2018 Voter's Guide

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Friday, September 21, 2018 S1



r’s Guide

Decision time:

Early voting starts today The time for voters to decide who they want to represent them arrives today and continues until the polls close on the general election at 8 p.m. Nov. 6. Beginning today and through Nov. 5, Minnesotans may vote early using an absentee ballot. Voting may be done in person at designated sites, such as the historic Crow Wing County Courthouse in Brainerd, or by mail as voters request an absentee ballot and vote using a witness and then mail the completed and signed ballots back. The status of the absentee ballots may also be tracked online. For others, Election Day will still be the final moment to cast a ballot after taking in all the information available through the fall. For more information about absentee voting, voter registration information and polling places, visit mnvotes.org. The Dispatch 2018 Voter’s Guide is designed to give readers a look at candidates in addition to the newspaper’s coverage and candidate profiles available in print and online. Uncontested races where candidates were not opposed were not included in the voter’s guide. Go to www.brainerddispatch.com for more information. Attendance at candidate forums, research and personal encounters will also help voters make informed decisions in what is expected to be another memorable election year.

Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District

Stauber touts personal integrity, pushes for change on Capitol Hill Gabe Lagarde Staff Writer LITTLE FALLS -- An interview with Pete Stauber has the feeling of a traffic stop -- leaning forward, shoulders hunched a little, the former Duluth cop doesn’t shy away from questions and addresses them in a direct and measured manner. It’s been more than 14 months since Stauber, 52, declared his candidacy for Congressman Rick Nolan’s seat -- a rock-steady presence on the Republican side while the DFL engaged in a kind of musical chairs-style infighting on the other. In that time, the St. Louis County commissioner and relative political neophyte ascended into one of the highest profile races in the country. He’s been touted by GOP figures on Capitol Hill as a “golden child,” though in person he fits the profile of a political outsider better -- still a retired cop, without the airs of a Washington, D.C., politician. The 8th Congressional District has been a Democratic stronghold since the Truman administration -swinging blue every term except for Chip Cravaack’s blip in 2012-14, with names like Blatnik, Oberstar and Nolan a staple year after year. But Stauber said the tides are turning. Judging by President Donald Trump’s more than 15-point victory in 2016, he noted, these tides look to have a distinctive red hue. “It’s not leaning DFL. It’s changing, it’s historically changing,” Stauber said. “The Cuyuna Range? The mayors are getting on board. Historically? They were Democrats.” One reason why? Pushing for legislation that’s friendly and supportive of small businesses and manufacturers throughout the 8th District, Stauber said. “I have lived my message. You talk about small business -- I’ve signed the front of checks, not just the back, and that’s important. That’s why (the National Federation of Independent Businesses) endorsed me, they know I understand small businesses are the engine of our economy, ” Stauber said.

“I want to legislate from the lens of Main Street, Minnesota.” Then there’s also a bevy of issues that matter to everyday Minnesotans and beyond -- Second Amendment rights and the ability for people to protect themselves, addressing the opioid crisis head on -- of which, he added, he brings 23 years of hands-on law enforcement experience to bear. “My 52 years I’m going to bring to Washington, (D.C.), and our values in Minnesota -- hard work, personal responsibility, caring for others,” Stauber said. “I am a candidate who is going to change that culture (on Capitol Hill). We can change it, it starts with one candidate and one campaign at a time.” Beyond that, Stauber said evidence of his integrity that may resonate with independents, liberals and conservatives is his personal story -- one that featured an unlikely path to professional hockey, small business ownership, stints as a city council and county commissioner, with 22 years at the Duluth Police Department without a single formal complaint. “That means I treated people with respect in their darkest hour,” Stauber said.“That means a lot to me and that’s really who I am. It’s about trying to make it better for everyone.” In some regards, pundits may look no further than a number of hot-button issues and see a clear, partisan line drawn in the sand between the Republican Stauber and Joe Radinovich, his Democratic opponent. Stauber is anti-abortion, Radinovich is not. He effusively supports recent GOP tax cuts Radinovich has opposed. And Stauber is a proponent of a free market health care model while his opponent is pushing Medicare for all. “We can be better than that by keeping it competitive, free markets, have the ability for people to shop around for what fits them,” Stauber said. “I want it to be patient driven and physician guided.” But, there are areas where the two overlap. Both men have portrayed themselves as pro-mining candidates in a district also typified by its envi-

Radinovich looks to address plight of lower classes in congressional bid Gabe Lagarde Staff Writer

Pete Stauber ronmental tourism and water-rich ecosystems -- a fine line both walk, balancing the need for environmental protections while fostering opportunities for an economic pillar in the region. Prior to the primary, Stauber challenged notions that Minnesotan conservatives don’t want to ensure the long-term health of the environment as much as their liberal counterparts. Where he differs with Radinovich is in his commitment to mining operations like PolyMet Mining and Twin Metals -- hotly argued initiatives Stauber has stumped for since the beginning of his candidacy, giving public addresses and written extensively in favor of, he noted, while Radinovich hasn’t progressed beyond lip service. “Has my opponent supported PolyMet according to the public record?” Stauber said. “I’ve been on the ground for 14 months and people have come up, saying, ‘Thank you for your unwavering support,’ and they understand I haven’t just supported Polymet the last three and a half months.” Much of his candidacy revolves around encouraging cooperation between politicos of varying ideologies and quelling a general sentiment of divisiveness on Capitol Hill, he added. “I respect anyone who puts their name on the ballot. I do respect him,” Stauber said of Radinovich. “He is my opponent, he is not my enemy.” GABRIEL LAGARDE may be reached at gabe.lagarde@brainerddispatch.com or 218-855-5859. Follow at www.twitter.com/glbrddispatch.

8th Congressional District debate set A debate for Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District will be 6:30 p.m. Oct. 8 at Madden’s on Gull Lake, 11266 Pine Beach Peninsula, Brainerd. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Attendees will have an opportunity to submit written questions to the candidates. Attendance is open to everyone, but advance registrations are requested to ensure adequate seating. Register online at www.brainerdlakeschamber.com/debate or by contacting Colleen Dols at 218-822-7107 or colleen@brainerdlakeschamber.com.

Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District is enormous, from the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities all the way up to International Falls -- 27,583 square miles, a chunk of territory larger than 10 states in the union. That’s how Joe Radinovich is fond of framing it. There might be few men more familiar with the 8th, at least in a political sense -- with respect to years spent as a right-hand aide to prominent DFL figures in the district including former state Rep. John Ward and Congressman Rick Nolan, to say little of his own stint as the state representative for District 10B between 2012 and 2014. At 32, Radinovich has already bopped around the state in a number of political roles, a career that found its roots as a teenage activist in his native Crosby. However, being labeled a career politician in this day and age is more often pejorative than laudatory. Radinovich’s critics often point to this and his connections in the Twin Cities, saying he’s grown out of touch with his greater Minnesota roots -- in short, the caricature of “Metro Joe.” A flimsy mischaracterization at best, Radinovich told the Dispatch during a phone interview -- a disingenuous smear and dog-whistle politics at its worst, which take attention away from policies that address the well-being of middle and lower class Minnesotans. “It’s totally absurd,” Radinovich said. “Here’s the truth -- they actually started calling me ‘Metro Joe’ in 2013 … the reason they started doing that is because I supported marriage equality. That’s the type of rhetoric that is meant to divide people and I think it has no place in this race or politics in general. They were calling me this long before I worked in the Twin Cities.” To the contrary, Radinovich said, the Crosby-Ironton area -- a region where he retains strong familial ties -- as well as greater Minnesota stand front and foremost in his personal and political inclinations. “I’m a fourth-generation member of my family to grow up in Crosby-Ironton,” Radinovich said. “ I was born in Crosby, I was confirmed at the Crosby Catholic church, I graduated from Crosby-Ironton High School and when I die they’re going to bury me in the Crosby cemetery.” On the other hand, while his opponent, Pete Stauber -- the former Duluth police officer and St. Louis County commissioner -- bills himself as a political outsider, Radinovich said, his

own candidacy speaks to a career and platform grounded in real, tangible policy. “I think these campaigns should be an exchange of ideas and a conversation of ideas,” Radinovich said. “Judging from what I’ve seen of his work on the (St. Louis) County Board, Pete doesn’t fundamentally understand what creates a strong middle class.” While Stauber can tackle issues on the campaign trail with sound bites and flashpoint quotes, Radinovich said, his positions and proposals often lack substance and a clear direction. “What’s going to seperate Pete Stauber and I is there’s a lot of difference between talk and actions,” Radinovich said. “I think Pete Stauber talks a good game, but when you look at his actions we can see clear differences.” In some regards, pundits may look no further than a number of hot-button issues and see a clear, partisan line drawn in the sand between the Democrat Radinovich and Stauber, his Republican opponent. Radinovich is pro-abortion rights as opposed to Stauber’s anti-abortion stances; Radinovich is vehemently opposed to the recent GOP tax cuts that Stauber lauded; and Radinovich is a proponent of universal health care while Stauber is a free market model advocate. But, there are areas where the two overlap. Both men have portrayed themselves as pro-mining candidates in a district also typified by its environmental tourism and water-rich ecosystems -- a fine line both walk, balancing the need for environmental protections while fostering opportunities for an economic pillar in the region. The PolyMet Mining initiative was a divisive issue in a fractured DFL primary and Radinovich has faced criticism for his support of copper-nickel mining operations in the district. “There’s a big difference between being pro-mining and being pro-miner,” said Radinovich, who iterated he’s not in favor of cutting corners in terms of environmental protections, especially for corporate interests over the interests of workers. Both candidates have also touted themselves as union men -- while Stauber points to his time as a member and one-time president of a union during his tenure as a Duluth police officer, Radinovich noted the lack of support by unions for his opponent in comparison to his own candidacy. “He has the support of no notable unions that I’m aware of,” Radinovich said. “At the same time (Stauber’s) advocating for these tax policies and for these other anti-regulatory policies that enriched these corporations that

Joe Radinovich are holding these wages down, but are also hurtful to the environment. The unions support me, the corporations support Pete Stauber.” The 8th has been listed as one of the congressional districts most likely to flip in the 2018 midterms -- largely, on account of recent conservative victories in the state Legislature and President Donald Trump, who dominated the district in 2016 by more than 15 percentage points and emerged the first triumphant GOP candidate in the 8th since Herbert Hoover in 1928. It is the plight of working and middle-class individuals that will dictate this election, irrespective of who wins, Radinovich said. Issues like protecting Social Security and Medicare, fighting job-sapping trade deals, corruption in politics, campaign finance reform, infrastructure, worker’s wages and other battlegrounds of the 99 percent -these are not issue monopolized by the GOP, Radinovich said. In fact, he added, they’re just as much the stomping grounds of figures like Bernie Sanders as Trump, who won because he championed the disenfranchised. “Donald Trump was able to convince a lot of people who voted Democrat for decades to vote for him based on some issues -- general dissatisfaction with politics as usual in Washington, D.C.,” Radinovich. “I think he was able to tap into a deep unrest and a sense that the system is rigged against working people.” In turn, he said, whoever represents the district is obligated to make sure the president follows his own gospel. “Whether you voted for Donald Trump or not,” Radinovich said. “The people who voted for him want Congress to hold him accountable to the promises that he made and the plans that he shared.” GABRIEL LAGARDE may be reached at gabe.lagarde@brainerddispatch.com or 218-855-5859. Follow at www.twitter.com/glbrddispatch.

Crow Wing County Sheriff

Goddard says he is the one with ‘real experience’ Jennifer Kraus Staff Writer

Breezy Point resident Scott Goddard said his message, “4 You - With You” continues to be strong and he prides himself on being a professional and having an impeccable work ethic. Goddard, 47, captain of the Crow Wing County Sheriff ’s Office, is in the running to be the next Crow Wing County sheriff. Goddard and his opponent, Pat Pickar, a sheriff ’s deputy, are on the 2018 November general election ballot. Sheriff Todd Dahl is retiring. Goddard said his focus has not changed after garnering enough votes to move on in the primaries. He said he will continue to get out in the community and meet and greet as many people as possible. He said his message has always been strong and wraps around the core needs and responsibilities of a sheriff -- service, leadership, experience and compassion. “Crow Wing County needs a sheriff with real experience and proven leadership that they can trust,” Goddard said. “I am that one candidate. The role of sheriff is an important responsibility and I understand that collaborating with community partners, being a voice for our citizens and protecting those who live in and visit Crow Wing County is the benchmark of a professional and responsive law enforcement agency. Over the last 12 years, I have been a part of the Crow Wing County Sheriff ’s Office management team fulfilling the needs of our county and will continue to ensure the safety of all.” Goddard has worked for the sheriff ’s office for more than 18 years and has been in law enforcement for 24 years. He has worked as a police officer with the Breezy Point and Pequot Lakes police departments, and as a patrol deputy, patrol sergeant, patrol lieutenant and captain with the Crow Wing County Sheriff ’s Office. Goddard has supervised many di-

visions at the sheriff ’s office including patrol, dispatch, investigations, civil process, transports, court security, boat and water, employment background investigations, bomb team, developmental training and the mounted patrol team. He also served as co-commander of the Tactical Response Team and a trainer for ALICE -- Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. “It’s evident in how I have been able to move myself up through promotions and through leadership roles and taking on new assignments, new projects and new programs,” Goddard said. “I am very proud of my proven record of accomplishments in being able to work up to sergeant to taking care of the boat and water division for a number of years to moving up to lieutenant to now the captain. “I am comfortable in my leadership and I will continue to provide that leadership, training, equipment and support to both staff and the constituents to best serve the people of the county.” Goddard said his leadership style is to lead by example. “I will have an open door and open mind policy, which is crucial to fulfill the needs of our office and community,” Goddard said. Goddard is a lifelong resident of Crow Wing County, growing up in the Pequot Lakes/Jenkins Township area. He graduated in 1988 from Pequot Lakes High School and earned his law enforcement certificate in 1993 from Brainerd Community College (now Central Lakes College) and lives in Ideal Township. Goddard said if elected, one of his top priorities is to address the county’s biggest issues, which continue to be mental health and drug abuse. Goddard said the sheriff ’s office needs to collaborate with other county departments, such as community services, court administration, attorney’s office, land services and with area cities to combat the mental health and drug issues.

Pickar says experience, veteran status and community work make him best candidate Jennifer Kraus Staff Writer

Scott Goddard “These concerns are prevalent throughout our surrounding communities and across the nation,” Goddard said. “Understanding mental health and how it affects those we care about is the first step in helping and allocating the resources needed. “We need to bring a bigger group of people to the table in tackling the mental health and drug issues. Like our slogan says, ‘4 You - With You,’ meaning it is not just the sheriff ’s office, not just one person, who can make a change. It’s education and working with the community with local programs and initiatives to address these issues.” Goddard said the sheriff ’s office has always been big on training and keeping all personnel, including support staff, correctional officers or patrol staff up to speed on technology and programs. He said he will continue this tradition. “We are here to serve,” Goddard said. “We are basically a customer service oriented business and it’s our job to make sure our clients/our community is happy with our office and the services we provide.” He said while out door knocking, the common questions people ask about is on mental health awareness, firearm carry permits, drug abuse, chemical dependency, programs for offenders and safety in businesses and schools.

Baxter resident Pat Pickar said he is committed to Crow Wing County and is passionate about getting the whole sheriff ’s office engaged and inspired to serve the community. Pickar, 41, a deputy with the Crow Wing County Sheriff ’s Office, is in the running to be the next Crow Wing County sheriff. Pickar and his opponent, Capt. Scott Goddard of the sheriff ’s office, are on the 2018 November general election ballot. Sheriff Todd Dahl is retiring. Pickar is excited to have made it through the primary election, seeing voters supporting his vision. “The opportunity right now is to get out there and earn the votes of those who didn’t vote or those who may have voted other ways,” Pickar said. “We are continuing to get out on trail, hitting the pavement just like my vision of community policing. We’re out there with our boots on the ground trying to meet everybody, whether they are within city limits or in the townships.” Pickar said he laid out his goals on what he would do if elected sheriff at the start of his campaign and has stuck with those goals. If elected sheriff, Pickar said the biggest thing is it is not a one-person job. “A sheriff cannot do this alone,” Pickar said. “We really need to partner with our community resources and make sure law enforcement has a seat on the table. … We need to be reliable and consistent in our commitment if we’re going to jump on board and help with these issues (such as mental health illnesses and drug and sex trafficking). The sheriff is going to have a louder voice in order to lobby for more resources.” Pickar has been with the sheriff ’s office for more than 20 years, serving numerous capacities, and has also worked for police departments around the Brainerd lakes area. Pickar spent seven

years with the Crosby Police Department. He currently works part-time as a police officer for the Pequot Lakes Police Department. He is also deputy chief for the Cuyuna Police Department, where he supervises six police officers. Pickar began working with the sheriff ’s office in 1996 as an intern. He worked as a correctional officer in the Crow Wing County Jail, worked as a deputy in the boat and water division and was a 911 dispatcher and correctional officer. Pickar also was a school resource officer for the Pequot Lakes and Crosby school districts and served as the contract deputy for Emily. Pickar spent four years as an operator and sniper on the Tactical Response Team and was promoted to investigator in 2004-06, working as a narcotics agent, assigned to the Lakes Area Drug Investigative Division. Pickar was assigned to the K-9 Unit for 12 years. “I have worked every single division there is at the sheriff ’s office,” Pickar said. “I have firsthand insight on how to move forward with the vision I want for the sheriff ’s office.” Pickar said his work experience in the sheriff ’s office is one qualification that separates him from his opponent. Another is he is the only veteran with a military leadership background on the sheriff ’s ballot. “What also separates us is what I have done in the community,” Pickar said. “I have always been inspired to serve the community … and the two of us (Troy Schreifels, whom Pickar announced would be his chief deputy) have given so much back. Troy shares the same vision and values that I do. We feel we can get our whole team at the sheriff ’s office engaged and inspired to serve. “I truly believe what I have done in the community outside of work, through volunteering, has given me the pulse of knowing what is going on in the community. I feel the relationships I have built with community leaders will help when we have situation, for us to

Candidates for area school board races and area contested township races can be found inside today’s A section of the Brainerd Dispatch. Non contested races are not included in the Voter’s Guide.

Pat Pickar come together at the table and discuss the issue and come up with a solution.” Pickar said while out door knocking he heard two main concerns from people. He said one is visibility from the sheriff ’s office, especially in the townships and municipalities that don’t have their own police coverage. “They really want to see more visibility,” Pickar said. “Another one is there is a big question on what are we doing with training for law enforcement and de-escalation and how are we going to respond to the mental health crisis. “I am on board with the Vitals program since it started here. … I have had the opportunity to get out there and spread the word with the Vitals app and how it relates if the person has a mental health disability or medical disability. It is going to help them and the first responders, whether it be law enforcement or EMS (emergency medical services), to get real time information to these calls. I think it has been going over well. It’s an app to help people and law enforcement.” Pickar, a lifelong resident of Crow Wing County, graduated from Brainerd High School in 1994 and earned his associate of applied science degree in

PICKAR: Page 8

Crow wing County & Brainerd

S2 Friday, September 21, 2018


Crow Wing County Commissioner, District 2 Bill Brekken

Paul M. Thiede

Age: 67. City: Brainerd. Employment: RE/MAX Lakes Area Realty. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? The world is changing and I will help residents and Crow Wing County staff position our county for the future with vision and cooperation. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? “Listen, learn and lead.” Listen -- to the residents and staff of Crow Wing County to learn what their concerns and challenges are. Learn -Bill Brekken sometimes there are more questions than answers. We need to bring as many people to the table, so we can understand and hear all sides of an issue. Positive change will come from understanding and compromise. Lead -- I am a student of management and leadership. I know how to work with people and how to get things done. Our future depends on teamwork, people working together and, most of all, people feeling valued. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have worked in the for-profit world, I have worked in education, I have worked in the nonprofit world, and I am a volunteer. I have learned to listen. I have learned to connect people and resources. I have learned to be compassionate.

Age: 71. City: Pequot Lakes. Employment: Writer. Public office experience: Eight years in the Minnesota House of Representatives, finishing fourth term on Crow Wing County Board of Commissioners. What do you want to accomplish if elected? In the past few years, we have changed the work culture in Crow Wing County. From the implementation of pay for performance, to measuring our effectiveness through customer satisfaction surveys, to finding ways to create efficiencies doing things faster, better and less expensively, I want to continue that trend. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Through restoration of hope. The opioid and meth crises are a reflection of an addiction problem. Aquatic invasive species news seems to indicate we are losing the battle for our water quality. Constant news of protest against our institutions and disrespect for authority seems rampant. For eight consecutive years, we have held the tax levy steady while shedding some unnecessary functions and improving ones we deliver. The leadership

CWC has provided (many awards and honors received) can continue to show the way toward meaningful problem solving. Ever-increasing taxation will not, in itself, solve thorny issues. Fostering creative ideas certainly can. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Experience and leadership. In any organization, the need to Paul M. Thiede bring others to a unified point of view is necessary for accomplishment. One county commissioner cannot bring the needed three votes to the board table unless others are persuaded the concept is right. I run on my record rather than against my competition because my track record is open to anyone who wishes to research it. Unfortunately, in the current nationally politically charged environment, the peripheral noise is so loud many are discouraged from digging into local issues. I try to back my actions with reasoned logic -- often articulated, occasionally misinterpreted.

Crow Wing County Commissioner, District 3 Steve Barrows Age: 70. City: Baxter. Employment: Retired. Public office experience: Baxter City Council member. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To bring a responsible and Steve Barrows respectful approach to the Crow Wing County budget. To provide the required/mandated services for the people of Crow Wing County. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would work with current staff to understand the scope of required services, what the trends are for their departments and to assess if the current budget meets those requirements.

In addition, it will be necessary to bring together other government units, nonprofits and others to accurately identify problem areas and determine the appropriate outcomes. Where collaboration with other government units is possible, I am willing to work with them to reduce duplication of services/costs. I would engage with citizen groups, chambers of commerce and other elected officials, on a regular basis, to gather their ideas and concerns. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My ability to respectfully listen, engage and conduct a civil dialogue and my past experience with million-dollar budgets when employed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and serving as an elected official on the Baxter City Council. As a retiree, I have the time to devote to the citizens of Crow Wing County, the respect for the scope of this responsibility, and the commitment to attend township, city and citizen group meetings throughout Crow Wing County during my term.

Keith Johnson Age: 42. City: Brainerd. Employment: Self-employed. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? No. 1: Elimination of the methadone clinic on South Sixth Street. No. 2: Attack the drug problem in the area. No. 3: Hold all branches of local government accountable. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? No. 1: If elected, my job would be to stand up for what the citizens in my district want. Many want the methadone clinic out. I will work with not only county but state officials to get this done. No. 2: Work closeKeith Johnson ly with law enforcement to get the drug problem taken care of -- this means the county and state court systems. No. 3: I will provide more transparency to the public with where and why money is being spent. Also questioning the decisions of highway department, social services and school district, and passing that information on to the public. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? The ability to override overwhelming odds. I started a company in 2008, which was the worst economy since the Great Depression, and have made it successful. I will not say anything negative about Mr. Barrows, he is a very good person. But there is a big difference between one person who has been paid by the taxpayer for almost 30 years, and one person that has created jobs and provided many families with a good income.

Brainerd City Council Member at Large Sue Hilgart Age: 58. Occupation: Program manager, East Region Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program. Public office experience: One term on Brainerd City Council. What do you want to accomplish if elected? The momentum generated with Sue Hilgart #MyBrainerd and the excitement of the Destination Downtown campaigns has really set the table for growth and development in Brainerd; in our historic downtown, along Washington Street; and in our industrial districts. I continue to support these initiatives and incentives to businesses wherever possible. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?

Our assets are our residents and infrastructure in place -- shovel ready -- in the industrial park to add business/industry. We need to continue to strengthen partnerships with economic development, our partners in local government at the county level and the school district, to welcome business and industry to Brainerd. Building on the current success will bring a stability to the city’s financial picture. This will have a positive impact on the individual property owners in the city. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was honored to be elected to this position in 2014. As a member of the council I believe we have made a positive start to building a better Brainerd. I recently completed my master’s degree in leadership management, which I pursued to help me in my job as a council member. As a leader in the community, I draw from my deep roots in public service demonstrated by the many years of volunteer service on multiple boards and committees. I will continue to build connections with neighboring communities to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas.

Crow Wing County Soil and Water Supervisor, District 5 -- Special Election Harvey ‘Jim’ Chamberlin Age: 54. Employment: Food and water security program manager at Happy Dancing Turtle, farmer. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Soil and water conservation districts were established to promote, support voluntary conservation on private lands. My work as a district supervisor would be dedicated to this mission. SWCDs are the local voice for agricultural conservation. I will work to advance productive conservation practices that build soil health, protect water quality. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will work to protect soil and water resources by promoting practices, programs and projects that are economically and ecologically practical. Increasing implementation of these practices will be accomplished by working Harvey ‘Jim’ Chamberlin with local farmer organizations, watershed groups, lake associations, UMN Extension, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Minnesota/Iowa Conservation Corps, Central Lakes College and others to advance education and market driven solutions. I will work locally and statewide to eliminate SWCD involvement in regulatory programs and focus on voluntary conservation. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was a SWCD employee for over a decade and know the programs and people. I have an AAS in natural resource management from Central Lakes College and certificate courses in erosion control, agroforestry and silviculture. Community engagement is important to me, and I serve as the president of the Sustainable Farming Association and on the boards of the Northwoods Forestry Cooperative, Pine River Watershed Alliance and the Crow Wing River Basin Forage Council. I have been a business owner and operate Island Lake Farm with my wife Audra, where we have raised nine children.

Dale Sova Did not respond.

District 10B - Representative

Dale Lueck

Experienced Leadership Common Sense Conservative Values Fighting For You In Saint Paul!


 Lower Taxes & Sensible Regulations  Fixing Our Roads & Bridges  Excellence In Education  2nd Amendment - NRA “A” rated  Supporting Our Veterans  Caring For Our Elderly & Disabled  Pro-Life - Christian Based Principles Serving as Vice-Chair of the House Mining, Forestry & Tourism Committee, and a member of the Ag Policy, Capital Investment & Veteran’s Committee, Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation Board and Chair Legislative School Fund Commission www.VoteDaleLueck10B.com (218) 927-2495 - dklueck@embarqmail.com Prepared & Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dale Lueck, 37489 295th Streeet, Aitkin, MN 56431

Christopher Mathison Age: 33. Occupation: Did not respond. Public office experience: Did not respond. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I would like to establish a clear line of communication from the people of Brainerd to the city council of Brainerd. The council is an extension of the people, so if we can clearly understand what the people want, together, we can accomplish anything. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would listen to issues, concerns, suggestions, etc. from anyone who wants to be heard. In response I will be honest and realistic when working with my peers in addressing any issues or concerns facing our city. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have a unique perspective. I’ve been through the

system, I’m on disability, I’ve needed assistance programs in my life, so I understand how many things need to be fixed. I’ve experienced things firsthand, things those who haven’t couldn’t understand. I’m also a huge advocate for mental health, as Christopher Mathison my disability is mental health-related. However, I consider this a positive qualification because it gives me that unique perspective. I’ve conquered my disorder using logic, common sense and determination that not many others know. I bring that determination with me, in all aspects of my life, including bettering the city council.

Brainerd School District


Friday, September 21, 2018 S3

Brainerd School Board Member (Elect 3)

Matthew Avery Age: 34. Occupation: Owner of Avery Construction LLC. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To ensure students get a diverse education in a safe environment that’ll give them more post-secondary options. I want to shift focus away from standardized testing, having multiple means to measure success, and make sure decisions are financially responsible, especially when taxpayers entrusted us with almost $150M in taxpayer dollars. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I want to hire more teachers and support staff to ensure that class sizes remain low and children are not forgotten. I plan to reinvigorate our technical and trades classes with dedicated career paths. The construction industry will account for a third of all new jobs through the year 2022. Lastly, I want to encourage dialogue with teachers, staff and the community for their input. I will work with other members of the board to ensure that all of our stakeholders are heard and our children and their future are taken care of. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a parent of five children that attend school in the district, spanning grades 1-10, I’m uniquely qualified, as I experience all levels of our education system. As a business owner, I have the fiscal responsibility to oversee and understand budgets, understand the need to work with partners to accomplish goals, the importance of long-term visions, and the need for transparency with stakeholders. I will bring fresh perspective to the board. I served our country for 10 years in the U.S. Army and in Afghanistan. Now I want to serve our local community as your newest school board member.

Charles Black Lance Charles Black Lance Age: 46. Occupation: Central Lakes College. Public office experience: Cass County Economic Development Corp. board of directors, ISD 181 district advisory committee, American Indian Parent Advisory Committee, Community Education advisory council. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Strengthen the district’s ability to meet educational needs, create a safe and effective learning environment, support best teaching practices, recruit and retain exceptional staff, address student emotional and mental health concerns, promote fiscal responsibility, and ensure strong educational value to taxpayers. I’ll strengthen the relationship between the district and public. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Build a healthy relationship with the superintendent, teachers, staff, administrators and communi-

Jeff Czeczok Jeff Czeczok Age: 55. Occupation: Disabled American. Public office experience: Brainerd Transportation Advisory Committee since 1996, currently serve as chairman; airport commission since 2012; Brainerd Charter Commission since 2015, currently serve as chairman; Brainerd’s Walkable Bikeable Committee from 2013-16; Brainerd’s Facilities Committee since 2016. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Provide a true education for all students while staying within budgets, recognizing taxpayers pay the bills. Bring thorough transparency to ISD 181. The Open Meeting Law isn’t always properly followed, and recently Minnesota Election Laws haven’t been followed. Advocate for providing voters all public documents related to school board business. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As a single voice/vote I can only try to respectfully influence other members to use discretion when spending taxpayers’ money. I will always ask questions and do additional research beyond the information provided. I will speak out when proper procedures aren’t being followed. I will encourage administration, via the school board, to provide all public data for all school board meetings. I will encourage parents and voters to become involved in ISD1 81 business and how their children are being educated within the district. I will respond to all tax-paying parental concerns, even those that disagree with me. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? For over 20 years I have served the public in many capacities as an

appointed official. It is essential that local units of government acknowledge the fact that the public deserves to know what their local governments are doing. I am wellversed on the Open Meeting Law and the Minnesota Data Practice Laws. School board members should have the moral courage and fortitude to challenge the district administration when directed to ignore the rules and laws governing them. I hold myself accountable to the public because it is their children and their money at stake, not the district’s.

Tom Haglin Tom Haglin Age: Did not respond. Occupation: Owner of LINDAR Corp., Avantech and TriVen. Public office experience: Nine years on the Brainerd School Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Continue to oversee completion of our four-year long-range facility building projects. Continue to work for greater education outcomes for our students by enhanced staff development and methods. Strengthen our financial performance and budget by student growth through positive outcomes, and elimination and reduction of cost through continuous improvement opportunities. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As a member of the oversight committee, I’m familiar with the buildings’ progress and can help maintain our timelines and budget to honor what our community has allowed. We’re fortunate with such a dedicated, experienced staff that give so much for our students. I will make sure we provide them the tools and resources the best we can so our students have the greatest opportunity to succeed. Financial planning both short and long term must be adhered to and well thought out. With the financial resources we have, we must be good stewards with our tax dollars and work hard to improve our systems. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a successful business owner, our success has been centered around strategic planning with focus on accomplishing goals. These same methods are useful in carrying out the success of our school district so we can collectively achieve our desired goals for our students, staff and community. My understanding of finances, leadership and management and systems approach will allow for continued success with the district.

Similarly, I want to provide the best education for each student. Feeding innate giftings and passions, providing safe, loving learning environments and helping students become their individual best will reap a harvest in our community’s future. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I believe the key to maximizing our resources within the school district is to listen to stakeholders such as parents, teachers, community members and our children. Using that feedback and testing data we should increase our investment in thriving areas while truthfully and humbly seeking new ways to improve areas that could be working better. My experience is that the best student growth comes through relationships built with passionate teachers. I have met many within our district, and I believe they hold the keys to increased student success and excellence. I am committed to listening, learning and our students. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am passionate about kids. I am truthful and I listen, humbly admitting my mistakes or when I need to learn more. I have children in three schools in the district, volunteer in classrooms, serve on PTAs and the District Advisory Committee. I am analytical and think outside the box. When a solution seems unreachable I often have ideas that move conversations forward. I take seriously the incredible charge to make the best use of taxpayer money entrusted to the district. Logic and common sense should govern decisions. I care deeply about the future of our children and our community.

ucational outcomes possible.The board works as a team to support/ approve best practice instructional models. We need to continue to move to 1-to-1 technology to enhance personalized learning providing each student what they need to become a successful adult. We need to inform the public that Brainerd Public Schools offers a great and comprehensive education for their children. I’m also on the project oversight committee for the building project where I provide input and keep the board abreast of decisions being made. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My 12 years of experience on the board is very important right now because we have a fairly new administrative staff. I have a degree from the University of Minnesota in business and work experience that provides me with strong financial background to make budgetary decisions. Most essentially, I’m passionate about quality education and will support decisions that improve the outcomes for all our students. Also, I have two children that graduated from the district and have been involved in various capacities from PTA president to currently being board chair, reflecting my commitment to Brainerd Public Schools and our community.

able to make difficult decisions, and conscientious about fiscal responsibility. As a board member I would take personally that we are the district’s direct connection to the community, we are respectful of what taxpayers can afford, and we are trusted to research and be informed about issues, decisions and impacts on students and learning. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? More than 20 years professional experience in media, education and marketing results in exceptional planning, communication and collaboration skills. As a leader, I manage staff, budgets and outcomes -- understanding the important balancing act to keep those components working as a connected system for organizational success. I am passionate about our community and supporting the work of many to make Brainerd a great place to raise a family through volunteering on boards, committees and at events. With two children in the district, I see the direct impacts of leadership decisions and committed staff and teachers to make this district extraordinary.

Sarah Speer

Ruth Nelson Ruth Nelson Age: 60. Occupation: Lindner Media Productions. Public office experience: Brainerd School Board member for 12 years, current board chair. What do you want to accomplish if elected? The board just completed creating three goals for our superintendent/district to focus on. I want to support these goals: continuing to improve educational outcomes for our students; overseeing the construction process to assure timely completion and minimal impact for our students; and creating a sustainable and balanced budget. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? The above goals work together to create a district that supports our students and provides the best ed-

Sarah Speer Age: 43. Occupation: Marketing and public relations manager at Sourcewell. Public office experience: No formal elected offices, but honored to serve the community through various boards and committees such as the Crow Wing Energized Community Leadership Team, Brainerd Business Council and other community groups. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Brainerd is known for exceptional public education. The district worked to gather staff, community and professional input and expertise to shape a comprehensive vision for the future. I want to continue to help communicate the vision and be a representative, sensible voice for the community as expectations evolve. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? School board members are called to help create, support, communicate and be held accountable to a vision. I welcome the challenge and commend the current team for painting a clear picture of our district’s future. I am invested in public education, trusted and

Tiffanie Knapp Tiffanie Knapp Age: 42. Occupation: Homemaker, substitute teacher, middle school Nordic ski assistant coach. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I love growth. Care in my garden when plants are small yields greater harvest.






Matthew Avery

ty members based on respect, transparency and a joint commitment to student success. Identify primary issues affecting school success, curriculum, staffing and budgeting. Utilize school-based and student-centered data to inform districtwide decisions, financial planning and good financial decision-making. Promote continuous district improvement, professional development, high expectations for student achievement, quality instruction and define clear strategies to achieve these goals. Strengthen and build the school district’s capacity to implement a fiscally responsible approach to providing comprehensive mental health support services and prevention programs. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have 20 years of professional experience leading academic support programs and managing financial budgets within an educational institution as well as 19 years of experience serving on governing boards for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. I have three children enrolled in the district, ages 11, 9 and 7. I am able to navigate the challenging dynamics found within a large school district and I understand current educational challenges and opportunities that exist within ISD 181. Currently, I serve on the Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center Board of Directors, YMCA Board of Directors and the Initiative Foundation Board of Trustees.

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State Races

S4 Friday, September 21, 2018


House District 10A Age: 40. Current employment: Co-owner with Keri of Up Country Log, a family-run business that produces handcrafted logs for building and home accent work. Public office experience: Currently serving second term as District 10A State Representative. Party affiliation: Republican. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I will continue to support efforts to strengthen our Second Amendment rights, support free-market solutions and smart legislative direction to lower health care costs, and build on this biennium’s targeted small business and middle class tax relief. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I believe elected officials, regardless of political party, should put Minnesotans first and work together to get things done, and the last two years have been very productive.

While simultaneously encouraging economic growth by cutting middle class taxes by $650 million dollars, Republicans increased our investment in K-12 education funding by $590 million over base. We also funded critical road and bridge infrastructure improvements totaling $6.45 billion in transportation expenditures through fiscal years 18/19 and provided $32 million for new veterans homes in Bemidji, Montevideo and Preston. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Our community’s values are my priorities. Keri and I are raising our six children in Brainerd and we understand your challenges; we’ve struggled to find affordable health care and at times even buy groceries. I will listen to you and carry your concerns to St. Paul. As a small businessman, I know how decisions made at the Capitol affect our

Josh Heintzeman local economy. I will fight to continue to reduce taxes and simplify regulation so you can keep more what you earn. I’m endorsed by pro-life organization MCCL and I’m a proud member of the NRA.

Age: 40. Employment: Building Construction. Public office experience: First run for public office. Party affiliation: DFL. What do you want to accomplish if elected? When I am elected, my priority will be to make the lakes area, and all of Minnesota, a place where it is possible for people to reach their goals and improve their quality of life. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? First, by securing adequate funding for our public education system, to ensure that everyone has access to the best possible education. That includes keeping our public community and technical colleges affordable for those wishing to pursue post-secondary education.

I will also fight for better access to quality, affordable health care for all Minnesotans. I will work to make Minnesota a leader in the development and implementation of environmentally sustainable practices, and to safeguard our resources for future generations. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a father and as someone who works in this area, I understand the issues that many of our area residents face. I, like many people I know, am frustrated that some of our elected officials seem to care less about working for the people than for scoring political points. When I am elected, my priority will be the people I represent. A representative should consider

Dale Menk the views and concerns of all their constituents. I know that as a representative, my job is to work for the people, and I will strive to be your voice in our government.

House District 10B Age: 68. Employment: Self-employed beef cattle farmer and state representative. Public office experience: Minnesota House of Representatives committee assignments: Mining, Forestry, and Tourism; Agriculture Policy; Capital Investment; Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance, and Veterans Affairs Division. Party affiliation: Republican. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Continue to build economic opportunities for the citizens of District 10B. Reduce taxes and unwarranted regulations, rationalize health insurance costs, enhance the business climate, improve educational opportunities and complete local projects like the Cuyuna Mountain Bike Trail system, area ATV trail systems and the National Loon Center project at Crosslake. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As an experienced leader, I understand how to do the

homework necessary to solve problems. It’s about carefully listening to all involved, asking the right questions, tapping into the wealth of knowledge that already exists and then applying common sense to develop a solution. The issues we face today are complex and require a measured approach. I have the experience and strong work ethic required to bring about constructive change in St. Paul. You can count on me to focus on what will work and getting it right the first time. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My focus is on doing the right thing for the citizens of our district and the state of Minnesota. I will continue to actively seek the counsel of the citizens of our district, local government officials, the business community and my colleagues on both sides of the political aisle in St. Paul to solve the many issues we face here in rural Minnesota.

Dale K. Lueck I have been successful in getting legislation passed and signed by the governor. It’s about putting partisan differences aside and doing what’s right for the people. I am about solutions, not who gets the credit!

Age: 52. Employment: Self-employed contractor, restaurant owner and real estate agent/broker. Public office experience: More than five years as Fairfield Township supervisor and as Emily Fire Department secretary. Party affiliation: DFL. What do you want to accomplish if elected? First, we need to rewrite the current health insurance situation. It leaves too many individuals without coverage and is a burden for the rest of our economy. Secondly, make higher education affordable for our students and to benefit our employers. Lastly, provide an affordable, predictable, stable environment for economic growth. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would advocate for competition in the individual health insurance market by

allowing citizens the option to buy into MinnesotaCare at a group rate. I would sponsor legislation to allow our state universities to sell prepaid tuition credits so students and families have an inflation-proof educational savings alternative. I will support sound budgetary policy to avoid the threats of government shutdowns and arbitrary across-the-board cuts to essential services. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My work in the private sector, as a business owner and as an employee of both large and small companies, as well as my involvement in local government, civil service and on the board of our local telephone cooperative provides me with a uniquely broad perspective of the issues that affect the people of District 10B. As a husband and fa-

Phil Yetzer ther of two school-aged children, my priorities will be focused on creating a bright future for all. As a new legislator, I will follow the fact trail to the best solutions in the true spirit of bipartisanship.

House District 9A Age: 50. Occupation: Owner of Cygnet Mina Inc., general contractor/remodeler. Public office experience: I have worked with public officials, not held office yet. Party affiliation: DFL. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Affordable health care, quality education, updating infrastructure, livable wages and efficient housing. Health care premiums are the first challenge, complicated by questions of who, what, where and how Minnesotans are covered. Funding for all levels of education, repairing crumbling roads, expansion of statewide broadband, keeping children safe and taxes fair. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Supporting access to MinnesotaCare, reducing premiums for all Minnesotans. Expanding health care coverages by shifting to a single payer system, reducing administration costs. Fairly invest state funding in outdated schools, broadband to connect

rural businesses, to improve our roads for usage and safe travel. Acknowledging livable wages increase dollars spent at local businesses, reduce dependence on government assistance and stabilize families working multiple jobs to make ends meet. I will listen to people and businesses in our communities and follow through with the work and voice to improve rural opportunities and representation by working together with fellow legislators serving Minnesotans. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have both personally succeeded and struggled as a business owner and with family on the issues I would like to accomplish as a legislator. I am stepping forward, asking for your vote because the current legislative majority claims to represent the interest of people in Minnesota, then fails us by enriching health care insurance corporations, pushing to eliminate regulations protecting our health and resources, and supporting

Alex Hering special interests over children’s safety. As a husband, parent, small business owner and workforce trainer, I understand how important communicating with everyone will be to build a better, responsible government for all Minnesotans.

Age: 60. Occupation: State of Minnesota and 3 Cheers Hospitality LLC. Public office experience: Former Lake Shore City Council member and mayor and currently state representative for District 9A. Party affiliation: Republican. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I’d continue to work on tax reform/tax conformity for individuals and business. We must improve our tax situation. We’re losing too many people and businesses to our high taxes. We continue to build large surpluses and those surpluses are over taxation, we need to give this over taxation back. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would as I have in

the past work in a bipartisan way in the House and with the Senate to get tax reform and tax conformity over the finish line. The past session’s tax bill was a great piece of legislation that also included money for school safety projects. The bill was vetoed by Gov. Dayton. We must get this bill back in the legislative process and work with a new governor to get it approved. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe I am the best candidate, mostly due to my experience. I am a retired retail executive turned business owner and I believe we need more of a business/common sense approach in St. Paul.

John M. Poston

House District 9B returning members of the Minnesota House on existing legislation that expands health care coverage to all Minnesotans. To ensure local cities have reliable funds, we need to stabilize local government aid by tying annual increases to inflation. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As an elementary teacher, I’ve spent the last decade trying to improve the lives of children, and I want to expand on that work as a legislator. Keeping children healthy and ensuring everyone has access to health care and making college more affordable are investments in our children that will have large economic payoffs down the road. I fight hard for my beliefs but can always find common ground with

Stephen Browning others. There’s no other candidate running this fall who has the guts to walk into a hostile room and leave on good terms with those in attendance.

House District 5B Age: 67. Employment: Legislator. Public office experience: Member of the Board of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation 1999-2002. Commissioner of the Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation from 2003-11. Elected to the Minnesota House of RepresenSandy Layman tatives, District 5B, in 2016. Party affiliation: Republican. What do you want to accomplish if elected? As Northern Minnesotans, we value our high quality of life and ability to support a family where we choose to live. I want to ensure job creators and entrepreneurs can operate profitably and without undue regulation so that they can continue to provide year-round, good paying jobs for our residents. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will work to keep more money in the pockets of hardworking Minnesotans and continue to promote a business-friendly climate in northern Minnesota. I will do this by building on the significant tax reforms passed in 2017 that helped main street businesses, farmers, families with dependent children, seniors and students. I will defend our health care policies that ended surprise billing and stopped massive premium increases that impact both businesses and families. And, finally, I will work with anyone — Republican or Democrat — who’ll fix our roads and support rural broadband. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for this job because I have over 30 years’ experience in helping to develop the region through my economic and community development work in the private, nonprofit and public sectors. While my opponent may be a nice guy, he doesn’t have the experience our area needs in St. Paul. And our priorities differ significantly. I will work to make health care more affordable; he supports a plan that may kick Minnesotans off their employer-sponsored plans. I will cut taxes and wasteful spending while he will keep taxes high and increase spending.

Age: 61. Employment: Retired Itasca County sheriff. Public office experience: Served for 34 years as a law enforcement officer in Itasca County and retired after 16 years as Itasca County Sheriff. Currently I am elected to the ISD 318 School Board. I serve or have served on several state and regional boards relatPat Medure ing to education, law enforcement, housing and economic development. Party affiliation: DFL. What do you want to accomplish if elected? In my visits with residents across this legislative district, I’m hearing about several issues matching my concerns. With your support, I hope to focus on issues relating to education, health care, housing, job creation and diversification and support for our main street businesses as well as government transparency and action. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? My background and service over the past four decades of community work and leadership have provided lessons that I will carry to the state Legislature. These include the ability to carefully manage large public budgets, to bring various stakeholders to the table to compromise on difficult issues, to listen to diverse positions, to be respectful of the positions of others and to take the lead on issues that impact our state, district and communities. I have always been honored to be of service to my community and now look forward to the challenges of state legislative leadership. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My ability to network, listen to and work with people with different ideas and opinions will be an asset at the state level. In my previous law enforcement career, I managed a staff of 68 employees, was responsible for a 107-bed correctional facility and the county’s emergency management system. I was responsible for 14 different budgets totaling $6.5 million. All of these responsibilities have been beneficial in my current community work in education, health care and nonprofit organizations. They will continue to assist me in working for the citizens of Cass and Itasca counties at the Legislature.

Age: 48. Employment: Chief operating officer. Public office experience: Three terms as state representative District 9B. Party affiliation: Republican. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Working on rural economic development and education has been a focus for the last six years. I’ve been the lead advocate for reforming and funding the child protection system. As the co-chair for the Child Protection Task Force, I’ve been working closely to help improve foster care and reunify families. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I work closely with experts in the child protection field and have established a network of legislators who are working to reduce the number of children placed in the child protection system. It’s important to recognize the socio-economic conditions putting families at risk and children in danger

of abuse, neglect and maltreatment. I’ve authored and passed legislation to improve early childhood education and to help recruit social workers and add funding to the guardian ad litem program. I believe working on programs to help children reach their full potential is important for the future of rural communities and our nation. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? It’s been an honor to represent District 9B for the last three terms, and I’ve worked hard to listen to each community. I’ve taken these voices to St. Paul and worked with colleagues to improve rural broadband funding, education, tax reforms and worker attraction programs. I’ve taken on leadership positions with committees and as the Majority Whip, which allowed me to move legislation and become a respected representative. I believe my experience in education and business have helped me under-

Ron Kresha stand the issues rural families face. I’m asking for your support to continue to be the state representative for District 9B.

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Age: 36. Employment: Second-grade teacher. Public office experience: None. Party affiliation: DFL. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I am committed to reducing the cost of health care and making it more accessible, keeping local property taxes from increasing and reducing the increasing burden of student loan debt on young Minnesotans. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will work with the remainder of the Legislature to stabilize MinnesotaCare with support from the provider tax and an eye toward expanding the program by allowing all Minnesotans the option to buy into the program regardless of income. I would also work with

Area Cities

Aitkin City Council Member -- Special Election Annie Root Age: 29. Occupation: Property manager. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Don’t talk about it, be about it. As a fourth-generation citizen, I want to see our city flourish. After graduating college, I homesteaded in Aitkin, but there are issues I feel need to be addressed. With the population of over 2,000, almost a quarter are living at or below poverty level. This is unacceptable, but improvable. Opportunities for upward mobility, fiscal growth of our citizens is paramount to my campaign. My youth, experience, determination is what will help us lift our citizens up and allow Aitkin to be shining example of what shared love of a community can do. Erin Wagner Age: 32. Occupation: Clinic coordinator at the Eyecare Centers of Aitkin and McGregor. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My husband, Derek, and I are raising our two daughters here in Aitkin (they are the fifth generation of Wagners in Aitkin) and therefore I have vested interest in the community’s success. I have served on the Aitkin Women of Today Board for the past four years (two terms as secretary, a term as vice-president, and currently state delegate) and on Friends of the Rice Lake NWR Board (as treasurer and social media manager) for the past five years. My husband also serves as an Aitkin volunteer firefighter.

Bertha City Council Member (Elect 2) Debra Nelson Age: N/A. Occupation: Supervisor. Public office experience: Bartlett Township clerk for 12 years and Bertha City Council for two years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? If elected I would like to keep the city of Bertha a great place to live and work. We have a great community to raise a family or retire, with a thriving school and several businesses. I want to see the city of Bertha keep growing. Gene Captain Did not respond. Birch Pettow Did not respond.

Browerville Mayor Robert Heid Age: 72. Occupation: Retired. Lifelong resident of Browerville, 40 years fireman, 37 as an ambulance attendant. Public office experience: Several years council person, four years as mayor as of December of this year. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I have learned from previous mayors involved with several civic groups. I have a great relationship with public and work things out for the best of all of us. We have had seven new businesses come to our city and we are looking for more. We have gotten low-interest loans and grants for our city streets, FEMA grants, and housing grants and low-interest loans for low-income residents. Our city is small but we do a big job to fit everyone. Calvin M. Lucas Age: Old enough to know better. Occupation: Retired from the state of Minnesota. Public office experience: 35-plus years public service for the state of Minnesota Department of Transportation. Working in various offices during my career; state-aid to cities, state maintenance agreements with local municipalities, construction inspection, contract management, project manager, Minneapolis 35W river bridge rebuilding. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have years of leadership experience, budget management, deadlines, dealing with daily “emergencies.” Vietnam veteran, served aboard the USS Midway, damage control petty officer, 14-month tour. State of Minnesota, MnDOT employee, 35-plus years. I understand how governments work, budgeting, the importance of keeping that budget. Open lines of communications, fiscal responsibilities, I believe in living within our means, not taxing ourselves out of every issue. How important it is to have a network of experts to draw on. I’ve learned how important a strong leader is, and that a good leader has to lead and not be lead.

Buckman Mayor Greg Gandl Age: 63. Occupation: Private contractor. Public office experience: 32 years on Buckman City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m experienced. I’ve been on the city council with different positions for 32 years, and in my time we’ve gotten in a whole new water system. Our sewer system is brand new. We got natural gas into town and couple new housing developments. Nicholas Henderson Age: 34. Occupation: Supervisor of adult probation. Public office experience: None, but 12 years working in public service. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for mayor of Buckman as I am an experienced leader and I take pride in the community my family and I live in. I am a young professional who is energetic, family-orientated and eager to see our city thrive. Buckman is a small city with a small budget, in need of a structured plan to ensure that the community continues to be successful. I will be responsive to community members, strive for equity amongst all citizens and ensure safety concerns are addressed.

Buckman City Council (Elect 2) George Dehler Did not respond. Preston Loidolt

Did not respond. Kennith Pekarek Age: 29. Occupation: Registered nurse. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I feel I’m the best candidate because I care about the future of this city. I live in Buckman and am looking forward to raising my family here. While I don’t have experience in public office, I feel I’ll be a great council member because I’m honest and will bring new and fair insight to all matters. I’m motivated to serve and committed to helping the city flourish. I’m hopeful that the council will make decisions that support the improvement and development of this city and I’ll do my best to represent the community of Buckman as a whole.

Cass Lake Mayor Herschel J. Ogema Age: 66. Occupation: Dispatch/Supervisor for Leech Lake Gaming Transportation Department. Public Office Experience: Cass Lake City Council 2008 and 2012. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? My previous experience and knowledge of how/why small government runs will serve me well. Common sense, leader, responsible and accountable make my decision making skills outstanding. I am a fighter. In 2015 I fought cancer and won. I want to give back. I am a U.S. Army veteran and I understand the Native culture and traditions. I understand the council and how meetings are conducted. My fight is for lower taxes, more local government aid, win the Superfund site, attract businesses and to be proactive with Leech Lake tribal council. Nov. 6, 2018, get out and vote. Jerry D. Smith Did not respond.

Crosby Mayor Bob Novak Age: 70. Occupation: Retired 3M/Hallett House B&B. Currently own Pine Cone Antiques, Deerwood. Public office experience: Current mayor of Crosby. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was unanimously appointed to the mayoral post in Crosby following the resignation of the previous mayor. The city was experiencing a tumultuous and contentious period. With the cooperation of the council, we have once again achieved good governance and civility. I have deep roots in the area. I respect our heritage and share an exciting vision for our future as the city is transforming itself. I have broad management experience in past positions including operations management, human resources and ownership of my own businesses. I am committed to helping lead our community through the present and into the future. James Jesse Hunter Age: 69. Occupation: Business owner. Public office experience: Deerwood City Council and mayor of Crosby. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I take the time to listen and solve problems as a team. I would like to see the city of Crosby prosper while doing away with needless spending of the taxpayer’s money. I will strive to keep the city taxes low while setting fair budgets for all areas of Crosby. We need to set long-term goals on infrastructure and streets in our community. We need to band together to make Crosby a better place for generations to come.

Crosby City Council (Elect 2) Diane L. Cash Age: 62. Occupation: Retired (former business management/accountant). Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I moved to the Crosby area in 1992 and still love it. I have four children, all of whom graduated from Crosby-Ironton High School and three still live in the area. Crosby is a fantastic place to raise your family. I hope to live here happily during my entire retirement. I have the time, the desire, the energy, and I believe the skills needed to assist the city of Crosby to grow and prosper in the future. I am an independent thinker who desires to review the facts and make the best decision possible for all. Paul Heglund Age: 67. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Crosby City Council for four years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for council because I worked for the city of Crosby for 40 years before retiring four years ago. I know many of the operations of Crosby public works. In my last four years as a Crosby City Council member we have completed some major projects in Crosby and I am looking forward to working with the council to continue in the decision making on many more projects. Many new businesses are making Crosby their home and our job as council will play a vital part in continuing to make Crosby a great place to live. Joanna Lattery Age: 70 years young. Occupation: Realtor/ accounting administrator. Public office experience: Appointed to Crosby City Council, Crosby mayor 2013 through 2016. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? Experience, honesty and integrity. During time as mayor was able to reduce levy by 6 percent, started Crosby Economic Development Committee 2013, Highway 210 Reconstruction Committee in 2015, moved the DMV office to afford more flexibility in hours to serve the public and encouraged new businesses to be established. I have continued to serve the Crosby residents by continuing to serve on the Crosby Economic Development Committee, Planning & Zoning, voice

my concerns on topics that will affect the community and attended every council meeting except five since 2017 to stay abreast of happenings in the city of Crosby. I care! Robyn Wolfe Age: 68. Occupation: Retired (new home sales and marketing director). Public office experience: Crosby City Council, Planning and Zoning Committee chair and Comprehensive Plan Committee. For the city of Shakopee, chamber president, school board member and meals on wheels provider Why are you the best candidate for the job? Why I am the best candidate for the job? Crosby is experiencing many changes and changes bring challenges. I am prepared to meet challenges such as supporting current business and recreational opportunities while attracting more, tending to housing needs, improving streets, growing jobs and maintaining our small-town appeal. If the people want a candidate who loves Crosby, is passionate about her responsibilities, listens, researches before making decisions, shares opinions, can compromise, thinks before she speaks and is experienced in dealing with the public in a caring and friendly manner -- then I am the best candidate for Crosby’s council.

Crosslake Mayor David Nevin Age: 61. Occupation: Building contractor. Public office experience: Planning and Zoning Commission (two years), City Council (two years). Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I’ve lived and worked in Crosslake for 28 years, raised four children and have a supportive wife. I wish to leave this community better for future generations and protect the environment. Our city has decisions to make, and I would encourage all citizens to become involved. I will encourage conversations addressing current issues. Fiscal responsibility is mandatory. I won’t be afraid to tackle difficult issues. I believe in “pay as you go” instead of creating debt. I believe in this community, open government and mutual aid, providing contributors are equal. Will represent all citizens and encourage input from all. Patty Norgaard Age: Young at heart. Occupation: Did not respond. Public office experience: Current Crosslake mayor, five years as president of Crosslake Economic Development Authority, founding member of Crosslakers community volunteer group, Lakes Area Music Festival board member. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? A few months ago, a Crosslake resident carrying the Northland Press with my monthly article came into my office on a Wednesday afternoon. After he introduced himself, his first words were, “Where did you get your leadership skills?” That statement caught me off guard, and I really didn’t know how to respond; however, that simple exchange keeps reminding me of what it means to be your mayor. I’ll continue to represent the best of Crosslake, advocate for positive change, honoring our past and preparing for a future that represents our community’s best interests and lead with integrity and purpose.

Crosslake City Council Member (Elect 2) John Andrews Age: 71. Occupation: Retired physician. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Crosslake is a thriving, vibrant city where residents work creatively, making it an even better place to visit, play, and live. I intend to continue the lake protection legacy and promote business-friendly actions to grow the economy and expand services. I’ll focus the same thoughtful decision-making approach I used throughout my career in major projects including smallpox eradication in Bangladesh and Somalia, Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, on federal programs at the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry as associate administrator of science, and at the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center as assistant senior vice president. Aaron Herzog Age: 72. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Seven years on the planning and zoning commission and the board of adjustments in Crosslake. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve been involved in city government for 40 years. At the Bismarck Police Department I worked with people in crises, resolving issues and crime prevention. I managed Blaine Police support services division, including records, community service officers and crime prevention staff, along with budgeting and working with other city departments. For seven years I’ve worked with Crosslake’s P & Z Commission. I’ve learned about land use, water management to protect lakes and implementing usable ordinances for businesses and the public. I want to be part of the process carrying out objectives with the city’s sewer system, housing needs and business growth. R. Clay Porter Did not respond. David Schrupp Age: 68. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: 2015-18 Crosslake City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have lived and vacationed in Crosslake for the last 22 years and understand how our businesses depend on seasonal visitors to survive. I realize the “Up North” atmosphere is what brings visitors to Crosslake year after year, and we need to do all we can to maintain this “Up North” atmosphere. I promote the protection of the water quality of the Whitefish Chain of Lakes, as this is of utmost importance to visitors and residents of the area. I understand the

city’s fiscal operating system, consider myself financially responsible and support the need to always maintain the city’s infrastructure.

Cuyuna City Council Member (Elect 2) Zach Brix Could not be reached. Maurice Eisen Age: 67. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Five and a half years on the Cuyuna City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve been dedicated to the position the voters elected me to and haven’t missed any scheduled meetings. I was the city liaison for the city in the past sanitary sewer project, and we are working on upgrading the current city water system. If I am elected I want the citizens of Cuyuna to be proud of their vote and know that I will do what needs to be done to address their concerns. I have been a resident of the city of Cuyuna for the past 10 years. I would appreciate the responsibility to serve on the city council. Larry ‘Skip’ Gillespie Age: 72. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: City council and mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been on the council for eight years and the mayor for two years. I have lived in Cuyuna for 34 years, and I care about the city of Cuyuna. Michael Workman Age: 41. Occupation: Network administrator. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I feel that I am the best candidate for Cuyuna City Council because I am very passionate about our area and care about the people who live here. I have lived in this area since I was 5 and have never wanted to be anywhere else. I was in the National Guard and was deployed. Both of those things taught me about serving your fellow man and country for the greater good, which is something I feel honored to have done.

Deerwood City Council Member -- Special Election Linda Peterson Age: 67. Occupation: Retired. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have many years of experience in business before retiring as chief financial officer at Emily Cooperative Telephone Co. My work utilized training in management, finance and human resources. This background would help me make the best decisions for the city of Deerwood and its citizens. Josiah Granholm Did not respond.

Fifty Lakes Mayor Tim Anick Age: 53. Occupation: Small Business Owner. Public office experience: Ten years, six years planning and zoning board member; five of those years as chairperson, two-term mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been a long time resident of Fifty Lakes and during this time period I have been actively involved working within our city government to help better our community. My involvement has helped to accomplish several items that have been beneficial to our property owners without raising property taxes. I have supported efforts to completely update our land use ordinance, I have supported our fire department’s need to obtain new equipment and training and have supported efforts by our Property Owner’s Association to provide more personnel at our local boat landings to help stop the spread of aquatic species. Linda Steffens Age: 65. Occupation: Retired Certified Public Accountant and retail and financial management professional. Public office experience: A city council member for two years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for mayor because I am visible and actively interested in hearing the thoughts and opinions of the citizens and customers we serve and am dedicated to keeping our city a beautiful place to live. I will personally “roll up my sleeves” to make improvements, address issues and solve problems. My 30 years of retail and financial management experience provide me with the background to work toward infrastructure, development, service and funding improvements while being fiscally responsible. Upon voting for me, I would do my best to earn the trust and confidence of all residents.

Fifty Lakes City Council Member (Elect 2) Mark Bradley Age: 54. Occupation: I’m an excavating contractor and commercial fisherman. Public office experience: Been on the city council for two years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for the job because I do not have an agenda. I work mainly in Fifty Lakes with a lot of my constituents and I listen to what they have to say. Toni Buchite Age: 61. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: I have served on the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center board; I was a first responder for over 20 years for Fifty Lakes; I served two terms on the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association; I have volunteered in 4-H for over 25 years helping kids of all ages; and now serve on the Fifty Lakes Day committee. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I was born and raised on a farm in Fifty Lakes. My husband and I raised our two children in Fifty Lakes. I have seen many changes over

Friday, September 21, 2018 5S the years -- some good and some not so good. I would like to be part of the governing group for our citizens. I think our citizens need to heard on issues important to them. Jodie Schrupp Age: 55. Occupation: Did not respond. Public office experience: Been on the city council for eight years at the end of this year. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? If the citizens feel I have been doing a good job representing them, I would very much like to continue.

Hackensack City Council Member (Elect 2) Bill Kennedy Age: 44. Occupation: Computer programmer for the State of Minnesota. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I have lived in Hackensack for 26 years and I’m heavily invested in the growth and livelihood of this town. I’m a catalyst for change and progress. I’m an analytical thinker and will make the best choices I can for the town of Hackensack. I will do my best to protect our town from being bypassed by the highway in the future. We don’t want to be a “big” town, but we do need to grow business and jobs. I want our town and our service organizations to work together for a better town and a better tomorrow. Gus Kaubisch Age: 66. Occupation: Chiropractor and alternative medicine. Public office experience: Hackensack City Council for six years and currently assistant mayor. Served on Walker School Board for eight years in the 1990s. Negotiated three contracts with the teachers union. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I’ve been involved with many issues as a board member. I don’t have a personal agenda and strive to work for each citizen. My interest is to provide a safe environment for families to live in Hackensack and keep the cost of government at an affordable level. I believe fiscal responsibility is paramount to grow the city, attract businesses, families and tourism. Fiscal responsibility has not always been practiced with some past councils. I believe my experience and continuity on the council is valuable in the upcoming major water project that the city is planning the next couple of years. Debbie Rateike Age: 66. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: I’ve been on the Hackensack City Council for eight years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I have been doing this for eight years and I know what happens here in the city of Hackensack. My husband was a mayor before he passed away eight years ago. I love this town and I love the people and if I win I win. Jim Schneider Age: 53. Occupation: Probation director for Cass County. Public office experience: Been with Cass County for 25 years and with the Hackensack Fire and Rescue from 1993 to present and treasurer for 22 years for the fire department. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I recently retired from the Hackensack Area Fire and Rescue Department after serving close to 25 years (1993-2018). I was privileged enough to serve as the department’s treasurer for 22 of those years. I would like to continue serving our community of Hackensack as a city council member. We have many organizations that support the city in many different capacities (Faith, Chamber of Commerce, Legion organizations, Lions Club, Game Changers; just to name a few). I want to ensure the city is collaborating with these efforts to promote an optimistic future for the city.

Ironton Mayor Debbie Dewing Age: 59. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Did not respond. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? As an involved citizen of Ironton, I am interested in the many ways that our town can grow. I am confident that I can provide the leadership that is needed to make that happen. By addressing the issues that are important to the well-being of all the residents, I feel that is the direction needed to start that growth. If elected, I will do my best for all of Ironton. Clark Hamdorf Age: 56. Occupation: Sound technician. Public office experience: Three and a half years on city council and one and half years as mayor. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? Simply put, I love Ironton. I love the people and want to do my best for them. It may sound cliche, but their problems are my problems. I like to think I present myself as a “hands on” public official. The city is clean and well maintained. Thanks to our maintenance department. The tax base is low. We are afforded outstanding law enforcement and fire protection I want to make sure the voters’ money is not wasted. I’m proud of the direction Ironton is moving and I would be honored to continue helping Ironton be a wonderful place to live.

Ironton City Council Member (Elect 2) Dallas Dietz Age: 35. Occupation: Owner of Holz LLC and Crosby-Ironton High School head track and field coach. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? The roundness of my past experiences make me an ideal candidate. I strive to be a true, honest and selfless leader. I am a fireman, have received two fireman of the year awards. As head track coach for Crosby-Ironton I have doubled participation numbers, reintroduced pole vaulting, received 7A Boys Track Coach of the Year. As a small business owner, I exemplify my ability to work with others to accomplish a common goal. Dedication, time management and organization are all key roles I play as a small business owner. I am a very creative thinker that can implement effectively. Jeremy French Age: 44. Occupation: Did not respond. Public office experience: Currently an Ironton City Council member for a four-year term. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I’ve lived in Ironton for 40 years and am proud of the city. I also served on the Ironton Fire Department for 16 years. Being the proud son of former Ironton Mayor Dean French, I decided to follow in his footsteps and in keeping Ironton a great place to raise a family. Eric Heglund Did not respond. Rose Stromberg Age: 60. Occupation: I have been a stylist for the past 22 years. Public office experience: I have been on the Ironton City Council for about one and a half years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I have had the opportunity to share my opinions and vote on matters that impact city workings. City ordinances and policies are of particular interest to me and I believe everyone benefits when they are followed. By doing so, better neighbor relationships are made. As a business owner I understand budgeting and prioritizing so feel that I am qualified to help make decisions that utilize the resources of the city From finances down to job accountability. I work hard to see all sides of issues and try my best to do the right thing.

Lake Shore Mayor Kevin Egan Age: 68. Occupation: Lawyer with Severson Porter in Crosslake. Public office experience: Incumbent Lake Shore mayor; past member of the Board of Appeals/Planning Commission and various city committees; incumbent Commissioner of Region Five Development Commission. Past Trustee of the Village of Frankfort, Ill. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I wish to give back to residents of Lake Shore by carrying forward with the vision crafted by our council. That includes infrastructure improvements such as the completion of the Highway 77 project, the extension of the Gull Lake Trail, the replacement of our unsafe city hall and the implementation of a meaningful city road improvement plan. I am qualified to lead our city because my current experiences in organizations such as the Board of the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center, BLAEDC and our lake association translate into solid leadership that will carry on with the strong work of our council. Don McFarland Age: 84. Occupation: Owner of Nisswa Family Fun Center. Public office experience: Six years as mayor of Lake Shore. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I fear the current mayor is trying to turn Lake Shore into Chicago, where he’s from. There are two bonding issues on the table, but he isn’t being honest with voters about the cost because interest isn’t included. If those projects pass, Lake Shore will be millions of dollars in debt. I can do the city hall and road projects for much less. When I was mayor, I never raised taxes, I hired the current city staff, brought a church and cemetery to town and had “Lake Shore” road and city hall signs made.

Little Falls Mayor Robin Hensel Age: 64. Occupation: Retired florist and foster care provider. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My focus, if elected will be to represent the whole community great and small. “Opportunity hoarding” will cease when local grant fund applications are changed to “need based” only. I will honor my oath to the Constitution, I will treat everyone fairly, tell the truth (even if unpopular) and insist on uniform enforcement of all laws. I will work to implement: rent-to-own low-income housing, a homeless bill of rights, a citizen advisory panel (chosen by lottery, not by the mayor), a human rights commission and an essential council ethics/ conflict of interest policy. Most importantly, I can’t be bought. AREA CITIES: On page 6





AreA Cities

S6 Friday, September 21, 2018 AREA CITIES: From page 5 Gregory J. Zylka Age: 66. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Mayor. Public office experience: Almost four years as mayor, two years as a city council member and over nine years Little Falls District 482 School Board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel that I’m a strong leader that represents our community well. I collaborate respectfully with others and treat all with dignity and respect. I am vice chair of Sourcewell Board of Directors and a member of the Board of Trustees. I am vice chair of North Central Economic Development Association; vice chair of the Rural Development Finance Authority; vice chair of Community Development of Morrison County; chair of the Little Falls Economic Development Authority; and second vice president of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. I consider it an honor and a privilege to represent my community.

Long Prairie Mayor Jodi A. Dixon Age: 48. Occupation: Long Prairie Senior Center manager. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I majored in human development and family science. I minored in geriatrics and psychology. I have owned and operated a restaurant, as well as a preschool. With my schooling and work experience, I feel that I have knowledge of what our community needs to excel. I was asked by numerous members of Long Prairie to run for the mayor’s position. They are asking for help and I have never been one to turn away from anyone asking for help. I know I will be an excellent advocate for all ages of the people in my community. Don Rasmussen Age: 76. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe that No. 1, in small town Minnesota, you can’t be Republican, Democrat or independent. You have to work at what’s best for the citizens of a small town. You can’t spend all the money you want to, you can’t save all the money you want to, so we have to be careful in how we spend all the tax dollars of the people that live here.

Long Prairie City Council Member (Elect 2) David A. Blanchard Did not respond. Bob Byers Did not respond. Delray Mathiason Age: 53. Occupation: Chiropractor. Public office experience: Former city council member. Why are you the best candidate for the job? The reason why I think I’m the best candidate is because we need change in this town. There’s too many businesses closing, and something needs to be done. We need somebody to get businesses into town, someone to talk to the business community out there to actually come into town. Amy Paulson Age: 45. Occupation: Livehaul supervisor for Jennie-O Turkey Store. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I love Long Prairie. We choose to live here because of its history and charm. I am an active member of the community, I see and talk with a lot of people. I feel as a community we all want one thing: that is to make Long Prairie even better than it is while continuing to keep it safe and have that small-town feel. I will be committed to work with the people and the city to do just that, so let’s think outside the box together and make this the best city we can! Tony Towle Age: 74. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: City council member. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’d like to get some young people on the council to take the city forward. I filed my candidacy late -hoping that somebody else would file -- but not enough people did, so I filed and then three more filed after me, so if anybody wants to vote for my opponents, I’ll be happy to endorse them.

Longville Mayor Floyd ‘Jocko’ Kline Age: 66. Occupation: Saw sharpener, husband, father and grandfather. Public office experience: 11 years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I love my city of Longville.

David ‘Willie’ Willard Age: 64. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? There is no growth in this city, thousands of dollars go through this city. On Wednesdays in summer, there are turtle races, that is the signature of the city. We have businesses that are for sale, no one wants to invest in our city. Yet we pay taxes to keep it alive. The department of tourism has “dropped the ball,” with a city that thrives on out-of-state money. There is no assistance to our city. We need to reinvent ourselves as a place to stay, and enjoy what we have here.

Manhattan Beach Mayor Paul L. Allen Age: 70. Occupation: Retired and part-time Realtor. Public office experience: Twelve years in city government and nine years on a liquor commission. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have managed to work well with the Manhattan Beach City Council and Crow Wing County to protect our natural resources and to make sure Manhattan Beach remains a self-governing city. The council has managed to keep taxes low for the past nine years. When I became mayor, the city had a deficit and now we are financially healthy. I intend to make sure we stay that way. We need to continue to work with the Corps of Engineers to see to the safety of the Trout Lake access on Highway 66 and continue to protect our natural resources. Kevin T. Larson Age: 65. Occupation: Consolidated Telecommunications Co. director of public affairs. Public office experience: Four years Manhattan Beach City Council, five years general manager at Crosslake Communications reporting to Crosslake City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My career has been a CEO for multi-million dollar corporations reporting to either a city council or a board of directors. This has given me the experience of creating a positive working environment for the employees as well as the members and customers of these businesses. I will bring to the community transparency for both the full time as well as for the seasonal citizens of Manhattan Beach on city plans, votes and actions that will impact their lives and property. I will also create a positive and inviting environment for our community for sharing information and encouraging open discussion.

Manhattan Beach City Council Member (Elect 2) Margaret ‘Peg’ Boots Age: 74. Occupation: Retired college administrator. Public office experience: Former Manhattan Beach city clerk. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Manhattan Beach has been my home since 1976. I served as city clerk for a few years before joining Central Lakes College as director of college advancement. I also served as executive director of the college foundation and later executive director of the system-wide Minnesota State Colleges and Universities foundation. Working locally and later throughout the state in the extended community and technical college communities helped me understand the importance of cooperation, transparency and honesty. I am committed to including and listening to all potential participants while making decisions. Those are the strengths I would bring to the city council. Barbara Hanson-Wannebo Age: 52. Occupation: Restaurant manager. Public office experience: City clerk/treasurer for 12 years, city council member for one year. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My duties as city clerk entailed updating the city finances and records, computerizing all records, setting up budget to state standards, acting as a liaison between state, federal and city council in understanding budget requirements, understanding of budget and state and federal recordkeeping with current standards. I consider it a privilege to have been the clerk for 12 years and now serving on the city council. I would appreciate your vote. Thank you. Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Worts Age: 65. Occupation: Project coordinator with Nor-Son Inc. Public office experience: Former Manhattan Beach city clerk. Why are you the best candidate for the job? While I don’t like the term “best,” I do believe that by working for the city to create and maintain open lines of communication between the city council/mayor and the residents

will result in a more positive working environment. When people can come together and know they will be given truthful, honest information, better decisions may be made. Marlene M. Yurek Age: 80. City: Manhattan Beach. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: City council member since 2004. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have worked very closely with the new mayor and city council in developing a budget to bring the city out of debt. By developing a budget and working closely with the budget, we have not raised the taxes in nine years. ... I am with the majority of the citizens in Manhattan Beach wanting to keep the city as is, a solvent city with low taxes and no debt. The consensus of the citizens of the July 14 community meeting was to keep the city self-governing and I support this 100 percent.

McGregor Mayor Bruce Miller Age: 61. Occupation: Medical Laser Service and Sales. Public office experience: McGregor mayor for two years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? McGregor is my hometown. My grandfather was a charter member of the fire department and my father was instrumental in starting the ambulance service. I enjoy the opportunity to serve the community. As an Air Force veteran, I learned valuable leadership skills, and in my first term have made many improvements to the city. I have established a good rapport with the city council and the employees of the city. I strive to be responsive to the concerns of the residents and wish to accomplish more in my second term. Dake Olson Age: 38. Occupation: Emergency medical technician. Public Office Experience: I have never held a elected public office before. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As mayor, I will cut unnecessary spending, work to reduce taxes, address housing issues and foster local businesses. While those are major issues, my priority is to bring the people of McGregor and the surrounding townships together to create a common vision for the future -- a vision that will ensure a vibrant community in which our children can live, work and raise their families as we’ve been able to do. I am the right candidate for the future of our city.

McGregor City Council Member (Elect 2) Victoria ‘Tori’ Fredrickson Age: 30. Occupation: Stay at home mom and volunteer EMT. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am young, determined and hard working. My family is my priority and the future is everything. I want to keep McGregor a great place to raise families, as my husband and I are raising four young boys. The future is our children. The future is our community. The future is you. This is why I am running for McGregor City Council: To make an already caring city a better one. Debra Hagen Did not respond. Robert Merritt Did not respond.

Menahga Mayor Nathan Carlson Did not respond. Joan D. Liimatta Age: 67. Occupation: Realtor. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was involved in the Horizon’s project sponsored by the University of Minnesota. We involved many local business people and citizens in an attempt to bring small business to Menahga. I was raised in Menahga. I am concerned about the bleeding of money from funds earmarked to keep Menahga solvent. I also want to raise awareness of our building codes and how to comply. Menahga needs to bring in more businesses by changing some of our corporate charter. I can convey to the citizens the urgency of not doing business as usual, but with an eye on the future.

Motley City Council Member -- Special Election Georgia Follis Age: 71. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Two years of master’s fellowship work experience in


nine-county governmental organization. Nonprofit experience. Work experience in private business and university settings. Master’s degree in urban and regional studies training local, state, federal management and planning -- thesis in critical stress management. Undergraduate degree in political science and master’s degree in political science. Pat O’Regan Did not respond.

Nisswa City Council Member (Elect 2) Robert Fier Age: 64. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Minimal. Member of Friends of Nisswa Lake Park Committee, member of Nisswa Lake Park Committee, member of Gull Lake Trail Committee, past board member of the Paul Bunyan Cyclists. I periodically attend the Nisswa City Council monthly meetings. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I have had a 30-plus year career as a Facility and Operations Engineering Manager while working for Boeing and Amgen. As such, I have learned how to listen to all perspectives, build consensus and make the best decision possible within constraints given to me. Of particular interest to me is keeping city expenses in check within the budget constraints our citizens have approved. I grew up vacationing in Crow Wing County, moved away after college and could have retired in a number of places. I chose Nisswa because of my love for the community and what it has to offer. Mike Hoff Age: 44. Occupation: Sales. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I come into the office with no agenda, except to keep Nisswa heading down the right path. I believe Nisswa can progress while maintaining the small town feel we all love. Josh Miles Age: 40. Occupation: General Manager at Lake Country Toyota. Public office experience: N/A. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? The reason that I feel I would be a good candidate is because I’m passionate about the city of Nisswa and what it represents to its citizens and surrounding community as well as see the need for sustainable growth while maintaining the charm that has made the city what it is today. Don Jacobson Could not be reached.

Pequot Lakes Mayor Cathy Malecha Age: Did not respond. Occupation: Owner of Timeless Appeal. Public office experience: Three terms as mayor and one term on city council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been a resident of Pequot for 40 years and raised seven children who attended Pequot school. I owned two businesses and currently Timeless Appeal. Served on many steering committees to start the following: Grad Blast, historical society, antique car show, library, park board. Presently serving as chairperson for “Christmas for Vets,” which places 300 wreaths on veteran’s graves. Served as mayor for three terms and council one term. I always believed in working hard to make our community special. James Tayloe Age: 40. Occupation: Plant manager. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I think that I am the best candidate, as I would listen to the community as a whole, as there are

differing ideas on what the city of Pequot needs. I would take all ideas into consideration. as I want what is best for the city of Pequot.

Pequot Lakes City Council Member (Elect 2) Jerry Akerson Age: 62. Occupation: Retired TDS service tech. Public office experience: Current city council member. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? Being a resident of Pequot Lakes for 47 years and knowing the history of this town, I know the people, and as your city council member I will represent everyone. My common sense approach to analyzing situations and my ability to listen and hear what is communicated to me allows me to best represent all citizens. I encourage fiscal responsibility. We need due diligence before major expenditures. Addressing and answering questions up front will save the city money. Proper fiduciary management will allow commercial property values to rebound as well as businesses. Please elect Jerry Akerson for Pequot Lakes council. Jeff Boucher Age: 58. Occupation: Estimator/sales at Builders FirstSource. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel I’m qualified because I’ve lived in this community for 17 years. I watched as the bypass was debated and watched as the community was divided as that issue was debated. Ultimately I think the right decision was made for the community as a whole. We now have a new challenge that’s dividing the community, and we need to find a way to resolve it. I have no personal agenda in this election. I am not so for the park that I will be fiscally irresponsible, nor am I so against it that I will try to sabotage it. Cheri Seils Age: 63. Occupation: Small business owner and accounts payable clerk. Public office experience: City council member and mayor of Nisswa, Lake Shore city clerk/administrator, Pequot Lakes Planning & Zoning Commission member for 5 1/2 years, chairman for three years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I’m running for city council to give our businesses and citizens of Pequot Lakes a voice in government. I’ll bring common sense to the city and support fiscally responsible growth. I’ll work to bring the community back together. I’m concerned about the rising taxes in the city. We need to take a step back on the pending projects for the city and evaluate the impact the tax increase will have on our residents and businesses. I don’t support the closure of a portion of Patriot Avenue. I would like to see the city explore alternate Plan B of Trailside Park.

Randall City Council Member (Elect 2) Gerald Adamski Age: 62. Occupation: Power plant engineer at St. Gabriel’s Hospital In Little Falls for 41 years. Public office experience: Current Randall City Council clerk. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a seasoned member of the Randall City Council I feel I am a good choice for re-election. The water, sewer and road repairs and replacement in our city is one of my top priorities. I feel my experience working on the Randall City Council along with the knowledge I have gained while being a council member will be very useful to plan and update the infrastructure throughout our city. I have been a resident of Randall for

40 years and have seen it grow and would like to be a part of its continued growth. Jennifer Peterschick-Hand Age: 46. Occupation: Special education teacher. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for the job as I hold a bachelor’s degree in business economics with a finance minor from St. Cloud State University. Our community is in desperate need of an educated, vocal, fearless woman who can stand up for what is right. There is a great deal of waste and unnecessary spending that must be curtailed. I believe we can cut costs, obtain our own police force again and find ways to fund infrastructure without raising property taxes for our most vulnerable. Jeffrey Wright Could not be reached. Brian Zilka Age: 33. Occupation: Diesel tech/tow operator. Public office experience: None, but attend monthly city council meetings. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been a resident of Randall since 2009. I have two daughters, Zoey, 9, and Sophie, 6. I would like to see more infrastructure to accommodate new residents interested in moving to town. Also there are many roads needing attention in town, as with the water and sewer lines underneath. I look forward to working with the citizens of the community.

Trommald Mayor James Hiller Age: 69. Occupation: Retired with 35 years at the post office, 15 years as postmaster of Crosby, 16 years in the military. Public office experience: More than 20 years as Trommald mayor. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? My goals are as follows: To work with the budget, upgrade the planning and zoning and listen to the people that elect me. I am against the government control and taxing on everything we do. I am against raising taxes unless you can give us, the people, a good reason. Kim Oreskovich Could not be reached.

Walker City Council Member (Elect 2) Mary Beth L. Hansen Did not respond. Annie McMurrin Age: 61. Occupation: Sales associate, Thrifty White Drug. Public office experience: I have served two terms (eight years) on Walker City Council. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I’m familiar with the workings of city government since I have already served two terms. Jim Senenfelder Age: 58. Occupation: Retired, but working part-time jobs. Public office experience: Prior township officer, Walker City Council for the last four years. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? The decisions I’ve made have been to better the city. We’ve been able to keep the levy for the last three years at less than 3 percent. We must continue to keep the city’s portion of property taxes to a minimum while still maintaining the services people come to expect. Walker is a unique city in that we maintain infrastructure -- an airport, cemetery, large lakeside park and a library for many residents of the surrounding area who aren’t residents of the city. This all comes with a price tag. I look forward to continuing service to the city of Walker.


Jim Newberger for U.S. Senate.

Senator Klobuchar is a “do nothing” politician. - She has been in office for 12 years, and wants 6 more. - She has a 90% rubber stamp voting record with the Far Left. - She supports Al Franken and Keith Ellison.

It’s time for YOU to have a voice in the U.S. Senate!

Paid by Steven Barrows on his own behalf.


Jim will: ● Work with President Trump to MAGA, not try to impeach him! ● Stop the Refugee Program and fix it! American law ONLY! ● Support for LEGAL immigration. ● Support bringing back the MNCare system as a safety net. ● Support a free market health care system. ● Make the Trump Tax Cuts permanent. ● Fight to LOWER the cost of tuition. ● Stand with Israel! ● Stand up for your Second Amendment Rights. ● Vote Pro Life.

Thank you! God’s peace, Jim Newberger


Paid for by Jim Newberger for U.S. Senate 001775868r1

AreA Counties

www.brainerddispatch.com Aitkin County Commissioner, District 1

Aitkin County Commissioner, District 5

Robert ‘Bob’ Harwarth Age: 76. Employment: Retired. Public office experience: Chair of Spenser Township Board for six years and road supervisor for eight years. Assistant chair of the township board for two years. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want a change in the leadership of the commissioners. We’ve been stagnant for the last eight years in Aitkin and we need some new ideas. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I’ll go to district meetings to find out what’s going on. I’m really interested in public transportation that will get people around without calling a day ahead and in affordable housing so if people come here for jobs they have better places to live. I’ll research it, get it before the board and see what the board can do to get grants. I think that’s the only way we are going to get it. I’ve been active in Spenser Township and got money from FEMA and state for road and bridge, so I know there are ways of getting grants. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m really interested in working with people in my district. I’ve been walking around the city. I go to people’s houses. I’m a people person. I’ve been listening to the concerns of the people. I know ways of getting stuff done and I’ve been listening to people’s concerns. J. Mark Wedel Age: 65. Employment: Aitkin County commissioner. Public office experience: I am currently serving my 12th year as an Aitkin County commissioner. In addition, I have served 12 years as mayor of Aitkin, Aitkin City Council, 12 years on the Aitkin School Board, Aitkin Airport Commission, eight years on the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Board and four years on the Minnesota Board of Teaching. What do you want to accomplish if elected? The continuation of listening to, working with and representing the people and needs of my district. It’s very important to maintain essential public services (public safety, senior citizen services, health and human service issues, safe roads/bridges, etc...) and also be sensitive to the concerns of the taxpayers. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? By adhering to the needs and concerns of the people in my district. To be effective a commissioner must not only be aware of public needs/ concerns/problems but must also to work closely with county departments and staff to achieve the needs of the public. I intend to continue keeping a close eye on the budget and to live within the limits of the budget. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Both my experience in all levels of local government but also my experience on the state level. Having lived in Aitkin County my entire life I can readily identify with the needs and concerns of local residents.

Anne Marcotte Age: Did not respond. Occupation: Attorney at law; parttime Minnesota State Public Defender; Aitkin County Commissioner. Public office experience: I have held the office of Aitkin County commissioner representing District 5 for eight years. I am currently Aitkin County Board chair and chair of Northern Counties Land Use Coordinating Board, a joint powers board made up of nine northern counties. I am also the Association of Minnesota Counties District One representative representing nine counties on the AMC Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? During my next term, I will continue to work toward ensuring Aitkin County provides quality services for all in a cost-effective manner. I will consistently promote Aitkin County and the economic inspiring resources we have to offer promoting tourism such as the Northwoods Trail and our updated and expanded parks. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As a representative on the Aitkin County Natural Resources Advisory Committee, I support the Aitkin County Land Department in their efforts to expand the ATV trail system to expand economic growth throughout the county. The multiple issues our Health and Human Services Department addresses on a day to day basis are immeasurable and I will continue to assist them in their efforts to raise awareness of our mental health crisis and elderly care needs. I will continue to listen to staff and constituents and address their issues in hopes of making Aitkin County the best place to live for all. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As an attorney, I advocate. I ask tough questions and look for answers to solve county issues. I’ve spent my entire career challenging difficult issues and have a lifetime record of getting things done. My proven record of leadership and experience is precisely what is needed to continue to promote Aitkin County as the county to work, live and play in. As your commissioner, I have, and promise to continue to employ my education, experience and enthusiasm for the benefit of the county and its citizens and I hope you agree that my record proves I am the best candidate. Stephanie ‘Steph’ Payment Age: 35. Employment: Manager. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Keep the public more informed about ongoing issues in the county. I will also be more present in the communities of District 5 and approachable to ask questions and tell me your concerns. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will be at city council meetings, fire department meetings and township meetings. Also, I will be out and about in the communities and I am always available by phone or email. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am more involved in the area communities and attend multiple meetings in the area. I am approachable and always willing to listen to everyone’s questions and concerns.

Aitkin County Commissioner, District 3 Todd R. Johnson Age: 57. Employment: Self-employed. Todd Johnson Construction since 1980. Public office experience: Second term Kimberly Town Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I’m a building contractor/business owner of 40 years. I’m currently on the Kimberly Township Board serving in my second term. My contracting career has given me accounting and management skills and how to interact with the public. Kimberly Township has given me firsthand knowledge of grassroot government. There are many important topics to me, economic growth and development, tourism, zoning rules, shoreline and wetland issues, land use permits, building codes, watershed, budgeting and emergency management. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would like to create a better relationship between the public and the zoning department and variance committee. Help our local businesses by promoting more tourism and creating more economic growth. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I will listen to the voice of the people and fight hard for what you want. I will work hard and stay focused and I will try and make the best decisions I can based on your voice, common sense and education. Donald Niemi Age: Did not respond. Occupation: Did not respond. Public office experience: I have served in elected positions; a school board, two township boards as road supervisor and clerk, 31 years in county government; 12 as county assessor, eight as county commissioner. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Continue delivering quality service in a fiscally, responsible manner pertinent to the citizens of Aitkin County. Continue meeting with legislators on issues pertinent to Aitkin County and rural Minnesota, testifying before committees at the Capitol in St. Paul. Senior issues like transportation services seniors need to remain in their homes as long as possible, road and bridge funding remains an outstate issue, lack of beds to attend to mental health issues, decline of business during the winter months in our small towns has huge impacts. How would you accomplish your goals? I have worked on the property tax burden on small business with legislators, have testified on their behalf in St. Paul with success, challenge state mandated programs with limited funding from the state, continue to confront this. Am serving on regional committees that address many of these issues. Abilities that separate you from competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? A vast difference in local government experience. Have served on a school board, town board, county board for well over 30 years. I can hit the ground running and have immediate impact. I have no other employment. I’m able to devote my time to county commissioner.

Aitkin County Sheriff Keith Benz Age: 49. Employment: State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, state patrol lieutenant. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? My goal is to lead a sheriff ’s office that is accountable to the citizens of Aitkin County -- a sheriff ’s office that provides respectful and professional law enforcement services including focusing on community involvement, mental health awareness, safe schools and drug interdiction and education. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Law enforcement is part of the community it serves. I will provide strong leadership at the top, training consistent with the community’s expectations and will facilitate respectful communication with other county and community leaders. Collaboration with allied law enforcement agencies is critical in providing the level of service that the community expects and deserves to keep Aitkin County residents safe. By working side by side with mental health practitioners and school administrators not only will people in crisis get proper assistance but vulnerable adults and students will be kept safe. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? With a background in the information technology field and over two decades in law enforcement, I possess strong traits that will serve Aitkin County well. The years of training I have received from the state of Minnesota has been exceptional. This training has allowed me to build upon a foundation that I have led my life and raised my family on. This is the same foundation that I intend to use to lead the sheriff ’s office; a foundation built on the values of integrity, accountability, leadership and respect. Daniel Guida Age: 47. Employment: Aitkin County Sheriff ’s Office (24 years), U.S. Military (U.S. Army Reserves, U.S.A.F. Reserves (21 years total). Public office experience: Former co-chair township board, current supervisor township board, former president of Fire Department Relief Association, former union steward, former church council. What do you want to accomplish if elected? If elected sheriff of Aitkin County I will keep the residents and visitors of Aitkin County safe. I will promote economic growth and I will continue to develop leaders among our community. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? To accomplish those goals I will remain vigilant with the patrol and investigative units in our department. Providing training opportunities for our department is also a necessity. Every tool in a box can get dull or rusty if not periodically sharpened. I will sharpen the great employees we have and work hard to foster strong relationships with the public to encourage interaction. With the help of the public

we can be everywhere there are! To promote economic activity I’ll encourage safe and wise use of our resources. In example, developing new ATV riding areas on public lands near our communities. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? What separates me from competition is service to our community. I’m dedicated to Aitkin County and the only time I’ve left was to deploy with the U.S. military. I’ve volunteered time, energy and finances because I love public service. I have been a part of this department since 1994. I view Aitkin County as family and keeping us safe with the challenges ahead is my primary focus. I know this job because I have been doing it. I started as a deputy and have led the recreation positions, and am currently a sergeant in the leadership team.

Mille Lacs County Commissioner, District 2 Kathleen Stoeckel Did not respond. Timothy Wilhelm Age: 68. Occupation: Farmer/school bus manager. Public office experience: Current Mille Lacs County commissioner. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Goals: 1. To make county government more efficient and to reduce the cost to the taxpayer. 2. To resolve the dispute between the Mille Lacs Band and the county in a peaceful and equitable manner. 3. To ensure county services are provided timely and properly. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have a wealth of information/ knowledge from the experience of being in the position and taking on hard issues. This job is best served when working and communicating with others to find the facts and make the best and right decision. I’ve been blessed to work with others with similar goals for the county, with different perspectives, yet willing to provide leadership together for the common good. Membership in state and national organizations provides us with avenues for communication with other levels of government dealing with similar situations in other areas. I’m willing to continue learning and seeking solutions.

Mille Lacs County Commissioner, District 4 Michael ‘Sy’ Anderson Did not respond. Roger Tellinghuisen Did not respond.

Mille Lacs County Attorney Jan Jude Age: 49. Occupation: Owner of my own law practice, Jan Jude Law. Public office experience: Twelve years as Mille Lacs County attorney, currently serve on Pearl Crisis Center board and Rum River Community Foundation board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want to restore accountability for violent offenders, provide justice for victims and work hard to combat the opioid crisis that is occurring in our communities. I also want to restore better communication with law enforcement and other stakeholders in the justice community. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Criminals need to be prosecuted to be held accountable. I would work closely with law enforcement, just as I did in the past, to accomplish these goals. I would support efforts to restore the mutual aid agreement with the Mille Lacs Tribal Police Department and efforts to establish both a drug/violent offender task force and a drug court. I always had an open door policy for law enforcement and other stakeholders in the criminal justice community, which is crucial for public safety endeavors. I would work toward restoring these relationships on day one. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am a lifelong resident of Mille Lacs County. I have roots here and am not using the office as a stepping stone to another political position. I have 28 years of legal experience, 12 years as Mille Lacs County attorney. I possess leadership skills necessary to run an efficient county attorney’s office. I successfully stopped turnover in the Mille Lacs County Attorney’s Office, which equates to better prosecutions and training budget reduction. My experience sets me apart from my competitor, but it is my commitment to Mille Lacs County that makes me the right choice for county attorney. Joe Walsh Did not respond.

Morrison County Auditor/Treasurer Deb Lowe Age: 57. Employment: Morrison County auditor-treasurer. Public office experience: Morrison County auditor-treasurer since January 2015. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Continue to look for efficiencies in the auditor-treasurer’s office; look for efficiencies in processes between the land services departments; cross-training of all staff; and work on ways to

make motor vehicle systems and fees run more smoothly and fairly. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Continue to look for efficiencies in the office. Also, there should be new opportunities to create efficiencies with relocations of land services departments next to each other. Re-evaluate everyone’s skill set to ensure they perform the job duties appropriate to their skill set; cross-training all staff once this is determined. As a department, re-evaluate processes we perform to ensure they are done in the most efficient manner. Work to make motor vehicle software systems and fee systems run more smoothly and fairly. I would continue to work with legislative groups and legislators to make this better for staff and patrons. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the current Morrison County auditor-treasurer. I have an accounting degree from College of St. Benedict’s, a master’s in business administration from Metropolitan State University and my CPA certificate. I have more than 34 years accounting experience, 39 years supervising, 36 years budgeting, nine years teaching college level accounting, 20 years of private business and 10 years working in the auditor-treasurer’s office in Stearns County. I run a successful consulting business. I am certified in property tax calculation through the Minnesota Department of Revenue, have experience processing deed and land transactions, and have many years of customer service experience. Chelsey Robinson Age: 29. Occupation: Account specialist, deputy auditor-treasurer in the Morrison County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office. Public office experience: Account specialist, deputy auditor-treasurer in the Morrison County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office. What do you want to accomplish if elected? When elected, my main goal is to make sure that the taxpayers’ dollars are going the extra mile while being safe and secure. I plan to implement new procedures to be more effective saving time and money. I will provide accountability to restore confidence in our local government. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As the county auditor-treasurer I will be actively engaged in both the auditor-treasurer’s office and Department of Motor Vehicles which will open new doors to better opportunities for the county. I will invest in the best opportunities properly, making sure they are all accounted for allowing us to gain the best return. I will set time every year to work with staff on tax-forfeited properties to make sure we can have the least amount of parcels off the tax rolls. I will utilize our resources that we have within our county offices instead of outsourcing work. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people. I am the candidate who will work together as a team with both staff and taxpayers to have a positively invested future. I will stand by your side and make your voices heard. You can count on me to be actively engaged and accountable daily. I will make sure all duties are done correctly and within a timely matter. I am the best candidate for the job because I am the one willing to go the extra mile for our taxpayers.

Morrison County Soil and Water Supervisor, District 4 Dale Scholl Age: 71. Occupation: Full-time farmer and truck driver. Been self-employed for over 50 years. Public office experience: I have served on the Buckman Township Board for 37 years as chairman and supervisor. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? I am seeking this position because of the experience I have received as a township board member. I have been able to work with other board members, respect their opinions, and come to an agreeable decision and be able to come up with a solution to the problems they are dealt with. I feel the Soil and Water Board will benefit from my experience as township board member, business owner and a farmer. These are the qualifications that I am able to bring to the Soil and Water Board. John Ulrick Age: 62. Occupation: Retired Oct. 30, 2015; 32 years in military, farmer from 1977 to present and owner of a small manufacturing plant. Public office experience: I have not served in public office. However, I had five different commands and served in many staff positions during my military career. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I support less regulations and restrictions for farmers to drain wet spots in fields, maintenance of drainage ditches and tile throughout. I support maintenance and preservation of rivers, lakeshore and wetlands with a common-sense approach to protect our soil and water from pollution and flooding. During my four-and-a-half years of military tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, I worked with the Army Corps of Engineers with land use and expanding forward operation bases that include EPA and OSHA standards. I’ve seen the changes taking place the past 30 years

Friday, September 21, 2018 S7 and it is getting harder and harder for the farmers to manage.

Todd County Commissioner, District 4 Nikki (Tyrrell) Deyle Age: 38. Occupation: Sales and marketing. Public Office Experience: Clerk, Ward Township. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Born and raised in District 4, I understand the demographics of the area, more significantly, what we are all striving towards. I will be transparent and unafraid to ask and answer the tough questions. For the past 20 years, I have worked with various executives, farmers and political officials in organizations such as MN Agri-Growth Council and MN Ag in the Classroom. I was able to bring together various backgrounds and interests to work towards accomplishing common goals. I will work to make informed decisions in the best interest of Todd County and most importantly, you, the voter. David G. Kircher Could not be reached. Robert Henrich Could not be reached.

Soil and Water Supervisor, District 1 Dan Whitney Age: 50s. Occupation: Water resources consultant/business owner. Public office experience: None. Why are the you the best candidate for the job? The desire and passion to seek out the basis and understanding for all issues and concerns related to our natural resources, the knowledge and ability to effectively address the challenges of ensuring the continued use of our resources while achieving longterm sustainability for future use, and a commitment to find the best solutions through a collaborative effort that is transparent, incorporates science, and is considerate to all stakeholders. Barbara James Could not be reached.

Wadena County Commissioner, District 5 Jon Kangas Age: 59. Occupation: Self-employed carpenter from 1997-2016. Public office experience: Menahga School Board, six years. Blueberry Township clerk, five years. I was also appointed to the Wadena County Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment for six years. What do you want to accomplish if elected? The concern I hear most frequently from friends and community members is high property taxes, followed by access to public transportation. These areas would be my primary goals to improve upon. Specifically, how will you accomplish your goals? First and foremost is to gather as many of the facts as necessary regarding the current situations. Listening to community members’ concerns and ideas plays an important role in setting goals. Finally, work with other officials on ways we can make improvements while formulating and implementing a plan acceptable to the public. Wadena County’s high taxes compared to surrounding counties puts a damper on residential and commercial growth and property values which in turn causes further tax increases in a vicious cycle. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have worked in both the government sector (15-plus years) and the private sector (25-plus years) which gives me two different perspectives on regulations, tax issues and the resulting consequences. My experience from serving on school and township boards gives me a working knowledge of grass roots government operations and zoning along with contract negotiations and governmental budgeting. I have a known history of listening to community members concerns and being willing to take a vocal stand for what I believe is right. I believe I will be a fair and honest representative for Wadena County District 5 if elected. Curtis Ronneberg Age: 72. Occupation: Curt had the opportunity to teach over 5,500 students during his 39 years of teaching as a mathematics teacher in Wadena. Curt is now retired; however, still substitute teaches and works at R and J in Verndale. Public office experience: Have not held any public office; however Curt has negotiated contracts for a collective bargaining unit. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Issues that are important to Curt are: controlling the size and cost of government, improving and maintaining infrastructure, protecting our environment (air, land, and water).

Specifically, how will you accomplish your goals? Did not respond. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Curt considers himself a good listener, honest, a person of integrity, logical and fiscally responsible. Curt appreciates the chance to serve the residents as a commissioner in District 5 of Wadena County.

Wadena County Auditor/Treasurer Heather Olson Age: 35. Occupation: Accountant. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I would like to see the financial side of the county ran better. I am currently the Highway Accountant for Wadena County and know the ins and outs of how it is currently ran. I think there could be more transparency and teamwork as an organization. Specifically, how will you accomplish your goals? I would like to see better budgeting and preparing of monthly financial documents for the board of commissioners. To make decisions as a group about taxpayer monies, they need to be given information that is helpful and useful. The teamwork in the county needs to be improved and I am the person to help with that. Communication is key when working with this size of organization. I would like to work on new processes and look to see where the old ones could be improved. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for the job because of my experience and knowledge of the county system. I work well with the auditor’s office staff, board of commissioners, and the county staff. We all know changes need to be made and are willing to work together to get them accomplished. I think my experience as the highway accountant gives me the background to know where improvements need to be made and where things are working well. Filling in for the current auditor in her absence last year also gave me experience to know what that position handles. Brian Hagen Age: 55. Occupation: Self-employed. Public office experience: Two terms as mayor, six years planning and zoning, six years civic and commerce. What do you want to accomplish if elected? My main directive if elected is to assist the county’s other decision-making leaders in making more educated financial decisions, help all departments in streamlining budgets using technology, conservatism and leading by example, all which will accomplish my biggest concern, controlling the extremely high level of tax burden on our citizens. Specifically, how will you accomplish your goals? Wadena County has limited resources, making it crucial all departments work together. This is particularly important for the position of auditor/treasurer. This position works closely with the board of commissioners; this person will basically be the right-hand person of the board. We have part-time compensated commissioners, so it’s natural for them to have limited amount time to spend on researching and understanding the decision at hand. As auditor/treasurer, I will use my vast amount of experience from numerous industries to lay out different options for them. This will greatly increase that we are making the best choices possible. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I started my first job the summer after fourth grade and continued through college. This paid my way to graduating from University of Minnesota at Morris with a major in business economics and accounting minor. The following years my consulting firm which taught small- to medium-size businesses not only computerized accounting but developing better streamlining processes to increase their profitability. The list of clients include but not limited to; county offices, city offices, computer companies, livestock processors, retail stores and manufacturing companies. I have owned and operated a water treatment business, computer company, turkey farms, and a small engine store.


My Name is Alex Hering.

I’m the Endorsed Democratic Farmer-Labor candidate for State Representative in House District 9A. I am running for office to Build a Better Minnesota for you.

▪ Affordable Healthcare ▪ Quality Education ▪ Livable Wages ▪ Affordable Housing ▪ Preserving Medicare and Social Security ▪ For All Minnesotans Prepared and paid for by: Alex Hering MN House 9A Committee

Prepared and Paid for by Sue Hilgart 2536 Greenwood St SW Brainerd, MN 56401

Congress, Baxter and Crow wing County

S8 Friday, September 21, 2018


U.S. Congressional District 8 Representative Ray ‘Skip’ Sandman Age: 64.

City: Duluth. Employment: Retired corrections officer, native traditional healer, Vietnam veteran. Public office experience: I am not a career politician. What do you want to accomplish if elected? A cleaner environment,

Ray ‘Skip’ Sandman

combat climate change with green energy jobs. Single payer health care for every American. Protect Social Security, veterans benefits, safety net programs and increase the federal minimum wage. Offer a minimum of two years of free college tuition or technical school to students. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? The proposed copper-sulfide mines pose a grave

danger to our drinking water, and over time, will destroy more Minnesota jobs than they create. I will not be greasing the wheels in Congress for them to come to Minnesota. Mandate green energy usage and disincentivize fossil fuel use to overcome climate change. Once we eliminate the health insurance industry, the profits they took from our premiums will help pay for single

payer. Begin nationwide negotiating on drug prices and medical devices. Redirect some military spending to help pay for college/tech school. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am running as an Independent, my campaign is run entirely by volunteers. We have very few large donations and

I am only beholden by the promise to everyone that I will fight to protect the people and the planet. My opponents have large war chests and dark money following them. They split the vote in favor of copper-sulfide mining and leave me with the votes for clean water. In a three-way race, I can win with 35-40 percent of the vote.

Baxter City Council Member (Elect 2) Connie Lyscio

Age: 59. Employment: ISD 181 - physical education teacher, 31 years. Presently teaching at Baxter Elementary School. Public office experience: None yet! What do you want to accomplish if elected? Baxter has established itself as a healthy community where businesses and families want to be. Inclusiveness has always been a priority for me. Baxter must continue to be a mixed-income community that ensures all citizens have the opportunity to enjoy the Connie Lyscio offerings the city’s growth has allowed. Specifically, how would I accomplish your goals? Baxter’s continued performance/growth has to be a reflection of what concerns our citizens. As evidenced by the school referendum vote last spring, transparency, listening, information gathering and relationship building are essential components to successful long-range planning and execution. I am fortunate to have developed relationships with business leaders, school administration and other local talents as well as countless families in Baxter. I am confident in my ability to maintain those positive connections when serving as a Baxter City Council member. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe my 31-year career as a teacher for ISD 181 has proven my dedication and passion as a public servant. I have formed trusted relationships with two generations of past and present students who know how much I care. I have the desire to continue my public service in a different venue and will offer a unique background and skill set. I’m proud to call Baxter home. My plans are to retire from teaching in the spring of 2019 allowing me to dedicate my time and energy to the citizens of Baxter while continuing to serve and make a difference.

Robert Nesheim

Age: 73. Employment: Retired. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To be a good listener and voice for the city of Baxter if elected to the Baxter City Council. Specifically, how would I accomplish your goals?The main reason I decided to seek this office is that there were two open seats, and it is something I had been thinking about doing as a citizen that cares about his community. What abilities or qualifications separate you Robert Nesheim from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? It is my opinion that the world is run by those that show up. I do not see myself as being any better than the others that have stepped up. I congratulate them for stepping up to fill the positions. PICKAR:From page 1 law enforcement in 1996 at Alexandria Technical College. Pickar completed the police manage-

ment and supervision training through the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in 2006. Then in 2016, he completed the Chief of Police Associations’ courses in officer leadership and

Mary Marana

Mary Marana

Age: 65. Employment: Executive director of the Crisis Line and Referral Service. Public office experience: Served previously for 12 years, 16 years ago on the Baxter City Council and Baxter Industrial Park Commission. What do you want to accomplish if elected? No council person can accomplish anything by themselves. I have the capability to work with the other council members and have the ability to see issues from a new perspective and voice my perspective clearly. And I am approachable and willing to listen to the residents and businesses of

Baxter. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Having lived in Baxter over 30 years, I consider this to be my home and where I wish to retire. So, I want Baxter to continue be the safest, economical and progressive city it can be. To do this we must support our police department. To continue to seek out and encourage new industries and businesses to our area. This keeps our tax base strong and taxes reasonable for everyone. We need to keep our roads and services in good repair. Preventive maintenance keeps future costs affordable. When issues arise, I will listen objectively to all sides. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I served on the city council 16 years ago. I bring experience no other candidate has. During the time I served on the council, Baxter had some of its most productive growth in businesses and in the industrial park. Residential neighborhoods sprang up continually. This growth happened because of visionary thinking, and allowing staff to carry out the vision. This only happens when everyone works together as a team. I have the qualifications to make this happen. I am a team player. I have worked all of my career life with people. This makes me the best candidate.

Zach Tabatt

Age: 32. Employment: Self-employed financial adviser. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want to help Baxter become even more economically successful. That means I want to see more businesses in town with a wider variety of career opportunities. I also want to see the expansion of Baxter continue responsibly, adding services appropriately and maintaining excellent public safety. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will encourage a spirit of collaboration between city staff and businesses. I will help set a tone of transparency when decisions are made regulating business and development. To encourage development and attended the Leadership Academy at Camp Ripley. Pickar and his wife Angie have two daughters Chayse and Iyana, who are students in the Brainerd School District.

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Policing also taught me numerous lessons about public service and dealing with conflict. I have earned a master’s degree in negotiation and dispute resolution. In work and education I have negotiated Zach Tabatt contracts, resolved disputes, and dealt with people in tense situations. I will put these skills and experiences to work for the people of Baxter.

Sports Boosters, youth athletics as a coach, Sertoma Sunrise Club, Fraternal Order of Police, National Rifle Association, Brainerd Lakes YMCA Board of Directors and is a soup kitchen vol-

The family is a member of All Saints Catholic Church. In the community, Pickar is involved in Relay for Life, Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Toys for Kids, Brainerd

unteer. He is also past president of the United States Police Canine Association, Region 12, and is a past member of the Kiwanis Club.


EXPERIENCE 20 years with Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office. 22 Years law Enforcement 3rd Generation Military Veteran Investigator/Narcotics Agent K9 Handler/Tactical Team Deputy Chief; Cuyuna PD Police Management and supervision Leadership Academy Officer Leadership Academy Community: Sertoma, YMCA Board of Directors, Brainerd Sports Boosters, American Legion, Soup Kitchen Volunteer, Youth Coach, Past Kiwanis Club

Age: 45. Employment: Insurance agent with Fiducia Benefits Group. Public office experience: Served on the Long Range Planning Commission for the city of Baxter since 2008. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want the residents and business owners in Baxter to feel that their voices are heard. I want the lines of communication to be open so they feel that they are contributLori Rubin ing to the growth and success of the city. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? It all starts with listening. I want to hear from people within Baxter about their concerns and about things they feel are success stories. I want the community to be engaged in decision-making processes for the city. I want to encourage people to participate in commissions, attend meetings and become part of the solution to keep Baxter a wonderful place to live and work. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have served on many committees and boards and worked with a lot of different people to accomplish a goal and have been very successful. Examples are the Sertoma Winter Wonderland, governor’s fishing opener, Fishing to End Hunger and my experience on the LRPC have all been examples of my qualifications and the ability to get things done. I am passionate about giving back to the community. Many people complain about things they disagree with or don’t understand, I get involved and work to find solutions. If elected I will work hard to represent the residents of Baxter.

growth, I am supportive of continued cooperation with BLAEDC and other organizations aimed at development. I would also consider fair and transparent incentives when appropriate. To keep our quality of life high, I will encourage improvement in our planning process so the city can keep close track of the need to add infrastructure, police, fire, and EMS resources without falling behind or allowing growth to become disorganized. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My unique employment and educational background make me the best candidate for Baxter City Council. I spent six years working as a police officer in both small and large departments. That experience has given me perspective on city government from the inside.


Lori Rubin

OUR GOALS • • • • • •

Lobby for more awareness and resources for mental health Lobby for more awareness and enforcement of sex trafficking Proactive safety measures for our children Increase community policing Reimplement the K9 Unit Proactive enforcement on drug trafficking with a focus on drug court rehabilitation

EXPERIENCE • • • • • •

27 years law enforcement Leadership Academy Patrol sergeant/Narcotics Agent Threat Response Trainer (ALICE Instructor) 2002 Crow Wing county Police Officer of the Year Community: Board of Directors for: Brainerd-Baxter Youth center, Mid MN women’s center, Lutheran social services, Early Childhood coalition, Brainerd Area Youth Ministries

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