2 minute read

1.4 City of Brampton Official Plan

Existing and planned land use patterns are an important part of evaluating where library services are appropriately and optimally situated. In Ontario, land use planning is regulated through the Planning Act and implemented through documents such as the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Region of Peel Official Plan, City of Brampton Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and other land use planning documents. The Brampton Official Plan guides how and where Brampton grows along with the types of land uses that are permitted including areas for housing, employment, education, parks and public facilities. Libraries fall under the Official Plan’s Institutional and Public Uses designation. The City of Brampton 2006 Official Plan4 remains in force though a comprehensive review and update process is presently underway. The City’s new Official Plan – currently being referred to as the Brampton Plan – is being aligned with the Brampton 2040 Vision.

Brampton Official Plan (2006) Section 4.9: Institutional and Public Uses

Brampton’s rapid population growth has resulted in increased demand for public services and related infrastructure. Institutional and Public Uses include a full range of social, recreational, educational and public safety, security and protection services that are provided for the benefit of the entire community…lands designated Institutional and Public Uses contribute to the creation of a complete community and are provided for the use and enjoyment of all residents without exclusion and irrespective of their social, economic or physical status. The City shall interpret the large scale Institutional Uses designation…to include…community recreation facilities, libraries and fire and police stations.

4.9.2 Buildings…designated as Institutional and Public Uses have the potential to act as landmarks and focal points within the area of the community where they are located. Major Institutional Uses should…reinforce the significance of future development such as schools, libraries, community centres, and fire stations that will function as focal points within the community.

Section 4.9.9: Libraries

Libraries provide a collection of resources for information, knowledge and learning. Libraries also continue to serve as venues for community functions and events. Libraries shall be accessible to all residents regardless of social, economic or physical status. The City shall encourage Library uses to be incorporated into multi-functional building complexes such as retail plazas or community recreation centres, or to be located in proximity to other compatible Institutional or Public Uses so as to optimize municipal investments, to share parking, to conserve energy, to provide convenience. The design of Libraries shall reinforce their social function and their function as focal points for the community. Institutional and Public Uses or other designations that incorporate a library as a permitted use in the Secondary Plan shall be sized at the block plan or subdivision approval stage to determine the land and building area to be occupied by the library so that land or rental cost to the Library Board can be based on the value of the displaced Low Density Residential uses. The City shall encourage the use of the City of Brampton Accessibility Technical Standards in the design and improvement of libraries.

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