Pequot Lakes and Pine River-Backus Grads

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The Pequot Lakes class of 2016.


Pequot Lakes High School valedictorians

First we would like to start off by saying thank you all for coming to support us on this special night, but most importantly seniors, we made it. The four of us honestly couldn’t be prouder of the things our class was able to accomplish and the amazing people we have all grown to be. The four of us decided to do something a little different this year for our commencement

address, so instead of the typical valedictorian speech we decided to connect our senior class to our senior class song. The song is entitled “Good Riddance” by Green Day, but we must remember that tonight is not a goodbye to this wonderful class but a see you later. So because of that we will use its more commonly known and more applicable name of “Time of Your Life.” The first line reads: Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

A turning point is defined by Merriam-Webster as a time when an important change happens. We are at an amazing time in our lives that, although the end of high school is here, the beginning of a whole new life experience is ahead for all of us, which brings us to make a lot of choices. The fork stuck in the road is simply the decisions in life we must make. Whether it be little things like what we are going to caption the latest Instagram picture we want to post or choosing

what career we will have the rest of our life, there are an endless amount of choices to make. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go As many seniors can probably agree, the end of the year crept up fast. It seems like just yesterday we were walking into these halls as scared little freshmen, but time has its way of ticking away. But I would say when time really directed us where to go was when some of us waited to turn in an online assignment at 11:58


Pine River-Backus Valedictorian

Good evening, friends and family, ladies and gentlemen, administrators and teachers. Before I get started, I would like to thank you all for giving me this opportunity to speak in front of you on this momentous day. I have long awaited the day that I could be here with my fellow classmates, for it was only four short years ago that we started high school. Now, it is our time to leave. How did the time fly? It seems like only yesterday that we were young freshman looking at our upperclassmen for guidance. Now, we are the upperclassmen, the seniors who stand here ready to graduate and move out into the big wide world, yet we can’t help

when the assignment was due at midnight, or squeaking into class right about 5 seconds before the bell. Time never stopped for any of us. And time will continue to fly as we grow older, and that means we must make the most of the time we all still have left and make the best of it. So make the best of this test and don’t ask why “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more See PL VALEDICTORIANS, Page S6

but to look back. How will we remember this time that we have spent here? When we were freshmen, we did it in class periods. We would count down until the hour we were freed. As weeks of school passed, we measured time in semesters, and later in years as we went from being naive freshmen to being “sophisticated” sophomores. By the time we reached our junior year, we were prepared to take over for the seniors. And now here we stand. Our time as upperclassmen is over and it is up to the next class to fill our shoes and take over. I know that as I look out to all of you, I will measure my time a little differently. I will measure it in all the friendships that I have made over the past four years. Some may not be as strong as others, but I will always remember each one tenderly, as I’m sure all of you will too. And when our memories of high school begin to fade, that is how we will measure our time spent here, not in class periods or semesters, but in the friendships that we have made See PR-B FETTER, Page S7

The Pine River-Backus class of 2016.

Pine River-Backus valedictorian and class president Troy Fetter makes air quotes when talking about being “sophisticated” sophomores during his senior class welcome speech at the commencement ceremony Friday, May 27.



June 2, 2016


Isabella Abear

Alyse Anderson

Montanna Aragon

Allison Aydelotte

Alexander Becker

Lauren Bengtson

Timothy Biscoe

Britta Bittner

Catherine Blaeser

Chase Blaeser

Cameron Boller

Carl Borleis

Hannah Brandanger

Maria Brown

Joshua Buell

Brittny Bzdok

Caitlyn Carkhuff

Mathias Carlson

Katie Casanova

Cortney Chambers

Devin Cheek

Dominic Cheek

Cameron Christiansen

Chad Christianson

Sarah Ciesluk

Samuel Clement

Emily Cressman

Cabe Cruikshank

Connor Dale

Alexandra Dischinger

Macy Dotty

Payton Edevold

Dr. Jaime L. Preble, DDS

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Congratulations CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2016 to all area graduates!


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June 2, 2016


Jessica Faacks

Avory Ford

Jack Friday

Jack Gangl

Jacob Giedd

Anna Glover

Hunter Goerges

Allison Gudahl

Angela Gudahl

Jordan Hall

Natalie Halverson

Logan Hansen

John Harguth

Joseph Harrison

Sydney Hartman

Michael Hemmerich

Samuel Hendrickson

Keagan Herman

Jarad Holm

Sydney Holt

Mikayla Horgan

Kody Kettleson

Brittney Knox

Noah Kronstedt

Hunter Larson

Riley Larson

Dustin Leslie

Daniel Light


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Congratulations to all 2016 Graduates!

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Josie Florell

Ethan Gibbs

Brady Evenson

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June 2, 2016


Morgan Lohmiller

Tori Long

Sharee Loyd

Lark Luchka

Erick Marks

Michael Mathis

Addison McGuire

Abigail Meister

Barbara Miller

Kathryn Miska

Megan Morgan

Abrielle Mumm

Caitlin Murray

Maclean Nagy

Alexandra Nelson

Meghan Nelson

Christopher Newton

Amanda Nies

Jordan Oaks

Alexandra Olson

Logan Olson

Levi Palmer

Emma Pitzl

Nicholas Reed

Graedon Rohr

Jacob Roubal

Nicholas Salvevold

Skylar Salvevold

Ireland Schindel

Josh Senst

Jared Sewall

Paul Sipper


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June 2, 2016



Good evening! Well, it looks like you’re gonna make it! And I have the honor of joining you. This is going to be an interesting time in your life, with all of the excitement of knowing each of you are going to be going in different directions from here. It is going to be fun, hard work and even a little scary at times. We really don’t know what the future may bring us! When many of you came to me asking about speaking tonight, I really didn’t know if I could do it. It’s a challenge I accepted because of all the times and memories we have had together and I guess I just couldn’t say no! I know I talked to a lot of you about “what should I talk about.” Memories are something that will stay with us until we die. Time in the art room, learning, creating, making art, making mistakes, problem solving, going back, doing it again, failing at something, taking risks. In today’s society so many people are afraid of failing. In my class you learned that failing was part of learning, and you learned from that experience. Again, memories. Sharing recipes, grilling out behind the art room, having fish frys (OSHA story). The Festival of the Arts, track meets, homecoming, snowmobile training and lending a hand or advice when you came to me with a class project that needed some artistic direction. … I’ve been there for you and you have been there for me. I think back when I sat where you are tonight. School for me was … OK. OK grades. I grew up on a dairy farm, the oldest of six kids. I had a lot of responsibilities, worked hard and I learned the importance of hard work. I also learned the feeling of accomplishment and felt good about doing the best I could no matter what it was. My folks had a big influence on me. My dad gave me the advice, “Do something you enjoy and you will never go to work a day in your life.” Dad had an eighth-grade education, was a Korean vet and could build anything. He was concerned about me being a teacher. “How you gonna make it? Those teachers don’t get paid enough for what they do.” Well, if you like it, do it and if you make a lot teaching, when you retire you can come back and farm until you run out of money. My mom was big on education, “because it is something that no one can take away from you.” When you learn something it will stay with you for the rest of your life. In high school I had two teachers that influenced me a lot - my art teacher, Ken Kylmanen, and my wrestling coach, Ray Thorkildson (Tork). These guys had faith in me, and saw the potential even I didn’t think I had. I had a counselor and English teacher in school who told me that college would be a waste of time for me and that I was not suited for it. I told them I might be interested in an art field. I ended up going to school for commercial and graphic design, then went into education.


Donning his ever-present apron, Pequot Lakes High School art teacher Dave Guenther gives the commencement address Friday, May 27, encouraging students to find out what they love to do. PHOTO BY DAN DETERMAN

For some people, hearing from your counselor or a teacher that you could not make it ... well, for some people it would become an excuse not to pursue what you want to do. For me, if someone says I can’t do something, it’s just the incentive I need to prove them wrong. That was the motivation I gained, being told I could not do something. Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do! As I said, I grew up on a farm. I thought about a farm-related career because that was all I knew and I wanted to experience more in life. I could always go back and farm, which I love also. I loved art, all types of it - printing, painting, pottery, airbrushing. I wanted to share my love of this with others. So while in college, along with art I became more involved with sports - cross country, wrestling and track and field. That ‘s when the coaching part of it came along. I had a teacher in college who had a saying, “A specialist is a person that knows more about less.” To be a full person I feel you have to experience everything in life that it has to offer. That’s why I have taught and coached the way I have all these years. To share what I have learned and pass it on to all of you. After college I worked for a huge construction company making great money, and left a $500 a week job for a $600 a month job teaching. What was wrong with me??? I taught for six years in a small school district in Karlstad, Minn. I drove a bus route, taught drivers ed, coached track, football and, of course, art. At the end of my first year I never wanted to teach again. Dad was right. I could make a lot more money for the time I was giving. A good friend of mine told me, “give it one more year.” And so I did and 36 years later, here I

am! I came here 30 years ago. What drew me here was the fact that the administration that was in place then held the academics, arts and athletic all at equal levels of importance. I hoped that for what I was hired to do here, that I have done what was asked of me. As I have said before, I work at this school, I was hired by the administration that was here at the time, but I work for the taxpayers, community, parents and all of the students. I must say that in order to live in a community you have to be involved. “It’s not about you, it’s about what you do,” what makes you feel good about where you live. You can be involved in so many ways. All of you have great things you can offer to make your community better. I have enjoyed being a part of this community and will continue to be here for all of you. That’s what makes it feel like home for me. Now, some advice to you seniors. Some of you are familiar with the sign in my art room. My ABC’s to go through life and this is coming from me personally and it has to go in this order: A - Ambition Without ambition what good are you to yourself or others around you? Getting up in the morning and making the most of each day. Doing the best that you can do. Feeling good at the end of the day because you accomplished something. Having the drive to make this world a better place for yourself or others. There are three kinds of people. 1. There are people that make things happen. 2. People that watch things happen. 3. People that wonder what’s happening. B - Behavior How you conduct yourself and treat others - be courteous, helpful, give of yourself, treat others as you would want to be treated. It’s not to hard to figure out. Be a good person, be positive! C - Common Sense Oh boy, man, do we need more of that! Doing what’s right, thinking things through, asking for input from others, asking for advice. A comment from a former student who said to me, “Common sense is not as common as it once was.” D - Discipline I think this word gets used the wrong way too much. Discipline is when you come up to a challenge in your life and you push yourself to get through mentally and physically. Don’t take the easy way out; anyone can do that. Don’t give up on yourself; don’t quit. We all have mountains to climb, never say never, if you want something bad enough you will persevere. E - Education As an educator, I feel the first four need to come first, then education. The one quote I love is, “It’s not how smart you are, it’s how you are smart.” Each of you has a gift and a talent. Make the most of what you have and search for more of the passion you have. You never stop learning. It takes all of us doing what we are good at to make life happen.


The example I love is, “You may be a doctor, but you need a good mechanic to be sure that ambulance makes it to the hospital.” We all need to pursue further education beyond today. Whether in college, technical school, military or learning from others through apprenticeship in your area where your interests are. As Abe Lincoln said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Pride, Patriot Pride. Carry that with you the rest of your life! F - Fun Fun! Yeah, you gotta have fun, enjoy time with your family and friends. A quote from a great family friend, Harvey Roggenkamp, said, “We are all on this earth for a visit. Some may just be longer than others. Enjoy each day as if it was your last.” Take the time to watch the sunrise and the sunset … and appreciate it, as no two are the same. I could go on with the alphabet, but you get the idea. If I could ever change one thing in my life I would have spent time in the military and served my country. We would not have the freedom of doing what we want without our brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for us. Always take the time to thank a veteran. Be there for them. They were there for us. “I can grow old, but I don’t have to grow up.” I think of all the great people I have had in my time here at Pequot Lakes High School. Teachers, students, parents, former students who are now parents. I believe that because I have had to work around young people my whole life is the reason why I still feel young, because really, I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! It’s been a great experience. We live in a small community, and I like that. The fact that we spend time together at school activities, life’s celebrations like weddings, baby showers, funerals, being here for one another, make a community. A good school is the number one asset for a community. I would like to take a moment for those no longer with us - my former students like Dru, Kia, Joey, Marcy, Annie and others, teachers and friends. I am honored to have known them and had them as part of my life. That’s what makes us a community and a family. Because we are a family, we look out for one another, help and support each other. My own family - Barb, my wife - for putting up with the long hours I put into this place because she knows this is my other love. My son, Jacob, for which so many teachers have helped him to where he is today in his life and career. You all have had teachers here who have helped you to where you are tonight. I’m proud to be a part of this group of educators that has given you the experience you have had here in PLHS. To be honest, I would rather be sitting up in the bleachers tonight, watching ... but it’s been an honor. To the senior class of 2016, parents, staff and administration, congratulations! You made it. And, hey, you better stay in touch with me.

From Page S1

important than any one thing.” - Abraham Lincoln If you have the determination to do well you can achieve anything you desire. I wish for all of you to do your best and trust in yourself and your goals. Things will surely get tough, but all of you can stick it through. Remember that each morning is a brand new day to try again and to go further. It’s not a question but a lesson learned in time. It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln This is something we can all take to heart. This world is ours, and we should make the best of it. If we only live once, let’s live it to the fullest. Strive for infinity and don’t let anything hold you back. We’re on a one way trip to the rest of our lives and it ought to be outstanding. I hope you had the time of your life This is probably the best line in the song because it couldn’t hold to be more true. I sure hope you loved your time here at Pequot Lakes. The amazing teachers we have, the opportunities we have been granted, and the wonderful people we have met along the way are just a few of the things we should all be grateful for. We know that we will leave our mark on this school but more importantly we hope this school has made an impact in your lives. So take the photographs and still frames in your mind Look back on what you have seen the past 13 years of your education. Remember what we have accomplished as a class, and keep your mind open for what is to come. Each of us has a personal story that reflects who we are. Now, I challenge each and every one of you to take your “photographs” and memories and share them with your future peers, bosses and co-workers. Oftentimes, success is not achieved by your

awards or accomplishments; it is achieved by the way you communicate with others and share your personal story. You have a chance to be amazing, so take the chance. Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time Whenever something in your life isn’t going your way, trust in the fact that times will look up. In the end, we all have potholes in our roads to success. However, if you save the best memories on your shelf, you can quickly reference them for some extra joy. Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial Although your memories typically define you by sticking to you like a tattoo, wear your best skin. Show people that you will be trustworthy and reliable and that you enjoy what you are doing. Additionally, love what you have done because it sticks with you for years to come, so you might as well have no regrets. For what it’s worth, it was worth all the while All of our time at Pequot Lakes was worth it, and I’m happy I got to spend it with you. Still, continue to have fun and grow as an individual. Continue to take chances that you are afraid to take, and continue to make the best of what you are given. Because, if you don’t, you will miss out on the little time you have. In the next few years, take each opportunity with the goal to look back on your time so that you can say, “Dude, that was so worth it.” Truly, I can say the time I spent here, with all of you, was worth it. And the song ends with the chorus. The first phrase in the chorus is … It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right Life often follows Murphy’s Law. Whatever can happen, will happen. The one thing that is certain about life is the fact that life is always unpredictable. For a moment, your life can

Pequot Lakes High School valedictorians Alexander Becker, Sydney Holt, Levi Palmer and Barbara Miller give a joint speech incorporating the class song, “Good Riddance” (or “Time of Your Life”) by Green Day.


seem to settle, but then life always finds a way to throw in a curve ball. However, unpredictable is not always bad. Four years ago, I would have never guessed that I would be standing here now about to become a graduate of Pequot Lakes High School. Sometimes, the most unpredictable things that happen are blessings in disguise. However, these blessings are only unveiled if you accept the fact that you are not in the driver’s seat. Initially, it might be scary or overwhelming, but if you take a deep breath and remember that a predictable life would be a boring one, then you will lead a life knowing that the path you are on is the right one. I hope you had the time of your life Finally, I would like to make a small edit to the end of our senior song. Instead of the song

ending with, “I hope you had the time of your life,” I want to change it to, “I hope you have the time of your life.” As the path we have been walking together for the past four years is quickly coming to an end, I hope that our experiences together in high school have been the best time of your life thus far. Meaning, I hope as we all take different paths in life that we continue having the time of our lives. As much as I wish that we could all continue tackling life together as one class, I think it is time that we move on to the next chapter of our lives. However, remember to look back on the memories you have made in this little town with a bobber as its water tower. So, Class of 2016, we hope you have the time of your lives. Thank you.


June 2, 2016



Pequot Lakes High School senior

My name is Angela Gudahl, and I am a student of the graduating class of 2016. And before I start, I would just like to give a quick but important disclaimer. Underclassmen: In case it has not already begun, you will find that it will be instilled in you to never cite your research papers and/or public speeches from any website, unless it is .org, .edu or . gov. That one was for you, Mrs. Klein. However, given these dire circumstances of a plague that has affected the majority of seniors nationwide, I have made a difficult and reluctant exception. So according to urban dictionary. com, “senioritis” is defined as the following: Noun. A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to, walking profoundly slower to all or selected classes; an increase in sporadic absences, which may or may not include a breakfast at the Commander; an increased confidence in test taking skills when textbook has not been taken; counting in math class, but only if it means counting down the slides of the day’s lesson; desire to test work ethic under intense pressure by choosing to write an 8-page research paper the night before it is due, even though adequate time was given during class period in the weeks prior. Side note: Adequate class period or open hours may or may not have included searching cooking videos or googling political memes. Symptoms may also include one tear drop of genuine and desperate joy being shed when said 8-page research paper’s due date was pushed back a day due to schedule change. In my specific and personal experience, senioritis came in the form of trying to write a graduation speech, but instead staring at a wall for two hours, wondering why on earth did someone decide that a piece of square cardboard balancing on a swimming cap and covered in blue fabric was a good idea for a hat to graduate in? Yep. Senioritis. I have always thought the class speech should be one of sentimental words and endearing memories, of the good times shared in the past. So I began to try to reminisce on the beautiful days of middle school ... but I had noth-

Angela Gudahl’s senior address drew several laughs from the 110 Pequot Lakes graduating seniors. PHOTO BY DAN DETERMAN

ing. My subconscious seemed to be blocking out memories, and I can only assume it was some sort of coping mechanism for my own personal well being. But I did recall one phrase repeating in my head. It was Mrs. Fisher’s voice. From eighth grade. “Shhhhhhh. You guys, quiet down. Your hormones are raging.” Fortunately, this lovely group of millennials standing before me all seemed to be aboard the Facebook fad as early as 2009. And so with signed permission, I thought perhaps we could dig up the heart and soul of this class via Facebook posts from our prepubescent selves. I discovered some of us found it necessary to share our personal electrolyte intake, as Lauren Bengtson posted in 2011 for the world to see: “I drank a quart of gatorade today.” I also discovered many of us were in awe of the pop culture of our generation, when I read Maria Brown’s Facebook status from 2011: “Why does selena have to date justin? its gross … sorta.” I also was reminded of our growing observation of the animals of the sky, and the law of physics, when I saw Erick Marks posted in 2009: “I love it when birds hit the window! THUD.” Along with the financial sacrifices we had to make when we did not have our own summer job

income yet, as Erick also proclaimed in 2009: “I feel good i just gave the salvation army .65 cents.” We also seemed to be very inquisitive thinkers, in awe of science and new discoveries. I realized this when I saw Graedon Rohr’s post from 2011: “scientists have discovered a new earth like planet. I wonder if we get the technology to go to light speed, that the government would want to take the planet’s resources graedon 2011.” Mac Nagys post on Christmas day on Dec. 25, 2010, made me realize we also were dreamers. It stated: “this summer i had a dream the rapture would happen on december 26, 2010. let’s find out if its true.” We also didn’t let the dangers of the world stop us from diving into the saltwater trenches. Levi Palmer posted in 2011: “Ooowweeeee just ripped off my fingernail while swimming in the ocean …” But most of all, I saw on my own personal Facebook page that I was quite observant of both my sleeping cycle and my blood circulation. As I found it important to post a status saying: “goin to bed ... fingers are cold lol” Angela Gudahl But perhaps Allison said it best on behalf of our whole grade even to this day, when she posted in

Pequot Lakes graduating seniors laugh and reminisce during the senior address.

2011: “I wish someone would rob my house and take my social homework with them.” All joking aside, it is absolutely remarkable to see how far we have all come. And regardless of the rest, regardless of the classes we took or the grades we got in them, we are all here with the same exact goal completed. The antidote to our senioritis. We did it, we are all graduating. From the bottom of my heart on behalf of this class, thank you to the teachers who encouraged us. Thank you to the teachers who put countless extra hours into helping us reach our goals. Thank you for the teachers who challenged us even when we did not want to be challenged. Thank you for Mr. Rankin for having high expectations of us to amount to the achievements we are capable of. Thank you Mrs. Stampe for kicking cancer’s butt. Thank you Mr. Guenther for who you have been to so many students. Thank you to all the faculty. Thank you parents, for being alongside of us and equipping us with skills that will last a lifetime. Thank you for adults in the community who have mentored students and been an advocate for those of us who needed it. The paraprofessionals who have told students that they believe in them. Thank you.

Graduating class of 2016, never forget the people here who have encouraged you. Never forget the encouraging smile your peer gave you when you were having a hard day, the one encouraging text that kept you from falling apart, or the one hug that comforted you amongst whatever trial was going on in your life. Never forget the person who told you they were proud of you, and never forget the teachers, parents, adults or friends that made this life a little bit easier to breathe in. But most of all, never forget to be that person to someone else. There are a lot of things that we have grown out of since middle school, just look at your old Facebook posts. And I know none of us can look into the future, but there is one thing I am positive none of us will ever grow out of. We will always be impacted by the power encouragement has on ourselves and the world around us. If there is one thing in the world you can be, no matter your occupation, no matter your salary, no matter the circumstances in your life, be an encourager. The world may continue advancing technology, it may continue pushing you to work harder and do more and go amazing places, but despite what Devin and Dominic Cheek may invent 20 years from now, I will always argue nothing will ever compare to human empathy and encouragement. Everyone, we did it. And we are about to start another huge chapter in our life. And it will not be easy. It will be another adventure. With both trials and goodness. In the commonly quoted, but always wise words of Dr. Seuss: You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers Who soar to high heights... You’ll get mixed up, of course, As you already know, You’ll get mixed up With many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A great balancing act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3⁄4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU’LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!


June 2, 2016



The Pine River-Backus High School class of 2016 tosses caps in the air at the end of the graduation ceremony Friday, May 27, in the school gym.



Good evening parents, teachers, administrators, friends and neighbors. What an honor it is to speak tonight on behalf of this amazing senior class. My name is Kristin Lindholm. I teach English. And I am Janice Oakley and I teach math. Look at this crew. They sure clean up nice, don’t they Mrs. Lindholm? It is hard to believe that we are already here at this moment. I’m not sure I’m ready to let these guys leave yet. Do they have any idea how hard it is to let them go? Do they have any idea how proud we are of them? Tonight, Mrs. Oakley and I thought we’d start by letting you know the top five things we’ve learned from you during your high school career … and just so you know, it was really hard to stop at five - but we don’t have all night. Are you ready Mrs. Oakley? Here we go. 5. Seniors think that teachers can’t dab. 4. Seniors can spend the entire hour on their cell phone (while pretending to pay attention). 3. Some seniors have miraculously discovered that pancakes stick to the ceiling when a particular teacher is out of the room. Miraculously, pancakes are easy to remove, and a few seniors have been pleasantly surprised to learn that Mrs. Lindholm’s lavender lotion, made with essential oils, covers up the pancake stain lickety-split. 2. Seniors think that ANSWERS WILL VARY is an acceptable math response. 1. Seniors ROCK. Seriously. And oh how you will be remembered! And now, as you get ready to

close this chapter of your educational career, we’d like to share with you the top five things we’d like you to remember as you leave this place. 5. First and foremost, Be YOU! Or as William Shakespeare once said, “To thine own self be true!” You all know that I love quotes and my most favorite is “Whatever you are, be a good one,” by Abraham Lincoln. The only way to be good is to be honest, humble and happy. And the only way to achieve these things is to be entirely, unashamedly, all out YOU! Like some anonymous person brilliantly said, “You have to be odd to be number one.” How about that math teacher Mrs. Oakley? Get it, odd to be #1? For real, YOU make the best you. 4. Numbers are your friend. Life can be like the quadratic formula - first you need to know what the variables are and how to find them - like life, you need to know who you will be working with and who you will be working for. You also must do things in the correct order. Most jobs require you to do your job step-by-step and there are jobs that can be completed various ways - like solving a quadratic equation. You can factor it, you can complete the square, you can graph it, or you can use the quadratic formula. All of these will give you the same answer, but sometimes one way is better than the others - just like life! In addition, sometimes you get an answer that is a whole number, a nice even number that makes sense. But sometimes you get a double root - or an irrational root it’s not so pretty and easy, but still the answer. Again, life is like that.

Pine River-Backus seniors Troy Fetter, left, and Kyle Tschida sing the national anthem at commencement.


Pine River-Backus math teacher Janice Oakley, left, and English teacher Kristin Lindholm give the faculty address Friday, May 27, at the Pine River-Backus graduation ceremony.


Sometimes your life runs along smoothly with whole number answers, and sometimes life gives you irrational answers that you just have to deal with. In a quadratic equation, and in life, there can be more than one solution. A wrong solution can have lasting effects, so you should always check to make sure the solution works. 3. Words can change the world. Many people have said words that are permanently ingrained in our minds - that is part of the power of words. But YOU have the power to change the world with words too. Please remember that words that are spoken (or texted) are forever. Use that power to do good. Be sure that what comes out of your mouth is something worth repeating. Your words have the power to heal, support, cheer, encourage, create, solve and honor.

Use them with thoughtful intention and the results will be positive. It’s like this poem titled: “DROP A PEBBLE IN THE WATER,” by James W. Foley Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea. And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be. Drop a word of cheer and kindness: just a flash and it is gone, But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Bearing hope and joy and comfort on each splashing, dashing wave Till you wouldn’t believe the volume of the one kind word you gave. Drop a word of cheer and kindness: in a minute you forget;

and all of the time that we have spent together. As we begin to go our separate ways this summer, remember that communication with one another will play an important role in maintaining our friendships. The way that we follow through with staying in contact will really prove how strong we are as a class. When we move forward, there will be bumps along the road, but we will always have each other to confide in. With this in mind, we should leave high school not worrying about being on our own, but instead we should leave with confidence for we know that we will have many other people to support us along the way. So, while we travel down these unknown roads, I want each of you to be strong. Not only for your friends around you, but also for the people in the community that have worked very hard to get us to where we are now. Without their help, we would not have been able to grow and learn as much as we have. For that, I want to thank all of you for the time and effort you have put into pushing us to reach our goals. Some of you might have played a greater role in our lives than others, but each of you has had an impact on us in one way or another Well, class of 2016, I want to wish you all the best of luck as you move on and hopefully you all remember that graduation is just the beginning.

But there’s gladness still a-swelling, and there’s joy a-circling yet. And you’ve rolled a wave of comfort whose sweet music can be heard Over miles and miles of water just dropping one kind word. You will never regret speaking kind words. 2. Don’t forget to call home. 1. Know that your teachers are your No. 1 fans. We know that you are our future, and we are completely confident that you will make a difference in this world. We see movers and shakers; we see problem solvers; we see healers; we see thinkers; and we see doers. We see courageous individuals who are all ready to soar off and change this world for the better in so many ways. Just because you leave this place today with a funny looking hat on your head and a diploma in your hand, doesn’t mean that we say goodbye. The hardest part of being an educator is letting you go. We care about you. We will always remember you - so don’t forget that you are always welcome here. We love to know how you are doing, we love to see your faces. You are the reason we signed up for this gig - and the reason we are here today. It is now time for you to spread your wings and fly. Just be sure to come back to the nest every once in awhile - OK? Like Orrin Hatch once stated, “There is a good reason they call these ceremonies “commencement exercises.” Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” “May the force be with you graduates.” You are loved beyond measure. Go out into this world and make a difference!

Pine River-Backus senior Austin McAllister opened his envelope to pose with his diploma. PHOTO BY NANCY VOGT


June 2, 2016



[Charlie Puth:] It’s been a long day without you, my friend And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again We’ve come a long way from where we began Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again (Hey) [Wiz Khalifa:] Damn, who knew? All the planes we flew Good things we’ve been through That I’ll be standing right here talking to you ‘Bout another path I know we loved to hit the road and laugh But something told me that it wouldn’t last Had to switch up Look at things different, see the bigger picture Those were the days Hard work forever pays Now I see you in a better place (see you in a better place) Uh How can we not talk about family when family’s all that we got? Everything I went through you were standing there by my side And now you gon’ be with me for the last ride [Charlie Puth:] It’s been a long day without you, my friend And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again (I see you again) We’ve come a long way (yeah, we came a long way) from where we began (you know we started) Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again (let me tell you) When I see you again (Aah oh, aah oh Wooooh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) Yeah [Wiz Khalifa:] First you both go out your way And the vibe is feeling strong And what’s small turn to a friendship A friendship turn to a bond And that bond will never be broken The love will never get lost (and the love will never get lost) And when brotherhood come first Then the line will never be crossed Established it on our own When that line had to be drawn And that line is what we reach So remember me when I’m gone (remember me when I’m gone) How can we not talk about family when family’s all that we got? Everything I went through you were standing there by my side And now you gon’ be with me for the last ride [Charlie Puth:] So let the light guide your way, yeah Hold every memory as you go And every road you take, will always lead you home, home It’s been a long day without you, my friend And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again We’ve come a long way from where we began Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again

Pine River-Backus co-salutatorians Alexus Reddick and Zachary Struss talk about Struss being “a star singer with a sore throat” during their speech Friday, May 27, at the graduation ceremony.



Pine River-Backus Salutatorians

Welcome parents, family, friends, teachers and community members. Thank you for joining us today, because without you, we would have no one to deliver our speech to. We are here to speak on behalf of the Class of 2016. From the moment we knew that we tied for salutatorian, we weren’t exactly sure how we were going to go about our speech. We thought about having a rap battle, but I knew that I would easily win, so we threw that idea out. Then, we were going to throw together a musical number, but our star singer has a sore throat. After much thought, we finally decided that we would stay in the spirit of high school and just wing it. So here goes nothing. A lot of you have already probably heard many speeches like this. Ones where the nervous boy or girl stands up here at the podium hoping he/she doesn’t slip up and say the wrong thing or stutter. Speeches where no one understands the humor and the audience has to force a laugh. Speeches that are complete and utter flops, maybe something like this one, but you know what? That’s OK. Regardless of what we do, we know that the people here will love us. We are so grateful for the true community here at PR-B.

Remember when we had track and field day in elementary? It was always one day of the year that we looked forward to. We all got together and not only competed against each other, but also worked as a team. I don’t know about you, but the tug-of-war was always one of my favorite events. As classmates, we worked together and leaned on each other to reach success. Coming from a small school, we can sometimes take this for granted. We don’t realize that not everyone gets the chance to have such a strong bond with their peers. They don’t get to know their classmates on such a personal level, or even know the names of everyone in their graduating class. That is only one of the special things about PR-B. We all know that one teacher or coach who has made the biggest impact on our lives.They are very understanding, caring, and maybe even push us to our limits sometimes, but we know that they will always have our back. They want to see us succeed. I think that every student behind us, or even former students from PR-B can think of that one teacher that has made a difference in their lives. The teachers and coaches that we have here at Pine River-Backus are ones that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Our parents have also made a huge

impact on our lives. We’re not just talking about our biological parents, but also adults in our community who are giving us support and love. We know that no matter what, you will always love us the same, even if we don’t always make the best choices. At the end of the day, we know that you are always there for us. Sometimes around the time of graduation, we focus too much on who we are becoming and where we are going, and forget to remember where we came from and the people who have made us who we are. Without the people of PR-B, we wouldn’t have all of the opportunities that we have now. We just wanted to take this time to truly thank the place and the people that have made this all possible. We will miss you all. There absolutely will be times where we will long to have this place back, but I think that’s just what happens when you love something. When you’re going to class every day, as cliche as it is, you don’t realize that. You’re too busy moaning and groaning about that test coming up or that assignment you missed. You don’t realize that these teachers have become more than just teachers and your classmates are not just another average acquaintance. They really are like family. And I will carry this family with me forever.

The Pine River-Backus High School senior choir members sing “Omnia Sol” at their graduation ceremony. PHOTO BY NANCY VOGT

Pine River-Backus senior Kyle Renwick poses after receiving his diploma. PHOTO BY NANCY VOGT

June 2, 2016



“Mighty and Mean, So Fresh and So Clean, We’re the Class of Twenty Sixteen”

Candyce Spielman

Laura Squires

Brooke Swenson

Zachary Vanlue

Julia Teich

Cody Walton

Richard Welliver

Quinten Thrun

Christofer Trana

Brady Wickham

Haley Wiebolt

Aaron Trees

Jenna Urseth

Griffin Wolf

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) BY GREEN DAY Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test and don’t ask why



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Congratulations Graduates!



o ss

It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life

It’s not a question but a lesson learned in time It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life So take the photographs and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial For what it’s worth, it was worth all the while

Class Song

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2016 Graduates!


June 2, 2016


Nathaniel Adkins

Elijah Albrecht

Allison Anderson

Ashley Anderson

Jeremy Bielefeld

Dexter Briceno

Nikoa Cooper

Jauss Egberts

Troy Fetter

Christopher Geschwill

Christopher Haman

Brady Hamilton

Kaitlyn Hanson

Jennifer Holm

Sky Kukuk

Christopher Lefebvre

Stephanie Malecha

Austin McAllister

Summer Merritt

Alexis Orth

Angela Pederson

Anthony Pederson

Samantha Peterson

Gretta Norton


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June 2, 2016



Jorden Phillipson

Henry Raph

Alexus Reddick

Benjamin Remington

Kade Renwick

Julia Schaefer

Nicholas Schelde

Brittany Schmid

Zachary Semmler

Cedar Shamp

Nathan Shetka

Dillon Silcox

Sophia Stewart

Zachary Struss

Cheyenne Swenson

Jesse Sympson

Micheal Titman

Kyle Tschida

Taina Williams

Eric Winch


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June 2, 2016


Pequot Lakes High School senior Barbara Miller flips the tassel on Levi Palmer’s cap after Palmer received his diploma Friday, May 27.


Michael Mathis, left, and Jack Harguth pose for a selfie after the Pequot Lakes High School graduation ceremony Friday, May 27.


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S ATION Kids Coloring Contest. Participants may



Dan Determan


• 8 p.m.: Fireworks display. • 6-8 p.m.: Meat raffle and food specials at Crosslake/Fifty Lakes American Legion. • 8 p.m.: Live comedy, “Peter Hefty & Friends,” at Pine Peaks Retreat and Event Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with Maucieri’s food buffet. • 8-10 p.m.: Trivia contest at Zorbaz. • 10 p.m.: Close DJ “JP” of at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant. Saturday, Feb. 2 • 7:30 a.m.-noon: Crosslake Firefighters Pancake Breakfast at Crosslake Lutheran Church. • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Trivia contest at Andy’s Liquor, Bar and Restaurant.

• Staff Kate Perkins a sweating before a sauna inside. hard and my exhaustion life back into g it can be also bring I was working despite stove crankin stove will that was whenstuck with me, and falling asleep. brand of A warm woodwinter campers. fun. It sounds I should have bed. The chillfor a long time before sound like There’s the most popular of weary warm that g doesn’t I’ll say it again, cold. is perhaps only ones out there. ing the e group I lay awaketechnique to staying have changed all my an absolut and, Winter campin the Snowtrekker dry; they miserable camping is they’re not your own and purchas should There’s completely eating situation. I cold, snowy,the right gear, winter hot tent, but of sewing that used in that to ensure they were is nt piece But with also heard also the option on the ice and the most importa clothes again barely damp. I’ve help to stay warm crisp night stove. just f, perhaps of a cold, sky just seems clearer for very lowg pad were only sleeping peanuts, can enjoy yoursel g bag that’s rated the The stillness like To warm sleepin ow, a in good snacks, up Someh many other a sleepin some a really and sing, to get a worth the unmatched. night. of gear is brighter. Bundledto the ice shift coupled with opinion, it’s good least 20 or ice. through the night of cold was well else. listening In my the stars shine can the snow temperatures, ture at anywhere cold nose, The one a couple). camping ongetting the right stuff My for a tempera in. maybe g bag with a peace I’ve never felting I ever thought I (or enjoyed rated (and that’s be sleepin , I’ll nights I’ve special. It’s I gave it good gear is a sort of sleeping bag than what you’llrated for 0 degrees g isn’t someth ing before camping is nearly guarantee If you have h), winter four-season bag is Winter campin I can a lot of convinc degrees colder g was in a not far some researc is that if the ever done. and it took you never and higher. some take ing nce campin you’ve g ears degrees would do, someth experie night winter give you you’re with our able at 20 unlike anythinsee or experience pads) will If a go. My first Lacs, and we slept be comfort Don’t g pad (or your bag. we that you will out there. The sleepin n the snow and night, but tent on Mille d to one filled car and get inside that betwee have before. tures s (as oppose h foam pad pack up the from the ice.the option of going insulation out tempera air mattres half-inc Bundle up, you. day I found slept warm and cozy We had stop add anotherce when it comes to using a simple to. The next but I or down), let the cold didn’t need to 8 below zero, with foam make a big differen in. and It’ll held it. had dropped camping, heat the tent son tent, below . while winter all night. warmth a four-sea d at how much cold once I was surpriseto go a step up fromhave canvas walls I’ve only been want lly these with the But, if you outside, but great. Genera hot tents are stove. It can be frigid and a wood

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Fantastic Sam's of Brainerd


Pequot Lakes High School one-act play, “Any Suspicious Activity,” 7 p.m., PLHS auditorium Back to Hack, Hackensack PAMDA Penguin Plunge, noon, Birch Lake, Hackensack

PTA preparing for March 1 carnival; donations sought for silent auction; button sales start Feb. 1

middle school and renova /high school additio Hirsch for GLAPA. ns board approvtions project, • Appro and routine constred $1,284,868.3 the Peterson, ved the contract for Teri 7 in a speech uction bond ment. disburse- student need; andpathologist, due to Carl Borlei the In other s, Adult Basiccontract for business board: teache Monday, Education the with r, for up to four • Agreed hour per additional to meet at week a future date and funding. hours based on need • Hired Courtn ey Barnet t, para

From Pag e 3A

resignation Board and from the Library Ander son appointed David Mark Hallan and Orasko Longnecker and John Comm vich to the PlanniJim commission for three-y terms to ng and ission. ear that board his input with Hallan Akerson was valuab to expire said Hallan Akers served previo had appoin on opposed le. • Appointed the tments Cheri Seils, preferred to usly and he • Reapp . Oraskovich appoint Seils, ointed Jurchen and Mark Allen to keep diversi Steven Develo to the Econo pment Comm mic ty. Mayor ission said Hallan Nancy Adams through Dec. 31, 2015. brings an • Appoi engi nted Cathy Malecha and three-year Craig Nagel to terms on the Park Commission through 31, 2015, Dec. and Bonicatto’s accepted Patti resignation that comm from ission. Pete


Schools PTA Spring Carnival.

Elementary School will transform into an “Under the Sea” adventure. The PTA is working hard to make a big splash for the entire family to enjoy a full night of games, crafts, food, raffle baskets, face painting, crazy hair, silent auction and the entertainment corner. Childhood Family Education group for the school of little fish.

door. They are being sold at Lakes Latté (Pequot Lakes), Super America (Pequot Lakes), Little People Learning Center (Breezy Point) or Eagle View Elementary School/ECFE. opportunity to win a free book, participate in

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