How to teach & learn brain friendly. Guidebook for teachers, students & parents.

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How to teach & learn brain-friendly Guidebook for teachers, students & parents


Human brain

Taking notes

Effective teaching

Memory & creativity


Time management


Stydying at home

Useful links and presentations

A teacher's place of work is the brain of a student. Manfred Spitzer

HUMAN BRAIN What should we know about it?




This part of our brain is responsible for picking up new information and memorizing them. It looks like a sea horse. It's a key to our memory.

Our brain has about 100 billion of them. Each neuron has 10 000 connections with other neurons. They learn slowly, they like repetitions.

It's responsible for feeling motivated and prized. When its level is high, the brain feels good, we are concentrated and we want to learn new things. How to do it? Listen to your favorite music, use different senses, cooperate with others, smile and have fun.





During the deep sleep our brain processes new data, makes order and connects them with things we saw or learn before. Moreover it's time to release emotions and relax. If you don't sleep eough, your brain can't work properly.

When we are stressed, learning is almost impossible. The brain products cortisol, a hormone that strongly blocks learning

It's a basic drink which helps the brain because it improves the quality and pace of thinking.

When we eat properly, our neurons work better and we learn faster. What should we eat then? For example apples, avocado, bananas, berries, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, eggs, salmon and nuts,




There are two basic types of memory: LONG-TERM MEMORY and SHORT-TERM MEMORY.

information lasts in memory for 8-10 minutes and we use it to process new knowledge and calculations

information can stay for a very long time, but you need to repeat and process it; all our knowledge stays there


Some people think that problems with memory are typical for old people. However, if we don't train our memory, it gets weaker and weaker. How to change this? Here are some useful tips:

connect new information into groups, for example it's easier to remember a phone number if you create threedigit sections; you can use this method for shopping lists or ingredients needed to a delicious dish, when you have to memorise an important date or a mathematical formula, try to imagine it as a huge neon or a big fluffy sign,

to train your brain try changing a bit some of your daily routines, for example you can brush your teeth or write using your left hand (if you are right-handed); it's really stimulating, play games like MEMORY because they involve different parts of your brain, help to concentrate and they are a real fun,

create collections of 10-20 elements (pictures, dates, words, formulas etc.) and ask someone to hide or replace one of them to check if you find the difference,

every day try to learn something new, solve crosswords, memorise one phone number or difficult words.


This word is very popular, however many of us don't know how to work on it and help others to build it up.

Try to find not typical uses for typical items. For example a book can be a brick, a mouse mat, a hat, a tray and so on. You can use items from your room or classroom as an inspiration. Start drawing mazes. It helps to relax, calm down, concentrate and additionally, it develops spatial sense.

Observe people in buses or during walks. Try to guess what they are talking or thinking about. This exercise also develops empathy. Connect two apparently not related words and then try to find connection between them, for example stick + fabric = umbrella. It's a great idea to develop the vocabulary range. Think about a problem you have at the moment. Then think how would you solve in 10 years ago and then 10 ten years from now. Travel inside a painting. Choose one painting you like (for example Mona Lisa) and then imagine that you are standing next to her. What do you see? Where are you?

MOTIVATION We usually say that if soomebody doesn't want to work, nobody can make this person to make an effort. However at school we simply must find the way to encourage our students to study. How to do it? ARCS Model of Motivation gives us a bit of support in this matter. John Keller’s ARCS model was designed to encourage students' motivation to learn. It helps instructors to develop learning environment and gives instruction that will hold a students' interest. The ARCS model has been used in elementary and secondary schools, college, adult learning centers, cooperation’s and government agencies ( In John Keller’s ARCS model, there are four categories for promoting and sustaining motivation in the learning process: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction”

MOTIVATION Attention Methods for grabbing learners attention: - active participation - games; role-play; activates, - variability - video’s, short lectures, mini- discussions - sense of humour - it's always nice to laugh a bit, - incongruity and conflict - devil’s advocate approach, - specific examples - visual stimuli, - inquiry - brainstorming activities.

Relevance Establish relevance in order to increase a learner’s motivation. Six strategies described by Keller are: - experience - explain how new learning will use existing skills, - present worth - what will the subject matter be for me today? - future usefulness - will I need this tomorrow? - needs matching - take advantage of dynamics of achievement, - risk-taking, power, affiliation, - modelling - guest speakers, videos, tutoring, - choice - allow students to use different methods allowing choice

MOTIVATION Confidence Help students understand their likelihood of success: - provide objectives and prerequisites - it helps students estimate the probability of success, - allow for success that is meaningful, - grow the learners - allow for small steps of growth, - feedback - provide feedback and support internal attributions for success, - learner control - learners should feel some degree of control over their learning and assessment.

Satisfaction Learning must be rewarded or satisfying in some way: - praise sense of achievement, - make learner feel as though the skill is useful or beneficial by using newly acquired acknowledge in a real setting, - provide feedback and reinforcement - when learners appreciate the help, they are motivated to learn - don’t patronize the learner by over-rewarding tasks.

TAKING NOTES Good notes are very important. They need concentration but at the same time they help us make order in our memory and they develop creativity. We can learn things which we can process, then taking notes is a great way of processing.



This is the most popular method of recording things during lessons. To make it better try to leave some space between the lines, draw small pictograms helping you remember, give titles to the next parts of your note.

It's a good idea when you take notes in a notebook. On the right side you write definitions, descriptions and so on and on the left side you write key words and summaries. To join them use arrows, bubbles or other symbols.


This method is very helpful when you have to order many ideas or revise before a big test. In the middle of the page you write the key word and then you add branches connected with the main idea. Remember about using small pictures. One pictogram is worth 1000 words.

CORNELL METHOD The main idea is to write information in the correct place. The title / or topic of your notes. Your notes. Key words, dates, drawings etc. Summary with the most importatant information to remember. Remember about using small pictures. One pictogram is worth 1000 words.

TIME MANAGEMENT USEFUL METHODS ABC LIST A = very importatnt, B = quite important, C = can wait Write down all the things that have to be done and then try to identify their importance matching it with the correct letter A, B or C. After that start doing those things with the letter A, then B and so on. FIGHT THE TIME THIEVES Make a list of activities with the time you spend on them, for example how much time you spend in front of TV, FB, YT. Then try to think how much you can reduce those precious minutes and hours. EAT WHEN YOU EAT The idea is to focus on an activity you are doing at the very moment. For example when you study, don't check your FB account every 5 minutes. When we do many different things at the same time, we need actually much more time to fulfil them. HOW TO EAT AN ELEPHANT? PIECE BY PIECE When you have a very big task in front of you (for example an exam or a project) it's a good idea to divide it into some small parts and step by step try to reach your target. PLAN YOUR DAY 60 / 40 Some theories say that we shouldn't plan each day too carefully because there are always some unexpected incidents. It means that a perfect plan for a perfect day should look like this: 60 % - precisely planned activities, 20% - reserve for unplanned activities, 20 % - reserve for spontaneous activities.






BREATHING Take a very deep breath through your nose to move your stomach muscles. Your stomach should move a bit. Repeat this exercise 4-5 times. You'll feel more relaxed and thanks to a large dose of oxygen your brain will work more effectively. PAIRS Divide your group into pairs. Each person should look carefully at his/ her partner. Then they have to stand back to back and answer some questions about partner's clothes, eye colour or hairstyle. MUSIC Listening to Mozart or Gregorian chants helps to calm down and concentrate. NOSE AND EYE Students point their nose and one ear with their pointing fingers. Then the finger which was touching the nose should touch the ear and the finger touching the ear touches the nose. Try to do this at least 5 times. It seems easy but it's harder than you think. LLAMA Draw a square with nine little squares inside. Choose an animal, let's say - llama and tell the students that it's in the middle square. Then tell students to close their eyes and start the llama journey saying one square up, one square left, one square down and so on. When the llama leaves the main square, students should say OUT. This exercise helps to concentrate and it's a great fun by the way.

EFFECTIVE TEACHING TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE Many teachers still think that they teach Geography, Physics or Biology. However, the truth is that we teach Peter, Nadia and their friends so we need to change the attitude to our way of organizing lessons. Not everybody knows that each of us represents different types of intelligence. How is it possible? It's a matter of our personal inclinations and interests which are defined by our brain. So when the teacher walks into the classroom, he or she must remember that the students distinguish between themselves. We know the following types of intelligence:

1. verbal /linguistic

2. - logicalmathematical

3. - musical

these students • are good at reading, writing, data storage, telling stories ; • like reading, writing, narrating, memorizing, doing puzzles; • learn best by reading, listening, seeing words, speaking, writing, discussing

these students • are good at thinking, logic, problem solving; • like solving quizzes, working with numbers, investigating, experimenting; • learn easier by using patterns and relationships, classifying, using abstractions. these students • stand out singing, recognizing sounds, melodies and rhythms; • like singing with the voice or playing an instrument, listening to music; • learn better by listening to music, listening to various rhythms

4. - visual-spatial

5. - bodily-kinesthetic

6. - naturalist

7. - interpersonal

8. - intrapersonal

these students • are good at reading maps and graphs, at making drawings, imagining things, visualizing; • love drawing, building, creating, watching cartoons and daydreaming; • learn better by working with many colors, diagrams and drawings, using their mind's eye. these students • are good at athletics, drama, practical activities, dance, use of tools; • like touching, using body language; • learn best by touching things, moving, processing the information through sensation.

these students • are good at understanding the nature and identification of flora or fauna; • like walking in nature, making distinctions; • learn easier when working in the natural environment, analyzing living beings, storing information about plants and animals. these students • are good at understanding people who they lead and organize, solving conflicts skillfully; • like having friends, talking to people, meeting them; • learn better comparing, relating, interviewing, cooperating with others. these students • know themselves very well , acknowledge their weaknesses and qualities; • like working alone, meditating, following their interests; • learn best by working alone, making projects in pace, reflecting.

EFFECTIVE TEACHING The saddest conclusion coming from studies upon education says that students lose their motivation for learning and working at school, because they are passive listeners, not active explorers raised to creativity. How to change it? 1. When you go to the classroom, remember about the body language. Students are very sensitive to teacher's moods so be calm but firm, self-confident and smile as often as possible. 2. When you open the classroom door, make eye contact with you students, ask some of them about their mood or pay a compliment to a shy kid. 3. Create an opening ritual before starting your lesson. It can be 5 seconds of a total silence, 5 deep breaths or something like this. 4. Don't waste first minutes of the lesson for checking the register. Ask some intriguing questions, tell a story connected with the topic of the lessons. Do something to catch students attention. 5. Don't write the topic of the lesson at the very beginning. Let students guess it or ask an unusual questions like: Do we still have princesses in Europe? (social studies lesson), Is there a connection between a snail and a hammer? (biology lesson about a human ear), Can we measure the speed of light with a chocolate bar? (physics).

EFFECTIVE TEACHING 6. During the lesson: - don't stay behind your desk all the time, - move around the classroom, - come closer to students who don't pay attention, give them the look of dissatisfaction - it's usually enough, - be kind and honest and respect your students, - always find some time to listen to them, - remember that you teach John and Mary, not maths or geography, so praise your students, be precise, help to solve their problems with studying, - never humiliate your students because it's the worst thing that sometimes stays with them for the whole life, - help those students who are not especially gifted, tell them, that you believe in their abilities, be there when they need you. 7. Before the end of the lesson find a couple of minutes for the summary. Check the understanding of the topic. From time to time ask your students to assess your lesson pointing good and weak moments. Be able to draw conclusions from their opinions. 8. Create a nice relationship with your students. Stress is always the worst helper as well as some bad mutual feelings. Be nice but remember that you are a teacher, not a classmate. 9. Teacher's passion influence the students. When the teacher is involved and full of positive attitude or makes something very thorough, students feel it from the very beginning and after some time they imitate their tutor. 10. Create a nice looking classroom. Use posters, colours, prepare students' art exhibition, prepare some eye-catching information boards. 11. Let your students ask even strange questions. They have right to think differently or simply don't understand some parts of the topic..


GOLDEN RULES 1. You should be in a good mood. Your brain works better if you are relaxed. 2. Take care of your room. It should be clean, clear and ventilated. 3. Your desk should be nice and clean, too. It should stimulate you to work. 4. Remember about having a goal. Everything you learn is somehow useful. 5. Use highlights, stickers and colours to mark important information. 6. Revise the material you have already learnt. Half of the new knowledge is usually forgotten if we don't revise it. 7. Practise your memory to make it better and better. 8. Drink water when you learn or do your homework. It helps your brain to work more efficiently. 9. Take some breaks. Working for too long makes you tired and ineffective. 10. Remember about sleeping. We sleep to remember better.

USEFUL LINKS AND PUBLICATIONS This publication was prepared on It's a great tool, very easy to use especially if you have at least small experience with for example Power Point presentations. The most important thing is that you can prepare almost every kind of document - a diploma or certificate, a poster, a boardgame, an ebook and many more. You can use ready made designs or create something absolutely new. This website is a great source of ideas and tools. If you want to prepare a 3D gallery, a movie text scroller, breaking news generator or a wheel of fortune with your students' names - check this address. You won't be disappointed.,, When you need to prepare a nice looking poster or you run a blog or a website, you always need some nice photos and illustrations. These are your sources - free and fully accessible. You only need to credit the author. And if you feel that you don't know what to do, how to decorate your classroom, what materials prepare to make your lesson more attractive, visit this site. You are going to love it from the very first moment.

Bibliography 1. 2. 3. content/uploads/2016/11/Co_nauczyciele_powinni_wiedzie%C4%87_o_m%C3%B3z gu.pdf 4.,153855,16101243,Neurony_w_szkolnej_law ce.html 5. option=com_content&view=article&id=56:wiczenia-poprawiajce-zdolno-koncentracjiuwagi&catid=4:artykuy-ppp&Itemid=15 6. ACE_PAMIEC.pdf 7. 8.,13637 9.,90959,1,1.html 10. 11. 13.M.Żylińska, Neurodydaktyka. Nauczanie i uczenie przyjazne mózgowi, Toruń 2013. All the pictures used in this publication were taken from and

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