Brampton Library 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

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2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan 905-793-4636 Brampton Library

From the Library Board Chair & CEO

Sincere thanks to all those who contributed their knowledge, ideas and experiences to the planning process. I am deeply grateful to the community partners, residents, staff, and board members who took time to contribute to the plan by responding to surveys, participating in focus groups, and providing feedback in many other ways.

The Brampton Public Library is a catalyst for intellectual activity. Our 2023-2027 strategic plan places renewed commitment and focus on meeting the needs of our diverse communities and staff. With this forwardlooking plan, we will ensure we contribute to advancing Brampton's future as a thriving place to live and work, a place where all residents have opportunities, access, and connections they need to build a good life. I hope that inspiring connections reflects the spirit of everyone’s input and represents a shared vision for moving forward.

Who we are

It’s an exciting time for libraries! If there’s one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic taught us, it’s that the public library is an essential part of the social infrastructure that helps communities thrive. By providing opportunities for discovery, building strong partnerships, and showcasing our diversity, it is Brampton Library’s goal to ensure that everyone has access to both digital and social connections as part of an inclusive Brampton. I invite you to take advantage of all the Library has to offer and to join us in our journey to build the capacity of the Library to meet the opportunities to come.

Led by a volunteer board of directors and with a team of dedicated staff and a growing network of branches and online services, Brampton Library occupies a unique place at the heart of the Brampton community. Through strong partnerships and an attitude of flexibility, the library has remained resilient throughout the pandemic, focussing on growing its reach by serving the diverse needs of Brampton residents. Our vision, mission, and values guide the Library by providing clarity of our purpose, our role in the community and how we accomplish these aspirational goals.

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Our values

Creativity Curiosity Community Collaboration


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To build an inclusive community by inspiring learning, literacy, and social cohesion. Our mission Our vision

Our strategic directions

As an essential pillar of the community, Brampton Library aspires to excellence in public service. We offer at no cost a wide range of books and other media, a Library of Things, and other borrowable items. Our members also have free access to digital resources, makerspaces and equipment, language and settlement support, and broader community programming. We take seriously our role to further social equity, accessibility, and citizen empowerment against a backdrop of major social, cultural and economic shifts and we recognize the responsibility and opportunity therein.

Emerging from our strategic planning process, we have identified five interconnected strategic directions that will enable Brampton Library to honour our responsibilities and seize opportunities.

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Our strategic directions for the next 5 years: Become known as the place for discovery
capacity in response to community needs Build social cohesion by providing equitable and inclusive services Drive our leadership by reflecting the community’s diversity Emerge as the community’s top choice for

Become known as the place for discovery

The Library has long since been a hub for the community—we want to be a destination. We will become a venue to showcase innovation, celebrate community voices and to provide a platform to those that need a stage. 6 2022 – 2027 Strategic Plan

Grow capacity in response to community needs

We are committed to expanding and improving our services. This starts with a better understanding of the needs of our communities and supporting growth among our staff.

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Build social cohesion by providing equitable and inclusive services

We will foster connectivity to our services by understanding and mitigating barriers faced by the community. We will champion equity of access—reducing the digital divide, offering educational tools for academics and career and designing our services to be as barrier-free as possible.

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Drive our leadership by reflecting the community’s diversity

This work is rooted in having the Brampton community see themselves in the library. We will lead by example by reflecting the diverse individuals and values present in our community.

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Emerge as the community’s top choice for partnerships

We will be widely known as approachable and easy to work with. Community members and groups will seek us out and recommend collaborations with us to their peers because of the experience.

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This Strategic Plan has been developed collaboratively with Brampton Library and Overlap Associates.

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