
A Message from Your General Manager
Asweconcludeanothereventfulmonth,I’mthrilledtoshare keyupdatesandgiveyouaglimpseofwhat’sonthehorizon fortheBrandonChamberofCommerce
Earlier this month, I had the privilege of joining our President and Vice President in Halifax to represent our Chamber at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Annual General Meeting and Convention, as well as the Canadian Chamber Executives of Canada annual professional development conference. These events allowed us to connect with chambers across the country, exchange innovative ideas, and discuss policies that will directly benefit our members hereinBrandon
Following Halifax, our Chamber participated in a series of impactful meetings in Ottawa with community leaders from our region Representing Brandon alongside Westman Immigrant Services, CARM, Assiniboine College, the City of Brandon, and the Province of Manitoba, we supported our community’s interests at the federal level. This cooperative approach between businesses, community organizations, and government amplifies our collective voice and strengthensourimpact
Our delegation also had the opportunity to meet with CandaceLaing,thenewPresidentandCEOoftheCanadian Chamber of Commerce, shortly after the Canadian Chamber's national meetings This timely discussion underscored our shared goals and the importance of continuedcollaboration.
Thismonth,wewerealsopleasedtohostthefinalManitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) Economic Development Tour of the season, spotlighting Brandon and the Westman region Overtwopackeddays,governmentofficials,business leaders,andcommunityrepresentativesexploredourregion and saw firsthand why Brandon is a thriving hub of innovationandindustry
Highlights included visits to industry leaders such as Glendale Industries, where participants observed potable water tanker production, and CFB Shilo, where 400 soldiers were preparing to deploy to Latvia This visit showcased the base’s significant economic impact, contributing over $120 millionannuallytothelocaleconomythroughspendingand salaries

Additional stops included Greenstone Building Products,BehlenSteelBuildings,andBushelPlus all underscoring Brandon’s strengths in job creation,industryleadership,andinnovation
Looking ahead, we are excited about our upcoming November luncheon featuring Stephen Tapp, the Chief Economist at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Stephen will share valuable insights about our economic landscape and trends that are shaping the futureofoureconomy
YoumayhaveseenanewfaceattheChamber, we are delighted to introduce Godspower Utawure as our new Membership Coordinator Godspower brings a wealth of experience in communication and marketing strategy and we’re thrilled to have him join our team. He will be an invaluable resource for our members, working to strengthen relationships, assist with member services, and contribute to the growth ofourChamber
We are also gearing up for this year’s Business Awards, where we will celebrate and recognize local leaders for their contributions to our community at our Awards Gala. These awards highlight the dedication and achievements of businesses and individuals who exemplify outstanding accomplishment and make a significant impact in Brandon. Visit our website today to nominate a deserving business, employer,oremployeeforspecialrecognition
We’re Hiring!
The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce an opening for an Events and Marketing Coordinator! This dynamic role is perfect for someone with a flair for organizing memorable events and a passion for creative marketing If you’re a detail-oriented, community-minded individual who thrives in a fastpacedenvironment,thispositioncouldbetheperfectfit
As the Events and Marketing Coordinator, you’ll play a vital role in planning, promoting, and executing all Chamberevents,includingourWomenofWestmanConference,ourAnnualAwardsGalaandGolfTournament. You’ll handle everything from logistics and vendor coordination to sponsorships and post-event reporting, ensuringeacheventrunssmoothlyandleavesalastingimpact
Alongside event management, you’ll lead the Chamber’s marketing efforts This includes managing our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), maintaining our website, creating digital marketing strategies, and designing print materials. You’ll also oversee Chamber publications, including our monthly ChamberataGlance,theweeklyChamberInsider,andourannualreport.
Event Planning and Coordination: Organize and execute a range of Chamber events, including networking events,workshops,andfundraisers
Marketing and Digital Presence: Develop and manage the Chamber’s online presence, overseeing social media,websiteupdates,andemailmarketingcampaigns.
Publication Management: Produce and distribute Chamber publications, such as monthly newsletters and annualreports
Sponsorship and Relationship Building: Work with sponsors to fulfill partnership agreements, and build relationshipswithlocalbusinessesandvendors
Team Collaboration: In our close-knit office, flexibility is key you’ll often assist team members with other tasks,especiallyduringbusyeventseasons.
The ideal candidate is organized, outgoing, and creative You should have excellent communication skills, the ability to juggle multiple projects, and a love for connecting with people Experience in event planning, digital marketing,andsocialmediaisaplus,asisfamiliaritywithgraphicdesign
TheBrandonChamberofCommerceiscommittedtofosteringasupportiveanddynamicworkenvironment.As the Events and Marketing Coordinator, you’ll make a meaningful impact in our community, helping local businessesthrivewhilebuildingyourskillsineventcoordinationandmarketing
Ready to make a difference? Send your resume and cover letter to Olivia Boyce, General Manager, at applytoday!
events lineup







OnOctober24,wehostedourCelebratingSmallBusiness Success Luncheon at the MNP Keystone Centre, where over250membersofthebusinesscommunitygathered to honor local entrepreneurs and their contributions to Brandon’s economic growth Joining us were special guests from the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Tour, who helped celebrate the achievements of over 70 local businesses marking milestone anniversaries, with 10 businesses present in recognitionofSmallBusinessWeek
SpencerDay,PresidentandCEOofProgressiveWestman, delivered a powerful keynote that captivated the audience, sharing not only his journey through business ownership but also his reflections on resilience, leadership, and community Day’s story highlighted the values of teamwork and tenacity, qualities that have guided Progressive Westman’s growth and success in sanitation,cleaningequipment,andrentalservices
In a heartfelt recounting, Day spoke about the devastating fire that struck Progressive Westman’s facilityinOctober2023,whichtestedthestrengthofboth his team and his own resolve. He shared how, with the support of his “family” at Progressive and the broader Brandon community, the business was able to swiftly regroupandcontinueoperations,ensuringnodisruption totheirclients “Ourpeoplewereincredible they’retruly family,” Day reflected, attributing the company’s resilience to the commitment and unity within his team HealsodescribedhowtheBrandoncommunitystepped up during this difficult time, reminding everyone of the incredibleimpactofcommunitysolidarityinovercoming adversity.
Day’s message resonated deeply, as he encouraged other business owners to “lean on your people, and let your people lean on you” when facing challenges He emphasized that the strength of a business lies in its peopleandthatnurturingtheserelationships
“Ourpeoplewereincredible—they’re trulyfamily,”-SpencerDay
is key to achieving long-term success His inspiring journey reinforced the importance of collaboration, dedication, and the unwavering support of the local communityinbuildingasuccessfulbusiness.
In addition to Day’s moving address, certificates of achievementwereawardedtorecognizethesignificant contributions of local businesses to Brandon’s economy and community This event underscored the vital role small businesses play in fostering growth and development, reminding attendees of the power of communityandcollaboration
As the voice for business in Brandon, the Chamber is dedicated to celebrating the contributions of small businesses and the resilient spirit of our community. SpencerDay’sstoryservesasareminderofhowintegral thesebusinessesaretoourcity’sstrengthandeconomic progress. By supporting our local entrepreneurs, we continuetobuildaprosperousBrandonthatbenefitsall
Sponsors: SV Benefits, Westcan HR, Wilder Institute, and theManitobaChamberofCommerce.Specialthanksto theKeystoneCentreandourAV&MediaTeamatTrident Xfortheirsupportinmakingthiseventasuccess
We also want to thank everyone who joined us in celebrating our small business community and for their ongoing commitment to Brandon's growth and prosperity
Together, we look forward to supporting more milestones as our local businesses continue to inspireanddriveeconomicprogressinBrandon.
In October, our leadership team joined the Economic Development Tour organized by the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce, gaining a behind-the-scenes look at some of the region’s key economic players The tour began at CFB Shilo, where we explored the base’s significant impact on localemploymentandcommunityconnections
We then visited Greenstone Building Products, gaining insights into their cutting-edge sustainable construction materials, followed by a stop at Assiniboine College Here, we enjoyed lunch and learned about the college’s role in building a skilled workforce that aligns with local industry needs WealsohadthechancetoseeAssiniboine’sVictoria AvenueEastcampusanditsspecializedtrainingfacilitiesin action

ThetourcontinuedwithavisittoBehlenIndustries,whereweexploredtheirinnovativemanufacturing operationsthatcontributetolocalandinternationalmarkets WewrappedupthedayatBushelPlus, discovering how their agricultural innovations are enhancing productivity across farms in Manitoba andbeyond
Overall, the Economic Development Tour provided an invaluable opportunity to connect with influential industries that drive economic growth and support sustainability in our region This experience deepened our understanding of Manitoba’s diverse economic landscape and the vital roleeachoftheseorganizationsplaysinbuildingaresilientfuture

Jessica Saler | 204-578-2772 | May 8, 2025 | Keystone Centre, Brandon
Support the BRHC Foundation’s Thrive Conference, a revitalizing half-day event dedicated to supporting, inspiring, and providing practical tools to our regional healthcare workers. Contact Jessica to learn more about the sponsorship packages and see how you can support our local healthcare workers!

Welcome New Members!

ToensurethatyourbusinessisaccuratelyrepresentedinourannualRosterBook,pleasetakea momenttoupdateyourdetailsthroughtheMemberInformationCentre(MIC) Thisensuresthatour RosterBookfullyrepresentsyourbusinesstothecommunity
HowtoUpdateYourInformation Tohelpyounavigatetheprocess,we’veincludedastep-by-stepguidetoupdatingyourcompany informationintheMIC.Checkitouthere!
DidYouKnow:YourMICprofilecandosomuchmore!Youcanalso: RegisterforChambereventsquicklyandeasily
Postjobopeningstoreachalocalaudienceonourwebsite Promoteyourcompany’seventstothecommunitythroughouronlinecalendar Offerexclusivemember-to-memberdealsandpublishnewsreleases
Maximizeyourmembershipbymakingfulluseofthesefeaturestoengagewithournetworkand showcasewhatyourbusinesshastooffer!

Welcome Godspower Utawure!
Godspower brings a wealth of expertise in communication and marketing strategy to the Brandon Chamber of Commerce. With a master’s degree in media & communicationandapostgraduatediplomainIntegratedMarketingCommunication, Godspower is well-equipped to enhance our membership engagement and support Brandon businessesinconnectingwithourChamberNetwork.
Godspower's innovative approach and passion for community development align perfectly with our mission.WeareconfidentthatGodspowerwillfoster strong relationships and contribute to the continued successofourmembers.
Welcome, Godspower! We look forward to your positiveimpactonourbusinesscommunity!

In October, we at the Brandon Chamber of Commerce joined a delegation of community leaders in Ottawa to advocate for the Brandon region at the federal level AlthoughourPresidentLoisRustonwasunabletoattend,our Chamber was well-represented by two Executive CommitteemembersandGeneralManagerOliviaBoyce
This trip to Ottawa reflects our ongoing commitment to championing Brandon’s interests on the national stage, collaborating with key partners such as Westman Immigrant Services, CARM, Assiniboine College, the City of Brandon, and the Province of Manitoba Working together allows us to amplify our voice, highlighting the unique opportunities and challenges that Brandon faces while reinforcing the importance of targeted support for our region’seconomicgrowth

Our delegation also had the timely opportunity to meet with Candace Laing, the new President and CEOoftheCanadianChamberofCommerce.Thismeetingwasparticularlyvaluable,asittookplace shortlyaftertheCanadianChamber’snationalgatheringinHalifax,strengtheningouralignmentwith broaderadvocacyeffortsandreinforcingourconnectionwithinthenationalChambernetwork.
We remain dedicated to building partnerships that allow us to advocate effectively on behalf of our members and our community. By presenting a cohesive, consistent message to all levels of government, we’re working proactively to address regional needs and to secure a strong future for Brandon. Together, we can ensure that our community’s voice is heard and that we’re positioned to supportongoingprosperityandgrowth

LivingstoneOutdoor&Livingstone LandscapingLtd
TILDAFORTIER GreenstoneBuildingProducts
OLIVIABOYCE GeneralManager
ERINHOUCK Office&ProjectManager
DESTINYMALUGA Events&MarketingCoordinator
GODSPOWERUTAWURE MembershipCoordinator
Who We Are:
KARINGRIFFIN AlternativeGroup
AMBERWHITE AnytimeFitness
CHARLESTWEED TweediaSocialMedia Agency
ENVERNAIDOO WestmanImmigrant Services

The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent, membership funded, non-profit organization that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level.
Our Mission:
To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment, favourable to enhancing existing and attracting new business.