Brand India Magazine

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Sep - Oct 2014

BRAND INDIA MAGAZINE Prevention is better than cure

Legal Advice Is Better Than Litigations Later

Power of 9 brandindia


Which India are you living in - Globalized ? or Protectionist?



Location: Vardan Jewellers


Picture: Punit Rana

Our country springs up with approximately 100 startups everyday. With entrepreneurism in air, it ain't far away when India shall be recognized as the World’s capital of entrepreneurs. Imagine the multitudinous change in economy, culture & industrialization in time to come. With the ever growing & evolving startups, laws & regulations will be vital for all in fraternity, our cover story author & lawyer Sonali Kochar Bafna shares the utmost important legal aspects for startups and investors as advise & precautionary. With many fallouts of partnership and infringement stories across the country, we felt it absolutely important and urgent to create sensitivity towards legalities – to dos and not to dos for the start‐up entrepreneurs–an aspect that though has the potential of impacting the most , is also neglected the most. It’s a pride moment for all of us at Brand India to live our dreams with the launch of Brand India Magazine in tabloid, yet another feather in our cap of firsts. Brand India Magazine will provide global PR support, Brand Equity & Brand Positioning to progressive business, ideas‐n‐ innovations, in varied fields from technology to fashion, from startup journey to the stalwarts in the journey of unplugged opportunities and conversations. Our mission is to build‐n‐bridge startup entrepreneurs globally across industries. It will be our constant endeavor to serve our readers with contents that escalate them a step further in reaching the sky. We look forward to your support, suggestion, advise and queries. Kind Regards,

Smietaa R Bhandari

Disclaimer: All rights reserved with the Publisher and the owner. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the permission of the publishers in writing.

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Cover Story: Prevention is better than cure Legal Advice Is Better Than Litigations Later ...4

Core Team : CEO & Founder Consulting Leaders Ltd : Pravash Dey Writer�n�Editor Brand India Magazine : Smietaa R Bhandari Legal Consultant : Vishesh Bansal Magazine Design :

Digit tadka Corporate Website : For subscription and advertising, email us on

POWER OF 9 Quick tips on Business Etiquette


India: Protectionist or Globalized? Which India are you living in?


EVENTS: B-Bar Women 3.0 Brand India at NMIMS Shirpur

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Press Release: THNKMKT hosts their pilot Social Media Summit in Delhi


Aiesec- Mumbai Entrepreneurship


Cover Story | Pg. 4 | Brand India Magazine


Prevention is better than cure

Legal Advice Is Better Than Litigations Later

An independent advocate and advisor for Civil & Corporate Disputes.


Legal Advice for Startups and Investors.

Legal aspects are key to any Industry

at every stage from the inception. It's a myth to believe startups don't need legal advisories. Read on to find more on tete-a-tete with Mumbai based Advocate Sonali Kochar Bafna:

Cover Story

Cover Story: Legal advices is better than ligitations later

Q. Which is the proper stage for seeking legal advice while thinking of incorporating a Biz.? A: It is advisable to seek legal advice at the very inception stage especially while formulating basic agreements between employer‐employee, vendors, suppliers, contracts, invoices, etc. Basic formats needs to be legally scrutinized with respect to the individual business requirement. Also to know the dos and don'ts in the aspiring business one must seek legal consultation. Individuals make a major mistake by not seeking legal advice at the inception stage as when one grows in business the number of litigation increases if proper caution is not taken initially. Q. I have a potential investor to invest in my company. What should I be careful about?

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 5 |

A: Proper documentation should be entered between the investor and the Company and the terms should be clearly defined. One should also see that the investment brought in the Company is within the purview of the Companies Act, 2013, RBI guidelines and Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, Industrial Disputes Act, 1951, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Policies Act, 1961 and Industries Act, 1961. The New Industrial Policy of 1991 ("NIP") which lays down the policy and procedure for foreign investment has liberalized and simplified the investment procedures. The major changes introduced by NIP are as follow: 1. NIP brings about a streamlining of procedures, deregulation, de‐licensing, a vastly expanded role for the private sector and an open policy towards foreign investment and technology. 2. Foreign investors are allowed to hold more than 50% equity ownership in most of the sectors, and 100% percent equity ownership in some sectors. 3. Foreign Institutional Investors ("FII's) from reputable institutions (like pension funds, mutual funds) may participate in the Indian capital markets. 4. Joint ventures with trading companies and imports of secondhand plants and machinery are allowed. 5. Monopoly and restrictive trade practice restraints (i.e., antitrust laws) have been eased. 6. Customs duties have been slashed considerably; duty‐free imports are allowed in some cases. 7. The rupee is completely convertible; 100% of foreign exchange earnings can be converted at free market rates. 8. Export policies have been liberalized.

Cover Story

9. The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act has been amended to encourage foreign investments in India. 10. A tax holiday is available for a period of 5 continuous years in the first 8 years of establishing exporting units. 11. A tax holiday for up to 5 to 8 years is available and 100% equity participation is allowed for the power projects in India. 12. Concessions in tax regime are available for foreign investors in high‐tech areas. Q. I am an NRI setting up business in India with a citizen. What should I be careful of? A: NRI need to plan and take a proper legal advisc before venturing a new business with a citizen. Following needs to be adhered:

| Pg. 6 | Brand India Magazine

1. Person of Indian Origin Card for a smooth visa free entry in India alongwith the right to hold immovable properties and start business in India. 2. Permanent Account Number is required for every individual who is entering into transaction above Rs.50,000/‐. 3. NRI can opt for a Company or a Partnership firm. Company has to be registered under the Companies Act, 2013 and a Partnership Firm has to be registered with the Registrar of Firms. The Memorandum or the Partnership Deed will define the nature and terms of business. The terms between the individual and the NRI should be such that the NRI does not land in trouble owing to mismanagement by the citizen. The NRI should monitor the individual on a regular basis for smooth functioning of the business. Q. I am an NRI and I have citizens or locals who work for me on a contractual and salary basis. How should I protect myself from any claims from them? A: A contract should be executed between the NRI and individuals hired on contractual basis under the Indian Contract Act. An employment agreement is executed between the employer and employee. Both contracts should define scope of work, term, payment terms, penultimate clause, arbitration, jurisdiction, etc. as per the needs of each individual. If there is no agreement between the employer alongwith the individual and employee respectively, at the time of dispute it becomes very difficult for the employer to invoke its rights when there is violation of the terms. If there is no agreement between the employer alongwith the individual and employee respectively, at the time of dispute it becomes very difficult for the employer to invoke its rights when there is violation of the terms. Q. I am NRI and the investor is a foreign national. Any law or legalities that I must adhere to? A: With regards to immovable properties: All foreign nationals, NRIs and PIOs are not permitted to purchase agricultural land, plantation property and/or a

“A contract should be executed between the NRI and individuals hired on contractual basis...”

Cover Story

Cover Story: Legal advices is better than ligitations later

farmhouse in India unless they have obtained specific approval from the RBI and the proposal is considered in consultation with the Government of India. However, once general permission from the RBI has been obtained there is no restriction to the number of residential and commercial property that an NRI or PIO can purchase. A foreign national of non‐Indian origin, resident outside India can neither purchase any immovable property in India (except as provided above), nor can such a person be a joint holder of immovable property purchased by an NRI or PIO. However, such a foreign national may take on lease residential accommodation without RBI permission provided the lease is for less than a five‐ year period. In addition, the foreign national residing in India may purchase a property after obtaining government approval and fulfilling other applicable requirements. Q. I deal with vendors eg recruitment agencies, housekeeping, merchandise, gifts or any other outsourced work, what must I adhere to? A. Separate contracts should be made under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 specifying the terms and conditions with each vendor. If there is no agreement Q. Any advice on trademark, copyright, patent?

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A. The business is recognized by its brand and it is very necessary to protect the brand of the business. To save the name, design, label and logo of the business one must register itself under the Trademarks Act, 1999 and Copyright Act, 1957. The Trademark is provided for 10 years and is renewable upon expiry whereas Copyright is valid for lifetime of the author plus 60 years. Patent gives protection to the exclusivity of the business from being infringed by others. It is very essential for an exclusive invention to be patented so that the owner has monopoly and exclusive rights over the invention. A Patent in India is valid until 20 years from the date of registration and is renewable.

Cover Story

Cover Story: Legal advices is better than ligitations later

“A website is a creative piece and needs to be copyrighted under the Copyright Act, 1957.” Q. Are there any legal principles for real estate. – eg: if premise is on lease or rent ? A. Any sort of transfer in property is governed under Transfer of Property Act, 1882. A leave and License Agreement is entered for letting out immovable properties temporarily. If there is a permanent transfer of right, title and interest a Sale Deed is executed. Q. Are there any intellectual property laws in following categories = what are they ? A. ‐ Journalist / writer – Copyright. ‐ Designer / Developer – Copyright. ‐ Invention – Patent. ‐ Brand, Logo – Trademark. Q. Can the investor be restricted to only investments and not shareholding?

| Pg. 8 | Brand India Magazine

A. Investor may just want to earn interest on the investments it is making and thus may not want the shareholding in the Company it is investing. It is advisable to also take stakes in the Company it is investing reason being a control over management and the investor will ensure that its money is in safe hands. Q. What if the co-founder chooses to leave the company? And if it is voluntary ?or if been asked to move. What legal implications as a company founder & co-founder may face.What should both keep in mind ? A. A company is a separate entity from that of its co‐founder, shareholder, directors, investors, etc. unlike a Proprietorship or a Partnership firm. Any person leaving a Company whether a co‐founder, director, etc. will not bring the operation of the Company to a standstill. A co‐founder, director can be sued and held responsible even after their resignation from their office for the work done during their office for mismanagement in the Company.

A. A website is a creative piece and needs to be copyrighted under the Copyright Act, 1957. Each page of a website needs to be separately copyrighted. The domain name can be trademarked under the Trademarks Act, 1999 from any infringement. A disclaimer clause will save from any misuse and provide protection to the owner of the website. If it is found that there is any misuse of the website or any information is being leaked and/or hacked a complaint can be lodged with the cyber police and the person guilty can be prosecuted under the Indian Cyber Laws.

Cover Story

Q. We are in Virtual world now – what do u think can be legal issue for a website?

Q. Our web host server with all customer's websites / data has got hacked while I will fix up the same, can there be any legal implications from client to us? IF yes, what precaution must be taken? A. For hacking a criminal complaint should be lodged under the Indian Penal Code and also under the Indian Cyber Laws. With regards to customer complaints for leakage of information and data the website owner needs to prove that due diligence was taken while protecting the information of the client inspite of that it was hacked. A specific clause to that effect can be made in the contract. Q Is it relatively less expensive to have an in-house lawyer? Does one always need lawyers help or an attorney can be of utmost assistance? A. A stitch at time saves nine. If any problem arises in the organization/company advise can be sought immediately. Also in case of business dealings a legal outlook can save one from future disputes. With regards to expense a Legal Consultant's fees acts like Insurance premium paid for not falling into trouble for the Company and can help the business grow smoothly.

Author Advocate Sonali Kochar Bafna can be reached at

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 9 |

“For hacking a criminal complaint should be lodged under the Indian Penal Code...”

Power of 9


| Pg. 10 | Brand India Magazine


Founder and Chief Image Consultant at Persona RedeďŹ ned


Quick tips on Business Etiquette


BE PUNCTUAL Punctuality is the soul of any business or profession. Arrive 10‐15 minutes prior to your meeting. Get familiar with the environment and observe surroundings. It helps to connect and question.


Swa Marhia Swati Marhia is the Founder and Chief Image Consultant at Persona Redefined. She believes that no matter in whichever profession you are or even if you are a homemaker, people would always analyse you by your First Impression. In today's world you simply can't afford NOT to look your part. You are always needed to send the right message through your clothes, grooming, body language or words.

3 4



Handshake conveys the firmness and intention. Follow basic rules: Offer handshake to the lady, if present. Ladies usually do not offer handshake in India. If overseas, always check the Meeting & Greeting Etiquette from the Country portal or the ambassador for you.


Have you ever faced a situation where a business card has slid through the table from the receiver? It's impolite and embarrassing. Now in India too, people follow the ritual of holding the card from the corners and hand it over very respectfully. Well, you have already conveyed respect and care in your gesture.

Strictly formals, unless specified otherwise for semi/smart‐ formals, causals, or as per business requirements. Avoid oversized blazer/coat, or faded & wrinkled. Absolutely NO. Ensure neat and clean and well ironed clothes, it only conveys your seriousness and respect for the person you meet. For Women – Avoid loud colors, bling or any attire which keeps you busy fidgeting.

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 11 |

One needs to assess all his needs before the need actually arises. The only weapons to meet this end are foresight and organising skills. Ensure ease of access to papers, devices, stationery or anything of relevance to meeting is organized. Being organised saves everyone's time.

Power of 9

Power of 9

Power Power of 9 of 9

Power of 9


Prefer mild or aqua fragrances. Always keep a miniature bottle handy. It's good to apply when you reach the venue. Eau‐de‐ parfum lasts longer than Eau‐de‐toilette.

Brand | Pg. 12India | Brand Magazine India Magazine | Pg. 12

MOBLE ETIQUETTE Jazzy ringtones or calls amidst a meeting is considered disrespectful. If you are expecting an important call, politely inform pre‐hand to all the attendees to excuse you for the same. Alternatively, silent mode and not vibration mode may be opted for. Remember, you are either to get business or do business, respect the importance of both.



Power of 9



BUSINESS EMAILS It's important to reply business emails promptly. However, if you are frequent traveler or will be away to attend business or personal commitments it's advisable to activate auto‐reply or auto‐acknowledgement. It can communicate the secondary contact with details and, or even acknowledgement of email and that the timeline of your reply. About Author: You can email her on or connect with her on various social media platform.


Thumb Rule – Always offer the host to sit first, this applies to same gender situations. However, if either side is the lady, follow ladies first rule. It's safe to order simple eatables or manageable to finish in a bite or two. Remember, you are on a business meet. You can indeed explore cuisines with friends or family on leisure visit.

Image and its tools as a highly effective medium to bridge 'Perspective Lag'


The author is a qualified Image Consultant. Uses Image and its tools as a highly effective medium to bridge 'Perspective Lag' or 'Image Deficit' in a Last Mile highly customizable Solution to SPECIFIC problems with a variety of companies, SME's, Start ups, Individuals, Professionals and the likes face on a daily basis.

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 13 |


India: Protectionist or Globalized?

India: Protectionist or Globalized? Which India are you living in?

India: Protectionist or Globalized?

Which India are you living in - Globalized ? or Protectionist?

| Pg. 14 | Brand India Magazine

Today's India is different from the one it used to be say about ten to fifteen years ago.Nothing defines this better than the Consumerism growing at an exponential pace and the spurt in entrepreneurship to meet this frenzied demand; A dynamic still relatively new to 'globalized India'. It is today that we are truly feeling the effects and repercussions of a globalized India, one that opened its doors about fifteen years ago, economically to the free trading world. Now, it is but natural that a country that was first ruled for over a century by the British, would take some time to adjust to the post freedom challenges. Consequently, a protectionist form of economy which perhaps was the need of the hour back then was adopted. This meant limited foreign exposure. It had boons of its own, for unlike our neighbours, much of this time was spent on intrinsic growth, laying the foundation of industry and an agrarian focus which ensured our self reliance. All of the above also gave rise to the license raj or the license era. An understanding of this concept is a key to understanding or joining the dots to the remainder of this piece. What did license Raj mean and what kind of impact did it have on both entrepreneurs and consumers? It simply meant monopoly. It meant the elimination of competition. It meant that one or a maximum of two players existed in every industry vertical. The sturdy Ambassadors or the sterling Fiat were the only cars one could choose from. LIC of India was the only company bestowed with the herculean task of insuring the people of this great nation.

demanding animal, one that was only too happy to break the shackles of monopoly.

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 15 |

A challenging situation emerged: The era change to globalization had long arrived but a lot of the players of Indian Inc. were still hung over from drinking the sweet wine of protectionism. Competition wary companies and their personnel were forced to spring into action. A lot of them collapsed, blown away into oblivion for refusing to adapt to the dynamics of this fast changing scenario. Good sales men were never as treasured, worth their weight in gold for business lost to competition meant long term repercussions. They say 'God lies in the details'. One very important detail which should have been given top priority was left to fend for it‐self. Customer Service was that missing God and need I say any more, no guesses for predicting what happens when you decide to leave God out of any equation (especially if you're Indian). Companies and their ever pressurized top honchos always pushed their personnel for sales, sales and more sales, little realizing the danger of exponentially growing businesses at the cost of customer satisfaction. Nobody ever called you 3 months after buying that car, the same gung ho sales man who was dancing to your tunes was no ‐where to be seen after depositing your cheque. He madly pursued another hundred customers, little realizing that you were the NEW and DISCERNING Indian customer. The consumer durable company never called you back asking how the (hard sold) microwave oven was

India: Protectionist or Globalized?

A very interesting contrarian reality was at play; while the Nehruvian model of shutting our borders to globalization ensured a certain desi ( local) brand of robustness and sturdiness, the license raj ensured that only a few ruled; the elimination of competition ensured that the efficiency component was also eliminated from this equation. This was pretty much the story with minor variations all the way leading upto the early 90's, up until the charismatic Rajiv Gandhi and his progressive blend of politics, initiated the process of economic liberation. This would in time change the way business would be done in the sub‐ continent. More significantly, it changed the very texture, pretext and premise on which the all important Entrepreneur to consumer relationships would now be based upon(what has popularly been come to know as the B2C model as of day). The defining or winning strategies would no longer be themed around Product but would now be dependent on a larger sub‐ text, the Brand to Consumer relationship. Slowly but surely Customer is becoming King; the table are turning. What did this shift mean to this new age spoilt for choice consumer and interestingly what did it signify for the entrepreneur? Something of great significance happened to the average Indian just about then; He now had the power of CHOICE. Variety was largely an alien concept to this once Ambassador driving, Bajaj scooter riding, trunk dialing and one job for life archetypical Indian; with choice came about a gradual mind‐shift. With choice came E G O. With choice surfaced a

India: Protectionist or Globalized?

India: Protectionist or Globalized?

...the term Customer Service perhaps needs re-coining to 'Customer Sensitivity'...

faring, how the ac was cooling or if the toaster was still popping out toast with precision. Was it to your satisfaction? Sales and Customer Service are in fact two sides of the same coin. It would be safe to say that the term Customer Service perhaps needs re‐coining to 'Customer Sensitivity' (which allows us build indexes and tangible measures) or 'Customer Empathy'. It is the closest personal equation one can possibly share in a professional scenario. Why ignore it? Why not harness it to its fullest possibility? Moreover, I conclude by saying that Customer Interfacing is the IMAGE of your company. Clients are only too used to efficiency and promptness until the point of sale only to be forgotten right after. Good, efficient, AGENDA LESS Customer Service already is and going forward, will be defining point of business transactions. In the face of ever increasing competition, Company sustainability and I dare say survival will depend on your follow up mechanisms.

| Pg. 16 | Brand India Magazine

Above article is writer's opinion and expression. Writer can be reached at

Disclaimer: Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy themselves about the veracity of an advertisement before responding to any published in this magazine. The Publisher and owner of this magazine do not vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement or advertiser or for any of the advertisers products and/or services. In no event can the owner, publisher, printer, director/s, employees of this magazine/company be held responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims and/or damages for advertisements in this magazine. The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for errors and omissions contained in this publication howsoever caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on the information contained in the publication which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the reader's particular circumstances.


EVENTS B‐bar is Business Bar ‐ The networking event . Hub for startups entrepreneurs & Investors to meet, share ideas, connect in an informal way. B‐bar believes a relaxed mind and happy being can build better business. Brand India is branching just another way of building business over a backdrop of music, sumptuous food , good ambience. Here is a snap shot of B‐bar and Women 3.0 Events



Our First networking event. It's an interesting experience to know what money can mean to each. Show me the Money – the famous catch phrase from Jerry Maguire has caught fancy to all in business! We did a shoutout with our social media partner Groupies to Startup'ites & Investors to share, ask, opinionate, debate, mingle and build more money along the way.


Event saw Satish Kataria engaging with the audience at Kolonial Café – Quite a cool café to begin our first of firsts! Satish is a Film funding expert who adorns the feather in his cap being India's first SEBI registered Film Venture Capital Fund and also Pioneered Crowd funding in India. Could we ask for more... Our speakers Danny Carroll from hackerspace & Catapoolt team kept the participants quite engaged.. well, its all about money after all!

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 17 |

Sneak peak at our B-bar event in July'14



Women 3.0 – Women Entrepreneur's Global Consortium.

| Pg. 18 | Brand India Magazine

Rostrum of Women entrepreneurs to inspire and convert aspiring women. Mentor & lead them with idea generation. Bridge the gap between global innovation hubs and build self‐ belief to move from aspiration to real business. Our Mission : · Accelerate journey of Concept to commercialization. · Connect with global innovation hubs. · Execute ideas and build business. · Invest in potential resources. · Goal achievement

W O M E N 3.0

Brand India at NMIMS Shirpur .



Pravash Dey [CEO & Founder ‐ Consulting Leaders Pvt. Ltd] addressed the students of NMIMS Shirpur at Youth to Business Forum by Aiesec on his Entrepreneurial Journey, and enlightened them on how does one create a business Idea backed by Research‐n‐Market validation and How an entrepreneur must pitch the plan to an Investor. Swati Marhia [Entrepreneur & Image Consultant ‐ Persona Redefined] a young entrepreneur shared her entrepreneurial journey from Lucknow to Mumbai which brought her insights to her Corporate career and quitting her job at an early age and adorn an Entrepreneur's hat.

Swati Marhia

Pravash Dey

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 19 |

Location Courtesy : NMIMS Shirpur September 2014.

Press Release

Press Release

THNKMKT hosts their pilot Social Media Summit in Delhi

| Pg. 20 | Brand India Magazine

Social and Digital media evangelists come together for an interactive session New Delhi – 31st August 2014: Social Media Summit, aimed at the growth and importance of social media was held today at Fraser Suites, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. The summit witnessed social and digital media biggies sharing their insights on the new age media. The event was dedicated to social media learning, workshop, case studies and Panel Discussions. The Summit had speakers talking about the growth and importance of Social Media. Experts also educated the audience with key industry insights, successful case studies and effective use of social media for different business verticals. Workshops were conducted by experts to show case the latest trends in social media Case Studies by experts on customer engagement, retention or new business development with the power of social media. The Panel Discussion was held between the audience and the experts discussing on the latest hot topic in social media. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Kartikya Arora, Founder, and Director ThnkMkt and Social Media Summit, said, "We are delighted with the response to our first chapter of Social Media Summit in Delhi. The summit has been a great success as we got an overwhelming response from the spectators. The team is really thankful to all the speakers who took out time and shared their valuable insights about the growing social media industry. The event was an experience of its own kind and we are looking at replicating it in other metros." Marketing Heads, Brand Heads, Online Marketing Heads, Social Media Experts, Image and Brand Consultants, Startup Owners, Media and PR Consultants plus Bloggers from all over India attended the Summit.

Press Release

Aashish Washikar

Micky Chopra

Pradeep Chopra

Leher Sethi

Stefan Wirtz

Naman Sharma

Prateek Sharma

Chirag Dodiya

Vipul Taneja Brand India Magazine | Pg. 20 |

[L to R] Kartikya Arora, Vishal Tembhare, Mitul Dadhaniya.

Press Release

[L to R] Vishal Tembhare, Kartikya Arora, Arjun Kapoor, Mitul Dadhaniya

Kartikya Arora & Faraz Ahmad with Team.

| Pg. 22 | Brand India Magazine


Social Media Summit Group of Participants

Press Release

Prominent speakers of the social media industry such as Aashish Washikar (Head, Media Relations‐Tech Mahindra), Stefan Wirtz (Head of Online Marketing,, Ramandeep Singh Bakshi (VP, Global Sales and Alliance, Code Cube), Arjun Kapoor (Business Head‐ So Delhi), Pradeep Chopra ( CEO, Digital Vidya), Naman Sharma (CEO U'th Time), Prateek Sharma (Founder, Green Smyles), Leher Sethi (Founder, Book Lovers Club), Vipul Taneja ( CEO, Ad Sparkx Media), Micky Chopra (Talent Acquisition, OSS Cube) and Chirag Dodiya (CEO and Founder, Plorez) gave the attendees an insight on the real power of social media and how it has turned out to be one of the core strengths in today's marketing strategies. About Social Media Summit Social Media Summit, Delhi "The Power of Social Media" aims to be a summit focusing on the growth and importance of Social Media today. Held annually, the summit acts as a strong marketing tool for not only giant companies, but also plays a key role in startup enterprises as well. The idea of the summit is to share and discuss the role of social media, from the launch of a business to capturing the market share. For further information please contact: Faraz Ahmad – +91 9015182916








Book your Ad space in next 3 Issues [Oct-Nov-Dec] and get 45% Discount. Book your Ad space in next 2 Issues [Oct-Nov] and get 36% Discount. Book your Ad space for October Issue and get 18% Discount.

Brand India Magazine | Pg. 23 |

Inaugural offer for Advertiser's in Brand India Magazine. For details email us on

Press Release | Pg. 24 | Brand India Magazine

Press Release

Aiesec- Mumbai Entrepreneurship So, what is it? One way to describe it would be the most plundered synonym of this day and age. A word thrown around so casually and recklessly by every Tom, Dick and Harry yearning to leave a mark on this little world of ours. A new phase has been ushered with this new world mentality, where looking for a job has become somewhat more of an inconvenience contrary to simply creating one. Everyone wants to be a revolutionary force, a messiah of change without even thinking about whether or not the world even needs one. But then again, what gives me the right to go on ranting false prophet to this claim? Well, for one, attending the AIESEC Youth To Business Forum 2014. One day, eight hours and over 500 delegates ‐ All there for one reason and one reason only. To know what it means to actually be an Entrepreneur, a leader in every sense of the word. A visionary’s pilgrimage if you will lead by the who’s who of today’s industry. A class of only the most decorated industry veterans : Mr. Sunil Sanghai ‐ Managing director of HSBC, Mr. Shailendra Singh – Managing Director of Percept ltd and Mr. Ajeet Khurana of Angel Investors’, Ambarish Dutta( MD & CEO of BSE Institute Ltd),Srinivasan Swamy (Chairman of advertising major RK Swamy BBDO),Chetna Gala Sinha (Indian social entrepreneur, founder and president of the Mann Deshi Mahila Bank), Bhaskar Das (Group CEO ‐ Zee News)Vikram Sakhuja (Global CEO‐ Maxus), Manish Gandhi (CEO of ABEC), Yashraj Akashi( Senior Ambassador, TEDx India, Satyen ( Co Founder CitrusPay) As they spoke about their journeys, struggles and joys to getting where they are today, and what it means to be a true Entrepreneur. Among the listed orators, one being very close to the AIESEC family was Gurin Pal Singh – President (elect) of AIESEC in India . Being an heir of the land, Gurin spoke about the quintessential problems that have been primly responsible for holding our nation back in the form of corruption, unemployment and the quality of education of our country.

Press Release Brand India Magazine | Pg. 25 |

He spoke about how we as the youth could very well be the catalysts of the needed change, and all you need to do for this is recognize your role in this change. To do so Gurin said emphasised on how practical leadership experiences are the most important experiences in shaping individuals. However, if you think about it in a deeper sense there is a lot more to leadership than the conventional rule of command to bring about a competent change – more being a vision. Imagination is the beginning of creation. What good is a leader without a vision?You imagine what you desire, as you will what you imagine. As in his brief time on the microphone, the director of Percept ltd went on to highlight how the glut emphasis of knowledge is what we seemingly let rule our life. “Imagination is more emphatic than knowledge. Knowledge has boundaries, but imagination is boundless”. But then again, what good is a vision without execution? It’s equivalent to a hallucination, a façade. In conclusion, knowledge and vision are both faces of the same coin. The essence of each lies in the presence of the other and an equivalence of both is what leadership is all about. A I E S E C has always believed that leadership is something genetically coded within each and every one of us. We all have and shall take charge if a situation ever calls to. But in a world like ours opportunities that allow an individual to truly take control of a situation are sparse. So, how does a person become a leader in such an environment? For one, why not take up a Youth Global Entrepreneur program? A program that will put you directly face to face with global dilemmas and give you the liberty of implementing your ideas for solving such problems? Much like what many of the many delegates in this forum have already been a part of. As much as it may sound like one, this is not a career coaching seminar. It is an experience, and a once in a life time one at that. Personally, to me this was more like a passing of the torch so as to speak.You have some of the all time greats of the past decade or so sitting across one side of a room, and the ones that will eventually become driving forces in the years to come sitting right across them as ready as ever to take charge. Everybody wants to make it big. Everyone wants to touch the stars and feel the skies, but have you taken that first step yet? Well, speaking on behalf of these 500 delegates at the Bombay Stock Exchange on the 24th of April and myself included – We certainly have, which now makes it your turn to......Think, Dream and Execute.

Press Release | Pg. 26 | Brand India Magazine

Location Courtesy : BSE, Mumbai September 2014.

Website Design & Development Graphic Designing - Logos, Posters, Banners, Invitations Corporate Business Cards, Envelopes, Letterhead etc. Others - Menu Cards, Magazine Design and much more...

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