September 2012

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September July2012 2012 Inside this issue:

CHAMBER CHAMat a glance GM’s Report New Members Small Business Event Reviews Article Calendar of Events Presidents Message Continued

2 3 4 4-5 5 6

Best Meet Boss theNominations New Board 78

a publicaƟon publica�on of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE �������������������� � ������������������������������������ A focus for the road ahead Let me i� begin by saying pleasurein it �here no doubt thatwhat theaincrea�e is to be your President of the Brandon duty free �hopping exemp�on limit� Chambere�eryone of Commerce for the�hen 2012 the caught o� guard 2013 term. As we�a� enter the 130th year �ederal Budget rolled out� �� of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce, I con�umer� cheered the bu�ine�� am thrilled to be part of a board of community �a� immediately directors and a membership that has concerned� �ed� acƟve ma�e been and sƟll�hy is onedid of the the most �uch a deci�ion bu�ine�� o�ner� Chambers in the country. a��ed? �he �ed� are promo�ng a fe� thing�� ofroad them beingthere the large Looking one at the ahead, are a number of topics that to carry on �a�ing� incurred theyI want currently �pend and/or bring to the Chamber table. to �ta� the border cro��ing �ta�on�� Something I am very passionate about is �hey are promo�ng that the current dealing local. Many chambers and admini�tra�on and the amount of various organizaƟons abroad have had �ta� can be reduced �hich �ill �a�e diīerent levels of success and ways of tax payer� million� of dollar� promoƟng local shopping-shop local annually� i� they al�o campaigns.�nly Withproblem the recent federal �tand to lo�eannouncement �e�eral million� of government to increase re�enue dollar�duty created from duty the cross border free exempƟons, taxe�� our local businesses need a voice more than ever to promote the diverse

shopping opportuniƟes have rightitin �rime �ini�ter �arperwe al�o made our own backyards. clear that it �a� long o�erdue becau�e �e �ere �nally matching Labor is another priority I would like to the allo�able limit� that �merican� focus on this year, speciĮcally the are allo�ed to ta�e bac� duty free shortage of labor. This includes both �hen from generalbringing labor andgood� skilledbac� labor. This is Canada� �he problem �e rai�e here not only our issue, but a naƟonal one, i� that �ould be �afe to �ay and that� thin� is whyitI see an even greater

importance on culƟvaƟng opportuniƟes that �merican�� aren�t coming in to keep our youth right here at home. I dro�e� for get a�ay �hopping want peopleintoCanada� appreciate what �hat we have �ee�end� ��ually here and see�merican the opportuniƟes for a well dra�� our friend� acro�� rounded lifestyle in our city. We need to the border are thing� li�e �por�ng boast to the world that we are ranked and agricultural e�ent� or for the 6th best city to live in Canada, geta�ay� atMoney a plethora remote according to SenseofMagazines. �ilderne�� lodge� that cater to our More importantly we need to market �ealthy �� neighbor�� �o �ay theycity ourselves as the number one ranked are coming up �u�t i� a of to live in Canada, withtoa �hop populaƟon 50,000-100,000 people. That isCanadian �tretch from reality in mo�t powerful, but we have to sell and brand center��

that achievement and we need to look at ways to improve upon our aperceived Canadian retailer� ha�e fe� thing� weaknesses. Labor does not end with going again�t them� �ari��� �upply youth, but branches out to eīecƟvely management and harmoni�ed use our 50+ demographic with iniƟaƟves regula�on� are �omeproject. of tho�e� like the Third Quarter We �e need �no� the �trengthwith of our to lookthat for opportuniƟes ourdollar ha� been populaƟon hur�ng ourand manufacturing aboriginal of course to indu�try� retail indu�try build uponbut ourour success with our feel� immigrant workforce. I talk withit thi� a� �ell� �he onlyWhen real bene�t� businesses, they keep coming �eem�� i� ma�ing that familyback tripand to saying we need people and�e we a li�le more a�ordable� the ��“people, need skilled people to grow our are happy a� con�umer� but the businesses”. What are we going to do to bu�ine�� bene�t� do not �eem to make people choose Brandon and say, exi�t in thi� en�ironment� "this is the place we want to be." CollecƟvely, we need to put forth ideas, �lthough our border to�n� are the strategically plan and get ourselves one� are for mo�t ri�� �e do ready �ho to baƩle theatfuture of an

��������������� Nate Andrews, ������������������ Chamber President

�no� there are �omeenvironment bu�ine��e� in extremely compeƟƟve for �e�tman feeling the e�ect� a� �ell� human capital. �ou may call thi� the ��a�e Big We mustatconƟnue to act as overseer on �oney �enard�� �yndrome� local taxaƟon. We must talk openly and �eople in our area are hauling do�n candidly with our school board trustees their trailer� and loading up on and city councilors as they look at their dry�all� lumber and other �upplie� budgets each year. Last year was a year becau�e of the huge �a�ing�� �hen that created a great deal of passion and the maximum �me to go get �upplie� we know the budgets will be watched in Brandon i� ��year. minute� or le�� it very closely next We must share �eem� hugethat nui�ance tra�el and lookli�e foraways our localtoboards hundred� mile� toofbuy building can give us of a balance spending and material otherspent. good�We forcannot that quality of and our dollar conƟnue�lthough with abovenot inŇaƟonary ma�er� an op�on for increases. We expect the of boards and many logi��cally� �ome the�e a�id councilors to look at past budgets cro�� border buyer� claim to �eeand make sure past iniƟaƟves enormou� �a�ing� e�en and �ithprograms tra�el are geƫng the measurable results they expen�e� added in� �he bigge�t were intended to. If they are not, they que��on i� �hy our �tore� can’t o�er need to have the courage to change �imilar pricing �hen dollar what isn't working andour foster whati�is. mo�tly on par �ith the �� greenbac� We also realize that on a percentage (Con�nued on page (ConƟnued on pg 6) 6)


������������ �

������������������������� Small Business is o�en touted as the bac�bone of the economy� ��� of businesses in �anitoba are considered small� �ith less than ��� employees� �n fact� almost ��� ha�e less than �� employees and o�er half of all businesses are micro enterprises �ith ��� employees� �ur Chamber membership is similarly represented �ith the ma�ority of our members considered small� �ith those �inds of numbers� small business plays a huge factor in our economic and social fabric� �hey are signi cant contributors to �ob crea�on and �ealth� �ccording to �ndustry Canada� in ���� small business employed ��� of the total �or�force in the pri�ate sector� and created about ������ �obs or ��� all �obs in the pri�ate sector� Small businesses are leaders in inno�a�on� �o �eep up �ith mar�et pressures and remain compe���e� they are constantly coming up �ith be�er products� ser�ices or solu�ons� Because they are o�en o�ering their ser�ices and�or good locally� they tend to be in great posi�ons to o�er unique ser�ices�goods to address those needs� �hey are community supporters and are o�en

the rst to sponsor and donate to local chari�es and sports groups� Being a small business o�ner is no small underta�ing� �hese indi�iduals de�ote countless hours and resources to running and gro�ing their business� many �or�ing �ell beyond a �� hour �ee�� For some� they are o�en the o�ce manager� the sales person� the mar�eter� the �� department� the accountant� and the human resource department� �hey must be adaptable and resilient to an e�er changing economic en�ironment� addressing day to day challenges �hile remaining focused on a long term �ision� �hey must be crea��e and inno�a��e �hen facing local compe�tors� let alone dealing �ith the challenges of internet and cross�border shopping� �n the face of these challenges� entrepreneurs forge ahead �ith an entrepreneurial spirit and dri�e� Small business o�ners ta�e on ris� to �or� for their o�n ob�ec��es� and this is certainly not for e�eryone� �hat� in part� is �hy �e at the Chamber are so pleased to be able to recogni�e and celebrate small business at our �nnual Small Business �ee� ��ic� �� �uncheon e�ery �ctober� For o�er ��

years� B�C has organi�ed Small Business �ee� to recogni�e entrepreneurs and their contribu�ons to our communi�es� �e �ill do our part by honouring t�o businesses �ith a�ards for Business Builder of the �ear and �utstanding �ntrepreneur of the �ear� �here are so many great local success stories to celebrate� and certainly choosing our recipients is ne�er an easy tas�� So� as you se�le bac� into your fall rou�ne� a�er �hat �e hope �as a great summer� �e hope you �ill �oin us on �ctober ��th to celebrate small business in our community� for all they gi�e to our economy our city and our Chamber�

����������������� ���������������� Ca�o��nn �an �e �ea��ed a� g����andon��a��e���a

Recommended Reading... ���������������������hy �e �o �hat �e �o in �ife and Business� By� Charles �uhigg � �andom �ouse �igital� �nc�� ����������

�t its core� ��e �o�e� o� �a��� contains an exhilara�ng argument� The key to exercising regularly� losing weight� raising excep�onal children� becoming more produc�ve� building revolu�onary companies and social movements� and achieving success is understanding how habits work� �abits aren’t des�ny� �s Charles �uhigg shows� by harnessing this new science� we can transform our businesses� our communi�es� and our lives




SPOTLIGHT ��e ��andon C�a��e� o� Co��en�e �ou�d ���e �o �e��o�e �enn�o�� �����nu�e ��� C�ange �o ou� �e��e����p�

�enn�oil is located at the entrance to downtown Brandon� at ��th and �osser� They feature three oil change bays and a car wash sta�on� The car wash uses a newer technology so a basic wash only takes 90 seconds and a premium wash takes � ��� minutes� �ot only are they fast� but e�cient� �enn�oil uses a clean burn system that allows them to recycle used oil to heat their building and the water for their car wash� Ma�e�s�re�����hi������Pe����i���he��e��� �me�y��r�vehic�e��eeds�a�wash��r�a���i�� cha��e.��

Welcome New Members �ma�e����e���ess��e��re� Mi��e��sa��������� ��� ��th Street �����r�����b� Brandon� �B ��� ���

Box ���� �� ������������ �� �th Street S� F� ������������ �innedosa� �B ��� ��� �� eileentab�wcgwave�ca �� ������������ www�idealimagebrandon�com T� ������������ F� ������������ ��r���esi����i�e��erami�� �� minngolf�mts�net B����� �ssiniboine �venue www�discoverminnedosa�com Brandon� �B ��� ��� �� ������������ M�����serva�����is�ri��s�

Ass��ia���� M��e�����ra�����

�nit ����� �rincess �venue ��� �iddleton �venue Brandon� �B ��� ��� Brandon� �B ��C ��� �� ������������ ������������ �� �� ������������ info�mcda�ca F� www�mcda�ca �� m�����bo�motel��com www�motel��brandon�com �

Si�ver�p�A���er�Pr�m����s��� ���r��Assis�a��� �������� ��th Street Appare�� Brandon� �B ��� ��� �� �ldrin �ay �� ������������ Brandon� �B ��� �T� �� �� info�iamyourassistant�co ������������ www�iamyourassistant�co

Ne�Se����mm��i�a���s���� �a�a�ia��Ma���a���rers��� ��Ne��i����ire�ess� ��p�r�ers� ��� �ouglas Street

Membership�Ma�ers…� ���������������������

Tell us about a business that would benefit from Chamber membership. Email:

��� �owson Brandon� �BCrescent ��� �B� �innipeg� �B ��� ��� �� ������������ �� ������������ ������������ F� �� ron�kosolwsky�cme�mec�ca �� radicsd�mbnetset�ca www�daretocompete�ca www�mbnetset�ca

S�RA�A��e�e��s����s���������.� �ebbie��ra���� �nit B� � ���� �averley Street

���epe��e����i�a��ia�� �innipeg� �B ��T ��� �� ������������ P�a��i��������s������ F� ������������ ���� �osser �venue �� info�stratagroup�ca Brandon� �B ��� ���




advertise here Advertise to a targeted market. The Chamber at a Glance reaches over 600 Brandon and area businesses and over 800 delegates! Are�y���ce�ebra����a�mi�es���e�a��iversary� �his�year���e�wa���������w.� ��

Your best connection to Brandon’s business community. For more information contact the Chamber at 571-5344 or

�lease �lease send send informa�on informa�on to internal�brandonchamber�ca or call �0���������0

�hamber�member� ship�re�ewa��i�� v�ices�were�se��� via�emai��i�����e.�� ���y���have�����received�y��rs�� p�ease�c���ac���he��hamber���ce� a����������������r�by�emai��a��� i��er�a��bra�d���


EVENTS Bran don Cham ber o f Commerce

Calendarof Events Showcase Your Business at a Chamber Luncheon!

Colin Craig Luncheon

Wednesday, September 12 Victoria Inn | 11:30am-1:00pm Sponsor: Sunrise Credit Union

Small Business Week “Kick Off” Luncheon

Sponsorship includes: A table to display material • One seat to the Luncheon • Verbal recognition from MC • Thank you in Chamber @ a Glance •

For more information call 571-5344 or email

Monday, October 15 Keystone Centre | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade

CFB Shilo Update Luncheon

Thursday, November 15 Royal Oak Inn & Suites | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Assiniboine Community College

Christmas Luncheon

Thursday, December 6 Victoria Inn-Imperial Ball Room | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Keywest Photo Image by Design Inc.

Local Business Climate

Thursday, January 17 Royal Oak Inn & Suites | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Corral Communications

February Luncheon (TBA) Champion of Agriculture

Thursday, March 7 Royal Oak Inn & Suites | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: TBA

State of the Province Luncheon

Thursday, April 18 Keystone Centre | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Westman Communications Group

State of the City Luncheon

Thursday, May 9 Keystone Centre | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Brandon First

Presidents Luncheon & Changeover Ceremony Thursday, June 6 Victoria Inn-Grand Salon | 11:30am—1:00pm Sponsor: Crocus Credit Union

(Note: Tentative dates subject to change)

Visit our website for details and updates.


Working for you... (Con�nued from page �) and has been for quite some �me.. Part of the answer as men�oned above are things like import tari�s that the government imposes on retailers bringing in goods. �ne example found in a recent ar�cle said that sports equipment retailers can pay in upwards of ��� tari� fees on wholesale goods they purchase. There are other factors as well like the higher cost of Canadian labor� bilingual labeling requirements and an increase in freight costs. �e need to remember that Canada's popula�on is about the same as California's� but it is larger in area than the en�re US. Combine the extra trucking miles with higher gas prices and you have a recipe for expensive shipping. �ll of these things add up and when we think our retailers are trying to overcharge us we must be careful to understand the issues they face.

have outsiders spend their money in our back yard as well. �owever� we want our consumers to be conscious of the power of direc�ng more of their dollars where it belongs and we need to educate and encourage them to �e also need to con�nue to educate think di�erent. �e know this will be a our local shoppers. �ot to paint with constant ba�le as money is the only di�eren�ator in some people’s a wide brush� but generally small business owners understand and work decision making process. People discredit service as part of the hard to be loyal to one another. �e purchase� un�l of course they need it� need to educate others that every and realize not all deals end up being dollar spent at a local independent business can see as much as .�� cents deals. on every dollar be put back into our �e live in a highly commodi�zed community. �hen these dollars are spent outside our trading area �� are world where we are not only threatened by cross border shopping� invested in our community. �ot only do our local businesses prosper when but an even bigger animal called online shopping�.but that’s co�ee more dollars are spent here� but we talk for another day. also see bene ts in the community with an increased ability for funding a �et’s do our part and partner together variety of pro�ects that require and con�nue to lobby and promote nancial support. �e know when people are looking for money our local our local business’s because our future prosperity depends on it. businesses are the rst to have their �hat are the answers? �e must con�nue to lobby our government to doors knocked on and are usually the �ours in business� look at ways to harmonize regula�ons rst to support. This is what makes communi�es healthy and vibrant� but and reduce tari�s and to put our retailers on a more level playing eld if people are not spending their money with these businesses the in order to compete. �n the same breath our retailers need to con�nue capacity to help out will con�nually NA���AN�R��S� shrink. �e are not advoca�ng never to be crea�ve and make themselves more compe��ve as well. �e need to to travel and shop elsewhere. �e do �hamber�Preside��� en�oy visi�ng our US neighbors for a look at opportuni�es to create new variety of reasons and en�oy traveling �a�e �an �e rea��ed �� ema�� a� tourism dollars. �f we can increase to other parts of our beau�ful country pre��den� ��randon��am�er��a and create bigger and be�er events as well. �e spend money in those � that bring our US and provincial communi�es when we are there and neighbors here� it will translate in to money spent in our local economy and that is natural because we strive to that’s good for business. �hen people travel they usually have a tendency to shop so let’s keep looking for new opportuni�es to get our neighbors here.

Nominations currently being accepted for

Outstanding Entrepreneur Of The Year and

Business Builder Of The Year PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE Deadline for nominations September 14, 2012


Brandon Chamber of Commerce Affinity Programs�

� ��d �ou �no� ��e C�am�er o�er� man� d���oun� program� �o �ou� our mem�er�� ����ed �e�o� �� a fe� of our �urren� pro� gram�� If �ou �ave an� que��on� p�ea�e g�ve �� a �a�� a� 204�������40 or v���� our �e����e �����randon��am�er��a�


The Chambers of Commerce �roup �nsurance Plan is Canada’s �� insurance plan for small�to�medium businesses� deliver� ing more bene ts for you and your company. The Chamber Plan creates a solid founda�on for security� based on a bene� t program designed for small business owners. �uaranteed coverage� plan �exibility� rate stability customer serve� and more� �isit for informa�on and to nd your local plan advisor.


Ceridian o�ers discounts on payroll service fees to help businesses of all sizes operate more e�ciently. �is� counts include no implementa�on fees for new clients� �0% o� recurring fees; must be a new client. Check out for more informa�on� or to sign up please contact Corrie McKay at �������������� ext� ���� or email corrie�mckay�


�n behalf of the local chambers� the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce has nego�ated preferred ��S� and M�ST��C��� merchant rates that chamber members can choose from. For more informa�on on the Preferred Program Pricing or to take advantage of these discounts please contact� Sera no �iMarco with T� Merchant Services at ���0�� ��0��0�� or by emailing sera no.dimarco�


�reat discounts available on home and o�ce security. Commercial discounts include �% rebate on CCT�� and Card �ccess (equipment and installa�on) and �% rebate on re and commercial security systems (equipment and installa�on). �reat residen�al discounts available for new and exis�ng customers are o�ered as well. �ew customers may re� ceive up to $�0.00 o� and � free months monitoring. �xis�ng customers receive � free months monitoring. �isit for more informa�on or to sign up please call ������9�9�00�� or ���0����������.


�iscounts on the MTS ��nity program include specials prices on long distance plans� wireless and data plans and more� �reat savings for small businesses. Please contact MTS to learn about the other great ways to save with them. ���0������ ���� or email a�nity.memberreqest�


Set up your account with Chris�es ��ce Plus today and start taking advantage of the great savings they o�er to Brandon Chamber of Commerce Members�


Brandon Chamber of Commerce members receive preferred rates when choosing Best �estern Brandon for accommoda� �ons. Please visit or call �0�������99� for more informa�on.



Board of Directors

Sponsored by the Brandon Chamber of Commerce & The Western Regional Health Authority Mental Health Services

Nate Andrews, President Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. Craig Senchuk, Vice-President Atom-Jet Industries

as part of Mental Illness Awareness Week September 30th to October 6th, 2012

Todd Birkhan, Secretary/Treasurer BDO Canada LLP Cam Clark, Past-President CKLQ-StarFM Frank Arndt Connect Corral Centre Denny Bouchard Mazergroup Daniel A. Burns Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd.

Would you or your peers like to say “Thank You” to your boss for the ways they promote your mental health at work? Consider nominating them for the 15th Annual Best Boss Recognition Award! Describe why you think your boss deserves public recognition for promoting employee mental health in the workplace. Send us as much detail as you can, as the more we can learn about your boss, the more likely they are to be selected!! Winners will be recognized with an engraved plaque and a coffee party in their workplace! Nomination forms and further information are available at:

Terry Carlisle Cando Contracting Ltd.

The Brandon Chamber of Commerce 1043 Rosser Ave Call: 204-571-5340

Karla Dane Meighen Haddad LLP

Mental Health Promotion Clinic The Town Centre B13 - 800 Rosser Ave Call: 204-578-2450

Jordan Ludwig Brandon Business Interiors

Deadline for submissions: September 26th, 2012

Carla Milne MNP LLP

Open to all private and public sector Organizations located in the City of Brandon

Bonnie Nay-Draper Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training & Trade Sharon Shepherd West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Chad Wallin Joe Beeverz Bar & Grill

Having a meeting? Member

Non Profit


Half Day—$48.25 Full Day—$69.50 Hourly—$16.00

Half Day—$26.75 Full Day—$48.25 Hourly—$16.00

Half Day—$64.25 Full Day—$85.75 Hourly—$33.25

�hamber�a��a���a�ce�is published six �mes per year by� �he��ra�d����hamber������mmerce� �0�� �osser �venue � Brandon� MB ��� 0�� Ph��e��(�0�) �������0 � �a���(�0�) �������� �����N������S��N� �shleigh Salo PR�N��N�� �eech Prin�ng �td. �h��we�are��The Brandon Chamber of Commerce is an independent� mem� bership funded� non�pro t organiza�on that represents Brandon business from the grassroots level. O�r�Missi����To encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment favorable to enhancing exis�ng and a�rac�ng new business.


We have the perfect place… The Chamber Boardroom ♦ ♦

Two 50” Flat screens Seating for 18

S�A���� �ar��y����a�cade���eneral Manager �0���������� gm� � Ash�ei�h�Sa�����xternal �ela�ons Coordinator �0���������� external� � S�acie����r�e�is���nternal �ela�ons Coordinator �0���������0 internal� Printed by Leech Printing 212530

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