22. Meat. 23. A man. He crawls on all fours as a baby,
1. Your age.
then walks on two feet as an adult and then
2. The circle.
walks with a cane as an old man.
3. Your name.
24. There are 3 people – a grandmother, her
4. A watch.
daughter and her granddaughter. The
5. 8 minutes.
grandmother is a mother to her daughter
6. An egg.
and her daughter is the mother to the
7. The temperature.
8. A stamp.
25. Once, after that it’s not 100 any more.
9. A dice.
26. Throw it straight up.
10. Age.
27. They are 10.5 and 0.5 years old. A
11. A window.
common wrong answer is 10 and 1. This is
12. Fire
wrong because the difference in age would
13. Footsteps.
be 9, not 10.
14. Holes.
28. Mount Everest was the tallest even
15. A bait.
before it was discovered.
16. Why should a living man be buried?
29. David.
17. A skull.
30. On the map.
18. The score before any football game
31. 64; the space that comes after the 64th
should be 0:0, shouldn't it?
spoke, would be the the first spoke.
19. Stop imagining.
32. Twenty! Fish don't drown.
20. A mountain.
33. It is an electric train, so there is no
21. A secret.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What goes up, but never comes down?
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are we?
A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. W hat must you add to it to make it weigh 12 pounds?
If you eat me, my sender will eat you. What am I?
Why can't a man living in the USA be b uried in Canada?
I don't have eyes, but once I did see. On ce I had thoughts, but now I'm white and empty.
What has no beginning and no end?
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
What has three hands and only one face? Boiled egg cooks 8 minutes. How long do you need to boil four eggs?
What do you break before you use it? What can go up and down without moving?
I travel around the world but always stay in my corner. What am I?
What has six faces, but does not wear makeup. It also has twentyone eyes, but it cannot see?
What three letters change a girl into a woman?
What invention lets you look right through a wall?
Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die.
One big football fan claimed to be able totell the score before any game. How did he do it?
Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out?
What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up, up it goes and yet never grows?
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me.
22 23
Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh? Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
There are 2 mothers, 2 daughters, 1 grandmother and 1 granddaughter. How many people are there?
How many times can you take away 2 from 100?
How can you throw a ball 20 meters and have it come back to you without hitting anything?
27 28 29
There are two brothers whose combined age is eleven years. One is ten years older than the other. What are their ages? Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain in the world? David's father has three sons: John, Crackle and ...?
Where will you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?
If a wheel has 64 spokes, how many spaces are there between the spokes?
If you had twenty fish and fourteen of them drowned, how many fish would you have left?
If an electric train is going 150 miles per hour north and the wind is blowing the same south, which way does the smoke blow?