Fhd july august

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www.familyhealthdiary.co.nz JuLY/AUGUST 2013

Why Cocksy has to keep moving Protect your daughter from cervical cancer


a VitiZ mo Go-Pack! See back page for details

Well I think the last of the Autumn leaves have finally been blown off by recent storms – I thought they’d hung on way too long, but now that they’ve gone it does look rather wintry and bare! I had to resort to a favourite old fan heater the other day after our usual heating went on strike for a couple of weeks. It was me and the dog one cold afternoon competing for the limited space in front of the grill. We looked a right pair. I realised after I’d been sitting there for half-anhour combing through the weekend paper (mostly covering the dog by the end of it) that it was rather hard to get up again. The dog, too, creaked a bit as she got up, but after a whiz around the park and some crisp, fresh air I think we both felt a few years younger. It can be a bit too easy to snuggle in and forget to keep active in these mid-year months, so motivate yourself to keep chipping away at some activities even though it’s pretty bleak out there. Hope you manage to avoid the coughs and colds as long as possible. I have so far…as soon as I say that of course I’ll be sneezing myself silly! Next time we catch you, it will nearly be Spring!

In this issue

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Planning a baby? Get a head start... How to protect your daughter from cervical cancer Find out why Cocksy has to keep moving Missed one of our TV ads? Watch it online at: familyhealthdiary.co.nz

Conquering winter

10 12 14

Getting your immune system into shape Real power against cold and flu A simpler answer to chest congestion



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Family Health Diary July/August 2013

16 18 20 22

A different way to treat psoriasis

Editor: Aileen Nakhle Design: Raydar Cover photography:

Are you really in control of your asthma?

On the cover: John Cocks and members of the Walker family: George, Harriet and Freddie, who all featured in our latest Voltaren TV ad.

Bladder weakness? Now you'd never know

For editorial enquiries write to: editor@familyhealthdiary.co.nz For Family Health Diary advertising enquiries:

A once-yearly answer to osteoporosis

Phone sales manager Harinda Singh DDI: 09 306 2344 Email: harinda@brandworld.co.nz


Family Health Diary is published by


BrandWorld Limited, Auckland. Phone 09 306 2340 Every effort has been made to ensure the contents of this magazine reflect current accepted medical opinion and that it is as up-to-date as possible, but it does not claim to be the last word on any medical matter featured. No medical or health information, however detailed, can ever be considered a substitute for consultation with, or the advice of, a qualified doctor. Though this publication contains information that may be of the greatest importance to your health and well-being, it is not intended to replace your doctor or discourage you from seeking his or her advice. If anything in Family Health Diary leads you to suppose you may be suffering from any of the serious conditions described, you are urged to see your doctor without delay. Š2013 Copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. Family Health DiaryŽ is a registered trademark of BrandWorld Limited.


a VitiZ mo Go-Pack! See back page for details



Giving your baby the best start, together If you and your partner are planning a baby, both of you can play a part in providing the best start to life. And your job starts before conception. For MUMs-to-be Your baby will need a range of nutrients over the next nine months, but it’s in the first few weeks, when vital organs are forming, that the most support is needed. It’s best, therefore, to be prepared even before you get pregnant, to help ensure your baby has the nutrients they’ll need right from the start – before development begins.

Elevit can help Elevit helps deliver essential nutrients your baby will need, right from day one.


Family Health Diary July/August 2013

It contains the right level of folic acid, as recommended by the Ministry of Health1, and iron to help combat fatigue and prevent dietary iron deficiency. It also contains iodine to assist with healthy brain development, as well as other essential nutrients. Only Elevit with Iodine is clinically proven to reduce the risk of neural tube defects by 92%2.

Take Elevit when you start trying To help give your baby the best start to life, Elevit should ideally be taken daily as soon as you start trying for a baby.

For dads-to-be While mums prepare their bodies for pregnancy, dads too can make sure they’re in the best possible shape for conception. As many couples have discovered, getting pregnant isn’t always straightforward, especially with sperm health in decline.

Optimisin g spe rm hea lth you To optimise spe rm hea lth, oki ng sm ng ppi sto can begin by lthy hea ing eat d an ng or dri nki ht foods – all of which hel ps figins tox d an ss the effects of stre on the body.

Menevit can help Now there’s additional support for men. Menevit is specially formulated to support maintenance of sperm health.2 • Menevit contains antioxidants to help optimise a couple’s chances of getting pregnant. • Made up of seven key ingredients, it helps fight free radicals and supports maintenance of sperm health. Ideally Menevit should be taken three months before trying for a baby.

For more information phone 0800 847 874 or visit www.elevit.co.nz or www.menevit.co.nz

Only available from pharmacies 1.Food and Nutritional Guidelines for Healthy Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: A background paper. Ministry of Health 2006. 2. Czeizel Paed Drugs (2000) 2(6) 3. Tremellen K, Miari G, Froiland D, et al. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 2007;47(3). Always read the label and use strictly as directed. Supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet. Consult your healthcare professional to see if Elevit is right for you. Bayer New Zealand Ltd, Auckland. The New Zealand formulation of Elevit is the same as that used in the Czeizel study except it does not contain Vitamin A, but does contain iodine. TAPS NA 6520 familyhealthdiary.co.nz


Your best shot against cervical cancer Cervical cancer is caused by a common virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The good news is, there is a vaccine that can help prevent HPV and girls have until their 20th birthday to receive the vaccine – for free. THE EARLIER THE BETTER A free National HPV Immunisation Programme started in schools about five years ago. Over 160,000 girls and young women in NZ have been vaccinated against HPV with the vaccine Gardasil. Results from the programme already show a real decline in HPV-related disease.

FREE UP UNTIL 20 If for any reason your daughter missed out on her free immunisation through school, she can still get Gardasil at no cost. All she has to do is visit the family doctor before she turns 20. 6

Family Health Diary July/August 2013

Evidence shows that younger girls produce a better antibody response, and like all vaccines, it is better to be vaccinated before protection may be needed. That’s why the National HPV Immunisation Programme is aimed at girls around 12 years of age. However, even if your daughter is sexually active, vaccination can still be beneficial. There are multiple HPV types covered in the vaccine and she is unlikely to have been exposed to all of them. It is for this very reason that most women up to the age of 45 can also benefit from Gardasil.

Th e Lowd own On Hp v HPV sta nds for Hu ma n Papillo ma viru s. Th ere are more tha 40 types that can infe ct the gen n area, but just fou r (6, 11, 16 an d ita l cau se the majority of HPV-re lat18) ed can cers an d gen ita l wa rts. Most sex ua lly active people bec infe cted wit h HPV at som e sta om e eve n if the y are un aware of it asge, the re are not always sym pto ms Th e viru s can live in ski n areas . that are n’t covered by con doms, so can be easily passed on betwe en par This mean s it is also possible to tne rs. cat ch HPV wit hout int ercourse. For mo st wo me n, the HPV infect ion clears up, but for som it doe s not. For som e wo me n thee, HPV infect ion persist s in the cel of the cervix. This can, if not ls det ect ed an d treated, lea d to seriou s pro ble ms like hig h-g rad very e ab norma litie s an d can cer.

GARDASIL – THE FACTS • A vaccine that helps protect against cervical cancer abnormalities and HPV-related infection and disease • Works by stimulating your body to produce its own protection (antibodies) • Given in three doses (spread over six months), and expected to offer life-long protection • Works best before any sexual contact has taken place, but still offers protection in those who are sexually active.

Speak to your family doctor to see if Gardasil is right for you or your daughter. Or visit bestshot.co.nz for more on HPV, the vaccine and how effective it is in preventing cervical cancer.

Girls born on or after 1 January 1992 have until their 20th birthday to start their vaccine course to be eligible for FREE vaccination on their remaining shots. A patient charge applies for all others outside this age range. Immunisation does not replace the need for regular cervical smear testing. GARDASIL (Inactive HPV Types 6, 11, 16 & 18) is a prescription medicine. GARDASIL has risks and benefits. Do not have GARDASIL if you or your child is allergic to any of the ingredients, if you or your child has a bleeding disorder and cannot receive injections; has any illness with a fever higher than 37.8°C; is pregnant; is planning to get pregnant; or has a weakened immune system; Side effects may include: Injection site: pain; itching; tenderness or soreness; redness; swelling; Other side effects: headache; diarrhoea; fever; dizziness; nausea; vomiting; fainting sometimes accompanied by shaking or stiffening; swollen glands in the neck, armpit and groin; joint pain; aching muscles; unusual tiredness; weakness or confusion; chills; generally feeling unwell; allergic reactions; bleeding or bruising more easily than normal; skin infection (with hot, tender and red skin); cough; hives. Contact your doctor if any of these symptoms occur. For further information, consult your doctor or health care provider or read the Consumer Medicine Information at www.medsafe.govt.nz. bioCSL (NZ) Ltd, PO Box 62 590 Greenlane, Auckland 1546 Freephone 0800 502 757 or www.bioCSL.co.nz GARDASIL® is a registered trademark of Merck & Co. Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ, 08889 USA. Based on the GARDASIL Consumer Medicine Information prepared in December 2011. TAPS CH3680. GARD-200-06\13




Why Cocksy has to keep moving... For New Zealand’s best-known builder, it's in the job description to keep moving. But even when he downs tools, it turns out John Cocks is still on the go. Family Health Diary pinned him down for a ‘quick’ chat. Q: You're a builder, a dad, and a famous TV personality…. What else can you possibly fit in?

Q: Is it those feel-good endorphins, or something else that drives you to stay so active?

A: Rugby’s the game I’ve played since I was six years old, with only a couple of seasons off. Call it commitment to the team or complete madness, I can’t seem to give it up. The ocean is an addiction, whether I’m paddling a surfboard, throwing bait at fish or encouraging crayfish into my catch bag, it’s my healthy fix. I still have a household to run and the more active I am, the more energy I have and the easier the mundane things like laundry, dishes, cleaning and taxi-driving seem to be.

A: I’m an active relaxer – may seem strange but going surfing, fishing, diving and playing rugby are my ways of relaxing. Sitting on a couch watching television is, to me, wasting precious time. The older I get, the more I realise the importance of being fit and healthy. I now understand and live by the sentiment “a healthy body leads to a healthy mind”. Q: For us couch potatoes, who won’t be breaking any endurance records over winter, can you offer any words of motivation? A: Playing a team sport means I have a responsibility to be fit and on form. This motivates me to throw on the running shoes and knock out a few kilometres on the road. I run alone, but a lot of people pair up to encourage each other to train even when it’s cold, wet and the couch is calling. You'll find Cocksy fronting Voltaren's TV ads over coming months, sharing tips on aches and strains and how to keep moving.


Family Health Diary July/August 2013

Listen to your body Maybe you’re a lot like Cocksy and like to keep moving. But when muscle pain strikes, you shouldn’t ignore it. The better you care for a pulled muscle or sprain, the sooner you can get moving again.

TREAT PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Inflammation is the body’s way of protecting an injury, but it also contributes to the pain. When you pull a muscle or tendon, chemicals are released at the injury site, causing swelling and further sensitivity of the body’s pain receptors. Treating pain and inflammation quickly may help reduce the restriction and discomfort experienced, to help get you moving again.

CHOOSING THE RIGHT TREATMENT To effectively treat body pain you need to treat the underlying inflammation.1 Unlike most heat or cooling rubs, Voltaren® Emulgel® not only relieves pain but treats inflammation. It targets the site of pain and concentrates its action where you need it most.

First Aid 1, 2, 3 1. Do not use heat in the first three days after an injury.2 2. Follow the RICE first aid plan for the first 2–3 days. • Rest - Rest and avoid activities that cause you pain. • Ice - Ice the injured area for 20 minutes every 2 hours.2 • Compression - Compress the injured area with an elastic bandage. • Elevation - Rest with the injured area elevated above the level of your heart when possible. 3. Consult your healthcare professional if pain persists.

Look out for Voltaren® Emulgel®. It relieves aching muscles and helps get you moving again sooner.


Watch the Voltaren TV ads at: familyhealthdiary.co.nz 1. Botting R and Botting J. Clin Drug Invest 2000; 19 (Suppl 2): 1–7. 2. Wolfe M, Uhl T, Mattacola C et al. Am Fam Physician 2001; 63: 93–104. For short-term relief of local pain and inflammation. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Novartis Consumer Health Australasia Pty Ltd, Auckland, NZ. TAPS NA6522 familyhealthdiary.co.nz


Get your immune system winter-ready If you don’t want to catch one thing after another this winter, now is the time to get your immune system sorted. Your immune system is what keeps you well all year round, but during winter it has to work harder as nasties of one sort or another try to latch on. A lot of factors can affect your immune response – diet, sleeping habits, stress levels, even genetic factors and state of mind. Little wonder it could use a helping hand!


Family Health Diary July/August 2013

SO, WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS? A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are a great place to start. For many people, a seasonal vaccine gives another level of protection, and offers peace of mind. But you can bolster your immune system naturally with supplements, formulated with vital phytonutrients known to combat ills and chills.

For many, the decision to take a natural supplement is easy – it’s a way of getting on with life knowing your body is as well equipped as it can be for fighting those daily threats.

VIRALEX® – THE NAME SAYS IT ALL Viralex®, from Good Health, has been tried and trusted by New Zealanders for 15 years. No one else on the market has a formulation quite like it.

Not only does it contain premium Spanish olive leaf extract, rich in Oleuropein, but also Astragalus, Beta Glucan, Pau D'Arco and Zinc, ingredients considered important for immune health.

Viralex®® ll hel ps bolste r im mu nity as wene mu im r you if ry ove rec as aid system has bee n un der par.

THERE’S ALSO VIRALEX® ATTACK Viralex® Attack is a premium extra-strength formula for when rapid immune support is called for. You might take it at the first sign of a chill or at those times you’re not feeling your best. It contains powerful immune enhancing ingredients, including: • Oleuropein - the active ingredient in the Spanish olive leaf: A powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger, with properties known to ward off the causes of ills and chills. • Andrographis: A very powerful herb that supports temperature balance. • Pau D’Arco: Used by ancient Incas and Aztecs for thousands of years to support the body’s defences and to provide extra immune support. • Zinc: Deficiency is common and quickly leads to reduced immunity. Zinc is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system, but the body has no way to store it, so supplementing this crucial mineral can really help.

Viralex and Viralex Attack ® ®

Available at pharmacies and health food stores. For more, visit www.goodhealth.co.nz Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. TAPS 6510



Real power against cold and flu When you’re hit with severe cold and flu, all you really want is powerful relief… Some rest and TLC can do wonders when you’re sick, but the fact is life doesn’t stop when you have a cold or flu. For most of us, it just means that the day-today tasks become harder to deal with. Severe cold or flu can leave you exhausted, foggy and unable to manage the simple things, let alone some of the bigger commitments to work or family. The fact is, you might need some serious treatment to get you through.

Introducing Lemsip for Pharmacy Lemsip has been caring for Kiwis’ coughs and colds for years, but now thanks to a special range of cold and flu capsule treatments, Lemsip is doing even more. 12

Family Health Diary July/August 2013

Lemsip for Pharmacy has been specially formulated to treat severe cold and flu, day and night if needed. With formulas tailored to meet different needs, you can find the relief you need when the going gets really tough. There’s even specialised sinus relief. You don’t have to suffer through cold, flu or sinus pain. Look for the new Pharmacy range for pharmacy-strength relief.

Pharmacy Strength medicine for powerful relief from colds, flu and sinus pain Lemsip FOR PHARMACY Cold & Flu • Relieves headaches, body aches, body pains & fever • Clears a blocked or runny nose.

Lemsip for Pharmacy Cold & Flu Day & Night With the added advantage of: • Non-drowsy Day tablets to get you through the day • Night tablets to support a good night’s rest • 24-hour relief.

lemsip FOR PHARMACY Sinus PAIN & ALLERGY • Relieves sinus pain, sinus headache, aches & fever • Clears a blocked or runny nose • Relieves sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.

Lemsip for Pharmacy Sinus Day & Night With the added advantage of: • Non-drowsy Day tablets to get you through the day • Night tablets to support a good night’s rest • 24-hour relief.

Only available at pharmacies For more on colds and flu visit: familyhealthdiary.co.nz Always read the label and use only as directed. Incorrect use could be harmful. May cause drowsiness (avoid alcohol and driving). If symptoms persist see your pharmacist. Reckitt Benckiser, Auckland. TAPS NA6523 familyhealthdiary.co.nz


Clear your chest - the easier way The most common way to relieve chest congestion is with a liquid. But it might not be the most effective. Winter colds and flu bring a range of uncomfortable symptoms, but none can be as lingering as a phlegmy or congested chest.

Show mucus the way out… When you get a cold or flu, mucus can increase. Excess mucus becomes congealed, thicker, and harder to move through your respiratory system. It can result in a wet cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Treatment should both thin and loosen mucus in the chest to help clear the airways and relieve symptoms.

Mucinex maximum strength - 12-hour relief in a tablet Mucinex treats chest congestion and chesty coughs by thinning and loosening mucus. 14

Family Health Diary July/August 2013

It’s a unique bi-layer tablet with an immediate-release layer that gets to work fast, and an extended-release layer that works for 12 hours.

The Convenient option To help clear chest congestion, you often have to take liquids every 4-6 hours. But when life is busy and you’re on the move, all that can fall by the wayside. Remembering your medicine can be a hassle; liquids are not easily

portable and it can be difficult to measure whether you’re taking the correct dose every time. Instead of all this, one Mucinex tablet will give fast, effective and long-lasting relief for 12 hours. Coughing and congestion can take their toll. Take back control with Mucinex Maximum Strength.

M uci nex M ax im u m Strength ben efit s: - Fast - Lo ng- lastin g - M ore conven ient tha n cou gh liqu ids.


Up to 4 doses a day

2 doses a day 12-hour relief per tablet

Available only at pharmacies Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist contact your healthcare professional. Available in Pharmacy. Reckitt Benckiser, Auckland. 0508 731 234. TAPS NA6511



Once-a-day treatment for psoriasis If you have to live with psoriasis, when it comes to treating it, you might think you've heard it all before. Now your doctor may have good news for you.

Anyone dealing with psoriasis knows how difficult it is to live with, and how equally frustrating it can be to treat. Creams and lotions must be applied repeatedly – many of which are heavy and take time to dry. Even in between flare-ups, maintenance treatment is usually needed to keep the red, inflamed skin from coming back. But in most cases it does come back – angry, itchy and difficult to cover up. So the endless cycle of treatment continues. If you’re familiar with this routine, don’t give up hope. There is now a fully funded treatment that may be different to anything you have tried before.


Family Health Diary July/August 2013

Ask your doctor about Daivobet® Daivobet® is a once-a-day treatment that works fast. It’s an easier way to treat psoriasis, without the need for multiple applications and multiple treatments. If you haven’t spoken to your doctor recently, this could be the time to do so. This fully funded treatment might be the answer you’ve been hoping for.

Daivobet® benefits • Convenient • Only one application a day • Combination treatment • Works fast – most see improvements within seven days • Rapidly absorbed gel provides alternative to ointment when you need fast drying treatment • Fully funded.

How it works

what type of psoriasis?

Daivobet® is a combination treatment containing two products often used separately: this combination of products treats the overactive skin cells that cause psoriasis, and relieves redness, swelling, itching and irritation of the skin.

Daivobet® is available as an ointment and gel to treat plaque psoriasis. Plaques are raised, rough, reddened areas covered with fine, dry silvery scales. About 80% of people with psoriasis have this type.

When a flare-up happens, you only need to apply it once a day. And most people see improvement within seven days.

Daivobet® gel also treats scalp psoriasis. The almost clear gel is alcohol-free, odourless and rapidly absorbed.

While the re is still no cure for pso ria sis, Da ivo bet® mig ht hel you dea l wit h it a lot better. p

Ask your doctor weather Daivobet Oinment or Gel is right for you. DAIVOBET® is a fully funded prescription medicine. Normal doctor’s fees and pharmacy charges will apply. For the topical treatment of plaque type psoriasis and scalp psoriasis. Tell your doctor if you are taking Calcium or Vitamin D supplements or any medicines. If you have other types of psoriasis, liver or kidney problems, any skin infections, TB, or skin rashes, acne, rosacea, ulcers or broken skin, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have Calcium metabolism disorder. Do not use on face, mucous membranes, or skin folds. Protect treated skin areas from sunlight and UV rays. Side effects may include: skin irritation; rash; worsening of psoriasis; change

in skin colour; headache; sore throat; back pain; sensitivity to light or change in control of diabetes. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you experience any of these or if you have any other unpleasant side effects. Always use DAIVOBET® strictly as directed by your doctor. Contains 50 mcg/g calcipotriol and 500 mcg/g betamethasone (as dipropionate). Additional consumer medicine information can be obtained from bioCSL (NZ) Ltd, PO Box 62 590 Greenlane, Auckland 1546. Freephone 0800 502 757 or www.bioCSL.co.nz. Daivobet® is a registered trademark of Leo Pharmaceutical Products Ltd. TAPS pp3988



Asthma control… it’s in your hands

If you live with asthma, you might think coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath are simply part of the deal. Guess what, though? They really don’t have to be. If you’ve been putting up with asthma symptoms, it might be because you think they’re inevitable; part and parcel of the asthma package. You might also assume that your treatment is doing all that it can, after-all nothing could be expected to take all your symptoms away. It’s a fair assumption, especially if it’s been a while since you discussed your asthma with your doctor. The reality, however, is a bit brighter. In most cases, symptoms can be prevented – it’s all about achieving the right level of asthma control. 18

Family Health Diary July/August 2013

Control means: • No coughing or wheezing • No night-time awakenings • No emergency visits to your doctor or hospital • Participating in activities you enjoy and not having to avoid them • Using a blue reliever inhaler less than two times a week and living life more.



In a major New Zealand asthma study, 81% of people thought their asthma was well controlled, yet three-quarters were using their blue reliever at least once daily and the remainder were taking at least 3-4 puffs a day.1 In short, most people overestimated their level of asthma control.

Seretide® (fluticasone propionate/ salmeterol xinafoate) dual action formula is so good at treating asthma, it can actually help prevent symptoms in the first place. As a result you could have symptom-free days for most of the year.3

The fact is, if you’re using your reliever more than twice a week, chances are your asthma is not as good as it could be.2

Your doctor is the best person to talk to about your asthma control. The most important thing is to let them know what symptoms you’re experiencing and how often you’re having them.

Did you kn ow… ge Th ere are more wa ys to ma na are of. aw be ast hm a tha n you mig ht Th e truth is, wit h the right ms can treatm ent, ast hm a sym pto poi nt be controlled – oft en to the at all. wh ere the y don ’t bot her you Tak e the Ast hm a Contro l Test: Th ere is a sim ple test to helap you fin d out if you r ast hm rea lly is un der control – d an swe r visit www.s eretide.co. nz an the online que stionn aire.


You could also visit www.seretide.co.nz where you’ll find FAQs, as well as tips around nutrition, exercise and daily living with asthma.

Ask your doctor about Seretide® – the purple inhaler. If you qualify, it is fully funded.

References: 1. Holt S. NZ INSPIRE Study Overview. Research Review. 2008:113. 2. Global Initiative for Asthma. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. Updated 2012. Available at http://www.ginasthma.org/ . Accessed 10 June 2013. 3. Woodcock A et al. Prim Care Resp J. 2007;16(3):155-161. Seretide® (fluticasone propionate/salmeterol xinafoate; available as a 50/25, 125/25 or 250/25 micrograms per actuation inhaler, or as a 100/50 or 250/50 micrograms per actuation Accuhaler®) is a Prescription Medicine for the treatment of reversible obstructive airway disease (ROAD) including asthma, and for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Seretide is a fully funded medicine; Special Authority criteria apply. Seretide 250/25 microgram inhaler is a private purchase medicine that you will need to pay for. Use strictly as directed. Seretide is not for relief of acute symptoms. Always carry your reliever inhaler. Do not discontinue Seretide abruptly. Tell your doctor: If you are taking any other medicines or herbal remedies, you have pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), a thyroid problem or a heart problem, or you are having treatment for high blood pressure. Side Effects may include: Headache, 'shaky' feeling, fast heart rate, irritation in the nose and throat. If symptoms continue or you have side effects, see your doctor, pharmacist or health professional. For more information, see Seretide Consumer Medicine Information at www.medsafe.govt.nz. Normal doctor's office visit fees apply. Ask your doctor if Seretide is right for you. Seretide and Accuhaler are registered trade marks of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies. Marketed by GlaxoSmithKline NZ Limited, Auckland. Adverse events involving GlaxoSmithKline products should be reported to GSK Medical Information on 0800 808 500. TAPS NA6525-13JU.

Watch the Seretide TV ad: familyhealthdiary.co.nz


Bladder weakness? You'd never know It may be incredibly common, but a weak bladder is a private matter. Now you can manage it without anyone knowing you’re wearing anything but regular underwear. DESIGNED FOR DESCRETION

If you have a weak bladder, dealing with bulky pads and guards that rustle and shift can be just as disheartening as the issue itself.

Depend® Real-Fit is made from a special cotton-flex fabric and designed to fit better for discretion.

That’s where new Depend® Real-Fit Underwear can help – a genuine answer to bladder control.

With its unique slim-fit design, it fits like regular underwear – even under close-fitting clothes.

With all the protection you would expect from Depend®, new Real-Fit is more discreet – the closest thing yet to real underwear.

Rest assured, Depend® Real-Fit still provides the same absorbent protection as before – with allaround leg elastics and worry-free


Family Health Diary July/August 2013

odour protection. The key difference is, new Depend® Real-Fit is so like real underwear you won’t believe it until you have it on.

De sig ned for me n... an d wo me n.

RETRAIN YOUR BLADDER These techniques can help you suppress the urgent need to pass urine until an appropriate time and place is found. • When you feel you really need to pass urine, sit down and try to take your mind off wanting to go to the toilet

• Avoid those ‘just in case’ toilet trips – try to go only when your bladder is full and when you need to

• Walk, don’t run, to the toilet

• Minimise your intake of coffee, tea, cola and alcohol

• Do pelvic floor exercises for strengthening and confidence • Drink six to eight glasses of fluids a day to help avoid constipation (which only makes the problem worse).

Ela stic wa istban d Cotton-lik e fabric M axim u m protection All-aroun d leg ela stics Worry-fre e odour protection.

More information and advice on how to put together a bladder chart or diary can be found at www.continence.org.nz

Get a Free sample

Available in medium and large sizes at supermarkets and selected pharmacies

Try out new Depend® Real-Fit Underwear for yourself, call 0800 800 509 toll free or visit www.depend.co.nz for a free sample.

®Registered Trademark Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. © 2013 KCWW

Watch the Depend TV ad at: familyhealthdiary.co.nz/products


Think about your bones ...just once a year Are you taking tablet treatments for osteoporosis? You might be surprised to learn there’s another option.

Osteoporosis is not always top of mind, which is why treatment regimes can fall by the wayside. You might currently be taking tablets to help prevent a broken bone or fracture, but the thing is you have to constantly remember to take them. Now there’s another option – a treatment you only need once a year.

Introducing Aclasta With Aclasta, there’s no need to take a tablet or think about your treatment for 12 months. Instead, one dose helps prevent your bones from fracture for a full year.


Family Health Diary July/August 2013

Aclasta is a 15-30 minute infusion you have yearly that goes directly to your bones to make them stronger. It helps prevent fractures in your hip, spine and other bones.

Fully Fun ded Aclast a is fully fun ded for mowhstich people at risk of osteoporosis, e to pay mean s that you will not hava doctor’s for the medicine. However, fee s fee an d treatm ent (infusion) cost of will apply. This fee covers thewhich in ad ministe ring the infu sion, you r ma ny cases can be don e by loca l doctor. Most people have no pro ble ml ma kin g the switch from ora medications to Aclast a. If you wa nt to free you rse lf from tablets, having to rem em ber to takae wh ole for es bon r you an d protect is a last Ac if tor doc r you yea r, ask right for you.

No more missed doses for a whole year! If you’ve been prescribed a tablet but find that you are missing doses, or struggling to take as directed, your bones may not be getting the protection they need. Osteoporosis typically does not have symptoms until a fracture occurs which is why it is so important to take your medicine as prescribed. Aclasta removes the problems of missed tablets because a single treatment will help protect your bones from fractures for an entire year.

ACLASTA BENEFITS • Convenient – just one dose a year • Effective – goes straight to work on your bones • No regular tablet regimes • Year-long peace of mind.

Learn more about osteoporosis at: familyhealthdiary.co.nz

Ask your doctor if Aclasta is right for you Aclasta® is a prescription medicine for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and the treatment of Paget’s disease of the bone. Aclasta is an infusion and contains 5mg of zoledronic acid. Check with your doctor to see if Aclasta is right for you. Aclasta is fully funded for patients who meet specified criteria. Funding does not include the cost of infusion and normal doctors and prescription charges will apply. Do not use if you are pregnant, breast feeding, have kidney impairment, have low calcium levels in your blood, or if you are allergic to zoledronic acid or any of the ingredients in Aclasta or any other bisphosphonate medicine. Not recommended for children and adolescents. Caution while under dental treatment or if dental treatment is planned. Calcium, hydration status and kidney function may be assessed by your doctor before and after you are given Aclasta. Adverse effects are usually mild and transient. Common side effects are flu-like symptoms consisting of fever, fatigue, chills, and bone, joint, and/or muscle pain; anaemia; headache; dizziness, transient low blood calcium; gastrointestinal symptoms, renal impairment, breathing difficulty and lethargy. Very rarely osteonecrosis of the jaw has been reported. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your doctor. Aclasta is the registered trademark of Novartis AG. Novartis New Zealand Limited, Auckland. For further information check the Consumer Medicine Information [CMI] at www.medsafe.govt.nz. CL 0712-183-0714 TAPS CH3359 familyhealthdiary.co.nz


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