ANYTHING GOES Sometimes it amazes me, the things people decide to wear. The next time you go to the mall or the state fair, stop and take a look around. Better yet buy a corndog and lemonade and sit down to do 30-minutes’ worth of peoplewatching. Forget the booth advertising a halfman, half-snake hybrid. You’ll see things that don’t belong anywhere on the midway. I suppose what a person wears says a lot about them. The clothing industry is a multi-billion dollar business, cranking out a myriad of sizes, styles and colors for people to … jack up. Throw in the twentyfirst century fad of people pierceing every possible body part, and you have endless opportunities to become a trendsetter. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Don’t many outfits make you want to take out your cell phone and call the fashion police? Another interesting decoration debacle is the way some adorn their rides. License plates, flags, wind-socks, banners and bumper stickers are only a few of the accessory opportunities available. But remember, accessories are meant to set off an outfit, not cover it up. The same should be true for your automobile. If we can’t determine the color of your paint job-you probably need to step away from the decals. This is not NASCAR! You are not sponsored. I recall one summer when my parents took my sister and me to Branson, MO. We were traveling on a two-lane road and a guy behind us was riding our bumper. He finally sped around us then abruptly cut us off, revealing a bumper sticker that read, “If you can read this — you’re too close.” He blew dust in our face, blasting away as though trying to break the sound barrier. A little while later, we noticed an Oklahoma Highway Patrolman had pulled someone over. Some reckless speeder, no doubt. As we passed (wait for it…) you
guessed it, it was our friend driving the bumper sticker. At the time, I was not quite sure why my father smiled and waved as we drove by. Now I get it.. Questionable accessory choices aside, there is one time when all is fashionably legal for men, women, Fords and Chevrolet: Game day! You can see a lot, and all in the colors of the Big Twelve. Whatever you can imagine, it’s probably been made in Orange and can be applied almost anywhere on a human or Honda. I don’t
know about you, but I always feel like I have a friend in the car next to me when I see a POSSE sticker or an O-State flag. In fact, if you don’t own one, you should. It just sort of lets us all know where the good guys are – let your Orange flag fly. When you come to the game, you can still bring a corndog and people-watch. Just remember to look in the mirror first. After all, we’re all Cowboys. Kyle Wray