We are excited to announce our 2024-25 BoardExecutive!
President Lois Ruston, Executive Director of YWCAWestman,continuesherpresidency.
Vice President Jennifer Ludwig, owner and pharmacistatSuperThriftyPharmacy,and
Secretary-Treasurer Emelio Brown, CEO of IntriTechDigitalMarketing,joinherinleading thechamber.
The Brandon Chamber of Commerce and Westman ImmigrantServicesareexcitedtoannouncethatapplications for our 2024-25 Brandon Leadership Program are now open! This dynamic program is designed to foster growth, connection, and an in-depth understanding of our city. Apply now on our website to join this immersive experience and developyourleadershippotential.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our 2023-24 Board for their incredible dedication and hard work.Theircommitmenthasbeeninstrumentalin driving the success of our chamber and fostering growthwithinourcommunity.
We are sad to say goodbye to Past President Tanya LaBuick, who is an equity partner in CW2 Construction and Design Ltd. and Guardian FencingLtd.,wheresheservesasChiefOperating Officer and Principal Consultant and Owner of LaBuick & Co. Tanya has played a pivotal role in our Chamber for many years, and her leadership andvisionwillbegreatlymissed
We also bid farewell to Board Director Andrea Epp, owner of Epp Law Office Andrea’s contributions have been invaluable, and her presenceontheboardwillbedeeplymissed
We say goodbye to Board Director Courtney Baxter, who took on the role of Director of Global Marketing at Bushel Plus in 2022 Courtney’s innovative ideas and dedication have greatly benefitedourchamber
Lastly, we extend our thanks to Board Director Samantha Falloon, Managing Partner with Myphone – TELUS & KOODO Authorized Dealer Samantha’scommitmentandeffortshavebeena vitalpartofourboard’ssuccess
Thankyoutoeachofyouforyour unwaveringsupport,dedication,and invaluablecontributions.Yourhardwork andcommitmenthavesignificantly strengthenedourchamberandpositively impactedourentirecommunity.The legacyofyoureffortswillcontinueto inspireandguideusforyearstocome.
ThankyoutoeveryonewhocameouttoourStateof the Chamber Luncheon! President Lois Ruston delivered her much-anticipated address on the state of business in Brandon and announced our 2024BoardofDirectors.
Don't miss our last First Friday coffee event of the year! No registration needed – just come and network over coffee with us. Coffee provided by Tim Hortons
StickaroundafterourFirstFridayCoffeeaswehosta summer kick - off BBQ with Heritage Coop! This is a freeeventandeveryoneiswelcomed.
Join us at Wheat City Golf Course on Wednesday, June 12th for a day of friendly competition, great company, and endless opportunities for laughs and memoriesmade!
On May 16th, we hosted our May State of the Province luncheon featuring Premier Wab Kinew The event attracted a record attendance of over 500 guests, including approximately 50 dignitariesandspecialguestsfromvariouslevels ofgovernmentandIndigenouscommunities
Premier Kinew announced significant funding for local educational institutions during his address Brandon University will receive $74 million, and Assiniboine Community College will receive an additional $2 million This funding supplements the existing budget allocations and addresses previous concerns about funding inequities comparedtoWinnipeg-basedinstitutions.
Premier Kinew emphasized the critical role of education in economic growth. The additional funds aim to support the rising costs and expanding needs of Brandon University and Assiniboine Community College, benefiting the broaderWestmanregion.
In addressing healthcare, Premier Kinew outlined plans to improve working conditions for public nursesandregulateprivatenursingagencies.
Brandon University is set to receive a substantialboostof$7.4million,while Assiniboine Community College will benefit from an additional $2 million, marking a significant investment in thefutureofourlocaleducation.
He acknowledged the challenges faced by nurses, including mandatory overtime and workplace safety, and stressed the need to incentivizenursestoreturntothepublicsector
The Premier shared insights from a recent trade mission to Washington, DC, highlighting Manitoba's valued role in agricultural trade and as a source of critical minerals and lowcarbon energy He also underscored his commitment to working with municipalities to address infrastructure needs and mentioned efforts to secure federal support for these projects
These announcements signify substantial advancements for our community, directly impacting the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and our membership The increased funding for Brandon University and Assiniboine Community College will enhance educational opportunities, creatingamoreskilledandeducatedworkforce,
which is vital for local businesses seeking qualified employees and fostering innovationwithinourregion
The Premier’s focus on infrastructure improvements and support for municipalities like Brandon ensures sustainable growth Upgrades to essential services such as water and sewer systems will facilitate new housing projects, benefiting our members in real estate, construction, and relatedsectors.
Overall, these initiatives align with the Chamber’s mission to promote economic growth, support our members, and improve the quality of life in BrandonandtheWestmanregion.
We extend our sincere gratitude to our attendees at the State of the Province Luncheon. Your presence and support are invaluable to our ongoing efforts for community growth. Special thanks to our host sponsor, Westman Communications Group, and our booth sponsors: Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, St. John Ambulance, Assiniboine Community College Continuing Studies, SV Benefits, Westman Immigrant Services, and Brandon Salutes. Your
Thank you to all our valued members for your unwavering support throughout the 2023-2024 chamber year. Together, we ' ve achieved remarkable milestones and made significant strides in enhancing the Brandon business community. Your dedication, collaboration, and enthusiasm have been instrumental in driving positive change and fosteringgrowth.Here'stoanothersuccessfulyearahead!
Asweembarkonanewchamberyear,weinviteourmemberstorenew their membership with the Brandon Chamber of Commerce. Your continued support ensures the strength and vitality of our business community.
The “Great Transfer of Wealth” refers to the anticipated passing of assets, valued at over $68 trillion, from the Baby Boomer generation to their heirs, predominantly Generation X and Millennials, over the next few decades.Thisunprecedentedshiftof assets demands careful planning and effective communication within familiestoensuresmoothtransitions and financial stability for generations
The Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, accumulated significant wealth through a combination of post-war economic growth, real estate investments, and stock market gains As they age, the focus shifts to estate planning to ensure a smooth transition of their assets. This transfer is not just about passing on money; it includes businesses, properties, and other valuable assets that could shape the financialfutureofthenextgenerations
Talking to adult children about wealth transfer can be daunting. However, open dialogue is crucial for the followingreasons:
Start the conversation by being transparent about your financial situation, including the nature and extentofyour
assets This builds trust and sets a foundationforopendiscussions.
Make sure your children have a solid understanding of financial concepts. This includes basic principles like budgeting and investing, as well as more complex topics like taxes and estateplanning.
3. Expectations and Responsibilities
Clarifyyourexpectationsregardingthe inheritance. Discuss any conditions or responsibilities that come with the assets, such as managing a family business or maintain a property. Clear guidelineshelppreventfutureconflicts andconfusion
Consider involving a team of professionals in your discussions Your financial planner, lawyer and accountant can help navigate complexitiesensuringthatyourplans
are both effective and compliant withthelaw.
The Great Transfer of Wealth is more than just a financial transaction;it’sanopportunityto impart values, share knowledge and create a lasting impact It is a historic event that requires careful planning and honest conversations By approaching the topic with openness and clarity, you can help ensure that yourlegacyispreservedandthat your children are well-prepared to manage their inheritance responsibly.
Hi friends! We're Ben and Rayna Moffat, owners of Cursed Coffee in Shilo, MB We purchased our business in December of 2019 (Yes, right before COVID put the world on pause) when it was still called Forbidden Flavours Things got confusing as we were not a franchise of the Brandon location(s) and offered differentproducts,sowedecidedtorebrandasCursed Coffee in spring of 2022 We thought Cursed was a great name considering our "bad timing" with the purchase Though the first few years of business were challenging,we'vebeenabletorevampourmenuand do a little redecorating to make it our own Though you ' re more likely to find Ben at Brandon Chrysler Dodgewhereheworksasafinancemanager,youcan catch me (Rayna) and our amazing staff in the Canex Mallforallofyourcaffeineneeds!
Whatinspiredyoutojointhechamber,andwhatare youhopingtogainfrommembership?
In my previous life in the Credit Union system, | often attended Chamber lunches I love the community it offers My dad always says "It's not what you know, but who" A membership with the Chamber is a great way to both learn from fellow business owners, but make somegreatconnections
Howdoyouenvisionyourbusinesscontributingtothe localcommunityoreconomy?
CursedCoffeehasbeenanactivememberinourShilo community.You'lloftenseeourcoffeeortreatsatlocal eventssuchasTealUpDayortheLighttheWayOutof Darkness Suicide Awareness Walk. We hope to be able tobeanotherbridgebetweenBrandonandShilo.
What are some recent milestones or achievements yourbusinesshascelebrated?
This December we will celebrate our 5th year in business!
How do you see your business evolving in the future,andwhatopportunitiesorchallengesdo youanticipate?
Unlike traditional businesses that will have a predictableebbandflowofbusinessthroughthe year, our business is more based on the movementoftroops
When there are large postings out of Shilo or largerdeploymentswetendtohaveslowertimes, or when there are courses being held in Shilo we tendtobebusier Worldeventsarealwaystopof the mind for business owners, but even more so forus.
Can you tell us about your business and what setsitapartfromothersinyourindustry?
Tim Horton's could be the national symbol for Canada,andfittinglyyou'llfindoneonjustabout every Canadian Forces Base Shilo is unique in that it doesn't have a Tim Horton's, but rather you'll find us! Because of this, we try to meet the demand of being a fast-paced drive-thru cafe, butwealsowanttohavethecozyatmosphereof a local coffee house that offers unique and seasonalmenuitems.
SkillsManitobaisanannualcompetitionwherestudentsfrom secondary, post-secondary, and apprenticeship programs compete against their peers in challenges designed to test skills required in trades and technology careers. The Skills Manitoba Competition involves industry partners in evaluating student performance and to keep training programs relevant to employers’ needs The secondary and post-secondary competition was held at Red River College Polytech on April 11, 2024, where over 475 students participatedin42skilledtradesandtechnologycontestsin6 industry sectors. Skills Manitoba is an Olympic-style competitionwithtopstudentsintheprovinceearningaGold, Silver, or Bronze medal. Gold Medal winners then form Team Manitoba to compete against national peers at the Skills CanadaCompetitionthatwilltakeplaceinQuebecCityfrom May29-June1,2024.
Students from Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School and Vincent Massey High School attended the Skills Manitoba Competition. Twenty-one students received medals in 14 different competitions, taking home a remarkable 10 Gold, 8 Silver, and 3 Bronze medals Medalling in these competitions is a testament to the skills of these 21 students and to the quality of programs that the students are studying The 10 Gold medal winners are now preparing for the national competitioninQuebecCity
Brandon School Division congratulates the participants and medal winners in the Skills Manitoba Competition, and sincerely appreciates the instructors who help shape the futuresofthesestudents.
For further information regarding the Skills Manitoba Competition and to see a complete list of 2024 medalists, pleasevisit:2024SkillsManitoba.ForalistofBrandonSchool Division medal winners, please visit: 2024 Skills Manitoba Competition(
Aspartofourongoingeffortstoensurethatour members' voices are heard, we recently conductedasurveyinpreparationforourState oftheProvinceluncheon Thegoalofthissurvey was to gather input on what topics our members wanted Premier Wab Kinew to address during the panel discussion We are pleasedtosharetheresultsandourresponse
The survey revealed that the majority of our members who participated ranked infrastructure development as the most important issue, with economic development coming in second These priorities reflect the critical areas where our members seek to see progressandinvestment
Although Premier Wab Kinew couldn't cover every question and topic during the luncheon, we want to highlight the ongoing work the Brandon Chamber is doing to address these issues OurGeneralManager,Connor,continues to actively participate in the Provincial Business and Jobs Council This council was created by thePremiertoadvisetheprovince
on developing a robust economy that Manitobans can rely on for generations to come.Thecouncil'sworkfocusesonbuildingon the priorities shared by Manitobans, strengthening Manitoba’s low-carbon, diverse economy,andcreatinggoodfamily-supporting jobsacrosstheprovince.
In addition to the work on the council, our staff along with our Board Executives, regularly meet with various municipal governments and industryleaders.Thesemeetingsaimtosupport initiatives and foster insightful conversations that align with the priorities identified by our members.
LivingstoneOutdoor&Livingstone LandscapingLtd
TILDAFORTIER GreenstoneBuildingProducts
KARINGRIFFIN AlternativeGroup
AMBERWHITE AnytimeFitness
CHARLESTWEED TweediaSocialMediaAgency
ENVERNAIDOO WestmanImmigrantServices
The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent, membership funded, non-profit organization that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level.
Our Mission:
To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment, favourable to enhancing existing and attracting new business.