3 minute read
#HeritageForTheClimate Monika Herkt Director of TRAKT CTC
This issue of DziKHi BIT as well as the programme of events planned for 2020 by TRAKT CTC had been prepared before the pandemic reached us. Although the situation has changed and the possibility to implement many of our plans is now limited, we decided not to change the subject of this publication because the themes we are discussing in it will still be important after the fight against the virus has ended. The pandemic made us realise the fact that we have to take even more responsibility for the world.
#HeritageForTheClimate is a motto which is going to accompany us – the employees of TRAKT Cultural Tourism Centre – throughout the whole 2020. The discussion about the choice of this theme lasted several months. Not because we were not convinced of the importance of the subject. It was rather a question of a dilemma over whether a cultural institution, whose statutory area of activity focuses on local cultural heritage, can, in fact, have a say in the discussion on the global climate change. The discussion which seems to be reserved for scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs or, when it comes to our industry, nature and natural history museums and science centres.
Relatively quickly, however, the initial hesitation turned into a strong conviction that not only we can or should engage in the process of supporting mitigating and adaptative action relating to the global warming, but it is, in fact, our duty. It is our ethical obligation resulting from the social responsibility of a cultural institution to take care of the heritage entrusted to it. We are also obliged to do it by the unique environment in which we work. Porta Posnania, which is our main exhibition and education space, is located by the Cybina River. Close proximity to the river, which is disappearing right in front of our eyes, as well as to the drying riverside meadows leaves no doubt that the centuries-old heritage of this place is ENDANGERED. How are we going to be able to talk about the island on which Mieszko I established a fortified settlement, built a magnificent palace and founded the first cathedral in Poland if it disappears from our landscape? How are we going to explain such dramatic changes in our surrounding to the next generations?
In order to develop the idea of #HeritageForTheClimate effectively we joined the Climate Heritage Network (CHN) created at the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). We share the belief that art, culture and cultural heritage are a great asset and have the power to inspire and initiate action to combat climate change. They have the potential to contribute to creating sustainable development pathways. This potential, however, still remains untapped.
The plan of action, which has been adopted to implement #HeritageForTheClimate’s postulates, is twofold. The gist of the plan is presented in our manifesto. First of all, we acknowledge that an effective way to shape pro-environmental behaviours is to set an example. Thus, we created TRAKT’s ‘green code’, which we share with you on the next pages of this publication, along with the aforementioned manifesto. We consider these changes in our internal policy as a permanent process of self-improvement. Secondly, drawing on our knowledge, passion, space and resources, we have planned a year-long programme of educational and tourist events and exhibitions.
The majority of our #HeritageForTheClimate initiatives will take place as soon as it becomes possible. When that happens we will invite you to join us at Porta Posnania, at the Royal-Imperial Route, in the district of Jeżyce, Łazarz and Wilda as well as at the Poznań Legends Route for Children.