The Brainerd Dispatch TV Week March 8th 2020

Page 2

March 8 - 14, 2020 Love and loss Michael O’Neill, J.
Wayne Callies and Clive Standen star in “Council of Dads” - Story on page 2Today’s Entertainment Sign up for a weekly email that highlights what’s happening. We promise we won’t bombard your email with third-party offers. DINE SHOP PLAY Send us an email and tell us you would like to receive this information. You’re Home Now 11633 State Hwy. 18, Brainerd, MN 56401 218-829-3278 • Dealer License #MD05870 Let us help make your dreams come true 001808708r1 Specializing in Casino Tours! We are also available for your company or private parties! Visit our website for more info and our tour schedule. • 218-829-7523 • 866-829-7523 Call us, we’ll take you places!
August Richards, Sarah

Cover Story

Meet the dads

NBC explores life after a loved one’s death in ‘Council of Dads’

Who would you trust to raise your kids after you’re gone? It’s a question no one ever wants to think about, but NBC’s newest family drama reminds us that, sometimes, life doesn’t go as planned. “Council of Dads” bravely covers the emotional journey of a family dealing with the death of its patriarch. It was scheduled to premiere Tuesday, March 10, but in a last-minute decision, NBC pushed the premiere date to Tuesday, March 24, so you’ll have to wait a little longer to see it in your TV listings.

The show’s drama is kick-started when a loving father named Scott Perry (Tom Everett Scott, “13 Reasons Why”) learns that he has cancer. Naturally, he begins to put some serious thought into his family’s future — who will help his wife, Robin (Sarah Wayne Callies, “The Walking Dead”), care for their four children after he’s gone?

He evaluates his friends, wonder ing who he could ask to help support and guide the children through life’s challenges in his place. Ultimately, he realizes that no one man

has all the qualities he’s looking for: he needs a team.

Scott forms what he calls a “council of dads” with three friends he asks to share the responsibility of looking after his kids after he’s gone. He picks his oldest friend, Anthony Lavelle (Clive Standen, “Vikings”), along with Larry Mills (Michael O’Neill, “Dallas Buyers Club,” 2013), who sponsored him in AA, and Dr. Oliver Post (J. August Richards, “Angel”), one of his own physicians. Interestingly, Post is both his surgeon and Robin’s closest friend.

Scott believes that these replacement dads collectively have the skills to stand in for him as his children — Charlotte (Thalia Tran, “Little,” 2019), Theo (Emjay Anthony, “Rake”), JJ (Blue Chapman, “Un done”) and Luly (Michele Weav er, “Love Is _”) — grow up.

This new show is based on the 2010 New York Times bestseller “The Council of Dads: My Daughters, My Ill ness, and the Men Who Could Be Me,” by Bruce

survived, it is apparent from NBC’s emotional trailer that Scott Perry’s character does not.

After producing hit shows such as “Parenthood,” “Friday Night Lights” and “This Is Us,” NBC has a proven track record when it comes to family drama. “Council Of Dads” has the potential to join these ranks and should prove just as magnetic as its predecessors. The series will cover some of the biggest milestones a family can experience: new babies, weddings, first loves and, of course, death. But it also seeks to examine the small, essential moments that pepper each of our lives and the many complexities of working through grief.

Late Laughs

At a rally in New Hampshire, Trump urged independent supporters to vote for the weakest Democrat. In response, they said, “You’re going to have to be more

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The Nevada Caucus says they will not use the same app used by the Iowa Caucus. That’s right, they’re going to go


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Two candidates dropped out of the race last night: Andrew Yang and Michael Bennet. Andrew Yang told his supporters, “Thank you for this amazing ride,” while Michael Bennet told his supporters, “Come on, son, let’s go home.”

A Little Late With Lilly Singh

No matter how expected it is,

loyalty that these men have for their friend as they step up in ways they didn’t even know they were capable of. It’s an inspiring series, and it makes it clear that strong families aren’t always born, they can be built.

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If you don’t know what a game night is, it’s when you get together with your loved ones and slowly learn to hate them over three hours.

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Not sure about your significant other? Bring them to game night. That’s when you find the weak links. Seriously, who wants to procreate with someone who thinks the house you

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The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

What an amazing moment for South Korea. They have “Parasite,” they have BTS — meanwhile, North Korea is this close to dial-up internet.

I’m not saying [Joe] Biden’s in trouble, but the coronavirus is actually polling ahead of him.

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2 • March 8 - 14, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch
this week
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4 Pull out of a commitment

5 G.I.’s mail drop

6 Post-harvest stalks

7 Come to pass

8 Spoon-bender Geller

1960’s chess

Brainerd Dispatch • March 8 - 14, 2020 •3 ACROSS
‘80s sitcom about a furry alien
“What nonsense!”
“The ___ Limits”
2008 musical film “Mamma ___!”
“Riverdale” star KJ
“Frasier” family 15 School of thought
New TV drama “___ Dads” 18 Hockey equipment piece
Rami Malek
South American beaver-like rodent
Western wolf
Secret language
Ply with drink
Half goat, half man
Hotel prices
2013 Matt Damon flick 38 Conquistador’s prize
TV schedule abbr.
Colonel Sandurz portrayer in “Spaceballs” (1987)
Magical TV series, with “The”
Norma ___ (Sally Field role)
Spoiler alert: “Planet of the Apes” (1968) planet
Wild West of Hollywood
Surgery sites, for short
Reality series “Don’t Be ___”
Neighbor of Turk. 54 Deli sandwich DOWN
20 “Skip to My ___” 21 Asian language 22 Techno-drama
1 French friends
2 “Schindler’s ___” (1993 Spielberg film)
3 Fox sitcom with a dog named Brian
“Survivor” contestant 25 Symphony member 26 Wee ones 27 Central Perk in “Friends” 28 Kind of testimony 31 Chrome, for one 35 Scratchy’s frenemy in “The Simpsons” 36 Former Presidential candidate Yang’s Freedom Dividend 37 Sirs’ counterparts 41 ___ of Sandwich 42 Take a breather 43 Encountered 44 Tiny battery 45 Warning from an angry dog 46 “___ be my pleasure!” 47 Aye’s opposite Solution on page 12 Crossword television 218-828-7844 704 Laurel St., Brainerd The Best Things in Life Are... Chocolates and Hand Dipped Ice Cream A Wee Bit of Fun! 001767362r1 Please run your script. Intersection Hwy 371N & CR 77 218-829-4787 • 800-642-1566 Mon. - Fri. 7am - 6pm • Sat. 7am - 1pm CHEVROLET • CADILLAC FREE Shuttle Rides, Coffee, Doughnuts, & Popcorn! Coupon • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon Register to win a FREE dinner for two Coupon Ladies DayTuesdays Register to win a 1/2 hour massage at $5.00 OFF Oil Change Senior DayWednesdays $5.00 OFF Oil Change • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2018 Home Instead, Inc 218.824.0077 RE • 24-HOUR CAR E • MEMORY CARE SUPPO RT • MEALS AND NUTRITION breakthrough in senior care? Mom’s cozy cottage. parents stay at home whether they’re heimer’s , ar thr itis or anything in between 13919 County Road 36, Crosslake, MN 56442 Pastor Gary Espeseth • Children’s Pastor Austin Krieger Contemporary Service • 10:45am with Children’s Church and Nursery Love God, Love People, Love Life. 5410 Landmark Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 218-297-0991 Save more on the versatile BX sub-compact tractor. The #1 selling sub-compact tractor in the U.S. for over 10 years.* Stop in for a demo today. *Based on EDA tractor sales data of under 20 horsepower models from 2009 to 2019. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2020. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota BX Series equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Example: 60 monthly payments of $16.67 per $1,000 financed. Customer instant rebates of $800 are available on qualifying cash or finance purchases. Additional instant rebate of $700 are available with purchase of two new qualifying implements. 1st implement $500, 2nd implement $200. Some exceptions apply. Offers expire 6/30/20. Terms subject to change. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, disclaimer, safety, incentive offer and product information, consult your local Dealer or go to Together we do more. $0 DOWN 0% APR 60 MONTHS PLUS SAVE UP TO $1,500 VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER CLICK | SEARCH |DONE
champ 10 Rock musician Brian 11 Whistle blower 17 NATO member 19 Fattened dinner
23 TV “shark” Kevin
Infamous recurring

WHAT’S NEW ON PRIME “The Pale Horse”

While the last decade seemed to be devoted to superhero films and series, we now seem to be entering into an era of classic murder mysteries. From 2017’s adaptation of Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” (and its upcoming sequel “Death on the Nile”) to last year’s “Knives Out,” an Oscar-nominated homage to the author, murder mysteries are all the rage right now. Prime presents another Christie adaptation in this mini-series, premiering Friday, March 13. Rufus Sewell (“The Man in the High Castle”) leads the series as Mark Easterbrook, whose life is upended when Det. Lejeune (Sean Pertwee, “Gotham”) tells him his name is among those on a mysterious list found in the shoe of a dead woman. He begins his own investigation and soon realizes that almost everyone on the list is dead — only he and one other remain. The investigation leads him to a small town, where he discovers a trio of so-called witches, a coven known as The Pale Horse — played by Rita Tushingham (“In the Flesh”), Sheila Atim (“The Feed”) and Kathy Kiera Clarke (“Derry Girls”) — who are said to be able to use the dark arts to kill people. Easterbrook is determined to find a rational explanation for what’s happening, but as more people die, he becomes increasingly unsure of what is real.


On Friday, March 13, catch this endearing stroy of self-discovery based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Jerry Spinelli. Graham Verchere (“Fargo”) stars as Leo Borlock, who, at a young age, learned that it’s often easier to blend in with the crowd than it is to stand out, and he’s been

trying to be like everyone else ever since. When a quirky and confident new student named Stargirl (played by “America’s Got Talent’s” Season 11 winner Grace VanderWaal) shows up at his school, everything in his life begins to change. Stargirl is the epitome of a free spirit — she wears colorful and unusual clothing, plays the ukelele and doesn’t worry about fitting in. As she and Leo begin to spend time together, he begins to feel more comfortable with his authentic self. The film also stars Darby Stanchfield (“Scandal”) as Leo’s mother, Gloria, and Giancarlo Esposito (“Better Call Saul”) as Leo’s mentor, Archie.

BINGE THIS: “Smallville”

One of the biggest debates among comic book fans (next to the overarching debate of Marvel vs DC, of course) is always: who played the hero best? For Superman fans, there are a lot of actors to choose from. The list includes stars like Kirk Alyn, the original 1948 Superman; Christopher Reeve,

young Clark Kent living in Smallville, Kansas, in this popular series that ran from 2001 to 2010 and is available in its entirety on Hulu. The series follows Kent as his powers begin to emerge in high school and he develops complicated friendships with Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk, “Beauty and the Beast”) and his future enemy Lex Luther (Michael Rosenbaum, “Impastor”). As the series continues, Kent transitions out of high school and is joined by a number of classic DC characters, including his cousin Kara, aka Supergirl (Laura Vandervoort, “Bitten”), Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow (Justin Hartley, “This Is Us”), and, of course, Lois Lane (Erica Durance, “Saving Hope”). All 10 seasons of this classic superhero series are available now on Hulu.

“Bates Motel”

who played the hero four times between 1978 and 1987; Dean Cain, who played the hero on TV in the ‘90s; and Henry Cavill, who bulked up to play an impressive version of the icon in the most recent DC Justice League flicks. But if you were a teenager in the early 2000s, Tom Welling is likely to be your top choice. Welling stars as a

Delve into the twisted psyche of one of the most famous on-screen killers in this series that serves as a prequel to Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1960 horror film “Psycho.” You can watch the whole series now on Netflix. Freddie Highmore (“The Good Doctor”) stars as a young Norman Bates, who has just moved to Oregan with his mother, Norma Louise (Vera Farmiga, “Captive State,” 2019), after the death of his father. The series follows the duo as Norma purchases a motel, intending to run it and give herself and her son a fresh start. But when circumstances cause Norman’s mental illness to become dangerous, she must protect him — and everyone else — from himself. With each season, Norman’s psyche collapses a little bit more, and his flailing sanity impacts everyone from his mother and his half-brother, Dylan (Max Thieriot, “SEAL Team”), to the local sheriff, Alex Romero (Nestor Carbonell, “The Morning Show”), and his best friend, Emma Decody (Olivia Cooke, “Vanity Fair”). Watch as Norman slowly transitions from a seemingly normal man to a full-on psycho in this thrilling series.

4 • March 8 - 14, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch
Rita Tushingham, Kathy Kiera Clarke and Sheila Atim in “The Pale Horse”
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Grace VanderWaal as seen in “Stargirl”


This Oscar-winning film is based on the true story of sexual harassment at Fox News and the efforts of some of the network’s brightest stars to bring the nefarious behavior to light. Facing criticism from their peers and the media at large, journalists Megyn Kelly (Theron), Gretchen Carlson (Kidman) and Kayla Pospisil (Robbie) struggle with the consequences of coming forward with allegations against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes (Lithgow). The film is an emotional look at the famous case that brought down a media titan and galvanized others to take a stand against workplace harassment.

Director:Jay Roach.Stars:CharlizeTheron,Nicole Kidman,Margot Robbie,John Lithgow,Allison Janney,Malcolm McDowell, Kate McKinnon,Connie Britton, Liv Hewson,Brigette LundyPaine. 2019. 109 mins. Drama.

Continued on page 15.

From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme

What a Wonder-Full World

Brainerd Dispatch • March 8 - 14, 2020 •5
Nicole Kidman in “Bombshell”
NOW ENROLLING FOR PRESCHOOL AGES 3-5 13815 Cherrywood Drive, Baxter, MN • 218-829-4105 The Church with the Blue Roof! Wednesday Lent Services 1:30pm and 7:00pm Worship: 9:00am Sunday Lutheran Church (WELS) Dr. Scott Timmons & Dr. Justin Gangestad 13442 Elmwood Dr. Baxter, MN 56425 218-829-4207 FREE WHITENING FOR LIFE Let’ssee what we can do together Member FDIC 30849 1st Street Pequot Lakes 218-568-1098 (Facility) CALL US TO INQUIRE ABOUT OUR FULL OR HALF-DAY ADULT DAY SERVICE PROGRAMS! Caregivers - Treat Yourself to a Carefree Day Options for payment VA, long-term care, private pay, Medicaid Hwy 371 N. Brainerd, Across from BIR | 218-829-0141

Sunday, March 8

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN In-Depth Outdoors (0:30)

8:30 a.m. FSN Lindy Fish Ed. (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (Live) (1:00)

8:55 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer Evert. at CHE London, England (Live) (2:05)

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Jason Mitchell Outdoors (0:30)

WGN Los Angeles Marathon (Live)


9:30 a.m. FSN Keyes Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live)


10:00 a.m. (15) KVRR Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

10:30 a.m. (9) KMSP Fox College

Hoops Tip-Off (Live) (0:30)

(15) KVRR Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

ESPN2 The Undefeated Presents

Unapologetic: The Black Female Athlete (0:30)

FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

11:00 a.m. (5) KSTP Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

(7) KCCO NCAA Basketball Mem. at Hou. Houston, Texas (Live) (2:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NCAA Basketball Mich. at UMD College Park, Md. (Live) (2:00)

(11) KARE PGA Tour Special (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Championship ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Fishing the Midwest (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Mornings (Live) (0:30)

11:30 a.m. (11) KARE EPL Soccer MCI at MUN Manchester, England (Live) (2:00)

FSN Sportsman’s Journal (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Arnold Palmer Invitational. Orlando, Fla. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN FIM Motorcycle Racing MotoGP Doha, Qatar (1:30)

Noon ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship Big South Tournament. (Live) (2:00)

FSN NCAA Basketball Women’s Bay. vs. Iowa (Live) (2:00)

1:00 p.m. (7) KCCO NCAA Basketball Missouri Valley Conference Championship. St. Louis, Mo. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Championship SEC Tournament. Greenville, S.C. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN Monster Jam (1:00)

1:30 p.m. (11) KARE PGA Golf Final Round Arnold Palmer Invitational. Orlando, Fla. (Live) (3:30)

GOLF Golf Films (1:00)

2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Countdown (Live) (0:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR RaceDay (Live) (0:30)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship A-Sun Tournament. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

NBCSN RBS6 Rugby Fra. vs. Scot. (2:00)

2:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Basketball

L.A. L. at L.A. C. Los Angeles, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR Auto Racing Cup Series FanShield 500. Avondale, Ariz. (Live) (3:30)

FSN NBA Basketball N.O. at Min. Minneapolis, Minn. (Live) (2:30)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball

Women’s Semifinal The American Tournament. Uncasville, Conn. (Live) (2:00)

3:30 p.m. (7) KCCO NCAA Basketball Ohio St. at Mich. St. E. Lansing, Mich. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Soccer United States vs. Spain SheBelieves Cup. Harrison, N.J. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN Gymnastics Nastia Liukin Cup. Milwaukee, Wis. (2:00)

4:30 p.m. GOLF CHAMPS Golf Final Round Hoag Classic. Newport Beach, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball

Women’s Championship Big-10 Tournament. Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

5:30 p.m. FSN Vikings All-Decade Team (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN MLS Soccer NSH at Por Portland, Ore. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (0:30)

6:30 p.m. FSN The Yearbook Published by (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey St.L. at Chi. Chicago, Ill. (Live) (2:30)

7:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Championship Pac-12 Tournament. Las Vegas, Nev. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Becoming Wild (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

7:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN XFL Football Tamp. at L.A. Carson, Calif. (Live) (3:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Min. at Ana. Anaheim, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Arnold Palmer Invitational. Orlando, Fla. (5:00)

9:00 p.m. NBCSN NHL Hockey Col. at S.J. San Jose, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

10:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

10:35 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 World of X Games (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker Gardens Championship. (1:00) 11:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:30)

11:35 p.m. (5) KSTP In Depth With Graham Bensinger (0:30)

Monday, March 9

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN The Yearbook

Published by (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Köl. at Pad. Paderborn, Germany (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF CHAMPS Golf Final Round Hoag Classic. Newport Beach, Calif. (2:30)

NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00) FSN Spotlight (0:30)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN NCAA Basketball Women’s Bay. vs. Iowa (2:00)

NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (0:30)

5:30 p.m. NBCSN Men in Blazers (Live) (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship SoCon Tournament. Asheville, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Championship The American

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker Gardens Championship. (1:00)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (2:00) Tuesday, March 10

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (8:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Spotlight (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. St.L. vs. Min. Fort Myers, Fla. (2:00)

10:00 a.m. NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

FSN MLS Soccer MIN at SJ San Jose, Calif. (2:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (1:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Leip. at Wolf. Wolfsburg, Germany (2:00)

NBCSN IBU Biathlon World Cup Women’s 12.5km Mass Start Nove Mesto, Czech Republic (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

NBCSN FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Individual Raw Air Tournament. Lillehammer, Norway (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Matchday (Live) (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN High Noon (0:30)

ESPN2 NBA: The Jump (1:00)

FSN MLS Soccer MIN at SJ San Jose, Calif. (2:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship Horizon League Tournament. Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship NEC Tournament. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Bos. at Pha. Philadelphia, Pa. (Live) (2:45)

6:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Hou. Houston, Texas (Live) (2:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Dal. at S.A. San Antonio, Texas (Live) (2:30)

8:00 p.m. (29) WFTC Gopher Sports Show (0:30)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship WCC Tournament. Las Vegas, Nev. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship Summit League Tournament. Sioux Falls, S.D. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (10:00)

8:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

9:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

NBCSN AMA Supercross Daytona Beach, Fla. (3:00)

TNT NBA Basketball L.A. C. at G.S. San Francisco, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Tennis Tie Break Tens. Indian Wells, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

FSN WPT Poker Gardens Championship. (1:00)

10:35 p.m. (9) KMSP Gopher Sports Show (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

11:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Pregame (0:30)

Wednesday, March 11

11:30 a.m. FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. St.L. vs. Min. Fort Myers, Fla. (Live) (3:00)

NBCSN WR Rugby Canada Sevens. Vancouver, B.C. (2:00)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Arnold Palmer Invitational. Orlando, Fla. (5:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:55)

2:55 p.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer A.V. at Leic. Leicester, England (Live) (2:05)

3:00 p.m. ESPN High Noon (0:30)

ESPN2 NBA: The Jump (1:00)

FSN NCAA Hockey Women’s Championship WCHA Tournament. Minneapolis, Minn. (2:00)

Tournament. Uncasville, Conn. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

7:00 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. St.L. vs. Min. Fort Myers, Fla. (3:00)

USA WWE Raw Washington, D.C. (Live) (3:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Semifinal WCC Tournament. Las Vegas, Nev. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (2:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Semifinal Horizon League Tournament. Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (2:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Semifinal WCC Tournament. Las Vegas, Nev. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

NBCSN FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Women’s Individual Raw Air Tournament. Lillehammer, Norway (1:00)

TNT UEFA Soccer Round of 16 Leg 2 Champions League. (Live) (2:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN AMA Arenacross Reno, Nev. (1:00)

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Post-Match (Live) (0:30)

5:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (8:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Hoff. at Sch. Gelsenkirchen, Germany (2:00)

10:00 a.m. NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Second Round ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:30)

FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

11:30 a.m. FSN Spotlight (0:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Atl. vs. Min. Fort Myers, Fla. (Live) (3:00)

12:30 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Second Round ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:30)

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Sports this week $

Sports this week

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Matchday (Live) (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Hou. Houston, Texas (2:00)

TNT UEFA Soccer Round of 16 Leg 2 Champions League. (Live) (2:00)

3:10 p.m. HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

GOLF Golf Highlights (1:00)

NBCSN Dale Jr. Download (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN MLS Soccer MIN at SJ San Jose, Calif. (2:00)

GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

NBCSN Wired: Stadium Series (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Post-Match (Live) (0:30)

5:30 p.m. GOLF Playing Lessons (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Stephen A. Smith (0:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Second Round ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:30 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball Det. at Phi. Philadelphia, Pa. (Live) (2:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Atl. vs. Min. Fort Myers, Fla. (3:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey S.J. at Chi. Chicago, Ill. (Live) (2:45)

TNT All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (2:00)

USA WWE NXT (Live) (2:05)

8:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Basketball

Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (7:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball

Second Round ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball N.O. at Sac. Sacramento, Calif. (Live) (2:35)

9:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

10:00 p.m. FSN Spotlight (0:30)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN In the Spotlight (0:30)

11:00 p.m. FSN WPT Poker Gardens Championship. (1:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

11:35 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (0:55)

Thursday, March 12

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (4:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Lund: The Ultimate Fishing Experience (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Augs. at B. Muni. Munich, Germany (2:00)

10:00 a.m. NBCSN Sky Sports News (1:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN ESPN2 SportsCenter (0:30)

FSN MLS Soccer MIN at SJ San Jose, Calif. (2:00)

NBCSN NCAA Basketball Second Round A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

11:30 a.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Quarterfinal Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 The Players Championship. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (Live) (6:00)

1:00 p.m. FSN Champions Tennis Classics QQQ Series 2019 Helpful Cup. Los Angeles, Calif. (2:00)

1:30 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

NBCSN NCAA Basketball Second Round A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Quarter-final Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

3:00 p.m. FSN MLS Soccer MIN at SJ San Jose, Calif. (2:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN The Yearbook Published by (0:30)

NBCSN NCAA Basketball Second Round A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

5:30 p.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Quarterfinal Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (2:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN NHL Hockey V.G.K. at Min. St. Paul, Minn. (Live) (2:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Bos. at Mil. Milwaukee, Wis. (Live) (2:30)

7:30 p.m. NBCSN NCAA Basketball Second Round A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 The Players Championship. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (3:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Quarter-final Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

9:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Hou. at L.A. L. Los Angeles, Calif. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

10:30 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (1:30)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live (Live) (0:30)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN2 Ariel Helwani’s MMA Show (1:00)

FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (4:00)

11:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (0:30)

Friday, March 13

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wild Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (4:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Bal. vs. Min. Fort Myers, Fla. (2:00)

10:00 a.m. NBCSN Sky Sports News (1:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (1:00)

FSN NHL Hockey V.G.K. at Min. St. Paul, Minn. (2:00)

NBCSN NCAA Basketball Quarterfinal A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

Noon (9) KAWE Sit and Be Fit (0:30)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final SEC Tournament. Nashville, Tenn. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Quarter-final The American Tournament. Fort Worth, Texas (Live) (2:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 The Players Championship. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (Live) (6:00)

1:00 p.m. FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

1:30 p.m. FSN Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN NCAA Basketball Quarterfinal A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final SEC Tournament. Nashville, Tenn. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

FSN Larry Smith Outdoors (0:30)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Quarter-final The American Tournament. Fort Worth, Texas (Live) (2:00)

3:00 p.m. FSN Lindner’s Angling Edge (0:30)

3:30 p.m. FSN Lund: The Ultimate Fishing Experience (0:30)

4:00 p.m. FSN In-Depth Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup Women’s Giant Slalom Are, Sweden (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:30)

ESPN2 UFC Live (Live) (0:30)

FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker Gardens Championship. (1:00)

NBCSN NCAA Basketball Quarterfinal A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Semifinal ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Semifinal Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Three Wide Life (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (2:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

7:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR WWE SmackDown (Live) (2:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Okl. Oklahoma City, Okla. (Live) (2:30)

7:30 p.m. NBCSN NCAA Basketball Quarter-final A-10 Tournament. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Live) (2:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Semifinal ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 The Players Championship. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (3:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Semifinal Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. SHOW Boxing Shobox: The New Generation. (Live) (3:00)

9:30 p.m. (15) KVRR KVRR Sports Extra (0:30)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

10:00 p.m. FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Ice Cross Petite-Rivière-SaintFrançois, Que. (2:00)

10:15 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:20)

10:30 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 Max on Boxing (0:30)

FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Always Late With Katie Nolan (0:30)

FSN WPT Poker Gardens Championship. (1:00)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (7:00)

TBS ELeague (1:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 UFC Live (0:30)

Saturday, March 14

8:00 a.m. ESPN Outside the Lines (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (2:00)

FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (5:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Musky Hunter Television (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

9:30 a.m. FSN Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Mornings (Live) (0:25)

9:55 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer (Live) (2:05)

10:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship AE Tournament. (Live) (2:00)

10:30 a.m. FSN Lindner’s Angling Edge (0:30)

11:00 a.m. (7) KCCO Inside College Basketball (1:00)

(11) KARE I.R.L. Rugby Six Nations Championship. Scot. vs. Wal. Cardiff, Wales (2:00)

ESPN College Gameday (Live) (1:00)

FSN Fishing the Midwest (0:30)

11:30 a.m. CNBC RBS6 Rugby Eng. vs. It. Roma, Italy (Live) (2:30)

FSN Wild Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30) Noon (5) KSTP World of X Games (1:00)

(7) KCCO NCAA Basketball Semifinal Big Ten Tournament. Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (2:45)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Semifinal SEC Tournament. Nashville, Tenn. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship MEAC Tournament. (Live) (2:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Min. at Pha. Philadelphia, Pa. (Live) (2:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:25)

12:25 p.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer CHE at A.V. Birmingham, England (Live) (2:05)

1:00 p.m. (5) KSTP XFL Football Hou. vs. N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

(11) KARE PGA Golf Round 3 Player’s Championship. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (Live) (5:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

1:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR Soccer Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

2:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLS Soccer I. Mia. at LA FC Los Angeles, Calif. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Semifinal SEC Tournament. Nashville, Tenn. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Semifinal The American Tournament. Fort Worth, Texas (Live) (2:00)

GOLF EPGA Golf Round 3 Kenya Open. Nairobi, Kenya (4:00)

2:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:30)

2:45 p.m. (7) KCCO NCAA Basketball Semifinal Big Ten Tournament. Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (2:15)

3:00 p.m. FSN Sportsman’s Journal (0:30)

NBCSN RBS6 Rugby Ire. vs. Fra. Paris, France (Live) (2:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) (0:30)

FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN College Gameday (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Semifinal The American Tournament. Fort Worth, Texas (Live) (2:00)

FSN Swing Clinic (0:30)

5:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR Big East Tournament Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

(23) WUCW Gametime With Boomer Esiason (0:30)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship Big 12 Tournament. Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (2:00)

FSN MLS Soccer MIN at SJ San Jose, Calif. (2:00)

5:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR NCAA Basketball Championship Big East Tournament. New York City, N.Y. (Live) (2:00)

6:00 p.m. GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN AMA Supercross Indianapolis, Ind. (Live) (3:00)

6:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship MAC Tournament. Cleveland, Ohio (Live) (2:00)

7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA: The Jump (Live) (0:30)

ESPN College Gameday (Live) (0:30)

FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

7:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Basketball G.S. at Mil. Milwaukee, Wis. (Live) (2:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR Big East Tournament Post-game (Live) (0:30)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Championship ACC Tournament. Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (2:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at S.A. San Antonio, Texas (Live) (2:30)

8:00 p.m. GOLF Live from the PLAYERS (10:00)

8:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship SLC Tournament. Katy, Texas (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. NBCSN IndyCar Auto Racing IndyCar Series Qualifying Grand Prix of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, Fla. (1:30)

9:30 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:30)

ESPN Boxing Shakur Stevenson vs. Miguel Marriaga Top Rank. New York City, N.Y. (Live) (2:00)

10:00 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Championship BWC Tournament. Anaheim, Calif. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN AMA Motorcycle Racing American Flat Track Daytona TT. Daytona Beach, Fla. (1:00)

11:00 p.m. (23) WUCW Ring of Honor Wrestling (1:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

11:30 p.m. ESPN Formula One on the Grid Live (Live) (0:35)

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Sports Mar 8, 2020 to Mar 14, 2020

Brainerd Dispatch • March 8 - 14, 2020 •11

Spring back: ‘Baking Championship’ returns this week

Spring is (almost) here! Daylight is increasing, and if Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction holds true, winter should be easing its grip on all of us, barring a few last temperature dips and tantrum-esque storms.

And in the Food Network universe, that means it’s time for a new edition of “Spring Baking Championship.” A solid ratings performer since its 2015 debut, the perennial fan favorite returns to our screens Monday, March 9, for a sixth season on Food Network.

Host Clinton Kelly is back to welcome a new batch of bakers to the

kitchen. And things get off to a quick start in the premiere episode, when the 11 competitors are tasked with making “perfectly patterned spring fruit geometric tarts” that sweetly celebrate spring’s beauty.

For the second round, they’ll have to create a seasonal transformation-themed fault line — think leaves sprouting, flowers blooming, caterpillars becoming butterflies. The decision to feature a fault line cake isn’t surprising, given its high visual appeal. It’s also the latest trend to have taken the cake world and Instagram feeds by storm, and it’s certainly easier on the teeth than the candy-laden geode cakes that made a big impression in 2016.

You’ll have to keep watching to find out what other confectionary creations will be featured, though I can say doughnuts and eclairs will be on the menu.

Once again, the judging panel consists of Nancy Fuller, Lorraine Pascale and the ace of cakes himself, Duff Goldman. They’ll decide who will be eliminated and who will advance to the final round and get a shot at the $25,000 grand prize in the double-episode finale on April 27.

And considering the trio has presided over the proceedings since Season 1 (2015), one would think it

gets tougher every year to impress their discerning, dessert-loving palates.

As for the host, this is Kelly’s sophomore year after taking over hosting duties from Ali Khan (“Cheap Eats”) last year. The lifestyle expert’s hosting skills have already earned him an Emmy — he won for ABC’s “The Chew,” but he’s also known for his role in TLC’s “What Not To Wear,” which is getting the reboot treatment this year. In “Spring Baking Championship,” Kelly brings a seasonal-appropriate warmth and enthusiasm that is clearly resonating with viewers.

Sunday, March 8

10:35 a.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Today, Bea makes delicious specialties straight from Finland: Piirakka, Pulla, and Paisti.

11:10 a.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Bea creates a gourmet dinner for two featuring a standing rib roast and crisp salad.

11:45 a.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Bea makes moist flaky Danish pastry with jewel tone fruit preserves and almond filling.

12:20 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Bea turns delicious homemade soup and bread combinations into a feast for the senses.

5:30 p.m. (8) WDSE America’s Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special

The 20 most popular recipes and greatest moments from the show are showcased.

Monday, March 9

7:00 p.m. (8) WDSE Julia Child: Best Bites Chefs and celebrities share personal insights as they screen Julia’s most-beloved recipes. (N)

8:30 p.m. (8) WDSE America’s Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special

The 20 most popular recipes and greatest moments from the show are showcased.

10:00 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Bea serves up a light as air, never fail recipe for cheese soufflé and a farmer’s cheese.

10:35 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Today, Bea makes delicious specialties straight from Finland: Piirakka, Pulla, and Paisti.

11:10 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Bea creates a gourmet dinner for two featuring a standing rib roast and crisp salad.

11:45 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen Bea makes moist flaky Danish pastry with jewel tone fruit preserves and almond filling.

12:20 a.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen

Bea turns delicious homemade soup and bread combinations into a feast for the senses.

Tuesday, March 10

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Wednesday, March 11

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

4:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Julia Child: Best Bites Chefs and celebrities share personal insights as they screen Julia’s most-beloved recipes.

Thursday, March 12

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Friday, March 13

12:30 p.m. (9) KAWE Food Over 50

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Saturday, March 14

10:00 a.m. (8) WDSE America’s Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special The 20 most popular recipes and greatest moments from the show are showcased.

2:30 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen Bea serves up a light as air, never fail recipe for cheese soufflé and a farmer’s cheese.

3:05 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen Today, Bea makes delicious specialties straight from Finland: Piirakka, Pulla, and Paisti.

3:40 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen Bea creates a gourmet dinner for two featuring a standing rib roast and crisp salad.

4:15 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen Bea makes moist flaky Danish pastry with jewel tone fruit preserves and almond filling.

4:45 p.m. (8) WDSE Beatrice

Ojakangas: Welcome to My Kitchen Bea turns delicious homemade soup and bread combinations into a feast for the senses.

9:30 p.m. (8) WDSE WDSE Cooks Juli and 19 local cooks are ready to impress with a delicious array of pure comfort food.

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Food Mar 8, 2020 to Mar 14, 2020

12 • March 8 - 14, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch
Clinton Kelly hosts “Spring Baking Championship”
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14 • March 8 - 14, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch


Continued from page 5.

Uncut Gems

When a rare black opal is unearthed from an Ethiopian mine, it lands in the jewelry shop of Jewish New Yorker Howard Ratner (Sandler), who immediately sees it as a way to pay off the gambling debt he owes to his brother-in-law, Arno (Bogosian). But a prominent buyer’s interest in the gem isn’t enough to save Howard from his high-risk lifestyle, and he must fend off an increasingly aggressive Arno while balancing relationships with his wife (Menzel) and his mistress (Fox), all while in pursuit of the ultimate win.

Directors:Benny Safdie,Josh Safdie.Stars:Adam Sandler,Julia Fox,Idina Menzel,Lakeith Stanfield,Kevin Garnett,Eric Bogosian,KeithWilliams Richards,

Judd Hirsch,Tommy Kominik. 2019. 135 mins. Crime.

Spies in Disguise Agent Lance Sterling (Smith), a highly respected spy, has fallen from grace after being mistakenly identified as a traitor. He enlists the help of his young tech officer, Walter (Holland), but a mishap with Walter’s concealment concoction turns Lance into a pigeon. With no way to secure an antidote, Sterling and Walter must track down the arms dealer responsible for Sterling’s predicament in order to clear the spy’s name.


Stars:WillSmith,TomHolland, RashidaJones,BenMendelsohn, RebaMcEntire,RachelBrosnahan, KarenGillan,DJKhaled,MasiOka, Carla Jimenez.102 mins.Animation.

Brainerd Dispatch • March 8 - 14, 2020 •15
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 AND the letters A through F. Solution on page 11.
Extreme Sudoku
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Brainerd (Charter) CTC Emily (CATV) Crosslake Peqout Lakes (Charter) Onamia (Savage) Pierz (Midcontinent) East Gull Lake (Savage) Pillager (Savage) Verndale (Savage) Aitkin (Charter) Little Falls (Charter) Staples Charter) Wadena (Charter) Walker (Tekstar) PBS ST. PAUL KTCA 8 2 56 56 ABC MINNEAPOLIS/ALEXANDRIA KSTP/KSAX 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NBC DULUTH KBJR CBS ALEXANDRIA/WALKER KCCO/KCCW 12 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 4 4 12 4 12 2 7 PBS BEMIDJI/BRAINERD KAWE/KAWB 4 2 9 9 4 8 8 8 4 8 4 4 13 FOX EDEN PRAIRIE KMSP 9 9 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ABC DULUTH WDIO NBC MINNEAPOLIS KARE 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 FOX FARGO KVRR 10 CW MINNEAPOLIS WUCW 23 23 6 8 6 55 6 23 23 23 23 6 MNT MINNEAPOLIS WFTC 10 10 6 6 10 7 13 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 ION BIG LAKE KPXM 24 12 24 3 6 24 13 24 24 24 A&E Arts & Enertainment 46 91 123 23 46 39 38 39 39 39 46 31 46 46 33 AMC American Movie Classic 42 50 134 34 42 17 69 17 17 17 42 57 42 42 AP Animal Planet 53 77 136 36 53 42 54 42 42 42 53 35 53 53 53 BRAVO Bravo 301 90 170 360 301 51 71 51 51 51 301 64 301 301 68 CMTV Country Music Television 37 102 151 59 37 39 37 52 37 37 39 CNBC Consumer News & Business 41 48 119 19 41 29 53 29 29 29 41 44 41 41 37 CNN Cable News Network 34 46 121 21 28 26 33 26 26 26 34 34 34 34 25 COM Comedy 48 40 141 46 48 37 30 37 37 37 48 53 48 48 48 CSPAN C-Span (House of Representatives) 21 16 8 60 21 96 42 2 2 2 21 3 21 21 12 CSPAN2 C-Span2 (Senate) 85 17 9 85 165 63 165 165 20 85 85 85 43 DISC The Discovery Channel 35 65 114 14 35 40 32 40 40 40 35 47 35 35 35 DISN Disney 60 55 132 32 60 30 29 30 30 30 60 58 60 60 54 E! E! Entertainment Television 44 93 137 37 44 38 45 38 38 38 44 54 44 44 46 STZ ENC Starz Encore 710 350 537 255 710 310 309 310 310 610 750 710 710 710 325 ESPN Entertainment Sports Programming Network 27 29 125 25 27 24 24 24 24 24 27 29 27 27 30 ESPN2 Entertainment Sports Programming Network 2 28 30 126 26 28 25 23 25 25 25 28 30 28 28 31 EWTN Eternal World Television 180 22 7 7 180 97 19 97 97 19 6 180 180 180 79 FREE Freeform 31 42 133 33 31 31 37 31 31 31 31 36 31 31 16 FOOD Food Network 62 83 144 45 62 15 58 15 15 15 62 61 62 62 47 FSN FOX Sports Network 29 33 124 24 29 23 25 23 23 23 29 28 29 29 17 FX FX 49 28 142 47 49 50 59 50 49 71 49 49 40 HBO Home Box Office (Premium Service) 500 300 501 200 500 330 20 330 330 630 500 500 500 500 303 HGTV Home & Garden 55 81 130 30 55 16 50 16 16 16 55 55 55 55 70 HIST The History Channel 54 74 135 35 54 21 49 21 21 21 54 48 54 54 69 HN Headline News (CNN2) 39 47 156 39 95 34 73 73 14 39 32 39 39 55 LIFE Lifetime 30 24 131 31 30 32 36 32 32 30 27 30 30 41 MAX Cinemax (Premium Service) 550 320 512 210 550 300 300 300 600 550 550 550 550 304 MTV Music Television 32 101 149 61 32 72 27 72 72 45 32 39 32 32 38 NBCS NBC Sports 63 37 161 39 63 288 207 288 288 455 63 69 63 63 124 NICK Nickelodeon 33 53 129 29 33 45 48 45 45 20 33 59 33 33 24 PARMT Paramount Network 43 43 116 16 43 36 28 36 36 36 43 33 43 43 28 PEG Public Education Government 8 8 8 8 PPV LAMP/Public Access 15 12 13 19 PRE TV GUIDE 25 23 2 25 14 25 25 25 QVC Quility Value Convenience (Home Shopping) 7 3 3 3 7 12 3 12 12 12 7 7 7 7 22 SHOW Showtime (Premium Service) 600 360 550 225 600 350 501 350 350 650 600 600 600 600 312 STARZ STARZ! (Premium Service) 700 340 530 250 700 370 601 370 370 670 700 700 700 700 326 SYFY Science Fiction Channel 40 41 145 48 40 34 44 34 34 45 40 49 40 40 44 TBN Trinity Broadcasting Service 183 7 10 10 183 209 18 209 209 480 183 183 183 80 TBS WTBS, Atlanta 22 27 127 27 22 48 46 22 22 34 22 15 22 22 36 TCM Turner Classic Movies 308 266 450 362 308 18 47 18 18 18 314 56 308 308 163 TLC The Learning Channel 45 73 122 22 45 41 43 41 41 41 45 42 45 45 34 TMC The Movie Channel 650 370 559 235 650 380 551 380 380 680 650 650 650 650 310 TNT Turner Network Television 36 26 128 28 36 33 31 33 33 33 36 40 36 36 27 TOON Cartoon Network 47 57 153 47 47 51 47 47 47 47 43 47 47 49 TRAV The Travel Channel 50 84 118 18 50 52 64 52 50 67 50 50 50 TRUTV Tru TV 51 49 143 44 51 65 51 37 51 52 51 TVL TV Land 52 59 140 56 52 46 52 46 46 46 52 41 52 52 60 TWC The Weather Channel 56 62 117 17 56 28 41 28 28 28 56 51 56 56 32 USA USA Network 59 25 115 15 59 35 21 35 35 35 59 46 59 59 23 VH1 Video Hits One 38 103 150 58 38 44 40 44 44 44 38 38 38 38 19 WGN-A WGN America 13 69 53 13 14 7 3 3 3 13 16 13 13 15
24 • March 8 - 14, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch

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