25 minute read
SOLUTION client fill
(AP) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanOff HookOff HookTop Hooker (S) WildmanWildmanOff HookOff HookTop Hooker (S) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanOff HookOff HookTop Hooker (S) OranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/OCHousewives/OCHousewives/OCBelow DeckHappensHousewives/OCHousewives/OCNewlywedsHappensNewlywedsPaidPaidPaidPaidVanderpump Rules (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportThe Car ChasersFilthy RichAmerican GreedMad MoneyFilthy RichAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyKeyFturamaSouth PkSouth PkBrickle.South PkDailyColbertSouth PkAmy DailyColbertWork.Work.Work.Work.SunnySunnyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ LoudFast N’ Loud (N) Street Outlaws (N) Fast N’ Loud (S) Street Outlaws (S) Fast N’ LoudFast N’ Loud (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISN) Shake ItDog ››› “Enchanted” (2007) (S) (CC) JessieGood AustinJessieGood Good Shake ItANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleChug (E!) E! News (N) WantedKardashianKardashianChelseaE! News ChelseaKardashianChelseaSoupFashion PolicePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N)
Live (N) (CC)
World Series of Poker (CC) 2012 World Series of Poker (CC) 2012 World Series of Poker (CC) SportsNation (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Now (N) NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation (CC) Mike & Mike (N) (Live) (CC)
(EWTN) (5:30) Daily MassThe Journey HomeEvangeRosaryWorld Over LiveRememWomen Daily Mass The Journey HomeServantPius XIIHoly Wd.Saints GodOne MiraclesVatican
H’se (SPIKE) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) EntouPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY)
“Anacondas”Defiance Defiance (N) Warehouse 13 (N) Defiance Warehouse 13 (S) Primeval: NewSinbad Sanctuary (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN)
MasterPottersBehindLivingFranklinDupl’tis ››› “Amazing Grace” (2006) OsteenP. StoneHoly CrefloConPraise the Lord (CC) Secret CrisisWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Deon Cole’s Family Guy (S) Conan (CC) Deon Cole’s Conan (CC) The Office (CC)
›››› “Almost Famous” (2000) Billy Crudup. A teenage rock journalist goes on tour with a rising band. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:30) ›› “Zero Hour” (1957) Carson on TCM Carson on TCM
››› “The Sunshine Boys” (1975, Comedy) Walter Matthau. (CC) (DVS)
››› “The Goodbye Girl” (1977) Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason. (CC)
››› “California Suite” (1978) Alan Alda, Jane Fonda, Maggie Smith. (CC)
›› “Goodbye, Mr. Chips” (1969) Peter O’Toole. A music-hall singer cheers an English schoolmaster’s life. (CC) Now Playing “Wings” (TLC) DC Cupcakes (N) CakeCakeCakeCakeFour Houses (N) CakeCakeFour Houses (S) CakeCakeDC Cupcakes (S) PopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) Castle “Punked” Major CrimesMajor Crimes (N) King & Maxwell (N) Major CrimesKing & MaxwellCold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) Southland (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville “Jitters” (TOON) RegularAdvenRegularMADKing/HillKing/HillBurgersAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidBurgersAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) Bizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) LizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedHogan: MCWOver PaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) ’Til Death’Til DeathRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens The Soul Man Cleveland Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) 3’s Company Nopalea with Paid Program (USA) NCIS: Los Angeles “Empty Quiver” (S) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC)
(:05) Graceland Mike is recruited. (:06) Royal Pains (CC) (DVS) (12:07) House “Gut Check” (S) (CC)
(:07) › “Repo Men” (2010) Jude Law, Forest Whitaker, Liev Schreiber. (CC)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosFunny VideosNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (5:45) ›› “Battleship” (2012, Science Fiction) Taylor Kitsch. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Gideon’s Army” (2013) Premiere. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
Newsroom True Blood Eric is irate. (S) (CC)
Boxing Gennady Golovkin vs. Matthew Macklin. (S) (CC) Fight Game (:15) ››› “Grosse Pointe Blank” (1997) John Cusack. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Cowboy, Aliens (:20) ››› “Gideon’s Army” (2013) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (MAX) (5:35) ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra Bullock. (:20) ›› “Just Like Heaven” (2005) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Ocean’s Twelve” (2004) George Clooney. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:05) Banshee “The Kindred” (S) (CC) The Erotic Traveler Feature 2: Object of Desire (S) (CC)
(:45) “Endure” (2010, Suspense) Devon Sawa, Judd Nelson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) ›› “Sabrina” (1995, RomanceComedy) Harrison Ford. (S) ‘PG’ (CC) “Crucible” (SHOW) “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S)
› “Def Jam’s How to Be a Player” (1997) Bill Bellamy. (:35) › “Belly” (1998, Crime Drama) Nas. Premiere. (S) ‘R’
››› “Take This Waltz” (2011) Michelle Williams. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Sexy Baby” (2012) Premiere. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) ›› “The Black Dahlia” (2006, Mystery) Josh Hartnett. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) 30 Days in May (S) (CC) (:15) ››› “Source Code” (2011) Jake Gyllenhaal. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “An American Carol” (2008) (CC) (TMC) (5:15) ››› “My Left Foot” (1989)
(:35) ››› “Elegy” (2008, Drama) Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Blitz” (2011) Jason Statham. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ››› “Another Stakeout” (1993) Richard Dreyfuss. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(1999) Brendan Fraser. A mummy seeks revenge for a 3,000-year-old curse. (CC)
Planet (S) OranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/OCHousewives/OCHousewives/NJTardyTardyHappensTardyTardyHousewives/NJTardyTardyHappensPrincesses-Lo.PaidPaidPaidPaidTop Chef Masters (CNBC) The Kudlow Report60 Minutes onMexico’s Drug WarAmerican GreedMad MoneyMexico’s Drug WarAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyAmy Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Amy DailyColbertTosh.0Amy DailyColbertAmy Work.ChapFturamaSunnyEntouPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchDeadliest CatchBlood & Oil (N) (S) Deadliest CatchBlood & Oil (CC) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchPopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISN) Shake ItDogJessieAustin ›› “Starstruck” (2010) (S) Good ANT AustinGood Good Shake ItANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleChug (E!) E! News (N) Movie WantedWantedChelseaE! News ChelseaKardashianChelseaThe E! News PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) SportCtrESPY’sNine for IX (N) X Games Munich. Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC)
WNBA Basketball Seattle Storm at Chicago Sky. (N) (Live) (CC) Nine for IX (N) NFL Live (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Now (N) SportsNation (CC) World/ Poker 2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
SportsNation (CC) Mike & Mike (N) (Live) (CC)
(EWTN) (5:30) Daily MassMother AngelicaReliRosaryThreshold of HopeThoughtWomen Daily Mass Mother AngelicaDefendFrassatiActs ThoughtHarvest of SoulsDoor Vatican Joy of (FAM) Pretty Little LiarsPretty Little LiarsTwisted (N) (CC) Pretty Little LiarsThe 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerAmazing
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith
The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N)
(FSN) GameTwins MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Minnesota Twins. (N) Twins SpotlightWorld Poker TourMLB Baseball: Yankees at Twins
(FX) Two Two ››› “Unstoppable”
Hunt IntlHuntersPropertyPropertyFlip or Flip or HuntersHunt IntlRenoRenoFlip or Flip or HuntersHunt IntlRenoRenoPropertyPropertyPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCarter
PawnPawnCnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. AmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriCnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. AmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
Dance MomsDance MomsDance Moms (N) Pretty WickedPretty Wicked(:02) Dance MomsDance MomsPretty WickedPretty WickedPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (NBCSN) To Be Announced CrosPro TalkTBAPoker After DarkDarts (Taped) Poker After DarkPaidPaid ProgramPaidPaidPaidThe ’Lights (N) (NICK) MarvinFigure ItFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) TattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) Face Off TotalTotalTotalTotalExit (N) TotalTotalExit “Odysseus: Voyage” “Hellhounds” (2009) Scott Elrod. (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) MonuPottersBehindJ. MeyerPrinceParsleySpiritual Heritage of the U.S. CapitolInfluence of the BibleCrefloLet Freedom RingPraise the Lord (CC) A Nation Adrift Wom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan Charlie Sheen; Tony Hale. The Office (CC) Conan Charlie Sheen; Tony Hale. The Office (CC) › “Blonde Ambition” (2007) Jessica Simpson, Luke Wilson. (CC) Better Worse MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) “Cameraman-Life of Jack Cardiff”
›› “In Our Time” (1944, Drama) Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid. (CC)
››› “Devotion” (1946, Biography) Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid. (CC)
›› “Song of Love” (1947) Katharine Hepburn, Paul Henreid. (CC) (:15) ››› “Deep in My Heart” (1954, Biography) Jose Ferrer, Merle Oberon. (CC) ›› “Meet Me in Las Vegas” (1956, Musical) Dan Dailey, Cyd Charisse. (CC) “Up Periscp” (TLC) Family S.O.S.Family S.O.S.Family S.O.S.My Teen Is PregFamily S.O.S.My Teen Is PregFamily S.O.S.Family S.O.S.PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) Castle (S) Rizzoli & IslesRizzoli & Isles (N) Perception (N) Rizzoli & IslesPerception (CC) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville “Rogue” (TOON) JohnnyTeenLooneyAdvenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) FoodFoodBizarre FoodsAirport Airport WatCoasterExtreme ParkingAirport Airport WatCoasterExtreme ParkingBizarre FoodsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnHardPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnHardPawnPawnTowTowSpeederSpeederSpeederPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) ’Til Death’Til DeathRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland The ExesGolden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) 3’s Company Paid Program Paid Program (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) House “We Need the Eggs” (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) (WGN-A) Funny Videos ›› “Blown Away” (1994) Jeff Bridges. MotherFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC)
› “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Bourne Legacy Fight Game Family Tree (S) True Blood Eric is irate. (S) (CC)
›› “Dark Shadows” (2012, Comedy) Johnny Depp. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(12:55) ›› “Varsity Blues” (1999) James Van Der Beek. (:45) › “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (Off Air)
(MAX) (5:30) “Death Becomes Her” (1992)
(:15) ›› “What’s Your Number?” (2011) Anna Faris. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2011) ‘PG-13’ (:45) Banshee “The Kindred” (S) (CC) (:40) “Sex Tapes” (2012) Angela Davies. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
(:05) › “How High” (2001) Method Man. ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) ›› “A Kiss Before Dying” (1991) Matt Dillon. ‘R’
(:15) ›› “The Best Man” (1998, ComedyDrama) Diego Abatantuono. ‘PG’ (SHOW) (5:30) ››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson, David Thewlis. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Andrew Dice Clay: Indestructible (S) Bill Bellamy’s Ladies Night Out Comedy Tour (S) (CC) (:25) “Botched” (2007) Stephen Dorff. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
(Off Air) ››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (TMC) (5:00) ››› “Billy Elliot” (2000) ‘R’ ›› “W.” (2008, Docudrama) Josh Brolin, Ellen Burstyn. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:10) › “Why Stop Now?” (2012) Jesse Eisenberg. ‘R’
(:40) › “Serious Moonlight” (2009) Meg Ryan. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(12:05) “Sex, Marriage, & Other Bad Ideas” (2012) Premiere. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
(1:50) “Fifty Pills” (2006) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) › “The Breed” (2006, Horror) Michelle Rodriguez. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(4:50) ›› “Ride” (1998) Malik Yoba.
(2001) Brendan Fraser. Two evil forces pursue the son of adventurer Rick O’Connell.
Curtis, William Baldwin. (CC)
(AP) Gator Boys (CC) Gator Boys (CC) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanGator Boys (CC) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanGator Boys (CC) Gator Boys (CC) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanOranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/NJMillion DollarMillion DollarChef Roblé & Co.HappensMillion DollarHousewives/NJTabatha Tk-OvrHappensMillion DollarPaidPaidPaidPaidActor’s Studio (CNBC) Cocaine Cowboys ››› “The Queen of Versailles”American GreedAmerican GreedAmerican GreedAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Costco Craze (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyFturamaSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkFturamaFturamaDailyColbertFturamaSouth PkDailyColbertSouth PkFturamaBrickle.UglyWork.ComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) PopoffPaidTelePaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISN) Shake ItDogANT JessiePhineasDogAustinJessieShake ItGood ›› “Cadet Kelly” (2002) ANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey (E!) E! News (N) KardashianKardashianSoupSoupChelseaE! News ChelseaSoupWantedKardashianKardashianPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (CC) SportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) Nine for IX30 for 30 SEC Storied (N) (CC) SportsNation (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (CC) SportsNation (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation (CC) Mike & Mike (N) (Live) (CC)
(EWTN) (5:30) Daily MassEWTN LiveSaintRosaryReliVaticanoCatholicWomen Daily Mass EWTN LiveSwearFrassatiDevoSaintApo.Enrique ShawFrontline Families
(FAM) MelissaMelissaMelissaDaddyDaddyMelissaTwisted (S) (CC) The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerGrace
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N)
UFCTwins MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Minnesota Twins. (N) Twins MidwestWorld Poker TourMLB Baseball: Yankees at Twins
Two Two ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009) ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009) Sons of
(NBCSN) To Be Announced CrosMotorcycle RacingPoker After DarkDarts (Taped) Poker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidFisher.The ’Lights (N) (NICK) MarvinFigure ItFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Fight MasterFight MasterBellator 360 (S) Bellator 360 (S) Bellator 360 (S) Ways Ways Knife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) Paranormal Wi.Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) Paranormal Wi.Ghost Hunters (S) Paranormal Wi.“Moby Dick” (2010) William Hurt. “Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep” (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) Billy GrahamBehindTurningPrinceEndPraise the Lord (CC) GoodDupl’tisEasterCrefloPrayerPraise the Lord (CC) Faith-WhiteWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangBig BangConan (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) The Office (CC)
››› “Charlie’s Angels” (2000) Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore. (CC) Better Worse MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM)
“Chandler” Now Playing ››› “With Six You Get Eggroll” (1968) Doris Day. (:45) ›› “Weekend With Father” (1951) Van Heflin.
(:15) ›› “And So They Were Married” (1936) (:45) ›› “Three Daring Daughters” (1948) Jeanette MacDonald. (CC) (:45) ›› “Twice Blessed” (1945) Preston Foster. (:15) ››› “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father” (1963) Glenn Ford. (CC) (DVS) (:15) “The Howards of Virginia” (TLC) Breaking Amish: Toddlers & TiarasToddlers & TiarasThe The Toddlers & TiarasThe The Toddlers & TiarasBreaking Amish: PopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) Franklin & BashCastle (S) Franklin & BashFalling SkiesThe Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Leverage (CC) Smallville (CC) (TOON) RegularGumballNinjaGoTeenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) BBQ ParadiseBBQ Cr.BBQ Cr.FoodFoodDig Dig Rock-RVRock-RVFoodFoodDig Dig Rock-RVRock-RVBBQ Cr.BBQ Cr.PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnBait CarBait CarBait CarPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) ’Til Death’Til DeathRaymond Raymond Friends (CC) Friends (CC)
Cleveland The ExesThe Soul Man King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland The ExesThe Soul Man Golden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) King of Queens Nopalea with Paid Program (USA) NCIS A survivalist is wanted. (CC)
NCIS “Psych Out” (S) (CC) (DVS)
NCIS “Need to Know” (S)
NCIS Classified information is leaked. NCIS “The Good Son” (S) Royal Pains “Hankwatch” Necessary Roughness House “Body & Soul” (S) (CC) House “The C-Word” (S) (CC)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) NCIS “Child’s Play” (S) (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosRulesRulesRulesRulesNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) U.S. Women’s Soccer Team › “Wrath of the Titans” (2012) Sam Worthington. (CC) Red 2: First True Blood Eric is irate. (S) (CC) Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC) Family Tree (S) REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (S) ›› “Sanctum” (2011, Action) Richard Roxburgh, Ioan Gruffudd. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:25) ›› “Light It Up” (1999) Usher Raymond. ‘R’
(:10) Mel Brooks Strikes Back! (S) (:10) ›› “One Day” (2011) (CC) (MAX) (5:15) ››› “The Terminator” (1984) Banshee “The Kindred” (S) (CC)
›› “Horrible Bosses” (2011) Jason Bateman. ‘NR’ (:45) ›› “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004, Action) Dennis Quaid, Ian Holm. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(11:50) “Criminal Desires” (2013)
(:15) ›› “Volunteers” (1985, Comedy) Tom Hanks, John Candy. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) › “Foolish” (1999) Eddie Griffin. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
› “Jaws the Revenge” (1987) Lorraine Gary. ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) (5:15) ››› “Source Code” (S) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) 60 Minutes Sports (N) (S) (CC) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC) 60 Minutes Sports (S) (CC)
Jim Rome on Showtime ››› “Fahrenheit 9/11” (2004, Documentary) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “100 Girls” (2000, Comedy)
Jonathan Tucker. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” (2001, Drama) Nicolas Cage. (S) ‘R’ (TMC) (5:20) ›› “Griff the Invisible” (CC)
››› “Nurse Betty” (2000, Comedy) Morgan Freeman. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“2 Days in New York” (2012) Julie Delpy. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) ››› “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:10) ››› “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” (1989) James Spader. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia” ›› “Gang in Blue” (1996) Mario Van Peebles. ‘R’ (CC)
Mass of FortnightWorld Over LiveCrossingRosaryLife on the RockDefendWomen Mass of Fortnight
Treasure” ›› “National Treasure” (2004, Adventure) Nicolas Cage. The 700 Club (S)
To Be Announced CrosPro TalkTBAPoker After DarkDarts (Taped) Poker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidWildLiThe ’Lights (N) (NICK) Sam & Figure ItBig TimeWendellFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) iMPACT Wrestling (N) (S) (CC) Cops (S) Cops (S) Police VideosPolice VideosPolice VideosPolice VideosPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) ZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZoneZonePaidPaid (TBN) Let PottersBehindOsteenPrinceHillsongPraise the Lord (CC) Monumental: In SearchCrefloAmerica’s Godly HeritagePatriotic Freedom CelebraMonumental: In SearchWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangSullivan & Son Big BangConan (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) The Office (CC) ›› “Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle” (2003) Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore. MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried
(TCM) (4:30) “Yankee Doodle Dandy”
››› “The Music Man” (1962, Musical Comedy) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones. (CC) (:45) ››› “Ah, Wilderness!” (1935) Wallace Beery. Eugene O’Neill’s tale about an overly romantic adolescent. (CC)
››› “1776” (1972) William Daniels, Howard da Silva. A songfilled portrait of America’s founding fathers. (CC)
››› “Winchester ’73” (1950) James Stewart. (CC) (:15) › “Sh! The Octopus” (1937) (TLC) Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesFour Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Four Weddings (S) Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids
(TNT) Castle “Knockout” ›› “The Fast and the Furious”The Hero (CC) The Hero (CC) The Hero “Trust” The Hero “Heart” Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) Leverage (CC) Leverage (CC) Smallville “Hug” (TOON) RegularAnnoyIncredRegularKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyNTSFFaceChina, ILAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyNTSFFaceChina, ILKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) Deep Fried Para.Mysteries-MuseumMonumental MysMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMonumental MysMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) JokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokersWorld’s Dumbest...JokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokersWorld’s Dumbest...CombatCombatForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) ’Til Death’Til DeathRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) 3’s Company 3’s Company Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS “Short Fuse” (S) (CC)
NCIS “Ships in the Night” (S) (CC)
NCIS “Engaged, Part 1”
NCIS Searching for a missing Marine. NCIS “A Desperate Man” (S) NCIS “Child’s Play” (S) (CC) NCIS A Navy pilot is found dead. (S) NCIS “Flesh and Blood” (S) (CC)
NCIS “Double Identity” (S) (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNewsVideosFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaid J. Meyer
(HBO) (5:15) ››› “Napoleon Dynamite”
››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012) Christian Bale. Batman faces a masked villain named Bane. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Atlantic City Hookers: Being a Ho Family Tree (S) True Blood Eric is irate. (S) (CC) ›› “Project X” (2012) Thomas Mann. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “The Matrix” (1999, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “50 Children: Rescue Mission” “Panda 2” (MAX) (5:30) ››› “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang” (2005) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) ››› “Beasts of the Southern Wild” (2012) (CC) ››› “The Sessions” (2012) John Hawkes. ‘R’ (CC) (:35) ››› “Shame” (2011, Drama) Michael Fassbender. (S) ‘NC-17’ (CC) (:20) ››› “Midnight Run” (1988, Comedy) Robert De Niro. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Best of the Best II” (1993) Eric Roberts. ‘R’ (CC) (:15) › “Glitter” (2001, Drama) Mariah Carey, Max Beesley. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (SHOW) (5:25) ›› “Gone” (2012) (S) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC)
››› “Gangs of New York” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. A man vows vengeance on the gangster who killed his father. Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Polyamory Mr.
›› “Wet Hot American Summer” (2001) (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:40) ››› “Reservoir Dogs” (1992, Crime Drama) Harvey Keitel. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Traffic” (2000, Crime Drama) Michael Douglas, Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro. (S) ‘R’
›› “Caught Up” (1998) Bokeem Woodbine. ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) › “Wes Craven Presents: Dracula 2000” (2000) Christopher Plummer. (Off Air) ›› “Beyond Borders” (2003) Angelina Jolie. (S) ‘R’
Shaquille O’Neal Presents: All Star Comedy Jam ›› “Barnyard: The Original Party Animals” (2006) ‘PG’ (TMC) (5:00) ››› “Brokeback Mountain” (2005) (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “Our Idiot Brother” (2011) Paul Rudd. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(CNBC) American GreedMexico’s Drug WarUltimate FactoriesAmerican GreedMad MoneyUltimate FactoriesAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidMad MoneySuze Orman ShowOptionsPaid (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperStroumboulopAnderson CooperAnderson CooperStroumboulopAnderson CooperAnderson CooperStroumboulopNew Day Saturday (COM) ColbertDailyTosh.0Tosh.0Amy Work.Tosh.0Tosh.0The Comedy Central RoastA. Jeselnik: Ca.“Beavis and Butt-head Do America”Jim NortonComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) Warlocks RisingPhilly Throttle (S) Warlocks RisingPhilly Throttle (S) Street Outlaws (S) Warlocks RisingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISN) Shake ItDogJessieJessiePhineasFish DogGood Good JessieAustinJessieANT Shake ItGood ››› “Cow Belles” (2006) DeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey
(E!) E! News (N) SoupWantedFashion PoliceFashion Police (N) ChelseaE! News ChelseaFashion PoliceChelseaSoupE! News PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) NASCARNASCAR Racing SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) Boxing From Feb. 10, 1990.
Boxing Friday Night Fights. Alexander Brand vs. Andre Dirrell. (N) (Live) (CC) Boxing (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Now (N) NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Subway Firecracker 250. World/ Poker 2012 World Series of Poker (CC) 2012 World Series of Poker (CC) SportsNation (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassLife on the RockCampusRosaryCrossingEvangeRutlerWomen Daily MassLife on the RockNever CampusCatholicRememSaints PortraitsPadre in NamVatican My Faith (FAM) DancingDancingDaddyMelissa ›› “Austin Powers in Goldmember”The 700 Club
(NBCSN) SportsTo Be Announced CrosPro TalkTBAPoker After DarkDarts Poker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidOutdoorOutsideOutd’rs (NICK) TurtlesTurtlesTurtlesTurtlesFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) (5:00) ››› “Men in Black” ››› “Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi” (1983) (S) ›› “Fantastic Four” (2005) Ioan Gruffudd. (S) Ways Ways Ways Ways Knife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) “Land of the Lost”WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (S) Continuum (N) Defiance ContinuumDefiance Warehouse 13 (S) Lost Girl (S) (CC) Lost Girl (S) (CC) TotalTotalPaidPaid (TBN) ConPottersBehindLindseyHarvestP. Stone ›› “Fireproof” (2008) Kirk Cameron. Ever InFaith and FreedomCrefloAmerica: 1 NationReflecXtremeImpactRampVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguin (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S)
›› “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too?” (2010) Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal. (CC) (DVS) There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet?
›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007, Romance) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. (CC) MarriedMarriedJeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy MarriedMarried (TCM) (5:30) ›› “Along the Great Divide”
›››› “The 400 Blows” (1959) Jean-Pierre Léaud. (:45) Antoine and Colette ›››› “Stolen Kisses” (1968) Jean-Pierre Léaud. (:15) ›››› “Bed and Board” (1970) Jean-Pierre Léaud. Premiere.
››› “Love on the Run” (1979) JeanPierre Léaud, Marie-France Pisier.
›› “The Vanishing Fiancée” (1978) François Truffaut, Nathalie Baye.
››› “Ghost Ship” (1943) (CC) (TLC) GownGownSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesRandy RescueSay YesSay YesRandy RescueSay YesSay YesGownGownPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT) Castle (S) ›› “Unknown” (2011) Liam Neeson. Premiere. 72 Hours (N) (CC) King & MaxwellPerception (CC) ››› “Fracture” (2007) Anthony Hopkins. (CC) Smallville “Cool” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) RegularTeenCartoon PlanetKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenChina, ILSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyLooney (TRAV) FoodFoodGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresThe Dead FilesThe Dead FilesGhost AdventuresThe Dead FilesThe Dead FilesGhost AdventuresPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) LizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedWorld RecordsOver PaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) ’Til Death’Til DeathFriends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) The ExesFriends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens Golden Girls Golden Girls (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order:
(WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30
(HBO) “Forrest Gump” Fight Game (:15) › “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Life’s Too Short Special (N) (CC)
Life’s Too Short Special (S) (CC)
›› “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Wanderlust” (2012) Paul Rudd. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:40) ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003) Keanu Reeves. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” (MAX) (4:45) ››› “Die Hard 2” (1990) ‘R’ (6:50) ››› “Die Hard With a Vengeance” (1995) Bruce Willis. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Banshee “Wicks” (S) (CC) Strike Back (S) (CC)
(10:50) “Serena the Sexplorer” (S)
(12:05) ››› “Heat” (1995) Al Pacino. A homicide detective matches wits with a cunning adversary. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “He Got Game” (1998) Denzel Washington. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:15) ›› “The Mighty Ducks” (S) (SHOW) (5:00) “The Three Musketeers” (CC) ›› “Lawless” (2012, Crime Drama) Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC)
Trevor Noah: African American (N) (12:15) › “Def Jam’s How to Be a Player” (1997) Bill Bellamy. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (1:50) ››› “Goon” (2011) Seann William Scott. ‘R’ (CC) (:25) ›› “4:44 Last Day on Earth” (2011) Willem Dafoe. (4:50) ››› “Aces ’n Eights” (TMC) (5:30) ›› “Conception” (2011) (S) ››› “Stakeout” (1987, Suspense) Richard Dreyfuss. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Another Stakeout” (1993) Richard Dreyfuss. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “Halloween: Resurrection” (2002) Jamie Lee Curtis. “OC Confidential” (2008) ‘NR’ (CC) (:45) ›› “Payback” (1999, Action) Mel Gibson, Gregg Henry. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “Sophie’s Choice” (1982, Drama) Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Peter MacNicol. ‘R’ (CC)
“Hounded” (AP) Must Love Cats (S) Must Love Cats (S) To Be Announced
Announced (BRAVO) Housewives/OCChef Roblé & Co.Chef Roblé & Co.Chef Roblé & Co.Chef Roblé & Co.Million DollarMillion DollarMillion DollarMillion DollarMillion DollarNewlywedsHousewives/NJ
New Day Saturday (N) MoneySaturday MorningCNN Newsroom (N) CNN
NewsroomSituation Room (COM) PaidPaidComedyRENO FturamaFturama(:08) ›› “Police Academy” (1984) (:12) ›› “Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story”FturamaFturama(:28) ›› “Waiting...” (2005, Comedy) (:29) “Dinner for Schmucks” (DISC) PaidPaidPaidPaidFast N’ Loud (S) MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) Skywire LivePropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyWarlocks RisingPhilly Throttle (S) Blood & Oil (CC) Blood & Oil (CC) (DISN) MickeyDoc PiratesSofiaGood Good JessieANT JessieJessieJessieANT Good Good Good AustinAustinAustinJessieJessieGood DogAustinANT (E!) Movie SoupE! News Fashion PoliceKardashianKardashianMovie WantedE! News (N) Movie (ESPN) SportsCenterWimbledon2013 Wimbledon Championships Women’s Final. (N) (Live) (CC)
Nine for IXCollege Baseball SportsCenter (N) (ESPN2)
NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC)
SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
SportsNation Special 2013 Hot Dog Eating Contest
NASCAR Now (N) (Live) (CC)
American Le Mans Series Racing Northeast Grand Prix. From Lakeville, Conn. (N) (Live) (CC)
NHRA Drag Racing
(EWTN) ChapletRosaryDaily MassDevotionSaintsAngelsKnightsHeritageRosaryDaily MassActs MiraclesEWTN on LocationMercyRosaryWeb of Faith 2.0A Dinner With Alex JonesWisdom
(FAM) “Journey to the Center of the Earth”“Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” (2006) ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp. National
(FNC) (5:00) FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls & Bears BusinessForbes on FOX Cashin’ In (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News America’s News
It or List ItLove It or List ItHigh High Extreme HomesExtreme HomesHuntersHunt Intl (HIST) Wild West TechWild West TechWild West TechWild West TechCowboy-OutlawCowboy-OutlawCowboy-OutlawCowboy-OutlawCowboy-OutlawCowboy-OutlawHillbilly: The Real Story Stories. (CC) (LIFE) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidTBA ››› “Mother and Child” (2009) Naomi Watts. ›› “Not Easily Broken” (2009) “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”“Dirty Laundry” (NBCSN) GAFF MartinFisher.ParkerB. DanceBassSltwtrBig FishSaltwaIntoCharlieOutdoorB. DanceParkerSportFishingTo Be AnnouncedIndyCar Racing Motorcycle Racing (NICK) ParentsParentsSponge.Sponge.Sponge.ParentsSponge.SanjayTurtlesMonMonSanjayRangersSponge.ParentsParentsParentsParentsMovie (S) (CC) Sponge.Sanjay (SPIKE) PaidPaidPaidPaidXtremeHorse.Trucks!MuscleBar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) ››› “Remember the Titans” (2000, Drama) (S) ››› “Men in Black” (S) (SYFY) PaidPaidPaidPaid ›› “Triassic Attack” (2010) (CC) ›› “The Land That Time Forgot”Primeval: NewPrimeval: NewPrimeval: NewPrimeval: NewSinbad “Pilot” Sinbad (TBN) VeggieVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguinVeggieVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguinVeggieVeggieVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguinVeggieVeggieVeggieNews“Where the Red” Angels (TBS) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Meet the Browns There Yet? According-Jim Engagement Engagement ›› “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too?” (2010) Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal. (CC) (DVS) ›› “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself” (2009) Tyler Perry. Raymond Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens (TCM) “Ghost Ship” › “Hercules, Samson and Ulysses” (1965) Kirk Morris.
› “Terror of Rome Against the Son of Hercules” (1960) (:45) ›› “The Falcon in San Francisco” (1945) ›› “Challenge to Lassie” (1949) Edmund Gwenn. ›› “The Blob” (1958) Steven McQueen. (CC) ›› “Clash of the Titans” (1981) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. (CC) (:15) ››› “Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines” (1965) (CC) (TLC) PaidPaidPaidPaidFour Houses (S) Four Houses (S) Four Houses (S) Four Houses (S)
Losers” (2010) Premiere. ›› “Unknown” (2011) Liam Neeson. (CC) (DVS) Green (TOON) Scan2GoJohnnyBeyPokéBen 10NinjaGoLanternTeenJerryJerryJohnnyJohnnyJohnnyGumballGumballGumballMADIncredAdvenAdvenAdvenRegularRegularRegular
››› “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004) Daniel Radcliffe. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
“Miss You Can Do It” (2012) ‘NR’ (CC)
(:15) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “The Lucky One” (2012) (MAX) (5:15) ›› “The Mighty Ducks” (S) › “A Sound of Thunder” (2005) Edward Burns. ‘PG-13’ (:40) ››› “Contagion” (2011) Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “The Blues Brothers” (1980) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) ››› “Alien 3” (1992, Science Fiction) Sigourney Weaver. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) ›› “Contraband” (2012, Action) Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “National Lampoon’s Dorm Daze 2” (2006) Gable Carr. (SHOW) “Aces ’n Eights” ›› “The Story of Us” (1999) Bruce Willis. ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1” (2011) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “Autumn in New York” (2000, Romance) Richard Gere. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “I Don’t Know How She Does It” (2011) Sarah Jessica Parker. ‘PG-13’
› “Paper Man” (2009, Comedy-Drama) Jeff Daniels. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(11:55) ›› “Paycheck” (2003) Ben Affleck, Aaron Eckhart. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(1:55) ›› “Judge Dredd” (1995) Sylvester Stallone. ‘R’ ››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson. A horse sees joy and sorrow during World War I. (S) (TMC) (:05) ›› “Paradise” (1991) Melanie Griffith. Premiere. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “What Dreams May Come” (1998) Robin Williams. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil” (2011) (S) ‘PG’ (CC) ›› “Die Another Day” (2002, Action) Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
My Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellUntamed-UncutUntamed-UncutUntamed-UncutExtremeExtreme (BRAVO) Housewives/NJMovie Movie Movie
Tk-Ovr (CNBC) Ultimate FactoriesAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowDebtDebtAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowDebtDebtPaidPaidAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowSuze Orman ShowOptionsPaid (CNN) CNN NewsroomAnderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.StroumboulopAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.StroumboulopAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.StroumboulopNew Day Sunday (COM) “Dinner-Schm” ››› “Role Models” (2008) (CC) (:01) ››› “Role Models” (2008) (CC)
Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0(:05) ›› “Waiting...” (2005) (CC)
A. Jeselnik: Ca.PaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDavid (DISN) Good JessieJessieGravityAustinFish JessieAustinGood ANT Shake ItGood Shake ItAustinANT “The Color of Friendship”DeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey (E!) (5:00) Movie Movie Fashion PoliceChelseaSoupMovie SoupChelseaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) (5:55) Soccer Messi and Friends. (N) SEC Storied (N) Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) NHRA Drag RacingMLL Lacrosse Charlotte Hounds at Boston Cannons. (N) (Live)
NFL Yearb’k NFL Yearb’k NFL Yearb’k NFL Yearb’k Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker (CC) SEC Storied (CC)
(EWTN) Mother AngelicaMaria Goretti Living RightCampusThe Daily MassReligionSavoringRiver of LightWisdomMarriageEWTN LiveAt LastLivingAngelusCatholic
(FAM) (5:30) ›› “National Treasure” (2004, Adventure) ›› “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” › “Wild Hogs” (2007) Tim Allen. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidZ. LevittPrinceMass
(FNC) FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Geraldo at Large (N) (S) (CC)
Red Eye (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) Red Eye Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) FOX and Friends Sunday (N)
(FSN) SubmissionsBull RidingPolarisStuntCar Warriors (S) West-CustomsWorld Poker TourMLB Baseball: Twins at Blue Jays UFC Ultimate Submissions Car Warriors (S) World Poker Tour (FX) “The A-Team”UFC 162: Silva vs. Weidman - Prelims ››› “Star Trek” (2009) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. Unsuper.Unsuper.Two Two Unsuper.Unsuper.Two Two PaidPaidPaidPaid (GOLF) (5:30) PGA Tour Golf Greenbrier Classic, Third Round. From the Old White TPC in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. (CC) Golf Central European PGA Tour Golf Alstom Open de France, Third Round. From Paris. Paid
Golf Central Golf Central (HGTV) HuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItLove It or List ItHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(HIST) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPaidKnife Show/Cutlery CornerPaidPaid
(LIFE) “Dirty Laundry” ›› “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys” Preachers’ WivesPrank(:02) ›› “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys”Preachers’ WivesPrankChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidPaid
(NBCSN) RacingTo Be Announced To Be Announced MLS Soccer Darts (Taped) Poker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMartinWildLiFisher.
(NICK) ParentsSam & Sam & MarvinBig TimeWendellNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) “Men in Black” (S) ››› “Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi” (1983) (S) ›› “The Guardian” (2006) Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. (S) Ways Ways Ways PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(SYFY) Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad “Hunted” Primeval: New › “Dragon Wars” (2007) Jason Behr. ›› “Dragonquest” (2009) (CC) “Merlin and the War of the Dragons”ZoneZonePaidPaid (TBN) Precious MemoriesIn Touch Hour of PowerGraham Classic ››› “The Passion of the Christ” (2004) Changed Lives: VirtualChristianStrangerLindseyGospelBilly GrahamHoly Lucado (TBS) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangDeonCole’s ›› “Meet the Browns” (2008) Tyler Perry, Angela Bassett. (CC) (DVS) › “Our Family Wedding” (2010) America Ferrera, Forest Whitaker. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) “Those Magnificent Men” ››› “Key Largo” (1948, Crime Drama) Humphrey Bogart. (CC) (DVS)
›› “What Price Glory?” (1952) James Cagney, Dan Dailey. Premiere.
››› “The Bad Seed” (1956, Horror) Nancy Kelly, Patty McCormack. (CC) (:15) ›› “The Baby” (1973, Horror) Anjanette Comer. (:45) ›› “Children of the Damned” (1963) Ian Hendry, Alan Badel. (CC) Curious Alice ››› “Rich, Young and Pretty” (TLC) Dateline: Real LifeHard EvidenceHard EvidenceHard EvidenceHard EvidenceHard EvidenceHard EvidenceDateline: Real LifePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT)
GreenNASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Coke Zero 400. (N) (Live) (CC)
›› “The Fast and the Furious”72 Hours (CC) ›› “The Losers” (2010, Action) (CC) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) Movie King/HillAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyCleveBoonBleachNaruto1 PieceSoul IGPXEureka 7Thundr.TitanFullmetalCowboyInuyashaInuyashaLooneyLooney (TRAV) Mysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (CC) LizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) ’Til Death’Til DeathThe ExesRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens The Soul Man Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show 3’s Company 3’s Company (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WWE A.M. Raw (N) (CC) House “Larger Than Life” (CC) House “Carrot or Stick” (S) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosFunny VideosNews at NineBones (S) (CC) Bones (S) (CC) 30 Rock30 Rock30 Rock30 RockChrisChris ›› “Flyboys” (2006) James Franco. WorldPaid
(HBO) (5:15) ›› “The Lucky One” (2012) ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” (2012) ‘PG’ (CC) (:45) ›› “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011) Daniel Craig. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Banshee “Wicks” (S) (CC)
› “Wrath of the Titans” (2012) Sam Worthington. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Troy” (2004) Brad Pitt. Achilles leads Greek forces in the Trojan War. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Red Eye” (S) (MAX) (:15) › “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer” (1998) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Island” (2005, Action) Ewan McGregor. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:15) Banshee “Wicks” (S) (CC) (12:10) Sex Games Cancun Feature 1 (S) (CC) Femme Fatales (:05) ›› “Original Gangstas” (1996) Fred Williamson.
(:45) ›› “Splitting Heirs” (1993) Rick Moranis. ‘PG-13’
(:15) ››› “Apollo 13” (1995) (SHOW) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S)
›› “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1” (2011) Kristen Stewart. Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Dexter “A Beautiful Day” (S) (CC)
›› “Saw” (2004, Horror) Cary Elwes, Danny Glover. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“VHS” (2012, Horror) Calvin Reeder, Lane Hughes. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Paycheck” (2003, Science Fiction) Ben Affleck. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Saw” (2004, Horror) Cary Elwes. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Trainspotting” (1996) Ewan McGregor. ‘R’
(:45) ›› “Against the Ropes” (2004, Drama) Meg Ryan. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Stardust” (S) (TMC) (5:50) ›› “Real Steel” (2011, Action) Hugh Jackman. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:45) “VHS” (2012, Horror) Calvin Reeder, Lane Hughes. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) ›› “House of D” (2004, ComedyDrama) Anton Yelchin. (S) ‘PG-13’ “Charlotte”