Seniorst Today August 17th 2012

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The Senior Newspaper Serving Volusia & Flagler Counties For 21 Years—COMPLIMENTARY COPY

A Publication of Schillinger Enterprises, Inc. © 2012 Volume XXI – Issue 17

August 17, 2012

Senior Volunteers Wanted For Pet Foster Homes Page A-8

Hush Puppy Haven Protecting Pets From Domestic Violence

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Follow Your Dreams

W FREE HEARING TEST Hello, Can You Hear Me Now? Bring in any competitor’s Quote and


e have a very dear friend who lost her eyesight in her teen years. She had seen enough of our world, by age seventeen, to figure how to get around in it. She’s proof that all other senses are heightened when one sense is no longer available. She’s very aware of all that goes on around her and she always wants to see her copy of new music… why, we aren’t sure. We do know that she learns music much faster than one who can see to read. Watching her read a menu is delightful. She recently asked her friend for a copy of a song. When she got it, Terri reminded her that she was reading it upside down. We call her Dr. Val. She’s a woman who got her PhD in South Florida and is a local, practicing psychotherapist. She is blessed with a terrific sense of humor… she is so ‘there’ that one almost forgets to lend a hand to walk with her to the car. She jokes that she plans to write a book called, Left Behind. (She knows there’s already a book by that name. lol) Speaking of writing, this gal is author of several books, fiction novels based on her early love of vampire stories. I am reminded, as I am writing this, that I must make time to read one of her books. There’s a lovely picture hanging on the wall in their home, showing a teenage Dr. Val with a beautiful dog. She said she never needed another dog once she married Norm. Always well dressed, we ask, “Who picks out your clothes?” Her answer is, “I do.” She means it, too. The feel of the fabric and being led to the colors she is in the mood for must help with her decisions. Dr. Val has an uncanny way of recognizing jewelry with just a touch. It’s absolutely amazing how she knows when a friend or her husband enters the room. She is blessed with a loving soul mate who enjoys a similar lifestyle, both in business and in entertainment. Her insight is incredible and as new electronic aids come along, she’s in the market for them. Working on her computer much of the time, she is prompt in

answering her e-mail. If she receives words to a song, she converts it and prints it in Braille. An active sportswoman, Dr. Val played baseball, always knowing when it was time to swing by the sound of the baseball coming her way. She played until a couple of years ago when she hurt her back. Another thing she enjoys is occupying the second seat on a ‘bicycle-builtfor-two.’ She also plays cards each week with friends… using Braille cards. Most of all, she enjoys singing and is blessed with a lovely singing voice.

Notary Public

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Individual experiences may vary depending on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of tests, proper fit and ability to adapt to amplification.

Page A-2—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012


You Name It …by Kitty Maiden

My husband, John Milton, was a member of the Lions Club for three decades and when we came to Florida, he was pleased to see that the local (or area) Lions Club was doing so much for the blind. He soon found himself on a fundraising project with a blind friend. He forgot that Jim couldn’t see and accidentally walked him right into a telephone pole! In the 70s, the Florida Lions Conklin Center for the Blind was founded. Now …” it is a nationally-accredited human service organization, the first and only agency in the United States dedicated to providing coordinated vocational and independent living services to individuals who are blind. Our Dr. Val is gifted with in-sight, seeing things far better than the average sighted individual. She has been in forward motion, following her dreams for most of her life. A few days ago, Sue found a mug imprinted in Braille. We shared the pleasure of presenting it to Dr. Val from Company G. She was delighted and promptly read aloud what was written on it in Braille… Follow Your Dreams. ST Kitty Maiden is a staff writer for Seniors Today.

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Volusia & Flagler Counties Reverse Mortgage Provider August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page A-3

Seniors Today 360 S. Yonge, Street Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Phone: (386) 677-7060 Fax: (386) 677-0836 Website: Published by Schillinger Enterprises, Inc. General Manager Bonnie Schillinger Editor Bonnie Gragg Staff Writers Kitty Maiden Peggy & George Goldtrap

Seniors Today is published and distributed free every other Friday to inform, entertain, and serve those over the age of 50. Deadlines: The deadline for advertising is Friday, 5 P.M., one week prior to the Friday publication date. Advertisements and copy: All advertisements and copy is believed to be truthful and accurate. Seniors Today reserves the right to edit, revise, or reject any advertising and/or submitted articles for publication. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Advertisements and copy in Seniors Today are not meant to be an endorsement of any product, service, or individual. All editorial copy and by lined articles are the opinion of the writer and are not necessarily the view, opinion, or policy of Seniors Today. Errors and Omissions: Neither the publisher nor the advertiser are liable for mistakes, errors, or omissions. The sole liability of Seniors Today to an advertiser is to reprint the corrected ad in the next issue. Copyright Warning: Pursuant to Federal Copyright Law, all material contained within this publication which was created, designed, composed, written, typeset, imageset, or prepared in any way by Seniors Today remains the sole property of the publisher and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of Seniors Today. This pertains to the duplication of either advertising or non-advertising material. Notice of copyright appears on page one of this and all issues.

What’s Happening Around Town… Allergy Workshop

Laughing Series

Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Lorenzo Phan will hold a free seminar on acupuncture for allergy desensitization at The Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic, 725 W. Granada Blvd., Ste. 15, Ormond Beach on Wed., Sept. 12 from 10 A.M. –12 P.M. and 2–4 P.M. The premise of NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) is that many disorders such as migraines, back ache, joint pain, PMS, and indigestion, are caused by allergies within the body. Seating is limited. This is a one-time annual event. Reservations are recommended. Free treatments by Dr. Lorenzo Phan will be demonstrated on all those who attend. For additional information, and seat reservation, call at 386-615-1203 or visit the website

Bishop’s Glen, 900 LPGA Blvd., Holly Hill has a series of free seminars during the month of August and September. Some of the topics include: Do You Have Money In An IRA? on Friday, Aug. 17 at 11 A.M.; FaceBook 101 on Monday, Aug. 20 at 11 A.M.; Veterans Aid And Attendance Benefits Presentation on Fri., Aug. 31 at 11 A.M.; and An Open House at Bishop’s Glen to view new premium apartments with upgraded appliances and features on Sat., Sept. 1 from 10 A.M to 2 P.M. For other dates, times, topics, call 386-226-9110.

Workshop For Runners Come join this workshop by the movement experts and uncover weaknesses you didn’t know were holding you back. The workshop, presented by Randy Thomas, PT at Thomas Physical Therapy, 100 Professional Blvd., Daytona Beach on Tues., Aug. 21 from 5:30– 7 P.M. will offer manual muscle testing and an overview. Fee is just $10, however if you do not demonstrate any weakness your fee will be waived. Call 386257-2672 to reserve your space.

Digestive Health Dr. Charng-Shen Wang will host a free seminar on benefits acupuncture for digestive health at ARC Acupuncture and Physical Therapy, 2501 S. Volusia Ave., Orange City, Wed., Aug. 22, 5:30 P.M. Dr. Wang will discuss success stories with a variety of digestion disorders and a healthy weight management program. Dr. Margo King, PhD, BS, MDS, Doctor of Naturology will be a guest speaker. Seating is limited. Please call Sandi at 386-675-8406 for additional information or to RSVP.

Flagler Avenue Art Walk, New Smyrna Art Walk on historic Flagler Avenue in New Smyrna Beach is held from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. the fourth Saturday (exception: Sept. 29 and Dec. 15) of each month. The popular event along the quaint five-blocks from the river to the ocean, features works by resident and visiting artists, free children’s activities, entertainment, and street musicians. For additional information or to receive an artist’s application, call 386- 428-2150 or visit online at: www.flaglergallery

Page A-4—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

Auditions The Ormond Beach Senior Theater Workshop will conduct open auditions for Anything Goesat 9 A.M. on Friday, Sept. 7 in the Conference Room at the Performing Arts Center in Ormond Beach. Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 11 from 9 A.M. until NOON. Productions dates for the play are Jan. 11, 12, and 13. You must be at least 50 years of age. Everyone is cast. For more details, call 386-676-3375.

Lunch Bunch Returns Holy Cross Lutheran Church at 724 Big Tree Rd. in South Daytona sponsors a “Lunch Bunch” every Thurs. beginning Sept. 6 at 12 noon. Just $4 gets you lunch and bingo with non-monetary prizes. Reservations are required by noon the Tuesday prior. Watch for the grand opening of our new Senior Center in September too. Please call 386-7676542, Tue. thru Fri. for reservations.

Osteoporosis Workshop The Northeast Florida Area Health Education Center (AHEC) will present an educational workshop on osteoporosis at 2 P.M. Tuesday, Aug. 28 at the Edgewater Public Library, 103 W. Indian River Blvd. The interactive program, Bone Builders, was developed to educate seniors about the risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the library at 386-424-2916.

Free Caregiver’s Days Need a break from caregiving? First United Methodist Church of Ormond Beach is providing free Caregiver’s Day Out that includes food, fun, and special attention for care receivers. The days are from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. on Sat., Sept. 15; and Thurs., Oct. 11. For information, call Sherry at 386-677-3581, ext. 311.

European Cuisine Café Seasons by Riviera, 515 Tomoka Avenue, Ormond Beach invites you to join us for a European Cuisine Café to experience delightful sampling of food from England, France, Germany, and Italy as a fundraiser to benefit the walk to end Alzheimer’s. Beer and wine will also be served. Join them on Thursday, August 23 from 4:30-6:30 P.M. in the Dogwood House. A donation of $10 at the door will entitle you to 3 opportunities to win varied, fabulous door prizes, including the grand prize of a one night at the spectacular Casa Monica Hotel ( in St. Augustine. For more information or to RSVP, please phone Marcie at 386-871-3484.

Love To Sing? Come join the West Volusia Chorus. Starting September 4, we rehearse each Tuesday from 2:30–4 P.M. at the Sanborn Center, Earl Brown Park, 751 S. Alabama Ave, DeLand. We perform at local churches, senior communities, and assisted nursing facilities. There are two sessions: September-December and January-April. There are no auditions, just come join the fun. There is a fee of $20 to pay for our music accompanist. Contact Gayla at 386-956-5439 or visit the website:

Herb Gardening The DeBary Garden Club will be hosting Jean Porter on Thurs., Sept. 6. at 7 P.M. at Gateway Park, 860 N. Highway 17/92. She will be lecturing about selecting, growing, and the maintenance of herbs. The DeBary Garden Club meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7 P.M. Meetings are free, new memberships are encouraged. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call 386-717-5494.

Support Groups HAVOC HAVOC (Handicapped Adults Of Volusia County) meets the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1–3 P.M. at the Votran offices on Big Tree Road. We discuss and take action on disability issues. For details visit www.havocfl. com or call 386-334-7698. Parkinson’s Support There is a Parkinson’s Support Group in Flagler County. They will meet the first Sunday of every other month at 3 P.M. at Florida Hospital—Flagler. For questions, more information and meeting dates, call 386-445-3371.

Edgewater Couple Joins Kopy Kats Dance Group


wo new faces will be part of this year’s chorus line when the Kopy Kats open the curtain for their 23rd Annual Performance at the Ormond Beach Performing Arts Center during the first weekend of November 2012. Chuck and Jo Leipham of Edgewater, who have been dancing and performing in their area for the past three years said they’re delighted to have been welcomed to be part of this year’s cast. The former television director at TimeLife Inc. and later the creative director for USA TODAY, Chuck said, “We’ve attended every South Beach Dance Academy performance we’ve known about in the past few years and have always been amazed at the level of talent, choreography, and production involved in everything they do. It’s hard to believe that such great Broadway style entertainment is available in our area.” “Jerome DeVito, owner and Master Instructor-Choreographer of South Beach Dance Academy is a joy and privilege to work with,” says Jo. “He brings so much experience and creativity to each class and both of us feel as though we’re actually going through the same instruction and training as major professional performers. He strives to bring out the best in us,

and we end up doing steps and moves we never imagined.” This year’s production promises to be the biggest and most elaborate ever with sets, costumes, and musical theater’s most memorable tunes. Chuck and Jo started dance lesson after their granddaughter came home from her tap and ballet classes to eagerly announce that the academy provides dance classes for adults! It didn’t take long for them to realize that listening to America’s greatest show music while moving your feet and arms in rhythm was much more satisfying than a gym workout, dieting, or running on a treadmill. “Dancing is a physical and a mental workout,” says Chuck. “You’re constantly learning new things, which keeps the mind cranking out new brain cells while the heart and muscles keep in the game. It’s like roller skating or riding a bike—makes you feel like a kid again!” “Dancing has been just a wonderful experience for our whole family,” said Jo. “Both our daughter and granddaughter dance and we do many fun routines together. We all practice and help each other several hours every week. To us, that’s quality time that’s making unforgettable memories. ST

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August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page A-5

Dirty Duck Says… Summer Cleaning SpecialDirty duct says don’t depend on luck to protect your loved ones from the allergens in your air and heating system. Have your ducts cleaned. Call for your free estimate today, mention this ad, and receive a $50 gift card from your local grocery store with a complete duct cleaning.

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Page A-6—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

Flying Can Be Fun... Can’t It? by George Goldtrap


re you a reluctant flier, or one of those who doesn't enjoy flying? Do you shiver at the slightest thought of being locked of into a steel and aluminum tube, built by the lowest bidder? Do you dislike being levitated to 35,000 feet, moving at 600 mph, surrounded by strangers, wide eyed on the red eye? Does the word Terminal give you a ‘Maalox Moment’? If you're involved in business, or have a widely scattered family, (and who doesn't these days), it's hardly possible to avoid the fear of flying. Laughter can tackle the tension and strip the stress. Flying can be fun! If you attend conventions, you've already heard the best ‘air lines’ from the laughter-dinner speakers.’ Example: ‘How can anything that goes 600 miles per hour be late?’ Or, the first flight traveler who asked the steward, ‘Do Airplanes like this crash very often?’ ‘No Mam,’ he replied, ‘Only once’! Great laughter lines aren't limited to platform pros. Skylane satirists abound, having a calming effect on their white knuckled passengers. Before today’s smokeless sojourns, I once sat across the aisle from a fellow buckled in with an attitude. As we leveled out, ‘Wild Bill yonder,’ lit up. Nostrils flared! Non smokers really reacted to this oxygen thief. The stewardess, promptly, yet courteously, reminded ‘Wild Bill’ that our cabin has restrictions. He grumbled but didn't challenge the flying sheriff’s authority. Yet, she had just retreated when he relit ...this time with macho gusto, grabbing extra puffs to make up for the lost time.’ The smoke signal and the furor of previously patient passengers rose ...simultaneously. Now less timid, with fast draw speed, they hit call buttons, demanding relief. A determined and less tolerant stewardess roared back up the aisle, saving the sordid scene with satire. ‘Sir’, said she to the uncouth Nicotinite, ‘If you insist on smoking, I must ask you to step outside!’ Hooray for the comic relief. Once I met a tension tamer on a Hawaiian flight. Her stress skewered passengers were committed to hanging over a ‘no place to land’ ocean for five hours. As we crossed the threshold into a DC 10, the attendant avoided med-evac flight conditions by dispensing infor-

mation and laughter. ‘Good afternoon, welcome aboard.’ As passengers settled in, the Jetway jester continued; ‘Welcome Aboard Flight 1440 to Detroit.’ DETROIT !!?? Several hundred passengers suddenly suffered tachycardia, and a rush of adrenaline. Then, with twinkling eyes, the impish informant continued, ‘Now that I have your attention, this is Flight 1065, Los Angeles to Honolulu, non-stop, (thank goodness), and if you had not planned to go

Happy Talk …by George & Peggy Goldtrap

to Hawaii, this would be a good time to get off.’ She added, your seat cushions can be used for flotation. In the event of an emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments. Her ploy worked. Passengers relaxed. In reviewing the boring and meaningless cockpit chain of command credits, one inventive stewardess announced: ‘Our Captain, Mr. So and So, is the great grandson of Wilbur Wright. Our First Officer was a former bush pilot, and our Flight engineer recently read most of the book, Yeager. Everyone laughed and the ‘show’ took off. As the flight progressed (the best thing about any flight), the fun continued and potential sickbays turned into cubicles of comedy. To avoid a landing let down, the cabin crew closed with a big finale. As the erk erk, bump bump of the landing gear echoed, our tongue in cheek attendant said, ‘It's now time to pick up all belongings, and any stray children. Thank you for selecting Dip & Soar Airlines for your journey through time and space.’ We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride. She urged us to continue the fun while we remained earth bound. Perhaps someday soon, your plane's curtain will open and an aisle full of wily wing wits will add relaxation and fun to your trip. Flying really can be fun! ST

George and Peggy Goldtrap are both actors, speakers, and writers living in Ormond By The Sea. Contact them at geo

Hush Puppy Haven Needs Foster Homes Special to Seniors Today


hen a 22-year-old blind and deaf poodle recently arrived with his human mom at the Domestic Abuse Council of Volusia County (DAC) after escaping an abusive home, they joined dozens of other pets and their owners on their way to a better, safer life. Now in its second year, Hush Puppy Haven is a local nonprofit organization that temporarily houses the pets of domestic violence survivors while they are seeking treatment at the safe facility. The DAC does not allow residents to bring their pets to the facility. More than 70 percent of pet owners entering domestic violence shelters report that their batterer had threatened, injured, or killed family pets. Additionally, up to 40 percent of those abused delay or even cancel their plans to escape out of fear for their pet’s safety. “When we began talking to the DAC a couple of years ago we found that those needing help had to choose between the pets and their safety, we had to do something,” said Hush Puppy Haven Founder and President Jen Adams. “By eliminating that one concern, we hope that more survivors of domestic violence will make that brave decision to leave their abuse because they know their pets will be lovingly cared for.” Often confused for a rescue organization, Hush Puppy Haven’s goal is to help both people and pets but does not facilitate adoptions. The goal is reunite pets with their owners. When a survivor enters the DAC, the staff will contact Hush Puppy Haven to pick up the pet, or as in recent situations, multiple pets. The pet is then taken to a local veterinarian who examines the pet, treats it if necessary and then releases it to be placed in a foster home. When the survivor is ready to leave the facility, a Hush Puppy Haven volunteer delivers the pet directly to the shelter.

Epiphany Manor 4792 S. Ridgewood Ave. Port Orange 62+ or Disabled Income Eligible Call For Application 386-767-2556 TTY: 1-800-955-8771

How You Can Help: Be a short-term foster family—Temporary fosters based in Volusia and Flagler counties are desperately needed and seniors are a perfect fit. Since most seniors are retired they are home all day and have the time to care for the pets. Fosters have no contact with victims or the Domestic Abuse Council, and all foster expenses will be covered by Hush Puppy Haven. Foster time commitment can range from one day to six weeks. Fosters can specify what type of animal they can care for, and there will be a home visit evaluation by Hush Puppy Haven staff. Volunteer at events—To help man booths at numerous community events. Donations—All money donated goes to veterinarian care when pets are received as well as covering all foster costs. Items needed include transportation crates, carriers (soft sided and hard shell accepted), food, flea medication, leashes, collars, and toys. Spread the word—Because Hush Puppy Haven is relatively new, many are just learning of their services. Tell others about the nonprofit via the website www. Facebook page, and Twitter (@ hushpuppyhaven). Be aware—If you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation get help now. The Domestic Abuse Council accepts calls 24-hours a day, seven-days a week. The hotline number is 800-500-1119. The Facts: Hush Puppy Haven (HPH), a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. There is no paid staff at HPH, all are volunteers including the Board. HPH currently only receives pets through the Domestic Abuse Council of Volusia County. Plans to expand to Flagler County are being evaluated. ST

You may contact Hush Puppy Haven at 386-320-3413 or e-mail to info@hushpupp

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August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page A-7

Elder Care Tips THIS ISSUE’S LONG-TERM CARE MEDICAID APPLICATION TIP Buyer Beware, Part 3 by Scott Selis, Esq. This is our next installment in our series on selecting the right advisor to guide you through the Medicaid application process. It can make the difference between approval and denial, and can save you thousands of dollars. Here are the top three mistakes I see when people do the applications themselves or rely on the nursing home to do so. • Not properly allocating funds between spouses • Failing to plan for the nursing home spouse's financial security if the well spouse dies first • Filing an application too early or too late when a transfer of assets is involved

We can assist you with the Long-Term Care Medicaid process.

Make Your Bathroom Senior Safe


ach year, many seniors are injured in their home. While accidental injuries can be quite serious, especially for seniors, most accidents around the home are preventable. The fact is that some rooms in your home are not automatically equipped to handle the special needs of senior citizens. Your bathroom is one of those rooms. Many bathrooms harbor hazards that could contribute to a fall and serious injury. Unfortunately, these hazards are easy to overlook. The good news is that they also are easy and inexpensive to fix. A safer home can help give you peace of mind. Quite often, all it takes are some relatively minor home modifications and repairs along with the practice of some simple, common sense safety habits. Here are some tips to make your bathroom senior safe and reduce the risk of injury: * Keep a light on in the bathroom. * Make sure the pathway from the bedroom to the bathroom is lit properly. * Remove tripping hazards, such as cords and throw rugs. If you use bathroom rugs, make sure they have a non-skid backing. * Install handrails in the bathtub and toilet areas.

* Place a rubber mat or non-skid strips on the bathtub or shower floor. To avoid a bone-breaking slip, you may want to consider using a bath bench or secure stool instead of sitting on the bottom of the bathtub.

From The Sheriff

…Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson

* Consider a wall-mounted dispenser for shampoo, conditioner, and liquid soap. It’s easier than struggling with a slippery shampoo bottle or bar of soap. * Get a raised toilet seat with rails around the toilet to prevent back injuries and make getting on and off easier. * Set the water thermostat at no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit to reduce the risk of scalding. * For the convenience of seniors who sit in the shower, install a hand-held showerhead. This will give the user more control. Virtually everything on this list costs no more than a few dollars apiece. More importantly, it will make your bathroom safer and help prevent avoidable accidents. ST

Dr. Richard Ten Hulzen

welcomes new patients in his Jacksonville Beach office

Look for more Medicaid application tips in the next issue. Offered By: Scott A. Selis Chairman of The Florida Bar Elder Law Section’s Legislative Committee Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorney's Public Policy Task Force Appointed to Florida's Assisted Living Workforce by the Agency for Health Care Administration

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Your Legal Team For Life Page A-8—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

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Antiques Hot Chocolate Set by Larry Cox

Q: Roughly 50 years ago, I was given a hot chocolate set with six cups and saucers, and pot. It has a flower design and was made in Germany. How can I determine its value? — Caroline, Edgewater, FL A: You need to hire the services of a professional appraiser. There are two types of appraisals, verbal and written. The verbal is less expensive; the written is usually for insurance purposes. Some appraisers also provide a ball park estimate. That can sometimes be a free service, but not always. Contact appraisers in your area and inquire. Incidentally, be aware that what your chocolate set is worth in Florida might be quite different than its value in some other part of the country. *** Q: I have an old tennis racket in good condition. Please advise me as to its probable value. —Bob, Palm Coast, FL A: Randy Crow is a dealer who specializes in older sports equipment and might be able to help you. Contact him

c/o Sporting Antiques, 20269 N. 86th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85255; and sportc *** Q: I have in my possession two books I believe are valuable: a paperback copy of Mark Twain's War Prayer, published by Perennial Library, Harper and Row in 1971; and Defense Of America by Thomas Penfield, issued in 1941. —Paul, Newton, NH A: If you have a computer, the best and fastest way I've found to determine the value of a book is to access www. Simply type in the name of the book and the author, and scroll until you find the right edition. I did just that and found both of your books listed for less than $10 each. ST Write to Larry Cox in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@aol. com Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox is unable to personally answer all reader questions.

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August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page A-9

Stop Pain Now With Acupuncture and Physical Therapy Lianne Whitson has been suffering from migraine headaches for over 25 years and had tried migraine medication, chiropractic care, and even saw a neurologist to no avail. Finally she was referred to ARC Acupuncture & Physical Therapy by her husband who was a prior patient. She was pleasantly surprised after her first treatment with the reduction of her migraine pain. She felt sore but this quickly subsided. After each subsequent follow-up treatment, she continued to improve with decreased frequency and intensity of her migraines. Her treatments consisted of Physical Therapy to correct her posture and cervical impingement, and Oriental Medicine to treat stress. Lianne had this to say about ARC; They collaborate together to successfully create a plan to best meet the individual needs of their patients. She already started sharing her results and experience with ARC with friends and family. Bring this Ad to your first visit to receive a 50% discount for the initial Acupuncture Treatment.

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Page A-10—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

Migraine Headaches


hat is a migraine headache and just how different is it from a typical headache? One of the main differences between migraine headaches and regular headaches is the cause and cure. Most regular headaches have an identifiable cause, such as a viral infection, sinus pressure, or an illness, but migraines can come on without cause or explanation. Migraine headaches are usually caused by stress or vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels), or a combination of the two. The resulting migraine headaches will disrupt the sympathetic nervous system. This translates to various symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. How should you treat migraine headaches? In Chinese medicine, we try to find the location of the headache first, this tells us the pattern which determines how to treat the condition. For example, if the headache is on one side around the temple area, usually that translates as liver/gall bladder pattern and we would ask a patient more questions to determine if the pattern is correct.

Liver/gall bladder is a pathway which has a relation to stress and we select acupuncture points accordingly.

Acupuncture & Physical Therapy Ryoko Elzey, D.O.M. Acupuncture Physician Chinese herbs also take a big part in treating migraines. As stated above, emotional components can be the reason for migraine and by adding herbal formulas to the acupuncture treatment, it will greatly reduce the degree of the pain and improve the quality of life overall. You can also greatly benefit from the combination treatment of acupuncture and physical therapy. With the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese herbal prescription stated above, physical therapy will help the body with cervical alignment and postural flexibility.

For more information or a free consultation, please call 386-898-0908

What’s In The Stars

For The Week Of August 20

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You clever Ewes and Rams love nothing more than to rise to a challenge. If you feel sure about your facts, step right up and defend your side of the issue. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You've done some great work recently. Now it's time to reward yourself with something wonderful, perhaps a day at a spa or a night out with someone special. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You love to talk, but don't forget to make time to do a little more listening, otherwise you could miss out on an important message someone is sending. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your aspect indicates some uncertainty about one of your goals. Use this period to reassess what you really want and what you're ready to do to get it. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your social life is picking up, and you'll soon be mingling with old friends and making new ones. 'Twixt the fun times, stay on top of workplace conditions. VIRGO (August 23 Sept. 22) A trusted friend offers understanding as you vent some long-pent-up feelings. Now, move on from there and start making the changes you've put off all this time.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)You might well feel uneasy as you face a difficult situation involving someone close to you. You know you're doing the right thing, so stick with your decision. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You're a good friend to others. Now's the time to allow them to be good friends to you. Rely on their trusted advice to help you get through an uncertain period. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Family and friends are always important, but especially so at this time. Despite your hectic workplace schedule, make a real effort to include them. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) That project you've been working on is almost ready for presentation. You still need some information from a colleague before you can consider it done. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Don't let those negative attitudes that have sprung up around you drain your energies. Move ahead with the confidence that you can get the job done. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Aspects favor some dedicated fun time. A nice, refreshing plunge into the social swim can recharge both your physical and emotional batteries. ST

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676-2550 August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page A-11

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Section B August 17, 2012 Tails From The Front o you have a pit bull or pit bull mix that needs to be sterilized? This month at the Redinger Spay/ Neuter Clinic, the pit bulls can be spayed or neutered for $20. This includes not only the sterilization surgery, but also vaccinations, a registered microchip, and more. This offer is available to everyone; there are no restrictions based on income, residence, etc. The only qualification is that the dog is a pit bull to receive the offer. About 60 percent of the dogs taken in at Halifax Humane Society are pit bulls. Overpopulation of the breed is rampant in this area, and they face difficult odds of being adopted. Spaying or neutering your pit bull

is the most effective way to control the population. Each year, a female pit bull can produce two litters with an average of four puppies. No household can afford to take on dozens of animals, and it leads to a higher number of the dogs entering shelters. To schedule a spay/neuter appointment for your pit bull, call the Redinger Clinic, 386-310-4935. Mega-Adoption Event On Aug. 18, Halifax Humane Society, Flagler Humane Society, and Southeast Volusia Humane Society will join forces to present the inaugural Mega-Adoption Event. The free event is open to the public and will be from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. at the Hester Build-

ing at the Volusia County Fairgrounds. The fairgrounds are at 3150 E. New York Ave., DeLand (just off the East State Road 44 exit from I-4). This adoption event is the first creation of the newly created Plan Alive program. In this program, the three animal welfare organizations are working together to reduce animal overpopulation in the region by combining resources, reaching out to the community, and working with area animalrescue groups. More than 100 animals will be available for immediate adoption at the event. All animals will have their adoption fee reduced to $35, and will be spayed or neutered, vac-

cinated, and microchipped. Retail items, such as collars, leashes, Weiss Walkies, and crates, will be for sale. Food will be available from several vendors, and other pet-friendly vendors are expected to attend. The Alex Kinsey Band will perform, along with other entertainment during the event. For information on the Mega-Adoption Event, call Jessica at 386-274-4703, ext. 328.

Biscuit looks up to you. He wants to come home to see you every day.

Fiddlesticks wants to lend you an ear. Won’t you talk to him?

Stang ain’t nuthin’ but a hound dog. He could be your forever dog.

Tom says “We are meant for each other.”


Tyler Stover is the Community Outreach Director for the Halifax Humane Society in Daytona Beach. He can be reached at 386274-4703, ext. 320, or at tstover@halifaxhum

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Reviewed by Ealish Waddell


o Far Away, by Meg Mitchell Moore, is a story of three very different women, though separated by age and time—still who have something important to teach one another. Kathleen is a middle-age archivist, widowed and lonely. Still aching from the disappearance of her troubled only child, she throws herself into helping others research their family histories while trying not too dwell too much on her own. Into her life walks Natalie, a sullen young teen needing help with a school project deciphering an old journal she found in her basement. Natalie is a complicated person, gleaming with intelligence but she is secretly cracking under terrible burdens: her parents’ divorce, her mother's depression, and her best friend's betrayal. The third woman is Bridget, a young Irish immigrant struggling to make a new life in America. Bridget appears only within the pages of the old journal,

but it is her nearly century-old tale that brings Kathleen and Natalie together. All of these women are haunted in some way. As a lowly servant in the 1920s, Bridget lives surrounded by what she longs for but is constantly reminded she cannot have. In the modern world, Natalie's being tormented by bullies, and vicious texts and phone calls, cruel comments and malicious taunts shadow her every waking moment. As Kathleen finds out more about Natalie and her troubled home life, and the potential danger she's in, she can't resist getting involved in the fate of this girl she barely knows but who reminds her so much of the daughter she loved and still blames herself for losing. Deftly interweaving vivid themes of parents and children, despair and hope, and the transforming power of second chances, So Far Away is an absorbing drama about both the things that change and the things that never do. ST Books reviewed in this column are available at your local bookstore.

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Sept. 7 • Florida Carriage Museum & The Villages, $49. Sept. 25 • Charleston! $549-$699. Sept. 29-30 • Sunday Services w/Jimmy Carter, $149-$199. Oct. 5 • Jacksonville Symphony: Viva Italia! $75. Oct. 10 • Aloha "Luau" Dinner at Disney's Grand Polynesian Resort, $129. Oct. 24-27 • Oktoberfest! Helen, GA, $469-$625. Oct. 30 • Haunted Florida in St. Augustine. $65. Nov. 3 • Amtrak Silver Service to Winter Park: Morse Museum &/or Scenic Boat Cruise. $69/$79. Nov. 10 • Amelia Island: Ft. Clinch enjoy "American Soldier Day" Celebration or shopping in Historic Downtown. $39. Nov. 15 • Festival of Trees: Orlando Museum of Art. $59. Nov. 22 • Thanksgiving at Orlando's Mystery Sleuth's Theatre. $99. Nov. 27–Dec. 1 • Christmastime in Asheville (w/Savannah & Charleston Festival of Lights!). See flyer for details. $689. Dec. 2 • Cracker Christmas, Ft. Christmas Historic Park, Large Craft Sale, Pioneer Demonstration, & Holiday Treats. $59. Plus Many More Tours & Day Trips

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Page B-2—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

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Flashback Test Your Music Memory 1. Which 1950’s artist is memorialized with an 8-foot bronze statue in his hometown?

2. Name all of the Spice Girls.

3. Who or what was Wicked Lester?

4. What do He's A Rebel, Rubber Ball, and Hello Mary Lou have in common?

5. Which singer was born Ellen Naomi Cohen?

6. What were The Polka Tulk Blues Band, and Earth?

Answers 1. Buddy Holly. The statue in Lubbock, Texas. 2. Melanie B (Scary Spice), Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice 1996-98), Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice), Melanie C was (Sporty Spice), Emma Bunton (Baby Spice). 3. The rock band that would eventually become known as Kiss. 4. All were written for other artists by singer-songwriter Gene Pitney. 5. None other than Cass Elliot of The Mamas And The Papas. 6. The two groups became Black Sabbath after another name change. It's said that The Polka Tulk Blues Band name came from a brand of talcum powder used by Ozzie Osbourne's mother. ST

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Treating The Osteoarthritis Knee


resently, because there is no known cure for osteoarthritis, the focus is symptom relief. With conventional treatment, osteoarthritis associated joint pain and stiffness can be diminished, and joint function and mobility preserved. The normal aging process or genetic predisposition are the source of cartilage decay. Cartilage, which is a living tissue, can maintain a decay and repair process at an equal rate with the help a cell called the chondrocyte and a surrounding substance of water, collagen, and proteoglycans. Excessive biomechanical stress, such as obesity or overuse, can cause an imbalance in the decay and repair process. Because of this imbalance, the cartilage becomes damaged and cracked, develops tiny fissures, and loses its elasticity, starting osteoarthritis of the hands, neck, back, hips, or knees. The first steps in managing osteoarthritis of the knees are to lose weight and to exercise. Walking, swimming, or cycling regularly can not only help increase muscle strength, but also improve joint flexibility and decrease pain.

Drug therapy such as topical or oral pain relievers and non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually prescribed to reduce joint pain and stiffness.

Where Does It Hurt? by Dr. Yong Tsai

For patients who respond poorly to drug therapy, particularly if the knee is inflamed and swollen, intra-articular corticosteroid injections, given nor more than every three months, are quite helpful. Viscosupplementation therapy, known as Synvisc, Hyalgan, or Orthovisc works well by injecting a hyaluronic acid to rejuvenate the protective, lubricating, and shock absorbing effects of the synovial fluid. Maintaining an ideal weight, exercising regularly, and receiving the right treatment, can help minimize your pain and preserve joint function. For more information, please call 386-676-0307.

August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page B-3

Senior Service Line Blue-Collar Blues by Matilda Charles


lue-collar workers among us could be hurt if the retirement age is raised again. While the overall state of Social Security wouldn't be affected that much, it would be a burden for those who've done the hard work all their lives. So says a report by the American Institute for Economic Research. Those of us who've done physical work all our lives want to retire earlier. We're tired and need a break. A researcher examined records for a period of 21 years and found that: • Less than 5 percent of workers in white-collar professions retire at age 65. This group includes lawyers, scientists, managers, and administrators. • Those who do manual labor retire at age 65 at the following rates: 32 percent–foremen, and machine operators; 23 percent–carpenters 21.6–farm workers 19 percent–kitchen workers 18.5 –gardeners and auto mechanics

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If the retirement age is raised, bluecollar workers won't stay on the job. They'll still retire, but their Social Security each month will be less than it would be at full retirement age. The current debate is whether raising the retirement age would have any benefit to the Social Security program itself. One study that showed raising the earliest retirement age from 62 to 65 would have only modest effects on the health of Social Security. On the other hand, to keep working requires that one have a job. It's shown that the unemployment rate for those age 55 and older is the highest it's been in 60 years. If you object to the government trying to balance the budget by tinkering with our retirement, let your senators know. ST Write to Matilda Charles in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or e-mail to

This Is A Hammer Closet Door Sticks, Scrapes The Floor by Samantha Mazzotta

Q: I've got a closet door that scrapes the floor when I swing it open or shut, and it sticks when it's closed. Is there an easy way to fix this, or is something seriously wrong? —Harriet C., Denver A: Chances are the door just needs a bit of adjustment. Grab a helper and a prybar or hammer, and prepare to fix this door. First, check the overall condition of the door, its frame and the surrounding hardware, hinges, and the hinge plates where they're screwed into the door frame). Make sure all of the hardware is screwed in properly and not loose or tearing away from the frame. Make sure there is no visible damage or warping of the door or frame. Shimming is a way of very slightly changing the angle at which a door is hung. You do this by adding a shim behind a door's hinge to lift it slightly —and then adjusting that angle up or down. Shim kits also are available at home-improvement stores.

Since the door's angle has shifted slightly downward, first try adjusting the top hinge on the door-frame side by simply screwing all the hinge screws in a half-turn or so. This alone may lift the door just enough to even it out. If that doesn't work, you can either unscrew the top hinge and carefully shave away a paper-thin amount of the wooden frame in order to set the hinge slight back. Or, if you don't want to damage the frame, shim the lower hinge in order to lift the door upward. Unscrew the frame side of the bottom hinge, as your helper holds the door steady. Insert a very thin shim piece and place the hinge over the shim, using a power drill to drive the hinge screws through the shim into their usual place. Shimming or adjusting the angle can take time and a few attempts. Be patient, and you'll soon have your door swinging freely. ST Send question to ask@thisisahamm, or write This Is a Hammer, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853.

Moments In Time The History Channel

On Aug. 16, 1896, George Carmack spots nuggets of gold in a creek bed near the Klondike River in Canada's Yukon Territory. His lucky discovery sparks the last great gold rush in the American West. Over the next two years, as many as 50,000 would-be miners arrived in the region. On Aug. 17, 1915, Charles F. Kettering is issued a patent for his enginestarting device—the first electric ignition for automobiles. In the early years, drivers used hand cranks to start the internal combustion process that powered car engines. On Aug. 14, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs into law the Social Security Act. Although it was initially created to combat unemployment during the Great Depression, Social Security now functions primarily as a safety net for retirees and the disabled. On Aug. 18, 1940, Walter Percy Chrysler, the founder of the American automotive corporation that bears his

name, dies in New York. Chrysler was known for financing the 77-story Art Deco skyscraper in midtown Manhattan. When completed in 1930, it was the tallest building in the world and the first manmade structure to top 1,000 feet. On Aug. 19, 1953, the Iranian military, with the assistance of the United States government, overthrows the government of Premier Mohammed Mosaddeq and reinstates the Shah of Iran. As thanks for the help, the Shah signed over 40 percent of Iran's oil fields to U.S. companies.

On Aug. 15, 1983, Hurricane Alicia forms south of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. Three days later, the Texas Gulf Coast is slammed by the storm, causing 21 deaths. The $2 billion in damages was a record for hurricane. ST

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On Aug. 13, 1961, East German soldiers begin building a wall between Soviet-controlled East Berlin and the democratic western section of the city. Berlin residents found themselves cut off from friends or family until the wall was dismantled in 1989.

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August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page B-5

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Page B-6—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

To Your Good Health Programming The Ear To End Dizziness Dear Dr. Donohue: From the minute I get out of bed, I have attacks of dizziness. I don't know what brings them on. I'm afraid these spells are going to make me fall and break something. Do you have any thoughts that could help? I'm 82. —R.M.

quickly with your head off the side of the bed and still turned to the right. Then, from that position, turn your head to the left. Roll over onto your left side, with your nose pointed down to the floor, for 30 seconds. Then go back to the starting sitting position with head bent. If dizziness persists, repeat.

Answer: The causes of dizziness (vertigo) are many. I'll mention a couple, but you need a doctor's exam to determine what the exact problem is. Meniere's (main-YAIRS) disease is a triad of dizziness, hearing loss, and ear noises (tinnitus). It comes in brief attacks, with recovery in a short time. As time passes, attacks last longer, with briefer periods of relief. A buildup of fluid in the inner ear is responsible. Water pills and a strict low-sodium diet help. Surgical drainage of the fluid is another treatment. A viral infection of the inner ear is a common dizziness cause. Time eventually takes care of the virus. A third common problem is benign positional vertigo—dizziness attacks with head movement. Getting out of bed, rolling over in bed, looking up at a high shelf and just about any change in head position trigger an attack, which is short-lived. Tiny calcium crystals in the inner ear have migrated to places where they engender a discharge of confusing signals to the brain. Repositioning the crystals puts an end to the attacks. Sit in the middle of a bed, far enough to the opposite side of the bed that your head will project over that side when you lie down. If a head turn to the right provokes an attack, quickly turn your head to the right, and keep it turned until dizziness goes. Then lie down


10 Years

Dear Dr. Donohue: I try to keep up with the latest nutritional recommendations. I have had no formal training, so I am often confused by the terms used. For example, what are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates? What's the difference? —L.A. Answer: Simple carbohydrates are sugars like table sugar (sucrose). The sugar in intravenous feedings in hospitals is glucose, and fruit sugar is fructose. Both are simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are very long chains of the basic carbohydrate unit. Starches are complex carbohydrates. Potatoes, pastas, and rice are examples of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates don't raise blood sugar as quickly as simple ones do. ST

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

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Chicken Soup For The S oul Wedding Day Details


rom the right flowers, which just happened to be light blue and violet hydrangeas, to tackling the head-ache-inducing seating charts, I spent months planning every detail of my traditional wedding, and it just had to be absolutely perfect! The venue that I fell in love with was a private country club in Connecticut that neither I nor my family could ever afford to join. The reality was that I was cursed with champagne taste on a beer budget. What would my wedding be without the perfect venue, though? After weeks of haggling and negotiating, it was mine. As time went by, I started to get lost in the details as if they were the only things that mattered. I admit that if my wedding planning had gone on another few weeks, I know I would have morphed into a fullblown Bridezilla. I was actually one of the lucky bridesto-be, I mean that I got a reality check. It came in the form of a life-changing event that reminded me what really mattered... and it wasn't the frosting on the cake or the length of the bridesmaids' dresses. I received a phone call two weeks before my big day. I had just returned from my hair and make-up dry run. My dad was on

the other line telling me that he thought he was having a heart attack and was on his way to the hospital. The 10-minute car ride to the emergency room seemed like an eternity as I relived a phone call I had received eight years earlier. My aunt called to inform me that my stepfather had died of a heart attack that morning. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my dad, too. As tears started streaming down, I kept telling myself that he was going to be okay. Thankfully, he was okay. He had indeed suffered a heart attack but was lucky enough to get medical attention immediately. My sister and I visited him in his hospital room every day to keep him company. It was the first week since my engagement that I didn't think about wedding details. It was the first time that I realized how silly I had been to get so caught up in the small stuff. When I woke up on my wedding day, September 5, 2009 I knew my wedding was going to be perfect. It had nothing to do with all of my hard work, planning, or even money. It was going to be perfect because my dad was going to be there to walk me down the aisle. Visit

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Favorite Foods Three Cheese Zucchini Dish by Steven J. Austin


ucchini alert! You just never know where zucchini might pop up... even in your slow cooker dish! That’s right! 1 cup + 2 tbls reduced-fat baking mix 1 ⁄4 cup grated, reduced-fat Parmesan 1 ⁄4 cup fat-free Italian dressing 3 eggs, beaten, or equivalent in egg substitute 3 cups finely chopped unpeeled zucchini 3 ⁄4 cup chopped onion 1 ⁄3 cup shredded reduced-fat Cheddar 1 ⁄3 cup shredded reduced-fat mozzarella

1. Spray a slow cooker container with butter-flavored cooking spray. In prepared container, combine baking mix, Parmesan, Italian dressing, and eggs. Add zucchini and onion. Mix well to combine. Stir in Cheddar and mozzarella. 2. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 8 hours. Mix well before serving. Makes 63⁄4 cup) servings. ST Each serving equals: 186 calories, 6g fat, 10g protein, 23g carb., 558mg sodium, 2g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 Starch, 1 Meat, 1 Vegetable.

Look for a Votran bus and hop on. Low fares — and just half price for seniors and kids. Convenient schedules and no driving hassles.

A service of Volusia County Government

Go Green. Go Votran.

August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page B-7

Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic An effective, non-surgical approach to treat neurological & musculoskeletal conditions including: • Neck & Back Chronic Pain • Shoulder/Elbow/Hip/Knee Pain • Migraines/Trigeminal Neuralgia/TMJ • Post-Operative Pain • Auto/Sports Injuries • Arthritis Our goal is to provide a non-surgical and non-drugs option to pain and injury while restoring function to patients and improving quality of life.

New Patient Only

50% OFF Lorenzo Phan, D.O.M

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Medical Doctors Explore Acupuncture Therapy “My chronic lower back pain is much better now. I owe it all to Dr. Phan’s acupuncture treatments.” —Dr. Ingris, Veterinarian “I had extreme pain down my back, buttocks and legs all the way down to my ankles. After acupuncture treatments with Dr. Phan, I am now pain free and able to do daily activities. A non-drug, non-surgical solution— acupuncture has been a tremendous help for my sciatic pain.” —Dr. Romaniello, DMD “I had a nerve compression on my neck which disabled me from turning left or right. Because of the severe neck pain, I could not drive nor sleep comfortably. Dr. Phan’s acupuncture treatments resolved my neck condition. I am now pain free.” —Dr. Revollo Humberto, M.D.

386-615-1203 • 725 W. Granada Blvd, Ste.15 • Ormond Beach



The Best Music from the 50s, 60s, & 70s

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique


r. Devi S. Nambudripad’s extensive training in varying disciplines of medicine including western medicine, kinesiology and acupuncture have resulted in the development of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET). Since November of 1983, this all natural combination of alternative disciplines has resulted in the perfect health model NAET for eliminating allergens within the body. The following are a sampling of the medical fields which have aided in the discovery and development of NAET. This non-invasive assessment and treatment plan has helped thousands of patients combat allergies and allergy related health disorders. • Western Medicine–Education of the nervous system and brain leads practitioners to a better understanding of the cellular communication network of the human body. • Kinesiology–Body movements that can detect allergens within the human body through testing the strength and weakness of muscles. • Acupuncture–Any allergy that produces muscle weakness can also cause imbalance within the body which can result in disease. Acupuncture releases energy that is blocked in energy pathways, called meridians, thus return-

Tune In Weekday Mornings For Kevin Geddings Local Weather, Traffic, And News Updates Streaming Oldies Online At:

Page B-8—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

…by Dr. Lorenzo Phan DOM, A.P.

free medical structure that believes in looking for the cause as opposed to treating the symptom. Allergies left undiagnosed are often the cause for serious debilitating illnesses. Through the desensitizing of one allergen at a time NAET practitioners can cure the patient of allergens causing disorders/diseases. The amount of allergens found within the patients body after assessment will determine the length of treatment. Types of allergens tested for include chemical sensitivity, environmental, vaccinations, and immunizations. NAET method can clear allergic reactions to a host of possible allergens including yet not limited to: perfume, flowers, cigarette smoke, shellfish, eggs, peanuts, milk, and penicillin. For more details, contact Dr. Lorenzo Phan of the Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic located at 725 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 15 in Ormond Beach, FL 32174. For a free consultation, call 386-615-1203.

Goldfish Lives 41 Years? by Samantha Weaver

The 1,000 most common words in English make up approximately 90 percent of all writing in the language.


Acupuncture & Skin Care

Strange But True It was ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius who made the following sage observation: “It is only the wisest and the very stupidest who cannot change.”

- Elvis - The Beatles - The Beach Boys - Petula Clark

ing the body back to homeostasis. This cures disorders/disease. The premise of NAET is that many disorders such as migraines, back ache, joint pain, PMS, indigestion, are caused by allergies within the body. NAET is a drug

If you're planning a trip Down Under, be sure you save some time for the Australian state of Tasmania. In the capital, Derwent, is the critically acclaimed Museum of Old and New Art, or MONA. One of the unusual— I would even venture to say unique in the world—offerings is the afterhours naturist tour. Yes, that means naked. A naked tour guide leads naked tourists through the museum. Even the security guards are naked. Just so you know: Hot and cold running water has been around for thousands of years. Members of the upper class in ancient Egypt used copper tubing to pipe it into their homes.

The oldest goldfish on record lived 41 years. His name was Fred. According to the U.S. Census, the Pacific states (including Hawaii) are home to the men with the longest life expectancy, while women tend to live longer in the South. If one or both of your parents were sleepwalkers, you're more prone to nocturnal wanderings yourself. In the late 1960s, J.I. Rodale, creator of Prevention magazine, was invited to be a guest on the Dick Cavett Show. After talking confidently about his good health and predicting that he would live to be 100, he seemed to doze off. The host and another guest chuckled a bit about the apparent nap, until they realized that Rodale had died. Needless to say, the show never aired. ST

Thought for the Day: “I would have made a good Pope.” —Richard Nixon

Family Tree Roots Run Deep


decided a few months ago to look into some of my ancient relatives. I don’t know if I would recommend doing this unless you are willing to accept the good with the bad. It seems that a lot of my relatives were named after Biblical characters. As I was plundering through my family’s ancient history I found one Bible name that was sort of perplexing, Hezekiah. It seems that this distant relative was an especially bad scoundrel. He got his start by stealing chickens. Although he was known far and wide as a chicken thief, the law was never able to make a good case against him. Once, according to what I was able to dig up on him, he almost got caught when a deputy sheriff stumbled up on him as he was finishing up a batch of fried chicken at his camp just outside of Parksville, South Carolina. Although there were a few tail feathers scattered around the deputy could not tie Hezekiah to the missing chicken. The chicken’s owner, stated in the report I found that he had shot at the culprit. Later information noted that Hezekiah did walk favoring his right leg a little. Unlike his namesake in the Bible who happened to be an ancient King of Israel, Hezekiah, my relative, had a shady past. Ironically, something happened on the path to being hanged for all of his misdeeds; he settled down. He married, of course, and started a family. After a few years later, it seems he got into politics. As a politician he had problems. It seems that most of his wealth had been accumulated through shady deals and a few political fixes. Hezekiah fell victim to the times and ended up broke and destitute. I did read in one account that it was suspected that he may have died an untimely death. There was a report given a few years later that a man with a slight limp had been shot, but escaped, after a farmer had seen someone in his chicken pen. I guess if nothing else fails you go back to what you did best. I have intentionally not told you which side of my family Hezekiah belonged to, but I will say my family tree (thankfully) has many branches. Just remember one thing

about our ancestors, you may find more than you bargained for when you dig too deep. ST

Winding Roads …by Byron Spires

You can contact Byron Spires via email at or check out his blog at byronspires.word

King’s Sudoku Holy Cross Lutheran Church 724 Big Tree Rd. • South Daytona

12–2 P.M. On Thursdays Doors Open at 11:00 A.M. Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down, and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.

Lunch 12–1 P.M. Bingo from 1–2 P.M.

Rese rva Requ tions ired!

Difficulty this week: ★★

★ ★★ ★★★

Moderate Challenging Hoo Boy!

© 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

Just $4—Includes: Lunch, Bingo & Non-monetary Prizes

Answers on Page B-11

Piano Lessons

• Would you like your child or grandchild to play? • Have you always wanted to play piano, but never had the time?

Experienced Teacher—20+ Years Great Location • Great Studio • Great Fun! Please Contact Terri Adams, Piano Instructor 386-290-4288 •

Sept. 6

Ham & Cheese Croissant, Potato Chips, Dessert, & Beverage

Sept. 13

Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Dessert, & Beverage

Sept. 20

Mac & Cheese, Cole Slaw, Dessert, & Beverage

Sept. 27

Chicken Salad Croissant, Applesauce, Dessert, & Beverage

Reservations are required by noon the Tuesday prior.

Call The Office, Monday Thru Friday

at 386-767-6542 August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page B-9

King’s Crossword

RUSH LIMBAUGH The voice behind the “Excellence In Broadcasting” Golden Microphone Tune in to WNDB 1150 weekdays NOON to 3 P.M. or listen live on the Internet at For sales and advertising information, please call Mike Moltane, General Sales Manager at 386-944-7744 or e-mail:

Page B-10—Seniors Today—August 17, 2012

1 5 8 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 53

“Woe is me!” Snapshot, for short Church section Chore Blonde shade Bucket Anise-flavored liqueur Nursery color, maybe Larry and Curly's cohort Heavy hammer Lights On the briny “Hi, sailor!” Engrossed More (Sp.) Sculptor Oldenburg Regret Not concrete Actress Sorvino Corn peel Energy Yell sharply Chaps Nickel, for one Missing person? Uncontrollable Postal Creed word Davenport's site Wagers Bribe Basin accessory

DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 34 35 37 38 39 40 41

___ glance Science workshop Fool Meager Cracker spread Somewhat (Suff.) Board and 32 pieces Seem Settled a debt Croon Actress Sommer Ph. bk. data Many summertime births Dalai ___ Moby Dick's pursuer Rolling stone's lack Unawares Fairbanks folks Naval hoosegow Continental coin Darling Motley ___ Uses one's gray matter Mickey's girlfriend Flying geese's formation Wound cover Kansas, to Dorothy Urban disturbance Abbr. that may cause sticker shock 44 Ghost's cry 45 AAA job 46 Lamb's mama 47 Listener

Answers on Page B-11


Mama Shoe: An Elegant, Simple Life


t seems that the longer I live, the more I yearn for a simpler life. Stuffing more and more things into bigger houses does not interest me. The first person to influence me toward the simple life was Thelma Shoemake. I just called her Mama Shoe. She and her husband, Gilbert, lived next door to us when he died at an early age, leaving Mama Shoe with four children. When Mr. Shoemake died, the men in the community got together and decided to raise enough money in the community to build Mama Shoe a two-room house and Daddy let them set it on the back of our property. I immediately inherited two brothers and two sisters. Through the years I have felt like they were brothers and sisters. Mama Shoe felt like my mother. I am sure that is why I called her Mama Shoe, Her hugs were heavenly and I crave them to this day. I regularly dream of her. Just this week I dreamed I saw her standing in her yard wih a soft summer wind blowing through her dark brown hair, I just stood quietly and soaked in her presence. It was such a sacred re-connection that it woke me and I laid there for a while remembering how precious she always felt to me. She was a tall woman with an elegant bearing, a quiet spirit, and a tender touch. She went to the Pilgrim Holiness Church and

lived her religion like few people I have met in this life. She got Alzheimer’s and we would go to the Nursing home three times a year; Mother’s Day, her birthday, and Christmas and play music for her and all the residents.

My Sunday Journal …by Dalton Roberts This was the agnostic period of my life and I hated any God that would allow a faithful servant like Mama Shoe to get such a cruel disease. Now that God has been with me thru some afflictions of my own, I just trust that Master Jesus was as sweet and real to her as He has been to me in my dark times and most severe life challenges. You might tell me her simple lifestyle was forced on her and some of it was. The simple life I crave and admire is the one where maximum use is made of limited resources and a high quality of life is lived. It is a life centered around family, God, friends, and just enough things to make do. The kind of life Mama Shoe lived right before my eyes. ST Mail comments to Dalton Roberts, 3327 Roberts Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37416. You may enjoy Dalton’s website at www.dalt

Finding Balance In The Battle Against Vertigo If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from spells of dizziness, you may now take a sigh of relief. A new procedure called Canalith Repositioning conducted at the Center for Dizziness, Balance & Motion Sickness will eliminate this problem in 85% of patients. The medical term for this condition is Benign Positional Vertigo; it can cause people to feel nausea, lose their balance, and prevent simple normal activities from being accomplished. A graduate of Georgetown University Medical School, Dr. Katz trained in Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. By far, the most common cause of vertigo in people over 65 is benign positional dizziness that occurs while the person is bending over, looking up, and lying down. It has been reported that balance related falls account for more than one-half of the accidental deaths among the elderly. The utricle is lined with nerve filaments, beneath a sticky pad of crystals. During the normal aging process the gravity-sensing crystals, called otoliths, are released from the utricle and work their way into the semicircular canal, where they float in fluid, head movements cause the otoliths to stimulate nerve endings, which results in vertigo. Once other causes of dizziness have been eliminated, he can proceed immediately with canalith repositioning. The condition is treated by a simple in-office maneuver where the patient’s head is tilted in several positions in such a way as to remove this debris from the fluid in the inner ear. Canalith repositioning is a highly effective treatment and can be easily repeated if dizziness returns or is not completely eliminated the first time. Dr. Katz also treats people with balance problems. Way too often, people are told “you’re getting older, what do you expect?” But it is not a normal part of aging to lose your balance. Certain antibiotics or viral infections can damage the balance nerves leaving individuals with an insecure feeling when walking, especially when stepping off a curb, walking on an uneven surface like pebbles or lawns and walking in the dark. When balance problems arise, people have a tendency to restrict their activity and then the brain doesn’t get enough stimulation to learn how to compensate for the injury. Vestibular Rehabilitation and Balance Retraining (which is performed in our office) is very effective in restoring balance by a process of adaptation and compensation. Dr. Katz also treats people with Meniere’s disease that is characterized by episodes of vertigo that last anywhere from 15 minutes to 24 hours and is also associated with hearing loss and ringing in the ears. DR. JAY KATZ at the 386-864-5910 • 9 Pine Cone Dr., Ste. 104, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Now Accepting Humana Insurance Visit Our New Website: WWW.MYDIZZYDOCTOR.COM

A r e Yo u D i z z y O r L o s i n g Yo u r B a l a n c e ? ? ? ?

Here’s An Idea “The kids are all home for the summer, which means more TV squabbles. We limit their television viewing with coupons, which they can use to reserve the TV. They write the time they'd like to use the television, in 30-minute increments, on the coupon, and it gets taped to the inside cabinet of the entertainment center. This has worked well, since it's first-come, first-served.” —R.E. in Tennessee If you are counting calories, check out the website of fast-food restaurants you frequent, and you can decide ahead of time what items fit best in your diet.

“To clean my glass lighting fixtures, I take them down, dust them off, and use a toothbrush on any intricate dirt areas, then I stack them in the dishwasher's top rack. I run it without cleaner, and it does a terrific job.” —a Reader in Oregon I keep a tea towel on the end of my dresser so that I can set my purse there. The bottoms of purses see so many dirty areas, and I can just toss the towel in the wash weekly." —M.M. in Louisiana If you want to keep your peeled potatoes white, add a little bit of white vinegar to the cooking water. It will not flavor the potatoes. ST

Crossword Puzzle On Page B-10

Sudoku Puzzle On Page B-9

by JoAnn Derson

August 17, 2012—Seniors Today—Page B-11

Y’all Come! Presents

Seniors Today’s Fall Festival Round Up October 2, 2012 • 9 A.M.–1 P.M.

At Holy Cross Lutheran Church • 724 Big Tree Rd. • South Daytona Reserve your tables now—only $150 or $175 (for power). (Includes 6 ft. table, 2 chairs, and plastic tablecloth) All tables will be located Inside.

Table must be reserved and paid for by September 24, 2012. Tables will be assigned in the order they are purchased. We have a new theme and a new layout for this event this year!

Platinum Festival Sponsorship: Spotlight Sponsor For The Event—Only One Available:


Gold Festival Sponsorship: Entertainment Gold (Only One Available):


Lunch Gold (Only One Available): $750 • All Standard Gold • Banner Displayed At Lunch • Sponsor’s Business Card Will Be Given Out With Every Lunch Standard Gold: $500 • Logo On All Printed Ads • Name On All Radio Spots—If received by September 13, 2012 • Half-Page, Color Ad In The Festival Program Inserted Into the Sept. 28, 2012 Seniors Today Newspaper • Table & Two Chairs • Option to donate bags to be give to seniors at door to collect event goodies

Silver Festival Sponsorship Includes: $350 • Name On All Printed Materials • Quarter-Page, Color Ad In The Festival Program Inserted In the Sept. 28, 2012 Issue Of Seniors Today • Table & Two Chairs

Private Screening Rooms: $450 • Limited Number Available:

Good Samaritan Society

Vitas Innovative Hospice Care

Festival Program Advertising Also Available. For more information, call 386-677-7060

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