Source Inspiration Color Typography Execution Final
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GENSLER I’ve been familiar with Gensler for awhile. Throughout my senior year, I’ve been looking for a post-graduate position incorporating concept-based architectural and graphic design. Gensler is one of the biggest and best companies promoting these types of positions in the country. This video describes how I view the design process. It’s not about my creativity or ideas about a project, it’s about the clients needs and wants. I view Art Gensler’s speech as my professional mission statement.
HGTV CANADA Instead of strictly looking at kinetic type examples, I began my search for inspiration by looking at typography posters and ads. I then searched under the motion graphics, ad campaigns and commercials. Reese’s ad campaign takes a simple yet effective approach to advertising its series of peanut flavor snacks. Reese’s tackled it with a simple one-type treatment, single color background and accented it with a picture of their product. My second and most significant form of inspiration came from an HGTV advertisement for the rebranding of its TV transitions and ad spaces. The screenshots shown really inspired me to maintain a minimalistic approach to the project. They used a simple color pallet and typography treatment in each frame. The composition of each frame also stuck out to me. The type placement was methodical, yet simple, with a great use of negative space and focus area.
CIVIC BUILDERS Mother New York created a film for Civic Builders to think about different elements of children’s education. The whimsical color pallet and cheerful attitude really made me want to sit through the whole thing and watch. While the film is very playful and colorful, it was powerful, as emphasized by the use of single words in each frame. Like HGTV’s example, Mother New York utilizes the negative space very nicely in a variety of shots. The most important text and phrasing is made larger to fill the screen. However, they creatively inverse this effect by place other significant phrases in smaller text alone on the page. While the video is very simple, the variety text arrangements and shapes really make it interesting. They also utilize tasteful vector shapes and images to further explain their ideas on children’s education.
COLOR The three logos above are shown in three different colors. These logos happen to be the ones Gensler uses for its social media identity on Twitter and other sites. These bold neon colors signify that it is a confident firm. The basic matte shows the company’s simplicity. The composition is beautiful and elegant, with the G being at an angle fitting the square The colors I decided to use for my composition relate very closely to these three samples. Using bring blues, purples, greens and oranges mixed with a dark gray tone really balances makes the finished product beautiful to watch and experience.
R: 255 G: 143 B: 38
R: 255 G: 199 B: 59
R: 163 G: 207 B: 66
R: 84 G: 237 B: 255
R: 33 G: 173 B: 169
R: 205 G: 163 B: 255
R: 148 G: 107 B: 222
R: 64 G: 61 B: 59
TYPOGRAPHY I chose Gotham for the font because I felt it best matched Art Gensler’s message. It’s bold, but simplistic, mirroring Gensler’s views on the design process. The font itself isn’t exactly commonplace, but its easy on the eyes. As a sans serif font, it’s straightforward. I felt that was important to maintain the ease and flow of the overall video.
STORYBOARD During the storyboarding phase, I focused on forming blocks of text in different positions on the page. Along with the text treatments, the transitions between each frame were crucial to achieving the simplistic, creative effect that comes through Art Gensler’s message. The sliding and fading out of frames, along with the removal of text at precise time intervals made the piece flow. I had to be sure to break up the text the way it is heard and processed by the average listener. This resulted in having to make the most important phrases and words bigger. Some particularly significant singular words largely filled the screen.
EXCECUTION Working in AfterEffects allowed me to illustrate my initial concept.
FINAL Overall, I’m very happy with how the colors, text and layout of the composition work and fit with the interview. The Gensler interview and the tone of the Art Gensler’s voice correspond with the kinetic type piece. I will be sending this along with the video to Gensler.