The concept of the zero-waste
switching to bamboo toothbrushes,
movement might at first seem
to larger changes in the way
absurd. The philosophy of this
they grocery shop and eat out at
group of people centers around
restaurants, buy clothing and
the idea of minimizing one’s
even bathe. To say the least,
garbage output to the point of
this lifestyle seems intense
nothing —— through recycling,
and all consuming.
reusing and refusing all products that can’t meet this standard
But in reflection of the growing
of living. Numerous videos on
concern for environmental impact,
YouTube show people pulling
it’s not a leap to suggest that
years-worth of garbage from one
this movement could spread to a
tiny mason jar, detailing the
more mainstream audience. The
exact circumstances that forced
general public is more aware than
them to purchase non-recyclable
ever about the destructive impact
plastics. Blogs listing the ways
of human existence on the planet
that this community avoids adding
—— and zero-waste is one solution
more waste to the planet —— from
that has emerged in this new
seemingly small choices, such as
collective consciousness.
Hannah Conway