Case Statement

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FASTforward F A C IL I T I E S




J oin the C a m paign for W esle y an C ollege


At Wesleyan College, we are proud of our history as the first college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women. We cherish the traditions that make our campus unique: songs of sisterhood by the fountain, intense class soccer, STUNT, candle lighting during alumnae weekend. On our campus, First for Women isn’t just a claim to fame –

A comprehensive capital

it’s a philosophy that separates our learning community from all others.

campaign designed to fast track

We’re anchored in tradition and guided by an innovative spirit. Though

Wesleyan College to the future.

changing the way women are educated in the next century. With an

we look back fondly on what we’ve achieved, we also look forward – to understanding of the needs of today’s women, Wesleyan must continue to create a distinctive, demanding, and relevant educational experience for its students. We must look to a new age of Wesleyan. Focused on the future – of our facilities, our endowment, and our students – we must raise $30 million through the FAST FORWARD campaign.

“We are inspired by our history, of course, but

we are absolutely convinced

that the world needs Wesleyan Women now as never before. If we insist upon excellence and if we build a community with shared values and a commitment to serving others, we will be fulfilling our role in higher education.” Wesleyan President Ruth A. Knox ‘75

TO GROW AND THRIVE Wesleyan plans to reshape the face of our historic campus with renovations and new construction; expand endowed resources for

FAST FORWARD will touch virtually every aspect of the Wesleyan experience.






and teaching – all essential for enriching our academic programs, expanding our co-curricular programs, and inspiring a new generation of young women to become leaders in their churches, professions, and communities. Nationally recognized for high academic standards, small classes, and accessible faculty, Wesleyan College has a legacy of excellence. We will enhance that legacy with a constantly improving educational experience that grows from the College’s four historic cornerstones. Nearly 175

scholarships, academic programs,

years after our founding, these timeless cornerstones continue to

and facilities; and raise our goals

the liberal arts, opportunities designed especially for women, faith and

for an even more robust Annual Fund.

advance a Wesleyan experience defined by academic excellence in intrinsic values, and a commitment to serving the world community. Through FAST FORWARD, Wesleyan College is building upon these cornerstones by constructing, renovating, and creating spaces throughout the campus to ensure that our students have the best environment in which to worship, learn, and live. At the same time, we must address the financial demands that follow from our style of education, strengthening our endowed resources so that we can continue to make the transformational Wesleyan experience accessible to tomorrow’s women. Increasing our annual support is essential, too, if we are to maintain our emphasis on developing the minds and hearts of each Wesleyan student as an individual who deserves special attention. That is the Wesleyan Way, and it is well worth preserving.

As we strive to maintain our timeless mission while preparing for our third century of Wesleyan graduates, we are undertaking a comprehensive campaign designed to meet the following goals: Facilities

Taylor Hall Renovation


Chapel Design, Construction & Maintenance


Other Capital Improvements


Facilities Support (Endowed Funds)


Annual Fund


Scholarships (Endowed Funds)



Endowed Funds for Academic Programs


Technology Enhancements


Endowed Funds for Faith Based Programs






TAYLOR HALL RENOVATION We must repurpose our old laboratories and classrooms to meet the demands of our growing education, psychology and business programs.

In the summer of 2007, the departments of biology and chemistry were transformed with the opening of the magnificent Munroe Science Center and its laboratory-based teaching environment. Our former science facility, Taylor Hall, now requires extensive renovation, primarily to repurpose old science laboratories and classrooms into an expansive academic space for Wesleyan’s growing psychology, education, and business departments. In addition to housing our new Master of Education program and accelerated Executive Master of Business Administration program, these three departments offer our most popular undergraduate majors and attract a large number of nontraditional students, a growing population. Year after year, we advance students from these departments to prestigious internships and the most competitive graduate programs in the world. Overall, more Wesleyan graduates pursue business and education related professions than any other field. The College also must overhaul and update the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems of the building and replace most of the wiring in the facility. Modern laboratories for our physics department and a new computer laboratory complete the plans for this comprehensive renovation. We plan to accomplish the renovation of Taylor Hall by achieving Silver certification in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) by the United States Green Building Council. With a total budget of $5,000,000, and with significant funds raised prior to the beginning of the FAST FORWARD campaign, Wesleyan accomplished Phase I of the Taylor Hall renovation in the summer of 2008, including waterproofing and foundation improvements, significant exterior renovations, and the installation of major portions of the new HVAC system. Securing funding of $3,375,000 to complete the renovation is our next goal, which will immediately improve the teaching and learning environments for the critically important areas of education, psychology, business, and physics.

“As my management responsibilities increased with GEICO, I realized I needed to enhance my business qualifications with an advanced degree. I

chose Wesleyan’s Executive MBA Program to improve my analytical skills and to broaden my knowledge in the business industry, and now feel more

marketable for future career opportunities. The convenience of Wesleyan’s weekend class schedule allowed me to balance both my professional and family responsibilities.” Karen Kee, MBA ‘06



OUR DREAM OF A NEW CHAPEL Wesleyan’s emphasis on faith and shared

Leaders of the Methodist Church were instrumental in the 1836 founding

values reflects both our historic roots

of Wesleyan. Today the College remains deeply committed to her long-

and our purpose for the future, and this

to build on the ideals of the church through dynamic programs for

aspect of Wesleyan’s mission should have

faith and service organizations like the Methodist Wesley Foundation,

a permanent home in Pierce Chapel.

standing affiliation with The United Methodist Church and continues Wesleyan women. Complementing our outstanding academic program, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Gospel Choir, Catholic Newman Club, Inter Varsity, Lane Center Servant Leaders, and Episcopal Canterbury Club invigorate our campus. We are particularly excited about one of our newest scholarship programs, Wesleyan Disciples. After many years of discussion, the College has set as a priority the design and construction of Pierce Chapel, named for Wesleyan’s first president Bishop George Foster Pierce and honoring the many members of his family who have continued to lead and serve the College. While the first Pierce Chapel was an integral part of campus life at the original conservatory on College Street, our chapel services have rotated among several locations at the Rivoli Campus for more than 75 years, including the Benson Room of the Candler Alumnae Building currently. Alumnae, students, faculty, and friends alike have championed for a signature facility to house the College’s chapel services, Chaplain, and rapidly growing faith-based programs. The new Pierce Chapel will be designed with a capacity of about 300, giving us the ability to use the space on occasion as a music performance venue for organ, piano, and choral concerts and recitals that call for a more intimate setting than the much larger auditorium in the Porter Family Memorial Fine Arts Building. The design and construction of the Pierce Chapel will require $5,000,000.

“Through Wesleyan Disciples, I found a core group of friends that I can rely on and who empower me. Although we all come from different places, different churches,

we all

have the same desire to be strengthened spiritually, to explore the Scripture, and to serve as leaders on the campus and in the community. The program has helped me to think more deeply about the Bible and about my own spiritual journey. I feel that God has led me to find an inner strength that I didn’t know I had.”

Golden Heart Florence Priester




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Taylor Hall Renovation $3,375,000

Conversion of old science laboratories into modern classroom spaces.

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Athletic Facilities $525,000

One of the campus’s most significant treasures, the 1928 Porter Gymnasium remains the College’s only building without air

New Chapel $5,000,000

New worship and performance venue with seating capacity for 300.

conditioning – making basketball, volleyball, and fitness classes almost unbearable during many months of the year. Its historic swimming pool suffers from humidity as do the students and members of the community who use it constantly. Air conditioning,

Other Capital Improvements $3,625,000

Fine Arts Facilities $500,000

proper ventilation, and a modern electrical system will turn the Porter Gym into a hub for the Wesleyan athletic and fitness programs once

The recent renovation of Wesleyan’s historic Goodwyn-Candler-Panoz

again – complementing both the newer Mathews Athletic Complex

Organ has inspired us to make substantial improvements to the

and Nancy Ellis Knox Equestrian Center on the opposite side of the

Porter Family Fine Arts Building where that treasured instrument is

campus. Those Centers also need improvements, and we plan to

housed. Having already accomplished upgrades like freshening

resurface the soccer field, irrigate the soccer and softball fields, update

the auditorium and lobby, redesigning the rear parking lot and

exercise equipment, and improve the grounds, stalls and paddocks

road, repaving the front drive, and adding new sidewalks and exterior

for Wesleyan’s award winning horses. Raising $525,000 will allow us

lighting, our next undertakings will be installing a passenger elevator,

to complete the first phase of this long-term project. Fitness activities

installing improved lighting and sound systems for both the large

and participation on Wesleyan’s intramural and NCAA sports teams

and small stages, repairing the roof and HVAC system, renovating

are vital parts of the whole Wesleyan experience, and improving our

the art galleries, and refreshing the classroom and practice spaces.

athletic facilities will enable every student (and many members of

The air conditioning system in the Murphey Art Building also needs

the Macon community) to benefit from instruction, competition, and



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• Olive Swann Porter Student Life Center $500,000

As the hub of student activities and services, the Olive Swann Porter

Wesleyan College is committed to becoming a more energy

Student Life Center experiences constant traffic. While renovation

efficient campus and to reducing the impact of our operations on

of the elegant parlors, the Academic Center, and Trice Conference

the environment, a challenging goal given the historic significance

Rooms were completed in recent years, further improvements are

of our buildings. Guided by a comprehensive energy audit, we are

needed behind the scenes to serve our students and guests from

committed to lowering our energy consumption and reducing our

throughout our community who attend meetings, conferences,

ongoing repair costs by waterproofing Tate Hall and replacing or

recitals, and other gatherings nearly every day. Most important is the

upgrading electrical, lighting, plumbing, and mechanical systems

need to improve the HVAC systems serving the Anderson Dining Hall

in several buildings on campus, including the Candler Alumnae

and the offices of our Communication, Campus Police, and Computer

Building, Willet Library, and Huckabee Hall. In addition, we plan to

and Information Resources Departments.

install security lighting in several spots throughout the campus as well

Campus Environment $1,250,000

as resurface most of our campus roads. These projects will help to

Residence Halls $850,000

Central to student life, Wesleyan’s residence halls make the College more competitive among our peer institutions. With two apartment buildings constructed and the older residence halls remodeled more than a decade ago, they now require major refurbishment to remain competitive. Our most important priorities are upgrading the furnishings in our student lounges, installing wireless technology and new door access security systems in all seven residence halls, and making significant improvements to the heating and air conditioning system in Hightower Hall.

ensure the continued safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff and meet our strategic goal of preserving and enhancing the beautiful facilities that are Wesleyan’s trademark.

FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUNDS $1,000,000 A strong endowment is essential to ensure adequate support for the College each year. Part of the FAST Forward Campaign will be the addition of $1,000,000 in new endowed funds, including through planned gifts, to create building funds for the preservation of our historic facilities.

FANNUAL FUNDSTforward $11,500,000

THESE DOLLARS ARE CRITICAL Annual Fund dollars impact every

Every year, the Annual Fund continues to close the gap between the

aspect of campus life, from utility bills

of the College is left untouched by Annual Fund support. These dollars

College’s expenses and its tuition and endowment incomes. No aspect

and campus safety to co-curricular

are spent in the same year they are received – making each year’s need

programs and faculty salaries.

electricity, water, maintenance, health care, counseling, security, and

for renewed support even more important. Annual Fund gifts keep our instruction available for all students. Most importantly, Annual Fund dollars ensure that our students enjoy a thriving residence life program, NCAA Division III athletics, championship IHSA equestrian program, and meaningful opportunities for spiritual development and community leadership. From STUNT props and Pioneer team jerseys to Model United Nations Conferences and career placement services, Annual Fund dollars advance student life and co-curricular programs that are essential to a transformational total college experience. With dozens of student organizations and activities from which to choose, our students are actively engaged in a wide variety of opportunities designed to prepare them for life and leadership beyond campus. During the past fiscal year, Annual Fund gifts provided more than $2 million for these types of ancillary and operating needs. The Annual Fund, a vital component of funding the College’s day-to-day operations, must be maintained throughout the campaign period. Therefore, the Annual Fund will be a part of this campaign over a schedule of five years with a goal of $11,500,000.

“The small campus size brought out a personality in me that even I didn’t know before

I found my voice both in the classroom and in the community, and found the courage to take risks I never would I came to Wesleyan.

have taken at a large school. I wasn’t afraid to raise my hand in class, and in doing so often I found that I had some pretty good answers!” Jessica Rowell ’08

FASCHOLARSHIPSTforward $3,000,000

AFFORDABLE AND SELECTIVE One-fourth of our students are the first

Wesleyan College offers a strong merit scholarship program and is

in their families to realize the dream

recognized as one of the nation’s most affordable selective colleges.

of a college education.

the students and programs of the College each year. Part of the FAST

A thriving endowment is essential to ensure adequate support for Forward Campaign will be the addition of at least $3,000,000 in new endowed scholarship funds, including through planned gifts, to ensure Wesleyan’s tuition remains affordable. Our graduates leave campus indebted, not in debt. Women of Wesleyan share many qualities: they are smart, talented, funny, caring, and motivated. Most of them are not, however, independently wealthy. Because we are committed to helping every qualified young woman afford a Wesleyan education, we set our tuition well below that of most private colleges. Recently, Forbes magazine recognized Wesleyan College as America’s 15th Best College Buy. Wesleyan is one of only 23 schools in the nation to place in the top 100 of both Forbes’ Best Colleges and Best Values lists. The Princeton Review also names us one of the nation’s best values because of our “excellent academics” and “relatively low costs of attendance.” Every year, Wesleyan awards more than 100 scholarships valued at more than a million dollars. Although many of our scholarships recognize academic achievement, many others reward leadership, creative talents, and connection with The United Methodist Church. Newly developed outreach programs target specific high schools, teachers, coaches, alumnae, ministers, and even Girl Scout troop leaders to help our admission counselors identify outstanding prospective students. Wesleyan also automatically matches qualified students with scholarships during the admission process. Every applicant is considered for scholarships, grants, and low interest institutional loans.

“I did not even realize I was a candidate for a scholarship, but was invited to attend Scholarship Day as a high school student. I was so excited when I heard that I had received the Presidential Scholarship. This

achievement really set a high

standard for me. At Wesleyan, I developed my leadership skills and increased my intellectual self-confidence. I graduated from Wesleyan with a great sense of self and pride about the skills I had developed as an undergraduate student.” Lauren Hamblin ‘06



TECHNOLOGY CHANGES DAILY Faculty and students require and expect

Students from across the world value the academic rigor and close

advanced technology in every building

unique seminar-styled teaching philosophy. Of the 52 full-time faculty

ties offered by Wesleyan’s extraordinary 9:1 student-teacher ratio and

for research, study, instruction, security,

members teaching at Wesleyan, 99% hold PhDs or terminal degrees in

and communication.

survey or study, but we believe it’s the reason Wesleyan students boast

their fields. A highly accessible faculty is difficult to measure in a national exemplary acceptance rates into medical, law, business, and other graduate programs. A strong endowment is essential to ensure adequate support for the students and programs of the College each year. Part of the FAST Forward Campaign will be the addition of at least $1,000,000 in new endowed funds, including through planned gifts, to undergird our academic program through additional teaching chairs, faculty development funds, and support for Wesleyan’s Centers of Excellence in Community Engagement and Service, Science and Technology, Educational Renewal, and Creative and Performing Arts. Another $1,000,000 will be raised to complete the funding for the Robert K. Ackerman Chaplaincy Chair, support our faith based programming, and endow the Wesleyan Disciples servant leadership program. In addition to excellent academic programs and faculty, prospective students and current students alike require and expect advanced technology in every building for research, study, class assignments, security, and communication. Technology changes daily, and our immediate needs are the installation of new telephone and voicemail systems and implementation of a five-year cycle of refreshing all faculty, staff, and lab computers. The cost of the first stage of these technology improvements is $500,000.

“Nearly 90% of our psychology majors advance to competitive graduate school programs. To prepare our students for post-graduate success, we must engage them in hands-on research using advanced technology. My teaching style has radically changed

in the last five years with the advent of new technologies. We must have state-of-the-art teaching tools and facilities to be effective as teachers. If we fail to stay current in this regard, we fail our students.”

Professor and Department Chair of Psychology Dr. James D. Rowan


The realization of our dreams for a new Pierce Chapel, the renovation

Together, we will create a future

love and value Wesleyan College to focus on the future and FAST

for Wesleyan that is even more magnificent than her past.

of Taylor Hall, improvements to our buildings throughout the campus, and new endowment funds through planned and other gifts will be the initial results of this campaign. Countless generations of women who will continue to benefit from the unique experience of a Wesleyan education will be the true beneficiaries of your gifts. We ask all who FORWARD with us. Excitement abounds for our future, fueled in large part by the extraordinary young women who continue to choose Wesleyan, the gifted faculty who teach them, and the dedicated staff who add their distinctive touch to the campus experience. And because we are surrounded by so many who give forward, we are inspired by possibility. Thank you for believing in and supporting the Wesleyan Way of learning, living, and serving. Thank you for blessing us over and over again.

“There is no typical Wesleyanne. We come from different cultures and different countries,

But we come together to form a place where none of that matters, where you are liked and loved for who you are. It exemplifies what’s best about family, we have different religions, different personalities, different goals.

most especially sisters. I’ve pursued excellence in all areas of my life – academics, sports, and even friendships. I truly love my alma mater. I hope to become an example of what a Wesleyan woman can accomplish.” Hillary Jarrett ‘08


Macon, Georgia

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