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Target Market
PRIMARY Avid/Recreational yet a Hardcore and Competitive Athlete
Motivated by their passion for sport and competitive spirit. Sport becomes a “lifestyle”. Competes in events and programs such as cycling, swimming, bike races and mountain biking, master swim meets, crossfit groups, fitness boot camp communities, triathlons, and marathons. Herbalife24 will help the endurance athlete, fitness or strength athlete – looking for a competitive edge. Aspire to perform as well as professional athletes.
SECOndARY Elite/Professional Athlete and Trainer
Sport is their lifestyle.
A trainer provides the nutritional products the athlete will consume. Herbalife24 is positioned to help even the highest caliber athlete achieve better results.
TERTIARY weekend warrior and Anyone who wants an Active, Healthy Lifestyle
Sports and fitness are what they care about, but it isn’t their life. They like to stay in shape and care about their nutrition. They are interested in burning fat, gaining muscle and adding to their performance ability. Herbalife24 will help in activities such as gym workouts and jogging plus social club soccer, baseball, volleyball, and basketball.