April 2016 Inside this issue: Election Platforms Member Spotlight New Members Events Review Celebrating Women Expert Advice Recommended Reading
CHAMBER at a glance
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a publication of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce
Issues that Hit Home for Members
n February and March, the Chamber board took the first steps towards it’s strategic plan that will guide the direction of the Chamber and it’s executive for the coming years. Chambers across the country, and North America are tasked with figuring out where they fit and how they can find relevance in a rapidly changing business world.
lucky. We have a diverse board made up of successful people from a variety of backgrounds and industries. We have input from community leaders, business leaders, and politicians. We have data from our Business Leader Surveys. We’ll work through our strategic planning session and have a plan to execute that ensures that we’re relevant and tackling issues that hit home for our members.
It’s important that our Brandon Chamber remain true to our original While the Chamber is going through and founding this exercise to plan for principles. Our it’s future, I challenge all members expect us business leaders and “The challenge to be tackling the stakeholders in our lies in how the same issues that we community to think Chamber is to always have: about what we can all do, taxation levels, and the roles we can all remain regulatory burdens, play to help create and relevant while barriers to sustain that robust, doing this.” competitiveness. competitive economic Our mandate is to environment referenced ensure that Brandon has a robust, above. competitive economic environment that benefits our member businesses, Recent changes in oil prices and the our community and the families that ripple effects in southwestern live in it. The challenge lies in how the Manitoba show that we cannot be Chamber is to remain relevant while complacent, cannot rest on our laurels, doing this. cannot rely on past investments to pave the way to a prosperous future. The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is We need new industry, new business,
Jordan Ludwig, Chamber President
innovation, and increases in productivity and investment. None of this happens without the will of the influencers in our community shouldering forward and creating the Brandon of our future, Brandon 2.0. The Chamber, the City’s Economic Development department, the Province and each and every business person in our community have a role to play in the future of Brandon. The Chamber has a vast network of past presidents, board members, and engaged members with connections, influence, an appetite for risk and money to invest. We have a voice, and the most recent data from our Business Leaders survey says that our members want more economic development in our community. (Continued on page 6)
Growing Manitoba - A Provincial Election Platform If Manitoba is to outpace a number of provinces in terms of growth in the years to come, there needs to be a plan and vision for growth. Three key areas are viewed as critical to future growth in our province.
Adhere to a commitment of returning
Ensure Manitoba’s annual labour force
to a balanced budget
growth is competitive with other Western provinces II. WORKFORCE Invest in tools to provide better and While it remains the number one more accurate Labour Market challenge, it is also the most complex and Information (LMI) wide-ranging issue to address. Call for I. ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS commitment to: III. RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Business leaders have made it clear that The potential economic development Adopt a collaborative approach by they don’t believe Manitoba’s business opportunities in rural and Northern establishing a formal dialogue climate is competitive with other Manitoba are not being fully captured framework to include business provinces. Call for commitment to: and greater potential can be achieved. perspectives in the development of Call for commitment to: Implement long-term provincial actions and programs on skills strategies to maintain a tax reduction development and training A partnership with municipal priority Create an Aboriginal Engagement governments to address the existing Set a target for tax levels and tax Strategy to ensure inclusion and fiscal framework and meet the threshold levels in the top three most partnership in economic and labour challenges of the future competitive provinces growth policies Assess Manitoba’s transportation Raise the Basic personal tax exemption Support increasing the number of infrastructure and its limitations on Evaluate government expenditures for economic immigrants to this country to northern development efficiencies and effectiveness at least double the current rate; Continue to take a leadership role in Create an accessible venture capital commensurate with need bringing stakeholders together to place fund and supportive tax credit policies Establish formalized partnerships an urgent and high priority on water to leverage investment in the growth of between business, industry, academic management issues in our province new and existing businesses institutions, and the public sector to Implement recognized service share labour market data, avoid Join the New West Partnership standards to the regional communities duplication and to collaboratively Agreement, or enhance and improve a Visit mbchamber.mb.ca for more from similar agreement strategize on labour market challenges the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
27th Annual Golf Tournament Limited Sponsorship Opportunities Available Wednesday June 15, 2016
Glen Lea Golf Course
SPOT LIGHT The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is pleased to welcome Mr. Rooter Plumbing to our membership Can you provide a description of your business services? We provide residential and commercial plumbing services providing fixture install and repair, drain cleaning services and repair, hot water tank installs and repair, water filtration systems and both well and septic pump services. We are locally owned and family operated.
Where are you located? Mr. Rooter is located in Brandon, but covers a vast territory stretching to the US & Saskatchewan borders, east to Austin, and north through Riding Mountain. What are your business hours? We proudly offer 24/7 plumbing services and we never charge any after hour fees.
How long have you been in business? 1 yrs What are your business goals? To be a premier plumbing service company which excels at customer satisfaction and trust. Do you have a motto? There’s a reason they call us Mr!
Contact them at 204-727-8778 or www.mr.rooter.ca/brandon
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS A.D. Rutherford International Inc. 329A-9th Street Brandon, MB R7A 4A8 (204) 727-0707 marjorie@adrutherford.com www.adrutherford.com
cleanups 1349 26th St Brandon, MB R7B 2C4 (204) 727-1033 contact@cleanups.cleaning www.cleanups.cleaning
Avalanche Brandon 405 21st Brandon, MB R7B 1P1 (204) 570-1206 avalanchebrandon@gmail.com www.brandonsnowremoval.ca
James O'Connor Unlimited Brandon, MB (204) 717-1750 oconnor@wcgwave.ca facebook.com/pages/James-OConnorUnlimited
Chown Electric Ltd. 707-17th Street Brandon, MB R7A 5A1 204-725-0244 www.chownelectric.ca jeff@chownelectric.ca
Rotary Villas Unit A - 1340 10th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6Z3 (204) 725-1340 info@rotaryvillas.ca www.rotaryvillas.ca
April 2016
Royal Canadian Legion 560 13th St East Brandon, MB R7A 7C1 204-728-5026 office.admin@rclbrandon003.com Wawanesa Insurance PO Box 40 Wawanesa, MB R0k 2G0 204 824 6226 abbiesmith@wawanesa.com
Business Information Series: Chamber 101 January 19, 2016 Gathered around the Chamber boardroom, new and established members learned more about the features of membership, and how to get involved and maximize their investment. Look for a future sessions in May.
Business After 5: myITsource February 4, 2016 Members had the opportunity to mingle at myITsource to help launch their new brand, renovated space and new Full Managed Services program. Guests got a chance to try out a self-balancing hoverboard, took home shwag and one lucky winner went home with Jets tickets!
Luncheon: Business Climate Survey January 27, 2016 Luncheon: State of the Economy February 10, 2016
Thank you to MNP LLP for coordinating the survey and tabulating the results.
The price of oil, Canadian dollar, inconstancies, investments and more were discussed by Bill Chornous, VP with Investors Group in a digestible format. A takeaway for members was to build a diversified investment plan with a long time frame based on your ability to accept risk - and let it work for you.
Thank you to our Luncheon sponsor:
Thank you to our Luncheon sponsor:
Karen Burton of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba shared her years of experience with the audience at this sold out event. Tips about scheduled vs. live posts, suggested frequency of engagement, and a heads up about Twitter social policy that few are aware of, were among the helpful strategies provided to build a successful social media presence. The workshop was made possible by a joint committee working together to support Westman business, that includes the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Brandon.
Join us for Friday Coffee! 10-11:00am | Chamber Office
Taking the temperature of our business leaders through the Survey helps the Chamber understand the strengths, challenges, and appetites for change in our community; the results are used to form platforms and advocacy efforts. Notable was the shared concern over labour shortages, desire for economic development spending, and government support for economic growth outside the city of Winnipeg.
Workshop: Leveraging the Power of Social Media to Grow Your Business February 17, 2016
Ambassadors Do you find it intimidating to arrive at an event and start networking right away? To make Chamber events more comfortable, the Ambassador Program provides you with an assigned point of contact to help facilitate introductions and networking interactions. You are your greatest asset in teaching other people about what your business can do for them. Boost your confidence by actively participating in events with the security of a fellow business person who knows their way around the room. Chamber Ambassadors are volunteers from the Chamber membership community that serve to welcome members and connect them with other Chamber members. The Ambassadors are professionals from various backgrounds who serve as liaisons to encourage meaningful participation in the Chamber's programs and services; building member engagement and increasing member retention. The program is for new and current members alike to help with integration into the Chamber community to help make the most of your Chamber Membership investment. As the saying goes: “The more people you know, the easier it is to do business� Contact the Chamber if you would like to be paired up, or would like to participate.
@BdnChamber April 2016
Celebrating Women March 8 was International Women’s Day: a global acknowledgement of women’s economic, political and social achievements. What began as an offshoot of labour unrest in the early 20th century is marked today by celebrations ranging from parades and marches to concerts, galas and in some countries, a national holiday. International Women’s Day is an important occasion at the Women’s Enterprise Centre of Manitoba. Every day we have the privilege of working with women entrepreneurs from around Manitoba who are creative, dedicated and committed to achieving success by their own definition. Research has shown that women entrepreneurs have a profound impact on the economy. Not only do they create jobs for themselves and others, they are also very likely to make significant contributions to their communities. Yet women entrepreneurs continue to face challenges accessing capital, building networks, being perceived as credible and knowledgeable, and of course balancing family responsibilities. President’s Message (Cont’d from page 1)
The business landscape is constantly changing. Global markets, technology developments and new business models are just some of the realities. As the face of business changes, it is important to recognize that “women lead differently.” That point was made time and again, but perhaps most eloquently by Colleen Munro, President of Hugh Munro Construction Ltd at SHEday 2016. This leadership conference for Manitoba women featured stories and insights from successful women in our province. The speakers came from a range of backgrounds and professions but each had the goal of sharing lessons they had learned to benefit other women. Consider sharing these sage words with women in your network, not only as inspiration but also as validation for the way they are leading.
The Chamber will use our voice to lobby our governments for an environment that encourages investment, including tax incentives for venture capital investment and innovation. We'll link our past presidents, board members, and engaged members with opportunities that present themselves. I call on The City of Brandon, our Mayor and Council, to put some additional horsepower behind their economic development department. The business community wants to see economic development a priority of our council. Let's play the long game, put economic development at the top of our list, invest in and make decisions that have positive effects on the Brandon of tomorrow, without affecting the ability of the taxpayer to pay today.
“When women lead, barriers come down & opportunities open up.” “No struggle, no strength.”
Alison Kirkland, Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba 1-800-203-2343 ~ www.wecm.ca
Jordan Ludwig President Jordan can be reached at president@brandonchamber.ca
Protect Your Business and Your Retirement at the Same Time As a business owner, you probably have the bulk of your net worth tied up in the business and have many strategies to maximize the value of your enterprise. But do you have a concrete succession plan in place to secure the future of that business — and of your retirement? If not, you aren’t alone: only seven percent of Canadian business owners have a formal succession plan in place. If you don’t have a transition plan or need to update yours, consider the following: Personalized Strategies Work for the Long Term To help owner-managers and large organizations develop a strategic plan so you can exit your business on your terms, working with a consultant can help develop a an exit plan. A comprehensive succession program accounts for every aspect of the transition process including: tax and estate planning, wealth and asset management and valuations — all designed to meet your personal objectives and leaving nothing to chance. Key areas to look at during development:
1. Identifying Objectives: Based on your expectations for the future, objective development will be the foundation of your exit plan. 2. Tax / Estate Planning: A comprehensive strategy that addresses your tax and estate considerations. 3. Valuation: A realistic valuation based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats will help you make critical business decisions. 4. Retirement Planning: Works closely with your asset and wealth management advisory team to ensure you’re on track so you can decide when you retire. 5. Business Planning: An assessment of your net worth and review of business financials helps build a plan that meets your immediate needs and retirement goals 6. Governance Structure: The way your business is set up affects key decisions your family and business management team must make. Helping you identify which is which streamlines the succession process and ensures a successful outcome. 7. Employee Retention Program: An employee retention program that
ensures key employees stay and take over your responsibilities adds value to your bottom line and allows you to retire sooner. Planning Your Exit Strategy Has Many Rewards A comprehensive exit plan offers business owners numerous financial benefits, including the time to properly structure your operation as a true investment. This allows you to groom a successor, preserve the value invested in your company, capitalize on tax opportunities, protect your business from creditors and maximize its value along the way. Implementing your plan early also gives you control over how and when you will exit your business because you can assess your financial goals against market realities with greater accuracy. An exit plan can deliver several non-financial benefits as it simplifies your affairs, provides clarity to everyone involved, helps reduce overall anxiety and stress, as well as provides the opportunity to maximize your chances of achieving all of your personal and business objectives before you retire. What Options Should be Considered? Based on your unique situation you may plan to: sell your business to an outside buyer transfer ownership to family or close down altogether Working with a consultant will determine the most viable strategy; so your future turns out just as you imagined it would.
Leveraging more than 65 years of business succession experience, MNP has created ExitSMART™ so you can exit your business on your terms.
April 2016
Chamber at a Glance is published six times per year by the Brandon Chamber of Commerce 1043 Rosser Avenue | Brandon, MB R7A 0L5 Phone: (204) 571-5340 | Fax: (204) 571-5347
info@brandonchamber.ca www.brandonchamber.ca
EDITING & DESIGN Brandon Chamber of Commerce
PRINTING Leech Printing Ltd.
2015-2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jordan Ludwig—President Brandon Business Interiors
Terry Burgess—Vice President RBC Royal Bank
Tami Rae Clements—Secretary/Treasurer NetSet Communications & I-Netlink Wireless Todd Birkhan—Past President
Recommended Reading… Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney’s Sucess By Tom Connellan Disney's remarkable success comes from its ability to keep customers coming back again and again. The book reveals seven key lessons that can be applied in any company and provides powerful examples that will help employees at any level become more customer focused. Some of the lessons to take from Disney's powerful customer service culture include: Creating and sustaining one of the most powerful corporate cultures ever The real competition for Disney and your company Get employees to understand & believe that they play an important role The type of feedback that is even more damaging than punishment and how to avoid this common trap The special way teamwork is learned and how to put it into practice “This book is a terrific, yet simple read. The lessons are practical and tactful. It is great for the success of any type of business.”
BDO Canada LLP
Frank Arndt myITsource/MTS Connect - Corral Centre
Terry Carlisle Cando Rail Services Ltd.
Greg Crisanti Tim Hortons
Karla Dane Meighen Haddad LLP
Jeff Hood MNP LLP
Karen MacDonald Assiniboine Community College
Bonnie Nay-Draper Entrepreneurship Manitoba
Jordan Trotter C & C Rentals
Jason Thorpe Thorpe Construction Ltd.
Rosa Villamizar Behlen Industries LP
CHAMBER STAFF Carolynn Cancade
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS In April, the Election Committee will be accepting nominations to stand for the election to the Board of Directors. Put your name forth and make a difference in the business community. Forms included in the mail. For more information contact: Carolynn Cancade, General Manager 204-571-5342 | gm@brandonchamber.ca The Chamber is the voice of business. Make your voice heard.
General Manager
Allison Reville Events & Communications Coordinator
Who we are: The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent, membership funded, non-profit organization that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level.
Our Mission: To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment favorable to enhancing existing and attracting new business.