wray.vings KYLE WRAY
If, however, you place your spoon in your “ joe” and it stands up without you touching it, you are probably in a locally owned joint where Mel, Flo, Vera or whoever makes the coffee is not worried about beverage conservation. My mind and my stomach have an ongoing debate about the better breakfast entree: the protein route, complete with eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, etc., or the greatest breakfast food ever invented (in my opinion): pancakes! I’m not sure if the secret is in the batter or how long you wait until you fl ip them that makes them so great, which begs another question – what’s the difference he is not a boxer. He stumbles around and between pancakes and flapjacks? gets beat up. Eventually he spends the night When you are on the road with the in a barn on Harley's ranch. Cowboys or Cowgirls and you fi nd yourThe next morning, after she cooks a self in a diner in front of a steaming stack big breakfast, she says: “Well, Dusty … of golden brown pancakes, don’t trade you can’t drink, you can’t dance and you them for anything. Not for a treat. Not for can’t fight. Can you eat?” They fi nally Senate seats. And please, keep your stimfound something Dusty could do … eat a ulus package. great breakfast. And can a person get some safe As many of you have found out as peanut butter? What is the world coming you’ve traveled to watch Oklahoma State to when you can’t get some peanut butter athletic teams over the years, there are to put on top of your pancakes? Top it off some fantastic places to eat breakfast on with your favorite flavor of syrup (mine the road. And lets face it, breakfast is the is strawberry or maple) and you are in best meal of the day. business. The most important rule of thumb for Regardless of the diner or your breakdetermining your breakfast destination is fast of choice, perhaps the best part is this: if there is a long line, the food is probsurrounding yourself with other OSU fans ably worth the wait. and stories of years gone by and hopes There are other considerations as well. for tomorrow. You can wash it all down For instance, there should be lots of choices with a big, tall cool glass of … what else: available, starting with beverages. The ORANGE juice. java du jour is a good indicator of the type Go Pokes. of breakfast bistro you have chosen. If the coffee looks like a glass of iced tea, you are probably in a national chain-type restaurant where they have careful instructions about conserving coffee.
DUSTY, JOE AND A STACK OF FLAPJACKS Several years ago country m usic mega%
star George Strait
starred in the movie Pure Co untry. Strangely, he's never been the lead in another motion picture. I think it was because his acting was so good in Pure Country, Hollywood never came calling again. The character Strait played was named Dusty, a country singer (of all things). In the movie, Dusty falls in love with Harley Tucker, played by Isabel Glasser, and the rest is history. The first night they meet, Dusty exhibits the fact he can’t hold his liquor real well and 82