be assigned an Advisor



Judging: The teams will be judged on the following: • Quality • Efficiency • Teamwork • Percent Complete/Speed All teams can keep the stands so we need to make sure that they have a way to get them back to their schools after the project is complete. Prizes: Cash Prizes will be awarded 1st – 4th Place Each Team member will receive a tool kit which they will get to keep at the end of the competition.



Building? Remodeling? You want to keep your home, one of your best investments, in top notch shape. Now is the perfect time for a new water treatment system from Finken!

2019 MMBA Home Show



March March22—24, 22—24, 2019 2019 March2019 22—24, March 22—24, 2019 Essentia Health Sports Center Essentia Health SportsHealth Center Essentia Sports Center

502 Jackson Street  Jackson Brainerd, MN 502 Jackson Street  Brainerd, MN 56401MN 56401 Essentia Health Sports Center 502 Street  56401 Brainerd, 502 Jackson Street  Brainerd, MN 56401 24 25 212522 23 2324 24 25 23EXIT 2122 22 EXIT EXIT EXIT 2120 EXIT 20 20 EXIT 22 23 24 25 21 EXIT EXIT 19 19 20 19 26 26 26 18 19 104 78 55 18 18 March 2019 27 104 7878 5555 22—24, 104 17 27 26 27 Center Essentia Health Sports 18 28 17 17 104 78 502 Jackson 55  Brainerd, MN 56401 105 103 79 Street 56 27 77 16 28 2854 17 29 105 56 56 54 54 105 103103 79 79 77 77 16 16 106 102 80 217622 23 29 57242853 15 PILLAGER HIGH SCHOOL 25 EXIT EXIT 20 29 105 103 80 79 30 77 57 56 54 Construction Contest Area 76 15 16 53 80 57 76 107 15 106106 102102 53 101 81 75 14 29 19 30 52 30 31 26 106 102 80 57 76 15 53 108 100 751875 82 14 14 107107 101101 74 78 13 81 81 104 55 32 27 31 30 5252 31 107 101 81 17 H I G H S C H O O L 75 14 109 99 83 73 12 82 82 58 51 74 74 13 13 108108 100100 28 31 52 79 77 33 105 103 56 32 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11663.5 Concession 922 117116 91 40 88 4 5 67 63.5 117 45 91 4 91 Stand 4 67 11763.5 88 89 41 40 64 64 44 45 1 41 41 44 117 64 44 91 42 118118 90 90 3 4 118 A 90 B 3 3 41 66 6666 MMBA 64 MMBA 44 65 43 65 65 43 43 MMBA 118 90 EXIT 2 Concession 2 3 Concession Ramp 2 Sponsor Concession 66 89 Stand MMBA 65 43 38th Annual Home & Outdoor Show 1 8989 42 A B Stand Stand 1 2 Concession March 22—24, 2019  Hours 1 120 119 42 A B Civic Center 42 A EXITB Gold Medal 89 Stand Friday  March 22, 2019  12:00 pm — 7:00 pm Ramp 1 Entrance Sponsor Entrance 42 38th Annual Home & Outdoor A B Saturday March 23, 2019  9:00 Show am — 5:00 pm EXIT & Exit EXIT 2019 Hours Ramp Sunday March March22—24, 24, 2019  10:00 am — 3:00 pm 120 119 Sponsor Civic Center Ramp MMBA Sponsor Gold Medal Friday  March 22, 2019 12:00 pm —Show 7:00 pm 38th Annual Home & Outdoor EXIT Entrance Booth 38th Annual Home & Outdoor Show Entrance Ramp Saturday  March 23, 2019  9:00 am — 5:00 pm Ramp Sponsor March 22—24, 2019 10:00 Hours 120120 & Exit 119119 Sunday  March 24, 2019 am — Show 3:00 pm March 22—24, 2019  Hours 38th Annual Home &Outdoor Civic Center Front Entry Area: MMBA Gold Medal Civic Center Home Based Businesses & Non-Profits will be  March 22, 22, 2019  12:00 pm — 7:00 pm Gold Medal Friday Booth Friday  March 2019  12:00 pm — 7:00 pm Lakes Area Habitat for Ramp Entrance Main March 22—24, 2019  Hours Admission 120 119 Entrance Entrance located upstairs over looking the— Civic Center Civic Center Saturday  March 23, 2019  9:00 am 5:00 pm pm Entrance Gold Medal Humanity | ReStore Front Entry Area: Entrance Saturday  March 23, 2019  9:00 am — 5:00 Booth & Exit Friday  March 22, 2019  12:00 pm — 7:00 pm Home Based Businesses & Non-Profits will be & Exit Entrance Lakes Area Habitat for 24, 2019 looking 10:00 —Center 3:00 pm pm Main Sunday  March Admission Entrance upstairs over theam Civic MMBA Sunday  located March 24, 2019  10:00 am — 5:00 3:00 Saturday 23, 9:00 am — pm MMBA Humanity | ReStore Entrance Booth & Exit Wing Gardeners bepm Booth Ramp Sunday  Crow March 24,County 2019 Master  10:00 am — will 3:00 Booth Ramp MMBA located upstairs looking the Civic Essentia Health Sports Center Crow Wing Countyover Master Gardeners will beCenter Front Entry Area: Booth RampCenterHome Based located Front Entry Area: Businesses Non-Profits willCenter be be upstairs & over looking the Civic Essentia Health Sports Home Based Businesses & Non-Profits will Lakes Area Habitat for Main Lakes Area Habitat located upstairs over looking the Civic Center Main Front Entry Area:for Admission Admission locatedBased upstairs over looking the Civic Center Humanity | ReStore Home Businesses & Non-Profits will be Entrance Booth Humanity ReStore Entrance Lakes Area |Habitat for Booth Main Admission located upstairs over looking the Civic Center Humanity | ReStore Entrance Booth Crow Wing County Master Gardeners will will be be Crow Wing County Master Gardeners located upstairs overover looking the the CivicCivic Center Essentia Health Sports Center located upstairs looking Center Essentia Health Sports Center Crow Wing County Master Gardeners will be located upstairs over looking the Civic Center Essentia Health Sports Center

Construction Contest Area Construction Contest Area Construction Contest Area Construction Contest Area

Outdoor Exhibitors:

Outdoor OutdoorExhibitors: Exhibitors: Outdoor Exhibitors: Outdoor Exhibitors:


2019 MMBA Home Show


Non-Member = Green

Geo’s Paint & Finish.............................61 Gerhards – The Kitchen & Bath Store.................................... 119 Granite Services................................ 118

ABC Seamless of Brainerd..................51 Advantage Seamless Gutters....... 94, 95 Airtech Heating and Cooling of Brainerd............................3 Alder Creek Custom Cabinets............ 26 All Season Heating & A/C of Brainerd..................................... 102 Ameribuilt Buildings........................... 117 American Door Works..................... 120 American National Bank.................... 48 Anderson Brothers Construction...............................35, 36 API/GDS Garage Door Store............75 Audio Video Extremes.........................24 B-Dirt Construction.......................98, 99 Backyard Reflections...........................21 Better Living Concepts/ Renewal by Andersen...................... 89 Brainerd Savings & Loan.....................73 Brainerd Sports & Marine............... Gold Medal Arena Build-All Lumber................................. 63 Crow Wing County Land Service..............................64, 65 Crow Wing County Master Gardeners ................. Upstairs Civic Center Arena Crow Wing Power ............................7, 8 Culligan Water Conditioning............1, 2 Economy Garages.............................. 23 Edina Realty.........................................41 Exterior Pro......................................... 22 Fabricators Supply............................. 113 Fabricators Unlimited........................ 114 Finken Water Solutions........................74

HealthSource Chiro & Progressive Rehab........................................ 76, 77 Hirshfield’s Decorating Center........... 29 HotSpring Spas & Pool Tables 2...... 104 Hy-Tec Construction.....................33, 34 Kinetico of Brainerd............................ 43 Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity.......Front Entry/Lobby Area LeafFilter North of Minnesota............. 11 Marvin Windows and Doors.............. 66 Mattson Lumber Company................. 88 Members Cooperative Credit Union..................................... 86 Mid-Minnesota Federal Credit Union...............Sponsor Booth B Midnight Sun Pools ‘n Spas............... 52 Mike’s Tree Company................... 39, 40 MMBA Construction Contest..... Back of Gold Medal Arena MMBA Lumber & Lace.................44, 45 Moe’s Contracting & Landscaping ............................... Gold Medal Arena MN Home Improvements/ Leaf Guard Gutters.............46 B, 46 D Nardini Fire Equipment Co..................10 Neumann Construction................. 37, 38 Northern States Basement Systems.... 97 Northland Buildings...........................111 Northland Construction.................... 106 Northland Drilling.................................4

R & J Broadcasting..............................17 RetroGreen Energy............................. 93 SCR Northern Division..................31, 32 Screen Area Enclosures.......................12 Sculpture by Design.............................13 Serenity Design..............................18, 19 Start to Finish Builders and Remodelers..................................5 Structural Buildings............................. 30 Sunspace of Brainerd Lakes................. A Superior Mechanical.......................... 25 Tin Man Siding.....................................14 Tri-County Foam Insulation................ 49 Up North Fireplace Gallery............... 62 Weichert Realtors Tower Properties... 68 Western Products................................ 55 Wippler Precast.................................. 47 Your Home Improvement Co.............. 42 Home Based Businesses: Norwex Scentsy Thirty-One

Special Thanks to the 2019 Home & Outdoor Sponsors:

Olsen Groundeffex............................. 96 Pella Windows & Doors................15, 16 People’s Security Company..................9 Quality Equipment Sales & Service............... Gold Medal Arena 2019 MMBA Home Show


HOME & OUTDOOR SHOW 2019 MMBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Local: Mid-Minnesota Builders Association (MMBA) Ray Austin, Kuepers, Inc. Jim Falconer, Radco Truck Accessory Center Larry Geschwill, Simonson Lumber Company Margie Goebel, GPS Restoration Solutions Warren Haberman, First Supply Jeff Hanson, Hy-Tec Construction Sam Horn, American National Bank Jeremy Johnston, Northland Construction Wes Mink, Start to Finish Builders & Remodelers Severin Neumann, Neumann Construction Larry Oaks, Wausau Homes Rod Pierzinski, Crow Wing Power Matt Radniecki, Baratto Brothers Construction Gerry Traut, Xcel Energy 2019 Executive Board of Directors President: Sam Horn, American National Bank Associate Vice-President: Larry Geschwill, Simonson Lumber Builder Vice-President: Matt Radniecki, Baratto Brothers Construction Secretary/Treasurer: Margie Goebel, GPS Restoration Solutions Immediate Past President: Ray Austin, Kuepers

National Directors: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Patrick Goff, Crow Wing Power Gerry Traut, Xcel Energy Staff Executive Officer: Colleen Faacks Administrative Assistant: Tracy Peterson

Mission Statement

The Mid-Minnesota Builders Association (MMBA) of Crow Wing, Wadena & lower Cass Counties, fundamental purpose is to foster a healthy business environment for the home building industry, and to engage in activities that strengthen competitiveness, professionalism, and the public’s confidence in the industry. The MMBA represents over 225 members involved in and supporting all phases of the home building industry.

State Directors: Builder’s Association of Minnesota (BAM) Margie Goebel, GPS Restoration Solutions Sam Horn, American National Bank Gerry Traut, Xcel Energy

Mid-Minnesota Builders Association 17068 Commercial Park Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 (218) 829-4982 •


For Nitrates during the show Bring a water sample from your tap and staff will be able to conduct the test within seconds while you wait. Samples should be taken after running the tap for several minutes and before any filtering is done. Participants are encouraged to bring their unique well number and approximate depth of their well. Crow Wing County Land Services: Be sure to stop by and see the staff at the Home Show. They will be on hand to answer your building permit and land use questions. n Environmental Services Info: 218-824-1010

n Environmental Services Supervisor: n Land Services Director: Jacob Frie 218-824-1124 Gary Griffin 218-824-1016 Ryan Simonson 218-824-1355


2019 MMBA Home Show


The Mid-Minnesota Builders Association (MMBA) started the Tools for Schools program three years ago introducing students to the possibilities outside of a traditional fouryear degree. The objective of this program is to visit area high schools letting students know about different career options past high school. MMBA members visit area high schools located in MMBA service area - Crow Wing, lower part of Cass and Wadena Counties. Tools for Schools allows students to acquire not only basic construction information, but also the information needed

to understand the residential and commercial construction industry. Students have the opportunity to learn about careers in the industry by interacting with local businesses. Though going to a trade school after high school might not be the traditional route, those who do will learn life-long skills. As more and more high school students graduate and decide to go to a four-year college, skilled trade workers are needed now more than ever. The Mid-Minnesota Builders Association is working to introduce students to the trades and show the potential career paths students can take. A study conducted June of 2018 in Minnesota found that 73 percent of

construction firms and trade employers are having a hard time filling positions. Along with the event, the association also donates a

thousand dollars worth of tools to the Construction/ Shop classes the day they visit the school.

2019 MMBA Home Show




B-Dirt Construction invites you to tour another one of our signature, craftsman style homes, nestled in the woods. This home includes many of the design, and finish features, that you have come to expect from B-Dirt Construction; Ash floors, white trim, rustic ceiling beams, and custom tile work. Other interior features of this home include; granite counter tops, custom cabinetry, a basement wet bar, and a large storage area. Exterior features include; maintenance free decking, cement board siding, cedar posts, and stone accents. We look forward to seeing you on the tour! DIRECTIONS: Highway 371 South to West on Highway 210. Turn left onto 11th Ave SW/Hardy Lake Rd W. Turn right onto 132nd St SW. Turn left onto Big Pine Circle.

B-DIRT CONSTRUCTION, LLC Joe Ranweiler | 4706 Wilderness Court | Suite 103 | Brainerd, MN 56401 | License: BC328737 218-821-5243 | |

2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour


Unique custom designed seamless counters built on site or in our shop to fit your space, ideas & lifestyle! Remodeling? Save time and demolition cost by resurfacing exisisting counters, showers, etc.! Resistant, non-porous food safe sealers. Concrete & Epoxy Designs Indoor • Outdoor Seamless Counters Kitchen/Bath Showers • Fireplaces • Fire Tables/Bars Tables • Wall Art • Floors Memorial Engraving • Statuary Benches • Etc.

Showroom: Pine River, MN 218-232-0372 Follow us for updates, new projects, new designs, etc.

Trust Your Hometown Water Expert, Dave Our revolutionary non-electric water treatment systems eliminate iron, hardness and odor—GUARANTEED!

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Get 25% off the purchase of premium Kinetico water treatment system. We have convenient financing options OAC. Limited time offer. Not valid with other offers. One offer per customer. Code: MMBA

Get 25% off the purchase of premium Kinetico water treatment system. We have convenient financing options OAC. Limited time offer. Not valid with other offers. One offer per customer. Code: MMBA

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2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour



Check out Lumber One’s newest patio home plan in Crescent Hills Estates of Brainerd. Nestled in a secluded area off of Buffalo Hills Rd sits a beautiful 1577 sq. ft. two bedroom, two bath patio home with a sunroom. Concrete patio out the back for grilling and a covered porch out the front. No snow to shovel in the winter or grass to cut in the summer; our association will take care of that for you. Other house and lot packages to build are available in this development. DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 371 & 210: East to South 6th Street. South on South 6th Street to Buffalo Hills Lane. West on Buffalo Hills Lane to Whippoorwill Lane. Left on Whipporwill Lane to property on left.

LUMBER ONE, AVON INC. Chuck Brandes | 101 2nd Street NW | Avon, MN 56310 | License: BC001820 320-980-4832 | |

2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour


ars Strong 20 Ye

e s t. 19 9 2

Phone: (218) 829-4353 Fax: (218) 829-0067 15909 Inglewood Drive Brainerd, MN Mon-Fri - 8:00am - 4:30pm



2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour





THE ANCHOR (1219) The Harbor at East Gull Lake is a single-family lake home community located on the Gull Lake chain of lakes. This new community features 27 Baratto Brothers high quality, custom built craftsman style homes with high-end finishes and architechture. 5 great floor plans to start from and customize or build from your own concept. Single-level and multiple level living options, Gull Lake access with 30ft. harbor slip included, permanent dock and nature views, 20x40 additional private storage garages, community swimming pool & changing area, practice putting-green and paved walking paths all on 26+ acres of community grounds. DIRECTIONS: From the North, 371 south to Green Gables Rd, go to end of Green Gables and turns into Harbor Place. From the South, 371 north to Gull Dam Rd, west to Squaw Pt. Road to Harbor Place. The Harbor at East Gull Lake is located 2 blocks before Ernie’s on Gull.

BARATTO BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Jason Thiesse | 13872 Shafer Road | Crosslake, MN 56442 | License: BC322437 218-820-8626 cell | 218-692-1070 | |

2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour



2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour



New home construction in the perfect family neighborhood setting. Close to both Nisswa and Pequot school districts. Home offers comfort features as well as growing family or retirement versatility. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with spacious kitchen and granite tops, vaulted & tray ceilings, luxury plank flooring, and custom fireplace only begin to describe the many nicely appointed features that complement the perfect floorplan. Plenty of room for everyone and everything, even a 3-stall garage for the “Up-North” extras. DIRECTIONS: 2 miles north of Nisswa to County Rd 29. West on County Rd 29, 1 mile to left on Spike Buck Dr. 4/10th mile, take right on Yearling Court — ­ home on left of cul-de-sac — 3577 Yearling Court, Nisswa MN 56468 .

E.L. BUILDERS, LLC Eric Larson | 28393 Mayo Hills Rd | Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 | License: BC626648 218-839-4158 | |

2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour



W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Concrete Block

Borgert Paving Stones

Logix ICF

Boulder Creek Stone

Keystone Retaining Walls

Concrete Products and Masonry Supplies

• Keystone Retaining Walls • Borgert Paving Stones • • Boulder Creek Stone Products • Logix ICF • • Concrete Block • Bag Cement • Euclid • Kraft Tools • Prosoco • Tamms • TK Products • Tremco • • W.R. Meadow • Legacy Staining •

Supplying the Lakes Area with all your landscape and masonry needs! Quality and Service Since 1909

218-829-9674 | 702 Industrial Park Road, Brainerd

The Outdoor Living Collection featuring

SPRING LAKES AREA HOME TOUR HOURS: FRIDAY, APRIL 26 12:00-6:00 pm SATURDAY, APRIL 27 12:00-6:00 pm SUNDAY, APRIL 28 12:00-4:00 pm


2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour

Create your custom outdoor space with outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, fire bowls, seating walls, flagstone, and masonry products from Brock White.

3855 Independence Road 218-829-1929

SPRING LAKES AREA HOME TOUR WELCOME TO THE 2019 SPRING LAKES AREA HOME TOUR! Everyone needs inspiration and guidance when creating their dream home. Whether you’re building a new home or remodeling an existing one, the process can be challenging. Take advantage of the Lakes Area Home Tour to get your own inspiration and the confidence you need to begin your upcoming projects! Our beautiful lakes area has its own unique “Up North” feeling which

shines throughout this tour. Each builder has their own special designs and features that they put into each home they build from the architecture to the interior details, they focus on creating your perfect dream home. The Lakes Area Home Tour is a self-guided tour, giving you the flexibility to walk through the homes at your own pace. Choose the route that works for you and take your time in each home to find the style and

builder that inspires you. Each home will be hosted by the builder and their representatives to answer any of your questions so you can begin the process of building the home of your dreams.

Felicia Moddes 2019 Home Tour Chair

SPRING LAKES AREA HOME TOUR HOURS: FRIDAY, APRIL 26 12:00-6:00 pm | SATURDAY, APRIL 27 12:00-6:00 pm | SUNDAY, APRIL 28 12:00-4:00 pm


(218)963-7470 • NISSWA

2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour


“Quality Materials To Serve You Better”



2019 MMBA Lakes Area Home Tour

2019 Spring Lakes Area



HOME TOUR APRIL 26-28, 2019

HOURS: Friday & Saturday 12:00–6:00pm | Sunday 12:00–4:00pm




E.L. BUILDERS, LLC 3577 Yearling Court Nisswa, MN 56468

BARATTO BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1214 Harbor Place East Gull Lake, MN 56401

BARATTO BROTHERS 3 CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1219 Harbor Place East Gull Lake, MN 56401

2 3

4 5






2315 Whippoorwill Lane Brainerd, MN 56401 13250 Big Pine Circle Pillager, MN 56473

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