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The Brand Impact Online Training & Strategy Programme

This is a comprehensive programme of online training, coaching and business development support forstart-up service-based entrepreneurs who want to start a business and build a successful brand.

The programme includes the following online training courses:


Stepping into Your Success

A motivational, inspirational, thought-provoking and empowering course that will challenge you to step away from your fears and embrace the entrepreneur you are going to become.

The Goal Setting Masterclass

You have a goal of becoming an entrepreneur but in order to make that goal a reality you need to develop the tenacity and determination to create a plan and take action. This training will set you on the road to mastering your goals and making them a reality.

Personal Branding for Success Blueprint

This training will help you to focus on your story; create your unique message; focus on your strengths, weaknesses, assets and challenges and to develop a strategy for kick-starting your visibility.

The Cashflow Creation Process

One of the big est causes of business failure is due to poor cash low management. This training gives you the tools and strategies to help you maintain your business cash low and ongoing growth so that you can achieve the income and success you desire.

The Brand and Marketing Bootcamp

This is your step-by-step guide to turning your business into a brand. From developing your strategy and defining your brand vision to ongoing strategies and tactics to build awareness, visibility, in luence, authority and advocacy for your business.

The programme also includes the following coaching and business development support:

Personal Brand Development Group Strategy Sessions

These monthly virtual sessions are designed to help you focus on your personal and professional growth by delivering advice and guidance to support your ongoing development needs together with goals for yourself and your business.

Business Brand Development Monthly Webinars

Our monthly webinar series is designed to help you maintain your knowledge on new developments in sales and marketing tactics to help you continue to innovate, adapt, grow and maintain your business successfully.

If you’re ready to start your entrepreneurial journey access The Brand Impact Online Training and Strategy Programme exclusive to the Brand Masters Online Training school and brought to you by DPS Brand Consultancy Ltd. LAUNCHING 3RD JUNE 2019

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