Brandy E Brewer
Advertising Marketing Design
In case you were wondering, I am a creative at heart with an entrepreneurial spirit. My personality is a mix of INFJ, east Eagle, and Aries attitude. Many of my life’s adventures have led me to be intuitive, resourceful and kind. I was born a leader that pushes the team from the back of the pack. I am easily distraced by adventure. It can start with anything from grabbing coffee in the middle of the afternoon to sky diving or even riding in the car with the windows down. When adventures escape me, I will hone in and become a detail oriented multi-tasker. You wil be surprised to know that I am The Dirt Track Racing Queen. I have insights for all of your car and racing questions. Here are a few of the projects I had my hand in through my journey at The Art Institute of Atlanta. Enjoy!
Brandy B
Contents 1. Snow White - Ballet 2. Jaemor Farms 3. Newman’s Used Motors 4. 96 Elephants 5. CommunityQ BBQ 6. Coach Poppy Perfume 7. Mike Ice Racing 8. Doritos 9. Freelance
Traditional Branding Event Planning | PR| Marketing Non-Profit | Fundraiser Grassroots Marketing Digital Marketing Social Branding Art Direction Design
Traditional Traditional Traditional
Atlanta Ballet Obstacle: To get the local Atlanta community to purchase tickets to the Atlanta Ballet’s production of Snow White. Fix: Build a traditional marketing campaign to include contemporary designed advertising pieces. These pieces include posters, playbills and decorative tickets.
Student Bronze ADDY Award Winner Atlanta American Advertising Awards 2015 | Poster Design
Play Bill
Branding Branding Branding
Jaemor Farms Jaemor Farms
Obstacle: To upgrade a local favorite farmer’s market into regional favorite shopping spot. Fix: Build a branding strategy that includes a new logo, branded items including: packaging, receipts, shopping bags, and promotional items. The marketing plan will begin with outdoor advertising and direct mail campaigns.
Style Guide Logo
Jaemor Farms
Jaemor Farms
The Jaemor logo was set to show the company’s grass roots while also branding them. The company has two locations and nothing else to tie them together except the name. This logo will help endear the existing clientele while also giving them a look to share with potential clients. The neutral greens and browns reflect the home grown food and customer service Jaemor consistently shares with the community.
C - 31 M - 0 Y - 100 K - 0
R - 185 G - 213 B - 49 #b9d531
C - 19 M - 0 Y - 60 K - 0
R - 213 G - 228 B - 136 #d5e387
C - 41 M - 76 Y - 98 K - 56
R - 87 G - 44 B - 14 #572b0d
ABC DEFG H abcdef g hi j k
ABC DEFG H abcdef g hi j k
C - 17 M - 35 Y - 38 K - 64
R - 101 G - 80 B - 71 #654f46
Packaging - Crates Branding - Employee Uniforms
y Black
HIJKLMNO PQR S T UV W X YZ klmno pqr s tu v wx yz Packing - Jam & Jelly Jars
Branding - Receipts
y Bold
HIJKLMNO PQR S T UV W X YZ klmno pqr s tu v wx yz
Branding - Customer Bags
PR/Event Planning Pr/Event Planning PR/Event Planning
Newman’s Used Motors & Cars Obstacle: To show that a used car lot wants to be an active member of a community using the student run group, Catalyst. Fix: Create a strategy to make the community aware of an event to bring people together and support a charitable cause. This came together with PR, social marketing, selling to sponsors and event planning.
Press Release
City Permits
Poster SouthEast Wheels Events
Non-Profit Non-Profit
96 Elephants
Obstacle: To raise awareness about the impending extinction of elephants due to illegal ivory trading. Fix: Start a school fund raiser that mixes the message of “Who will fill these shoes?” and planting flowers using seeded organic paper with messages of hope designed by the school’s children. This will also encourage the school aged children the patience to watch plants grow and get involved in being proactive about making changes in their communities.
Who Will Fill Their Shoes? 96 Elephants die every single day. Extinction is only 5 years away.
Seed Paper
what you believe grows saving elephants 1 page at a time
The paper is embedded with wildflower seeds. Simply plant under a thin layer of soil and water daily until seedlings are well-established. Germination time is 1-3 weeks.
A small rememberance of the impact elephants have made on the earth.
Grass Roots Grass Roots
Grass Roots
CommunityQ BBQ Obstacle: To earn awareness for a local BBQ restaurant using very little money. Fix: Build a marketing strategy to detail the best plan of action according to target market and budget for the CommunityQ. This includes partnering with a local artisian to build a iconic landmark, hiring sign flippers, introducing loyalty cards and branding items cosumers can leave with such as napkins and cups.
Iconic Landmark
Sign Spinner
Loyalty Cards
Marketing Plan
Digital Digital Digital
Coach Poppy Perfume Obstacle: To bring awareness to a perfume brand using marketing vehicles the target market is most comfortable using. Fix: In order to reach the target market of Gen-X teenagers to college girls, this campaign is primarily digital. It begins with augmented reality using the Layar app. An ad is placed in magazines popular to the target market. The users are asked to use the Layar app, once the content is scanned, they will receive a video commercial and a Groupon coupon.
Print + Augmented Reality
Social Branding Social Branding
Social Branding
Photos by:
Raci ng
Mike Ice Racing
Obstacle: To bring awareness to a local racing team on a shoestring budget. Fix: Build a social branding strategy that includes custom branded race gear, acquiring a new sponsor, and having a positive presence on social media. For the demographics involved, Instagram and Facebook posts are made personable with artistic photography shots and motivating copy. Videos are quick but entertaining. Sponsors are acquired through proposals, proven results on the track and through social media followers.
Sponsorship Proposal
Sponsor Acquired
Official Team Gear
Video Promos
Instagram Updates
Custom Suit
@MikeIce Created 2-28-15
Facebook /MikeIceRacing Created 2-28-15 | 268 Likes as of 5-30-15
| 200 Followers as of 5-30-15
Art Direction Art Direction
Art Direction
Doritos Obstacle: To build a shareable video for the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl ad contest. Fix: A team of students came together to write, design, art direct, and produce a Super Bowl commercial. This began with concepting and strategizing the “CatChip” concept to play off of “Cat Fish”. It continued with joining film students to storyboard and produce the video. We spent a day shooting the :30 film and about a week to edit. This video saw 1,200 of views on YouTube and stayed in the top 10 finals until the last day of fan voting.
Catalyst [kat-l-ist]
n: a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected.
Brandy Brewer
Art Director Brandy conceptualized the “CatChip� idea. She also planned and supervised the entire process from writing the story to filming to sharing through social media to earn votes in order to win the contest. (While also debuting as the lead actress.)
Nick Williams
Creative Director/Story Writer Nick saw the story vision and ran with it. He was able to put the pieces together to create a story that would fit in the :30 window while also being entertaining and shareable.
1,200 in
Tyler Gildemeyer
Account Planner/Story Writer Tyler contributed the funny to the video. He also took the reigns in casting helping us get the right people to convey the message we wanted to send.
Students Weeks
s CatChip
Freelance Freelance Freelance
Brandy E Brewer
Obstacle: To find a way to make money while studying and raising a family. Fix: I took on side jobs to keep my skills sharp and understand how to work with the public. I have produced t-shirts for various race teams, brochures for a travel agency, personal branding for entrepreneurs along with some amateur photography.
Business Cards
Laundry Mama Wholesaler Tatum Grady
wholesale detergents, soaps and cleaners
Branding Marketing Consultant Mario Nelson
el Brochure Crusie with the Champions
Newspaper Ad Newman’s Used Motors & Cars
Thank you Dr. Kimberley Lyles-Folkman - From the bottom of heart, none of this would of been possible with out the love, support and confidence you have instilled in me. You saw something in a wild-eyed and eager student and helped to polish me into a confident designer, marketer and advertiser. Sincerely, thank you! Mikie and Rylie - My dear sweet man and beautiful baby girl, I don’t think any of us really knew what we were getting into when I started college. Thank you for standing with me when it was hard. I look foward to the rewards we will reap for sticking with it! Mom, Dad, and Ambee - Thank you for raising a stubborn go-getter of a woman! And thank you Ambee for being the shoulder I could lean on when I couldn’t even stand on my own two feet. Thank you to the countless others who either watched Rylie when I had work to do, answered marketing surveys for class, or simply cheered me on throughout my journey. It defnitely takes a village.
Brandy E Brewer