January 2013 Inside this issue: GM’s Report Member Spotlight Events Recap Photo Gallery
CHAMBER at a glance
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Calendar of Events 7
a publication of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Property Tax Is it a Fair Tax for Business?
id you know that businesses in Manitoba pay more than double the amount of property tax on the same value of property as a residential owner? Why would anybody think this is fair? There is no justification why this is the case. Residential properties use more services the city provides, but businesses are left, apple to apples, with the lion's share of the bill. To compare, in 2012 Brandon residential and farm taxpayers paid property tax to the Brandon School Division (Special Levy) and to the City of Brandon (Municipal Levy) at mill rates of 15.379 and 19.070 respectively. Comparably, a commercial entity paid property tax toward the Brandon School Division (Special Levy) and the City of Brandon (Municipal Levy) with the same respective mill rates of 15.379 and 19.070, but also paid a portion towards Provincial School Funding (Education Support Levy) known as the ESL portion at a mill rate of 11.360. The residential properties’ combined mill rate was 34.449 in
2012, where the combined mill rate of a commercial property was 45.809. Let's do the math. As mentioned, residential and commercial entities both use the same mill rates in regards to the Brandon School Division and the City of Brandon levies they're taxed on. However, that's where the similarity ends as portioning enters the equation. A residential property is portioned at 45% of the assessed value and then is multiplied by the mill rates to determine the amount owing. On a commercial property, a 65% portioning factor is used and then multiplied against the set mill rates to determine that amount you would pay for property tax. Now if you're doing the math, let's take a $200,000 residential property and compare it against a $200,000 commercial property. Residential – $200,000 portioned at 45% gives you $90,000 multiplied by a combined mill rate of 34.449
Nate Andrews, Chamber President
equals approximately $3100 in total tax paid. Subtract $700 for the Manitoba Education Property Tax Credit and you're left with a $2400 bill. The Commercial property – $200,000 portioned at 65% gives you $130,000 multiplied by a combined mill rate (Provincial, Brandon School and City) at a combined mill of 45.809 equals approximately $5955 per year. The commercial entity with the same property assessment of $200,000 pays approximately 2.48 times the amount of property tax. Governments love property taxes, because in contrast to sales and income taxes, (which can fluctuate with the economy), property taxes (Continued on pg 6)
Mid-Year Recap
e are mid-way through our presidential year, and the past six months have been very active at the Chamber office. During our annual planning session in June, the board identified a number of objectives and action items, and we are making progress on many of our goals. A number of new programs and initiatives have been introduced over the last several months and the following is a recap of some of our work.
working on a number of projects including hosting a Chamber Carolynn Cancade, General Manager 101 member information session. This session is to help members learn how to get the If you have attended one of our most from of their Chamber luncheons lately, you will likely be membership. We will be sending out familiar with our new Ambassador our membership survey in the new year Program. Attending a luncheon with to garner member feedback on new In early December we launched our over 250 people for the first time can initiatives, communication and other new member management system, be overwhelming, particularly if you are Chamber related items. ChamberMaster, to members. With this new to our business community. The conversion, we are able to offer a Ambassador Program was developed to This has been a very busy term thus far number of new features for members help new members make connections and things do not look like they are including an improved business and become engaged at Chamber slowing down. We are always looking directory, increased on-line information events. Volunteer members welcome for ways to improve the services we about member businesses and the new members, as well as act as a liaison provide, so if you have any comment on ability for our members to add job during networking and social events. any of our new programs or suggestions postings, hot deals, and events. Our We encourage our new members to for future initiatives, please let us know. hope with the new system is that wear flashing pins at events so they are members will be more engaged. The easily identifiable. At our next luncheon Happy New Year, system is user friendly and will allow we encourage you to say hello and members to go online to update their welcome them to our community. If information, add additional business you are a new member or just new to information as well as having more Chamber events let us know and we Carolynn Cancade advertising opportunities on our can help facilitate your networking by General Manager website. We are also offering enhanced making a few introductions. membership listings that will provide Carolynn can be reached by email at even further opportunities to market Of course, we have also continued to your business. As well, members able to provide a number of great networking gm@brandonchamber.ca register for events and soon pay and professional development events. invoices online. We have hosted member input sessions and continued our advocacy efforts by This fall we launched our new meeting with various government Membership Referral Program. This officials and local stakeholders. program offers rewards and recognition @BdnChamber to members who forward membership In the coming months, we will be
prospects to the Chamber. A growing membership strengthens our voice for business, provides more business connections and enhances the ability to provide services to all our membership. Members are the core of our organization and who better to promote and sell the benefits of membership than members?
Welcome New Members S.G. Cameron Media Inc. 449-11th Street Brandon, MB R7A 4K2 P: 204-724-0334 E: shaunglencameron@gmail.com
Brandon Acupuncture, Chinese Massage & Herbal Centre 640 Rosser Avenue Brandon, MB R7A 0K7 P: 204-727-2800 E: linli1998@yahoo.com
Curbside Service Brandon 1073 Sycamore Drive Brandon, MB R7A 4C8 P: 204-570-1206 E: curbsidebrandon@gmail.com
Safety Chicks Ltd. Unit C—730 Richmond Avenue Brandon, MB R7A 7G9 P: 204-727-7233 F: 204-726-1573 E: safetychicks@mts.net www.safetychicks.ca
Power Play CrossFit 389 Park Avenue East, #3C Brandon, MB R7A 7A5 P: 204-720-0974 gary@powerplaycrossfit.ca
Equine Aid 1360 7th Street Brandon, MB R7A 3V9 P: 204-724-4323 a_klassen8@hotmail.com
SPOTLIGHT The Brandon Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome Proactive Pest Solutions to our membership.
Proactive Pest Solutions opened for business in April 2012, and joined the Chamber in October 2012. We asked owner Mike Heath a few questions about his business.
What type of services do you offer? Proactive Pest Solutions offers a full range of pest control services from monthly contracts to bed bug thermal remediation treatment. Free quotes are provided to interested customers, so they can be compared to current pest control contracts. We also provide free residential inspections within Brandon to help clients understand what problem they have and the best way to go about fixing it. This is a great service for home buyers and sellers as well as we can provide documentation to home buyers on pre-purchase pest conditions in the home.
What are your business goals? Our goal at Proactive Pest Solutions is to offer the best possible service for the customer at the lowest possible price. We treat our customers like our friends, when a problem arises we move as fast as possible to remedy it with no additional cost to our regular customers.
What is your business motto? Our contracts cover all of the problem pests we deal with here in Manitoba on a regular basis for a low monthly price, there is no more after the fact charging when problems arise. Call us and find out more! Proactive Pest Solutions is located in Brandon, business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. They can be reached by phone at 204-761-9992 or by email at proactivepest.mb@gmail.com. For more information check out their website at proactivepest.ca.
Recommended Reading… By Local Author & Chamber Members It Is What It Is, Or Is It…. (All About Business) By: Jeff Roziere & Cathy Snelgrove | AuthorHouse (December 4, 2012) Thinking between the traditional business world and the psychology of generating peak performance. In this book you will find insight into the thinking that is required today, to meet the demands of our fast paced and often uncertain business climate. Your organization is a reflection of your thinking as a leader, owner or manager. A true understanding of what this statement Cham means and how you can harness the power within, holds the key to creating a b Mem er significant breakthrough in performance for you and your organization. ber It Is What It Is, Or Is It… (All About Business) can be purchased at amazon.com.
Events Recap‌ CFB Shilo Luncheon Thursday, November 15, 2012 Lt.-Col Richard Goodyear, Base Commander, CFB Shilo addressed a crowd of 272 at the Royal Oak Inn & Suites on Thursday, November 15, 2012. Goodyear reviewed budget cuts to the Department of National Defence, explaining that this will cause some bases to close but CFB Shilo will make it through with minimal job loss. He estimates the base’s employees, soldiers and families contribute approximately $105 million to the local economy. Thank you to luncheon sponsor Assiniboine Community College.
BA5: RBC Royal Bank Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Approximately 75 attendees joined the Business After 5 at the new RBC Royal Bank 18th Street location on Tuesday, November 20, 2012. Attendees toured their new open concept building and tested new state of the art technology offered through out the store. This new location offers many additional features including an ATM that despises US cash, Drive Thru ATM, online banking terminal, Advice Event Centre with a 60 inch digital screen and giant iPad. Thank you to RBC Royal Bank for hosing the Business After 5.
Christmas Luncheon Thursday, December 6, 2012 A gathering of 375 friends and colleagues came together on December 6th to celebrate the holiday season. Festive entertainment was provided by the talented jazz band, the Baron-Walker Duo, musicians and students at students at Brandon University. The generosity of attendees amounted to $1100 donated to the Brandon and Westman Christmas Cheer Registry presented to Larry Hogue. In addition, a huge thank you to Mike Poole of MNP LLP for winning the 50-50 draw and donating it back to the charity. Thank you to our Luncheon Sponsor, Keywest Photo Image by Design, as well as the generous door prize donation won by Greg Moorehead, of Westoba Credit Union.
Chamber Photo Gallery
Top (L to R): Diane Shamray of Assiniboine Community College - Rob Lovitt of Keywest Photo Image by Design Bottom (L to R): Lt-Col Goodyear - Brandon & Westman Christmas Cheer Registry Draw - Colin Romano of RBC.
Is a labor shortage affecting your business? We may have the solution! The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is proud to partner with the InterProvincial Association on Native Employment (IANE) Westman Chapter to host this event, designed to connect aboriginal job seekers with employers. We encourage job seekers to come prepared with resumes ready to meet potential employers.
For more information contact Ashleigh at external@brandonchamber.ca or 204-571-5340
Working for you... (Continued from pg 1) provide a stable source of revenue. The issue is that property taxes are in no relation tied to the ability to pay for them. This hard fact has been used by residential owners who've seen their property values dramatically increase over time without their income rising at the same level. The same holds true in business, as property tax has no correlation with the ability to pay. For example, in a recession or one off business cases, when profits are down and business owners are facing tough times, they still have to pay the same amount of property taxes, based on the assessed value of the property. This can be one of the daggers in a business making ends meet, while income drops taxes stay the same. The cash resources that were once there may have dried up and are no longer there to pay in the same capacity as say the year before. Another point, let me also point out that residential properties receive waste and refuse collection as part of their taxes paid. A commercial entity does not receive this service and pays additional costs for waste and refuse collection. This adds another expense over and above the higher property taxes they already pay, and in all fairness makes the percentage comparison (commercial to residential 2.48) used earlier, even larger.
this example as well. You can have two separate, completely different businesses that have the same assessment value. There's a high likelihood that those two businesses, even though they have the same assessed $200,000 building value, may have drastically different incomes or abilities to pay. Businesses can also fluctuate from highly profitable years to unprofitable years. I think the misconception by the general public is that all businessmen are wealthy. This is far from factual in many cases. While we know that some businesses do very well, many small business owners work very hard and long hours to make a fairly conservative income. In fact, for a lot of small businesses starting out most may make much less than the average employee in the general workforce, especially in the public sector. It should be noted that, as of November 2010, the highest average salary by industry in Manitoba is that of the Government Employee averaging a $45,607 salary. Being in business does not guarantee riches or mean higher pay.
Our various levels of government that apply these property tax levies should be more aware of this and the impact it has on small business growth. Businesses with more money in their pocket can innovate, grow their business and add to the employment base which is good for the economy. It should also be noted a business Governments should look to promote owner pays property tax twice. I say more business growth than to this because a business owner will pay discourage it. Business owners do property tax on his commercial understand the necessity of property building and will also pay property tax tax and understand that they have an on his residence. For a lot of small obligation to share in that. However, business owners, the ability to create when businesses are paying 2.5 to 3 income is their pay check where times more than a similar valued people working for an employer do residential property, and are not get taxed on their pay check (in consuming less of the resources, then the form of property tax). Let's look at
we need to take a serious look at that formula. This issue needs to be addressed by our provincial government. However, municipal governments and boards also need to take note. Currently the proposed 2013 City of Brandon operating budget requires the municipal property tax base to pay for approximately 55 percent of the overall bill. This has largely been tied to increases in salaries which make up about 52 percent of the municipal budget and this needs to be watched closely. It should also be noted that municipal taxes pay for approximately 36 percent of our School Division Budget and approximately 85 percent of this budget goes towards salaries. Our provincial government needs to address the property tax issue headon and our municipal governments need to continue to find efficiencies for the services they provide. They must continue to maximize value and make the hard decisions when it comes to spending our tax dollars effectively. Small businesses are the key drivers of our economy and will continue to lead the way in innovation and growth in our communities...provided they can afford to do so. Yours in business,
Nate Andrews Chamber President Nate can be reached by email at president@brandonchamber.ca
Brandon Chamber of Commerce
Brandon Chamber of Commerce
Calendar of Events
Business Achievement Awards Business Excellence Award (15 employees or under) OR
Business Excellence Award (over 15 employees)
Honours a business that demonstrates continual excellence through positive business growth, exemplifies superior customer services and embraces an outstanding commitment to quality.
Local Business Climate Luncheon Thursday, January 17, 2013 Royal Oak Inn & Suites | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sponsor: Corral Communications
BA5: Healthy Living Centre, Brandon University Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Healthy Living Centre, BU | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Sponsor: Brandon University
Customer Service 101 Thursday, January 31, 2013 Riverbank Discovery Centre | 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Sponsor: Sales Expert
February Luncheon TBA Thursday, February 7, 2013 Victoria Inn - Imperial Ball Room | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sponsor: Dirty T Shirt Productions
Champion of Agriculture Luncheon
Business Person of the Year To recognize a business person that exemplifies outstanding business practices and achievements, and one who also demonstrates leadership, vision and the creation of economic growth, while contributing to the community. For more information call the Chamber at 204-571-5340. Nomination forms are available online at www.brandonchamber.ca. Deadline for applications January 8, 2013
Nominate ~ Achieve ~ Celebrate
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 *New Date Royal Oak Inn & Suites | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sponsor: CGA Manitoba
130th Annual Dinner Masquerade Friday, March 15, 2013 Keystone Centre | 5:45 Cocktails Sponsor in part by: BDO Canada LLP
State of the Province Luncheon Thursday, April 18, 2013 Keystone Centre | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sponsor: Westman Communications Group
State of the City Luncheon Thursday, May 16, 2013 *New Date Keystone Centre | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sponsor: Brandon First
Presidents Luncheon & Changeover Ceremony Thursday, June 6, 2013 Victoria Inn - Grand Salon | 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Sponsor: Crocus Credit Union
24th Annual Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 12, 2013 TBA | 12:00 Noon Sponsor: TBA For more information please visit our website at www.brandonchamber.ca
Board of Directors Nate Andrews, President Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. Craig Senchuk, Vice-President Todd Birkhan, Secretary/Treasurer BDO Canada LLP Cam Clark, Past-President CKLQ-StarFM Frank Arndt myITsource.ca/MTS Connect Corral Centre Denny Bouchard Mazergroup Daniel A. Burns Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Office Space available for rent in the Chamber of Commerce Building
Terry Carlisle Cando Contracting Ltd.
1043 Rosser Avenue
Karla Dane Meighen Haddad LLP
All offices have access to the main and lower boardrooms on appointment basis.
Jordan Ludwig Brandon Business Interiors
Call the Chamber Office for more information 204-571-5340 | internal@brandonchamber.ca
Carla Milne MNP LLP Bonnie Nay-Draper Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training & Trade Sharon Shepherd West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Chad Wallin Joe Beeverz Bar & Grill
Having a meeting? Member
Non Profit
Half Day—$48.25 Full Day—$69.50 Hourly—$16.00
Half Day—$26.75 Full Day—$48.25 Hourly—$16.00
Half Day—$64.25 Full Day—$85.75 Hourly—$33.25
We have the perfect place… The Chamber Boardroom
One 50” Flat screen Seating for 18
Chamber at a Glance is published six times per year by: The Brandon Chamber of Commerce 1043 Rosser Avenue | Brandon, MB R7A 0L5 Phone: (204) 571-5340 | Fax: (204) 571-5347 www.brandonchamber.ca
EDITING & DESIGN: Ashleigh Salo PRINTING: Leech Printing Ltd.
Ashleigh Salo, External Relations Coordinator 204-571-5344 external@brandonchamber.ca
Who we are: The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent, membership funded, non-profit organization that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level. Our Mission: To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment favorable to enhancing existing and attracting new business.
Carolynn Cancade, General Manager 204-571-5342 gm@brandonchamber.ca
Stacie Bourgeois, Internal Relations Coordinator 204-571-5340 internal@brandonchamber.ca
www.brandonchamber.ca 8