As Spring slowly seeps into our province, it is impossible not to feel the hope and optimism that comes with another season Growing up on a small family farm, my life was measured by the seasons, from calving in winter to seeding in spring, so this time of year instills a sense of hope and optimism for what lay ahead.
Often, in looking ahead, we are also prodded to look back, to understand the changes and challenges that previous seasons have presented and how we can learn from and leverage them for the planting season ahead. In reflection for this article, I remember almost two years ago when I joined the Executive of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce. Myself, Tanya LaBuick and Jaime Pugh met over a few lunches to discuss how we could extend a common message and theme to spread across the terms of our Presidencies, ensuring consistency and staying power in the work that we would be doing Among several other initiatives that have been completed, or are being undertaken, we talked a lot about Brandon receiving the attention and support it deserves as our province’s second largest city. We also talked about raising the bar around this topic, and not only having Brandon regarded by our provincial counterparts as getting “ our fair share” from a per capita perspective, but creating projects and initiatives that government and funding partners would want to participate in.
Our Chamber has always been well represented at provincial government traditions such as the Speech from the Throne and the Provincial
Budget (more to come on the 2024 version in a few moments), and in the past few years we have worked hard to be represented at Minister and Deputy Ministers’ dinners, and with the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce as well. There have been many, many trips to Winnipeg for meetings, luncheons and dinners in the provincial capital. However, we are starting to get traction with this concept, with our Past President serving on the Premier’s Economic Advisory Council on Competitiveness in 2022, and our GM now having an appointment to the Premier’s Business & Jobs Council in 2023.
Additionally, Brandon is pleased to host the 2024 Manitoba Chamber of Commerce AGM and Economic Summit later this month. This means that we will welcome Chamber leadership from across the province, government staff and elected officials to our community, providing another opportunity to put Brandon at the top of mind for provincial leaders Later this year, Manitoba Chambers will also visit Brandon and western Manitoba for an Economic Development Tour in October 2024.Not only are we getting
Brandon deeper into the provincial conversation, we are also pleased to have representatives from provincial and federal government departments, as well as the Manitoba Chamber and Business Council sharing their perspective and expertise on the community’s economic development initiative, GROW Brandon
Collectively in lockstep with many leaders, we are moving the needle o attention and focus on the Brandon was pleased to attend the provinc presentation this week with Vice Jennifer Ludwig, and GM Connor Ket we had a chance to dive into government’s first budget, and co others to discuss its impact on our p the business community. This budget surprising, and very much in keepin election promises that were made with health care and lowering costs for fa will tell what promises like “stable and funding for post-secondary institutio “infrastructure advisory panel” will e our community but there were a few observations and announcements T news release was the typical page document touching on key high messages that would be shared budget presentation. The following Ba
focused on commitments for Rural Manitoba, Northern Manitoba, and more than a dozen bullets on Brandon-specific (or related) budget content. One of the key announcements that will have a significant impact on our community in the years ahead is an investment in the capital expansion of Brandon University’s Brodie Science Centre, which will lay the groundwork for establishing medical seats and the ability to train doctors in the Westman Region. In ensuring that our employees and their families have access to health care here at home, this announcement
We will continue to work with stakeholders to lobby for practices that ensure the ongoing development of a skilled workforce while on other fronts working to minimize taxation pressures on the business community The 2024 budget has helped to lay the groundwork for the work that the Brandon Chamber, and others, need to focus on in the year ahead. The fact that we have been able to develop relationships with government and sector leaders will help us to make sure that Brandon continues to be part of the provincial dialogue.
As we embark on another planting season, we will continue to sow seeds and shine a light on Brandon’s businesses, organizations and initiatives, that are worthy in so many ways of the care and cultivation of leaders from within the community and through all levels of government. An agricultural community at heart, we know that it takes hard work and perseverance to give each seed it’s chance to grow, and the Brandon Chamber is committed to another season of growth and success for our business community
Lois Ruston Lois Ruston President Brandon Chamber of CommerceAs the snow melts away and flowers begin to bloom, it's not just homes that can benefit from a thorough spring cleaning—businesses can too! The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is here to guide you through five essential steps to freshen up your business this season.
1. Review/Update Your Business Plans
Spring is the perfect time to revisit and reassess your business plans. Start by reviewing your goals and objectives for the year. Are they still relevant? Have there been any changes in the market or industry that you need to adapt to? Take the time to update your plans accordingly, ensuring they align with your current business landscape and aspirations. This process will help you stay focused and agile in achieving your objectives throughout the year.
2. Organize & Declutter Space (Physical & Digital)
A cluttered workspace can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress levels. Take the opportunity this spring to declutter both your physical and digital spaces. Dispose of any unnecessary paperwork, clean up your desktop
files, and organize your email inbox. A clean and organized workspace not only improves efficiency but also fosters a sense of clarity and focus among employees.
3. Evaluate Expenses
Springtime presents an excellent opportunity to conduct a thorough review of your business expenses. Analyze your financial statements and identify areas where you can cut costs or reallocate resources more efficiently. Look for subscriptions or services that you no longer need and renegotiate contracts where possible. By optimizing your expenses, you can improve your bottom line and strengthen your financial health for the rest of the year.
"A clean & organized workspace not only improves efficiency but also fosters a sense of clarity & focus among employees."
4. Update Marketing Materials and Strategies
With the changing seasons comes the opportunity to freshen up your marketing materials and strategies. Review your website, social media profiles, and promotional materials to ensure they reflect your current branding and messaging. Consider updating your content to resonate with the spirit of spring or launching seasonal marketing
campaigns to attract new customers. By keeping your marketing efforts up-to-date, you can stay relevant and engage your audience effectively.
Additionally, prioritize open communication and feedback to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your organization.
Investing in your staff's development is crucial for both employee satisfaction and business growth. Spring is an excellent time to assess your team's skills and identify areas for improvement. Consider offering training programs, workshops, or professional development opportunities to enhance their capabilities and keep them motivated.
"Spring cleaning isn’t just for homes - it’s also essential for businesses looking to refresh and revitalize their operations."
In conclusion, spring cleaning isn't just for homes—it's also essential for businesses looking to refresh and revitalize their operations. So roll up your sleeves, embrace the spirit of renewal, and let's get cleaning!
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Attention, small business owners and entrepreneurs! Are you ready to gain a competitive advantage for your start-up? It's time to be proactive and safeguard your intellectual property (IP)!
North Forge Technology Exchange (North Forge) has recently launched the ElevateIP Program*, specifically designed to empower start-ups in Canada to protect their ideas while scaling their operations. This federally funded initiative is your key to accessing essential resources and tools to understand, develop, and leverage your intellectual property.
So, what exactly does ElevateIP offer?
IP Education & Awareness: Dive deep into the world of intellectual property through tailored training sessions, workshops, and online resources.
IP Strategy Development: Get expert guidance on patent mining, trademark searches, agreement reviews, and more IP strategy tailored to your business goals.
IP Strategy Implementation: drafting and trademark licensing agreement creation, covered every step of the way.
And the best part? With a co-investment 30%, ElevateIP offers funding of start-up in Manitoba and Saskatchewan fees associated with your strategy and assets.
It's your opportunity to level up your business and make intellectual property a cornerstone of your success.
Whether you're just starting to explore your IP or ready to take your strategy to the next level, ElevateIP is here to guide you. Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity.
To be eligible your business must be incorporated or registered in Manitoba or Saskatchewan, be less than 15 years old, have fewer than 500 full-
*North Forge is an ElevateIP Recipient, a national program of Innovation, Science, and Economic
141 Sponsorship Opportunities availableforour GALA! Thiscould beyour logo!
InMarch,theLeadershipBrandoncohortdelvedintotheheartofourCity’sdowntown landscape.Throughaseriesofmeetings,theyhadtheprivilegeofconnectingwithafewofthe keyorganizationsactivelyworkingtoshapeourdowntown’spresentandfuture.
MeetingwiththeBrandonDowntownBiz,participantsgainedperspectiveonthedynamic interplaybetweencommerceandcommunityinourdowntownarea Buildinguponthis foundation,theyheardfromtheBrandonDowntownDevelopmentCorporationandlearnedof initiativesdrivingsustainablegrowthandthechallengesthatcomewithattractingbusiness.
TheLeadershipteamthenhitthestreetswiththeCityofBrandon’sCommunityHousingand Wellnessdepartmentwhere,duringawalkingtour,theyengagedinmeaningfulconversations regardingthemultifacetedchallengescurrentlybeingfaced.Fromaddressingthesocial servicesneedstoenhancingtheoverallappealofourdowntown,theywereexposedtoa numberofinnovativeprogramsandcollaborativeeffortsaimedatupliftingourcommunity.
Throughcontinuedpartnershipandcollectiveaction,weencourageeveryonetobeasteward ofpositivechangeandcontributetotheongoingevolutionofourdowntownlandscape, ensuringitcanbeavibranthubforcommerce,cultureandcommunity.
Thank you to our Leadership Brandon sponsors:
Lois Ruston | President YWCA Westman
Jennifer Ludwig | Vice President Super Thrifty Drugs Canada Ltd.
Emelio Brown | Secretary-Treasurer IntriTech Digital Marketing
Tanya LaBuick | Past-President CW2 Construction & Design Guardian Fencing LaBuick & Co
Courtney Baxter Bushel Plus
Matt Berg Livingstone Outdoor
Andrea Epp Epp Law Office
Samantha Falloon Myphone - TELUS & KOODO Authorized Dealer
Chris Finley Mazergroup
Tilda Fortier Greenstone Building Products
Meredyth Leech Leech Group
Brent Miller Victoria Inn
Rob Starkell West-Can HR Solutions
Connor Ketchen General Manager
Jessica Saler Member Relations & Communications Manager
Erin Houck Office & Project Manager
Destiny Maluga Events & Marketing Coordinator
Setting the pace for a greater Brandon since 1883
March was a busy month as our Chamber met with lots of provincial leaders. A few notable meetings included sitting down with Honorable Jamie Moses, Minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade, and Natural Resources, as well as Assistant Deput Minister of Investment and Trade Jana Schott.. These relationships and discussions are always vital in growing our region!
Chamber President Lois Ruston presented to the Brandon School Division regarding their upcoming budget for the next school year. Keeping our future work force and quality education at top of mind, Lois presented a series of recommendations to be considered for the upcoming budget.
Member Relations Manager, Jessica Saler, sat down with local manufacturers at the Canadian Manufacturer & Exporters inaugeral Operations Council meeting, listening and gaining insight into the operational and industry-specific challenges our local manufacturers face, and how the Chamber can better support them.
Who We Are: The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent, membership funded, non-profit organization that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level.
Our Mission: To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment, favourable to enhancing existing and attracting new business