The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University

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The Heller School


MS in International Health Policy

Master of Public Policy


and Management


MBA in Nonprofit Management


PhD in Social Policy


MA in Sustainable International

Institutes and Centers


Development 20

Career Development


MA in Coexistence and Conflict

Brandeis University


Admissions and Financial Aid



One mission. A million motivations. Extending health care and economic opportunity in the United States. Stemming the spread of HIV in China. Mitigating political conflict in the Middle East. Creating a diversified fundraising plan. If you’re passionate about taking on goals as ambitious and critical as these, you’ll be in good company at the Heller School. In every classroom and every degree program, you’ll work with students and faculty relentlessly focused on improving lives locally and globally through smart social policies and leadership in mission-driven organizations. As a top 10 school of social policy, the Heller School gives you access to the nation’s leading policy analysts and top research institutes. You’ll benefit from the diverse perspectives of a highly engaged faculty and an international student population. You’ll tackle innovative courses on a range of topics such as economic theory and human rights. And you’ll develop deep understanding of the root causes of society’s most pressing issues, the capacity to analyze and design effective solutions and the management skills to put your ideas into practice. No matter which cause you’re most committed to – ending poverty, improving health policy, protecting the environment, spurring community development, resolving conflict or protecting the rights of women, children and minorities – you’ll develop the broad knowledge and focused skills to better serve the communities you care deeply about and have a positive impact on society. The will comes from you. The way forward comes from the Heller School.


THE HELLER SCHOOL SOCIAL JUSTICE IS IN OUR DNA. Founded in 1948 to address discrimination and disparities in access to education, Brandeis University has been dedicated to social justice since its inception. The Heller School extends that mission through its commitment to generating knowledge – and preparing leaders to use that knowledge – to effect social policies that create greater equity, fairness and security at home and throughout the world. Much of what we do centers on the underrepresented – the economically disadvantaged, marginalized ethnic groups, children, the elderly and people with disabilities. OUR FACULTY IS DEDICATED AND INFLUENTIAL. The books and articles written by our exceptional faculty are widely acclaimed and frequently cited. More important, our professors are on the front lines of change on countless social policy issues. They’ve advised the White House on health care reform, developed methods embraced by the Club of Madrid to test governments’ commitment to coexistence and contributed to the World Health Organization’s understanding of the economic costs of dengue fever. They inspire our community with their passion and dedication to social causes and they eagerly involve students in their work. OUR STUDENTS ARE DIVERSE AND INTELLECTUAL. Our incredibly diverse student body represents varied backgrounds and life experiences, yet each individual enters with a demonstrated commitment to social justice. Hailing from more than 60 countries, they share fascinating insights from a range of careers including physician, educator, public sector analyst and nonprofit manager. They come to Heller from places as different as the Mississippi Delta region and Rwanda to learn strategies for transforming the lives of people deeply affected by poverty, disease, famine, war and other injustices.


WE’RE COMMITTED TO ACTIONABLE IDEAS. At Heller, we conduct research and policy analysis that is timely, relevant, rigorous and scientific. As a result, the work of our community is continuously cited and used by policymakers worldwide. Our professors, researchers, students and alumni are consistently at the table when important policy decisions are made in the U.S. and abroad in areas including health, mental health, drug addiction, employment, welfare, conflict resolution, immigration, food and nutrition, economics, fair housing, community development, environmental management, sexual harassment, aging, disability and children’s health and education. You’ll learn to communicate your ideas effectively and ensure your important research and analyses get into the right hands. WE CULTIVATE A SPIRIT OF COLLABORATION. Members of the Heller School community specialize in areas that cut across several degree programs. This creates an environment that encourages collaboration among faculty and students who are focused on different aspects of complex issues, generating multifaceted, innovative and sustainable solutions. MBA and IHPM students might work together to explore health care management in a developing country, while SID and COEX students might discover innovative ways to stimulate economic development in postwar societies. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE. While every student comes to the Heller School with a passion for social justice, no two come with the same set of skills and experiences. Our flexible degree programs give you the core competencies you need to solve crucial problems in the areas you’re most passionate about. You may take electives offered outside your degree program that focus on topics relevant to your professional goals, such as accounting, professional writing, research methods and evaluation, gender development and ecology. The Heller School community is making a difference in the lives of others – one corner of the world at a time. We invite you to read our stories, learn more about our robust degree programs and visit campus to meet with faculty and students. We’re confident that the more you know about us, the more convinced you’ll be that the Heller School is the ideal place to launch a successful career in social change.


“Heller bears the tremendous responsibility of cultivating our next generation of the world’s change agents. It meets this challenge by bringing together practitioners and thought innovators from around the globe for multi-perspective, interdisciplinary learning.” MARIA EZPELETA, MA SID ’06 PROGRAM POLICY ADVISOR, OXFAM AMERICA

“You’re surrounded by people all passionately committed to social justice, but who have vastly different backgrounds and disciplines. That not only changes how you think – it changes what you think is possible.” BRIAN SCHON, MBA/MPP ’11 DIRECTOR OF POLICY AND STRATEGY, PRIMARY CARE PROGRESS

“I felt especially proud to be a part of the Heller MBA program the day my class presented our team consulting projects. We changed how our clients were thinking about finance, operations, human resources, and that can have a profound effect on an organization’s ability to secure funding and realize its goals.” JESSICA OLANS HAUSMAN, MBA ’10 CONSULTANT, MCLAUGHLIN & ASSOCIATES


“I feel privileged to be a part of Heller and to have studied and worked alongside such bright, gifted people passionately dedicated to social justice. If you want to surround yourself with others who are committed to social change, you cannot ask for a more inspiring place to be.” AGNES PORTALEWSKA, MA SID ’08 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, CULTURAL SURVIVAL

“Almost every country with known public health and development needs is represented at Heller. I find it quite interesting to discuss development issues with people from different cultural, social and economic backgrounds.” GODFREY MUDARIKI, MS IHPM ’12 PROJECT SPECIALIST, MANAGEMENT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH

“It is difficult to express the depth to which that single mission – knowledge advancing social justice – has contributed to the richness of my educational experience, but I am certain I would not be studying the same research questions, with the same convictions, in another doctoral program.” ALLISON STAGG, MPP ’10, PHD CANDIDATE JACK SHONKOFF FELLOW IN CHILD AND FAMILY POLICY



• Participating in the Eli J. Segal Citizen Leadership Program, housed at the Center for Youth and Communities at the Heller School • Interning at the Massachusetts State House /6

• Introducing Melody Barnes, domestic policy advisor under President Obama, when she delivered the Segal Memorial Lecture at Brandeis

“If you want to improve your career, you have a lot of options. If you want to improve the world while improving your career, you come to Heller.”

Brian Schon

/ MBA/MPP ‘11


Under increased pressure to be more accountable and improve results, today’s nonprofits are looking for people as passionate about effective management as social issues. A graduate of Heller’s dual MBA/MPP program, Brian Schon is one of those people. “What’s unique about Heller is that you’re part of a community that is deeply committed to social justice,” says Brian. “At the same time, you’re doing real-world research – seeing what works and what doesn’t – and you’re taking courses in quantitative analysis and management.” Gaining management expertise and the ability to understand complex policy through his Heller coursework has reinforced Brian’s idealism. “When you can see ways to make an organization operate more effectively, you also start seeing greater possibilities for what it can do,” he says. In addition to an enriching classroom experience, Heller afforded Brian the opportunity to tap into a worldwide network of alumni and friends. “Between faculty and my summer internships, I connected with so many amazing people. They not only helped me find my current position, but I know they’ll continue to inspire me throughout my career.” While attending Heller has certainly led to professional success for Brian, that was only part of his motivation for choosing the school. As he puts it, “If you want to improve your career, you have a lot of options. But if you want to improve the world while improving your career, you come to Heller.”



“You receive so much support, from faculty, career services and the practicum coordinator to your fellow students. You are surrounded by caring people who want to see you succeed. Leaving my homeland was challenging, but I quickly /8

found a second home at Heller.”

“Heller has helped me develop the knowledge, skills, and relationships that will make my voice heard when I return to Haiti, and will enable me to help create real change in my country.”

Ronald Bernard

/ MA SID ’12


Ronald Bernard grew up in Haiti’s Port Au Prince and experienced the effects of poverty first-hand. “About 80% of the schools in Haiti are private, and, like most families, mine could not afford them,” he says. When Ronald turned 6, he gained a sponsor through Child Reach International. “My sponsor began financing my education and when I was still quite young, she quoted Sir Francis Bacon to me in a letter. That’s how the phrase ‘knowledge is power’ became my compass.” Ronald wanted to use his education to improve the economic and social well-being of his community. Like many others with similar interests, he took the path to Heller where he joined a global community of students, faculty practitioners and researchers committed to addressing policy issues worldwide. “I’m grateful for the knowledge and skills I’ve gained, for the broad curriculum, the caring faculty, and my fellow students and especially for the change inside of me. Heller has helped me develop the knowledge, skills and relationships that will make my voice heard when I return to Haiti, and will enable me to help create real change in my country.” While Ronald has always been driven by the desire to effect change in his own country, his goals do not end there. He says, “I consider myself a citizen of the world and I want to create change for all people who struggle against poverty.”



“I chose Heller because it was the only policy school I found that was genuinely social. There is a deep social justice orientation in the mission and in the curriculum and it’s a policy school that values research that prioritizes social / 10

objectives and methodologies.”

“I was drawn to the assets and inequalities concentration because I believe it is an opportunity to get at the core of inequality to understand how to change it.”

Callie Watkins



As an AmeriCorps community planning associate at Boston’s Fenway Community Development Corporation, Callie Watkins worked alongside residents in community organizing, developing affordable housing and advocating for services for low- and moderate-income residents. While the work was rewarding, the Harvard and Cornell graduate continued to feel the drive to do more than react to the effects of social, economic and racial inequalities. Seeking to gain skills and do the type of research that would allow her to address the root causes of issues she encountered in her work, Callie chose Heller’s PhD program. “I was drawn to the assets and inequalities concentration because I believe it is an opportunity to get at the core of inequality to understand how to change it,” she says. Just months into the program, Callie is confident that Heller was the right decision. “Even though I’m only in my second year, I have experienced significant growth. I’m in a very different place now than when I walked through the door and I’m positive I will develop the necessary skills and experience to develop research and policies that contribute to ending urban inequality.” Callie credits her growth thus far to the research and conferences she has explored as well as coursework, and in particular, the Heller faculty. “I love how open and approachable the faculty is. Everyone I’ve met really seems to value students while also producing really interesting work on their own. I definitely feel like the faculty in my concentration know me as an individual and are invested in my success.”

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“I chose Heller because I wanted a world-class education with a focus on social justice and because I wanted to learn in an international environment with like-minded professionals.� / 12

“I came to Heller to build the skills that would take me to the next level of my career, and I believe my education has done exactly that. Without Heller, I would not be where I am today.”

Jessie Babcock

/ MBA ’09


As a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF), Jessie Babcock worked on issues including humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping in Africa. “My goal when I went to Heller was to start a nonprofit organization focusing on international development in East Africa,” she says. “I found through my coursework and interactions with fellow students that I was inspired to consider a career in government.” The integration of theory and practice throughout Heller’s curriculum equipped Jessie with the blend of knowledge and practical skills needed to be successful in the international affairs arena. In particular, she points to an internship she held as a Heller student at a major international development NGO, which provided experience in management and global affairs, and her Boren Fellowship with the National Security Education Program (NSEP) to study Swahili in Kenya. “This latter opportunity allowed me to research barriers to micro-enterprise among female entrepreneurs in rural Kenya and was instrumental in helping me apply what I’d learned in the classroom to a real-world context,” she says. The Boren Fellowship also helped Jessie secure her position as a Presidential Management Fellow. “I came to Heller to build the skills that would take me to the next level of my career, and I believe my education has done exactly that,” Jessie says, “Without Heller, I would not be where I am today.”

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Here are just a few of the many places you might find Gustavo on a given day. • At his office in Massachusetts, creating instruments to quantify the impact of EDC programs around the world • Meeting with students in Skopje, Macedonia, as part of a program aimed at reducing corrupt practices in higher education • Presenting EDC research and programs at an international conference in Chicago, Illinois / 14

• Collaborating with colleagues in Mindanao, Philippines, on vocational courses for out-of-school youth

“International development is a broad field and Heller provides a real macro picture of all areas from social justice and human rights to environment and health.”

Gustavo Payan

/ MA SID ’03


Empowering people in developing countries has been a constant theme for Gustavo Payan. While scholarships enabled him to attend private schools, he was aware of the poverty around him in his home state of Chihuahua, Mexico. Even while he pursued an international business degree at Monterrey Tech, he spent his spare time volunteering with youth and indigenous people. Not long after graduating, Gustavo decided to pursue an MA in Sustainable International Development at the Heller School. “International development is a broad field and Heller provides a real macro picture of all areas from social justice and human rights to environment and health.” While his coursework provided a breadth of knowledge, Gustavo’s peers brought their personal experience to theoretical concepts. “My fellow students were a diverse group in terms of ethnicity and background as well as professional experience and goals and were a key part of my education,” he says. “They all had different views and perspectives that broadened my own.” By his second year at Heller, Gustavo was ready to develop his professional experience and build contacts through his Heller practicum with EDC. His education gave him the skills and knowledge to be a valued asset, and he was soon offered a full-time position. “The practicum is one way students can help build their career path,” he says. Research, internships, faculty with hands-on experience – there are so many opportunities to take advantage of at Heller.”

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“Fairness, openness, equality, real-world engagement – a school should embody those qualities that it wants to instill in its students. Heller does.” JEFF GROSS, MPP ’12

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from around the world, you broaden your understanding. WHEN YOU CONNECT WITH ACCOMPLISHED

professionals who share your ideals, you see new opportunities. WHEN YOU WITNESS THE IMPACT

of your work on pressing issues, you strengthen your commitment. AND WHEN YOU’RE PART OF A COMMUNITY

committed to advancing social justice – you can change everything.

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Master of Public Policy Unraveling complexity. Advancing social policy. Heller School faculty and students share a strong commitment to social justice and making a difference. Our master’s degree in Public Policy is at the cutting edge of policy research and analysis that address the nation’s most pressing social concerns. Students enter the program with diverse experiences and common objectives: to learn – from some of the best policy analysts in the country – to navigate the complexities of the American political system and to design, advocate for and implement social policies that improve peoples’ lives. AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH

The professors in this two-year, interdisciplinary program include renowned policy researchers, analysts and advisors to governors, Congress and the White House. Their on-the-ground knowledge provides the foundation of your comprehensive understanding of today’s policy landscape – including the political, economic and historical contexts that shape it. As an MPP student, you have the unique opportunity to apply your skills and knowledge to a particular area of specialization including health, behavioral health, poverty alleviation, children, youth and families and aging policy and services. The MPP curriculum stresses the development of essential skills in the areas of finance, budgeting, research methods, statistics and regression and hones your ability to analyze policy, design smart, feasible solutions and effectively communicate your ideas. Students gain robust management abilities by taking electives in Heller’s MBA program or choose to expand their credentials with a dual MPP/MBA degree. COMMITMENT TO FELLOWSHIPS

Nearly all Heller MPP students complete a fellowship, qualifying them for highlevel policy work upon graduation. The Heller School provides unprecedented financial support for fellowships through summer stipends of $5,000 for advanced fellowships or matching funds of up to $2,500 for students who secure 50 percent funding. Every year, at least one Heller graduate is chosen as a Presidential Management Fellow, a track to senior management in the federal government. POST-GRADUATE SUCCESS

An MPP degree from the Heller School gives you access to a vast national network of alumni making a difference as leading policy analysts, program specialists, research associates and advisors in government, research organizations and community agencies. Heller alumni hold positions in organizations ranging from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and state legislatures to the Children’s Trust Fund and Abt Associates. Recent graduates are working on the implementation of national health care reform, the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind education initiative, Pathways Out of Poverty college completion projects and public policy development with Boston’s Be the Change, Inc.

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MBA in Nonprofit Management Global leadership with a social mission. The Heller MBA is an AACSB-accredited program delivered against the landscape of a world-class institution historically ranked among the top 10 schools of social policy. The Aspen Institute ranks our MBA program second among Boston-area programs for its integration of ethical, social and environmental issues into the curriculum, and fifth globally for the degree of student exposure to courses in these areas. Our innovative curriculum prepares students to create and implement positive business solutions to a broad range of management challenges faced by social mission-based organizations, both domestic and international. COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM

Over 16 intensive months, you’ll prepare to drive positive change as the leader of a mission-driven organization, business unit or government agency capable of working effectively across the nonprofit, private and public arenas. Traditional MBA courses will provide you with essential management skills that include budgeting, discounted cash flow analysis, effective mobilization of diverse groups, business plan development, communication and collaboration, workplace operations assessment and financial statement analysis. You’ll also have access to a wide array of innovative social change courses taught by leading experts, such as Anita Hill’s Social Justice and the Obama Administration, Stuart Altman’s Issues in National Health Policy, Carole Carlson’s Social Entrepreneurship and Susan Curnan and Andy Hahn’s Community Building for Managers. Areas of concentration include social impact management; health care management; children, youth and family services management, sustainable development and social policy and management. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING

As an MBA candidate, you’ll gain valuable experience through participation in a required team consulting engagement in which you’ll help an organization more effectively pursue its social mission. Additional experiential learning opportunities include Practicing Philanthropy, a course allowing you to act as a philanthropic foundation, the Board Fellows program, enabling you to take a one-year nonvoting position on a nonprofit board of directors, and mini consulting projects and internships. WIDE-RANGING RETURNS

Start a social enterprise that supports economic prosperity of women living in conflict areas throughout the world or develop strategic initiatives for a hospital or an international humanitarian agency. Work as an assistant country director for the Department of Defense, analyze environmental policy at a U.S. government agency or work as a business analyst for a major health care provider. When you earn an MBA from The Heller School, you join an impressive network of alumni working in a wide variety of careers to improve the lives and well-being of people throughout the world.

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MA in Sustainable International Development Root causes. Lasting solutions. Begun in 1994, SID led the way as the first development graduate training program in the world to present its curriculum in a global liberal arts and human development framework. Drawing upon the intellectual and cultural histories of justice and social change, our interdisciplinary curriculum is based on real-world problems and experience and incorporates into courses current research on the underlying causes of poverty, environmental degradation, preventable disease and other social issues. STRONG FOUNDATIONS

At the Heller School, you’ll discover the roles institutions and communities can play in developing solutions to global challenges. The program’s first year in residence includes foundational courses in development theory, strategy, management and policy influence. You’ll gain the planning, implementation, evaluation and organizational management skills development practitioners need to help create a humane, equitable and sustainable future. A PRACTICAL LEARNING APPROACH

During the second year of the program, you will complete either a field practicum or an advanced study option that includes coursework and an independent research project under the mentorship of a senior professor. In the six- to ninemonth practicum, you’ll apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to an actual issue within a global development organization and gain hands-on practice in an area suited to your interests and career path. The second year culminates in a Capstone Conference during which you will present a Masters Paper in the form of a case study as part of a professional panel. Students with significant professional experience may enroll in the accelerated one-year master’s program. TAKING YOUR SKILLS TO THE WORLD

Lead a socio-economic development program in Bangladesh. Help establish accessible health care services in a village halfway around the world. Establish a program to ensure that everyone in a community has access to safe drinking water. Recognized globally as a leader in the training of development practitioners and policymakers, the SID program will prepare you to take on challenges like these in villages and the inner city, within the private sector or as part of an NGO. You’ll graduate equipped to create enlightened policies and implement programs that promote equality and advance social change throughout the world.

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MA in Coexistence and Conflict Working together for lasting peace. Pursuing a degree in Coexistence and Conflict at the Heller School means joining a community of learning dedicated to creating and promoting lasting peace. With the mentorship of expert faculty, you’ll learn to develop and implement innovative non-military approaches to the prevention, mitigation and resolution of intra-state, national and global conflicts. Our graduates go on to enjoy successful careers – and effect meaningful change – through NGOs, governments and international organizations worldwide. FROM PRACTITIONER TO STRATEGIST

In this 16-month program, you will spend September through May on campus, three months working in the field and three months completing a master’s field project. You will collaborate with experienced faculty whose groundbreaking ideas, strategies and actions in disciplines ranging from social sciences and international politics to negotiation have contributed to peace-building efforts in conflict zones on every continent. With their guidance, you will gain a solid grounding in conflict theory and explore proven multifaceted intervention strategies. You will develop strong program management skills – including strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation – and learn to bring together diverse groups by building trust, mediating disputes and helping local activists become responsible leaders. You will emerge with the ability to analyze, design and implement innovative methods for peaceful coexistence. IN THE FIELD

After a full year in residence, you will work for three months in a governmental or nongovernmental organization or conduct independent fieldwork in a conflict zone. You will apply theory to practice, put your strategy design and implementation skills to good use and improve your comfort level in performing the delicate role of peace professional. Recent student projects have focused on tensions in Colombia caused by resource scarcity, reconciliation processes in Rwanda, the potential for and limitations of inclusive leadership in Israel and Palestine, police training in Ghana, social transformation inspired by Kashmiri youth and the role of interfaith organizations in promoting peace worldwide. SID/COEX DUAL DEGREE. EXPONENTIAL IMPACT.

We believe there can be no development without peace and no peace without development. Many students choose to augment their credentials and intervention capacity by enrolling in a dual degree program that pairs the Coexistence and Conflict degree with a master’s in Sustainable International Development. You will deepen the relationship among conflict, economic underdevelopment and environmental stressors and work closely with development professionals. Your ability to infuse conflict resolution strategies with sustainability goals – such as economic stability, political inclusion and improved access to natural resources – will enhance your ability to create lasting peace.

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MS in International Health Policy and Management Putting policy into practice. The Heller School’s innovative master’s program in International Health Policy and Management addresses the critical gap that often exists between the planning and implementation of health programs. The one-year degree program prepares earlyto mid-career health professionals, many of whom are clinicians and have worked in their home country’s health ministries, to extend adequate health care access to millions of people throughout the world. A FORWARD-LOOKING HEALTH CARE APPROACH

In a collaborative community of students from more than 30 countries and a faculty of renowned scholars and seasoned international health and development professionals, you’ll focus on the world’s most pressing health challenges in one of two program tracks: policy or management. In the classroom and during participatory workshops, you’ll explore state-of-the-art approaches to developing sound, cost-effective policies and programs that embrace a country’s values and culture and gain the tools and techniques to implement and evaluate them. Your learning continues during the winter break when you’ll attend two- to threeday sessions to build personal competencies in management style, interpersonal communications, delegation and conflict mediation. The MS/IHPM program culminates in a capstone seminar in which you’ll apply your developing analytical and managerial skills to an issue of particular concern to you. PUTTING IT INTO ACTION

Launch a children’s immunization center in an African village. Manage an HIV/AIDS prevention program in Vietnam. Work with an NGO to provide emergency health care during natural disasters. The pioneering IHPM curriculum will equip you to meet health challenges across the globe, from helping governments manage health care markets to supporting the delivery of health care services in remote areas. Our graduates find employment with leading development agencies including USAID, the World Bank, governments and local and international NGOs. Our students bring innovative solutions and reform back to their home countries or the international community as policymakers, managers of organizations and government ministries and as advocates for equitable health care policies worldwide.

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PhD in Social Policy Research into action. Our scholars do much more than study U.S and global social policy – they work to shape it. As a PhD candidate, you’ll have the rare opportunity to work on funded projects with faculty members who’ve been instrumental in addressing crucial global issues through transformative social policies. With the guidance of our world-class faculty, you’ll develop the research and policy expertise to launch a career advancing social justice as a policy scholar in government, academia and the nonprofit and private sectors. BROAD PERSPECTIVES. FOCUSED OUTCOMES.

Drawing from the fields of public health, public policy, economics, sociology, social work and anthropology, our interdisciplinary curriculum prepares students to formulate policy solutions that are comprehensive, practical and effective. Your academic experience will be shaped by professors whose commitment to social justice includes serving on legislative task forces and working with national advocates and government agencies to shape and define policy at the state and federal levels. In small, seminar-style classes, you’ll learn from the unique perspectives of peers who’ve held a vast range of professional positions, including aid worker in a developing country, health care policy analyst at an influential think tank and financial advisor at the World Bank. A RESEARCH-CENTRIC EXPERIENCE.

The PhD program includes two years of coursework followed by an individual dissertation on a policy-related issue of your choice. You can tailor your course of study to your research interests by concentrating in one of five policy areas: health, behavioral health, global health and development, assets and inequalities, and children, youth and families. Each course of study is represented by a corresponding Heller institute where students work with faculty on projects that address current problems requiring immediate solutions – from preventing the transmission of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa to improving health care access for low-income children with disabilities in the United States. ADVANCING KNOWLEDGE. CHANGING LIVES.

The Heller School faculty provides individualized mentoring to PhD candidates, helping them make valuable connections in their fields. Our graduates are leaders in research, consulting, academia, government and administration, where they continue to expand knowledge of the causes and consequences of social problems – and to develop solutions that ensure the well-being of individuals worldwide.

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Institutes and Centers Heller’s research centers and institutes contribute to the intellectual foundation and scholarship within the school and help to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Programs and research within the institutes and centers offer courses in students’ areas of expertise, provide fellowship, employment and internship opportunities and most important, give students the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research and collaborate across degree concentrations. THE SCHNEIDER INSTITUTES FOR HEALTH POLICY

The Schneider Institutes for Health Policy encompasses three entities focused on health care. The Institute on Healthcare Systems conducts groundbreaking research to educate private and public health care policymakers and develops organizational solutions in the areas of payment options, delivery systems and patient care practices, particularly for vulnerable populations, and hosts state and national forums on health care policy issues. The Institute for Behavioral Health examines the intersection of health, behavior and systems of care in order to promote healthier lifestyles and assist individuals in developing behaviors that lead to better health. With a focus on the poor and social justice, the Institute for Global Health and Development engages in direct government advising, policy-relevant research and evaluation and advocacy to impact policymaking in partnership with like-minded institutions in the U.S., the international community and the developing world. THE INSTITUTE ON ASSETS AND SOCIAL POLICY

The Institute on Assets and Social Policy is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of how assets and asset-building opportunities improve the wellbeing and financial stability of individuals and families outside the economic mainstream, including seniors, minorities and women. THE INSTITUTE FOR CHILD, YOUTH AND FAMILY POLICY

The Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy focuses on children and adolescents in the child welfare system, children with physical and intellectual disabilities, immigrant children, teenage parents and other population groups that may need effective social programs in order to reach their maximum productivity. The Institute’s interdisciplinary focus combines the disciplines of psychology, public health, social policy and social work. Its Center for Youth and Communities works in partnership with government, foundations, nonprofit organizations and private businesses to develop education and service initiatives for youth across the U.S. and has shaped policy and practice during six White House administrations.

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The Sillerman Center sponsors original research on philanthropy addressing social justice and other policy issues and holds events, workshops and competitions that promote discourse and stimulate innovation in philanthropy. Through specialized curricula and fellowships, dissertation awards and summer internships, the Center enables students to become knowledgeable policy and management leaders. The Center also assists foundations and individual philanthropists in using research and evidence to make informed grant making decisions. With the Center for Youth and Communities, The Sillerman Center works with a coalition of 38 U.S. corporations to help end hunger in America. THE LURIE INSTITUTE FOR DISABILITY POLICY

Researchers at The Lurie Institute for Disability Policy study disability policy in the United States – with a special emphasis on persons with autism and other disabilities across the lifespan – in order to improve lives through innovative social polices that foster inclusion in mainstream society. The Institute’s Nathan and Toby Starr Center is focused on the impact on families of lifelong care giving for a member with developmental disabilities, the impact of early intervention services on children and families and access to health care for children with special health care needs.

“Our mission at the Heller School is to drive positive social change through research, education and public engagement that inform policies and programs designed to address disparities in well-being and to promote social inclusion in a sustainable way. We are dedicated researchers, applying social, economic and political science to solve pressing domestic and global problems. We are also steadfast idealists, working toward a better world through the knowledge we generate, the leaders we educate and the communities we engage with globally. Developing and using social science theory along with the most advanced quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods, scholars at Heller are pushing the academic, policy and practice frontiers. Distinguishing features of the Heller School’s academic programs and research activities include its focus on the relation between equitable social policies and effective organizational leadership, as well as a growing global perspective on policies and programs that promote human well-being.” LISA M. LYNCH DEAN AND MAURICE B. HEXTER PROFESSOR OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICY THE HELLER SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT

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Heller Career Development Center Heller’s Career Development Center will assist you during every step of your career search. From identifying the perfect internship or fellowship to securing the ideal job, we’ll help you gain the skills and strategies you’ll rely on throughout your professional life. CAREER SERVICES CURRICULUM

All Heller students participate in a comprehensive career services curriculum. Customized for each degree program, the curriculum includes workshops, colloquia and seminars covering career self-assessment, job search skills, branding and networking, resumes and cover letters and interview practice. INDIVIDUAL CAREER ADVISING

Our team members are career development professionals with experience across the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Student benefit from the opportunity to receive individual coaching and advising on topics including career and internship exploration and planning, building the network, preparing resumes, CVs and cover letters, interviewing and salary negotiation. PROFESSIONAL AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS

Before they arrive on campus, admitted students enroll in the Summer Career Academy, an online, 10-week series of learning modules to prepare them for their professional development at Heller. Beginning in September, the Center offers career-related workshops, presentations and networking events to facilitate continued career planning. In February, Heller students travel to Washington, D.C. for an intensive week of company visits and career events. Each spring, the Social Justice Impact Forum and Heller Global Forum bring to campus local and international employers from the private, public and nonprofit sectors. Heller students participate in Executive-in-Residence coaching sessions, discussions, presentations and information interviews with industry experts. The Alumni Career Mentor program offers the opportunity for exceptional one-onone mentoring from a Heller alumnus in your field.

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An international workforce The Heller School’s 3,000 alumni provide valuable career connections in every corner of the globe. Our students and graduates obtain internships, fellowships and jobs with some of the world’s most prestigious and impactful public and private organizations, NGOs and government agencies, including: Abt Associates AIDS Action Committee American Heart Association Anne E. Casey Foundation Ashoka Bain Capital Big Brothers Big Sisters Boston’s Children’s Hospital Booz Allen Hamilton Brown University CARE Pakistan Foundation Catholic Relief Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Chemonics International Columbia University Combined Jewish Philanthropies Congressional Research Service Council on Foreign Relations Dartmouth College Deloitte Services LP Development Program, Gaza Family Health International Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Harvard School of Public Health House of Peace and Education Inc. (HOPE) Institute for Clinical and Economic Review Inter-American Development Bank International Committee of the Red Cross International Rescue Committee Jewish Community Foundation Jewish Healthcare Foundation John Snow Inc. JSI/World Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Public Health Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council

Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mathematica Policy Research Inc. Medical Institute of UAFM, Kyiv, Ukraine Mercy Corps Ministry of Tourism, Zambia Ministry of Trade, Guinea, Bissau Mott Philanthropic National Council on Economic Education National Peace Campaign, Nepal The Oprah Winfrey Foundation Oxfam America Partners in Health Pew Charitable Trusts Public Consulting Group Rwanda Ministry of Health Save the Children Search for Common Ground, Israel U.N. High Commission for Refugees Representation, Uganda UNICEF United Nations Development Program University of North Carolina U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Walden Trust West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy The World Bank World Food Programme World Health Organization Year Up

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Founded in 1948, Brandeis University is one of the most renowned private research universities in the country. The Brandeis community is united in the belief that through acquiring and sharing knowledge, we can work together to improve the world. Brandeis provides the intimacy and personal attention of a small liberal arts college while offering exceptional research opportunities. In addition to the Heller School, the university includes the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences, the Brandeis International Business School, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Rabb School of Continuing Studies. Brandeis is consistently ranked among the top 35 national universities by U.S. News & World Report and is a member of the Association of American Universities, which represents the 61 leading research universities in the United States and Canada. WALTHAM AND BOSTON

Brandeis is located only nine miles from Boston in Waltham, Massachusetts, a city alive with history, international flavor and New England charm. Waltham’s affordable residential neighborhoods provide housing within walking distance of campus, and MBTA’s Brandeis/Roberts commuter rail station puts students within easy reach of Boston and Cambridge. The area boasts nearly three dozen colleges and universities, giving our students access to libraries, museums and artistic events beyond Brandeis. Through our membership in the Boston Consortium, they may take courses at Tufts University, Boston University and Boston College. Boston, a vibrant center of technology, business, academics and culture, offers something for everyone: world-class institutions from the Museum of Fine Arts to Symphony Hall, historical sites along the Freedom Trail, theaters and clubs featuring live music and performances, a bustling waterfront and the cuisine and culture of ethnic neighborhoods from the Italian North End to Chinatown. Sports fans cheer on the city’s championship baseball, football, basketball, soccer and hockey teams, and students take advantage of the resources of the Boston Public Library, the second-largest public library in the United States.


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The MBTA system of buses and trains provides service throughout the region and connections to other cities and getaway destinations. The commuter rail takes you to the sandy beaches along the Atlantic coast and nearby mountains for skiing and hiking, and Amtrak is your gateway to New York City and beyond.


The Heller School seeks students who are committed to finding solutions to the world’s most pressing social problems. We recognize – and welcome – that your experience and commitment to social justice may be expressed in many forms, from professional accomplishments to community involvement and academic work. We purposely select a diverse student body, one that not only reflects a variety of backgrounds, cultures and nationalities, but also a wide range of interests and professional and personal experience. We encourage you to contact the Heller admissions team if you have questions about our programs, the admissions process or the Heller community. FINANCIAL AID

Funding your graduate degree may be the biggest investment you ever make in yourself and your career, and the Heller School is committed to helping you navigate the process. We offer a wide range of scholarships and can direct you to loans, fellowships and grants. A complete list of funding opportunities can be found at VISITING THE HELLER SCHOOL

We invite you to visit campus and learn more about Heller and our programs from our faculty, staff and students. Join us for an open house event or campus visit day, or schedule a visit when it is convenient for you. A complete list of opportunities to visit or connect with us can be found at FOR MORE INFORMATION

Visit our website to learn more about admissions and financial aid, programs, faculty, students and alumni and Heller events and news, or contact us for more information. 781.736.3820 The Heller School is a vibrant academic learning community of scholars, students and staff dedicated to creating a welcoming environment that builds and supports respectful dialogue across group and individual differences in every aspect of our work and social interactions. We seek to ensure a safe and inclusive environment in which community members respect and value the perspective and contribution of all others. In the pursuit of the Heller mission, Knowledge Advancing Social Justice, we are committed to diversity and equity in our research institutes, academic programs, policies and community relationships. The Heller School endorses a broad definition of diversity reflective of differences that include but are not limited to: age, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, culture, economic status and background, gender, sexual orientation and identity, religion, political views, academic background and interests, abilities, learning styles and pace, physical appearance and individual personality. PHOTOS BY KEN SCHLES AND MIKE LOVETT OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS ©2012 BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY C010


With Brandeis Programs

MPP Master of Public Policy MBA in Nonprofit Management MA in Sustainable International Development MS in International Health Policy and Management MA in Coexistence and Conflict PhD in Social Policy

MBA/MA in Jewish Professional Leadership MPP/MA in Jewish Professional Leadership MA in Sustainable International Development/ MA in Women’s and Gender Studies MPP/MA in Women’s and Gender Studies PhD in Social Policy/MA in Sociology PhD in Social Policy/PhD in Sociology PhD in Social Policy/MA in Women’s and Gender Studies


MA in Sustainable International Development/ MA in Coexistence and Conflict MBA/MA in Sustainable International Development MBA/MS in International Health Policy and Management MBA/MPP

With Other Universities

MBA/Tufts University MD MBA/Tufts University Master of Biomedical Sciences MA in Sustainable International Development/ Northeastern University JD


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