The Creek The lines of David’s face were strong. Masculine. He had a broad forehead and a determined jaw. His lips were thin, but still attractive, and he seemed golden. Jeb’s features contrasted sharply, with its dark tones and sallow skin, an inheritance from his mother. Jeb did not carry the same edged Roman features that his older brother held. You could tell they had different mothers. Even different hearts. The only thing that was the same about them was their eyes. Hauntingly steel gray eyes that still smoldered, sixty years after the shutter snapped. I held the worn photograph in my hands, admiring how well it had held up over the years. I wished that I could say the same for myself. The edges were tattered and worn, browned by time, but the contrast was still strong in the emulsion. I remembered the day the photo had been taken, the reason that one man’s eyes shimmered with hope and happiness while the other’s burned with anger and frustration. It was the Depression. The days were long and hard. Clothes were patched, repatched, and patched again. The Great War was over, and we had all settled back into our everyday life. Except it was a borrowed sort of life. We did things differently now then we had before. Papa had a tractor instead of a mule, and Joel was gone. He was just one of the many sons that had faded away with the war. David and Jeb worked patiently on their father’s farm, pounding a heartbeat out of the dry, caked soil. For them, everyday was the same. Sun-up to sundown they toiled in the fields, leaning against their hoes or swinging scythes in the fall time. Everyday, except Sunday. On Sundays, they fed the chickens, pigs and cows and left the rest of their