July2012 Inside this issue: GM’s Report New Members Event Reviews Calendar of Events Presidents Message Continued
CHAMBER at a glance
2 3 4-5 5 6
Meet the New Board 7
a publication of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A focus for the road ahead Let me begin by saying what a pleasure it is to be your President of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce for the 2012 2013 terms. As we enter the 130th year of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce, I am thrilled to be part of a board of directors and membership that will carry on and grow what has been and still is one of the most active Chambers in all the country.
why I see an even greater importance on cultivating opportunities to keep our youth right here in our own backyard. I want people to appreciate what we have here and see the opportunities for a well rounded lifestyle in our city. We need to boast to the world that we are the #6th ranked best city to live in all of Canada in reference to Money Sense Magazines recent rankings. More importantly we need to brand and market ourselves is as Looking at the road ahead, there are a the number #1 ranked city in Canada number of topics that I want to carry on ( same survey) with a population of and/or bring to the Chamber table. 50,000-100,000 people. That is Something I am very passionate about is powerful, but we have to sell and brand dealing local. Many chambers and that achievement and we need to look at various organizations abroad have had ways to improve upon our weaknesses different levels of success and ways of from the methodology used. Labor does promoting local shopping and shop local not end with youth, but branches in to campaigns. With the recent effectively using our 50+ demographic announcements of the federal with initiatives like the Third Quarter government to increase the cross border project. We need to look for duty free exemptions, our local opportunities with our aboriginal businesses need a voice more than ever population and of course to build upon to promote the diverse shopping our success with our immigrant opportunities we have right in our own workforce. When I talk with businesses back yard. they keep coming back and saying Another priority I would like to engage is “people, we need people and we need labor and specifically the shortage of. skilled people to grow our businesses”. This includes general labor and skilled What are we going to do to make people labor. I am very aware that this is not choose Brandon and say, "this is the only our issue, but a National one, and is place we want to be." Collectively we
Nate Andrews, Chamber President need to put forth ideas, strategically plan and get ourselves ready to battle for the future of an extremely competitive environment for human capital. We must continue to act as overseer on local taxation. We must talk openly and candidly with our school board trustees and city councilors as they look at their budgets every year. Last year was a year that created a great deal of passion and we know the budgets will be watched very closely next year. We must share and look for ways that our local boards can give us a balance of spending and quality of our dollar spent. We cannot continue with above inflationary increases. We expect the boards and councilors to look at past budgets and make sure past initiatives and programs are getting the measurable results they were intended to. If they are not they need to have the courage to change (Continued on pg 6)
A time for change Following an incredibly busy spring, the summer months represent a slower time for the Chamber as we regroup and plan for the fall season of events and activities. It is a time for change as we bid farewell and thanks to outgoing directors and welcome new and returning directors. It is also an exciting time for new ideas and renewed enthusiasm. First, I would like to thank last year’s board of directors for their hard work and dedication. We had a strong slate of members that let their name stand for election and, as we only had one retiring director this year, I believe this is a testament to the importance of our work and the commitment of our volunteers. I would like to thank Darren Blazeiko for his time and service over the last 6 years (the last director who had been serving on the board longer than I have been involved with the Chamber). I would also like to thank our Past President, Cam Clark, for his mentorship and guidance over the last few months as I navigated my way in my new position as GM. June signals the end of our events season and the start of a new presidential year – a new board of directors, new ideas, new
plans, and our new president, Nate Andrews has already engaged the board to action on a few items. We recently had a strategic planning session, where directors established a roadmap for the future. I personally find this an energizing, albeit exhausting exercise. There is a sense of renewed enthusiasm as we discuss the future of the organization and what we want to accomplish in the year(s) ahead. Like with any business it is important to revisit your mission and vision to ensure that your actions reflect your goals. As Yogi Berra famously stated “If you don't know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.” There was a plethora of ideas, and now we have the task of developing strategies to achieve our goals. We know there will be challenges and, as with any good plan, you can always count on a few things being added to the mix. Our committees are our membership in action, and we will be looking to revitalize our committees in the upcoming year to take on some the issues identified by the Board and membership. We will report back our progress, but we welcome your voice to make our vision into
action. If you are interested in serving on one our committees, please give us a call to discuss. So while we enjoy a slightly slower pace of activity and plan and prepare over the summer months, I look forward to the fall when we will put these initiatives and plans into action. Just a reminder that Friday Chamber Coffee Breaks are taking a break until September. However, the Chamber office will be open regular hours during the summer so feel free to stop by! Have a great summer and see you in the fall!
CAROLYNN CANCADE General Manager Carolynn can be reached at gm@brandonchamber.ca
Recommended Reading... Steve Jobs By: Walter Isaacson | Simon & Schuster; Frist Edition - 1st Printing edition (October 24, 2011) At a time when America is seeking ways to sustain ints innovative edge, and when societies around the world are trying to build digital age economies, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination. He knew that the best way to create value in the twenty-first century was to connect creativity with technology. He built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering.
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State of the City Luncheon May 10, 2012
On May 10th, Mayor Shari Decter Hirst gave her second State of the City Address to over 380 people at the Keystone Centre. She spoke about big plans for Brandon, the possibility of air service, a casino, ongoing work for the 2017 Canada Summer Games bid, a future unveiling of a housing strategy for the city, and revitalizing the historic downtown district. A big thank you to our luncheon sponsor Brandon First and congratulations to Ericka Serrano, of the Spanish Department at Brandon University for winning the door prize.
Mayor Decter Hirst addressing the crowd at the Keystone Centre
Membership Matters‌ Get Others Involved! Tell us about a business that would benefit from Chamber membership. Email: external@brandonchamber.ca
Sincere gratitude and thanks to all the generous sponsors who made this tournament possible...
Championship Flight Ken Hardy Conrad Porath Mark Tokle Bryan Freiheit Randy Dujardin
1st Flight Jordan Ludwig Scott Ball Scott Major Trevor Kindrat Ty Froese
2nd Flight Derek Cullen Patrick Sullivan Karla Dane Patti Bell Mike Pool 3rd Flight Kaydee Deremiens Gwen Wooley Mike Brolund Randy Kuz
2011 GOLF TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE Darren Blazeiko - Cancade Company Karla Dane - Meighen Haddad LLP Lynn Baker - Taylor Jackson Financial Services Chad Wallin - Joe Beeverz Bar & Grill Sharon Shepherd - West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic VOLUNTEERS Lynn Baker - Taylor Jackson Financial Services Rosanne Day - Travel Professionals International Andrea Jackson - Services Canada Centre for Youth Kristin Andrews - Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. Denny Bouchard - Mazergroup FOOD & DRINK SPONSORS Blue Moon Water Frito-Lay Canada Subway Tim Hortons SILENT AUCTION SPONSORS Canadian Tire Molson Canada Canad Inns Brandon Brandon Wheat Kings Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. Oak Island Golf Course GOLFER GIFT SPONSOR CGA Manitoba West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Dominos Pizza Crane Steel Structures Ltd. & Behlen Industries The Brandon Sun United Way 19TH HOLE SPONSOR Westoba Credit Union Ltd.
HOLE SPONSORS: A Sense of Home Campaign Assiniboine Community College BDO Canada LLP Cellular Communications Plus— MTS Connect Victoria Avenue InfoMetrics Incorporated Joe Beeverz Bar & Grill Leech Printing Ltd. MGI Financial Inc.
PRIZE SPONSORS Allen Leigh Security & Communications Altus Geomatics Manitoba Professional Land Surveyors Atom Jet Industries Brandon Real Estate Board Brandon Source for Sports Brandon Wheat Kings Bromley's Menswear Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Business Development Bank of Canada Canadian Tire City of Brandon CMS Services / Western Mechanical Services Crane Steel Structures Domino's Pizza Economic Development Brandon Gold Business Machines Jockey Leon’s Meighen Haddad LLP Molson Paddock Drilling Paul’s Hauling Ramaya Cosmetic Taylor Jackson Financial Services Inc., Sun Life Financial The Brandon Sun Union Shoes Vern’s Pizza YMCA Brandon MNP LLP MTS Allstream Inc. myITsource.ca-Corral Communications myphone.ca RBC Royal Bank Scotiabank Total Eyecare /Varsity Eye Centre - a division of FYi Doctors Western Financial Group West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Westman Communications Group
EVENTS The 23rd Annual Golf Tournament was held on June 13th, 2012 at Oak Island Golf Course. The 161 golfers enjoyed a beautiful day of golf, hole contests, food and great prizes. A BIG thank you to all the staff at Oak Island Golf Course & Riel’s Restaurant for their help in making our day a success.
Champion Flight Winners. Trophy presented by Nate Andrews (left) of Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. to (L to R) Mark Tokle, Conrad Porath, Randy Dujardin, Bryan Freiheit & Ken Hardy.
Presidents Luncheon & Changeover Ceremony June 7, 2012
retiring director Darren Blazeiko. Thank you to our luncheon sponsor Meighen Haddad LLP and Derek Cullen for preforming the swearing in ceremony.
On June 7th we inducted our new Chamber executive and welcomed incoming President, Nate Andrews as he shared his plan for the upcoming Congratulations to Sean & Katrina Sigurdson of Party Professionals on 2012-2013 year. winning the door prize.
Incoming Chamber President Nate Andrews accepts the gavel from outgoing President Cam Clark
We also thanked outgoing President Cam Clark for his hard work and dedication for the past year along with
Working for you... (Continued from pg 1) what isn't working and foster what is. We also realize that on a percentage basis compared to other provinces, the Manitoba government needs to contribute more funding to take some strain off the municipal level and we need to help lobby that. Our city has proven to be a strong agricultural hub and many services are offered around that sector. Agriculture is and is large part of our fabric and we need to continue to nurture that, but we are also seeing some diversity and diversity is healthy for our future. Creative thinking, bold ideas, and solid action are integral to our future. The way we can expand on this development is for us to think big, think outside the box, to innovate and to think Bold. The Manitoba and Winnipeg Chambers along with the Business Council of Manitoba created Manitoba Bold. It is an initiative created to encourage Bold thinking, provides input for ideas to be enhanced and improved upon and allows a platform for new concepts to run on. I think it is a great model and one we should embrace. Finally we need to look for ways to foster and enhance economic development. We know we have some irons in the fire with West Jet as a potential carrier for our airport and also with the newly open discussion of a casino. Both of these present tremendous opportunities for attracting people and events to our city. We see oil continually creeping our way and with the recent set up of Trican we wonder what the future may hold for us in the oil and gas sector. This helps us diversify. We may not be Alberta, but we may see more activity than we ever once thought we would in this dynamic sector. The Keystone provides our area with an absolute gem and with 540,000square feet under one roof the opportunities are endless. We need to promote it we need to keep functionally sound. The recent announcements of the Wheat Kings new five year deal and the arrival of the Arabian horse show are great examples of what we can do with our Keystone. We
know there are many other opportunities and also many other annual events I have not mentioned, such as the Provincial Ex, Ag Days and the list goes on. Let’s look after that unique facility and use it to its potential.
community and in particular our Chamber Members that support us financially and support our mission and our vision. I and the Chamber Staff and Board will work hard on your behalf to fight for what we believe in and that is a free market and an entrepreneurial spirit that is and will We are in a great position to host another always be the lifeblood of our economy Canada Games. These, if done properly, and the health of the communities we live can be a tremendous opportunity for in. Have a great summer and we look communities to receive capital injections forward to seeing you throughout the and much needed upgrades to aging year. recreation facilities and an opportunity for new facilities. Recreation is such an Yours in Business, integral part of our fabric and a large portion of our facilities are already being kept alive by volunteers running our city facilities. I personally am in my 8th year of operating Andrews Field (formally known NATE ANDREWS as Westbran Stadium) This ball park was President built because of the World Youth Baseball Championships held in 1991 and has allowed many other championships to be Nate can be reached at hosted in our city. I use this example president@brandonchamber.ca because it is dear to my heart, but there are many other organizations as well and they deserve events like this to showcase themselves and grow. These large events can have a lasting impact, as well as short term impact for our retail and hospitality sectors, and may even open up opportunities for our construction industry. The Presidency role is a short time to complete all these tasks, but they can be started, continued and carried on. I want to continue to foster and grow our business
GET INVOLVED! The Brandon Chamber of Commerce has existed as the voice of Brandon business since 1883. It consists of a diverse membership representing all business types, sectors and sizes.
(from left) Craig Senchuk, Todd Birkhan, Jordan Ludwig, Cam Clark, Karla Dane, Terry Carlisle, Sharon Shepherd, Bonnie Nay-Draper, Denny Bouchard, Frank Arndt, Chad Wallin & Nate Andrews. (Missing: Daniel Burns & Carla Milne)
We are 100 percent privately funded and receive no outside government financial support. Volunteers drive our activates by dealing with grassroots business and community issues through action committees or open discussion.
You can make a difference by joining a Chamber Committee For more information contact the Chamber office at 204-571-5340
Bonnie Nay-Draper Manitoba Entrepreneurship Training & Trade
Jordan Ludwig Brandon Business Interiors
Terry Carlisle Cando Contracting Ltd.
Chamber membership renewals invoices were sent via email in June. If you have not received yours, please contact the Chamber office at 204-571-5340 or by email at internal@brandonchamber.ca.
Board of Directors Nate Andrews, President Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. Craig Senchuk, Vice-President Atom-Jet Industries Todd Birkhan, Secretary/Treasurer BDO Canada LLP Cam Clark, Past-President CKLQ-StarFM Frank Arndt myITsource.ca/MTS Connect Corral Centre Denny Bouchard Mazergroup Daniel A. Burns Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. Terry Carlisle Cando Contracting Ltd. Karla Dane Meighen Haddad LLP Jordan Ludwig Brandon Business Interiors Carla Milne MNP LLP Bonnie Nay-Draper Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training & Trade Sharon Shepherd West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Chad Wallin Joe Beeverz Bar & Grill
Having a meeting? Member
Non Profit
Half Day—$48.25 Full Day—$69.50 Hourly—$16.00
Half Day—$26.75 Full Day—$48.25 Hourly—$16.00
Half Day—$64.25 Full Day—$85.75 Hourly—$33.25
We have the perfect place… The Chamber Boardroom
Two 50” Flat screens Seating for 18
Chamber at a Glance is published six times per year by: The Brandon Chamber of Commerce 1043 Rosser Avenue | Brandon, MB R7A 0L5 Phone: (204) 571-5340 | Fax: (204) 571-5347 www.brandonchamber.ca
EDITING & DESIGN: Ashleigh Salo PRINTING: Leech Printing Ltd.
Ashleigh Salo, External Relations Coordinator 204-571-5344 external@brandonchamber.ca
Who we are: The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent, membership funded, non-profit organization that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level. Our Mission: To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment favorable to enhancing existing and attracting new business.
Carolynn Cancade, General Manager 204-571-5342 gm@brandonchamber.ca
Stacie Bourgeois, Internal Relations Coordinator 204-571-5340 internal@brandonchamber.ca
www.brandonchamber.ca 8